BIOTEC - New business area with Danish lead agency

BIOTEC 11.05.2019 kl 19:05 2951

Natural Medico Product Reducing Hospitalization Costs Will Be Branded From Copenhagen

11.05.2019 kl 19:12 2947

At first the wound was treated
with Aquacel AG+ before
switching to Manuka Honey,
both improved the wound
slightly and some granulation
tissue was visible in the wound
bed. However, the healing
stalled again and did not
progress. The wound bed was
accessible for Woulgan, there
were no malodor and the wound
were moderately exuding,
making it suitable for Woulgan
treatment. It was decided to
initiate Woulgan treatment to
re-start the healing, at that time
the wound was 5 months old.
Treatment - Woulgan was
applied at every dressing change
every third day and covered with
Mepilex boarder.
Figure 1: Wound at presentation Figure 2: Wound almost healed


The wound showed great
improvement at each visit
after Woulgan was initiated,
particularly the first 4 weeks of
treatment. The patient did not
experience any pain with the
use of Woulgan. After 8 weeks
of treatment the wound was
completely healed.
Redigert 11.05.2019 kl 19:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.05.2019 kl 19:23 2938

Ein Wund(er)mittel der Natur
Die Angebote der Natur sind mitunter unglaublich. Es ist nur wichtig zu wissen, wo gesucht werden muss: Das flüssige Beta-Glucan ist ein Schlüsselwirkstoff für eine moderne aktive Therapie in der Wundheilung. Das hohe Potenzial von Beta-Glucan entdeckte man durch einen Glücksfall, als Forscher eigentlich dessen Wirkweise in Futtermittel für gezüchtete Fische untersuchten.
11.05.2019 kl 21:13 2884

Flotte nyheter
Det "koker" av entusiasme på HO
19.12.2019 kl 20:49 2082

Dette klarer de ikke å selge. Sier seg selv at det er noen ordentlige tullinger som har drevet dette selskapet i lomma på SN.