TOMRA offers a circular solution to the world’s plastic problem

TOM 05.06.2019 kl 09:08 1448

Er vel ikke mye, om noe, som er mer etterspurt globalt i dag enn en slik løsning så det sier vel egentlig seg selv hvilke fremtidsutsikter Norges superselskap Tomra har...

TOMRA offers a circular solution to the world’s plastic problem

With global recycling rates for plastic disastrously low compared with other materials, it’s up to technology-led companies to create a circular economy through sustainable collection, sorting and recycling

By Volker Rehrmann, Head of Circular Economy at TOMRA | Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.06.2019 kl 12:21 1377

Som i trådstart, er her mye mer å lese hvis man følger linken. Det er ingen tvil om at mye må gjøres, og det nye er at nå begynner også ting å bli gjort etter at de enorme problemene plastforurensning skaper, har blitt neglisjert i flere tiår. Bra for kloden. Bra for Tomra som er den helt dominerende globale spilleren på dette feltet.

By land and by sea, why the fight against plastic pollution is just as important on our own home turf

by Truls Haug

5 June 2019 09:59

Furthermore, EDCs, thought to be leaked into the environment through the breakdown of plastics in landfills, can also be passed from mother to newborn through their milk supply, as it accumulates within the fat glands where the milk is produced.

Plastic waste is also causing issues for birds, who are using strands of plastic mistaken for leaves and branches to build their nests, as an alternative to natural materials.

More concerningly, birds are mistaking plastic waste for food and feeding it to their chicks, to detrimental effect. Inside the stomachs of many deceased seabirds in the UK, scientists found scraps, plastic bottles, bags and packaging a situation described as ‘heartbreaking’ by Sir David Attenborough in his most recent Blue Planet series.

Sensor-based solutions to keep our land and oceans clean

Unfortunately there are limitless examples to how plastic pollution is affecting life on land as well as at sea and World Environment Day only highlights the work that needs to be done in the battle against plastic waste. There is no one solution to the problem, but for a better future for our planet, we need to innovate and implement new solutions to help us manage our plastic waste more efficiently.

Globally, TOMRA Collection Solutions capture over 40 billion containers annually through our 82,000 reverse vending machines. Primarily through deposit return schemes, TCS collect bottles and cans for a system called Clean Loop Recycling. Beverage containers recycled through reverse vending machines are collected and sorted without contamination from other types of waste ensuring that they can be recycled into new bottles and cans again and again.

Every time an empty container is not recycled, it ends up in a landfill, incinerator or somewhere in nature. Not only does it harm our planet, but it creates the need to make a new container from raw materials – taking more resources from the planet than necessary.

By investing in better recycling technology rather than outsourcing waste, the recycling industry will see higher purity levels, meaning less material in landfills and less environmental pollution. The more material kept in a closed loop the less that ends up where it doesn’t belong, in our oceans, streets and landfills.

Redigert 05.06.2019 kl 12:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
Gudleik Knott1
05.06.2019 kl 21:08 1254

Bra for kloden, bra for Tomra, bra for oss

Takk for god lesning kommentatoren

Max Payne
05.06.2019 kl 21:46 1219

Meget bra for oss alle. Tomra var sterk i dag, opp 2,18 %. Vi suser mot 300.

05.06.2019 kl 23:32 1139

Man møter sjefen for Tomra Sorting Solutions i trådstart her, og Volker Rehrmann var også på plass under "Tomra Leads" med fokus på plast i Sofia, Bulgaria i går og i dag. At denne konferansen om plast er lagt til Sentral-Europa, er neppe tilfeldig. Jo lenger sør og øst i Europa man kommer, jo mer upløyd mark på dette feltet, men nasjonene her er pent nødt til "å våkne" nå som EUs plastdirektiv er endelig vedtatt. Kravene til Innsamling og resirkulering i dette direktivet når det gjelder plast, blir nemlig en del av den nasjonale lovgivningen i hvert eneste EU-land, uten unntak. Så potensialet i regionen er meget stort for en aktør som Tomra Systems. Potensialet ja...antar jeg ikke er alene om å skjønne hvor mye som fortsatt er ugjort når det gjelder innsamling, sortering og resirkulering av plast når man leser dette referatet fra Volker Rehrmanns foredrag i Sofia i dag. Nå er imidlertid denne problematikken "over natta" på alles lepper så potensialet for Tomra med global markedsandel på 80% innen innsamling av plast av høyeste resirkuleringskvalitet (pant) øg 60% global markedsandel innen sortering for resirkulering, må man nesten kunne tillate seg å beskrive som skremmende stort, uten å føle at man overdriver., Følelsen av at vi har store Tomra-nyheter i vente i Asia og Afrika når som helst nå, forsterkes også når man leser dette.

CONFERENCE: “Plastics are the Future, but Not Plastic Waste…”

“Plastics are the Future, but Not Plastic Waste”, Tom Eng told delegates to the TOMRA Leads conference this morning.


Opening the TOMRA Leads conference on plastic waste in Sofia, Bulgaria this morning, Tom Eng, TOMRA Senior Vice President and Head of TOMRA Sorting Solutions, Recycling told delegates that “Plastics are the Future, but Not Plastic Waste”.

Explaining the need for a shift towards a more circular economy for plastics, he went on to quote George Bernard Shaw: “progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”.

Coinciding with World Environment Day, the event will look at all aspects of the plastics value chain, as well as the pros and cons of various collection systems, deposit return schemes and manufacturer initiatives.

Later in the morning, making his keynote speech, Dr Volker Rehrmann, Head of Business Area Sorting Solutions, noted a seachange in attitudes to plastics and the need to create a much more circular value chain. Spurred on by initiatives such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy, many major brands across the value chain are starting to come together.

“No one would ever have believed that our EU government could come up with quite such impressive targets, together with a new way of measuring them… Now is the time to do it, but we need to take a holistic approach,” he said. “But we need to collaborate, we need to do it together.

“Design for recyclability is so important,” Rehrmann told delegates. “Design has never been high on the agenda. Design for cost and design for aesthetics, yes. But not for recyclability, and this is how we’ve ended up with a lot of problems - but it’s changing.”

He also urged more thought to be given to reuse for plastics to be tackled. “Sometimes it doesn’t make sense from a CO2 perspective, but sometimes it makes a lot of sense. We have to have it on the agenda, plastics are very durable materials…”

The Inconvenient Truth

Using some approximated numbers to update a 2013 Ellen MacArthur foundation diagram on material flows for plastic packaging, Rehrmann highlighted the fact that around 30 million tonnes of plastic waste are still leaking into the environment, 40 million tonnes being landfilled, 14 million tonnes incinerated – only 14 million tonnes are collected for recycling.

Moreover, of the 14 million tonnes collected, 4 million tonnes are lost in the recycling process and 8.5 million tonnes are ‘downcycled’. That leaves just 2.5 million tonnes being recycled in a closed loop.

“Think about it,” he urged. “After 20 years of effort we have all put into this - it’s an inconvenient truth. But how are we going to change that? First of all we need to collect more plastics and bring it into the recycling stream…. A big problem is leakage, and really most of that comes from South East Asia and Africa. We need to focus on those areas where there is no proper collection system. We can achieve a lot there.”

“In the west, we could put some sorting equipment in front of landfill and incineration,” he continued. “We have some projects now where we’re working with a number of incineration plants. It takes a change of mindset – there will always be some residual waste, but we can recover much more – there is no technical innovation needed.”

“Take this message with you,” said Rehrmann. “It is not a problem to recover plastics from waste that is going to landfill. It can be done. But you need to bring it to a quality where it can replace virgin material, otherwise it is not helping create a circular economy for plastics.”

“We need a new mindset in the recycling industry – quality quality quality. If we don’t achieve that we will fail. If recycled material keeps a reputation for inferior quality we will fail,” he concluded.

Read More

Technically Possible to Produce Goods from 100% Recycled Plastics
TOMRA Sorting Recycling has published an e-book which it said shows that it is technically possible and economically worthwhile to produce goods from 100% recycled plastic.

Unilever to Roll Out Pigment to Increase Recycling of Black Plastic HDPE Packaging
Anglo-Dutch Consumer goods giant, Unilever, is to phase in the use of a new detectable black pigment for its High Density Polyethelyne (HDPE) bottles for its brands, TRESemmé and Lynx, so they can be detected by recycling plant scanners and sorted for recycling.