Is Navamedic Gaining Momentum?

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NAVA 22.05.2019 kl 21:21 2434

When looking to find solid stocks with smooth upward momentum, investors can take a look at the 125/250 day adjusted slope indicator. At the time of writing Navamedic ASA (OB:NAVA) have a current value of 23.68029. The point of this calculation is to calculate a longer term average adjusted slope value that smooths out large stock price movements by using the average of the timeframe. This indicator is useful in helping find stocks that have been on an even upward trend over the past 6 months to a year.

When getting into the markets, most investors realize that riskier stocks may have an increased potential for higher returns. If investors decide to take a chance on some of these stocks, they may want to employ some standard techniques to help manage that risk. This may involve creating a diversified stock portfolio. Mixing up the portfolio with stocks from different sectors, market caps, and growth potential, may be the right move. In general, the goal is to maximize returns in accordance with the individual’s specific risk profile. It should be obvious that no matter how well rounded the portfolio is, there are always risks in the equity markets. Having a sound plan before investing can help ease the burden of knowing that markets can sometimes do crazy things without any rhyme or reason.

Navamedic ASA (OB:NAVA) of the Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology sector closed the recent session at 18.000000 with a market value of $24333.
Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 13:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
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22.05.2019 kl 21:22 2426

Investor Target Weight

Navamedic ASA (OB:NAVA) has a current suggested portfolio rate of 0.01420 (as a decimal) ownership. Target weight is the volatility adjusted recommended position size for a stock in your portfolio. The maximum target weight is 7% for any given stock. The indicator is based off of the 100 day volatility reading and calculates a target weight accordingly. The more recent volatility of a stock, the lower the target weight will be. The 3-month volatility stands at 53.637000 (decimal). This is the normal returns and standard deviation of the stock price over three months annualized.

Drilling down into some additional key near-term indicators we note that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.047713 for Navamedic ASA (OB:NAVA). The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.

Active investors are typically interested in the factors that drive stock price movements. Buying an individual stock means that you own a piece of the company. The hope is that the company does very well and becomes highly profitable. A profitable company may decide to do various things with the profits. They may reinvest profits back into the business, or they may choose to pay shareholders dividends from those earnings. Sometimes stocks may eventually become undervalued or overvalued. Spotting these trends may lead to further examination or the underlying fundamentals of the company. A company that continues to disappoint on the earnings front may have some issues that need to be addressed. It is highly important to make sure all the research is done on a stock, especially if the investor is heavily weighted on the name. Sometimes earnings reports may be good, but the stock price does not reflect that. Having a good understanding of the entire picture may help investors better travel the winding stock market road.
Slettet bruker
22.05.2019 kl 21:58 2412

Her er det kjøpsanbefaling:
23.05.2019 kl 00:00 2373

Må nok si at jeg synes det ser ut for at momentumet avtar og at kursveksten flater ut. Tror ikke siste presentasjon var noen stor kurstrigger. Men iløpet av året passeres nok 20-tallet med god margin.
27.05.2019 kl 10:04 2246

Selgerne har skrudd igjen krana??

RT kr 19.00
27.05.2019 kl 10:20 2233

Stiger 3% med 400 aksjer omsatt. Samtidig ligger 20.000 aksjer til salgs for under kr. 19,- . Så de 400 er nok bare forsøk på å pumpe opp kjøpsviljen?
Ser man på ordreboken så er det ikke mye som hindrer en nedtur på 20% til kr. 15,-
Nei, jeg synes momentumet har tapt seg siden presentasjonen.
Redigert 27.05.2019 kl 10:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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27.05.2019 kl 17:36 2183

Det stiger sakte men sikkert oppover?
07.06.2019 kl 13:21 2007

Selgerne begynner å gi etter og legger seg lavere. God anledning for de som ønsker seg inn? Men kursen kan godt dumpes både 10 og 20% når volumet tørker inn. Det har vi sett før.
07.06.2019 kl 16:14 1976

"Det stiger sakte men sikkert oppover"

Ganske drepende for kursen å legge ut hele 21 456 aksjer til salgs (16,95). Det er mer enn en vanlig dagsomsetning i NAVA. Storvestre igjen?
19.06.2019 kl 17:08 1848

Dette vil vel føre til at Navamedic begynner å levere overskudd.

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement of 14 May 2019 regarding the proposed restructuring of Navamedic ASA (the "Company" or "NAVA" and together with its direct and indirect subsidiaries, the "NAVA group"), whereby the Company's Medtech division is demerged from the Company and merged into a newly incorporated entity, Observe Medical ASA ("OM ASA" and together with its direct and indirect subsidiaries following the completion of the demerger, the "OM ASA group"), which will be listed on Oslo Axess upon completion of the demerger.

The board of directors of NAVA and OM ASA today announce that they have signed a joint demerger plan and resolved to propose to their respective general meetings that the shareholders shall approve the demerger of NAVA, whereby all of NAVA's shares in Observe Medical International AB are transferred to OM ASA together with an earn-out obligation (a contingent consideration) to the sellers of Observe Medical International AB related to the Company's acquisition of Observe Medical International AB in 2015 (the "Contingent Consideration"), while all other assets, rights and liabilities will remain with NAVA. The Contingent Consideration is further described in notes 10 and 23 to NAVA's consolidated annual financial statements for 2018. Upon completion of the demerger, Observe Medical International AB will be a wholly owned subsidiary of OM ASA and OM ASA will indirectly be the owner of Observe Medical International AB's direct and indirect subsidiaries, Observe Medical Aps and Navamedic MedTec AB, respectively.

The board of directors and management of NAVA have evaluated the most suitable organisation of NAVA in order to facilitate further growth and enhanced values for its shareholders. As there are few synergies between commercialising medical technology on a global market (the Medtech division) and NAVA's core business of growing a market access platform for pharma companies in Northern Europe, it was concluded that a demerger would benefit both businesses. The demerger will create a simpler and clearer corporate structure visualising the existing values of NAVA, and is therefore expected to provide both NAVA and OM ASA with more flexibility and a better basis to raise capital for their respective businesses. The demerger will allow NAVA to focus on developing its core business areas within distribution, marketing and sale of pharma and healthcare products, while OM ASA will focus on the commercialisation of Sippi and further development of the Medtech business. The demerger will as such facilitate further growth for both companies.

Financial effects of the demerger

Following the entering into of the joint demerger plan, NAVA expects to present the OM ASA group, including excess values related to the OM ASA group as reported in the NAVA group and the Contingent Consideration, as held for distribution and discontinued operations according to IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.