Tomra - Spanias statminister vil innføre pantesystem!

TOM 30.05.2019 kl 18:32 1195

Sosialdemokrater og etablerte sentrum-høyre-partier sliter i de fleste nasjoner i Europa. Det være seg i nasjonale valg såvel som i det nylig avholdte valget til nytt EU-parlament. Spania er et unntak hvor sosialdemokratene ledet av den unge, karismatiske statsministeren Pedro Sánchez har opplevd braksuksess i nylig avholdt nasjonalt valg og i valget til nytt EU-parlament. Har vært mye rot, korrupsjon osv. i spansk politikk, men i Sánchez ser spanjolene øyensynlig et håp om bedre tider. Sánchez er urolig for at Spania ikke vil oppfylle EUs resirkuleringskrav når det gjelder plast og derfor vil bli bøtelagt. Plast som samles inn gjennom pantesystemer er sortert, har høy renhetsgrad og er derfor mye bedre egnet for høykvalitets resirkulering enn urent, blandet plastavfall fra husholdninger som krever mye mer rengjøring og sortering/prosessering før deler av det kan resirkuleres. Derfor går nå Sánchez klokelig nok inn for at også Spania skal innføre pantesystem. Dette vil bety slutten for et etablert monopol innen avfallshåndtering i Spania, og er derfor naturlig nok ikke veldig populært i de kretser. Helt til slutt i artikkelen får dere derfor også servert en konspirasjonsteori fra det holdet om at de eneste som vil tjene på et pantesystem i Spania er Tomra! Det er så man må lure på monopolisten innen avfallshåndtering i Spania Ecoembes driver på av ren idealisme og ikke ønsker å tjene penger... :D

Spania har forøvrig tett oppunder 50 millioner innbyggere så det blir fort litt å gjøre der for Tomra hvis man innfører et pantesystem når vi vet at Tomra har ca. 80% global markedsandel innen pantesystemer. I Frankrike råder forøvrig de samme bekymringer som i Spania når det gjelder å oppfylle EUs resirkuleringskrav for plast. Man frykter altså som spanjolene å bli bøtelagt fordi man ikke greier å oppfylle kravene så når kommer nyheten om at også Frankrike vil innføre pantesystem? Om ikke lenge, tipper jeg. Pantesystemer kommer overalt på kloden.

Revolution in recycling: the Government wants to end the monopoly of Ecoembes


The new legislature that is about to start can cause a revolution in waste management and recycling that ends the monopoly of Ecoembes , a corporate conglomerate that acts as an intermediary between more than 12,000 companies and municipalities through the so-called integrated system of management (SIG). According to what MERCA2 has learned, the new Government of Pedro Sánchez wants to extend the alternative model in Spain, known as SDDR (system of deposit, return and return), which encourages consumers to recycle by paying for delivered packaging.

Sources of the Ministry of Ecological Transition directed by Teresa Ribera confirm to this newspaper that "the SDDR is a possibility that is on the table" framed in the Circular Economy Strategy that is about to be presented by the Government in the Legislature that now begins, together with the Plastic Roadmap. Both initiatives are supported by the community authorities. "We have to see the viability of the SDDR and how it fits into the framework of the global strategy , which is why a report is being made on how to implement it and its costs," the sources added.

It is not the first time that it is studied to promote this waste management model in Spain. When Teresa Ribera was Secretary of State for Climate Change - a charge that she occupied between 2008 and 2011 with the second Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero - the possibility of strengthening the SDDR has already been raised, although in the end it did not succeed. In addition, in 2017 the Congress of Deputies approved a proposal not of Law presented by EQUO, United We Can and Commitments in which the Executive was urged to start up the SDDR as complement and improvement of the current SIG.

Defenders of the SDDR have for years been requesting independent and impartial studies to gauge the convenience of raising this model to fight against the crisis of waste and the accumulation of garbage. "The system of return of containers would allow us to move towards the circular economy model that we are now far from . The advantages of the SDDR also extend to the reduction of CO2 and the creation of green jobs, "says Juan Antonio López de Uralde , founder of EQUO and former director of Greenpeace Spain.

According to government data, there is a risk of non - compliance by Spain with respect to the objectives set by the European Commission for 2020 regarding the reuse and recycling of municipal waste . In a parliamentary response to which MERCA2 has had access, last January the Executive showed its concern because with the data of the year 2015 (rate of 30% of recycling, of 57% in discharges and 13% of incineration) Spain will not be able to reach the goals demanded by Brussels , which could generate an opening of the infringement process.


The SDDR is a waste management system that associates a value / price to each container so that it is returned by the consumer for recycling. The Retorna platform explains that "it is a parallel system to GIS and that it is only intended for beverage packaging ", so "integrated management systems that currently work must continue to exist for a multitude of containers that are not included in the package." SDDR ", such as cans of preserves, containers of dairy products, liquors and wines or trays of plastics.

The operation is simple: the producers (bottlers, importers or distributors) pay the deposit to the system operator for each package they put on the market. And the businesses buy the goods from the producers, paying the price of the product plus the aforementioned deposit for each container, which they transfer to the sale price. The advantage of this system for the consumer is that when he takes the container to the store (once the product is consumed) he is returned from the warehouse . It is a model similar to the one that existed in Spain when the glass bottles of the drinks were taken to the stores to obtain a discount on the next purchase.

"If the consumer does not want to return the container, the amount remains in the circuit and helps finance the system. And the operator returns to the stores what they have paid to consumers as they receive the data from them. Make the compensation between the agents involved in the cycle. It is also responsible for managing the logistics of packaging, the correct recovery of materials and control the economic flow between the different agents involved. For its part, the Public Administration is in charge of controlling the transparency of the statistics and data of the operator's management and audits the accounts of the whole system ", explains Retorna.


Ecoembes does not agree that the SDDR is the most appropriate system to manage waste in Spain and questions both its economic viability and its benefits for the environment . The fact that autonomous communities such as Valencia or the Balearic Islands have already made attempts to adopt this alternative (or complementary) model to the GIS has caused the company to start a campaign under the slogan " SDDR: nothing is what it seems ".

"After analyzing in detail the SDDR the conclusion is clear: it is a system that does not allow us to improve in a decisive way the figures of recycling and, in addition, it is worse for the citizen, the commerce and the environment. The figures of citizen participation in recycling do not stop growing every year; we believe that if we continue as before, reinforcing the system , making it evolve and putting in value the importance of environmental education and citizen commitment to the environment, we will continue moving forward with a firm step towards a 100% sustainable circular economy , "he explains to MERCA2 an official spokesperson for the company.

For its part, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) joins the detractors of the SDDR and in a report prepared in 2017 estimated that implementation of this system would generate a loss of income of between 78 and 88 million euros for municipalities. In addition, it indicates that it would require an investment of almost 1,400 million euros with a net annual cost of 1,980 million , thirteen times higher than the current system.

Likewise, the FEMP concludes that the reduction of the managed waste would also have a direct impact on the number of containers and the frequency of collection that would directly affect the citizens and the service provided. "An aspect that would also be decisive for the treatment and selection plants, which would be oversized and should adjust to a change in the composition and characteristics of the input residues.


In addition to the opposition of Ecoembes - which is understood by the particular interests of maintaining its monopoly protected by law - and the FEMP - also affected by the end of the SIG - there is also a group of environmental specialists who also question the new system that the Government studies and that they see obscure interests in which it has been introduced in the political and social debate.

According to activists grouped on the platform, this alternative model "greatly harms consumers, merchants and, what is worse, the environment" and has a unique benefit: the Norwegian multinational Tomra, who manufactures the machines that used to make the returns of the containers in the countries where this system is implemented.
30.05.2019 kl 18:37 1188

WORLD NEWSMAY 27, 2019 / 4:32 PM / 3 DAYS AGO

Spain is back: Sanchez's Socialists return to EU top table

Gabriela Baczynska, Belén Carreño

BRUSSELS/MADRID (Reuters) - Buoyed by two electoral victories in a month, Spain’s Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez wants to thrust his country back into the heart of European Union decision-making after years of domestic woes that undercut Madrid’s sway.

Sanchez, who won Spain’s general election last month, came first again in Sunday’s European Parliament election. Although he must still negotiate a governing majority in Spain’s fragmented domestic political landscape, the 47-year-old leader has made it clear he wants to be a player on the European stage.

Madrid sees itself as the voice for a pro-EU, left-leaning agenda and specifically for fellow southern European countries hit by the 2008/09 economic crisis and which felt the worst of the subsequent austerity drive.

Sanchez’s plans include pushing for a common budget for eurozone members, an EU-wide unemployment fund and climate measures such as a bloc-wide green tax on imports of fossils-derived electricity, government and party sources said.

31.05.2019 kl 08:17 1058

Hele verden vil etterhvert måtte innføre tiltak til resirkulering og søppelhåndtering, som Tomra vil kunne nyte sin prosentandel av. Tomra vil bli enormt!
31.05.2019 kl 08:22 1046

Og husk at TOMRA har ca 80% markedsandel for panteautomater og 60%+ for søppel sorteringsmaskiner GLOBALT!!!!!

Say No More!!!! ;-)
