Tomra - dumping av uren plast i fattige nasjoner. Game over!
At dette faktum er enorm trigger for Tomra Sorting Sollutions, er noe man bør ha klart for seg. Tomra er nemlig soleklar global markedsleder innen sorteringsteknologi for resirkulering, og blandet plastavfall kan ikke resirkuleres som det er, men må sorteres slik at de forskjellige plasttypene lar seg resirkulere, hver for seg.
Praksisen vi snakker om her er vel omtrent så frastøtende som noe kan få blitt. Rike nasjoner som bruker fattige nasjoner som bossfyllinger for den mest problematiske delen av sitt eget avfall. Så takk og lov for at det nå går mot en snarlig slutt når det gjelder dette svineriet. Godt hjulpet av Norge med miljøvernminister Ola Elvestuen i spissen som nylig lyktes i FN med sitt forslag om å klassifisere urent, blandet (plast)avfall som farlig avfall. Dette gjør at enhver eksportforsendelse av slikt avfall i fremtiden må være utstyrt med godkjent importlisens fra myndighetene i mottakerlandet. Det betyr i praksis game over, som igjen betyr at man nå nærmest må bygge resirkuleringsindustri for plast opp igjen fra bunnen i den rike del av verden etter at dette industrisegmentet har vært forsømt i over 20 år til fordel for dumping i områder hvor mange av de minst bemidlede blant oss bor. Den gode nyheten er at løsningene finnes. Sorteringsteknologien som trengs for å gjøre blandet plastavfall resirkulerbart finnes på markdedet, takket være Tomra Sorting Solutions.
Det var teksten lest opp. Tanken videre med denne tråden fra min side er ikke å hausse Tomra, men å belyse praksisen med dumping av plastavfall, hvorfor den går mot slutten og hvor bra det er, for dette er viktig, for menneskeheten og alt liv på kloden! Et par eksempler på at nok er mer enn nok følger øyeblikkelig...
Praksisen vi snakker om her er vel omtrent så frastøtende som noe kan få blitt. Rike nasjoner som bruker fattige nasjoner som bossfyllinger for den mest problematiske delen av sitt eget avfall. Så takk og lov for at det nå går mot en snarlig slutt når det gjelder dette svineriet. Godt hjulpet av Norge med miljøvernminister Ola Elvestuen i spissen som nylig lyktes i FN med sitt forslag om å klassifisere urent, blandet (plast)avfall som farlig avfall. Dette gjør at enhver eksportforsendelse av slikt avfall i fremtiden må være utstyrt med godkjent importlisens fra myndighetene i mottakerlandet. Det betyr i praksis game over, som igjen betyr at man nå nærmest må bygge resirkuleringsindustri for plast opp igjen fra bunnen i den rike del av verden etter at dette industrisegmentet har vært forsømt i over 20 år til fordel for dumping i områder hvor mange av de minst bemidlede blant oss bor. Den gode nyheten er at løsningene finnes. Sorteringsteknologien som trengs for å gjøre blandet plastavfall resirkulerbart finnes på markdedet, takket være Tomra Sorting Solutions.
Det var teksten lest opp. Tanken videre med denne tråden fra min side er ikke å hausse Tomra, men å belyse praksisen med dumping av plastavfall, hvorfor den går mot slutten og hvor bra det er, for dette er viktig, for menneskeheten og alt liv på kloden! Et par eksempler på at nok er mer enn nok følger øyeblikkelig...
Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 08:13
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30.05.2019 kl 17:27
Thursday 30 May 2019
Malaysia: 'We won't be a dumping ground for world's plastic waste'
Emile Laurac
May 30 2019 2:30 AM
MALAYSIA will send back some 3,000 tonnes of non-recyclable plastic waste to countries such as the US, UK, Canada and Australia in a move to avoid becoming a dumping ground for rich nations, Environment Minister Yeo Bee Yin said.
Ms Yeo said Malaysia and many developing countries have become new targets after China banned the import of plastic waste last year.
Last week, the Philippines said it would ship back dozens of containers of rubbish which Filipino officials said were illegally shipped to the country from Canada in 2013 and 2014.
Ms Yeo said 60 containers stacked with contaminated waste were smuggled in en route to illegal processing facilities in Malaysia, and would be sent back to their countries of origin.
Ten of the containers are due to be shipped back within two weeks, she said, as she showed reporters contents of the waste at a port outside Kuala Lumpur.
The displayed items included cables from the UK, contaminated milk cartons from Australia and compact discs from Bangladesh, as well as bales of electronic and household waste from the US, Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia and China. Ms Yeo said the waste from China appeared to be rubbish from France and other countries that had been rerouted after a ban imposed by China.
In one case alone, Ms Yeo said a UK recycling company exported more than 50,000 tonnes of plastic waste in about 1,000 containers to Malaysia in the past two years.
"This is probably just the tip of the iceberg (due) to the banning of plastic waste by China," Ms Yeo said. "Malaysia will not be a dumping ground to the world ... we will fight back.
"Even though we are a small country, we can't be bullied by developed countries."
ASIAPublished 1 hour ago
Cargo ship arrives in Philippines to return Canadian trash
Associated Press
SUBIC, Philippines – A Philippine official says a cargo ship has arrived in a northern port to pick up and return 69 containers of Canadian garbage which the government in Manila says was shipped illegally to the Philippines years ago.
Administrator Wilma Eisma of Subic Bay freeport says the containers of garbage will be loaded on the M/V Bavaria starting Thursday night and it will head to Canada on Friday.
President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to forcibly ship back the containers of trash, which officials say were falsely declared as recyclable plastic scraps and shipped to Manila in 2013 to 2014.
A Malaysian official has said her country will also send tons of non-recyclable plastic waste back to Western countries.
Malaysia: 'We won't be a dumping ground for world's plastic waste'
Emile Laurac
May 30 2019 2:30 AM
MALAYSIA will send back some 3,000 tonnes of non-recyclable plastic waste to countries such as the US, UK, Canada and Australia in a move to avoid becoming a dumping ground for rich nations, Environment Minister Yeo Bee Yin said.
Ms Yeo said Malaysia and many developing countries have become new targets after China banned the import of plastic waste last year.
Last week, the Philippines said it would ship back dozens of containers of rubbish which Filipino officials said were illegally shipped to the country from Canada in 2013 and 2014.
Ms Yeo said 60 containers stacked with contaminated waste were smuggled in en route to illegal processing facilities in Malaysia, and would be sent back to their countries of origin.
Ten of the containers are due to be shipped back within two weeks, she said, as she showed reporters contents of the waste at a port outside Kuala Lumpur.
The displayed items included cables from the UK, contaminated milk cartons from Australia and compact discs from Bangladesh, as well as bales of electronic and household waste from the US, Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia and China. Ms Yeo said the waste from China appeared to be rubbish from France and other countries that had been rerouted after a ban imposed by China.
In one case alone, Ms Yeo said a UK recycling company exported more than 50,000 tonnes of plastic waste in about 1,000 containers to Malaysia in the past two years.
"This is probably just the tip of the iceberg (due) to the banning of plastic waste by China," Ms Yeo said. "Malaysia will not be a dumping ground to the world ... we will fight back.
"Even though we are a small country, we can't be bullied by developed countries."
ASIAPublished 1 hour ago
Cargo ship arrives in Philippines to return Canadian trash
Associated Press
SUBIC, Philippines – A Philippine official says a cargo ship has arrived in a northern port to pick up and return 69 containers of Canadian garbage which the government in Manila says was shipped illegally to the Philippines years ago.
Administrator Wilma Eisma of Subic Bay freeport says the containers of garbage will be loaded on the M/V Bavaria starting Thursday night and it will head to Canada on Friday.
President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to forcibly ship back the containers of trash, which officials say were falsely declared as recyclable plastic scraps and shipped to Manila in 2013 to 2014.
A Malaysian official has said her country will also send tons of non-recyclable plastic waste back to Western countries.
13.06.2019 kl 23:05
Glimrende bakgrunnsstoff lesning for den som ønsker å skjønne hvorfor sortering av plast for resirkulering i rekordfart er i ferd med bli en gullgruve for Tomra som er soleklar global markedsleder når det gjelder dette.
As more developing countries reject plastic waste exports, wealthy nations seek solutions at home
Kate O'Neill
Monday, June 10, 2019 - 12:12am
As more developing countries reject plastic waste exports, wealthy nations seek solutions at home
Kate O'Neill
Monday, June 10, 2019 - 12:12am
Max Payne
13.06.2019 kl 23:11
Dette er meget bra! Vesten må håndtere sitt eget plastavfall og her må det være et vannvittig marked å utvikle med tanke på hvor mye plast som produseres og kastes.
02.07.2019 kl 19:31
Indonesia to return 49 containers of waste to Europe, US
Date created : 02/07/2019 - 14:05
Jakarta (AFP)
Dozens of shipping containers full of waste will be returned to France and other developed countries, Indonesia said Tuesday, as Southeast Asian nations increasingly reject serving as dumping grounds for international trash.
The 49 containers were loaded with a combination of garbage, plastic waste and hazardous materials in violation of import rules, according to customs officials on Batam island.
"We are coordinating the with the importer to immediately process their return," customs office spokesman Sumarna, who goes by one name, told AFP.
The waste came from the United States, Australia, France, Germany and Hong Kong, he added.
Last month, Jakarta returned five containers of waste to the United States, joining a chorus of Southeast Asian nations that are increasingly unhappy about being used as dumping grounds for trash from Western countries.
China's decision in 2018 to ban imports of foreign plastic waste threw global recycling into chaos, leaving developed nations struggling to find places to send their waste.
Huge quantities of rubbish have since been redirected to Southeast Asia.
In May, neighbouring Malaysia vowed to ship back hundreds of tonnes of plastic waste.
The Philippines, meanwhile, returned about 69 containers of rubbish back to Canada last month, putting an end to a diplomatic row between the two countries.
Around 300 million tonnes of plastic are produced every year, according to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the seas, in what has become a growing international crisis.
Date created : 02/07/2019 - 14:05
Jakarta (AFP)
Dozens of shipping containers full of waste will be returned to France and other developed countries, Indonesia said Tuesday, as Southeast Asian nations increasingly reject serving as dumping grounds for international trash.
The 49 containers were loaded with a combination of garbage, plastic waste and hazardous materials in violation of import rules, according to customs officials on Batam island.
"We are coordinating the with the importer to immediately process their return," customs office spokesman Sumarna, who goes by one name, told AFP.
The waste came from the United States, Australia, France, Germany and Hong Kong, he added.
Last month, Jakarta returned five containers of waste to the United States, joining a chorus of Southeast Asian nations that are increasingly unhappy about being used as dumping grounds for trash from Western countries.
China's decision in 2018 to ban imports of foreign plastic waste threw global recycling into chaos, leaving developed nations struggling to find places to send their waste.
Huge quantities of rubbish have since been redirected to Southeast Asia.
In May, neighbouring Malaysia vowed to ship back hundreds of tonnes of plastic waste.
The Philippines, meanwhile, returned about 69 containers of rubbish back to Canada last month, putting an end to a diplomatic row between the two countries.
Around 300 million tonnes of plastic are produced every year, according to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the seas, in what has become a growing international crisis.
Redigert 02.07.2019 kl 19:33
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11.07.2019 kl 23:06
22.07.2019 kl 10:33
Not a dustbin': Cambodia to send plastic waste back to the US and Canada
Country vows to return 1,600 tonnes of waste as south-east Asian countries revolt against an onslaught of rubbish shipments
Guardian staff and agencies
Wed 17 Jul 2019 15.38 BST
Cambodia has announced it will send 1,600 tonnes of plastic waste found in shipping containers back to the US and Canada, as south-east Asian countries revolt against an onslaught of rubbish shipments.
China’s decision to ban foreign plastic waste imports last year threw global recycling into chaos, leaving developed nations struggling to find countries to send their trash.
Eighty-three shipping containers full of rubbish were found on Tuesday at Sihanoukville, Cambodia’s main port, according to a spokesman for the country’s environment minister.
“Cambodia is not a dustbin where foreign countries can dispose of out-of-date e-waste, and the government also opposes any import of plastic waste and lubricants to be recycled in this country,” he said.
Neth Pheaktra said 70 of the containers were shipped from the US and 13 came from Canada. Both countries are major exporters of such waste.
The trash delivery was a “serious insult”, Transparency International Cambodia’s executive director, Preap Kol, said in a Facebook post.
Tuesday’s discovery followed a statement at a cabinet meeting last week by the prime minister, Hun Sen, that Cambodia is not the dumping ground for any kind of waste, and does not allow the import of any kinds of plastic waste or other recyclables.
Cambodia also has a severe problem with plastic waste it generates domestically, with little public awareness of the problem or infrastructure to deal with it.
Huge quantities of rubbish have wound up on south-east Asian shores as opposition to handling exported trash is growing in the region.
Indonesia announced this month it was sending back dozens of containers full of waste to France, Australia and other developed nations, while neighbouring Malaysia said in May it was shipping 450 tonnes of imported plastic waste back to its sources.
Around 300m tonnes of plastic are produced every year, according to the WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF), with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the seas in what has become a growing international crisis.
In May, 187 countries signed a treaty giving nations the power to block the import of contaminated or hard to recycle plastic trash. A few countries did not sign. One was the US.
Not a dustbin': Cambodia to send plastic waste back to the US and Canada
Country vows to return 1,600 tonnes of waste as south-east Asian countries revolt against an onslaught of rubbish shipments
Guardian staff and agencies
Wed 17 Jul 2019 15.38 BST
Cambodia has announced it will send 1,600 tonnes of plastic waste found in shipping containers back to the US and Canada, as south-east Asian countries revolt against an onslaught of rubbish shipments.
China’s decision to ban foreign plastic waste imports last year threw global recycling into chaos, leaving developed nations struggling to find countries to send their trash.
Eighty-three shipping containers full of rubbish were found on Tuesday at Sihanoukville, Cambodia’s main port, according to a spokesman for the country’s environment minister.
“Cambodia is not a dustbin where foreign countries can dispose of out-of-date e-waste, and the government also opposes any import of plastic waste and lubricants to be recycled in this country,” he said.
Neth Pheaktra said 70 of the containers were shipped from the US and 13 came from Canada. Both countries are major exporters of such waste.
The trash delivery was a “serious insult”, Transparency International Cambodia’s executive director, Preap Kol, said in a Facebook post.
Tuesday’s discovery followed a statement at a cabinet meeting last week by the prime minister, Hun Sen, that Cambodia is not the dumping ground for any kind of waste, and does not allow the import of any kinds of plastic waste or other recyclables.
Cambodia also has a severe problem with plastic waste it generates domestically, with little public awareness of the problem or infrastructure to deal with it.
Huge quantities of rubbish have wound up on south-east Asian shores as opposition to handling exported trash is growing in the region.
Indonesia announced this month it was sending back dozens of containers full of waste to France, Australia and other developed nations, while neighbouring Malaysia said in May it was shipping 450 tonnes of imported plastic waste back to its sources.
Around 300m tonnes of plastic are produced every year, according to the WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF), with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the seas in what has become a growing international crisis.
In May, 187 countries signed a treaty giving nations the power to block the import of contaminated or hard to recycle plastic trash. A few countries did not sign. One was the US.
Redigert 22.07.2019 kl 10:34
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26.07.2019 kl 11:00
Man kan saktens undres over hvor motbydelig noe kan bli, før det settes en stopper for den frastøtende dumpingen av urent avfall fra rike nasjoner i fattige nasjoner. Heldigvis ser vi nå de siste krampetrekningene når det gleder dette svineriet av en praksis. Ingen nasjoner vil lenger ta imot.
Mistenker å ha funnet menneskelige levninger i containere med søppel fra Storbritannia
Sri Lanka vil nå sende tilbake 111 containere med det de sier farlig avfall, og kaster seg inn i «søppelkrigen» mellom flere asiatiske og vestlige land.
Oppdatert i dag 04:12
Midt mellom madrasser, klær og plastikk gjorde havnevesenet i Colombo på Sri Lanka denne uken en illeluktende oppdagelse: I flere hundre containere fant de såkalt medisinsk, smittefarlig avfall, og råtne rester etter det de blant annet tror er menneskelige levninger.
Sri Lanka mistenker at deler av lasten kommer fra likhus, skriver AFP. Tollvesenet skal også ha funnet sprøyter i containerne.
Avfallet var maskert som resirkulerbart metall, sier myndighetene ifølge Telegraph.
Mange av containere har stått på havnen helt siden 2017, og ble først åpnet denne uken etter at arbeidere klaget på en grusom lukt.
Britene har startet gransking
Nå ber Sri Lanka om at de 111 containerne sendes tilbake til Storbritannia, skriver BBC.
– Vi vet det er medisinsk avfall, og vi mistenker også at det inneholder menneskelige levninger på grunn av lukten. Noe av materialet er så bedervet at vi ikke engang kan undersøke det, sier talsperson for tollvesenet i Sri Lanka Sunil Jayaratne til Guardian.
Sri Lanka finds hazardous waste in UK metal recycling cargo
UK Environment Agency to investigate discovery of 130 foul-smelling containers
Polen har faktisk også blitt brukt som dumpingplass, men er nå også "fed up" med den illegale avfallsimpotrten, som naturlig er.
Poland won't take UK garbage any more
Racing to meet an EU recycling target, the waste market in Poland is booming. But Warsaw is increasingly fed up with illegally imported foreign waste, much of it from the UK.
Mistenker å ha funnet menneskelige levninger i containere med søppel fra Storbritannia
Sri Lanka vil nå sende tilbake 111 containere med det de sier farlig avfall, og kaster seg inn i «søppelkrigen» mellom flere asiatiske og vestlige land.
Oppdatert i dag 04:12
Midt mellom madrasser, klær og plastikk gjorde havnevesenet i Colombo på Sri Lanka denne uken en illeluktende oppdagelse: I flere hundre containere fant de såkalt medisinsk, smittefarlig avfall, og råtne rester etter det de blant annet tror er menneskelige levninger.
Sri Lanka mistenker at deler av lasten kommer fra likhus, skriver AFP. Tollvesenet skal også ha funnet sprøyter i containerne.
Avfallet var maskert som resirkulerbart metall, sier myndighetene ifølge Telegraph.
Mange av containere har stått på havnen helt siden 2017, og ble først åpnet denne uken etter at arbeidere klaget på en grusom lukt.
Britene har startet gransking
Nå ber Sri Lanka om at de 111 containerne sendes tilbake til Storbritannia, skriver BBC.
– Vi vet det er medisinsk avfall, og vi mistenker også at det inneholder menneskelige levninger på grunn av lukten. Noe av materialet er så bedervet at vi ikke engang kan undersøke det, sier talsperson for tollvesenet i Sri Lanka Sunil Jayaratne til Guardian.
Sri Lanka finds hazardous waste in UK metal recycling cargo
UK Environment Agency to investigate discovery of 130 foul-smelling containers
Polen har faktisk også blitt brukt som dumpingplass, men er nå også "fed up" med den illegale avfallsimpotrten, som naturlig er.
Poland won't take UK garbage any more
Racing to meet an EU recycling target, the waste market in Poland is booming. But Warsaw is increasingly fed up with illegally imported foreign waste, much of it from the UK.
Redigert 26.07.2019 kl 11:14
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Makabert hvordan vesten har brukt, bruker, fattige land til å få sin dritt til å forsvinne ut av syn, bort fra fare. Samtidig som de gir avlat ved u-hjelp slik at noen få i de samme land kan leve som grever. Mens mengden lever under eksistens nivå. Gift i alle former blir eksportert, fra skip til lik, mens 90% av alt som kan krype, gå, skal sortere og partere.
Takk for enda et godt innlegg.
Takk for enda et godt innlegg.
26.07.2019 kl 13:14
Takk i like måte wwbwb. Med minimal ordbruk får du sagt utrolig mye vettugt her. Det er hjerteskjærende.