BW Offshore: Invitation to BW Energy Investor Presentation 3 Jun

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BWO 27.05.2019 kl 13:05 965


BW Offshore: Invitation to BW Energy Investor Presentation 3 June

With reference to the press release dated 23 May 2019, BW Energy will host a
lunch presentation for investors and analysts.

The presentation will be held 3 June 2019 at 12:00 (CEST) at Hotel Continental
in Oslo, Norway. The presentation will provide further information on BW Energy,
its assets and business plan. Following the presentation, the company's
management will be available for investor meetings.

The investor presentation material will be published prior to the meeting.

For further information, please contact:

About BW Offshore:
BW Offshore is a leading provider of floating production services to the oil and
gas industry. The company also participates in developing proven offshore
hydrocarbon reservoirs. BW Offshore is represented in all major oil and gas
regions world-wide with a fleet of 15 owned FPSOs. The company has more than 30
years of production track record, having executed 40 FPSO and FSO projects. BW
Offshore is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.


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statements. BW Offshore Ltd. assumes no responsibility to up-date forward-
looking statements or to adapt them to future events or developments
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 00:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.05.2019 kl 13:18 939

Om jeg har forstått riktig så tjente de 178 Mill $ i første kvartal før skatt etc.

Vil ikke det si at de tjener inn selskapets verdi på veldig kort tid??
27.05.2019 kl 14:38 851

Noen som skal på presentasjonen?