Apcl....Frank Timis/Senegal/BP...
Det er ekstremt bad news for Apcl/petronor!
Vi skal ikke glemme Apcl's og Frank Timis tidligere relationer....
Præsident Macky Sall er særdeles presset med De oplysninger som kommer frem i denne dokumentar film......og det samme gælder Macky salls bror Aliou Sall og Frank Timis!!!!
Jeg tror Sosp forlængelse/Deal bliver umuligt i det politiske klima som Senegals præsident står i nu..
Det er vist godt at vi skifter navn til petronor!!!!!
Men Frank Timis er klart en belastning for selskabet Apcl/petronor....
Abitration afgørelse hos icsid kan blive vores eneste chance/mulighed for forlig eller erstatning... (sosp/rop)
14:07 minutter inde i dokumentarfilm ! (African Petroleum)
Vi skal ikke glemme Apcl's og Frank Timis tidligere relationer....
Præsident Macky Sall er særdeles presset med De oplysninger som kommer frem i denne dokumentar film......og det samme gælder Macky salls bror Aliou Sall og Frank Timis!!!!
Jeg tror Sosp forlængelse/Deal bliver umuligt i det politiske klima som Senegals præsident står i nu..
Det er vist godt at vi skifter navn til petronor!!!!!
Men Frank Timis er klart en belastning for selskabet Apcl/petronor....
Abitration afgørelse hos icsid kan blive vores eneste chance/mulighed for forlig eller erstatning... (sosp/rop)
14:07 minutter inde i dokumentarfilm ! (African Petroleum)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 03:04
Spørs om Sall liker å gamble,for vinner APCL så sitter de med både SOSP og ROP.
Hva gjør Sall da,betaler Total en enorm erstatning?
Hva gjør Sall da,betaler Total en enorm erstatning?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:12
Frank Timis har ingen roller eller relasjoner i Apcl eller Petronor, at det skal ha en negativ effekt på prosessen etter fusjonen er gjennomført, faller på sin egen urimlighet, selvfølgelig en stor fordel at Timis er ute.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:28
Præsident Sall står midt i en kæmpe skandale....tror ikke at sosp forlængelse til Apcl/Petronor er realistisk nu....
Warrants på sosp deal er GONE BIG TIME...det kan godt være at Frank Timis er ude af African Petroleum, MEN med den dokumentar film er Frank Timis en kæmpe belastning for selskabet Apcl/Petronor!!! Kan ikke i min vildeste fantasi forestille mig at præsident Macky Sall FRIVILLIGT giver Apcl/petronor sosp licensen tilbage til os.... det vil være enormt risikabelt politisk...
Abitration afgørelse er sandsynligvis eneste mulighed nu...(Senegal)
Warrants på sosp deal er GONE BIG TIME...det kan godt være at Frank Timis er ude af African Petroleum, MEN med den dokumentar film er Frank Timis en kæmpe belastning for selskabet Apcl/Petronor!!! Kan ikke i min vildeste fantasi forestille mig at præsident Macky Sall FRIVILLIGT giver Apcl/petronor sosp licensen tilbage til os.... det vil være enormt risikabelt politisk...
Abitration afgørelse er sandsynligvis eneste mulighed nu...(Senegal)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:38
Hifi, noen har kjøpt aksjer og noen har solgt:) snart får vi fasiten
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:40
Jeg tror ikke dette vil ha noen betydning for oss Hifi. Dette gjelder helt andre felt enn våre og Frank Timis er ute. Siste uttalelse fra styresmaktene i Senegal går også mot dokumentaren.
«In a statement later on Wednesday, the government rejected the BBC report as one-sided, describing it as "punctuated with serious and false allegations."»
De var tidlig ute med et ønske om gransking, men ser ut til å ha snudd ganske raskt. Jeg tenker at Sall bare vil ha dette ut av verden så fort som mulig da det vil være et større problem for han å forfølge dette enn å dysse det ned.
Legger ut linken til Reuters også, som er Senegals egen IR. Det var her uttalelsen om at Senegal har snudd og at de hevder at dokumentaren kommer med falske beskyldninger og en ensidig fremstilling.
Afrika er Afrika Hifi. Hadde dette vært i Norge så hadde det nok blitt etterforsket. Der nede med sin egen bror, neppe. Jeg tror fremdeles på deal på SOSP på grunn av ROP. Tror ikke det finnes så mange andre muligheter uten stor risk og store kostnader for alle parter.
«In a statement later on Wednesday, the government rejected the BBC report as one-sided, describing it as "punctuated with serious and false allegations."»
De var tidlig ute med et ønske om gransking, men ser ut til å ha snudd ganske raskt. Jeg tenker at Sall bare vil ha dette ut av verden så fort som mulig da det vil være et større problem for han å forfølge dette enn å dysse det ned.
Legger ut linken til Reuters også, som er Senegals egen IR. Det var her uttalelsen om at Senegal har snudd og at de hevder at dokumentaren kommer med falske beskyldninger og en ensidig fremstilling.
Afrika er Afrika Hifi. Hadde dette vært i Norge så hadde det nok blitt etterforsket. Der nede med sin egen bror, neppe. Jeg tror fremdeles på deal på SOSP på grunn av ROP. Tror ikke det finnes så mange andre muligheter uten stor risk og store kostnader for alle parter.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:54
Der tror jeg du tager fejl big time klaesp! Du ved godt at hver gang afrikanske medier omtaler Apcl,så er det altid Frank Timis's Apcl....jeg ved godt at sarella investments limited (Frank Timis) ikke er storinvester mere i Apcl, men i afrikanernes optik betyder det nok ikke så meget....politisk er selskabet Apcl nok Bad Company og et tidligere Frank Timis selskab.....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:57
Fkl, tror du ikke det vil være at kaste benzin på bålet, hvis Macky Sall giver Apcl/petronor sosp licensen tilbage?? (Politisk)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 08:58
Absolutt. African Petroleum omtales fremdeles sammen med Frank Timis og derfor er det så himla flott at vi heter PetroNor om kort tid.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 09:00
Må bare lige tilføje at jeg stadig er investor og er særdeles glad for Fusionen med petronor, efter at have set den dokumentar film...men jeg tror situation i Senegal kan blive problematisk for os....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 09:04
Jeg tror ikke det blir noe bål i det hele tatt. I Norge hadde det vært skandale og hoder rullet. Der nede og så langt tilbake med sin egen bror osv. Jeg tror ikke det vil skje noen ting, selv om jeg registrerer at opposisjonen skriker litt. Det er ikke valg nå og personlig så tror jeg dette bare dør ut. Derimot så er jeg meget glad for at vi kommer oss bort fra det Timisbefengte navnet vi har i dag. Det er slik jeg tenker Hifi, men jeg kan selvfølgelig ta feil.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 09:13
Jeg tenker videre at dersom det ikke blir noen avtale på SOSP så ligger nok helt andre ting til grunn enn akkurat denne saken Hifi.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 09:19
Petronor(Abu dahbi)= løsning på sosp!Timis navn er borte for godt og Senegal får inn venner på lisensen.Gamle apcl står igjen med en liten del,så blir nesten som det kommer inn et helt nytt selskap.De har vel null problem med å selge dette inn som en meget god deal mediamessig!?Tenker det skjer noe når alt er klart med fusjonen,2-3 uker nå så kan vi begynne å håpe på nyheter igjen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 10:15
Mens vi venter; Vi får heller kose oss med at olja stiger igjen, at børsene stiger og at USA avblåser straffetoll mot Mexico. Tenker at det gir positivt utslag på mandag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 10:53
Eller tirsdag :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 11:09
Jeg tror bare dette med BP og Timis gjør det enda mer fornuftig for Senegal å få closet inn en avtale med oss så saken legges død. Jo mer fokus den tiltrekker seg, jo større grunn er det til også å sette fokus på dette med Total og energiminsteren som gikk på dagen. Og tenk hva slags info Pace/West sitter på(som kjenner til alt som er blitt gjort der nede), fra Timis sitt ståsted, og som ikke minst kjenner til mye som skjedde da Total fikk ROP. Jeg er "helt sikker" på at de kan være med og underbygge saken(e) MOT Senegal om de ønsker det og at Senegal er tjent med at vi holder kjeft og blir hetende Petronor.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 11:26
Klokka tikker fort mot 31.12.19!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 11:29
......ikke fortere enn normalt ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 11:43
Spot om warom?Tror også Senegal vil få dette overstått med minst mulig bråk.Så da er avtale med petronor helt klart det kjappeste og beste!Og har total/Senegal gjort noe galt på rop,vil de vel iallfall ikke la dette gå hele veien i en voldgift.Så tror vi står enda bedre nå,da det settes fokus på disse store selskapene,som tar seg til rette.Og er vel liten tvil om at myndighetene i senegal/Gambia ikke har fulgt retningslinjene,når det kommer til cure/oppsigelse av lisensene.Og det står vel frem som enda mer sannsynlig,når vi ser hva som kommer frem nå?Dealer blir gjort på bakrommet.Så setter enda større lit til JP sin "both in fact and law" nå!Tror apcl har operert riktig etter boka og ikke myndighetene.Tror vi går en meget lønnsom tid i møte,etter fusjonen er i boks.Selv om den ikke er klar enda,jobber de selvfølgelig med forlik forde.Kan vi jo se av det besøket de hadde til Gambia,som vi tror er tilfelle.Så er ikke stillstand selv om partnerskapet ikke er klart.Så har troa på gode nyheter i løpet av sommeren?Da er vi ikke under krona lenger heller rundt 2 !
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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Nå er jeg kanskje litt vel skeptisk til «Fake news» debattantenes evindelige positive vinklinger om alt og alle, men jeg ville tenkt at hvis Apcl har oppnådd fordeler pga tidligere korrupte handlinger, styrker ikke akkurat det deres muligheter i voldgiftsaken. «Both in law and fact» blir liksom ikke lenger hel ved. Og hvis det er tilfellet, har neppe Petronords DD fanget opp tidligere APCL korrupsjon og da kan hele fusjons prosessen være i fare.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 15:59
Utfordringen for APCL/PetroNor vil kanskje bli litt større for å finne partnere nå, selv om de skulle få dem tilbake ved en minnelig overenskomst utenfor voldgiften. Mulige vestlige partnere vil se på den støyen som har skjedd rundt Kosmos og BP sitt kjøp av Timis sine interesser, og vurdere e om de vil gå igjennom tilsvarende ting med APCL.
Dette handler ikke bare om hva som skjer i Senegal, der kan det sikkert løses på en eller annen måte. Men børsnoterte selskaper er nødt til å vurdere risikoen ved å gå inn i lisenser der Timis er eller har vært involvert. Det er ikke bare snakk om hvorvidt han fortsatt står på eierlisten nå, snarere hvordan lisensene ble tildelt.
Dette handler ikke bare om hva som skjer i Senegal, der kan det sikkert løses på en eller annen måte. Men børsnoterte selskaper er nødt til å vurdere risikoen ved å gå inn i lisenser der Timis er eller har vært involvert. Det er ikke bare snakk om hvorvidt han fortsatt står på eierlisten nå, snarere hvordan lisensene ble tildelt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 16:03
Det betyr jo ikke at det ikke finnes vestlige selskaper som vil gå inn i en deal med APCL/PetroNor, eller at det ikke kan finnes selskaper fra områder som er litt mere fleksible når det gjelder bruk av politiske kontakter og andre virkmidler. Det gjør bare ikke ting enklere, og sikkert ikke for å få alt på plass for en farmout i Senegal før årsslutt.
Forøvrig sitter jeg fortsatt på min lille lyttepost og får vel tildelt noen warrants, så jeg håper jo at dette går i orden.
Forøvrig sitter jeg fortsatt på min lille lyttepost og får vel tildelt noen warrants, så jeg håper jo at dette går i orden.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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BP avviser og kaller dokumentasjonen for fake, sterke ord fra et stort, internasjonalt selskap. Kan dette være fake news?
The compensation figure reported by the BBC is "so fake and exaggerated that it is complete fantasy," Moussarie said, speaking in French.
BP "does not recognise" the document that features the figure, and believes it was "produced by another party," he said.
The compensation figure reported by the BBC is "so fake and exaggerated that it is complete fantasy," Moussarie said, speaking in French.
BP "does not recognise" the document that features the figure, and believes it was "produced by another party," he said.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 16:35
Ut i fra det vi har sett så tror jeg ikke det vil bli vanskeligere. Både Total og BP har gått inn på lisenser som er omtvistet og det viser at det kun er pengene som rår. Dersom vi får lisensene tilbake så blir ikke partner noe problem, tror jeg. Tenker videre at nettopp BP kan bli parter i Gambia og Total i Senegal. Kina med flere vil nok også inn uansett historikk.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 16:43
Reportasjer som dette er jo aldri helt objektive og som regel sett kun fra en side. Derimot så er det nok noen her som har noen svin på skogen. Tenker at fasiten er litt midt i mellom. At det får noen konsekvens for oss tror jeg derimot ikke på. Tror egentlig ikke at det får det for noen av de andre involverte heller.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 16:44
Kinesiske selskaper er nok litt rundere og mere tolerante når det gjelder slik støy. Det er ikke sikkert BP vil blande seg mere inn i Timisrelaterte selskaper, men det får vi vel se etterhvert. Total gikk jo som du sier inn på ROP lisensen som var omtvistet, men det gjorde jo også at de unngikk å bli involvert i Timisbråket som BP nå er. Det kunne jo være en løsning om Total er interessert i SOSP og gjøre noe ut av det, og franske selskaper kan ofte ha litt mer handingsrom når det gjelder denne typen støy.
En løsning kunne vel være om de ble enige om å kansellere SOSP, og så tildele den på nytt (med APCL som en partner). Da kunne man komme seg videre fra TImisbråket rundt eksisterende lisenser, og samme gjelder jo forsåvidt også i Gambia. Det vil da si om partene overhode er interessert i å komme til enighet.
Kinesiske selskaper er nok litt rundere og mere tolerante når det gjelder slik støy. Det er ikke sikkert BP vil blande seg mere inn i Timisrelaterte selskaper, men det får vi vel se etterhvert. Total gikk jo som du sier inn på ROP lisensen som var omtvistet, men det gjorde jo også at de unngikk å bli involvert i Timisbråket som BP nå er. Det kunne jo være en løsning om Total er interessert i SOSP og gjøre noe ut av det, og franske selskaper kan ofte ha litt mer handingsrom når det gjelder denne typen støy.
En løsning kunne vel være om de ble enige om å kansellere SOSP, og så tildele den på nytt (med APCL som en partner). Da kunne man komme seg videre fra TImisbråket rundt eksisterende lisenser, og samme gjelder jo forsåvidt også i Gambia. Det vil da si om partene overhode er interessert i å komme til enighet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 16:46
Vi skal ikke glemme at BP har inngått en eller annen avtale på A1 og for meg sier det alt. Jeg tror ikke partner vil være noe problem, men uten tvil enklere med nytt navn og «nye» eiere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 19:26
ser ut til at også Kosmos blir inkriminert av den godeste Timis
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 21:53
En ting er for BP å gjøre en deal med Gambia, selv om de er i voldgift med APCL. Det er en helt annen type risiko for dem å gjøre ennå en deal med Timis relaterte selskaper. Det er ikke sikkert hverken BP eller Kosmos er spesielt fornøyd med denne saken om dagen. På godt og vondt har verden endret seg, det er ikke lengre like akseptabelt med brune konvolutter, uten at det betyr at det har skjedd fra Timis her. Men det høres jo unektelig slik ut, og at både Kosmos og BP tok litt lett på akkurat den delen av DD. Og slikt ville jo heller ikke være totalt uventet når det gjelder Frank Timis og hans selskaper.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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BP, Kosmos og regjeringen hevder alle at det som fremkommer er feil, og BP går så langt som å hevde at dokumenter er fabrikert og falske. Nå skrives det i media i Senegal om parter som vil skade landet. Det er ikke sikkert dette er så sort/hvitt som det fremkom først.
HABIB NDAO (BBY): "The state was right to communicate because this case exceeds Aliou Sall and that we almost scratched the image of Senegal"
The controversy that arose following the successive communications of the government and President Macky Sall in the Aliou Sall case handled by the BBC in a documentary, Habib Ndao retains one thing what should be done in terms of communication a been done? Contrary to the comments that described these outings as regrettable failures, the head of the Watch and Resolve Center of Benno Bokk Yaakar believes that "this documentary exceeds Aliou Sall and his interests' and that" it is the political governance of Senegal that was in happens to be chipped in this report.
For him, at least four things should be taken into account. First: the 7.500 billion promise of financial commitments of the advisory group that can be put at stake by bad publicity Next: the big majors who work on oil in Senegal at the moment (Australians, Americans, French Malaysians, English etc.) are listed on the stock exchanges in the major financial markets, which are therefore exposed to speculation on their stock market value and may be investigated by the stock exchanges: NYSE (New York), AMF (France), etc. etc. There is also the does he say that? the American congress will want to question American companies about their activities in Senegal. And finally, the urgency of getting rid of this report, which only aims to discredit our country. Habib Ndao declares that Ousmane Sonko's book on oil was animated by the same objectives because, he says,? everyone knows that his bibliography was sourced by Tullow, who wanted to make the press-porter in broad daylight against Timis and indirectly sabotage the image of our country. Habib Ndao to consider that the Senegalese have the urgent obligation to make pay attention to the manipulations orchestrated by these multinationals' explaining that a report which presents only a part of the facts can by no means be reliable and credible (besides the BBC has only bought a production made by people whose interests diverge (war between Timis and Tullow Oil, position of Senegal on the decolonization of the Archipelago of Chagos), he mentions by ricochet.Face the opposition he says "obsessed with power", Habib opposes the will of President Macky Sall to do everything in the transparency by proceeding to a redesign of the code of 98, by setting up the Itie, by creating the INPG, by conducting a dialogue on the use of the oil revenues, doing allocate the blocks by competitive bidding, by expanding the Cos-petrogaz to the opposition and civil society, by publishing all the contracts on the government website and by making legal provisions favorable to nationals on the local content.Our interlocutor to recall, to conclude, that there are 19 blocks of oil in Senegal at the moment and that it is important that the first juniors to trust our country should be treated with favors for taking huge risks at the start. For several years, Macky Sall has represented Petrosen in many fairs to encourage investors to believe in the potential of Senegal
HABIB NDAO (BBY): "The state was right to communicate because this case exceeds Aliou Sall and that we almost scratched the image of Senegal"
The controversy that arose following the successive communications of the government and President Macky Sall in the Aliou Sall case handled by the BBC in a documentary, Habib Ndao retains one thing what should be done in terms of communication a been done? Contrary to the comments that described these outings as regrettable failures, the head of the Watch and Resolve Center of Benno Bokk Yaakar believes that "this documentary exceeds Aliou Sall and his interests' and that" it is the political governance of Senegal that was in happens to be chipped in this report.
For him, at least four things should be taken into account. First: the 7.500 billion promise of financial commitments of the advisory group that can be put at stake by bad publicity Next: the big majors who work on oil in Senegal at the moment (Australians, Americans, French Malaysians, English etc.) are listed on the stock exchanges in the major financial markets, which are therefore exposed to speculation on their stock market value and may be investigated by the stock exchanges: NYSE (New York), AMF (France), etc. etc. There is also the does he say that? the American congress will want to question American companies about their activities in Senegal. And finally, the urgency of getting rid of this report, which only aims to discredit our country. Habib Ndao declares that Ousmane Sonko's book on oil was animated by the same objectives because, he says,? everyone knows that his bibliography was sourced by Tullow, who wanted to make the press-porter in broad daylight against Timis and indirectly sabotage the image of our country. Habib Ndao to consider that the Senegalese have the urgent obligation to make pay attention to the manipulations orchestrated by these multinationals' explaining that a report which presents only a part of the facts can by no means be reliable and credible (besides the BBC has only bought a production made by people whose interests diverge (war between Timis and Tullow Oil, position of Senegal on the decolonization of the Archipelago of Chagos), he mentions by ricochet.Face the opposition he says "obsessed with power", Habib opposes the will of President Macky Sall to do everything in the transparency by proceeding to a redesign of the code of 98, by setting up the Itie, by creating the INPG, by conducting a dialogue on the use of the oil revenues, doing allocate the blocks by competitive bidding, by expanding the Cos-petrogaz to the opposition and civil society, by publishing all the contracts on the government website and by making legal provisions favorable to nationals on the local content.Our interlocutor to recall, to conclude, that there are 19 blocks of oil in Senegal at the moment and that it is important that the first juniors to trust our country should be treated with favors for taking huge risks at the start. For several years, Macky Sall has represented Petrosen in many fairs to encourage investors to believe in the potential of Senegal
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 22:07
Timis er ikke en del av apcl lenger,ferdig med det?Og er iallfall laaaaaaangt i fra å være en del av det nye petronor.Så har absolutt ingen tro på at timis vil assosieres med det nye fusjonerte selskap,og ser derfor ingen problem at det skal bli noe vanskeligere med en eventuell partner.Det nye selskapet blir nå forbundet mer med Abu Dahbi,og da åpner nye dører seg?Så denne fusjonen passet midt i blinken på mange områder.Bedre økonomi,kontakter og et annet ansikt utad!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 22:30
Det fremstår jo nå som at det er flere feil og uriktige påstander i reportasjen. Skal man gi ut noe slikt så må jo alt være verifisert informasjon og ikke rykter fra Afrika.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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08.06.2019 kl 23:36
Kopierer også denne fra XI/Ag4:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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Spørsmålet er om dette viser seg å være et forsøk på angrep på Senegal, med begrenset rot i virkeligheten. Dette er et meget annerkjent tidsskriv:
BBC, the Majors and the gang of four against Senegal!
The British public media BBC has broadcast an alleged investigation of the management of oil and gas in Senegal, entitled "scandal ten billion dollars". BBC reveals "evidences" that are unimportant that have no relation to corruption.
The salary of Aliou Sall, as a consultant to Petro Tim of Frank Timis, a sale of shares to British Petroleum, 250 million dollars. BP would commit to pay royalties of $ 10 billion to Frank Timis, in the form of royalties.
The investigation insinuates the existence of an alleged "deal" between Aliou Sall, Frank Timis and BP, endorsed by the State of Senegal! The memorandum just published by the Government of Senegal and BP's communiqué and denial refute these allegations and threaten to bring the case to justice.
Indeed, the Petro Tim case dates back to January 2012, well before the arrival of Macky Sall in power. The first document linking the Romanian-Australian Frank Timis, boss of Petro Tim Ltd is signed by Karim Wade, son of the former president, then Minister of State in charge of Energy. This was January 12, 2012, for the two blocks of Cayar Deep Offshore and Deep St. Louis Offshore of Senegal.
It was therefore more than two months before the second round of the presidential election that saw Macky Sall gain power (March 25, 2012). On May 2, 2012, oil company Tullow Oil writes to the new Minister of Energy, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, asking the government, a regime led by former prime minister Abdoul Mbaye, to reconsider the research and production sharing agreement. , awarded to Petro Tim Ltd by the Wade Me Diet.
Opposition Mamadou Lamine Diallo and former Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye are included in the BBC's investigation.
Senegal, under the Macky Sall era immediately launched an investigation of the IGE, following which, the new President of the Republic has put in place control mechanisms, allowing Senegalese to monitor all transactions and operations concerning the management of oil and gas.
This desire for transparency has resulted in Senegal's adherence to the EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) standard and the setting up of a Strategic Orientation Committee for Oil and Gas (COS-Petro-Gas). ), which President Macky Sall has just extended to members of the political opposition and representatives of civil society.
In this respect, Senegal goes beyond all other African oil and gas producing countries in terms of transparency and good governance. What, then, could justify this suspicion caused by the so-called BBC investigation? Who benefits from the crime, one would be tempted to ask, following this alleged investigation, which puts in the hot seat a file that the Senegalese had already treated and classified?
It is evident that several majors of oil and gas have rushed to the gates of Senegal, for the purpose of obtaining research and exploitation contracts. The choice of BP, Petro Tim and others has never been the taste of other majors, left stranded.
One of BP's competitors, Tullow Oil, who has reportedly filed a complaint against the State of Senegal, protesting against the transfer of Petro Tim's oil and gas research and sharing contract, is interested in shaking up a new management debate. oil and gas in Senegal. He was also accused of financing the publication of a book by opponent (Ousmane Sonko) on oil and gas.
Did the British state media, the BBC, not want to punish Senegal, for carrying on May 22, 2019, the resolution restoring the Chagos Archipelago, formerly occupied by Great Britain, to Mauritius ?
Part of the Senegalese opposition (the band of 4), who still does not recover from his stinging defeat, in the presidential election in February 2019, would be ready to sell his soul to the devil to lead the hard-living president elected, Mr. Macky Sall, that they refuse to congratulate.
The Senegalese are in any case aroused by this foreign and sudden interference with the internal affairs of the country. For its part, the Senegalese government has already taken appropriate measures to ensure that such an affront is no longer repeated.
The British ambassador to Dakar was summoned by the Senegalese Minister of Foreign Affairs to deliver a protest letter to the British authorities, pending the action of the public prosecutor to clarify this nebula of the BBC. For Senegalese citizens, this "affair" of the BBC is an alert that should be taken seriously, by setting up a Collective for the defense of the Motherland.
BBC, the Majors and the gang of four against Senegal!
The British public media BBC has broadcast an alleged investigation of the management of oil and gas in Senegal, entitled "scandal ten billion dollars". BBC reveals "evidences" that are unimportant that have no relation to corruption.
The salary of Aliou Sall, as a consultant to Petro Tim of Frank Timis, a sale of shares to British Petroleum, 250 million dollars. BP would commit to pay royalties of $ 10 billion to Frank Timis, in the form of royalties.
The investigation insinuates the existence of an alleged "deal" between Aliou Sall, Frank Timis and BP, endorsed by the State of Senegal! The memorandum just published by the Government of Senegal and BP's communiqué and denial refute these allegations and threaten to bring the case to justice.
Indeed, the Petro Tim case dates back to January 2012, well before the arrival of Macky Sall in power. The first document linking the Romanian-Australian Frank Timis, boss of Petro Tim Ltd is signed by Karim Wade, son of the former president, then Minister of State in charge of Energy. This was January 12, 2012, for the two blocks of Cayar Deep Offshore and Deep St. Louis Offshore of Senegal.
It was therefore more than two months before the second round of the presidential election that saw Macky Sall gain power (March 25, 2012). On May 2, 2012, oil company Tullow Oil writes to the new Minister of Energy, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, asking the government, a regime led by former prime minister Abdoul Mbaye, to reconsider the research and production sharing agreement. , awarded to Petro Tim Ltd by the Wade Me Diet.
Opposition Mamadou Lamine Diallo and former Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye are included in the BBC's investigation.
Senegal, under the Macky Sall era immediately launched an investigation of the IGE, following which, the new President of the Republic has put in place control mechanisms, allowing Senegalese to monitor all transactions and operations concerning the management of oil and gas.
This desire for transparency has resulted in Senegal's adherence to the EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) standard and the setting up of a Strategic Orientation Committee for Oil and Gas (COS-Petro-Gas). ), which President Macky Sall has just extended to members of the political opposition and representatives of civil society.
In this respect, Senegal goes beyond all other African oil and gas producing countries in terms of transparency and good governance. What, then, could justify this suspicion caused by the so-called BBC investigation? Who benefits from the crime, one would be tempted to ask, following this alleged investigation, which puts in the hot seat a file that the Senegalese had already treated and classified?
It is evident that several majors of oil and gas have rushed to the gates of Senegal, for the purpose of obtaining research and exploitation contracts. The choice of BP, Petro Tim and others has never been the taste of other majors, left stranded.
One of BP's competitors, Tullow Oil, who has reportedly filed a complaint against the State of Senegal, protesting against the transfer of Petro Tim's oil and gas research and sharing contract, is interested in shaking up a new management debate. oil and gas in Senegal. He was also accused of financing the publication of a book by opponent (Ousmane Sonko) on oil and gas.
Did the British state media, the BBC, not want to punish Senegal, for carrying on May 22, 2019, the resolution restoring the Chagos Archipelago, formerly occupied by Great Britain, to Mauritius ?
Part of the Senegalese opposition (the band of 4), who still does not recover from his stinging defeat, in the presidential election in February 2019, would be ready to sell his soul to the devil to lead the hard-living president elected, Mr. Macky Sall, that they refuse to congratulate.
The Senegalese are in any case aroused by this foreign and sudden interference with the internal affairs of the country. For its part, the Senegalese government has already taken appropriate measures to ensure that such an affront is no longer repeated.
The British ambassador to Dakar was summoned by the Senegalese Minister of Foreign Affairs to deliver a protest letter to the British authorities, pending the action of the public prosecutor to clarify this nebula of the BBC. For Senegalese citizens, this "affair" of the BBC is an alert that should be taken seriously, by setting up a Collective for the defense of the Motherland.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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10.06.2019 kl 15:28
Litt ettertanke vedr. de forhold som Gambia sliter med. God lesning, men ikke så mye nytt.
How Gambia Can Avoid the Timis-BP-Senegal Oil Scandal
Countries have the sovereign responsibility and their citizens expect them to use their natural resources responsibly. One sure way to achieve this is to ensure that right from the start they negotiate contracts that are in their interests. Countries that are already in agreements that disfavor them should find all means possible to renegotiate them.
Gambians have been weighing in on the recent BBC Panorama program investigation on the alleged oil deal and secret payments involving the brother of Senegal’s President and a roving bandit-cum dubious predatory Romanian/Australian business man – the type that fleece African countries out of billions from our natural resources.
How Gambia Can Avoid the Timis-BP-Senegal Oil Scandal
Countries have the sovereign responsibility and their citizens expect them to use their natural resources responsibly. One sure way to achieve this is to ensure that right from the start they negotiate contracts that are in their interests. Countries that are already in agreements that disfavor them should find all means possible to renegotiate them.
Gambians have been weighing in on the recent BBC Panorama program investigation on the alleged oil deal and secret payments involving the brother of Senegal’s President and a roving bandit-cum dubious predatory Romanian/Australian business man – the type that fleece African countries out of billions from our natural resources.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:00
Har tenkt mye på om det har vært "avtalt" mellom aktørene om Sosp/Rop lisensene om mulig utfall ,tenker da på Sosp forlengelse kunne være et mulig utfall med tanke på at Rop ikke inngår i prosessen.. Men jeg tror selv at jeg tar feil, det er alltid noen som vet mer en andre og da ville kursen stått mye høyere. Håper jeg tar feil:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:10
Spruter nok olje på rop snart,da er sosp i boks?Selv om petronor sikkert ordner sosp uansett!De har holdt på lenge nå
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:27
De ordner sikkert Sosp forlengelse en gang på nyåret virker mest sannsynlig sett med Petronor briller.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:29
Har du kjøpt deg Petronorbriller?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:33
Kommer i 2019,eller blir det ICSID som avgjør.De bruker ikke masse penger nå på voldgift i flere mnd,får så å komme til et forlik.Akkurat som JP sa,det er et vindu for forlik.Bruker de for lang tid/penger går saken hele veien.og det vinduet er sommer/høst?Men før noe som helst forlik,må fusjonen i boks.Og det skjer i juni,først da kan det bli morro
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 16:48
Fluefiskeren skrev Har du kjøpt deg Petronorbriller?
Har lånt noen:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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11.06.2019 kl 22:21
Senegal justice ministry calls for probe into BP gas deal
'Full investigation' requested into allegations that president's brother involved in fraud
"Senegal's justice ministry asked prosecutors on Monday to launch an inquiry into the country's energy contracts after a report alleged that the president's brother was involved in fraud related to two offshore gas blocks being developed by BP.
After the publication of the investigation by the BBC last week, President Macky Sall said the truth would be established although the government's first response was to dismiss allegations in the report as false.
In the latest statement, the justice ministry called for "a full investigation into all alleged facts".
The claims have cast a shadow over Senegal's energy plans long before the first oil and gas starts flowing and despite assurances from the president that he would root out corruption."
'Full investigation' requested into allegations that president's brother involved in fraud
"Senegal's justice ministry asked prosecutors on Monday to launch an inquiry into the country's energy contracts after a report alleged that the president's brother was involved in fraud related to two offshore gas blocks being developed by BP.
After the publication of the investigation by the BBC last week, President Macky Sall said the truth would be established although the government's first response was to dismiss allegations in the report as false.
In the latest statement, the justice ministry called for "a full investigation into all alleged facts".
The claims have cast a shadow over Senegal's energy plans long before the first oil and gas starts flowing and despite assurances from the president that he would root out corruption."
11.06.2019 kl 22:37
Og hva skjedde da total tok rop,de var langt fra den beste budgiveren,og lisensen var ikke terminert??Med rop i voldgift kan det vel hende de vil unngå mest mulig fokus på denne dealen,og komme til et forlik,ved å gi sosp til apcl.Mye snusk og snarveier som har blitt tatt.Det tror jeg de eventuelt for svi for hvis saken går hele veien.Men ikke tro på vi må det,forlik kommer ?
12.06.2019 kl 07:26
Tenker det samme som reporteren her, at det ikke blir noen sak ut av dette i det hele tatt.
Sall affair: why the investigation into gas field licences will get nowhere
On 10 June, the Dakar attorney general was given the thankless task of investigating the financial arrangements surrounding the Tortue gas field, the subject of a recent BBC exposé.
The BBC investigation broadcast on 2 June into the involvement of Frank Timis and Aliou Sall, the younger brother of the president, in the giant Tortue gas field was not merely an opportunity for the Senegalese press to indulge in endless puns on President Macky Sall's surname ("sale" means dirty in French). It has also galvanised the opposition and forced the minister of justice Malick Sall (no relation to the president) to order a formal investigation.
The BBC report covered the arrival of Petro-Tim, which is controlled by Frank Timis, on the Cayar offshore profond and St. Louis offshore profond gas fields in 2012, its decision to recruit Aliou Sall (AEI 685), and the successive sale of its stakeholdings first to Kosmos (AEI 763), which discovered the Tortue mega-field, and then to BP. This latter transaction is estimated to have been worth $250 million, as revealed back in 2017 by Africa Energy Intelligence (Indigo Publication - AEI 792).
Drawing on internal documents from Caldwell & Partners, the Swiss firm that manages the wealth of Frank Timis, the BBC went further by asserting that BP will, over the lifetime of the licences, pay between $9 and $12 billion in royalties to Frank Timis. Finding evidence to back up this claim is going to prove a real headache for the Dakar attorney general - it is very uncommon for a firm that has sold its stake in a field to go on receiving royalties on the production from that field. Normal practice in the oil industry is to produce a simulation of expected royalties in order to estimate the price of acquiring a stake, but generally these are forecasts, not a firm commitment.
According to our information, to date neither the US Department of Justice nor the UK Serious Fraud Office are investigating the case. For an investigation to get somewhere, these two institutions know that they would need to prove not only that Frank Timis was paying unjustified sums to Aliou Sall (the sums which were paid were covered by a consultancy contract), but also that BP and Kosmos were aware of the illegal nature of these arrangements and covered them up.
Sall affair: why the investigation into gas field licences will get nowhere
On 10 June, the Dakar attorney general was given the thankless task of investigating the financial arrangements surrounding the Tortue gas field, the subject of a recent BBC exposé.
The BBC investigation broadcast on 2 June into the involvement of Frank Timis and Aliou Sall, the younger brother of the president, in the giant Tortue gas field was not merely an opportunity for the Senegalese press to indulge in endless puns on President Macky Sall's surname ("sale" means dirty in French). It has also galvanised the opposition and forced the minister of justice Malick Sall (no relation to the president) to order a formal investigation.
The BBC report covered the arrival of Petro-Tim, which is controlled by Frank Timis, on the Cayar offshore profond and St. Louis offshore profond gas fields in 2012, its decision to recruit Aliou Sall (AEI 685), and the successive sale of its stakeholdings first to Kosmos (AEI 763), which discovered the Tortue mega-field, and then to BP. This latter transaction is estimated to have been worth $250 million, as revealed back in 2017 by Africa Energy Intelligence (Indigo Publication - AEI 792).
Drawing on internal documents from Caldwell & Partners, the Swiss firm that manages the wealth of Frank Timis, the BBC went further by asserting that BP will, over the lifetime of the licences, pay between $9 and $12 billion in royalties to Frank Timis. Finding evidence to back up this claim is going to prove a real headache for the Dakar attorney general - it is very uncommon for a firm that has sold its stake in a field to go on receiving royalties on the production from that field. Normal practice in the oil industry is to produce a simulation of expected royalties in order to estimate the price of acquiring a stake, but generally these are forecasts, not a firm commitment.
According to our information, to date neither the US Department of Justice nor the UK Serious Fraud Office are investigating the case. For an investigation to get somewhere, these two institutions know that they would need to prove not only that Frank Timis was paying unjustified sums to Aliou Sall (the sums which were paid were covered by a consultancy contract), but also that BP and Kosmos were aware of the illegal nature of these arrangements and covered them up.
14.06.2019 kl 00:53
Tenkte meg at Thierno Allassane Sall var involvert i BP «skandalen». Bitter etter oppsigelsen og avspist som selvutnevnt presidentkandidat. Det er jo ikke første gangen han går inn for sverte Sall.
The government again dismissed the figures contained in the BBC report as "purely imaginary, not corresponding to any economic and financial reality of the project, let alone any loss of future income for the state," according to official spokesman Ndiaye Diop.
The state public investment vehicle CDC this week denied that Aliou Sall had been forced to step down from his role as director general.
A raft of non-governmental organisations, backed by former energy minister Thierno Allassane Sall, called for a judicial review of all offshore contracts and the renegotiation of terms in both licences, currently operated by BP in joint venture with Kosmos Energy.
The government again dismissed the figures contained in the BBC report as "purely imaginary, not corresponding to any economic and financial reality of the project, let alone any loss of future income for the state," according to official spokesman Ndiaye Diop.
The state public investment vehicle CDC this week denied that Aliou Sall had been forced to step down from his role as director general.
A raft of non-governmental organisations, backed by former energy minister Thierno Allassane Sall, called for a judicial review of all offshore contracts and the renegotiation of terms in both licences, currently operated by BP in joint venture with Kosmos Energy.
Både BP og Total synes å ha blitt involvert i noe de med stor sannsynlighet ikke ønsker å være eksponert mot. Om så er, kan det da være at de helst vil komme seg "over" i ny "virkelighet", og unngå eventuelle skandaler?
Slik det fremstilles, vil nok forhandlinger og forlik på de forskjellige områder være det beste for alle, særlig de to store, og ikke minst for landets ledende.
Min tro er at med det påtrykk som vil være /er fra apcl, er det adskillig større sjanser for at Petronor vinner fram med ønsker/krav, enn at de ikke gjør det. : )
Slik det fremstilles, vil nok forhandlinger og forlik på de forskjellige områder være det beste for alle, særlig de to store, og ikke minst for landets ledende.
Min tro er at med det påtrykk som vil være /er fra apcl, er det adskillig større sjanser for at Petronor vinner fram med ønsker/krav, enn at de ikke gjør det. : )
Svært detaljert svar fra Sall på det som ikke er i nærheten av å være det som først ble fremstilt. Journalisten har til og med bevisst unnlatt å ta med Sall sine skriftlige tilsvar i forkant av dokumentaren. Her også bekreftes det igjen at ikke disse omtalte aksjene, i blant annet APCL, havnet i Sall sitt eie:
To the attention of the BBC Internal Mediator, this attached letter is signed by Mr. Moustapha Dieng, Aliou Sall's attorney. In his "complaint", the boss of the Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC) represses the non-respect of journalistic principles by Mayeni Jones in his report. That being said, Aliou Sall does not rule out seizing Ofcom.
"On Sunday, June 2, 2019, BBC News Africa aired a report titled:" A $ 10 Billion Scandal ", presented by journalist Mayeni Jones.
The analysis of the element makes it very clear that this report was made in clear violation of the ethical and deontological rules that govern the exercise of journalism.
Indeed, several passages are of a defamatory character that undermine the honor and the respect of the Senegalese citizen Mr. Aliou Sall.
We must bring to your attention the material evidence that the journalist Mayeni Jones did not comply in this case with all the rules of prudence required for reliable production that respects the rights and freedoms of the human person.
You will note with us that the adversarial principle was manifestly violated, because the author knowingly and seriously truncated the written document bearing the answers of Mr. Aliou Sall to his arrests.
Ms. Mayeni Jones accuses Mr. Aliou Sall:
To have used his influence in his capacity as brother of the President of the Republic of Senegal to provide Romanian businessman Frank Timis with contracts for research and sharing of oil and gas production in our country. equity consideration in companies valued at $ 03 million.
To have under the same circumstances unduly benefited from a salary of 25 000 US dollars a month for five years paid by the company of Mr. Frank Timis.
To have also received a payment of 250 000 US dollars transferred by the same Mr. Frank Timis in the account of Agritrans, the company of Mr. Aliou Sall.
We must remember that these allegations do not correspond to the truth.
We reproach Ms. Mayeni Jones for failing to rigorously cross-check her sources, for rushing to give the floor to interested accusers and taking care not to allow the voice of the offending person to be heard. report, in this case Mr. Aliou Sall.
This unbalanced article where the reported facts are largely wrong calls for the following clarifications:
Timis Corporation has obtained the agreement of the Government of Senegal for the granting of oil licenses Saint-Louis Offshore Deep and Cayar Offshore Deep from January 17, 2012, nearly three months before the swearing in of the new President-elect, Mr. Macky Sall, brother of Mr. Aliou Sall. By virtue of the constitutional principle of state continuity, the state has only approved, among other decrees, a decision already taken by its predecessor. It is also during this transitional period that the decrees 2012-596 and 2012-597 approving these contracts were naturally signed by the new Head of State. It is therefore established that Mr. Aliou Sall was not the basis of the granting of concession contracts to Timis Corporation. Mr. Aliou Sall never interceded in favor of Mr. Frank Timis in exchange for the grant of shares worth 3,000,000 US dollars in the companies of Mr. Frank Timis. Ms. Mayeni Jones's $ 25,000 in this report is the result of regular salaries earned by Mr. Aliou Sall as head of the representative office of a company operating in Senegal. No conflict of interest or violation of the law can therefore be blamed on Mr Aliou Sall. We wish to point out that such a salary for such a position is below the remuneration paid in the oil sector at the time of his appointment.
With regard to the alleged alleged transfer of US $ 250,000, it is our pleasure to reiterate strongly that there is no serious basis for this claim. This false accusation has finished casting a disgrace on Mr. Aliou Sall, because he has never received such a sum intended to corrupt him to facilitate the prospecting and research activities of Timis Corporation in Senegal. On this very important aspect of the report, Ms. Mayeni Jones ignored the version of Mr. Aliou Sall contained in a written document sent to the reporter by the law firm Shillings of London. Journalist Mayeni Jones says she has proof of the corruption of an email exchanged between British Oilium (Bp) and Mr Franck Timis through which he claimed $ 250,000 in taxes to pay in Senegal. It is on the basis of this e-mIt does not concern Mr. Aliou Sall that the journalist wanted to establish the effectiveness of the delivery of such a sum, which results only from his fertile imagination. There has never been a transfer of US $ 250,000 made by Mr. Frank Timis in the accounts of Agritrans.
According to our point of view, the above statement of facts indicates that the journalist, Ms. Mayeni Jones, ignored the basic rules of her profession and violated the essential ethical and deontological principles enshrined in the Ofcom dissemination code. especially :
the requirement of impartiality, the search for balance in the treatment of news
the accuracy of the information to be disseminated;
respect for individual rights
respect for the contradictory
We believe that Mrs Mayeni Jones has also infringed the rules set out in the 1971 Munich Charter on the rights and duties of journalist in points 3, 4 and 8:
"Publish only information of known origin or accompany them, if necessary, with the necessary reservations; do not delete the essential information and do not alter the texts and documents. "
"Do not use unfair methods to obtain information, photographs and documents"
8- "Refrain from plagiarism, slander, defamation, unfounded accusations and receive any benefit from the publication or deletion of information."
For all these reasons and all others to be deduced or compensated if it falls, we felt it necessary to seize your authority so that an investigation is carried out on the facts brought to your attention.
Receive the assurances of my highest consideration. "
Master Mouhamadou Moustapha DIENG
Attorney at the Bar of Senegal
To the attention of the BBC Internal Mediator, this attached letter is signed by Mr. Moustapha Dieng, Aliou Sall's attorney. In his "complaint", the boss of the Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC) represses the non-respect of journalistic principles by Mayeni Jones in his report. That being said, Aliou Sall does not rule out seizing Ofcom.
"On Sunday, June 2, 2019, BBC News Africa aired a report titled:" A $ 10 Billion Scandal ", presented by journalist Mayeni Jones.
The analysis of the element makes it very clear that this report was made in clear violation of the ethical and deontological rules that govern the exercise of journalism.
Indeed, several passages are of a defamatory character that undermine the honor and the respect of the Senegalese citizen Mr. Aliou Sall.
We must bring to your attention the material evidence that the journalist Mayeni Jones did not comply in this case with all the rules of prudence required for reliable production that respects the rights and freedoms of the human person.
You will note with us that the adversarial principle was manifestly violated, because the author knowingly and seriously truncated the written document bearing the answers of Mr. Aliou Sall to his arrests.
Ms. Mayeni Jones accuses Mr. Aliou Sall:
To have used his influence in his capacity as brother of the President of the Republic of Senegal to provide Romanian businessman Frank Timis with contracts for research and sharing of oil and gas production in our country. equity consideration in companies valued at $ 03 million.
To have under the same circumstances unduly benefited from a salary of 25 000 US dollars a month for five years paid by the company of Mr. Frank Timis.
To have also received a payment of 250 000 US dollars transferred by the same Mr. Frank Timis in the account of Agritrans, the company of Mr. Aliou Sall.
We must remember that these allegations do not correspond to the truth.
We reproach Ms. Mayeni Jones for failing to rigorously cross-check her sources, for rushing to give the floor to interested accusers and taking care not to allow the voice of the offending person to be heard. report, in this case Mr. Aliou Sall.
This unbalanced article where the reported facts are largely wrong calls for the following clarifications:
Timis Corporation has obtained the agreement of the Government of Senegal for the granting of oil licenses Saint-Louis Offshore Deep and Cayar Offshore Deep from January 17, 2012, nearly three months before the swearing in of the new President-elect, Mr. Macky Sall, brother of Mr. Aliou Sall. By virtue of the constitutional principle of state continuity, the state has only approved, among other decrees, a decision already taken by its predecessor. It is also during this transitional period that the decrees 2012-596 and 2012-597 approving these contracts were naturally signed by the new Head of State. It is therefore established that Mr. Aliou Sall was not the basis of the granting of concession contracts to Timis Corporation. Mr. Aliou Sall never interceded in favor of Mr. Frank Timis in exchange for the grant of shares worth 3,000,000 US dollars in the companies of Mr. Frank Timis. Ms. Mayeni Jones's $ 25,000 in this report is the result of regular salaries earned by Mr. Aliou Sall as head of the representative office of a company operating in Senegal. No conflict of interest or violation of the law can therefore be blamed on Mr Aliou Sall. We wish to point out that such a salary for such a position is below the remuneration paid in the oil sector at the time of his appointment.
With regard to the alleged alleged transfer of US $ 250,000, it is our pleasure to reiterate strongly that there is no serious basis for this claim. This false accusation has finished casting a disgrace on Mr. Aliou Sall, because he has never received such a sum intended to corrupt him to facilitate the prospecting and research activities of Timis Corporation in Senegal. On this very important aspect of the report, Ms. Mayeni Jones ignored the version of Mr. Aliou Sall contained in a written document sent to the reporter by the law firm Shillings of London. Journalist Mayeni Jones says she has proof of the corruption of an email exchanged between British Oilium (Bp) and Mr Franck Timis through which he claimed $ 250,000 in taxes to pay in Senegal. It is on the basis of this e-mIt does not concern Mr. Aliou Sall that the journalist wanted to establish the effectiveness of the delivery of such a sum, which results only from his fertile imagination. There has never been a transfer of US $ 250,000 made by Mr. Frank Timis in the accounts of Agritrans.
According to our point of view, the above statement of facts indicates that the journalist, Ms. Mayeni Jones, ignored the basic rules of her profession and violated the essential ethical and deontological principles enshrined in the Ofcom dissemination code. especially :
the requirement of impartiality, the search for balance in the treatment of news
the accuracy of the information to be disseminated;
respect for individual rights
respect for the contradictory
We believe that Mrs Mayeni Jones has also infringed the rules set out in the 1971 Munich Charter on the rights and duties of journalist in points 3, 4 and 8:
"Publish only information of known origin or accompany them, if necessary, with the necessary reservations; do not delete the essential information and do not alter the texts and documents. "
"Do not use unfair methods to obtain information, photographs and documents"
8- "Refrain from plagiarism, slander, defamation, unfounded accusations and receive any benefit from the publication or deletion of information."
For all these reasons and all others to be deduced or compensated if it falls, we felt it necessary to seize your authority so that an investigation is carried out on the facts brought to your attention.
Receive the assurances of my highest consideration. "
Master Mouhamadou Moustapha DIENG
Attorney at the Bar of Senegal
Redigert 15.06.2019 kl 22:28
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At de nekter for alt er vel som forventet. Det motsatte hadde vært en stor sensasjon. Når innrømmet en statsleder korrupsjon og nepotisme?
At journalisten framstod som ensidig og noe lettvindt, det så vel alle. Litt overraskende at BBC ikke var mer kritisk, men kanskje BBC mener å kunne dokumentere dette. Og kanskje har de kryss-sjekket dokumentasjonen?
Om BBC har rett eller ikke, er umulig å vite. Og vi får neppe noensinne svaret.
Og så dreier det seg altså om ære og respekt:
"Indeed, several passages are of a defamatory character that undermine the honor and the respect of the Senegalese citizen Mr. Aliou Sal"
Greit å få et lite innblikk i hvilke honorarer overklassen ser på som normalt, og hvordan de finansierer livsstilen sin - i et lutfattig land.
Ære er altså viktig. Men de skammer seg derimot ikke.
Har dette noen som helst betydning for APCL? Neppe, slik saken står nå. Timis er historie.
At journalisten framstod som ensidig og noe lettvindt, det så vel alle. Litt overraskende at BBC ikke var mer kritisk, men kanskje BBC mener å kunne dokumentere dette. Og kanskje har de kryss-sjekket dokumentasjonen?
Om BBC har rett eller ikke, er umulig å vite. Og vi får neppe noensinne svaret.
Og så dreier det seg altså om ære og respekt:
"Indeed, several passages are of a defamatory character that undermine the honor and the respect of the Senegalese citizen Mr. Aliou Sal"
Greit å få et lite innblikk i hvilke honorarer overklassen ser på som normalt, og hvordan de finansierer livsstilen sin - i et lutfattig land.
Ære er altså viktig. Men de skammer seg derimot ikke.
Har dette noen som helst betydning for APCL? Neppe, slik saken står nå. Timis er historie.
Redigert 16.06.2019 kl 00:15
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16.06.2019 kl 00:28
Dette blåser nok fort over selv om opposisjonen forsøker å høste så mye som mulig ut av saken.
Senegal police detain protesters amid outcry over gas deal
Senegalese riot police fired tear gas and detained more han 20 people on Friday at an unsanctioned protest in Dakar over a BBC report of allegations the president’s brother was involved in fraud related to two offshore gas blocks developed by BP PLC.
Prosecutors have said they will open an investigation following the publication of the BBC report earlier in June. The report has caused public outcry and cast a shadow over
Senegal’s energy plans years before the first oil and gas starts flowing.
Opposition groups had called for a peaceful protest for Friday, but the authorities did not give permission.
Senegal police detain protesters amid outcry over gas deal
Senegalese riot police fired tear gas and detained more han 20 people on Friday at an unsanctioned protest in Dakar over a BBC report of allegations the president’s brother was involved in fraud related to two offshore gas blocks developed by BP PLC.
Prosecutors have said they will open an investigation following the publication of the BBC report earlier in June. The report has caused public outcry and cast a shadow over
Senegal’s energy plans years before the first oil and gas starts flowing.
Opposition groups had called for a peaceful protest for Friday, but the authorities did not give permission.
Redigert 16.06.2019 kl 00:30
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