Apcl....Frank Timis/Senegal/BP...
Det er ekstremt bad news for Apcl/petronor!
Vi skal ikke glemme Apcl's og Frank Timis tidligere relationer....
Præsident Macky Sall er særdeles presset med De oplysninger som kommer frem i denne dokumentar film......og det samme gælder Macky salls bror Aliou Sall og Frank Timis!!!!
Jeg tror Sosp forlængelse/Deal bliver umuligt i det politiske klima som Senegals præsident står i nu..
Det er vist godt at vi skifter navn til petronor!!!!!
Men Frank Timis er klart en belastning for selskabet Apcl/petronor....
Abitration afgørelse hos icsid kan blive vores eneste chance/mulighed for forlig eller erstatning... (sosp/rop)
14:07 minutter inde i dokumentarfilm ! (African Petroleum)
Vi skal ikke glemme Apcl's og Frank Timis tidligere relationer....
Præsident Macky Sall er særdeles presset med De oplysninger som kommer frem i denne dokumentar film......og det samme gælder Macky salls bror Aliou Sall og Frank Timis!!!!
Jeg tror Sosp forlængelse/Deal bliver umuligt i det politiske klima som Senegals præsident står i nu..
Det er vist godt at vi skifter navn til petronor!!!!!
Men Frank Timis er klart en belastning for selskabet Apcl/petronor....
Abitration afgørelse hos icsid kan blive vores eneste chance/mulighed for forlig eller erstatning... (sosp/rop)
14:07 minutter inde i dokumentarfilm ! (African Petroleum)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:05
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16.06.2019 kl 23:18
Ja da gjør vi som han anbefaler🙂Kommer ikke no spesiell nedgang,har de masa om de siste 2 åra.Da var det også signaler som hadde vist det samme før og da skulle det bli krakk,ha..ha.Trump som er uromomentet,men han kommer aldri verden til å la børsene krakke.Børsen er barometeret han bruker på hvor vellykket han har er/ har vært.Det ser vi på flere utsagn han har kommet med,han er veldig opptatt av at børsene er høyest mulig.Så når det nå nærmer seg valgkamp igjen,ville det sett veldig dårlig ut om økonomien i USA gikk dårlig og børsene falt.Derfor er jeg ganske så sikker på at Trump kanskje jekker seg noe i handelskrigen mot Kina,får å snart få en avtale.Da vil børsene få seg et skikkelig løft,og Trump kan pleie sitt ego i valgkampen.Så nei,tror ikke vi skal noe ned nå heller,blir nok enda mer opp med Trump bak roret.Så får vi heller se når ny president kommer til makten,for regner med Trump bare får en periode.Først da kan vi kanskje få en skikkelig korreksjon🙂
Da er også The African Energy Chamber ute og kritiserer dokumentaren:
The African oil industry denounces BBC Panorama's attack on Senegal as a much Ado about nothing
The African Energy Chamber (EnergyChamber.org) rejects the accusations made by the recent BBC Panorama program on Senegal and believes this case is about a sinister rush to judgment, an obsession to taint a reform-driven President and the oil industry at any cost and by any means, and certainly without an understanding of the facts and how the oil industry works.
It is important that in this rush to judgment, truth and an understanding of the oil industry should be the number one priority rather than overlooking and manufacturing evidence.
As per the Senegalese Petroleum Code, BP’s acquisition of the blocks is well in line with the current tendering processes applied in Senegal. Prior to its acquisition of the Cayar Profond and St Louis Profond offshore concessions, BP conducted extensive and appropriate due diligences to ascertain the ownership and operation of the block. This was the same with Kosmos Energy.
Taking into consideration BP and Kosmos Energy’s strong compliance practices and adherence to the U.S Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K Anti-Bribery and Corruption Act, it is unthinkable that that either company would move ahead with the deals if there were any implication of wrong doing in the award of the licenses. Kosmos Energy conducted a very intensive due diligence, which it sent to the to the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission for vetting and no wrongdoing was found.
Finally, all due processes were adhered to and the initial award of the block was made prior to President Macky Sall being elected President, and all investigations conducted by various Senegalese regulators revealed that all transactions were above board.
“President Macky Sall has been a reformer and pushed through market-driven policies that have made the future of Senegal’s oil industry a bright one and people-centered one,” stated NJ Ayuk, CEO of Centurion Law Group and Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber.
“Senegal at this moment must not be deprived from the millions of jobs that its oil sector will bring to the country. These attacks are meant to slow investment into oil industry’s projects and investment into Senegal,” added Ayuk.
The Senegalese people should not be fooled and we need to move away from rhetoric to relevance, symbols to substance, populism and charisma to character that provide pragmatic common-sense solutions to many who expect more from Senegal’s ’s oil and gas sector. Senegal is lucky to have leadership that have a clear vision with an understanding of the success and mistakes of other African producers like Nigeria, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola and Congo among others.
Through their investments in the energy sector and the reforms by President Macky Sall, oil and gas production over the next 10 years would inject billions of dollars into the Senegalese economy and support more than 1 million jobs. In this regard, it is important that smart, pro-growth policies continue to be implemented to ensure growth.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Chamber.
Media Contact:
African Energy Chamber
Suite 24 Katherine & West 114 West Street
South Africa
Website: www.EnergyChamber.org
SA: +27 11 245 5900
The African oil industry denounces BBC Panorama's attack on Senegal as a much Ado about nothing
The African Energy Chamber (EnergyChamber.org) rejects the accusations made by the recent BBC Panorama program on Senegal and believes this case is about a sinister rush to judgment, an obsession to taint a reform-driven President and the oil industry at any cost and by any means, and certainly without an understanding of the facts and how the oil industry works.
It is important that in this rush to judgment, truth and an understanding of the oil industry should be the number one priority rather than overlooking and manufacturing evidence.
As per the Senegalese Petroleum Code, BP’s acquisition of the blocks is well in line with the current tendering processes applied in Senegal. Prior to its acquisition of the Cayar Profond and St Louis Profond offshore concessions, BP conducted extensive and appropriate due diligences to ascertain the ownership and operation of the block. This was the same with Kosmos Energy.
Taking into consideration BP and Kosmos Energy’s strong compliance practices and adherence to the U.S Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K Anti-Bribery and Corruption Act, it is unthinkable that that either company would move ahead with the deals if there were any implication of wrong doing in the award of the licenses. Kosmos Energy conducted a very intensive due diligence, which it sent to the to the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission for vetting and no wrongdoing was found.
Finally, all due processes were adhered to and the initial award of the block was made prior to President Macky Sall being elected President, and all investigations conducted by various Senegalese regulators revealed that all transactions were above board.
“President Macky Sall has been a reformer and pushed through market-driven policies that have made the future of Senegal’s oil industry a bright one and people-centered one,” stated NJ Ayuk, CEO of Centurion Law Group and Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber.
“Senegal at this moment must not be deprived from the millions of jobs that its oil sector will bring to the country. These attacks are meant to slow investment into oil industry’s projects and investment into Senegal,” added Ayuk.
The Senegalese people should not be fooled and we need to move away from rhetoric to relevance, symbols to substance, populism and charisma to character that provide pragmatic common-sense solutions to many who expect more from Senegal’s ’s oil and gas sector. Senegal is lucky to have leadership that have a clear vision with an understanding of the success and mistakes of other African producers like Nigeria, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola and Congo among others.
Through their investments in the energy sector and the reforms by President Macky Sall, oil and gas production over the next 10 years would inject billions of dollars into the Senegalese economy and support more than 1 million jobs. In this regard, it is important that smart, pro-growth policies continue to be implemented to ensure growth.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Chamber.
Media Contact:
African Energy Chamber
Suite 24 Katherine & West 114 West Street
South Africa
Website: www.EnergyChamber.org
SA: +27 11 245 5900
Det var da voldsomt hvor prektig og feilfri oljeindustrien plutselig er blitt.
Oljeindustrien i Afrika har vel vært kjent for skandaler, for eks Shell sin økokatastrofe i det lutfattige Nigerdeltaet, og industrien er vel ikke viden kjent for rettskaffen utnyttelse av ressursene til beste for folket. Men dette har Senegal nå altså lært av, iflg dette innlegget. Det er jo positivt, hvis det stemmer.
At oljeindustrien vil gi millioner av arbeidsplasser i Senegal tror jeg ikke før jeg ser det.
Dette mlnner litt om pressemeldinger fra det WH, når Donald går løs på pressen. (The enemy of the people). Skal oljeindustrien ha en transparent politikk, slik de hevder de nå har, så bør de også kunne forstå hvordan pressen arbeider, og pressens mandat, og ikke bare komme med disse ensidige forsvars-tiradene. Flaut
Hva som egentlig skjedde får vi uansett aldri vite.
Oljeindustrien i Afrika har vel vært kjent for skandaler, for eks Shell sin økokatastrofe i det lutfattige Nigerdeltaet, og industrien er vel ikke viden kjent for rettskaffen utnyttelse av ressursene til beste for folket. Men dette har Senegal nå altså lært av, iflg dette innlegget. Det er jo positivt, hvis det stemmer.
At oljeindustrien vil gi millioner av arbeidsplasser i Senegal tror jeg ikke før jeg ser det.
Dette mlnner litt om pressemeldinger fra det WH, når Donald går løs på pressen. (The enemy of the people). Skal oljeindustrien ha en transparent politikk, slik de hevder de nå har, så bør de også kunne forstå hvordan pressen arbeider, og pressens mandat, og ikke bare komme med disse ensidige forsvars-tiradene. Flaut
Hva som egentlig skjedde får vi uansett aldri vite.
Redigert 17.06.2019 kl 23:43
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24.06.2019 kl 22:23
Da har "oljeskandalen" i Senegal fått sitt første "offer".
Senegal President's brother resigns after allegations of energy fraud
"DAKAR, June 24 (Reuters) - The brother of Senegal’s President Macky Sall has resigned from his government post after allegations of fraud relating to natural gas contracts, he said on Monday.
An investigation by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) this month alleged that a company run by Aliou Sall received a secret payment of $250,000 in 2014 from Frank Timis, a businessman whose company, Timis Corporation, that year secured licences to two major offshore gas blocks.
The affair has dominated the airwaves in Senegal, overshadowing the beginning of President Sall’s second term. Protesters have taken to the streets of the capital Dakar in recent weeks and the country’s top prosecutor has launched an investigation."
"Aliou Sall, who is mayor of a Dakar suburb, said he was resigning from his position in a body linked to the national treasury, but denied that he received a payment from Timis. In a statement he said the allegations were part of a campaign to “dehumanise” him and make him “public enemy number one”."
Senegal President's brother resigns after allegations of energy fraud
"DAKAR, June 24 (Reuters) - The brother of Senegal’s President Macky Sall has resigned from his government post after allegations of fraud relating to natural gas contracts, he said on Monday.
An investigation by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) this month alleged that a company run by Aliou Sall received a secret payment of $250,000 in 2014 from Frank Timis, a businessman whose company, Timis Corporation, that year secured licences to two major offshore gas blocks.
The affair has dominated the airwaves in Senegal, overshadowing the beginning of President Sall’s second term. Protesters have taken to the streets of the capital Dakar in recent weeks and the country’s top prosecutor has launched an investigation."
"Aliou Sall, who is mayor of a Dakar suburb, said he was resigning from his position in a body linked to the national treasury, but denied that he received a payment from Timis. In a statement he said the allegations were part of a campaign to “dehumanise” him and make him “public enemy number one”."
24.06.2019 kl 22:39
Hmm,hva med total og rop🙂??rimelig sikker på at noe skjedde på bakrommet der også.Og når det nå settes lys på avtaler på bakrommet,så vil kanskje senegal unngå enda mer dårlig publisitet rundt slikt🙂Så forlik på sosp og komme raskt videre,burde vel være av interesse!
24.06.2019 kl 22:44
Og syntes det er VELDIG rart at det er helt stille på ICSID fronten.Sakene i både Gambia og Senegal burde ha kommet videre.Så blir veldig spennende å se hva som skjer i etterkant av fusjonen,når den er i boks.Burde vel få en melding denne uka,da fyker vi over krona🙂Og da begynner endelig det nye kapittelet med petronor,og muligheten for mange gode meldinger!
12.07.2019 kl 00:43
Opposisjonen nekter å gi slipp på "oljeskandalen" og ønsker full gjennomgang av tildelede PSC's. Som tidligere antatt så er Thierno Sall, tidligere sparket oljeminister, med opposisjonen.
OPINION: Sall can sidestep strife in Senegal
"Doubt has been cast on documents backing the BBC's allegations, which Sall claims are without foundation and were inspired by those trying to destabilise Senegal.
The Petro-Tim deal was in any case signed by his predecessor, just not numbered and gazetted, but his opponents are still baying for blood.
Presidential aspirant Ousmane Sonko is now stirring unrest, joined by ex-energy minister Thierno Sall and former prime minister Abdoul Mbaye who wants Interior Minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye and Macky Sall himself tried for high treason."
"Protesters under the civil society platform Aar Li Nu Bokk have hit the streets, demanding an expert review of oil deals and vowing to keep up the pressure.
So will Sall cave in to Mbaye's demands and call for a review of all upstream contracts, triggering lawsuits from irate licencees? Not likely."
Senegal PSC deals under fire
"Street protests in the Senegal capital Dakar saw a resurgence at the weekend as activists echoed opposition calls for President Macky Sall to review production sharing contracts for offshore blocks that has seen farm-in deals from major players such Dallas-based Kosmos Energy, BP and Total, writes Barry Morgan."
"The government in Dakar has insisted that activists have simply misunderstood the way the industry works and that talk of billion-dollar losses to the exchequer and illegal payments is without foundation."
OPINION: Sall can sidestep strife in Senegal
"Doubt has been cast on documents backing the BBC's allegations, which Sall claims are without foundation and were inspired by those trying to destabilise Senegal.
The Petro-Tim deal was in any case signed by his predecessor, just not numbered and gazetted, but his opponents are still baying for blood.
Presidential aspirant Ousmane Sonko is now stirring unrest, joined by ex-energy minister Thierno Sall and former prime minister Abdoul Mbaye who wants Interior Minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye and Macky Sall himself tried for high treason."
"Protesters under the civil society platform Aar Li Nu Bokk have hit the streets, demanding an expert review of oil deals and vowing to keep up the pressure.
So will Sall cave in to Mbaye's demands and call for a review of all upstream contracts, triggering lawsuits from irate licencees? Not likely."
Senegal PSC deals under fire
"Street protests in the Senegal capital Dakar saw a resurgence at the weekend as activists echoed opposition calls for President Macky Sall to review production sharing contracts for offshore blocks that has seen farm-in deals from major players such Dallas-based Kosmos Energy, BP and Total, writes Barry Morgan."
"The government in Dakar has insisted that activists have simply misunderstood the way the industry works and that talk of billion-dollar losses to the exchequer and illegal payments is without foundation."
Redigert 12.07.2019 kl 00:49
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Hysterisk moro,,alle kontraktene APCL ikke eier lenger, til er et resultat av korrupsjon. Apcl har «kontorer» i boligblokk og fem tilknyttede personer.
Petronor liker korrupte lisenser
12.07.2019 kl 07:40
Kanskje greit at du leser de fulle artiklene og tråden før du uttaler deg. Tråden burde jo kanskje være et hint om at dette i utgangspunktet ikke gjelder våre lisenser?
Redigert 12.07.2019 kl 07:45
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12.07.2019 kl 13:25
Den gjennomgående linjen er at Sall står på sitt om at påstandene i BBC reportasjen er falske og at han neppe vil gi etter for opposisjonens press.
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