Jo Cox Detectives, Statement Analysis (Peter Hyatt)

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11.05.2019 kl 22:00 893

(Edit: Jeg anbefaler å høre gjennom dette - det kan virke noe "kjedelig" men det er såå avslørende... deepstate i aksjon)


Analysis by statement analyst Peter Hyatt. Narrated by Richard D. Hall.

On 16th June 2016, a British MP, Jo Cox, was murdered in broad daylight outside a library in Birstall, Yorkshire. The murder was witnessed by several people. The perpetrator allegedly shot Jo Cox three times and stabbed her several times. He wore a baseball cap, and none of the witnesses recognised him. The attacker was not named by anyone at the scene of the crime. There is a long list of anomalies in this case which point to a probable serious miscarriage of justice. The alleged attacker, 52 year old Thomas Mair was arrested over a mile away from the murder scene and I suspect at the time of his arrest he had no knowledge about the murder, there is doubt about whether the police arrested and charged the correct man. There is also doubt about whether the man who was interviewed by the police and stood trial WAS Thomas Mair. There are four witnesses I have interviewed independently of each other, all who knew Thomas Mair, and all state that the man being interviewed shown on video by police is not Thomas Mair. I suspect the two officers being interviewed for a TV documentary were involved in framing an innocent man for a murder he did not commit. Does the language of the two detectives show guilty knowledge that Thomas Mair is innocent and played no part in the murder of Jo Cox? Please note that in the CCTV evidence mentioned by the detectives, the suspect is wearing a baseball cap which is obscuring his face, therefore in no CCTV sequence can Thomas Mair be identified.
Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 19:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.05.2019 kl 22:26 890

Er du neonazi sympatisør selv siden du bruker tid på på å tale saken til åpenbart veldig skyldige høyreekstreme/neonazi mordere som ABB og Tomas Mair?

Mair was also found guilty of grievous bodily harm against a passerby, Bernard Carter-Kenny, a retired coal miner who was stabbed when he came to Cox’s aid, possession of a firearm with intent and possession of a dagger. The jury took just over 90 minutes to reach its verdicts.

Mair showed no reaction as the judge denied his request to address the court and was led to the cells. Brendan Cox, the MP’s grieving husband, watched as other family members hugged and wiped away tears.

Earlier, Mair had rolled his eyes as Brendan Cox read a statement to the court in which he paid tribute to his wife and said the family had no interest in her killer.
The evidence against the 53-year-old unemployed gardener had been overwhelming. He lived in Birstall and witnesses to the attack included people who had known him all his life. The incident was also captured on CCTV, as was his escape.

Police later found that a library of far-right literature in his bedroom, including books on the Nazis and white supremacism. On top of the bookshelf was a gold-coloured Third Reich eagle with a swastika.

Examination of his browsing history revealed that he had been searching for material about the British national party, apartheid, the Ku Klux Klan, prominent Jewish people, Israel and matricide.
Mair never admitted the offences, but nor did he deny them. When he appeared at the Old Bailey last month via videolink from Belmarsh prison in south-east London, he refused to enter a plea. He made clear that he could see and hear what was happening in court, but when asked how he pleaded, he stared down the camera and said nothing. During the trial he did not offer a defence.

As a consequence, not guilty pleas were entered on his behalf to all four charges, as required by law.
Redigert 11.05.2019 kl 22:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.05.2019 kl 22:51 878

Exactly. Det er MSM som Richard D. Hall vil avsløre. Det som også Trump kaller "Fake News". Hvem drepte Kennedy? Palme? Jeg vet ikke, jeg har egentlig ikke interessse av å vite det heller... men jeg HAR interesse av at det blir servert SANNHET - ikke løgn - i media.
Slettet bruker
11.05.2019 kl 23:10 870

Konklusjonen til Richard D. Hall er at Cox fortsatt lever med en annen identitet.
Han film "Exit From Brexit, The Jo Cox Departure" har dette forordet på youtube:
"This film follows Richard D. Hall’s investigation into the alleged murder of MP Jo Cox which happened on June 16th 2016. Following on from his initial findings presented in a lecture in April 2018, he has searched further for evidence and presents it here for the first time. The film proves beyond reasonable doubt that the official version of events is wholly untrue. Richard presents compelling evidence that the man blamed for the attack was a patsy and played no part in any murder, if indeed there was a murder. The film looks at all the CCTV evidence, witness testimony and physical evidence. Also featured are interviews with witnesses who have been kept out of mainstream media and were not asked to take part in the trial. The film suggests a plausible motive for a highly organised plot to remove Jo Cox from her position of MP. Her departure occurred just one week before the UK Brexit referendum and the film explains why this may have happened.)"
Slettet bruker
12.05.2019 kl 03:06 859

" siden du bruker tid på på å tale saken til ... ABB... Mair "
Dette er en måte å prøve å klistre en etikett på meg som ikke stemmer. Jeg taler hverken sakene til B eller M. Jeg har ingen interesse for noe av det de vistnok skal stå for.
Jeg skriver her for å bidra til å hjelpe dere til å våkne opp til det faktum at MSM ikke formidler sannheten, men en konstruert historie.
22 juli 2011 (ABB) og 16 juni 2016 (Mair), er to eksempler på dette. Jeg er hverken høyre eller venstre, hverken i den ene grøften eller den andre. Jeg går på "Jesus-stien", som er så smal at det ikke er tofelts-kjøring.
Jeg har også skrevet om 11 september 2001. Samt om bløffer om CO2, vaksine, energi osv.
Mine emner er mangfoldige. Klassisk musikk? Romfart? Krimsaker? Bibelundervisning?
Ufologi? Alternativ helse?
Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 03:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.05.2019 kl 18:42 838

"Dette er en måte å prøve å klistre en etikett på meg som ikke stemmer."

ABB og Mair er skyldige etter tiltale og dom. ABB var alene på Utøya og Mair drepte Cox. Det er ikke rom for spekulasjoner engang. Dette er fakta. Når du bestrider åpenbare fakta vil jeg stille spørsmål om motivasjonen din for å gjøre dette.
Slettet bruker
12.05.2019 kl 19:22 831

Der våknet han! God søndag
Jeg synes du oppfører deg dumt, råttent, spydig og svært umodent. Se på meldingshistorikken din, hvor mange spydige kommentarer du har laget.
Kun for å ødelegge. Du har ikke noe godt å komme med.
Hver gang vi snakker vennlig, kommer du med opphissende attacker. Provokatøragent.
Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 19:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.05.2019 kl 19:30 831

"Det er ikke rom for spekulasjoner engang. Dette er fakta."
Hvorfor roper vitnesutsagn(bevis?) noe annet enn dine "fakta"?
Hvis det "ikke er rom for spekulasjoner", hvorfor dette: "Formålet med rapporten, som ble utarbeidet av en analytiker fra Seksjon for operativ analyse ved Kripos, var å avkrefte andre mulige gjerningsmenn."
Hvorfor måtte de avkrefte noe dersom det ikke var "rom for spekulasjon"?????????
Hvorfor sier investigative jourrnalist Richard D. Hall "The film proves beyond reasonable doubt that the official version of events is wholly untrue."?
Richard har produsert en LANG rekke dokumentarer. Han vet hvordan han skal sjekke fakta. Richard har en stor journalistisk integritet i det han gjør. Basert på det er det ulogisk å uten videre avfeie en slik påstand/konklusjon som Richard kommer med.

Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 19:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.05.2019 kl 19:31 831

"Når du bestrider åpenbare fakta"
Nei, jeg videreformidler andre mennesker's funn som bestrider den offisielle beretningen. Det er STOR forskjell.
Jamfør Ole Dammegard, Richard D. Hall, og også . Ta det opp med dem om du bestrider det de sier. Jeg har kun henvist til det de sier.
Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 19:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.05.2019 kl 20:09 826

Peter Hyatt har gjort analysen av detektivenes uttalelser, den som Richard D. Hall leser opp.
Det er dumt samt arrogant å ikke akte på det denne mannen har å si. Merk ordene "ELITE TEAM".
"About Peter Hyatt
Peter Hyatt is a Statement Analyst and instructor who teaches statement analysis and analytical interviewing to law enforcement and corporate America. He has authored the investigator training manual for DHHS, State of Maine, as well as the book Wise As a Serpent; Gentle as a Dove. He has been interviewed extensively on radio and television, including ABC’s “20/20”, the nationally televised program, “Crime Watch Daily” and “Taken Too Soon: The Katelyn Markham Story” documentary. With Richard Hall, he gave extensive information into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. “Embedded Confession” is found here:

Mr. Hyatt leads an elite team of professional investigators from across the US, Canada & Western Europe in solving both live and cold cases. He’s written the certification training program for investigators, HR professionals, psychologists, attorneys and other professionals from around the nation, the UK and Canada. He authored two training manuals in Statement Analysis, totally more than 700 pages of analysis, analytical interviewing, psychological profiling, and Anonymous Author Identification.
He currently offers advanced psycho-linguistic profiling via courses, seminars and as a consultant.

Peter is married to Heather Hyatt, and has 6 children and 4 grandchildren."
Redigert 12.05.2019 kl 20:10 Du må logge inn for å svare