Aluminium - teknisk
Aluminium tester nå støtten rundt 1780 - og i skrivende stund handles den marginalt under støtten.
Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 19:49
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22.05.2019 kl 17:56
Jeg tror at dagens markante fall på -3,3% har en del med dagens alvorlige nyhet om konkurs i British Steel å gjøre. Nyheten kom midt på dagen, og deretter begynte fallet fra 35 kr. i NHY.
En alvorlig negativ nyhet i et stort selskap trekker ofte selskaper i en lignende sektor med ned. Aksjemarkedet er jo fullt av fonds /ETFs i bestemte sektorer.
(Basic materials som jo også inkl. olje m.m. er ned med ca. -1% så langt i USA i dag. Alcoa ned ca. -2%...)
En alvorlig negativ nyhet i et stort selskap trekker ofte selskaper i en lignende sektor med ned. Aksjemarkedet er jo fullt av fonds /ETFs i bestemte sektorer.
(Basic materials som jo også inkl. olje m.m. er ned med ca. -1% så langt i USA i dag. Alcoa ned ca. -2%...)
Redigert 22.05.2019 kl 18:07
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Enig i den så får vi se hva morgen dagen bringer.
Fortsatt mulig og gjøre et røverkjøp med andre ord.
Det kineserne og andre produserer med 1000 mann, der klare Nhy seg med 150 mann Max inkl adm
Takket være LO så er lønnskostnadene de samme.. De ansatte i Hydro har gullkantede avtaler i alle nivåer.
23.05.2019 kl 08:42
Aluminiumsprisen går visst rett vest
Noe mer oppdatert denne......smyger seg sakte litt nord faktisk.
Noe mer oppdatert denne......smyger seg sakte litt nord faktisk.
AH3M handles nå under/ved de laveste nivåene ved årsskiftet. Blir spennede å se hvor den går herfra.
"Vi ser det som et viktig verktøy for å diversifisere våre likviditetskilder i et marked som mest var OTC og dominert av et lite antall spillere. Vi applauderer CGCEX for å være den første som markedsfører denne nye kontrakten og er glad for å være i stand til å lette lanseringen. "
CHENGDU, JINJIANG, CHINA, May 23, 2019 / -- CGCEX, an ideal trading destination for investors, traders and companies looking to invest, hedge or speculate by tapping into large pools of local, global and institutional investor capital, today announced that the first Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) futures contracts will be traded with the first day of next month. The company approximates that in the first day a total of roughly 100 futures contracts will be traded, equaling almost 3,000 metric tons.
"We are pleased to see early interest for our Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) contract, as many traders and investors sent their requests to trade this contract on " said Ma Zemin, CGCEX Executive Director of Metals Products. "Our new Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures contract responds to commercial customer demands for a solution to manage their premium price risk and complements our existing suite of aluminium risk management tools."
"The Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures contract was the missing building block in the Premium markets," said Xia Shezeng, Head of Metals Trading. "We see it as an important tool to diversify our sources of liquidity in a market that was mostly OTC and dominated by a small number of players. We applaud CGCEX for being first to market this new contract and are pleased to be in a position to facilitate its launch."
The Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures are 25 metric tons in size and are financially settled against the Metal Statement assessment of duty-paid aluminium spot price transactions in People’s Republic of China. The contract is listed with and subject to the rules and regulations of CGCEX.
Ikke umulig dette er gunstig for aluprisen fremover.
CHENGDU, JINJIANG, CHINA, May 23, 2019 / -- CGCEX, an ideal trading destination for investors, traders and companies looking to invest, hedge or speculate by tapping into large pools of local, global and institutional investor capital, today announced that the first Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) futures contracts will be traded with the first day of next month. The company approximates that in the first day a total of roughly 100 futures contracts will be traded, equaling almost 3,000 metric tons.
"We are pleased to see early interest for our Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) contract, as many traders and investors sent their requests to trade this contract on " said Ma Zemin, CGCEX Executive Director of Metals Products. "Our new Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures contract responds to commercial customer demands for a solution to manage their premium price risk and complements our existing suite of aluminium risk management tools."
"The Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures contract was the missing building block in the Premium markets," said Xia Shezeng, Head of Metals Trading. "We see it as an important tool to diversify our sources of liquidity in a market that was mostly OTC and dominated by a small number of players. We applaud CGCEX for being first to market this new contract and are pleased to be in a position to facilitate its launch."
The Aluminium Chinese Premium Responsibility-Paid (Metal Statement) Futures are 25 metric tons in size and are financially settled against the Metal Statement assessment of duty-paid aluminium spot price transactions in People’s Republic of China. The contract is listed with and subject to the rules and regulations of CGCEX.
Ikke umulig dette er gunstig for aluprisen fremover.
Fin oppgang til 1796,75 i kveld :-)
Aluminium er marginalt opp på morgenkvisten. Jeg antar det nå må være motstand rundt 1780 ??
11.06.2019 kl 08:15
Dei 2 siste gangene lagertallene var på disse nivåene kom det 300 tonn innpå LME over natten. Kan vi vente det nå?