Precise Biometrics
Fortsatt for de som vil tjene penger :)
Penger på gaten etter Q2 og nye innsidekjøp etter rapport. 5 kr innen 3 mnd er innenfor rekkevidde!! 150% økning for de som vil være med :)
Beste turnaroundcase på børs!!
Penger på gaten etter Q2 og nye innsidekjøp etter rapport. 5 kr innen 3 mnd er innenfor rekkevidde!! 150% økning for de som vil være med :)
Beste turnaroundcase på børs!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:32
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2019 kl 11:05
Navle er med :-)
Har ingen intensjoner om å forlate PB. Jeg er opptatt med noen utbyggingsprosjekter som tar mye av tiden.
Er selvsagt inne og leser innleggene din med jevne mellomrom på sengekanten før jeg sovner når jeg klarer :-)
Jeg er positiv til fremtiden til PB og vår tolmodighet vil betale seg.
Mvh Navle
Har ingen intensjoner om å forlate PB. Jeg er opptatt med noen utbyggingsprosjekter som tar mye av tiden.
Er selvsagt inne og leser innleggene din med jevne mellomrom på sengekanten før jeg sovner når jeg klarer :-)
Jeg er positiv til fremtiden til PB og vår tolmodighet vil betale seg.
Mvh Navle
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2019 kl 13:21
Den er grei :)
Må si at jeg er skremt av innholdet på Hegnar når jeg ser at det utelukkende er energi, transport, fisk og olje som er gjengangeren i hva folk investerer.
Håper folk får opp øynene om hva som virkelig kommer til å skape verdier fremover i den verden vi lever i nå og følger litt med i andre medier enn det som skrives i finansavisen og E24. De store aktørene sitter å laster opp i stillhet mens den blinde og naive mannen i gaten lar seg manipulere av overskrifter og anbefalinger fra media og meglerhus. Snart kommer anbefalinger innenfor segmentet og fokuset skifter når de store er ferdig lastet.
Man kan jo undre seg over hvorfor det ikke er et eneste ord i Norsk media om biometri og sikkerhet når det faktisk er dette som er i fokus i resten av verden :)
Kanskje fordi Norge ikke har noen børsnoterte selskap innenfor segmentet??
Godt å høre at du er med fortsatt :)
Litt sengelektyre til i kveld:
Securing data with biometrics and the security of biometric data itself are the main themes for the week in digital identity, with hackers beginning to target biometric data and a lack of standards and regulation leading to uneven practices around the world. The concerns do not seem to be hindering continued growth in digital ID, payments, and airport adoption.
Hackers are targeting selfies and ID document photos with phishing campaigns in order to defeat increasingly robust biometric onboarding security processes, according to a report from Kaspersky. The success rate of these data theft attempts is not clear, nor is whether they have been leveraged to defeat KYC checks and open fraudulent accounts.
Morocco’s selection of Idemia to provide the new biometric e-ID cards for its national program was also among the top digital ID stories of the week. The cards will be used for online authentication for both government and commercial services.
Law enforcement agencies in Nigeria and Kenya are deploying biometrics to solve different problems; tracking sex offenders in the former case, reducing corruption in the latter, as our coverage of biometrics and digital ID in Africa shows increasing use of biometrics on the continent. Some deployments are creating attractive targets for hackers, however, Kaspersky warns.
Kaspersky is evidently keen to talk about the risk of biometric data compromise, as another of our top stories of the week presents a fake biometric wearable the cybersecurity company has developed in collaboration with a jewelry designer. The ring is not meant to be commercialized, however, but rather to highlight the need for secure-by-design systems such as its KasperskyOS, which it says will be immune to leaks and attacks.
The need for unique patient identifiers in challenging rural environments for critical healthcare services such as HIV treatment is well established, but inaccuracies continue to hold back programs. A new study of iris recognition for patient ID in Kenya indicates, albeit at a small scale, the improvements in data accuracy possible with biometric systems, providing reason for optimism.
The unfortunate apparent waste of $13 million spent on biometric kits for voter registration in Yemen earlier in the decade is one reason to be wary of advanced technology in development programs, but as Devex reports, concerns about data security and a lack of regulation are holding some NGOs back, even as others expand their use of the tech.
As in healthcare and other situations involving vulnerable populations, data security is particularly important when it comes to children, which is why CITeR takes such stringent methods to ensure the privacy of participants in its academic research to provide longitudinal data on the effectiveness of biometrics for young people, as the center’s Director Stephanie Schuckers explains in an interview.
Further on the theme of data security, hackers could take over smart TVs to commit mischief or cyberstalk people in their homes, the Oregon FBI is warning. The agency applies some consumer cybersecurity best-practices to the scenario to provide advice that should probably be heeded by many more people.
Used improperly, biometric do more to provide a false sense of security than actually protect data, Nalin Asanka Gamagedara Arachchilage, a senior research fellow at La Trobe University at the University of New South Wales, argues in a Nextgov editorial that is the case with smartphone biometrics, as used by most consumers. Smartphone biometrics are an opportunity to implement stronger passwords for higher-security applications, but many people are even aware that is an option, according to survey data.
NEC New Zealand Head of Public Safety Solutions Lynne Jeffery sets out the top five reasons for businesses to authenticate payments with biometrics in a widely-read Biometric Update guest post, and suggests that by 2020, facial recognition could be providing contactless authentication for credit card payments.
More than half of people in the UK would shift from passwords to biometric verification for online accounts, according to an Equifax survey, and representatives from the company and the FIDO Alliance pitched CNN on the need to go passwordless to preserve cybersecurity from the World Economic Forum Cybersecurity Summit.
The biometrics data collection and usage practices of 50 countries around the world are ranked by Comparitech, which finds China last, and the U.S. in unenviable company. In large part those low ranking are due to the DNA program China is running, and the use of facial recognition by DHS, respectively, and each seems to be expanding.
Goode Intelligence has highlighted its ten most influential identity organizations, based on the promotion of good ID ideals (go ahead and guess one right now). Watch out for our exclusive interview with Women in Identity Executive Director Emma Lindley, whose new group made the cut, next week.
The wave of biometric deployments in airports around the world also rolls on, with boarding gates in China expected to double over the next three years, and new announcements at Chicago, London, and Los Angeles airports, as well as in Singapore and Australia.
RealNetworks Vice President and General Manager of Computer Vision Dan Grimm spoke to Biometric Update about how SAFR is scaling up to provide casinos and crowded public spaces with newly-possible facial recognition and analytic capabilities, as well as how to ensure deployments of the technology are responsible.
The company’s Senior Director of Product Management Mike Vance says in a question-and-answer with Spaces4Learning basic access control concerns, rather than the high-profile incidents SAFR was mainly originally thought of for, are the main interest in the technology for primary schools.
Voice biometrics are shifting consumer interactions to the conversational engagement depicted in Star Trek, and acting as one layer in the authentication process that will enable real-time financial transactions, Enacomm CEO Michael Boukadakis writes in a guest post.
Chinese regulators have rolled out a ban on deepfakes, or fake news created with artificial intelligence, as part of a new set of rules governing video and audio content online, Thomson Reuters Foundation reports. The new Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) rules provide another example of the country taking a leadership position on AI.
A different kind of leadership in AI is shown by Microsoft, which is applying advanced technology including facial recognition to track the monkey population in India, so that it can help control a nuisance which causes not only property damage and headaches for many people, but also health and safety risks for people and monkeys alike, according to a company blog post.
Amazon Rekognition is among the AI and machine learning technologies that will be used to improve the health and safety of football players through a partnership between AWS and the NFL. The partners will develop a “Digital Athlete” platform to model injury scenarios and will work to improve the detection of concussions and other injuries.
Jumio CTO and Chief Data Scientist Labhesh Patel explains in an interview with IDG Connect why AI is both a tremendous opportunity for Jumio, but “also one of the most overhyped technologies out there.”
As always, please let us know in the comments below or through social media if there is a blog post, news item, or perspective you would like to share with the biometrics and digital identity communities.
Dette er aktørene som har lastet godt opp i stillhet forrige mnd:
Goldman Sachs International
Nordnet Bank AB
Barclays Bank Ireland Plc
SSW Market Making Gmbh
J.P. Morgan AG
Håper det smeller snart og at mannen i gaten for komme seg inn før oppgangen blir for stor! Aksjen er så oversolgt og undervurdert at jeg finner ikke ord! Innsidehandler, avtaler, kontrakter, nye ansatte, nye produkter, nye partnere, nye segmenter, kuttet kostnader på 10 mill, 100 mill i omsetning, alle kunder øker inntjening..
Anbefaler folk på det sterkeste å sette seg inn i dette caset!
Med en turnaround på 64%, penger på bok for videre drift og utvikling, så er det ingen behov for emisjon eller mer kapital heller.
Kontoret i shanghai har virkelig gitt avkastning og skaper en 24/7 drift + Svenskekronen er også på vår side.
Det jeg liker aller best med caset er samarbeidet med covr når det kommer til Youniq + samarbeidet med infinity optics. Spennende tider :)
Når dette faller sammen med Egistech, Samsung, Visa, Mastercard, Microsoft, Qualcomm og muligens nå Apple..
FPC har ennå ingen design vinn på Optiske sensorer og Egistech har fått det forspranget de trenger. PB er eneste leverandør på software for optiske sensorer og PB er eneste software med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard og er Fido2 sertifisert!
Sov godt :)
Må si at jeg er skremt av innholdet på Hegnar når jeg ser at det utelukkende er energi, transport, fisk og olje som er gjengangeren i hva folk investerer.
Håper folk får opp øynene om hva som virkelig kommer til å skape verdier fremover i den verden vi lever i nå og følger litt med i andre medier enn det som skrives i finansavisen og E24. De store aktørene sitter å laster opp i stillhet mens den blinde og naive mannen i gaten lar seg manipulere av overskrifter og anbefalinger fra media og meglerhus. Snart kommer anbefalinger innenfor segmentet og fokuset skifter når de store er ferdig lastet.
Man kan jo undre seg over hvorfor det ikke er et eneste ord i Norsk media om biometri og sikkerhet når det faktisk er dette som er i fokus i resten av verden :)
Kanskje fordi Norge ikke har noen børsnoterte selskap innenfor segmentet??
Godt å høre at du er med fortsatt :)
Litt sengelektyre til i kveld:
Securing data with biometrics and the security of biometric data itself are the main themes for the week in digital identity, with hackers beginning to target biometric data and a lack of standards and regulation leading to uneven practices around the world. The concerns do not seem to be hindering continued growth in digital ID, payments, and airport adoption.
Hackers are targeting selfies and ID document photos with phishing campaigns in order to defeat increasingly robust biometric onboarding security processes, according to a report from Kaspersky. The success rate of these data theft attempts is not clear, nor is whether they have been leveraged to defeat KYC checks and open fraudulent accounts.
Morocco’s selection of Idemia to provide the new biometric e-ID cards for its national program was also among the top digital ID stories of the week. The cards will be used for online authentication for both government and commercial services.
Law enforcement agencies in Nigeria and Kenya are deploying biometrics to solve different problems; tracking sex offenders in the former case, reducing corruption in the latter, as our coverage of biometrics and digital ID in Africa shows increasing use of biometrics on the continent. Some deployments are creating attractive targets for hackers, however, Kaspersky warns.
Kaspersky is evidently keen to talk about the risk of biometric data compromise, as another of our top stories of the week presents a fake biometric wearable the cybersecurity company has developed in collaboration with a jewelry designer. The ring is not meant to be commercialized, however, but rather to highlight the need for secure-by-design systems such as its KasperskyOS, which it says will be immune to leaks and attacks.
The need for unique patient identifiers in challenging rural environments for critical healthcare services such as HIV treatment is well established, but inaccuracies continue to hold back programs. A new study of iris recognition for patient ID in Kenya indicates, albeit at a small scale, the improvements in data accuracy possible with biometric systems, providing reason for optimism.
The unfortunate apparent waste of $13 million spent on biometric kits for voter registration in Yemen earlier in the decade is one reason to be wary of advanced technology in development programs, but as Devex reports, concerns about data security and a lack of regulation are holding some NGOs back, even as others expand their use of the tech.
As in healthcare and other situations involving vulnerable populations, data security is particularly important when it comes to children, which is why CITeR takes such stringent methods to ensure the privacy of participants in its academic research to provide longitudinal data on the effectiveness of biometrics for young people, as the center’s Director Stephanie Schuckers explains in an interview.
Further on the theme of data security, hackers could take over smart TVs to commit mischief or cyberstalk people in their homes, the Oregon FBI is warning. The agency applies some consumer cybersecurity best-practices to the scenario to provide advice that should probably be heeded by many more people.
Used improperly, biometric do more to provide a false sense of security than actually protect data, Nalin Asanka Gamagedara Arachchilage, a senior research fellow at La Trobe University at the University of New South Wales, argues in a Nextgov editorial that is the case with smartphone biometrics, as used by most consumers. Smartphone biometrics are an opportunity to implement stronger passwords for higher-security applications, but many people are even aware that is an option, according to survey data.
NEC New Zealand Head of Public Safety Solutions Lynne Jeffery sets out the top five reasons for businesses to authenticate payments with biometrics in a widely-read Biometric Update guest post, and suggests that by 2020, facial recognition could be providing contactless authentication for credit card payments.
More than half of people in the UK would shift from passwords to biometric verification for online accounts, according to an Equifax survey, and representatives from the company and the FIDO Alliance pitched CNN on the need to go passwordless to preserve cybersecurity from the World Economic Forum Cybersecurity Summit.
The biometrics data collection and usage practices of 50 countries around the world are ranked by Comparitech, which finds China last, and the U.S. in unenviable company. In large part those low ranking are due to the DNA program China is running, and the use of facial recognition by DHS, respectively, and each seems to be expanding.
Goode Intelligence has highlighted its ten most influential identity organizations, based on the promotion of good ID ideals (go ahead and guess one right now). Watch out for our exclusive interview with Women in Identity Executive Director Emma Lindley, whose new group made the cut, next week.
The wave of biometric deployments in airports around the world also rolls on, with boarding gates in China expected to double over the next three years, and new announcements at Chicago, London, and Los Angeles airports, as well as in Singapore and Australia.
RealNetworks Vice President and General Manager of Computer Vision Dan Grimm spoke to Biometric Update about how SAFR is scaling up to provide casinos and crowded public spaces with newly-possible facial recognition and analytic capabilities, as well as how to ensure deployments of the technology are responsible.
The company’s Senior Director of Product Management Mike Vance says in a question-and-answer with Spaces4Learning basic access control concerns, rather than the high-profile incidents SAFR was mainly originally thought of for, are the main interest in the technology for primary schools.
Voice biometrics are shifting consumer interactions to the conversational engagement depicted in Star Trek, and acting as one layer in the authentication process that will enable real-time financial transactions, Enacomm CEO Michael Boukadakis writes in a guest post.
Chinese regulators have rolled out a ban on deepfakes, or fake news created with artificial intelligence, as part of a new set of rules governing video and audio content online, Thomson Reuters Foundation reports. The new Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) rules provide another example of the country taking a leadership position on AI.
A different kind of leadership in AI is shown by Microsoft, which is applying advanced technology including facial recognition to track the monkey population in India, so that it can help control a nuisance which causes not only property damage and headaches for many people, but also health and safety risks for people and monkeys alike, according to a company blog post.
Amazon Rekognition is among the AI and machine learning technologies that will be used to improve the health and safety of football players through a partnership between AWS and the NFL. The partners will develop a “Digital Athlete” platform to model injury scenarios and will work to improve the detection of concussions and other injuries.
Jumio CTO and Chief Data Scientist Labhesh Patel explains in an interview with IDG Connect why AI is both a tremendous opportunity for Jumio, but “also one of the most overhyped technologies out there.”
As always, please let us know in the comments below or through social media if there is a blog post, news item, or perspective you would like to share with the biometrics and digital identity communities.
Dette er aktørene som har lastet godt opp i stillhet forrige mnd:
Goldman Sachs International
Nordnet Bank AB
Barclays Bank Ireland Plc
SSW Market Making Gmbh
J.P. Morgan AG
Håper det smeller snart og at mannen i gaten for komme seg inn før oppgangen blir for stor! Aksjen er så oversolgt og undervurdert at jeg finner ikke ord! Innsidehandler, avtaler, kontrakter, nye ansatte, nye produkter, nye partnere, nye segmenter, kuttet kostnader på 10 mill, 100 mill i omsetning, alle kunder øker inntjening..
Anbefaler folk på det sterkeste å sette seg inn i dette caset!
Med en turnaround på 64%, penger på bok for videre drift og utvikling, så er det ingen behov for emisjon eller mer kapital heller.
Kontoret i shanghai har virkelig gitt avkastning og skaper en 24/7 drift + Svenskekronen er også på vår side.
Det jeg liker aller best med caset er samarbeidet med covr når det kommer til Youniq + samarbeidet med infinity optics. Spennende tider :)
Når dette faller sammen med Egistech, Samsung, Visa, Mastercard, Microsoft, Qualcomm og muligens nå Apple..
FPC har ennå ingen design vinn på Optiske sensorer og Egistech har fått det forspranget de trenger. PB er eneste leverandør på software for optiske sensorer og PB er eneste software med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard og er Fido2 sertifisert!
Sov godt :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2019 kl 16:34
Høy aktivitet på diverse twitter kontoer om Precise biometrics de siste dagene :)
Har lagt inn linker som bekrefter kontrakter og samarbeid.
Det kommer nok et PM fra selskapet ila uken :)
T-Shape module from #FPC and software from #precisebiometrics now being integrated into all top five payment smartcard supplayers globally. Valid is an strong player in the US and Latin Americas regions. #smartcards 👍😊
One of the first smartphones to take advantage of T-Mobile’s 5G network is now hitting the market, and it features an in-display fingerprint sensor from Goodix.
The device in question is the OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren Edition, which is one of only two smartphones that are currently compatible with T-Mobile’s nationwide 5G network, the other being Samsung’s Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G. That device also features an in-display fingerprint sensor, though Goodix isn’t the supplier of the biometric tech in that case.
NOTE: Goodix isn’t the supplier of the biometric tech in that case!!!
Santafe Chinese model of Hyundai motor with Egistech fingerprint sensor, AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive semiconductor reliability test. The fingerprint sensor is applied to the start button and the door handle.
“Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances.”
Precise Biometrics Software Featured in Forthcoming Hyundai Car
Precise Biometrics is playing an important role in one of the more high-profile examples of biometric innovation in the automotive industry. The company has revealed that its fingerprint algorithm software is going to be used in a forthcoming Hyundai car.
Precise Biometrics didn’t specify which car models would use its technology in announcing the project, but presumably it’s referring to one of the forthcoming 2019 Santa Fe models; Hyundai revealed toward the end of last year that it was planning to incorporate fingerprint recognition technology into the door lock and ignition of one of these models, and in announcing its involvement Precise Biometrics indicated that its technology would be used in a system that will “allow drivers to unlock the door and start the engine using their fingerprint.”
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
In any case, the integration is a positive sign for Precise Biometrics as it continues its efforts to expand its business activities beyond a volatile mobile sector. It’s also a further indication of the increasing convergence of biometric and automotive technologies as a growing number of vehicle and automotive components makers seek a competitive edge with biometric recognition and authentication systems.
Covr Security has been EMV-certified by EMVCo for secure payment transactions.
It will open more possibilities for business partners in the payment and banking sector.
#emvcertified #securepayments #VISA #mastercard
Xiaomi #Mi10 - Snapdragon 865 5G chipset
#RedmiK30 - Snapdragon 765G 5G chipset
“While the ultrasonic scanning is enabled by the sensor hardware, their biometric matching is the product of Precise Biometrics’ flagship software platform, Precise BioMatch Mobile.”
Precise Biometrics algorithm software is being used in Qualcomm’s new ultrasonic fingerprint sensors, the company has revealed.
Sjekk her:
Dette vil si at Qualcomm nå er sikret 5 G nettet for Apple frem til 2025!!!!!
Det som også er interessant er at i siste Q3 rapport nevnes dette:
Continued strong collaborations with actors such as Qualcomm
and several sensor partners in Asia
Nå må det smelle godt i snerken Mr. Navle :)
Har lagt inn linker som bekrefter kontrakter og samarbeid.
Det kommer nok et PM fra selskapet ila uken :)
T-Shape module from #FPC and software from #precisebiometrics now being integrated into all top five payment smartcard supplayers globally. Valid is an strong player in the US and Latin Americas regions. #smartcards 👍😊
One of the first smartphones to take advantage of T-Mobile’s 5G network is now hitting the market, and it features an in-display fingerprint sensor from Goodix.
The device in question is the OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren Edition, which is one of only two smartphones that are currently compatible with T-Mobile’s nationwide 5G network, the other being Samsung’s Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G. That device also features an in-display fingerprint sensor, though Goodix isn’t the supplier of the biometric tech in that case.
NOTE: Goodix isn’t the supplier of the biometric tech in that case!!!
Santafe Chinese model of Hyundai motor with Egistech fingerprint sensor, AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive semiconductor reliability test. The fingerprint sensor is applied to the start button and the door handle.
“Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances.”
Precise Biometrics Software Featured in Forthcoming Hyundai Car
Precise Biometrics is playing an important role in one of the more high-profile examples of biometric innovation in the automotive industry. The company has revealed that its fingerprint algorithm software is going to be used in a forthcoming Hyundai car.
Precise Biometrics didn’t specify which car models would use its technology in announcing the project, but presumably it’s referring to one of the forthcoming 2019 Santa Fe models; Hyundai revealed toward the end of last year that it was planning to incorporate fingerprint recognition technology into the door lock and ignition of one of these models, and in announcing its involvement Precise Biometrics indicated that its technology would be used in a system that will “allow drivers to unlock the door and start the engine using their fingerprint.”
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
In any case, the integration is a positive sign for Precise Biometrics as it continues its efforts to expand its business activities beyond a volatile mobile sector. It’s also a further indication of the increasing convergence of biometric and automotive technologies as a growing number of vehicle and automotive components makers seek a competitive edge with biometric recognition and authentication systems.
Covr Security has been EMV-certified by EMVCo for secure payment transactions.
It will open more possibilities for business partners in the payment and banking sector.
#emvcertified #securepayments #VISA #mastercard
Xiaomi #Mi10 - Snapdragon 865 5G chipset
#RedmiK30 - Snapdragon 765G 5G chipset
“While the ultrasonic scanning is enabled by the sensor hardware, their biometric matching is the product of Precise Biometrics’ flagship software platform, Precise BioMatch Mobile.”
Precise Biometrics algorithm software is being used in Qualcomm’s new ultrasonic fingerprint sensors, the company has revealed.
Sjekk her:
Dette vil si at Qualcomm nå er sikret 5 G nettet for Apple frem til 2025!!!!!
Det som også er interessant er at i siste Q3 rapport nevnes dette:
Continued strong collaborations with actors such as Qualcomm
and several sensor partners in Asia
Nå må det smelle godt i snerken Mr. Navle :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2019 kl 17:02
Nå renner det snart over av gode nyheter her :)
Nå selges den gjennom IKEA også!!! Salget startet i Desember!!!
Første gang i historien at IKEA jobber sammen med et Kinesisk selskap!!
Selges også nå på ALI, AMAZON, PINTEREST og WISH +++++++
At the same time, Xiaomi and IKEA reached a strategic cooperation. IKEA’s full line of smart lighting products will be connected to the Xiaomi IoT platform in December, supporting the voice control of Mijia App and Xiao AI. This is the first time IKEA has cooperated with Chinese technology companies.
In addition, as said, the manufacturer announced a new smart home product – the Mijia Smart Door Lock, which comes with a variety of unlocking methods and Mijia app linkage.
Biometric software from Precise Biometrics is being used in a new door lock from Xiaomi. Called the Xiaomi Mijia Smart Door Lock, the device features Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm software.
Ikke småtteri dette heller :)
Nå selges den gjennom IKEA også!!! Salget startet i Desember!!!
Første gang i historien at IKEA jobber sammen med et Kinesisk selskap!!
Selges også nå på ALI, AMAZON, PINTEREST og WISH +++++++
At the same time, Xiaomi and IKEA reached a strategic cooperation. IKEA’s full line of smart lighting products will be connected to the Xiaomi IoT platform in December, supporting the voice control of Mijia App and Xiao AI. This is the first time IKEA has cooperated with Chinese technology companies.
In addition, as said, the manufacturer announced a new smart home product – the Mijia Smart Door Lock, which comes with a variety of unlocking methods and Mijia app linkage.
Biometric software from Precise Biometrics is being used in a new door lock from Xiaomi. Called the Xiaomi Mijia Smart Door Lock, the device features Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm software.
Ikke småtteri dette heller :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2019 kl 18:26
Wholy shit!!! Nyhetene tar ingen ende :) Ser ut som vi er med i siste VIVO
Vivo to Be First Smartphone Maker With Synaptics‘ In-Display Fingerprint Sensor: Report
Written by Robert Smith × December 6, 2019
Just the mass production of its in-display fingerprint sensor with one of the “top-five” smartphone vendors, it has now been revealed that Vivo is working with the company to build the advanced experience on a mass level. Vivo had to showcase an under-display fingerprint sensor meant for its future smartphones.
Analyst Patrick Moorhead got a chance to experience a pre-production Vivo smartphone equipped with a Synaptics‘ in-display fingerprint sensor called Clear ID. In a Forbes report, Moorhead the experience was “fast and simple” – the technology unlocked the screen after touching a fingerprint image illuminated at the bottom of the display. Synaptics claims that its in-house technology is as faster alternative biometrics such as 3D facial recognition like Apple‘s Face ID and is highly secured.
Moorhead states that enabling in-display fingerprint sensors on smartphones so far has been a manufacturability issue. But Synaptics highlights that as many as 70 million units of in-display sensors will be out on the market in 2018, as the analyst mentioned. The ultimate advantage of opting for in-display sensors would be the let manufacturers bring more full-screen smartphones in the coming future, complete with the ease of a front-facing fingerprint sensor. Manufacturers like Apple are instead going with fingerprint sensor, while others like Samsung and OnePlus have moved it to the back of the smartphone – not the most convenient location.
Vivo is indeed a “top five” smartphone OEM, at least, , the company comes after Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Oppo, and Xiaomi, in terms of shipment results in the third quarter of 2017. However, the company has some historical records of bringing new innovations. The sister concern of Vivo – Oppo, which is owned by BBK Electronics – previously disrupted the smartphone market with its . OnePlus, which is also run by the same owner, is said to have customised Oppo‘s technology and brought Dash Charge that is than what on the LG V30, iPhone X, and Google Pixel 2.
At MWC Shanghai 2017 in June, Qualcomm also announced its native under-display fingerprint sensor that . It is unclear whether Vivo will continue its partnership with the San Diego, California-based chipmaker as Synaptics‘ technology is offering a similar and seemingly faster solution. However, other smartphone vendors would pick the Qualcomm offering as well to start providing in-display fingerprint scanning experiences on their future devices.
Precise Biometrics fingerprint algorithm supports Synaptics’ touch fingerprint sensors.
The update comes in the format of a Q&A with the company’s Customer Program Manager, Matthew Bai, posted on Precise Biometrics’ blog. Bai has been leading the organization of Precise Biometrics’ Shanghai office over the past several months, and asserts in the post that from his position in proximity to the China market, he is “particularly excited about the new developments and growing trend towards optical sensors”, a trend that was also highlighted in Precise Biometrics’ Annual Report earlier this year.
Ja,ja.. Nå får det være nok nettsøk og heller vente i spenning :)
Fortsatt god helg!!
Vivo to Be First Smartphone Maker With Synaptics‘ In-Display Fingerprint Sensor: Report
Written by Robert Smith × December 6, 2019
Just the mass production of its in-display fingerprint sensor with one of the “top-five” smartphone vendors, it has now been revealed that Vivo is working with the company to build the advanced experience on a mass level. Vivo had to showcase an under-display fingerprint sensor meant for its future smartphones.
Analyst Patrick Moorhead got a chance to experience a pre-production Vivo smartphone equipped with a Synaptics‘ in-display fingerprint sensor called Clear ID. In a Forbes report, Moorhead the experience was “fast and simple” – the technology unlocked the screen after touching a fingerprint image illuminated at the bottom of the display. Synaptics claims that its in-house technology is as faster alternative biometrics such as 3D facial recognition like Apple‘s Face ID and is highly secured.
Moorhead states that enabling in-display fingerprint sensors on smartphones so far has been a manufacturability issue. But Synaptics highlights that as many as 70 million units of in-display sensors will be out on the market in 2018, as the analyst mentioned. The ultimate advantage of opting for in-display sensors would be the let manufacturers bring more full-screen smartphones in the coming future, complete with the ease of a front-facing fingerprint sensor. Manufacturers like Apple are instead going with fingerprint sensor, while others like Samsung and OnePlus have moved it to the back of the smartphone – not the most convenient location.
Vivo is indeed a “top five” smartphone OEM, at least, , the company comes after Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Oppo, and Xiaomi, in terms of shipment results in the third quarter of 2017. However, the company has some historical records of bringing new innovations. The sister concern of Vivo – Oppo, which is owned by BBK Electronics – previously disrupted the smartphone market with its . OnePlus, which is also run by the same owner, is said to have customised Oppo‘s technology and brought Dash Charge that is than what on the LG V30, iPhone X, and Google Pixel 2.
At MWC Shanghai 2017 in June, Qualcomm also announced its native under-display fingerprint sensor that . It is unclear whether Vivo will continue its partnership with the San Diego, California-based chipmaker as Synaptics‘ technology is offering a similar and seemingly faster solution. However, other smartphone vendors would pick the Qualcomm offering as well to start providing in-display fingerprint scanning experiences on their future devices.
Precise Biometrics fingerprint algorithm supports Synaptics’ touch fingerprint sensors.
The update comes in the format of a Q&A with the company’s Customer Program Manager, Matthew Bai, posted on Precise Biometrics’ blog. Bai has been leading the organization of Precise Biometrics’ Shanghai office over the past several months, and asserts in the post that from his position in proximity to the China market, he is “particularly excited about the new developments and growing trend towards optical sensors”, a trend that was also highlighted in Precise Biometrics’ Annual Report earlier this year.
Ja,ja.. Nå får det være nok nettsøk og heller vente i spenning :)
Fortsatt god helg!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
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07.12.2019 kl 22:22
Spennende :)
En annan intressant parameter i bedömningen av Precise Biometrics-aktien är vad
bolagets patent är värda. Precise Biometrics lutar sig mot smalsensor-patentet,
som går tillbaka till 1999. Patentet täcker i princip in hela identifieringsprocessen
för fingeravtryck. Totalt har Precise Biometrics omkring hundra olika patent i sin
portfölj men nyckeln är fortfarande patentet för små sensorer och omkringliggande
patent som tagits ut efter detta. Flera aktörer som exempelvis Apple, Samsung och
Fingerprint Cards kan ha gjort sig skyldiga till patentintrång genom utveckling av
egna algoritmer. PB har hittills valt en mycket försiktig väg i patentfrågan.
Tenker dette kan være et godt grunnlag for samarbeid eller så blir det vel et massivt søksmål :)
En annan intressant parameter i bedömningen av Precise Biometrics-aktien är vad
bolagets patent är värda. Precise Biometrics lutar sig mot smalsensor-patentet,
som går tillbaka till 1999. Patentet täcker i princip in hela identifieringsprocessen
för fingeravtryck. Totalt har Precise Biometrics omkring hundra olika patent i sin
portfölj men nyckeln är fortfarande patentet för små sensorer och omkringliggande
patent som tagits ut efter detta. Flera aktörer som exempelvis Apple, Samsung och
Fingerprint Cards kan ha gjort sig skyldiga till patentintrång genom utveckling av
egna algoritmer. PB har hittills valt en mycket försiktig väg i patentfrågan.
Tenker dette kan være et godt grunnlag for samarbeid eller så blir det vel et massivt søksmål :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
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09.12.2019 kl 14:13
En ny deilig twitter melding fra sjefen sjøl :)
First real YOUNiQ installation will happen in January
First real YOUNiQ installation will happen in January
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
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09.12.2019 kl 17:54
FIDO Alliance talks 2019 achievements and biometrics adoption in new report
Dec 9, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Access Control | Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
FIDO Alliance talks 2019 achievements and biometrics adoption in new report
FIDO Authentication with biometrics or physical tokens for strong, seamless web logins is ready to be deployed on billions of consumer devices around the world, FIDO Alliance says in its 2019 report released last week.
In 2019, FIDO partnered with platforms and web browsers to support FIDO Authentication, which allows websites to use FIDO-based logins through an API on consumer devices.
Some of the organization’s notable achievements for 2019 include the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) specification being accepted as an official web standard, making the option to log in to web services and apps with biometrics, mobile devices, or FIDO security keys an official W3C web standard. Other top highlights of 2019 include generally available FIDO2 browser support for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox , Apple Safari and Opera, FIDO2 certification for Windows Hello which allows Windows 10 users to access their devices through Windows Hello biometrics or PINs, and FIDO2 certification for Google’s Android 7.0+ platform.
“We know that realizing the FIDO Alliance’s mission to move the world beyond the password ‘shared secret’ model of authentication requires making FIDO a ubiquitous feature across all of the devices, operating systems and browsers we use every day. Given the platform enablement progress of this year, we are well on our way to that ubiquity,” said Andrew Shikiar, executive director and chief marketing officer of the FIDO Alliance. “Never before have service providers and developers had the ability to enable convenient, cryptographically secure authentication to a user base this broad. Service providers are now taking advantage of these new capabilities on a global scale.”
A growing number of service providers rolled out in 2019 FIDO Authentication across mobile and web. Some noteworthy achievements include FIDO passwordless authentication for Intuit mobile apps, which allegedly reduced sign-in time by 78 percent when compared with SMS-based multi-factor authentication and registered a 99.9 percent authentication success rate , FIDO paswordless sign-in for Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory, NTT DOCOMO introduced ‘d Account’ passwordless authentication which lets users use FIDO biometric authentication instead of password logins, the General Services Administration (GSA) introduced FIDO authentication for, the National Health Service in the United Kingdom released two pieces of open source code that developers can use to add biometric security for app login, such as facial or fingerprint recognition, Google rolled out biometric authentication for some services on Android devices leveraging FIDO2 standards, FIDO CTAP, and WebAuthn, and Line Pay was the first mobile payment app to support FIDO2.
In June, FIDO Alliance announced new standards and certification initiatives to automate secure IoT device onboarding without passwords, and to strengthen identity verification and binding. The organization also formed two new working groups the Identity Verification and Binding Working Group (IDWG) and the IoT Technical Working Group (IoT TWG) responsible with guidelines and certification criteria.
FIDO Alliance added new members in 2019 including AdNovum Informatik AG, FIME SAS, the government of Thailand, IBM, IDNow, Imagination Technologies, Intuit, Jumio Corporation, the Mitre Corporation, Phoenix Technologies, Ping Identity, and Secure Identity.
In 2020, the FIDO Alliance plans to introduce a new conference called Authenticate, which will take place in June in Seattle.
For de av dere som ikke vet hva dette betyr for Precise Biometrics.... SJEKK!!!
eWBM recently made headlines when the company’s Goldengate 500 Security Key became the first USB device to achieve FIDO2 Level 2 Authenticator Security Certification. Now Precise Biometrics has given us a look beneath the surface, announcing that eWBM licensed the Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm for the Goldengate 500.
According to Precise, the deal will not have a significant financial impact for the company, although it does mean that Precise tech is powering the FIDO Alliance’s first L2-certified device. That’s obviously a major milestone for Precise and eWBM, even if it doesn’t make much of an impact during Precise’s upcoming Annual General Meeting in May.
The Goldengate 500 offers password-free authentication, and is designed to guard against phishing, account takeovers, and other malware attacks. Precise’s fingerprint algorithm is an essential piece of the puzzle that powers the device’s biometric capabilities.
Much of Precise’s business is focused on the biometric cards market, but the company hopes to expand its multi-modal portfolio in the coming years, and has already provided a software solution for a new Hyundai car. For its part, eWBM has been a staunch supporter of FIDO2 as a post-password initiative, and recently joined the Board of Directors of the FIDO Alliance.
Tikk Takk :)
FIDO Alliance talks 2019 achievements and biometrics adoption in new report
Dec 9, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Access Control | Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
FIDO Alliance talks 2019 achievements and biometrics adoption in new report
FIDO Authentication with biometrics or physical tokens for strong, seamless web logins is ready to be deployed on billions of consumer devices around the world, FIDO Alliance says in its 2019 report released last week.
In 2019, FIDO partnered with platforms and web browsers to support FIDO Authentication, which allows websites to use FIDO-based logins through an API on consumer devices.
Some of the organization’s notable achievements for 2019 include the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) specification being accepted as an official web standard, making the option to log in to web services and apps with biometrics, mobile devices, or FIDO security keys an official W3C web standard. Other top highlights of 2019 include generally available FIDO2 browser support for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox , Apple Safari and Opera, FIDO2 certification for Windows Hello which allows Windows 10 users to access their devices through Windows Hello biometrics or PINs, and FIDO2 certification for Google’s Android 7.0+ platform.
“We know that realizing the FIDO Alliance’s mission to move the world beyond the password ‘shared secret’ model of authentication requires making FIDO a ubiquitous feature across all of the devices, operating systems and browsers we use every day. Given the platform enablement progress of this year, we are well on our way to that ubiquity,” said Andrew Shikiar, executive director and chief marketing officer of the FIDO Alliance. “Never before have service providers and developers had the ability to enable convenient, cryptographically secure authentication to a user base this broad. Service providers are now taking advantage of these new capabilities on a global scale.”
A growing number of service providers rolled out in 2019 FIDO Authentication across mobile and web. Some noteworthy achievements include FIDO passwordless authentication for Intuit mobile apps, which allegedly reduced sign-in time by 78 percent when compared with SMS-based multi-factor authentication and registered a 99.9 percent authentication success rate , FIDO paswordless sign-in for Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory, NTT DOCOMO introduced ‘d Account’ passwordless authentication which lets users use FIDO biometric authentication instead of password logins, the General Services Administration (GSA) introduced FIDO authentication for, the National Health Service in the United Kingdom released two pieces of open source code that developers can use to add biometric security for app login, such as facial or fingerprint recognition, Google rolled out biometric authentication for some services on Android devices leveraging FIDO2 standards, FIDO CTAP, and WebAuthn, and Line Pay was the first mobile payment app to support FIDO2.
In June, FIDO Alliance announced new standards and certification initiatives to automate secure IoT device onboarding without passwords, and to strengthen identity verification and binding. The organization also formed two new working groups the Identity Verification and Binding Working Group (IDWG) and the IoT Technical Working Group (IoT TWG) responsible with guidelines and certification criteria.
FIDO Alliance added new members in 2019 including AdNovum Informatik AG, FIME SAS, the government of Thailand, IBM, IDNow, Imagination Technologies, Intuit, Jumio Corporation, the Mitre Corporation, Phoenix Technologies, Ping Identity, and Secure Identity.
In 2020, the FIDO Alliance plans to introduce a new conference called Authenticate, which will take place in June in Seattle.
For de av dere som ikke vet hva dette betyr for Precise Biometrics.... SJEKK!!!
eWBM recently made headlines when the company’s Goldengate 500 Security Key became the first USB device to achieve FIDO2 Level 2 Authenticator Security Certification. Now Precise Biometrics has given us a look beneath the surface, announcing that eWBM licensed the Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm for the Goldengate 500.
According to Precise, the deal will not have a significant financial impact for the company, although it does mean that Precise tech is powering the FIDO Alliance’s first L2-certified device. That’s obviously a major milestone for Precise and eWBM, even if it doesn’t make much of an impact during Precise’s upcoming Annual General Meeting in May.
The Goldengate 500 offers password-free authentication, and is designed to guard against phishing, account takeovers, and other malware attacks. Precise’s fingerprint algorithm is an essential piece of the puzzle that powers the device’s biometric capabilities.
Much of Precise’s business is focused on the biometric cards market, but the company hopes to expand its multi-modal portfolio in the coming years, and has already provided a software solution for a new Hyundai car. For its part, eWBM has been a staunch supporter of FIDO2 as a post-password initiative, and recently joined the Board of Directors of the FIDO Alliance.
Tikk Takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:35
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10.12.2019 kl 16:54
Det bare fortsetter og fortsetter 😊😍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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11.12.2019 kl 12:40
Egis has started shipping to the second mainland customer, and the overall optical fingerprint recognition IC business received more models in the second half than in the first half.
06:52/11 december 2019 Precise Biometrics Initiera täckning
Läs mer om
Ledande utvecklare av biometriska programvara algoritmer
skalbar verksamhet, förväntar vi oss en återgång till vinsten i " 21e
" 19e EV/Sales 7X, " 19e-" 23e cagr av 14,7%
lång historia av R & D med tillväxtutsikter
Precise Biometrics är en mjukvaruutvecklare med mer än 20 års erfarenhet av att tillhandahålla biometriska algoritmlösningar för mobila enheter. Företaget leder den tekniska utvecklingen av fingeravtrycksmjukvara specialiserad för sensorteknik. Den egna kunskapen har banat väg för att tillämpa programvaran på ny teknik som mobil in-display sensorer och biometriska smartkort. Det har också lett till ytterligare mjukvarulösningar för skapandet av en digital identitet (med hjälp av ansikts-, iris-, röst-och geografiska igenkänningssystem, som vi tror är inställda på att ersätta behovet av nycklar, kort och lösenord).
Brytpunkt inställt på att driva volymer och lönsamhet
vi tror att Precise målmarknad har nått en brytpunkt. Segmentet för mobila enheter förändras, med kapacitiva fingeravtryckssensorer som ersätts av förbättrade optiska sensorer och ultraljud (som ger bättre lönsamhet för exakt precision). Samtidigt kommer biometriska smarta kort att börja tränga in i Smart Card-marknaden i " 20e, i samband med kommersialiseringen av Digital Identity-segmentet, som båda erbjuder nya intäktskällor för exakt. Som sådan, vi uppskattar att Precise kommer att kunna växa sin högsta linje med en CAGR på 14,7% från " 19e till " 23e och förvandla en vinst i " 21e med en EBIT-marginal på 12,6%, tillsammans med en FCF marginal på 8,4%. På grund av våra uppskattningar bör Precise " s " 19e nettokassa position om cirka 60 Mkr vara tillräcklig för att finansiera företaget tills positivt kassaflöde uppnås i " 21e, och därför beräknar vi att ytterligare extern finansiering inte kommer att behövas.
EV/försäljning 7,2 x-3,9 x för " 19e-" 23e, premie jämfört med jämnåriga
i fråga om värdering, finner vi att Precise handlas på en EV/försäljning av 7,2 x-3,9 x för " 19e-" 23e baserat på våra uppskattningar, som utgör en premie jämfört med både våra peer-grupper (som bygger på FactSet konsensus). Vi utforskar också tre DCF scenarier med en WACC på 12,8%, men med olika försäljning, EBIT och FCF antaganden. Se sidan 35 för mer information om värdering.
Egis has started shipping to the second mainland customer, and the overall optical fingerprint recognition IC business received more models in the second half than in the first half.
06:52/11 december 2019 Precise Biometrics Initiera täckning
Läs mer om
Ledande utvecklare av biometriska programvara algoritmer
skalbar verksamhet, förväntar vi oss en återgång till vinsten i " 21e
" 19e EV/Sales 7X, " 19e-" 23e cagr av 14,7%
lång historia av R & D med tillväxtutsikter
Precise Biometrics är en mjukvaruutvecklare med mer än 20 års erfarenhet av att tillhandahålla biometriska algoritmlösningar för mobila enheter. Företaget leder den tekniska utvecklingen av fingeravtrycksmjukvara specialiserad för sensorteknik. Den egna kunskapen har banat väg för att tillämpa programvaran på ny teknik som mobil in-display sensorer och biometriska smartkort. Det har också lett till ytterligare mjukvarulösningar för skapandet av en digital identitet (med hjälp av ansikts-, iris-, röst-och geografiska igenkänningssystem, som vi tror är inställda på att ersätta behovet av nycklar, kort och lösenord).
Brytpunkt inställt på att driva volymer och lönsamhet
vi tror att Precise målmarknad har nått en brytpunkt. Segmentet för mobila enheter förändras, med kapacitiva fingeravtryckssensorer som ersätts av förbättrade optiska sensorer och ultraljud (som ger bättre lönsamhet för exakt precision). Samtidigt kommer biometriska smarta kort att börja tränga in i Smart Card-marknaden i " 20e, i samband med kommersialiseringen av Digital Identity-segmentet, som båda erbjuder nya intäktskällor för exakt. Som sådan, vi uppskattar att Precise kommer att kunna växa sin högsta linje med en CAGR på 14,7% från " 19e till " 23e och förvandla en vinst i " 21e med en EBIT-marginal på 12,6%, tillsammans med en FCF marginal på 8,4%. På grund av våra uppskattningar bör Precise " s " 19e nettokassa position om cirka 60 Mkr vara tillräcklig för att finansiera företaget tills positivt kassaflöde uppnås i " 21e, och därför beräknar vi att ytterligare extern finansiering inte kommer att behövas.
EV/försäljning 7,2 x-3,9 x för " 19e-" 23e, premie jämfört med jämnåriga
i fråga om värdering, finner vi att Precise handlas på en EV/försäljning av 7,2 x-3,9 x för " 19e-" 23e baserat på våra uppskattningar, som utgör en premie jämfört med både våra peer-grupper (som bygger på FactSet konsensus). Vi utforskar också tre DCF scenarier med en WACC på 12,8%, men med olika försäljning, EBIT och FCF antaganden. Se sidan 35 för mer information om värdering.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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11.12.2019 kl 15:14
"Under-screen fingerprint recognition technology allows mobile phone screens to be implemented as "full-screen", which is hailed as a big innovative design. However, with the adoption of two mainstream specifications such as Qualcomm and Goodix, security vulnerabilities have also appeared. The challenge also affected the development of Egis and other fingerprint recognition manufacturers under the screen in Taiwan.
According to industry analysis, from a technical point of view, this time, whether it is ultrasonic or optical fingerprint recognition under the screen, the fingerprint recognition technology under the display screen still has room for improvement. For users, fingerprint recognition has already been applied in many areas of life. The most common are mobile payment and mobile phone screen unlocking. Therefore, if there are loopholes, it will pose a major threat to property and privacy.
It is worth noting that the Apple iPhone has not yet introduced in-screen fingerprint recognition, but instead uses face recognition . So far, no security concerns have been reported. People in the industry believe that Apple CEO Cook is likely to have found a loophole in the fingerprint recognition on the screen, so he is afraid to use it rashly.
According to the latest report from research institute Sigmaintell, the global shipment of fingerprint chips under the screen is estimated at 42 million in 2018, and shipments will exceed 100 million in 2019, an annual growth The rate has more than doubled, attracting component plant investment.
After this "identification gate" incident, various mobile phone brand factories have tightened their nerves. In the future, mobile phone testing will be more cautious, and the relevant supply chain must also address security vulnerabilities in order to have the opportunity to let the screen fingerprint recognition industry. Regain user trust".
Kuo"s prognos ifrån september,
Guo Minghao predicted that Samsung"s fingerprint mobile phone shipments will be 100 million, 180 million and 220 million units in 2019–2021. The fingerprints of ultra-thin screens will begin mass production in 2020, and it is expected to completely replace the fingerprints under OLED optical screens in 2021.
Egis 2020 & 2021 is expected to grow rapidly due to Samsung"s active use of screen fingerprints and technology upgrades
Egis revenue and profitability are expected to change structurally from 4Q19; revenues are expected to increase by 100% in 2020; YoY; 2020 and 2021 will usher in rapid growth. Tianfeng Securities expects that the profit of Egis is expected to grow significantly due to the upgrade of Precise Biometrics (PB) and Samsung"s fingerprint mobile phone specifications. Because Samsung is the most active brand of screen fingerprints, Egis is Samsung"s main screen fingerprint solution provider, so Egis is expected to grow rapidly. Tianfeng Securities estimates Samsung"s fingerprint orders for Egis 2019, 2020 and The 2021 revenue contribution estimates are 5.17 billion, 11.74 billion and 18.4 billion yuan (NT). If we estimate this, Egis" overall revenue is expected to grow by about 100% YoY by 2020, and continue to grow at a high rate in 2021.
Key industry updates: (1) The Samsung Galaxy S11, which is expected to be released in 1Q20, is probably the world"s first mobile phone with a thin-screen (Wafer-level package) screen fingerprint, Egis is the exclusive supplier, and (2) Goodix enters Samsung supply. Chain opportunities are not high. Goodix is a leading manufacturer of fingerprints under the screen. It has the advantages of soft and hard integration. However, because Egis can provide more support resources, Samsung is more inclined to cooperate with Egis. (3) The proportion of Samsung LSI orders is lower than the market consensus. Tianfeng Securities believes that this is because LSI is investing more resources in other new products. It is expected that LSI will obtain 5% and 20% of the order weight of Samsung"s screen fingerprints in 2020 and 2021, respectively. (4) Estimate Samsung in 2019–2021 In the year, the shipment of fingerprint mobile phones was 100 million, 180 million and 220 million respectively. (5) 2020, the ultra-thin screen fingerprints began mass production, and it is expected to completely replace the fingerprints under OLED optical screens in 2021.
It is expected that the PB algorithm will be adopted as soon as 4Q19, which is beneficial to profit growth. Tianfeng Securities believes that Egis will abandon Suprema and adopt a better and cheaper PB algorithm, which is expected to start in 4Q19–1Q20. Tianfeng Securities believes that the PB algorithm will help to promote the new technology of Egis" next-screen fingerprints in the next two years, including ultra-thin, LCD optics and new design ultrasound. Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 55 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung handsets in 2019, with revenue contribution of approximately 5.17 billion yuan.
Key trends in 2020: (1) One of the 1Q20 S11 and 2Q20 A90 5G versions will begin to use the Egis ultra-thin screen fingerprint scheme. In addition, the fingerprint specifications of the two S11 ultrasonic screens are upgraded, and the sensing area is increased. (2) Egis will cooperate with Zemi to solve the problem of insufficient coating capacity for ultra-thin coating in the production of picks, (3) 2– 3Q20"s A20e may start to use Egis" LCD screen fingerprints, and partners include BOE (display) and 3M (optical film), and (4) Samsung mobile phone OLED ratio increased to 70% (vs. 52% in 2019) The screen penetration rate of the screen is favorable, (5) The penetration rate of the fingerprint model on the Samsung screen is increased to 57% (vs. 33% in 2019), which mainly drives the rapid growth of fingerprints from the optical screen. The main supplier is Egis. As the biggest winner, (6) Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 130 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung mobile phones in 2020, with a revenue contribution of approximately 11.74 billion yuan.
Key trends in 2021: (1) If the LCD screen fingerprints are shipped smoothly in 2020, it is expected to grow rapidly to 40 million units in 2021 (vs. 5 million in 2020), and (2) ultra-thin will replace optics. Become the mainstream technology of fingerprint under OLED screen, (3) Egis may introduce new design ultrasound, support large-area sensing and the cost can be reduced to less than 20 US dollars, (4) Benefit from the growth of fingerprint under LCD screen, Samsung screen fingerprint model penetration The rate will increase to 68% (vs. 57% in 2020), (5) Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 180 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung mobile phones in 2021, with revenue contribution of approximately 18.4 billion yuan.
"The first step of the fingerprint recognition algorithm is to separate the fingerprint image from the overall image of the sensor. The term is called "foreground and background segmentation". The area of the fingerprint image is the foreground, and the area of the image without the fingerprint is the background. Foreground and background have obvious differences in grayscale mean and dynamic range, which is good for segmentation; otherwise, it is difficult to segment, so the background basemap will enter the fingerprint matching stage and cause problems. The standardization of the statistical characteristics of the foreground and background is of significance to prevent fingerprint sensors that are of substandard quality and can "draw air" into the market.
It should be noted that in 2010, China ’s “line-marking” regulations have significantly reduced the hardware requirements compared to the original FBI standards in the United States in order to compromise the then backward sensor manufacturing level in China.
"Then the problem is, in 2019, why does Qualcomm"s latest generation of ultrasonic fingerprint recognition sensors fail to meet the domestic quality standards of 2010?" Li Yangyuan said: "Of course Qualcomm has used a lot in this product. Leading technology, but the product must be qualified to be the leading scientific and technological "achievement"? If the quality is not qualified, then what is the use? "
Of course, the above judgment is only based on the fingerprint recognition images of the existing media experience.
What is the source of the problem?
Li Yangyuan said that based on reverse engineering analysis, the image was also obtained from the Qualcomm 3D Sonic Max captured by the media. Qualcomm does not seem to have qualified the sensor basemap and allowed it to be superimposed on the fingerprint image. When the signal amplitude of the fingerprint image is large enough, the fingerprint contact area information provided by the capacitive touch screen is used for foreground and background segmentation. The fingerprint recognition algorithm can also use fingerprint information as the main recognition. However, when the amplitude of the fingerprint signal decreases, and the amplitude of the base image even exceeds that of the fingerprint, then based on the area segmentation information provided by the capacitive touch screen, of course, the fingerprint recognition algorithm mainly uses the base image for identification.
Therefore, the silicone or protective film attached to the screen is not used to generate the attack image. The attack image is generated by the Qualcomm ultrasonic sensor. The film just attenuates the echo signal of the fingerprint, so like
"Under-screen fingerprint recognition technology allows mobile phone screens to be implemented as "full-screen", which is hailed as a big innovative design. However, with the adoption of two mainstream specifications such as Qualcomm and Goodix, security vulnerabilities have also appeared. The challenge also affected the development of Egis and other fingerprint recognition manufacturers under the screen in Taiwan.
According to industry analysis, from a technical point of view, this time, whether it is ultrasonic or optical fingerprint recognition under the screen, the fingerprint recognition technology under the display screen still has room for improvement. For users, fingerprint recognition has already been applied in many areas of life. The most common are mobile payment and mobile phone screen unlocking. Therefore, if there are loopholes, it will pose a major threat to property and privacy.
It is worth noting that the Apple iPhone has not yet introduced in-screen fingerprint recognition, but instead uses face recognition . So far, no security concerns have been reported. People in the industry believe that Apple CEO Cook is likely to have found a loophole in the fingerprint recognition on the screen, so he is afraid to use it rashly.
According to the latest report from research institute Sigmaintell, the global shipment of fingerprint chips under the screen is estimated at 42 million in 2018, and shipments will exceed 100 million in 2019, an annual growth The rate has more than doubled, attracting component plant investment.
After this "identification gate" incident, various mobile phone brand factories have tightened their nerves. In the future, mobile phone testing will be more cautious, and the relevant supply chain must also address security vulnerabilities in order to have the opportunity to let the screen fingerprint recognition industry. Regain user trust".
Kuo"s prognos ifrån september,
Guo Minghao predicted that Samsung"s fingerprint mobile phone shipments will be 100 million, 180 million and 220 million units in 2019–2021. The fingerprints of ultra-thin screens will begin mass production in 2020, and it is expected to completely replace the fingerprints under OLED optical screens in 2021.
Egis 2020 & 2021 is expected to grow rapidly due to Samsung"s active use of screen fingerprints and technology upgrades
Egis revenue and profitability are expected to change structurally from 4Q19; revenues are expected to increase by 100% in 2020; YoY; 2020 and 2021 will usher in rapid growth. Tianfeng Securities expects that the profit of Egis is expected to grow significantly due to the upgrade of Precise Biometrics (PB) and Samsung"s fingerprint mobile phone specifications. Because Samsung is the most active brand of screen fingerprints, Egis is Samsung"s main screen fingerprint solution provider, so Egis is expected to grow rapidly. Tianfeng Securities estimates Samsung"s fingerprint orders for Egis 2019, 2020 and The 2021 revenue contribution estimates are 5.17 billion, 11.74 billion and 18.4 billion yuan (NT). If we estimate this, Egis" overall revenue is expected to grow by about 100% YoY by 2020, and continue to grow at a high rate in 2021.
Key industry updates: (1) The Samsung Galaxy S11, which is expected to be released in 1Q20, is probably the world"s first mobile phone with a thin-screen (Wafer-level package) screen fingerprint, Egis is the exclusive supplier, and (2) Goodix enters Samsung supply. Chain opportunities are not high. Goodix is a leading manufacturer of fingerprints under the screen. It has the advantages of soft and hard integration. However, because Egis can provide more support resources, Samsung is more inclined to cooperate with Egis. (3) The proportion of Samsung LSI orders is lower than the market consensus. Tianfeng Securities believes that this is because LSI is investing more resources in other new products. It is expected that LSI will obtain 5% and 20% of the order weight of Samsung"s screen fingerprints in 2020 and 2021, respectively. (4) Estimate Samsung in 2019–2021 In the year, the shipment of fingerprint mobile phones was 100 million, 180 million and 220 million respectively. (5) 2020, the ultra-thin screen fingerprints began mass production, and it is expected to completely replace the fingerprints under OLED optical screens in 2021.
It is expected that the PB algorithm will be adopted as soon as 4Q19, which is beneficial to profit growth. Tianfeng Securities believes that Egis will abandon Suprema and adopt a better and cheaper PB algorithm, which is expected to start in 4Q19–1Q20. Tianfeng Securities believes that the PB algorithm will help to promote the new technology of Egis" next-screen fingerprints in the next two years, including ultra-thin, LCD optics and new design ultrasound. Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 55 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung handsets in 2019, with revenue contribution of approximately 5.17 billion yuan.
Key trends in 2020: (1) One of the 1Q20 S11 and 2Q20 A90 5G versions will begin to use the Egis ultra-thin screen fingerprint scheme. In addition, the fingerprint specifications of the two S11 ultrasonic screens are upgraded, and the sensing area is increased. (2) Egis will cooperate with Zemi to solve the problem of insufficient coating capacity for ultra-thin coating in the production of picks, (3) 2– 3Q20"s A20e may start to use Egis" LCD screen fingerprints, and partners include BOE (display) and 3M (optical film), and (4) Samsung mobile phone OLED ratio increased to 70% (vs. 52% in 2019) The screen penetration rate of the screen is favorable, (5) The penetration rate of the fingerprint model on the Samsung screen is increased to 57% (vs. 33% in 2019), which mainly drives the rapid growth of fingerprints from the optical screen. The main supplier is Egis. As the biggest winner, (6) Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 130 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung mobile phones in 2020, with a revenue contribution of approximately 11.74 billion yuan.
Key trends in 2021: (1) If the LCD screen fingerprints are shipped smoothly in 2020, it is expected to grow rapidly to 40 million units in 2021 (vs. 5 million in 2020), and (2) ultra-thin will replace optics. Become the mainstream technology of fingerprint under OLED screen, (3) Egis may introduce new design ultrasound, support large-area sensing and the cost can be reduced to less than 20 US dollars, (4) Benefit from the growth of fingerprint under LCD screen, Samsung screen fingerprint model penetration The rate will increase to 68% (vs. 57% in 2020), (5) Tianfeng Securities expects Egis to ship approximately 180 million offline fingerprint shipments for Samsung mobile phones in 2021, with revenue contribution of approximately 18.4 billion yuan.
"The first step of the fingerprint recognition algorithm is to separate the fingerprint image from the overall image of the sensor. The term is called "foreground and background segmentation". The area of the fingerprint image is the foreground, and the area of the image without the fingerprint is the background. Foreground and background have obvious differences in grayscale mean and dynamic range, which is good for segmentation; otherwise, it is difficult to segment, so the background basemap will enter the fingerprint matching stage and cause problems. The standardization of the statistical characteristics of the foreground and background is of significance to prevent fingerprint sensors that are of substandard quality and can "draw air" into the market.
It should be noted that in 2010, China ’s “line-marking” regulations have significantly reduced the hardware requirements compared to the original FBI standards in the United States in order to compromise the then backward sensor manufacturing level in China.
"Then the problem is, in 2019, why does Qualcomm"s latest generation of ultrasonic fingerprint recognition sensors fail to meet the domestic quality standards of 2010?" Li Yangyuan said: "Of course Qualcomm has used a lot in this product. Leading technology, but the product must be qualified to be the leading scientific and technological "achievement"? If the quality is not qualified, then what is the use? "
Of course, the above judgment is only based on the fingerprint recognition images of the existing media experience.
What is the source of the problem?
Li Yangyuan said that based on reverse engineering analysis, the image was also obtained from the Qualcomm 3D Sonic Max captured by the media. Qualcomm does not seem to have qualified the sensor basemap and allowed it to be superimposed on the fingerprint image. When the signal amplitude of the fingerprint image is large enough, the fingerprint contact area information provided by the capacitive touch screen is used for foreground and background segmentation. The fingerprint recognition algorithm can also use fingerprint information as the main recognition. However, when the amplitude of the fingerprint signal decreases, and the amplitude of the base image even exceeds that of the fingerprint, then based on the area segmentation information provided by the capacitive touch screen, of course, the fingerprint recognition algorithm mainly uses the base image for identification.
Therefore, the silicone or protective film attached to the screen is not used to generate the attack image. The attack image is generated by the Qualcomm ultrasonic sensor. The film just attenuates the echo signal of the fingerprint, so like
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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11.12.2019 kl 22:49
I morgen kan det komme store nyheter Mr. Navle :)
(December 11, 2019)
"Samsung Electronics will launch the Galaxy A series of phones in Vietnam on December 12, which is also the first time that Samsung Electronics has held an international new smartphone launch conference in Vietnam. A Samsung Electronics source said, "Vietnam is a sales base in Southeast Asia, so we decided to hold a new product public event here."
Samsung Galaxy A51 render
It is understood that this conference plans to release the "Galaxy A51" series. This phone uses a front 32-megapixel lens and four 48-megapixel main cameras + 12-megapixel ultra-wide angle + 5-megapixel depth of field + 5-megapixel Macro rear lens. Equipped with Exynos 9611 processor, equipped with a 6.5-inch FHD + Super AMOLED Infinity-O display, the body size is 158.5 x 73.6 x 7.9 mm, and it weighs 172 grams. It is targeted at young consumers.
Samsung Galaxy A51 render
In Europe, India, Southeast Asia, and South America, more and more consumers are beginning to pay attention to the "cost-effectiveness" of smartphones. Therefore, early this year, Samsung will be the low- and mid-priced smartphone brands "Galaxy J" and "Galaxy A" Unified as "Galaxy A", from a low-end machine to a pioneer model equipped with new technology.
It is reported that the IM department increased sales to 29.25 trillion won and operating profit of 2.92 trillion won by integrating Galaxy A series products. In terms of operating profit alone, performance has nearly doubled in the previous quarter. A Samsung Electronics personage said that "the Galaxy A series is expected to play a huge role in increasing the company"s shipments to more than 300 million units."
(A-serien inkluderer telefoner som bla FPC leverer kapacitive sensorer til som f.eks A20).
A30, A50, A70, A80 och A90 har optisk under display fingeravtrykk som sannsynligvis er fra Egis.
S10 og Note 10 har ultralyd fra Qualcomm
Over og ut Knut :)
(December 11, 2019)
"Samsung Electronics will launch the Galaxy A series of phones in Vietnam on December 12, which is also the first time that Samsung Electronics has held an international new smartphone launch conference in Vietnam. A Samsung Electronics source said, "Vietnam is a sales base in Southeast Asia, so we decided to hold a new product public event here."
Samsung Galaxy A51 render
It is understood that this conference plans to release the "Galaxy A51" series. This phone uses a front 32-megapixel lens and four 48-megapixel main cameras + 12-megapixel ultra-wide angle + 5-megapixel depth of field + 5-megapixel Macro rear lens. Equipped with Exynos 9611 processor, equipped with a 6.5-inch FHD + Super AMOLED Infinity-O display, the body size is 158.5 x 73.6 x 7.9 mm, and it weighs 172 grams. It is targeted at young consumers.
Samsung Galaxy A51 render
In Europe, India, Southeast Asia, and South America, more and more consumers are beginning to pay attention to the "cost-effectiveness" of smartphones. Therefore, early this year, Samsung will be the low- and mid-priced smartphone brands "Galaxy J" and "Galaxy A" Unified as "Galaxy A", from a low-end machine to a pioneer model equipped with new technology.
It is reported that the IM department increased sales to 29.25 trillion won and operating profit of 2.92 trillion won by integrating Galaxy A series products. In terms of operating profit alone, performance has nearly doubled in the previous quarter. A Samsung Electronics personage said that "the Galaxy A series is expected to play a huge role in increasing the company"s shipments to more than 300 million units."
(A-serien inkluderer telefoner som bla FPC leverer kapacitive sensorer til som f.eks A20).
A30, A50, A70, A80 och A90 har optisk under display fingeravtrykk som sannsynligvis er fra Egis.
S10 og Note 10 har ultralyd fra Qualcomm
Over og ut Knut :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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12.12.2019 kl 12:05
In this guest blog post our VP Sales Fredrik Sjöholm shares his insight into what’s in store for the future of digital identity and how a digital identity framework can be successfully implemented.
Last month I took part in a panel on this topic at Nordic Banking Money LIVE with Pascal Rogiest, CEO LuxTrust and Sameli Maenpaa, Chief Data Officer, OP Financial Group. The next steps for digital identity is especially important to us at Precise Biometrics as we have been focused on providing secure and convenient identification and verification through biometrics for the last two decades. Connecting a person’s physical identity with their biometrics is at the heart of establishing and maintaining digital identity.
Since Apple opened up biometrics in a wide reaching way to consumers with the iPhone 5s, this technology is being used for many applications across the world – from mobile authentication for payments, in payment wearables and through to biometric smart cards – all providing the opportunity to increase security, reduce fraud and enhance customer convenience. We’re now seeing more and more ways to use biometrics and I think in the future we’re going to see a myriad of opportunites to use this technology, driven by consumers. Already we can see the first signs that this is happening, for example in China, KFC stores use facial recognition technology to make menu suggestions and enable customers to pay quickly and easily. Naked payments are being used in the Citi Stadium in New York and biometric authentication is available on all KB Kookmin ATMs in South Korea. As the technology and consumer expectations develop, I believe that we’ll start to see users constantly being authenticated by a range of biometric modalities so that the point of action will be when authentication doesn’t happen for some reason, for example if my fingerprint doesn’t match the one registered on my phone or payment card; my face is not recognized by a store camera or my behavior and/or location are unusual when I am authenticating myself. Amazon Go might just soon prove that consumers will expect an entirely seamless shopping experience as the next logical step is to replace its mobile app with biometrics that recognize the customer entering the store, connecting them directly to a payment service.
Achieving this seamless and continuous authentication experience is dependent on a few things however. Firstly, devices need to be fitted with sensors that can seamlessly recognize a person’s digital identity using their biometrics. Modalities such as face recognition in new smartphone models and the latest fingerprint sensors which cover the entire display of a phone will make this possible. Secondly, a combination of multi-modality biometrics will be required to achieve the highest levels of security and convenience since no one biometric method can do this alone. A person’s digital identity could thereby also build up over time and be added to throughout their life. Thirdly, digital onboarding needs to be carried out by connecting the biometrics of a person to their known identity. Ideally, it should be possible for a person to do this by themselves without visiting an office or branch, for example using a solution like Precise’s YOUNiQ which utilizes a mobile app with face recognition in combination with a driver’s license or a passport.
The final piece of the puzzle that will ensure a successful framework for the use of biometrics in this way, is that the industry gets it right. Individuals need to own their digital identity and the real question is who is allowed to have access to this information, who is allowed to manage, store and use it? Security safeguards must be in place and relevant regulation complied with (e.g. GDPR) so that users can be confident that they do indeed own their data and can choose how and when it is used. As an industry we have a valuable opportunity to utilize our knowledge and expertise to enable the best levels of security and system implementation. This is particularly important for key areas such as:
The storage and transfer of biometric data
Revocability – making sure that a user can withdraw their personal data (including biometrics) if they want to
Anti-spoofing and liveness assurance
If the industry does this well, then and only then, will success follow. A bright future awaits us all with solutions that do what we expect them to, protecting individuals’ digital identities and enabling convenience for all consumers.
By Fredrik Sjöholm, VP Sales, Precise Biometrics
In this guest blog post our VP Sales Fredrik Sjöholm shares his insight into what’s in store for the future of digital identity and how a digital identity framework can be successfully implemented.
Last month I took part in a panel on this topic at Nordic Banking Money LIVE with Pascal Rogiest, CEO LuxTrust and Sameli Maenpaa, Chief Data Officer, OP Financial Group. The next steps for digital identity is especially important to us at Precise Biometrics as we have been focused on providing secure and convenient identification and verification through biometrics for the last two decades. Connecting a person’s physical identity with their biometrics is at the heart of establishing and maintaining digital identity.
Since Apple opened up biometrics in a wide reaching way to consumers with the iPhone 5s, this technology is being used for many applications across the world – from mobile authentication for payments, in payment wearables and through to biometric smart cards – all providing the opportunity to increase security, reduce fraud and enhance customer convenience. We’re now seeing more and more ways to use biometrics and I think in the future we’re going to see a myriad of opportunites to use this technology, driven by consumers. Already we can see the first signs that this is happening, for example in China, KFC stores use facial recognition technology to make menu suggestions and enable customers to pay quickly and easily. Naked payments are being used in the Citi Stadium in New York and biometric authentication is available on all KB Kookmin ATMs in South Korea. As the technology and consumer expectations develop, I believe that we’ll start to see users constantly being authenticated by a range of biometric modalities so that the point of action will be when authentication doesn’t happen for some reason, for example if my fingerprint doesn’t match the one registered on my phone or payment card; my face is not recognized by a store camera or my behavior and/or location are unusual when I am authenticating myself. Amazon Go might just soon prove that consumers will expect an entirely seamless shopping experience as the next logical step is to replace its mobile app with biometrics that recognize the customer entering the store, connecting them directly to a payment service.
Achieving this seamless and continuous authentication experience is dependent on a few things however. Firstly, devices need to be fitted with sensors that can seamlessly recognize a person’s digital identity using their biometrics. Modalities such as face recognition in new smartphone models and the latest fingerprint sensors which cover the entire display of a phone will make this possible. Secondly, a combination of multi-modality biometrics will be required to achieve the highest levels of security and convenience since no one biometric method can do this alone. A person’s digital identity could thereby also build up over time and be added to throughout their life. Thirdly, digital onboarding needs to be carried out by connecting the biometrics of a person to their known identity. Ideally, it should be possible for a person to do this by themselves without visiting an office or branch, for example using a solution like Precise’s YOUNiQ which utilizes a mobile app with face recognition in combination with a driver’s license or a passport.
The final piece of the puzzle that will ensure a successful framework for the use of biometrics in this way, is that the industry gets it right. Individuals need to own their digital identity and the real question is who is allowed to have access to this information, who is allowed to manage, store and use it? Security safeguards must be in place and relevant regulation complied with (e.g. GDPR) so that users can be confident that they do indeed own their data and can choose how and when it is used. As an industry we have a valuable opportunity to utilize our knowledge and expertise to enable the best levels of security and system implementation. This is particularly important for key areas such as:
The storage and transfer of biometric data
Revocability – making sure that a user can withdraw their personal data (including biometrics) if they want to
Anti-spoofing and liveness assurance
If the industry does this well, then and only then, will success follow. A bright future awaits us all with solutions that do what we expect them to, protecting individuals’ digital identities and enabling convenience for all consumers.
By Fredrik Sjöholm, VP Sales, Precise Biometrics
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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12.12.2019 kl 17:44
In the first nine months of 2019, the group recorded a loss of
NOK 194.7 million, compared to a loss of NOK 180.5
million for the first nine months of 2018.
Børsverdi IDEX = 662 561 938
Net sales in the third quarter increased by 63.6% and totalled 27.5 SEK (16.8) million. Net sales split
between royalty revenues SEK 8.2 (5.7) million, license fees SEK 15.9 (8.0) million, support &
maintenance SEK 2.0 (2.1) million and Other SEK 1.5 (1.0) million.
100 millioner i omsetning er varslet for 2019!!
Børsverdi Precise Biometrics = 596 543 291
Hvordan kan et selskap som omsetter for 100 millioner, kuttet kost med 10 millioner, Har 4 produkter, 100 patenter, tatt all utviklingskostnader, 86.000.000 i Cash, Nye kontrakter, nye lokaler, nye kunder, ingen lagerkostnad, ingen flere utviklingskostnader...+++++ Være verdsatt 64.000.000 UNDER et selskap som TAPER 200.000.000 og bare har 1 produkt?
Hadde vært artig hvis noen kunne svart meg på den :)
In the first nine months of 2019, the group recorded a loss of
NOK 194.7 million, compared to a loss of NOK 180.5
million for the first nine months of 2018.
Børsverdi IDEX = 662 561 938
Net sales in the third quarter increased by 63.6% and totalled 27.5 SEK (16.8) million. Net sales split
between royalty revenues SEK 8.2 (5.7) million, license fees SEK 15.9 (8.0) million, support &
maintenance SEK 2.0 (2.1) million and Other SEK 1.5 (1.0) million.
100 millioner i omsetning er varslet for 2019!!
Børsverdi Precise Biometrics = 596 543 291
Hvordan kan et selskap som omsetter for 100 millioner, kuttet kost med 10 millioner, Har 4 produkter, 100 patenter, tatt all utviklingskostnader, 86.000.000 i Cash, Nye kontrakter, nye lokaler, nye kunder, ingen lagerkostnad, ingen flere utviklingskostnader...+++++ Være verdsatt 64.000.000 UNDER et selskap som TAPER 200.000.000 og bare har 1 produkt?
Hadde vært artig hvis noen kunne svart meg på den :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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12.12.2019 kl 21:33
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Popular Races" Novatek, Egis Welcomes Huawei"s 5G New Single
google translate,
"5G smartphones will be launched in 2020. Due to the large increase in AMOLED production capacity of land-based panel manufacturers, 5G mobile phones will begin to use AMOLED panels. The legal person pointed out that at present, Novatek (3034) and Egis (6462) are expected to take advantage of the drive ICs and under-screen fingerprint recognition business opportunities of land brands such as Huawei and Vivo, respectively, and their performance may enter a stage of rapid growth".
"As for Egis entering the 5G smartphone supply chain with in-screen fingerprint recognition, the legal person pointed out that in addition to Samsung and Vivo"s in-screen fingerprint recognition orders, Egis has also entered the Huawei supply chain, and since the fourth quarter Beginning of gradual shipments, at least is expected to flourish all the way to the first half of 2020".
Da kan du sove godt Mr. Navle :)
"Popular Races" Novatek, Egis Welcomes Huawei"s 5G New Single
google translate,
"5G smartphones will be launched in 2020. Due to the large increase in AMOLED production capacity of land-based panel manufacturers, 5G mobile phones will begin to use AMOLED panels. The legal person pointed out that at present, Novatek (3034) and Egis (6462) are expected to take advantage of the drive ICs and under-screen fingerprint recognition business opportunities of land brands such as Huawei and Vivo, respectively, and their performance may enter a stage of rapid growth".
"As for Egis entering the 5G smartphone supply chain with in-screen fingerprint recognition, the legal person pointed out that in addition to Samsung and Vivo"s in-screen fingerprint recognition orders, Egis has also entered the Huawei supply chain, and since the fourth quarter Beginning of gradual shipments, at least is expected to flourish all the way to the first half of 2020".
Da kan du sove godt Mr. Navle :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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12.12.2019 kl 22:24
Mastercard has rolled out a new digital identity pilot in Australia this week that can identify a person in both digital and physical environments, the company announced.
Mastercard is testing different ways of proving identity without having to rely on multiple physical documents or centralized identity databases. The project is based on a distributed model that, when activated, uses information from the mobile device which has been checked through additional reference points, such as the person’s bank or government agencies taking part in the pilot.
“Our increasingly digital life – the way we transact and interact – has challenged our traditional notions of identity, trust and privacy. We need a new model,” said Ajay Bhalla, president of cyber and intelligence for Mastercard. “We believe that this starts with a commitment to the responsible handling of personal information, giving consumers control over which data is used and how it is used to verify their identity.”
In March, Mastercard introduced its consumer-centric approach in a Principles of Digital Identity vision paper, after announcing a collaboration with Microsoft on a decentralized universal ID system in December of 2018.
The pilot program is carried out in partnership with Australia Post which will use the existing digital ID solution to enable Australians to identify themselves when using the services, and with Deakin University where student volunteers will test an identity verification process for student registration and digital exams.
“Australia Post is delighted to participate in this pilot, which will help raise awareness about digital identity in Australia and provide our Digital iD users access to a larger variety of uses,” said Regis Bauchiere, general manager, identity products and services for Australia Post. “Complementing our participation in the Trusted Digital Identity Framework, it also positions Digital iD as the only identity provider offering our communities access to both government and private sector services.”
“We’re delighted to partner with Mastercard in this first trial to test concepts that can one day deliver intelligent, future-focused solutions ready to respond to a digital world’s needs,” said William Confalonieri, chief digital officer for Deakin University. “The pilot aligns with our institution’s digital-first strategy to improve the user experience and we look forward to the concept moving into other trial environments.”
Future plans for 2020 include new partnerships and pilots across multiple markets.
Canadian province Quebec is also looking into biometrics to confirm online identity and get rid of traditional physical government IDs by 2021, writes CBC.
The Quebec government is specifically targeting medicare cards and drivers’ licenses. Residents would log in once to access the services and confirm identity through tools like facial or voice recognition software, while digital IDs would be accessed through a smartphone app that could function as a digital wallet. The app would store copies of government-issued IDs.
Éric Caire, the junior minister responsible for government digital transformation, believes this measure would reduce fraud, privacy breaches and data theft.
The government is waiting to see if any companies in the private sector would be interested in taking over the project. Details about cost have not been revealed.
This will not be a measure imposed on residents, people would still be able to use physical documents.
PB er fremdeles den ENESTE software leverandøren med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard og de har lang erfaring med digital identited. De har tidligere levert til både pass og nasjonal ID til mange land. Dette lover godt!! Ikke vente de hadde 1 mill i inntekt på pågående piloter i Q3 :)
Nok en gang er Microsoft og mastercard i fokus. Se tidligere nyheter med Cualcomm, Samsung, Vivo og Apple.. Det er bare å legge inn årene og vente på bølgetoppen :)
Mastercard has rolled out a new digital identity pilot in Australia this week that can identify a person in both digital and physical environments, the company announced.
Mastercard is testing different ways of proving identity without having to rely on multiple physical documents or centralized identity databases. The project is based on a distributed model that, when activated, uses information from the mobile device which has been checked through additional reference points, such as the person’s bank or government agencies taking part in the pilot.
“Our increasingly digital life – the way we transact and interact – has challenged our traditional notions of identity, trust and privacy. We need a new model,” said Ajay Bhalla, president of cyber and intelligence for Mastercard. “We believe that this starts with a commitment to the responsible handling of personal information, giving consumers control over which data is used and how it is used to verify their identity.”
In March, Mastercard introduced its consumer-centric approach in a Principles of Digital Identity vision paper, after announcing a collaboration with Microsoft on a decentralized universal ID system in December of 2018.
The pilot program is carried out in partnership with Australia Post which will use the existing digital ID solution to enable Australians to identify themselves when using the services, and with Deakin University where student volunteers will test an identity verification process for student registration and digital exams.
“Australia Post is delighted to participate in this pilot, which will help raise awareness about digital identity in Australia and provide our Digital iD users access to a larger variety of uses,” said Regis Bauchiere, general manager, identity products and services for Australia Post. “Complementing our participation in the Trusted Digital Identity Framework, it also positions Digital iD as the only identity provider offering our communities access to both government and private sector services.”
“We’re delighted to partner with Mastercard in this first trial to test concepts that can one day deliver intelligent, future-focused solutions ready to respond to a digital world’s needs,” said William Confalonieri, chief digital officer for Deakin University. “The pilot aligns with our institution’s digital-first strategy to improve the user experience and we look forward to the concept moving into other trial environments.”
Future plans for 2020 include new partnerships and pilots across multiple markets.
Canadian province Quebec is also looking into biometrics to confirm online identity and get rid of traditional physical government IDs by 2021, writes CBC.
The Quebec government is specifically targeting medicare cards and drivers’ licenses. Residents would log in once to access the services and confirm identity through tools like facial or voice recognition software, while digital IDs would be accessed through a smartphone app that could function as a digital wallet. The app would store copies of government-issued IDs.
Éric Caire, the junior minister responsible for government digital transformation, believes this measure would reduce fraud, privacy breaches and data theft.
The government is waiting to see if any companies in the private sector would be interested in taking over the project. Details about cost have not been revealed.
This will not be a measure imposed on residents, people would still be able to use physical documents.
PB er fremdeles den ENESTE software leverandøren med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard og de har lang erfaring med digital identited. De har tidligere levert til både pass og nasjonal ID til mange land. Dette lover godt!! Ikke vente de hadde 1 mill i inntekt på pågående piloter i Q3 :)
Nok en gang er Microsoft og mastercard i fokus. Se tidligere nyheter med Cualcomm, Samsung, Vivo og Apple.. Det er bare å legge inn årene og vente på bølgetoppen :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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13.12.2019 kl 08:18
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise Biometrics ska samarbeta med Innovatrics som kommer leverera tekniska lösningar för ansiktsigenkänning till Precise produkter inom affärsområdet Digital Identity.
Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Samarbetet kommer i ett första skede fokusera på att integrera Precise produkt Precise Youniq för access till faciliteter med Innovatrics passiva ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi.
Jag är övertygad om att samarbetet kommer att öka båda företagens innovationskapacitet och att vi kommer att kunna dra nytta av varandras nätverk och därmed stärka vår position i Europa, säger Precise vd Stefan K Persson.
Precise har tidigare sagt att bolagets produkter ska vara del i olika typer av lösningar baserat på biometrisk data, exempelvis ansikte, röst, beteende och iris utöver fingeravtryck.
We are an independent, trusted partner for biometric identity management technology. To date, we have successfully completed over 500 projects in 80 countries and over a billion people have been biometrically processed using Innovatrics software.
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise Biometrics ska samarbeta med Innovatrics som kommer leverera tekniska lösningar för ansiktsigenkänning till Precise produkter inom affärsområdet Digital Identity.
Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
Samarbetet kommer i ett första skede fokusera på att integrera Precise produkt Precise Youniq för access till faciliteter med Innovatrics passiva ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi.
Jag är övertygad om att samarbetet kommer att öka båda företagens innovationskapacitet och att vi kommer att kunna dra nytta av varandras nätverk och därmed stärka vår position i Europa, säger Precise vd Stefan K Persson.
Precise har tidigare sagt att bolagets produkter ska vara del i olika typer av lösningar baserat på biometrisk data, exempelvis ansikte, röst, beteende och iris utöver fingeravtryck.
We are an independent, trusted partner for biometric identity management technology. To date, we have successfully completed over 500 projects in 80 countries and over a billion people have been biometrically processed using Innovatrics software.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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13.12.2019 kl 08:45
Precise har ingått samarbete med Innovatrics, en världsledande leverantör av
biometriska lösningar. Innovatrics kommer leverera teknologi för
ansiktsigenkänning till Precise produkter inom affärsområdet Digital Identity.
Samarbetet stödjer bolagets ambition att tillhandahålla världsledande
biometrisk identifieringsmjukvara som underlättar människors vardag.
Vi r glada ver att ha ingtt samarbete med Innovatrics och att vi
tillsammans banar vägen i branschen genom systemutveckling som kombinerar
flera olika biometriska modaliteter. Jag är övertygad om att samarbetet kommer
att öka båda företagens innovationskapacitet och att vi kommer att kunna dra
nytta av varandras ntverk och drmed strka vr position i Europa, sger
Precise VD Stefan K. Persson.
Samarbetet kommer initialt att fokusera på att integrera Precise produkt
Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter med Innovatrics passiva
ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi, den andra biometriska modaliteten efter
fingeravtrycksigenkänning att inkluderas i identifieringsmjukvaran hos Precise
YOUNiQ. I enlighet med avtalet har Innovatrics rätt till en licensavgift per
användare och år.
Innovatrics är en ledare inom ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi och deras
patentskyddade teknik kommer att vara en viktig hörnsten i Precise YOUNiQ,
säger Stefan K. Persson.
Med vr 15 riga erfarenhet av innovation ser vi framemot att bidra till
Precise arbete att uppnå sitt mål om att tillhandahålla smarta lösningar för
bekväm och säker identifiering inom olika applikationsområden. Genom
samarbetet med Precise har vi hittat en partner som är lika engagerad som vi
till att utveckla pålitliga lösningar som påverkar människors vardagliga liv i
positiv bemärkelse, allt från smidigare access till faciliteter till att göra
fretag mer effektiva, sger Jan Lunter, Innovatrics VD och grundare.
Om Innovatrics
Innovatrics är en självständig och pålitlig partner för biometrisk
identifieringsteknologi. Företaget har fullbordat fler än 500 projekt i 80
länder och över en miljard människor har identifierats med hjälp av
Innovatrics biometriska mjukvara. De prisbelönta Innovatrics-algoritmerna
levererar högsta möjliga prestanda och tillhör de snabbaste och mest pålitliga
i branschen. För mer information, besök gärna
Stefan K Persson, VD
Telefon: +46 707 92 08 31
Om oss
Precise är en marknadsledande leverantör av lösningar för bekväm och säker
verifiering av människors identitet genom biometri. Våra lösningar används
hundratals miljoner gånger varje dag av människor över hela världen. För mer
information, besök
Bifogade filer
Precise ingår samarbete med Innovatrics
Precise har ingått samarbete med Innovatrics, en världsledande leverantör av
biometriska lösningar. Innovatrics kommer leverera teknologi för
ansiktsigenkänning till Precise produkter inom affärsområdet Digital Identity.
Samarbetet stödjer bolagets ambition att tillhandahålla världsledande
biometrisk identifieringsmjukvara som underlättar människors vardag.
Vi r glada ver att ha ingtt samarbete med Innovatrics och att vi
tillsammans banar vägen i branschen genom systemutveckling som kombinerar
flera olika biometriska modaliteter. Jag är övertygad om att samarbetet kommer
att öka båda företagens innovationskapacitet och att vi kommer att kunna dra
nytta av varandras ntverk och drmed strka vr position i Europa, sger
Precise VD Stefan K. Persson.
Samarbetet kommer initialt att fokusera på att integrera Precise produkt
Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter med Innovatrics passiva
ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi, den andra biometriska modaliteten efter
fingeravtrycksigenkänning att inkluderas i identifieringsmjukvaran hos Precise
YOUNiQ. I enlighet med avtalet har Innovatrics rätt till en licensavgift per
användare och år.
Innovatrics är en ledare inom ansiktsigenkänningsteknologi och deras
patentskyddade teknik kommer att vara en viktig hörnsten i Precise YOUNiQ,
säger Stefan K. Persson.
Med vr 15 riga erfarenhet av innovation ser vi framemot att bidra till
Precise arbete att uppnå sitt mål om att tillhandahålla smarta lösningar för
bekväm och säker identifiering inom olika applikationsområden. Genom
samarbetet med Precise har vi hittat en partner som är lika engagerad som vi
till att utveckla pålitliga lösningar som påverkar människors vardagliga liv i
positiv bemärkelse, allt från smidigare access till faciliteter till att göra
fretag mer effektiva, sger Jan Lunter, Innovatrics VD och grundare.
Om Innovatrics
Innovatrics är en självständig och pålitlig partner för biometrisk
identifieringsteknologi. Företaget har fullbordat fler än 500 projekt i 80
länder och över en miljard människor har identifierats med hjälp av
Innovatrics biometriska mjukvara. De prisbelönta Innovatrics-algoritmerna
levererar högsta möjliga prestanda och tillhör de snabbaste och mest pålitliga
i branschen. För mer information, besök gärna
Stefan K Persson, VD
Telefon: +46 707 92 08 31
Om oss
Precise är en marknadsledande leverantör av lösningar för bekväm och säker
verifiering av människors identitet genom biometri. Våra lösningar används
hundratals miljoner gånger varje dag av människor över hela världen. För mer
information, besök
Bifogade filer
Precise ingår samarbete med Innovatrics
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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13.12.2019 kl 17:11
WooooooooooooooooW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CITRIX!!!!!!!!!!!
.@ewbm_fido eWBM Goldengate G310 FIDO2 L2 Security Key is now @CitrixReady verified. Visit our Citrix Ready Marketplace to know more -
Request Citrix product details
Compatible with
Citrix Gateway 13.0
Citrix Virtual Apps 1909
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service
Citrix Virtual Desktops 1909
Since 1989, Citrix has made it easier for people to access the applications and content they need to do their very best work – wherever and whenever work needs to get done. Today, more than 100 million users across 400,000 organizations – including 99% of the Fortune 500 – trust Citrix to power a better way to work.
Press Release
Precise Biometrics Tech Powers eWBM’s FIDO2-Certified USB Key
eWBM recently made headlines when the company’s Goldengate 500 Security Key became the first USB device to achieve FIDO2 Level 2 Authenticator Security Certification. Now Precise Biometrics has given us a look beneath the surface, announcing that eWBM licensed the Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm for the Goldengate 500.
.@ewbm_fido eWBM Goldengate G310 FIDO2 L2 Security Key is now @CitrixReady verified. Visit our Citrix Ready Marketplace to know more -
Request Citrix product details
Compatible with
Citrix Gateway 13.0
Citrix Virtual Apps 1909
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service
Citrix Virtual Desktops 1909
Since 1989, Citrix has made it easier for people to access the applications and content they need to do their very best work – wherever and whenever work needs to get done. Today, more than 100 million users across 400,000 organizations – including 99% of the Fortune 500 – trust Citrix to power a better way to work.
Press Release
Precise Biometrics Tech Powers eWBM’s FIDO2-Certified USB Key
eWBM recently made headlines when the company’s Goldengate 500 Security Key became the first USB device to achieve FIDO2 Level 2 Authenticator Security Certification. Now Precise Biometrics has given us a look beneath the surface, announcing that eWBM licensed the Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm for the Goldengate 500.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
13.12.2019 kl 17:32
Da er det ikke lengre tvil!!!!!! PB er med i alle!!!
Se oppdatert artikkel i bunn :)
Biometrics News – Fingerprint Recognition
Biometrics News - eWBM Pushes Password-Free Security with New USB Keys and Microsoft Alliance
eWBM has become the latest member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association. Together, the two companies will work to encourage other organizations to adopt strong password-free security standards and reduce the threat of phishing and data breaches.
To that end, eWBM has added two new USB keys to its flagship Goldengate line of products. Both the G310 (USB-A type) and the G320 (USB-C type) are compliant with the latest FIDO2 standards and come equipped with a fingerprint sensor that will allow users to log into their accounts after verifying their identity with a fingerprint scan.
The new hardware tokens are compatible with the Microsoft Azure Active Directory, as well as any major web browsers that offer WebAuthn functionality.
“Microsoft has been on a mission to eliminate passwords and help people protect their corporate identities,” said Microsoft Identity Division VP Alex Simons. “We welcome companies like eWBM that support a goal to increase online security and protect identity online through the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association.”
eWBM’s Goldengate 500 was the first USB key to achieve FIDO2 L2 Authenticator Certification, and licensed the Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
eWBM joined the FIDO Alliance Board of Directors back in February.
October 15, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
[Update 10/16/19 – An earlier version of this article suggested that it was not clear whether the new security keys use Precise Biometrics’ algorithm; the article has been updated to state that they do, in fact, use it.]
Se oppdatert artikkel i bunn :)
Biometrics News – Fingerprint Recognition
Biometrics News - eWBM Pushes Password-Free Security with New USB Keys and Microsoft Alliance
eWBM has become the latest member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association. Together, the two companies will work to encourage other organizations to adopt strong password-free security standards and reduce the threat of phishing and data breaches.
To that end, eWBM has added two new USB keys to its flagship Goldengate line of products. Both the G310 (USB-A type) and the G320 (USB-C type) are compliant with the latest FIDO2 standards and come equipped with a fingerprint sensor that will allow users to log into their accounts after verifying their identity with a fingerprint scan.
The new hardware tokens are compatible with the Microsoft Azure Active Directory, as well as any major web browsers that offer WebAuthn functionality.
“Microsoft has been on a mission to eliminate passwords and help people protect their corporate identities,” said Microsoft Identity Division VP Alex Simons. “We welcome companies like eWBM that support a goal to increase online security and protect identity online through the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association.”
eWBM’s Goldengate 500 was the first USB key to achieve FIDO2 L2 Authenticator Certification, and licensed the Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
eWBM joined the FIDO Alliance Board of Directors back in February.
October 15, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
[Update 10/16/19 – An earlier version of this article suggested that it was not clear whether the new security keys use Precise Biometrics’ algorithm; the article has been updated to state that they do, in fact, use it.]
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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13.12.2019 kl 17:40
Novatrics provides facial recognition for Precise Biometrics’ YOUNiQ
Dec 13, 2019 | Chris Burt
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Biometrics Stocks | Facial Recognition
Innovatrics provides facial recognition for Precise Biometrics’ YOUNiQ
Precise Biometrics and Innovatrics have announced a partnership, under which face recognition technology from Innovatrics will be integrated into Precise’ Digital Identity offerings.
Innovatrics proprietary technology will become a cornerstone of Precise YOUNiQ, according to the announcement, to provide access control with passive face recognition, complimenting its existing fingerprint capabilities. It is not immediately clear if this is an upgrade on the facial recognition feature announced in August by Precise, or rather fills in the details behind that announcement.
Under the terms of the agreement, Innovatrics is entitled to a per user per year user fee.
“We are pleased that we have entered into a collaboration agreement with Innovatrics, leading the way in the industry by system development of multimodality biometrics. I’m confident that the collaboration will boost both companies’ innovation capacity and that we will be able to leverage from each other’s network, hence, strengthening our position in Europe,” says Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson.
Persson also calls Innovatrics “a front runner” in facial biometrics.
YOUNiQ was announced at the beginning of this year as part of Precise’ new strategy to build multi-modal solutions and move closer to end-users. The company also recently formed a partnership with Infinity Optics to further than strategy.
“Coupled with Innovatrics’ proven track record of more than 15 years of continuous innovation, Precise can fulfill its objective of providing smart digital identity solutions that offer simpler and better alternatives to our daily activities,” comments Innovatrics CEO and Founder Jan Lunter. “Working with Precise, we’ve found a partner equally invested in developing trustworthy solutions that positively impact people’s lives from entering premises to making businesses more efficient.”
Innovatrics has been on something of a partnership tear of late, announcing deals in November with both Finax to support facial recognition onboarding, and fingerprint sensor maker MoriX to provide a Small Area Matcher algorithm.
Handles fortsatt UNDER de siste 4 innsidehandler!!
Novatrics provides facial recognition for Precise Biometrics’ YOUNiQ
Dec 13, 2019 | Chris Burt
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Biometrics Stocks | Facial Recognition
Innovatrics provides facial recognition for Precise Biometrics’ YOUNiQ
Precise Biometrics and Innovatrics have announced a partnership, under which face recognition technology from Innovatrics will be integrated into Precise’ Digital Identity offerings.
Innovatrics proprietary technology will become a cornerstone of Precise YOUNiQ, according to the announcement, to provide access control with passive face recognition, complimenting its existing fingerprint capabilities. It is not immediately clear if this is an upgrade on the facial recognition feature announced in August by Precise, or rather fills in the details behind that announcement.
Under the terms of the agreement, Innovatrics is entitled to a per user per year user fee.
“We are pleased that we have entered into a collaboration agreement with Innovatrics, leading the way in the industry by system development of multimodality biometrics. I’m confident that the collaboration will boost both companies’ innovation capacity and that we will be able to leverage from each other’s network, hence, strengthening our position in Europe,” says Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson.
Persson also calls Innovatrics “a front runner” in facial biometrics.
YOUNiQ was announced at the beginning of this year as part of Precise’ new strategy to build multi-modal solutions and move closer to end-users. The company also recently formed a partnership with Infinity Optics to further than strategy.
“Coupled with Innovatrics’ proven track record of more than 15 years of continuous innovation, Precise can fulfill its objective of providing smart digital identity solutions that offer simpler and better alternatives to our daily activities,” comments Innovatrics CEO and Founder Jan Lunter. “Working with Precise, we’ve found a partner equally invested in developing trustworthy solutions that positively impact people’s lives from entering premises to making businesses more efficient.”
Innovatrics has been on something of a partnership tear of late, announcing deals in November with both Finax to support facial recognition onboarding, and fingerprint sensor maker MoriX to provide a Small Area Matcher algorithm.
Handles fortsatt UNDER de siste 4 innsidehandler!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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13.12.2019 kl 20:33
Precise Licenses Innovatrics Facial Recognition Tech
Posted on December 13, 2019
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Biometrics News - Precise Licenses Innovatrics Facial Recognition Tech
Precise Biometrics has integrated facial recognition into its YOUNiQ access control platform through a new partnership with Innovatrics. The arrangement is part of Precise’s ongoing efforts to expand beyond fingerprint recognition and offer security solutions with full multimodal utility.
To that end, Precise will pay Innovatrics an annual licensing fee to deploy its passive facial recognition technology in its YOUNiQ platform. Innovatrics will also receive an additional licensing fee for every individual YOUNiQ user.
Facial recognition is the first non-fingerprint modality to become available through YOUNiQ. Precise is hoping that it will boost sales and the overall appeal of the platform.
“I’m confident that we will be able to leverage each other’s network, strengthening our position in Europe,” said Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson. “Innovatrics is a front runner in face recognition and their proprietary technology will be one of the cornerstones in Precise YOUNiQ.”
“With Precise, we’ve found a partner equally invested in developing trustworthy solutions that positively impact people’s lives from entering premises to making businesses more efficient,” added Innovatrics CEO and Founder Jan Lunter.
The news comes shortly after Precise updated YOUNiQ to provide passive liveness detection. YOUNiQ was first announced earlier this year as part of a broader expansion into multimodal identity services, with Precise later revealing that YOUNiQ would primarily be used for access control. Precise was already trialing the platform – and its facial recognition component – with partners like NVSS Security and Clarkson University at that time.
In the meantime, Innovatrics’ facial recognition algorithm has consistently performed well in multiple rounds of NIST testing. The company has recently been turning its attention to the Latin American market, and previously bundled its various products into a comprehensive Biometric Ecosystem.
According to its latest quarterly report, Precise expects YOUNiQ to reach the commercialization phase sometime in 2020.
December 13, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
Precise Licenses Innovatrics Facial Recognition Tech
Posted on December 13, 2019
TweetLikePlusPin ItShare
Biometrics News - Precise Licenses Innovatrics Facial Recognition Tech
Precise Biometrics has integrated facial recognition into its YOUNiQ access control platform through a new partnership with Innovatrics. The arrangement is part of Precise’s ongoing efforts to expand beyond fingerprint recognition and offer security solutions with full multimodal utility.
To that end, Precise will pay Innovatrics an annual licensing fee to deploy its passive facial recognition technology in its YOUNiQ platform. Innovatrics will also receive an additional licensing fee for every individual YOUNiQ user.
Facial recognition is the first non-fingerprint modality to become available through YOUNiQ. Precise is hoping that it will boost sales and the overall appeal of the platform.
“I’m confident that we will be able to leverage each other’s network, strengthening our position in Europe,” said Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson. “Innovatrics is a front runner in face recognition and their proprietary technology will be one of the cornerstones in Precise YOUNiQ.”
“With Precise, we’ve found a partner equally invested in developing trustworthy solutions that positively impact people’s lives from entering premises to making businesses more efficient,” added Innovatrics CEO and Founder Jan Lunter.
The news comes shortly after Precise updated YOUNiQ to provide passive liveness detection. YOUNiQ was first announced earlier this year as part of a broader expansion into multimodal identity services, with Precise later revealing that YOUNiQ would primarily be used for access control. Precise was already trialing the platform – and its facial recognition component – with partners like NVSS Security and Clarkson University at that time.
In the meantime, Innovatrics’ facial recognition algorithm has consistently performed well in multiple rounds of NIST testing. The company has recently been turning its attention to the Latin American market, and previously bundled its various products into a comprehensive Biometric Ecosystem.
According to its latest quarterly report, Precise expects YOUNiQ to reach the commercialization phase sometime in 2020.
December 13, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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14.12.2019 kl 12:28
Som dere kan se her av nyheter, så er det ikke vanskelig å sette sammen puslespillet.
Det foregår ENORMT mye i kulissene nå og ALLE de store jobber sammen om en komplett løsning!!
Jeg tror at Sertifikatet fra Mastercard - Som PB FORTSATT er alene om, utspiller sin effekt gjennom ytterligere integrering.
Egistech er den eneste leverandøren til Samsung på optiske sensorer og PB er eneste software leverandør til Egistec.
PB samarbeider også med Qualcomm, som igjen samarbeider med Apple + Qualcomm har enerett inn mot 5G.
PB samarbeider med Intel og Apple kjøpte Intel.
Samarbeidet med Microsoft har pågått over mange år og gjennom dette og FIDO alliansen, så er ikke veien lang mellom Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, Apple og Mastercard.
PSD2 ble integrert 1.April 2019 og nå er trykket stort for ALLE banker og kortutstedere for dobbel digital verifisering.
Som dere også kan se gjennom alle nyheter om Microsoft sine sikkerhetsnøkkler, så er PB også med i disse.
Det som nå kommer ut er en total løsning for identifisering på Samsung, Apple, Vivo og Huawai som igjen snakker med microsoft og F.eks Citrix. Når da Mastercard, Visa og alle de store bankene nå er avhengig av en SIKKER verifisering av deg som person gjennom telefonen.. Ja, da trenger man ikke gå i banken eller legge inn fingeravtrykket hjemme i stuen med egen innretning - Du gjør det på telefonen! Akkurat som PB sin software er designet for - Multifunksjonell og snakker med alle sensorer!! Og igjen.. De er de ENESTE som er godkjent!
Mastercard plans to announce more partnerships and pilot programs later in 2020. This pilot itself reflects the company’s efforts to follow through on a 2019 white paper that outlined several Principles of Digital Identity, including transparency, security, privacy, inclusion, and consent. Mastercard has also collaborated with Samsung and Microsoft as it works to develop secure device-based digital IDs.
Mastercard and Microsoft have announced that they’re teaming up on a digital identity project.
In a statement, the companies asserted that their aim is “to give people a secure, instant way to verify their digital identity with whomever they want, whenever they want.” This will be realized via a service that allows individuals to manage their identity data “on the devices they use every day.”
Mastercard and Samsung are teaming up to provide customers with secure digital identities that will be stored on people’s smartphones. The new IDs are designed for both in-person and online use cases, and would allow people to verify their identities without handing over their personal information.
The news comes a few months after Mastercard announced another digital identity project with Microsoft.
Identity information won't be stored in any central database, preventing it being targeted by hackers. Facial biometrics will be used to unlock the identity on the device. Samsung will embed Macstercard's digital identity "application programming interfaces" (APIs) into the operating systems of its smartphone handsets.
Precise BioMatch Card algorithm from Precise Biometrics is the first dual-interface card to receive Mastercard CAST certificate for meeting all Mastercard security requirements, according to a series of company announcements.
Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
Precise Match-on-Card™ fingerprint biometric technology. Gemalto .NET Bio is easy to deploy and manage, and integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Windows® environments.
Precise BioMatch™ Mobile has been integrated in Qualcomm® Fingerprint Sensors, next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions, which was announced at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2017.
The sensor integrations comes as a result of the commercial software license and distribution agreement Precise Biometrics entered with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, for the licensing of Precise BioMatch Mobile in July, 2016.
Precise Biometrics, markedslederen innen fingeravtrykksprogramvare har inngått en lisens- og distribusjonsavtale med Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., et datterselskap av Qualcomm Incorporated. Avtalen gjelder lisensiering av Precise Biometrics algoritmeløsning for fingeravtrykksgjenkjenning, Precise BioMatch Mobile.
PSD 2 har som formål å styrke forbrukerbeskyttelsen og bidra til at løsningene og tjenestene som tilbys, er sikre. PSD 2 skal legge til rette for sikre og brukervennlige tjenester. Videre er målet å øke forbrukernes valgfrihet, og å redusere kostnadene ved bruk av betalingstjenester. Direktivet har som formål å åpne opp for nyskapning på betalingsområdet, og å fremme sikrere tekniske betalingsløsninger. Videre er målet å fremme innovasjon gjennom økt konkurranse i markedet.
As for Apple, its billions have bought the company a six-year global patent licensing agreement with Qualcomm, with an option to extend it for another two years after that, ending the legal fights with the chip company around the world and gaining Qualcomm’s services as a parts supplier for future devices.
Det blir spennende å se om dette stemmer.
Fortsatt god helg :)
Det foregår ENORMT mye i kulissene nå og ALLE de store jobber sammen om en komplett løsning!!
Jeg tror at Sertifikatet fra Mastercard - Som PB FORTSATT er alene om, utspiller sin effekt gjennom ytterligere integrering.
Egistech er den eneste leverandøren til Samsung på optiske sensorer og PB er eneste software leverandør til Egistec.
PB samarbeider også med Qualcomm, som igjen samarbeider med Apple + Qualcomm har enerett inn mot 5G.
PB samarbeider med Intel og Apple kjøpte Intel.
Samarbeidet med Microsoft har pågått over mange år og gjennom dette og FIDO alliansen, så er ikke veien lang mellom Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, Apple og Mastercard.
PSD2 ble integrert 1.April 2019 og nå er trykket stort for ALLE banker og kortutstedere for dobbel digital verifisering.
Som dere også kan se gjennom alle nyheter om Microsoft sine sikkerhetsnøkkler, så er PB også med i disse.
Det som nå kommer ut er en total løsning for identifisering på Samsung, Apple, Vivo og Huawai som igjen snakker med microsoft og F.eks Citrix. Når da Mastercard, Visa og alle de store bankene nå er avhengig av en SIKKER verifisering av deg som person gjennom telefonen.. Ja, da trenger man ikke gå i banken eller legge inn fingeravtrykket hjemme i stuen med egen innretning - Du gjør det på telefonen! Akkurat som PB sin software er designet for - Multifunksjonell og snakker med alle sensorer!! Og igjen.. De er de ENESTE som er godkjent!
Mastercard plans to announce more partnerships and pilot programs later in 2020. This pilot itself reflects the company’s efforts to follow through on a 2019 white paper that outlined several Principles of Digital Identity, including transparency, security, privacy, inclusion, and consent. Mastercard has also collaborated with Samsung and Microsoft as it works to develop secure device-based digital IDs.
Mastercard and Microsoft have announced that they’re teaming up on a digital identity project.
In a statement, the companies asserted that their aim is “to give people a secure, instant way to verify their digital identity with whomever they want, whenever they want.” This will be realized via a service that allows individuals to manage their identity data “on the devices they use every day.”
Mastercard and Samsung are teaming up to provide customers with secure digital identities that will be stored on people’s smartphones. The new IDs are designed for both in-person and online use cases, and would allow people to verify their identities without handing over their personal information.
The news comes a few months after Mastercard announced another digital identity project with Microsoft.
Identity information won't be stored in any central database, preventing it being targeted by hackers. Facial biometrics will be used to unlock the identity on the device. Samsung will embed Macstercard's digital identity "application programming interfaces" (APIs) into the operating systems of its smartphone handsets.
Precise BioMatch Card algorithm from Precise Biometrics is the first dual-interface card to receive Mastercard CAST certificate for meeting all Mastercard security requirements, according to a series of company announcements.
Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
Precise Match-on-Card™ fingerprint biometric technology. Gemalto .NET Bio is easy to deploy and manage, and integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Windows® environments.
Precise BioMatch™ Mobile has been integrated in Qualcomm® Fingerprint Sensors, next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions, which was announced at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2017.
The sensor integrations comes as a result of the commercial software license and distribution agreement Precise Biometrics entered with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, for the licensing of Precise BioMatch Mobile in July, 2016.
Precise Biometrics, markedslederen innen fingeravtrykksprogramvare har inngått en lisens- og distribusjonsavtale med Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., et datterselskap av Qualcomm Incorporated. Avtalen gjelder lisensiering av Precise Biometrics algoritmeløsning for fingeravtrykksgjenkjenning, Precise BioMatch Mobile.
PSD 2 har som formål å styrke forbrukerbeskyttelsen og bidra til at løsningene og tjenestene som tilbys, er sikre. PSD 2 skal legge til rette for sikre og brukervennlige tjenester. Videre er målet å øke forbrukernes valgfrihet, og å redusere kostnadene ved bruk av betalingstjenester. Direktivet har som formål å åpne opp for nyskapning på betalingsområdet, og å fremme sikrere tekniske betalingsløsninger. Videre er målet å fremme innovasjon gjennom økt konkurranse i markedet.
As for Apple, its billions have bought the company a six-year global patent licensing agreement with Qualcomm, with an option to extend it for another two years after that, ending the legal fights with the chip company around the world and gaining Qualcomm’s services as a parts supplier for future devices.
Det blir spennende å se om dette stemmer.
Fortsatt god helg :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
14.12.2019 kl 15:12
Og bare for å krydre kaken litt ekstra:
Covr er selskapet som startet BANKID i Europa og de ble nettopp sertifisert av Microsoft, Mastercard og Visa!! - Ingen melding annet enn på twitter!!
Covr provides a secure platform for log-in to digital services and enables secure transactions online via mobile devices, by linking the user to the mobile device and giving the user first-hand information to control their own data. The product is an alternative to hardware-based authentication via dongle and is aimed at companies with requirements for customer identification in sectors such as finance, betting, retail and healthcare.
The initial goal of the collaboration is to carry out pilots during the second half of 2019 and then enter into a commercial phase.
ovr Security has been EMV-certified by EMVCo for secure payment transactions.
It will open more possibilities for business partners in the payment and banking sector.
#emvcertified #securepayments #VISA #mastercard
We are adding our multi-factor authentication solution to MobiMedia’s overall customer offer. MobiMedia is a public company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange- They focus on mobile e-commerce and media services and provides mobile marketing and payment solutions in Eastern Europe.
KPN is the leading telco, mobile, and network services provider in the Netherlands, with more than 33 million subscribers. Covr Security will be the first company to provide a secure authentication API to their enterprise/third party marketplace. Our API supports advanced multi-factor authentication and mandatory SCA for Open Banking in Europe.
Precise Biometrics
An essential step in our progress is the joint agreement with biometric fingerprint solution provider Precise. The agreement is strengthening our offer by adding a verification solution for digital services and transactions between mobile units. The initial goal of the partnership is to carry out pilots during the second half of 2019 and then enter into a commercial phase.
Precise biometrics holder kortene tett til brystet og annonserer ikke nyheter angående piloter og de er også underlagt taushet på hvilke telefoner de er med i.
I mine øyne er denne saken nå komplett og det er bare å vente på meldingen over ALLE meldinger!!
Det er rett og slett latterlig at dette selskapet har klart å gå under radaren så lenge uten at markedet har fanget dette opp!!
Alle store selskaper som utvikler telefoner, betalingskort, sikker innlogging og sensorer +++ samarbeider nå med Precise biometrics!! Les gjennom alle meldinger og gjør opp DIN mening om selskapet og ta en titt på kursen!! Dette er, har vært og kommer til å bli det beste selskapet å investere i nå før 2020!! Spørsmålet er hvor lenge de klarer å holde utviklingen skjult og når de velger å gå offentlig ut med nyhetene!
Covr er selskapet som startet BANKID i Europa og de ble nettopp sertifisert av Microsoft, Mastercard og Visa!! - Ingen melding annet enn på twitter!!
Covr provides a secure platform for log-in to digital services and enables secure transactions online via mobile devices, by linking the user to the mobile device and giving the user first-hand information to control their own data. The product is an alternative to hardware-based authentication via dongle and is aimed at companies with requirements for customer identification in sectors such as finance, betting, retail and healthcare.
The initial goal of the collaboration is to carry out pilots during the second half of 2019 and then enter into a commercial phase.
ovr Security has been EMV-certified by EMVCo for secure payment transactions.
It will open more possibilities for business partners in the payment and banking sector.
#emvcertified #securepayments #VISA #mastercard
We are adding our multi-factor authentication solution to MobiMedia’s overall customer offer. MobiMedia is a public company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange- They focus on mobile e-commerce and media services and provides mobile marketing and payment solutions in Eastern Europe.
KPN is the leading telco, mobile, and network services provider in the Netherlands, with more than 33 million subscribers. Covr Security will be the first company to provide a secure authentication API to their enterprise/third party marketplace. Our API supports advanced multi-factor authentication and mandatory SCA for Open Banking in Europe.
Precise Biometrics
An essential step in our progress is the joint agreement with biometric fingerprint solution provider Precise. The agreement is strengthening our offer by adding a verification solution for digital services and transactions between mobile units. The initial goal of the partnership is to carry out pilots during the second half of 2019 and then enter into a commercial phase.
Precise biometrics holder kortene tett til brystet og annonserer ikke nyheter angående piloter og de er også underlagt taushet på hvilke telefoner de er med i.
I mine øyne er denne saken nå komplett og det er bare å vente på meldingen over ALLE meldinger!!
Det er rett og slett latterlig at dette selskapet har klart å gå under radaren så lenge uten at markedet har fanget dette opp!!
Alle store selskaper som utvikler telefoner, betalingskort, sikker innlogging og sensorer +++ samarbeider nå med Precise biometrics!! Les gjennom alle meldinger og gjør opp DIN mening om selskapet og ta en titt på kursen!! Dette er, har vært og kommer til å bli det beste selskapet å investere i nå før 2020!! Spørsmålet er hvor lenge de klarer å holde utviklingen skjult og når de velger å gå offentlig ut med nyhetene!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
14.12.2019 kl 19:06
I rest my case :)
Sett at jeg har rett i mine antagelser..
At Alle store jobber sammen om en felles plattform gjennom 5G og et mobilt nettverk for godkjenning av fingerprint, facial, voice and behaviour. Og at det er PB som leverer softvaren, FPC leverer sensorer utenfor optisk, Egistech Optisk og at det er Samsung som leder an nå pga handelskrigen og overtaket på optiske sensorer, som nå Apple prøver å komme seg foran igjen gjennom Qualcomm og oppkjøpet av Intel. Mastercard og Visa trekker i trådene og står for sertifisering, piloter og API.
Så passer det greit med meldingene som nettopp kom i kveld med Samsung og spekulasjon om Apple face ID. Patentsøknaden fra Apple viser tydelig at det er en tredjeparts software som benyttes gjennom Apple sitt nettverk og Samsung leder an på ansikt og plattform. Tenker det er årsaken til at PB må gå eksternt på ansikt, siden de har lisensiert ut via Samsung og kan ikke benytte denne til eget produkt:
Samsung has updated the iris scanners in its Galaxy S9 and Note9 smartphones to now support the new Google Biometric API.
Samsung’s iris scanning tech was first debuted in 2016 in Samsung’s Galaxy Note7, and promised a new fool-proof form of biometric security on the notion that a person’s irises are unique and nearly impossible to replicate. The iris scanner has since been featured on the Galaxy S8, S9, Note8 and Note9, though it was absent from the most recent additions to Samsung’s lineup of smartphones, the Galaxy S10 and Note10.
Users could scan their irises to unlock their phone, to use Samsung Pay, and the Samsung Secure folder in their phone. Its popularity however, was limited due to the need for developers to use Samsung’s in-house SDK instead of Google’s more popular package.
Add your voice to the 2019 Year in Review!
With the newfound support of Google’s Biometric API, Samsung users with iris scanners will now be able to use them to log into a wider range of apps that have also been updated with the same API, including Google Pay, LastPass, and a number of banking apps.
Google launched its new API in early November of this year, after the launch of its latest flagship Pixel 4 smartphone. The Pixel 4 came equipped with Face Unlock for biometric authentication, Google’s answer to Apple’s popular Face ID feature found on the iPhone.
The launch of the Pixel 4 also signalled the launch of Android’s latest OS, Android 10, and with it came the new Biometric API, an upgrade to the BiometricPrompt API that was introduced with Android Pie in 2018.
Apple has filed a patent application for an improved version of Face ID that would be able to recognize partial faces and overcome poor lighting conditions. The newly published application was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The patent specifically concerns a neural network module for a device equipped with a TrueDepth camera. Whenever it detects a face in an image, the network will be able to create a bounding box and analyze that face regardless of its orientation within the frame. The box will be created as long as the face is at least partially visible within the image.
Apple did not offer as many details about how it plans to deal with adverse lighting, and could reveal more information in a separate patent application. Facial recognition providers like Aratek and Panasonic have previously boasted about the low lighting capabilities of their technology.
The new patent could facilitate the integration of Face ID into a slew of IoT devices, especially if those devices capture faces at unusual angles. For example, a recent Apple patent detailed plans to introduce Face ID to the Apple Watch, which could otherwise prove to be more challenging than it is with a standard iPhone.
Med over 30 år innen for biometri og software som er styrket med over 100 patenter, så tenker jeg at det kan være den underliggende faktoren for at et samarbeid nå kan finne sted. Tror ikke de vil gå gjennom det samme som de gjorde i søksmålet fra Qualcomm :)
En annan intressant parameter i bedömningen av Precise Biometrics-aktien är vad
bolagets patent är värda. Precise Biometrics lutar sig mot smalsensor-patentet,
som går tillbaka till 1999. Patentet täcker i princip in hela identifieringsprocessen
för fingeravtryck. Totalt har Precise Biometrics omkring hundra olika patent i sin
portfölj men nyckeln är fortfarande patentet för små sensorer och omkringliggande
patent som tagits ut efter detta. Flera aktörer som exempelvis Apple, Samsung och
Fingerprint Cards kan ha gjort sig skyldiga till patentintrång genom utveckling av
egna algoritmer. PB har hittills valt en mycket försiktig väg i patentfrågan
According to Qualcomm, the new license between the two companies is six years, with a two-year option to extend. It includes a one-time payment from Apple to Qualcomm. The amount of the payment was not disclosed.
Jeg tenker at PB lisensierer ut softvaren sin til alle de store mens de samtidig har utviklet Youniq som bygger på sikker innlogging med fingeravtrykk, ansikt, stemme og oppførsel. Dette er et helt unikt konsept med de beste i verden på sitt felt og de ligger nå i forkan med alle sine piloter som straks er ferdig og Youniq er snart klar for lansering, Det sier seg selv at det er mange piloter som har pågått gjennom Q3 når inntektene BARE på piloter var over 1 mill.
Meldingen på Fredag viste siste ledd i et komplett oppsett for lansering og det var ikke smågutter dette heller :)
First launched in early 2017, the NIST’s Face Recognition Vendor Test is designed to assess the performance of facial recognition technologies with an eye to government, law enforcement and homeland security applications. The FRVT 1:1 Leaderboard is a running list of the 20 most accurate facial recognition developers, based on the performance of their most accurate algorithms in working with databases of visa and mugshot photos.
Ranking the developers based on the False Non-Match Rate metric, the FRVT 1:1 Leaderboard shows Innovatrics ranked in 9th – an impressive result, given that the NIST has assessed over a hundred algorithm providers.
Grunnen til at Swipe sliter nå er at det lenger ikke blir behov for registrering i hjemmet med det sleevet som de selger. De er også tom for penger og søker kapital. og Idex sliter fordi de har et produkt som er avhengig i at avtrykket blir lagret i kortet eller i egen hardware, men gjør fremskritt i diverse U-land. FPC sliter siden de ikke har et design vinn på optiske sensorer.
Let the game begin and the speculations come to life :)
Hvis jeg har rett i spekulasjonene her, ja da kan vi se 20 til 50 ganger kursen og ikke bare 2 til 4 gangen!!
Fortsatt god helg!
Sett at jeg har rett i mine antagelser..
At Alle store jobber sammen om en felles plattform gjennom 5G og et mobilt nettverk for godkjenning av fingerprint, facial, voice and behaviour. Og at det er PB som leverer softvaren, FPC leverer sensorer utenfor optisk, Egistech Optisk og at det er Samsung som leder an nå pga handelskrigen og overtaket på optiske sensorer, som nå Apple prøver å komme seg foran igjen gjennom Qualcomm og oppkjøpet av Intel. Mastercard og Visa trekker i trådene og står for sertifisering, piloter og API.
Så passer det greit med meldingene som nettopp kom i kveld med Samsung og spekulasjon om Apple face ID. Patentsøknaden fra Apple viser tydelig at det er en tredjeparts software som benyttes gjennom Apple sitt nettverk og Samsung leder an på ansikt og plattform. Tenker det er årsaken til at PB må gå eksternt på ansikt, siden de har lisensiert ut via Samsung og kan ikke benytte denne til eget produkt:
Samsung has updated the iris scanners in its Galaxy S9 and Note9 smartphones to now support the new Google Biometric API.
Samsung’s iris scanning tech was first debuted in 2016 in Samsung’s Galaxy Note7, and promised a new fool-proof form of biometric security on the notion that a person’s irises are unique and nearly impossible to replicate. The iris scanner has since been featured on the Galaxy S8, S9, Note8 and Note9, though it was absent from the most recent additions to Samsung’s lineup of smartphones, the Galaxy S10 and Note10.
Users could scan their irises to unlock their phone, to use Samsung Pay, and the Samsung Secure folder in their phone. Its popularity however, was limited due to the need for developers to use Samsung’s in-house SDK instead of Google’s more popular package.
Add your voice to the 2019 Year in Review!
With the newfound support of Google’s Biometric API, Samsung users with iris scanners will now be able to use them to log into a wider range of apps that have also been updated with the same API, including Google Pay, LastPass, and a number of banking apps.
Google launched its new API in early November of this year, after the launch of its latest flagship Pixel 4 smartphone. The Pixel 4 came equipped with Face Unlock for biometric authentication, Google’s answer to Apple’s popular Face ID feature found on the iPhone.
The launch of the Pixel 4 also signalled the launch of Android’s latest OS, Android 10, and with it came the new Biometric API, an upgrade to the BiometricPrompt API that was introduced with Android Pie in 2018.
Apple has filed a patent application for an improved version of Face ID that would be able to recognize partial faces and overcome poor lighting conditions. The newly published application was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The patent specifically concerns a neural network module for a device equipped with a TrueDepth camera. Whenever it detects a face in an image, the network will be able to create a bounding box and analyze that face regardless of its orientation within the frame. The box will be created as long as the face is at least partially visible within the image.
Apple did not offer as many details about how it plans to deal with adverse lighting, and could reveal more information in a separate patent application. Facial recognition providers like Aratek and Panasonic have previously boasted about the low lighting capabilities of their technology.
The new patent could facilitate the integration of Face ID into a slew of IoT devices, especially if those devices capture faces at unusual angles. For example, a recent Apple patent detailed plans to introduce Face ID to the Apple Watch, which could otherwise prove to be more challenging than it is with a standard iPhone.
Med over 30 år innen for biometri og software som er styrket med over 100 patenter, så tenker jeg at det kan være den underliggende faktoren for at et samarbeid nå kan finne sted. Tror ikke de vil gå gjennom det samme som de gjorde i søksmålet fra Qualcomm :)
En annan intressant parameter i bedömningen av Precise Biometrics-aktien är vad
bolagets patent är värda. Precise Biometrics lutar sig mot smalsensor-patentet,
som går tillbaka till 1999. Patentet täcker i princip in hela identifieringsprocessen
för fingeravtryck. Totalt har Precise Biometrics omkring hundra olika patent i sin
portfölj men nyckeln är fortfarande patentet för små sensorer och omkringliggande
patent som tagits ut efter detta. Flera aktörer som exempelvis Apple, Samsung och
Fingerprint Cards kan ha gjort sig skyldiga till patentintrång genom utveckling av
egna algoritmer. PB har hittills valt en mycket försiktig väg i patentfrågan
According to Qualcomm, the new license between the two companies is six years, with a two-year option to extend. It includes a one-time payment from Apple to Qualcomm. The amount of the payment was not disclosed.
Jeg tenker at PB lisensierer ut softvaren sin til alle de store mens de samtidig har utviklet Youniq som bygger på sikker innlogging med fingeravtrykk, ansikt, stemme og oppførsel. Dette er et helt unikt konsept med de beste i verden på sitt felt og de ligger nå i forkan med alle sine piloter som straks er ferdig og Youniq er snart klar for lansering, Det sier seg selv at det er mange piloter som har pågått gjennom Q3 når inntektene BARE på piloter var over 1 mill.
Meldingen på Fredag viste siste ledd i et komplett oppsett for lansering og det var ikke smågutter dette heller :)
First launched in early 2017, the NIST’s Face Recognition Vendor Test is designed to assess the performance of facial recognition technologies with an eye to government, law enforcement and homeland security applications. The FRVT 1:1 Leaderboard is a running list of the 20 most accurate facial recognition developers, based on the performance of their most accurate algorithms in working with databases of visa and mugshot photos.
Ranking the developers based on the False Non-Match Rate metric, the FRVT 1:1 Leaderboard shows Innovatrics ranked in 9th – an impressive result, given that the NIST has assessed over a hundred algorithm providers.
Grunnen til at Swipe sliter nå er at det lenger ikke blir behov for registrering i hjemmet med det sleevet som de selger. De er også tom for penger og søker kapital. og Idex sliter fordi de har et produkt som er avhengig i at avtrykket blir lagret i kortet eller i egen hardware, men gjør fremskritt i diverse U-land. FPC sliter siden de ikke har et design vinn på optiske sensorer.
Let the game begin and the speculations come to life :)
Hvis jeg har rett i spekulasjonene her, ja da kan vi se 20 til 50 ganger kursen og ikke bare 2 til 4 gangen!!
Fortsatt god helg!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
14.12.2019 kl 22:37
Ytterligere bekreftelse på hva som faktisk skjer nå. Det kan ikke være mye tvil igjen på hva som foregår nå.
Apple tar steget til Optiske sensorer og har blitt presset ut av Kina med 30% og over til sør-øst Asia med sin software - Og hvor hører PB til???
Produsenten av sensor til Hyundai sin dørlås og startfunksjon som PB er med i, er den samme produsenten som til Apple og Samsung!
Videre er det bekreftelse på at Qualcomm som har lisensiert PB sin algoritme krever at Apple slutter å selge alle telefoner som bruker Intel chip.
By George Peabody on December 11 2019
“The pilot program will test a new way for people to prove their identity without having to carry multiple documents. Instead, the model allows the data to sit with its rightful owner – the user. It will activate a distributed model that blends information stored on an individual’s mobile device and verified by additional reference points, such as an individual’s bank or participating government agencies . It eliminates the need for a centralized identity database.”
European Union antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager has begun scrutinizing Apple Pay, and antitrust regulators in the Netherlands and France are concerned, too. In Germany, a law that kicks in Jan. 1 could force Apple to open up its payments technology more for competitors.
Qualcomm did not reveal the names of the devices that will integrate the new in-display ultrasonic fingerprint sensor in 2020, but the rumor around the block is we might see it in the Galaxy S11 series.
Meanwhile, rumors say Apple is thinking of bringing back TouchID for iPhone 12, after the company met with Taiwanese manufacturer GIS to allegedly integrate Qualcomm’s under-display ultrasonic fingerprint scanner with components from GIS, reports Forbes.
Of course now the iPhone 11 has launched, the iPhone 12 rumour mill is in full force, and it seems Touch ID could be back, but in a slightly different form. According to the Economic Daily News, a Taiwanese site that often covers Apple-related stories, the iPhone maker has arranged to meet with GIS, a Taiwanese manufacturer, to discuss the possibility of a smartphone with an under-display fingerprint scanner.
Due to appear in an iPhone released in 2020 or 2021, the fingerprint scanner in question is Qualcomm’s ultrasonic sensor and GIS would supply components.
The Qualcomm ultrasonic sensor is used in Samsung’s Galaxy S10 range, however, it was recently found to be suffering from a flaw, sparking rumours that it would be discontinued altogether on Galaxy S11 devices.
However, an upcoming version of Qualcomm’s ultrasonic sensor will apparently be larger, which should prevent the issues suffered by the Samsung Galaxy S range.
HYUNDAI Motor Company has announced that the worlds first smart fingerprint technology which will allow them to unlock the doors and start their car.
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
Customers include Hyundai Motors and Samsung Electronics. Recently, it has also entered the smart medical device business. It has planned to be listed on the KOSPI market; however, the plan was withdrawn last month due to economic uncertainties both domestically and abroad. They plan to go public again in early next year.
Apple is Preparing a Fundamental Restructuring of its Supply Chain that could Shift up to 30% out of China
Last week Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple Sends an Indirect Message to Wall Street that iPhones can be made outside of China if the US-China Trade War Escalates." Today, a Nikkei report claims that Apple has asked its major suppliers to evaluate the cost implications of shifting 15% to 30% of their production capacity from China to Southeast Asia as it prepares for a fundamental restructuring of its supply chain, Nikkei Asian Review has learned.
Apple says it will update software in response to China iPhone ruling that could ban its handsets
The two Qualcomm patents in dispute in China enable users to adjust and reformat photos and manage applications through touch-based navigating apps
Qualcomm, one of the world’s largest mobile chip makers, is also asking courts in China to ban sales of the latest iPhone XS and XR, after winning a preliminary injunction there against Apple’s older models, according to a Financial Times report on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm has persuaded the US International Trade Commission to consider banning imports of iPhones that use Intel chips, Bloomberg reported on Thursday. But the trade agency said it would take a closer look at a recommendation by a judge in September that an import ban would hurt America’s competitive edge in the development of 5G.
Det var alt fra detektiven denne helgen :)
Sov godt Mr. Navle
Apple tar steget til Optiske sensorer og har blitt presset ut av Kina med 30% og over til sør-øst Asia med sin software - Og hvor hører PB til???
Produsenten av sensor til Hyundai sin dørlås og startfunksjon som PB er med i, er den samme produsenten som til Apple og Samsung!
Videre er det bekreftelse på at Qualcomm som har lisensiert PB sin algoritme krever at Apple slutter å selge alle telefoner som bruker Intel chip.
By George Peabody on December 11 2019
“The pilot program will test a new way for people to prove their identity without having to carry multiple documents. Instead, the model allows the data to sit with its rightful owner – the user. It will activate a distributed model that blends information stored on an individual’s mobile device and verified by additional reference points, such as an individual’s bank or participating government agencies . It eliminates the need for a centralized identity database.”
European Union antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager has begun scrutinizing Apple Pay, and antitrust regulators in the Netherlands and France are concerned, too. In Germany, a law that kicks in Jan. 1 could force Apple to open up its payments technology more for competitors.
Qualcomm did not reveal the names of the devices that will integrate the new in-display ultrasonic fingerprint sensor in 2020, but the rumor around the block is we might see it in the Galaxy S11 series.
Meanwhile, rumors say Apple is thinking of bringing back TouchID for iPhone 12, after the company met with Taiwanese manufacturer GIS to allegedly integrate Qualcomm’s under-display ultrasonic fingerprint scanner with components from GIS, reports Forbes.
Of course now the iPhone 11 has launched, the iPhone 12 rumour mill is in full force, and it seems Touch ID could be back, but in a slightly different form. According to the Economic Daily News, a Taiwanese site that often covers Apple-related stories, the iPhone maker has arranged to meet with GIS, a Taiwanese manufacturer, to discuss the possibility of a smartphone with an under-display fingerprint scanner.
Due to appear in an iPhone released in 2020 or 2021, the fingerprint scanner in question is Qualcomm’s ultrasonic sensor and GIS would supply components.
The Qualcomm ultrasonic sensor is used in Samsung’s Galaxy S10 range, however, it was recently found to be suffering from a flaw, sparking rumours that it would be discontinued altogether on Galaxy S11 devices.
However, an upcoming version of Qualcomm’s ultrasonic sensor will apparently be larger, which should prevent the issues suffered by the Samsung Galaxy S range.
HYUNDAI Motor Company has announced that the worlds first smart fingerprint technology which will allow them to unlock the doors and start their car.
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
Customers include Hyundai Motors and Samsung Electronics. Recently, it has also entered the smart medical device business. It has planned to be listed on the KOSPI market; however, the plan was withdrawn last month due to economic uncertainties both domestically and abroad. They plan to go public again in early next year.
Apple is Preparing a Fundamental Restructuring of its Supply Chain that could Shift up to 30% out of China
Last week Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple Sends an Indirect Message to Wall Street that iPhones can be made outside of China if the US-China Trade War Escalates." Today, a Nikkei report claims that Apple has asked its major suppliers to evaluate the cost implications of shifting 15% to 30% of their production capacity from China to Southeast Asia as it prepares for a fundamental restructuring of its supply chain, Nikkei Asian Review has learned.
Apple says it will update software in response to China iPhone ruling that could ban its handsets
The two Qualcomm patents in dispute in China enable users to adjust and reformat photos and manage applications through touch-based navigating apps
Qualcomm, one of the world’s largest mobile chip makers, is also asking courts in China to ban sales of the latest iPhone XS and XR, after winning a preliminary injunction there against Apple’s older models, according to a Financial Times report on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm has persuaded the US International Trade Commission to consider banning imports of iPhones that use Intel chips, Bloomberg reported on Thursday. But the trade agency said it would take a closer look at a recommendation by a judge in September that an import ban would hurt America’s competitive edge in the development of 5G.
Det var alt fra detektiven denne helgen :)
Sov godt Mr. Navle
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
16.12.2019 kl 14:55
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
16.12.2019 kl 16:21
Together with
, we’re leading the way in multimodal biometrics to make facility access easier & more secure. Leveraging each other’s network, we can offer a wide array of tailor-made solutions that benefit all types of verticals.
Together with
, we’re leading the way in multimodal biometrics to make facility access easier & more secure. Leveraging each other’s network, we can offer a wide array of tailor-made solutions that benefit all types of verticals.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
16.12.2019 kl 19:43
Samsung adds Android 10 support for Google’s Biometric API in S9 devices
Dec 16, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
Samsung adds Android 10 support for Google’s Biometric API in S9 devices
Samsung has updated its iris scanner feature in some Galaxy S9 and Note9 devices, making it compatible with Google’s Biometric API in Android 10 beta, writes Android Police based on user reports in the Android 10 One UI 2.0 beta program. S9 users can now sign into a higher number of apps including LastPass, Google Pay and banking apps, which now support the biometric iris scanner in the devices.
Believed to be an impossible to duplicate and completely unique to each individual, iris recognition was first integrated in the Galaxy Note 7 for phone unlocking, and for use with Samsung Pay, and Samsung Secure Folder to enhance mobile security. Biometrics researchers, however, pointed out in an academic study that the biometric accuracy of iris recognition is reduced by the presence of type II diabetes.
The feature is no longer available in S10 series, as it was not popular among third-party app developers who had to use Samsung’s in-house SDK. Unfortunately, this update is not available for S8 series users who will have to keep running Android 9.
To set it up in Galaxy S9 or Note9, simply go to Settings > Lock screen and security > Iris Scanner.
In October, Samsung upgraded the facial recognition feature in Galaxy devices running Android 10 and One UI 2.0, making it mandatory for the user’s eyes to be open and adding the option for a second look.
In December, Samsung announced it was considering dropping the ultrasonic biometric fingerprint scanner from its S11 series after users complained that the S10 could be easily unlocked when using a screen protector.
Det hadde jo vært fint om PB var med i hele A-serien til Samsung gjennom optisk sensor fra Egistec og at Samsung også velger optisk og PB for S11 :)
Melding kommer når den kommer.
Precise Biometrics has won an order to license its Precise Match-on-Card technology, which will be integrated in the passports of an unspecified European country. The order was received via its partner, the Greece-based company Worldwide Trust, which heads a consortium supplying biometric passports that includes SafeNet as well as Precise Biometrics.
Precise Biometrics receives a MSEK 20 license order for biometric passports
Lund, Sweden
Precise Biometrics AB (publ) has for the first time won a procurement regarding passports with Match-on-Card with fingerprint biometrics. The order was received via the partner Worldwide Trust. The project includes licensing of Precise Match-on-Card technology that will be integrated in the passports.
Det nærmer seg ny runde på biometriske pass :)
Samsung adds Android 10 support for Google’s Biometric API in S9 devices
Dec 16, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
Samsung adds Android 10 support for Google’s Biometric API in S9 devices
Samsung has updated its iris scanner feature in some Galaxy S9 and Note9 devices, making it compatible with Google’s Biometric API in Android 10 beta, writes Android Police based on user reports in the Android 10 One UI 2.0 beta program. S9 users can now sign into a higher number of apps including LastPass, Google Pay and banking apps, which now support the biometric iris scanner in the devices.
Believed to be an impossible to duplicate and completely unique to each individual, iris recognition was first integrated in the Galaxy Note 7 for phone unlocking, and for use with Samsung Pay, and Samsung Secure Folder to enhance mobile security. Biometrics researchers, however, pointed out in an academic study that the biometric accuracy of iris recognition is reduced by the presence of type II diabetes.
The feature is no longer available in S10 series, as it was not popular among third-party app developers who had to use Samsung’s in-house SDK. Unfortunately, this update is not available for S8 series users who will have to keep running Android 9.
To set it up in Galaxy S9 or Note9, simply go to Settings > Lock screen and security > Iris Scanner.
In October, Samsung upgraded the facial recognition feature in Galaxy devices running Android 10 and One UI 2.0, making it mandatory for the user’s eyes to be open and adding the option for a second look.
In December, Samsung announced it was considering dropping the ultrasonic biometric fingerprint scanner from its S11 series after users complained that the S10 could be easily unlocked when using a screen protector.
Det hadde jo vært fint om PB var med i hele A-serien til Samsung gjennom optisk sensor fra Egistec og at Samsung også velger optisk og PB for S11 :)
Melding kommer når den kommer.
Precise Biometrics has won an order to license its Precise Match-on-Card technology, which will be integrated in the passports of an unspecified European country. The order was received via its partner, the Greece-based company Worldwide Trust, which heads a consortium supplying biometric passports that includes SafeNet as well as Precise Biometrics.
Precise Biometrics receives a MSEK 20 license order for biometric passports
Lund, Sweden
Precise Biometrics AB (publ) has for the first time won a procurement regarding passports with Match-on-Card with fingerprint biometrics. The order was received via the partner Worldwide Trust. The project includes licensing of Precise Match-on-Card technology that will be integrated in the passports.
Det nærmer seg ny runde på biometriske pass :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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17.12.2019 kl 19:55
Jaja... Nytt innside kjøp i dag på det samme som de 4 andre siste innsidehandler på 1.70. Heller ikke børsmeldt som alle de andre :)
Flere gode nyheter fulgte:
Georgina Bulkeley, Director of Innovation, NatWest said: “After the successful pilot of our biometric debit card we are looking to test the technology further with credit cards. This is the biggest development in card technology in recent years and not having to enter a PIN not only increases security but makes it easier for our customers when paying for goods or services.”
One of the biggest recent developments is the addition of biometric sensors to payment cards, something that’s increasingly being demanded by consumers who have become accustomed to being recognised by their fingerprint or face when accessing their smartphone or tablet. “This method of two‐factor authentication is secure, compliant and convenient, which is why so many consumers like it,” says Mikko Kähkönen, Head of Product Management at G+D Mobile Security.
G+D has a number of different approaches to combining biometrics with payment devices; one example being the pilot started French bank Crédit Agricole this summer. Further projects addressing additional use cases are in the pipeline and will be public soon.
Another advance on the security front is the move towards tokenization, which enables banks to turn an account number into a token that prevents fraudsters from identifying it. These tokens can be placed in various different physical devices like wearables, or used for eCommerce or transactions made on mobile phones.
Dynamic CVV technology is also becoming a game changer for secure online payments. This replaces the static CVV (three‐digit card value) with an electronic display screen that regularly generates a new CVV number.
In 2018, we wrote: “Biometric smart cards are emerging as the next innovation in payment cards.”
Jump forward a year and NatWest called biometric payment cards “the biggest development in card technology in recent years” when announcing its pilot of the technology.
It is staggering how far the market has come in only one year as banks, retailers and consumers recognize the value the technology can bring to our daily lives. Pilots are in progress around the world, commercial roll outs are happening and some of the biggest companies and organizations around the world are backing the technology.
Below are some of the key milestones from the past couple of years as we march towards a world where biometrics are enabling more trust and convenience for our card-based payments.
Pilots & trials around the world
2018 saw the technology go from lab to trial. 2019 moved it to next phase of pilots in both debit and credit cards, and the first commercial deployment.
There are now more than 20 pilots of contactless biometric-enabled cards in progress around the world, from North America and the Middle East to Europe and Japan. All of them using Fingerprints technology.
2019 saw the world’s first volume order of fingerprint sensors for dual-interface payment cards placed by global digital security leader Thales, in addition to the UK’s first biometric payment card trial announced from Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest with a mission to scrap the £30 payment cap.
Ending the year with a bang, Swiss Corner Bank announced the launch of the limited edition Cornèrcard Biometric Gold, the first commercial launch of its kind enabling users to make high-value contactless payments.
Awareness of the benefits of biometrics is clearly growing, with banks, retailers and consumers recognizing the value of improved customer experience and reduced payment friction. In addition, banks can reduce fraud and foster trust to retain and attract customers while retailers can maximize throughput and reduce drop-outs, increasing revenues.
Most importantly, consumers no longer need to compromise security in the name of convenience, they can have their cake and eat it!
Rock & enroll!
Defining the process of registering fingerprints onto cards is a crucial element in getting biometric smartcards to consumers. In fact, 83% of issuing banks we interviewed cited enrollment as the most important thing to get right.
With this in mind, we set out to define a straightforward and secure solution with UX design specialists BlockZero that we launched earlier this year. Our ‘out of the box’ enrollment concept provides an easy, secure (and dare I say ‘fun’!) way to register your biometric data! See what we mean on our YouTube channel.
Of course, this is just one scenario and we are working with the industry to explore a range of in-branch and at-home enrollment options to meet the needs of every consumer.
With a lot of focus on PSD2’s mandate for the implementation of SCA (or, to those unfamiliar, Strong Customer Authentication) in 2019, biometrics is set to play a big role in muscling up banking’s authentication. The European mandate and its implementation by banks has stirred a lot of discussion across the continent – especially in the UK.
It’s great to see the fruits of years of work filtering down to consumer end points. PSD2 aims to make consumers’ lives and services better, and SCA is just one example of the regulation in action. But some consumers are already seeing every fifth contactless transaction rejected to force an authentication, creating confusion and frustration at the point of sale.
Biometric payment cards offer the perfect answer to SCA requirements. By adding strong authentication to the ‘tap’, consumers can benefit from greater security without harming the user experience of contactless. Or slowing throughput time for merchants!
Aligning bank priorities with consumer perceptions
When introducing new solutions and services, aligning a bank’s transformation strategy with the desires of consumers is an interesting chart to plot. Following our consumer research, we set out to understand how the opinions of banks compared - including understanding the importance placed on biometrics and why.
The one thing that everyone can agree on is the importance of contactless payments. Both banks and consumers consider them to be the most important payment method. Whether this is through a card or a mobile, the days of mag stripe (and, dare I say Chip & PIN!) are numbered.
88% of the banks we spoke with agreed that contactless is the main payment priority in the coming years.
However, there is one striking difference between consumers and banks when it comes to contactless payments. For the banks, the biggest issue with contactless is being able to lift the payment cap, but security is consumers’ main concern.
38% of consumers see security as key barrier to using the technology, with 51% being worried or very worried about fraud.
Introducing biometric payments can help address consumers’ security concerns while empowering banks to finally lift the payment cap. The widespread proliferation of biometrics for smartphone authentication means consumers are comfortable with the technology. Plus, with added security, it can finally enable those high-value contactless payments, creating a win-win for both banks and consumers.
What next?
All stakeholders now recognize the value of biometric cards. Consumers want the technology, the largest card manufacturers are driving implementations forward, and banks around the world are prioritizing biometrics in their roadmaps and those in pilot have the ambition of scaling up to a commercial launch, which Crédit Agricole in France has stated as their goal in 2020.
But how fast will biometrics be adopted for payment cards? No one really knows, but it’s interesting to put it in perspective and to consider the historical adoption rate of new technologies in the payment card area. Chip & PIN smartcards were introduced around 1995 and reached one billion cards about 18 years later, then came contactless cards in 2007 and took about 8 years to reach one billion cards. In both these cases the payment terminal infrastructure had to be upgraded, at a major effort and cost. For biometric cards to take off this is not necessary however as they already work in today’s contactless or contact-only terminals. Therefore, the roll-out might be faster this time around. In 2020, all POS terminals will be contactless, which is also an important driver.
Standardization and certification efforts are in progress and this will be the final, fundamental step before widespread commercial implementations. Fingerprints is working with the ecosystem to support the development of specifications and test plans to ensure the functionality and security of this technology is testable. With this in place, the technology can be implemented in an assured way, enabling it to go from strength to strength.
Learn more about how leading banks are building a future with biometric authentication as an everyday experience – and the benefit this will bring. Download our eBook now!
Mantra has developed a series of MFS100 SDKs and APIs to help third parties integrate the sensors into their own systems and product offerings. Potential uses of the technology include access control, identity verification, and Know-Your-Customer solutions.
Tikk takk :)
Flere gode nyheter fulgte:
Georgina Bulkeley, Director of Innovation, NatWest said: “After the successful pilot of our biometric debit card we are looking to test the technology further with credit cards. This is the biggest development in card technology in recent years and not having to enter a PIN not only increases security but makes it easier for our customers when paying for goods or services.”
One of the biggest recent developments is the addition of biometric sensors to payment cards, something that’s increasingly being demanded by consumers who have become accustomed to being recognised by their fingerprint or face when accessing their smartphone or tablet. “This method of two‐factor authentication is secure, compliant and convenient, which is why so many consumers like it,” says Mikko Kähkönen, Head of Product Management at G+D Mobile Security.
G+D has a number of different approaches to combining biometrics with payment devices; one example being the pilot started French bank Crédit Agricole this summer. Further projects addressing additional use cases are in the pipeline and will be public soon.
Another advance on the security front is the move towards tokenization, which enables banks to turn an account number into a token that prevents fraudsters from identifying it. These tokens can be placed in various different physical devices like wearables, or used for eCommerce or transactions made on mobile phones.
Dynamic CVV technology is also becoming a game changer for secure online payments. This replaces the static CVV (three‐digit card value) with an electronic display screen that regularly generates a new CVV number.
In 2018, we wrote: “Biometric smart cards are emerging as the next innovation in payment cards.”
Jump forward a year and NatWest called biometric payment cards “the biggest development in card technology in recent years” when announcing its pilot of the technology.
It is staggering how far the market has come in only one year as banks, retailers and consumers recognize the value the technology can bring to our daily lives. Pilots are in progress around the world, commercial roll outs are happening and some of the biggest companies and organizations around the world are backing the technology.
Below are some of the key milestones from the past couple of years as we march towards a world where biometrics are enabling more trust and convenience for our card-based payments.
Pilots & trials around the world
2018 saw the technology go from lab to trial. 2019 moved it to next phase of pilots in both debit and credit cards, and the first commercial deployment.
There are now more than 20 pilots of contactless biometric-enabled cards in progress around the world, from North America and the Middle East to Europe and Japan. All of them using Fingerprints technology.
2019 saw the world’s first volume order of fingerprint sensors for dual-interface payment cards placed by global digital security leader Thales, in addition to the UK’s first biometric payment card trial announced from Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest with a mission to scrap the £30 payment cap.
Ending the year with a bang, Swiss Corner Bank announced the launch of the limited edition Cornèrcard Biometric Gold, the first commercial launch of its kind enabling users to make high-value contactless payments.
Awareness of the benefits of biometrics is clearly growing, with banks, retailers and consumers recognizing the value of improved customer experience and reduced payment friction. In addition, banks can reduce fraud and foster trust to retain and attract customers while retailers can maximize throughput and reduce drop-outs, increasing revenues.
Most importantly, consumers no longer need to compromise security in the name of convenience, they can have their cake and eat it!
Rock & enroll!
Defining the process of registering fingerprints onto cards is a crucial element in getting biometric smartcards to consumers. In fact, 83% of issuing banks we interviewed cited enrollment as the most important thing to get right.
With this in mind, we set out to define a straightforward and secure solution with UX design specialists BlockZero that we launched earlier this year. Our ‘out of the box’ enrollment concept provides an easy, secure (and dare I say ‘fun’!) way to register your biometric data! See what we mean on our YouTube channel.
Of course, this is just one scenario and we are working with the industry to explore a range of in-branch and at-home enrollment options to meet the needs of every consumer.
With a lot of focus on PSD2’s mandate for the implementation of SCA (or, to those unfamiliar, Strong Customer Authentication) in 2019, biometrics is set to play a big role in muscling up banking’s authentication. The European mandate and its implementation by banks has stirred a lot of discussion across the continent – especially in the UK.
It’s great to see the fruits of years of work filtering down to consumer end points. PSD2 aims to make consumers’ lives and services better, and SCA is just one example of the regulation in action. But some consumers are already seeing every fifth contactless transaction rejected to force an authentication, creating confusion and frustration at the point of sale.
Biometric payment cards offer the perfect answer to SCA requirements. By adding strong authentication to the ‘tap’, consumers can benefit from greater security without harming the user experience of contactless. Or slowing throughput time for merchants!
Aligning bank priorities with consumer perceptions
When introducing new solutions and services, aligning a bank’s transformation strategy with the desires of consumers is an interesting chart to plot. Following our consumer research, we set out to understand how the opinions of banks compared - including understanding the importance placed on biometrics and why.
The one thing that everyone can agree on is the importance of contactless payments. Both banks and consumers consider them to be the most important payment method. Whether this is through a card or a mobile, the days of mag stripe (and, dare I say Chip & PIN!) are numbered.
88% of the banks we spoke with agreed that contactless is the main payment priority in the coming years.
However, there is one striking difference between consumers and banks when it comes to contactless payments. For the banks, the biggest issue with contactless is being able to lift the payment cap, but security is consumers’ main concern.
38% of consumers see security as key barrier to using the technology, with 51% being worried or very worried about fraud.
Introducing biometric payments can help address consumers’ security concerns while empowering banks to finally lift the payment cap. The widespread proliferation of biometrics for smartphone authentication means consumers are comfortable with the technology. Plus, with added security, it can finally enable those high-value contactless payments, creating a win-win for both banks and consumers.
What next?
All stakeholders now recognize the value of biometric cards. Consumers want the technology, the largest card manufacturers are driving implementations forward, and banks around the world are prioritizing biometrics in their roadmaps and those in pilot have the ambition of scaling up to a commercial launch, which Crédit Agricole in France has stated as their goal in 2020.
But how fast will biometrics be adopted for payment cards? No one really knows, but it’s interesting to put it in perspective and to consider the historical adoption rate of new technologies in the payment card area. Chip & PIN smartcards were introduced around 1995 and reached one billion cards about 18 years later, then came contactless cards in 2007 and took about 8 years to reach one billion cards. In both these cases the payment terminal infrastructure had to be upgraded, at a major effort and cost. For biometric cards to take off this is not necessary however as they already work in today’s contactless or contact-only terminals. Therefore, the roll-out might be faster this time around. In 2020, all POS terminals will be contactless, which is also an important driver.
Standardization and certification efforts are in progress and this will be the final, fundamental step before widespread commercial implementations. Fingerprints is working with the ecosystem to support the development of specifications and test plans to ensure the functionality and security of this technology is testable. With this in place, the technology can be implemented in an assured way, enabling it to go from strength to strength.
Learn more about how leading banks are building a future with biometric authentication as an everyday experience – and the benefit this will bring. Download our eBook now!
Mantra has developed a series of MFS100 SDKs and APIs to help third parties integrate the sensors into their own systems and product offerings. Potential uses of the technology include access control, identity verification, and Know-Your-Customer solutions.
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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18.12.2019 kl 20:02
“We’re seeing an increasing demand from businesses wanting to simplify the digital customer journey and improve pass rates while simultaneously detecting fraudulent attempts.
New Apple Patent Describes In-Display Touch ID
Posted on December 18, 2019
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Apple has been awarded a patent for an optical sensor that could be used for an under-display fingerprint scanner in a future iPhone, and a report from Patently Apple says the same sensor technology is already in use the new 16-inch MacBook Pro.
New Apple Patent Describes In-Display Touch ID
While previous iPhones with fingerprint scanners used capacitive sensors, this patent calls for an optical sensor, which relies on light from the smartphone’s display to produce a 2D image.
The fingerprint scanners on this year’s 13 and 15-inch MacBook Pro and the MacBook Air are of the capacitive variety, but the 16-inch MacBook Pro is equipped with the kind of optical sensor outlined in the patent, which Apple filed in 2017 and was awarded this week by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In the case of the 16-inch MacBook Pro, however, the sensor is embedded beneath the power button — the same location as the capacitive sensors on the other models.
As the patent explains how this sensor could be embedded under a device’s display:
“An optical image sensor is carried by the housing under the display. The optical image sensor senses biometric image data associated with a user, such as, for example, data representative of a biometric image of the fingerprint patterns of the user’s finger. The controller may perform an authentication function by matching the acquired biometric image data to the stored biometric template data stored in the memory, for example. The controller may perform and/or restrict functionality of the electronic device based upon the authentication.”
Apple used Touch ID for biometric authentication starting with 2013’s iPhone 5S up until the debut of Face ID in the iPhone X in 2017. There is speculation, however, as to whether Apple will bring back Touch ID in under-display form for its future iPhones.
The possibility of having a new form of Touch ID that takes advantage of an under-display fingerprint scanner and Face ID working together for a multimodal form of biometric authentication is one way that Apple may choose to go.
Samsung"s Booming Shipment Drives Quarterly Rise in Q2, Q4 Will See Revenue Peak
"Fingerprint resolution IC factory Egis (6462-TW) will hold a seminar today (13). Looking forward to the third quarter, Chief Financial Officer Zhang Jiaqi said that with the continued sales of low-end and mid-tier models such as Samsung A series, Egis will be launched prosperous shipments, coupled with small shipments by Chinese customers, continue to increase momentum. It is estimated that this quarter"s revenue will be better than the previous quarter. However, due to the overall environmental impact, the visibility of orders is still low. It is expected that the fourth quarter revenue will see a peak this year.
Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that the current revenue ratio of Egis optical products has far exceeded 50%, and white-collar ED panels have been adopted by low- and mid-tier models in the second half of the year, which is expected to drive the fingerprint recognition and shipment under the screen. After updating the software, the cost in the second half can be significantly reduced, and gross profit is expected to increase".
"Looking forward to the second half of the year, Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that due to the tide of mobile phone stocking in the second half of the year and the sales of major customers Samsung in Europe, the shipment of Egis increased significantly in the second half of the year, but due to the time difference in delivery, it will see in the fourth quarter It is expected that the fourth quarter of this year will be the peak of annual revenue.
Finally, in terms of the Egis and Goodix litigation, Zhang Jiaqi said that the Silead defendant had been prepared before, and that he had already cooperated with a well-known Chinese law firm, which is expected to minimize the harm, as for the client, It means that customers are less violent".
"The technology also provides a customized driving environment. Matching information of driver preference with fingerprint data, the vehicle automatically adjusts seating positions, connected car features, and side-view mirror angles according to the driver.
In the future, Hyundai Motor plans to further expand the application of the technology to allow the adjustment of temperature, steering wheel position, and many other features which will be tailored to driver’s preferences.
—Albert Biermann, President and Head of Research & Development Division of the Hyundai Motor Company
"The technical cooperation between Hyundai Mobis and Deep Glint is expected to be carried out in such areas as vehicle security authentication, driver status monitoring and an in-vehicle virtual assistant.
Vehicle authentication uses facial recognition technology to authenticate the driver. If a driver is identified, the door of the vehicle will be opened or it will start. As more and more electronic devices in vehicle are being integrated, interest over vehicle security against hacking smart keys or even worse the whole security system arises. For this reason, the industry is devoting to introducing technologies of using multiple authentication methods, such as fingerprint recognition coupled with near field communication (NFC). If individual’s biometrics are added under security authentication process, which Hyundai Mobis can achieve with Deep Glint, security will be much enhanced compared to replying only on physical devices".
“We’re seeing an increasing demand from businesses wanting to simplify the digital customer journey and improve pass rates while simultaneously detecting fraudulent attempts.
New Apple Patent Describes In-Display Touch ID
Posted on December 18, 2019
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Apple has been awarded a patent for an optical sensor that could be used for an under-display fingerprint scanner in a future iPhone, and a report from Patently Apple says the same sensor technology is already in use the new 16-inch MacBook Pro.
New Apple Patent Describes In-Display Touch ID
While previous iPhones with fingerprint scanners used capacitive sensors, this patent calls for an optical sensor, which relies on light from the smartphone’s display to produce a 2D image.
The fingerprint scanners on this year’s 13 and 15-inch MacBook Pro and the MacBook Air are of the capacitive variety, but the 16-inch MacBook Pro is equipped with the kind of optical sensor outlined in the patent, which Apple filed in 2017 and was awarded this week by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In the case of the 16-inch MacBook Pro, however, the sensor is embedded beneath the power button — the same location as the capacitive sensors on the other models.
As the patent explains how this sensor could be embedded under a device’s display:
“An optical image sensor is carried by the housing under the display. The optical image sensor senses biometric image data associated with a user, such as, for example, data representative of a biometric image of the fingerprint patterns of the user’s finger. The controller may perform an authentication function by matching the acquired biometric image data to the stored biometric template data stored in the memory, for example. The controller may perform and/or restrict functionality of the electronic device based upon the authentication.”
Apple used Touch ID for biometric authentication starting with 2013’s iPhone 5S up until the debut of Face ID in the iPhone X in 2017. There is speculation, however, as to whether Apple will bring back Touch ID in under-display form for its future iPhones.
The possibility of having a new form of Touch ID that takes advantage of an under-display fingerprint scanner and Face ID working together for a multimodal form of biometric authentication is one way that Apple may choose to go.
Samsung"s Booming Shipment Drives Quarterly Rise in Q2, Q4 Will See Revenue Peak
"Fingerprint resolution IC factory Egis (6462-TW) will hold a seminar today (13). Looking forward to the third quarter, Chief Financial Officer Zhang Jiaqi said that with the continued sales of low-end and mid-tier models such as Samsung A series, Egis will be launched prosperous shipments, coupled with small shipments by Chinese customers, continue to increase momentum. It is estimated that this quarter"s revenue will be better than the previous quarter. However, due to the overall environmental impact, the visibility of orders is still low. It is expected that the fourth quarter revenue will see a peak this year.
Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that the current revenue ratio of Egis optical products has far exceeded 50%, and white-collar ED panels have been adopted by low- and mid-tier models in the second half of the year, which is expected to drive the fingerprint recognition and shipment under the screen. After updating the software, the cost in the second half can be significantly reduced, and gross profit is expected to increase".
"Looking forward to the second half of the year, Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that due to the tide of mobile phone stocking in the second half of the year and the sales of major customers Samsung in Europe, the shipment of Egis increased significantly in the second half of the year, but due to the time difference in delivery, it will see in the fourth quarter It is expected that the fourth quarter of this year will be the peak of annual revenue.
Finally, in terms of the Egis and Goodix litigation, Zhang Jiaqi said that the Silead defendant had been prepared before, and that he had already cooperated with a well-known Chinese law firm, which is expected to minimize the harm, as for the client, It means that customers are less violent".
"The technology also provides a customized driving environment. Matching information of driver preference with fingerprint data, the vehicle automatically adjusts seating positions, connected car features, and side-view mirror angles according to the driver.
In the future, Hyundai Motor plans to further expand the application of the technology to allow the adjustment of temperature, steering wheel position, and many other features which will be tailored to driver’s preferences.
—Albert Biermann, President and Head of Research & Development Division of the Hyundai Motor Company
"The technical cooperation between Hyundai Mobis and Deep Glint is expected to be carried out in such areas as vehicle security authentication, driver status monitoring and an in-vehicle virtual assistant.
Vehicle authentication uses facial recognition technology to authenticate the driver. If a driver is identified, the door of the vehicle will be opened or it will start. As more and more electronic devices in vehicle are being integrated, interest over vehicle security against hacking smart keys or even worse the whole security system arises. For this reason, the industry is devoting to introducing technologies of using multiple authentication methods, such as fingerprint recognition coupled with near field communication (NFC). If individual’s biometrics are added under security authentication process, which Hyundai Mobis can achieve with Deep Glint, security will be much enhanced compared to replying only on physical devices".
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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18.12.2019 kl 23:05
FPC Makes Case for Fast Adoption of Biometric Payment Cards
Posted on December 18, 2019
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FPC Makes Case for Fast Adoption of Biometric Payment Cards
There’s already substantial demand for the kind of payments solution that biometric cards promise, and they could pick up momentum much faster than previous payment card upgrades, argues Fingerprint Cards‘ Lina Andolf-Orup.
In a new post on the company’s website, Andolf-Orup, Fingerprint Cards’ head of marketing, offers an overview of some of the major milestones in the development of biometric payment cards over the past couple of years, and proceeds to offer some intriguing information from her company’s market research. According to Andolf-Orup, both consumers and banks consider contactless payments to be “the most important payment method,” with the 88 percent of the latter agreeing that “contactless is the main payment priority in the coming years.”
Where banks and consumers differ is in where they see the value of contactless payments. “For the banks, the biggest issue with contactless is being able to lift the payment cap, but security is consumers’ main concern,” Andolf-Orup says.
Here, of course, is where fingerprint-scanning payment cards can satisfy both parties, considerably boosting security enough that banks can raise their payment caps.
And there’s reason to think that biometric payment cards could catch on quite quickly. Andolf-Orup notes that Chip & PIN cards debuted in 1995 and took 18 years to reach one billion cards, while contactless card debuted in 2007 and took eight years to reach a billion cards. But in each of these cases, “the payment terminal infrastructure had to be upgraded, at a major effort and cost,” whereas biometric payment cards “already work in today’s contactless or contact-only terminals.”
That certainly suggests they could quickly pick up steam. In any case, however quickly the process happens, many now anticipate that biometric debit and credit cards will represent the next big wave in payments.
December 18, 2019 – by Alex Perala
Gemalto, Fingerprint Cards, Precise Biometrics and STMicroelectronics to demonstrate world’s first end-to-end security architecture for fingerprint authentication in wearable and consumer electronics
“IDEMIA supports its channel partners through the entire sales and product lifecycle,” said Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Ram Ravi. “Overall, its industry-leading technology, unrivaled customer support, and next-generation innovations earn IDEMIA an eminent position in the global biometrics market.”
Frost & Sullivan also praised IDEMIA’s Augmented Vision technology, which is able to tag more metadata than other surveillance solutions. The award itself was handed out as part of Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices awards. The awards are selected by a panel of industry analysts, who carry out extensive interviews and evaluate companies based on criteria like innovation, customer service, and overall performance.
Earlier this month, IDEMIA revealed that it will soon be providing biometric ID cards for the citizens of Morocco. The company has previously teamed up with INTERPOL to provide training on document security.
Startet samarbeidet Apr. 17, 2018 og her er det mye hemmelighold og lite info :)
Denne har gått meg forbi i all infoen :)
Precise Biometrics & On Demand
Flere 100 nyheter om Unikeys på nettsiden, så her er det bare å gå inn å kose seg :)
Nevnte jeg at aksjen fortsatt handles UNDER de siste 5 innsidehandler???
FPC Makes Case for Fast Adoption of Biometric Payment Cards
Posted on December 18, 2019
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FPC Makes Case for Fast Adoption of Biometric Payment Cards
There’s already substantial demand for the kind of payments solution that biometric cards promise, and they could pick up momentum much faster than previous payment card upgrades, argues Fingerprint Cards‘ Lina Andolf-Orup.
In a new post on the company’s website, Andolf-Orup, Fingerprint Cards’ head of marketing, offers an overview of some of the major milestones in the development of biometric payment cards over the past couple of years, and proceeds to offer some intriguing information from her company’s market research. According to Andolf-Orup, both consumers and banks consider contactless payments to be “the most important payment method,” with the 88 percent of the latter agreeing that “contactless is the main payment priority in the coming years.”
Where banks and consumers differ is in where they see the value of contactless payments. “For the banks, the biggest issue with contactless is being able to lift the payment cap, but security is consumers’ main concern,” Andolf-Orup says.
Here, of course, is where fingerprint-scanning payment cards can satisfy both parties, considerably boosting security enough that banks can raise their payment caps.
And there’s reason to think that biometric payment cards could catch on quite quickly. Andolf-Orup notes that Chip & PIN cards debuted in 1995 and took 18 years to reach one billion cards, while contactless card debuted in 2007 and took eight years to reach a billion cards. But in each of these cases, “the payment terminal infrastructure had to be upgraded, at a major effort and cost,” whereas biometric payment cards “already work in today’s contactless or contact-only terminals.”
That certainly suggests they could quickly pick up steam. In any case, however quickly the process happens, many now anticipate that biometric debit and credit cards will represent the next big wave in payments.
December 18, 2019 – by Alex Perala
Gemalto, Fingerprint Cards, Precise Biometrics and STMicroelectronics to demonstrate world’s first end-to-end security architecture for fingerprint authentication in wearable and consumer electronics
“IDEMIA supports its channel partners through the entire sales and product lifecycle,” said Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Ram Ravi. “Overall, its industry-leading technology, unrivaled customer support, and next-generation innovations earn IDEMIA an eminent position in the global biometrics market.”
Frost & Sullivan also praised IDEMIA’s Augmented Vision technology, which is able to tag more metadata than other surveillance solutions. The award itself was handed out as part of Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices awards. The awards are selected by a panel of industry analysts, who carry out extensive interviews and evaluate companies based on criteria like innovation, customer service, and overall performance.
Earlier this month, IDEMIA revealed that it will soon be providing biometric ID cards for the citizens of Morocco. The company has previously teamed up with INTERPOL to provide training on document security.
Startet samarbeidet Apr. 17, 2018 og her er det mye hemmelighold og lite info :)
Denne har gått meg forbi i all infoen :)
Precise Biometrics & On Demand
Flere 100 nyheter om Unikeys på nettsiden, så her er det bare å gå inn å kose seg :)
Nevnte jeg at aksjen fortsatt handles UNDER de siste 5 innsidehandler???
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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18.12.2019 kl 23:16
The new Mastercard Identity Check Express uses behavioral biometrics and device intelligence, and meets EMV 3-D and FIDO authentication standards.
Precise integrated in the first USB authenticator to receive higher security certification from FIDO
Apr. 15, 2019
Precise Biometrics currently operates its business in three main business areas: Digital Identity, Smart Cards and Mobile, and is also engaged in initiatives such as cars, door locks and USB authenticators.
Biometric point-of-sale payments growth led by India, China
Dec 18, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Financial Services | Trade Notes
Biometric point-of-sale payments growth led by India, China
The installed base of contactless-enabled POS devices will register 107 percent growth by 2024, surpassing 161 million, says data in new paper from Juniper Research titled ‘Key Trends in the POS Hardware Market.’
Within five years, contactless POS devices will account for 94 percent of active devices, with growth from the rising use of contactless POS terminals in the U.S. and cashless payments to the detriment of cash. Mobile wallets and biometric payment cards could generate enhanced value if accepted for transactions on current POS devices, the company argues.
Traditional cash is rapidly being replaced by contactless transactions. According to Juniper Research, the average contactless transaction will increase to $23 in 2024, compared to less than $19 in 2019, with growth driven by the U.S.
In the Euro area in 2018, non-cash payments increased by 7.9 percent to 90.7 billion in 2018 compared to 2017. According to data from BIS (Bank for International Settlements), cited by Juniper Research in its whitepaper, “the value of banknotes and coins in circulation in the Euro area is steadily declining.” A cashless society could minimize costs, reduce risk and deliver faster transactions.
Biometric payment terminals are gaining popularity in emerging markets such as India and China, with global transaction values estimated at $254 million in 2024, compared to just $84 million in 2019.
“In India, where biometric identity schemes are bringing the unbanked into the financial system, this type of device has high potential,” explains research author Susannah Hampton. “It also has disruptive possibilities in developed regions, where biometric data is already being used in smartphones and identity documents, such as passports. We recommend that established POS hardware vendors develop biometric capabilities early to enable future revenue growth.”
The Aadhaar system adopted in India also enables payments because it is linked to bank accounts. Launched ten years ago, it is held by 95 percent of people in India, and 92 percent of them are satisfied with the national biometric ID scheme. Biometric payment methods such as face-payments and Aadhaar Pay do not need a POS terminal to be finalized.
In August, Mastercard launched a mobile authentication solution featuring behavioral biometrics in India to increase security and reduce friction in e-commerce transactions.
In September, South Korean financial solutions company Alliex announced investing some $700 million to deploy a shared cashless POS infrastructure system across Vietnam.
Unlike India, adoption in North America will not move as fast as in emerging countries. The growth will only be of some 2.5 percent over the next five years, while biometric-enabled POS terminals in West Europe and Central and East Europe will not grow by more than 1 percent, probably due to a high cost, writes Juniper Research.
In December, Mastercard found most Latin American and Caribbean consumers want biometric online payments, and is trailing biometric payment cards in Brazil and other countries. Recently, HID Global announced it was bringing its biometric fingerprint technology to point-of-sales systems for retail stores and restaurants through a partnership with BigWise, a company focused on Columbian, Chilean, Argentinian, and Peruvian markets.
The new Mastercard Identity Check Express uses behavioral biometrics and device intelligence, and meets EMV 3-D and FIDO authentication standards.
Precise integrated in the first USB authenticator to receive higher security certification from FIDO
Apr. 15, 2019
Precise Biometrics currently operates its business in three main business areas: Digital Identity, Smart Cards and Mobile, and is also engaged in initiatives such as cars, door locks and USB authenticators.
Biometric point-of-sale payments growth led by India, China
Dec 18, 2019 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometrics News | Financial Services | Trade Notes
Biometric point-of-sale payments growth led by India, China
The installed base of contactless-enabled POS devices will register 107 percent growth by 2024, surpassing 161 million, says data in new paper from Juniper Research titled ‘Key Trends in the POS Hardware Market.’
Within five years, contactless POS devices will account for 94 percent of active devices, with growth from the rising use of contactless POS terminals in the U.S. and cashless payments to the detriment of cash. Mobile wallets and biometric payment cards could generate enhanced value if accepted for transactions on current POS devices, the company argues.
Traditional cash is rapidly being replaced by contactless transactions. According to Juniper Research, the average contactless transaction will increase to $23 in 2024, compared to less than $19 in 2019, with growth driven by the U.S.
In the Euro area in 2018, non-cash payments increased by 7.9 percent to 90.7 billion in 2018 compared to 2017. According to data from BIS (Bank for International Settlements), cited by Juniper Research in its whitepaper, “the value of banknotes and coins in circulation in the Euro area is steadily declining.” A cashless society could minimize costs, reduce risk and deliver faster transactions.
Biometric payment terminals are gaining popularity in emerging markets such as India and China, with global transaction values estimated at $254 million in 2024, compared to just $84 million in 2019.
“In India, where biometric identity schemes are bringing the unbanked into the financial system, this type of device has high potential,” explains research author Susannah Hampton. “It also has disruptive possibilities in developed regions, where biometric data is already being used in smartphones and identity documents, such as passports. We recommend that established POS hardware vendors develop biometric capabilities early to enable future revenue growth.”
The Aadhaar system adopted in India also enables payments because it is linked to bank accounts. Launched ten years ago, it is held by 95 percent of people in India, and 92 percent of them are satisfied with the national biometric ID scheme. Biometric payment methods such as face-payments and Aadhaar Pay do not need a POS terminal to be finalized.
In August, Mastercard launched a mobile authentication solution featuring behavioral biometrics in India to increase security and reduce friction in e-commerce transactions.
In September, South Korean financial solutions company Alliex announced investing some $700 million to deploy a shared cashless POS infrastructure system across Vietnam.
Unlike India, adoption in North America will not move as fast as in emerging countries. The growth will only be of some 2.5 percent over the next five years, while biometric-enabled POS terminals in West Europe and Central and East Europe will not grow by more than 1 percent, probably due to a high cost, writes Juniper Research.
In December, Mastercard found most Latin American and Caribbean consumers want biometric online payments, and is trailing biometric payment cards in Brazil and other countries. Recently, HID Global announced it was bringing its biometric fingerprint technology to point-of-sales systems for retail stores and restaurants through a partnership with BigWise, a company focused on Columbian, Chilean, Argentinian, and Peruvian markets.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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19.12.2019 kl 18:09
Enda en viktig brikke er på plass! Nå kan bare 2020 komme :)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has announced the release of three new biometric databases aimed at helping accelerate the development of more secure and accurate biometric identification systems.
The databases — knows as SD 300, SD 301, and SD 302 — contain different types of biometric data collected at different times including fingerprints, facial photographs and iris scans.
“The data will help anyone who is interested in testing the error rates of biometric identification systems,” said NIST Computer Scientist Greg Fiumara.
NIST has said that the datasets have been stripped of any sensitive information and that all individuals involved consented to having their data included.
The first of the three databases, SD 300, contains a collection of hardcopy fingerprints taken from 900 old ink cards, and is meant to help manufacturers of modern fingerprint scanners determine if their systems can properly read older ink records.
SD 301 is the first multimodal dataset that NIST has ever released, containing both fingerprint and facial biometric markers that are linked together and can be used as one set of identifying data.
The third database, SD 302, contains scrubbed fingerprint data collected by a mixture of eight devices — some commercially available, others just prototypes — from an Intelligence Advanced Research Procter Activity funded competition, aimed at improving fingerprint capture technology, that NIST helped to carry out.
The new databases have user guides to help researchers integrate them into their own work, and NIST says it plans to offer more datasets in the future to further the development of biometric identification.
“[The datasets] represent the first in what is intended to be an expanding collection of biometric resources,” officials from NIST said in a statement.
Source: Nextgov
Mye på gang, men ingenting er bekreftet :)
Samsung Galaxy A51, Galaxy A71 with punch-hole displays launched: price, specifications
(December 12, 2019)
"Samsung Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A71 have been launched.
"It is still unclear when Samsung will launch the Galaxy Note 10 Lite, but relevant news has been reported in Europe before. This time, it was found on the US FCC website certification document that this phone model was traced, which means that Samsung will launch in the global market. this pho
Samsung"s Booming Shipment Drives Quarterly Rise in Q2, Q4 Will See Revenue Peak
"Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that due to the tide of mobile phone stocking in the second half of the year and the sales of major customers Samsung in Europe, the shipment of Egis increased significantly in the second half of the year, but due to the time difference in delivery, it will see in the fourth quarter It is expected that the fourth quarter of this year will be the peak of annual revenue"
Ha en fin kveld!
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has announced the release of three new biometric databases aimed at helping accelerate the development of more secure and accurate biometric identification systems.
The databases — knows as SD 300, SD 301, and SD 302 — contain different types of biometric data collected at different times including fingerprints, facial photographs and iris scans.
“The data will help anyone who is interested in testing the error rates of biometric identification systems,” said NIST Computer Scientist Greg Fiumara.
NIST has said that the datasets have been stripped of any sensitive information and that all individuals involved consented to having their data included.
The first of the three databases, SD 300, contains a collection of hardcopy fingerprints taken from 900 old ink cards, and is meant to help manufacturers of modern fingerprint scanners determine if their systems can properly read older ink records.
SD 301 is the first multimodal dataset that NIST has ever released, containing both fingerprint and facial biometric markers that are linked together and can be used as one set of identifying data.
The third database, SD 302, contains scrubbed fingerprint data collected by a mixture of eight devices — some commercially available, others just prototypes — from an Intelligence Advanced Research Procter Activity funded competition, aimed at improving fingerprint capture technology, that NIST helped to carry out.
The new databases have user guides to help researchers integrate them into their own work, and NIST says it plans to offer more datasets in the future to further the development of biometric identification.
“[The datasets] represent the first in what is intended to be an expanding collection of biometric resources,” officials from NIST said in a statement.
Source: Nextgov
Mye på gang, men ingenting er bekreftet :)
Samsung Galaxy A51, Galaxy A71 with punch-hole displays launched: price, specifications
(December 12, 2019)
"Samsung Galaxy A51 and Galaxy A71 have been launched.
"It is still unclear when Samsung will launch the Galaxy Note 10 Lite, but relevant news has been reported in Europe before. This time, it was found on the US FCC website certification document that this phone model was traced, which means that Samsung will launch in the global market. this pho
Samsung"s Booming Shipment Drives Quarterly Rise in Q2, Q4 Will See Revenue Peak
"Zhang Jiaqi pointed out that due to the tide of mobile phone stocking in the second half of the year and the sales of major customers Samsung in Europe, the shipment of Egis increased significantly in the second half of the year, but due to the time difference in delivery, it will see in the fourth quarter It is expected that the fourth quarter of this year will be the peak of annual revenue"
Ha en fin kveld!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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20.12.2019 kl 13:14
(2 weeks ago)
"Aqara N100 is an intelligent lock line compatible with Apple HomeKit and Mijia of the Xiaomi company. This is the first smart door lock to use dual security chip Mijia and Apple. Aqara N100 has many new breakthroughs in function, durability and intelligent connectivity".
"In addition, Aqara N100 applies a financial fingerprint detection algorithm manufactured by Swedish company Precise Biometrics. Support rich fingerprint database, point recognition algorithm combining images, faster and more secure".
As a smart door lock, AqaraN100 is undoubtedly excellent. It has outstanding performance in terms of price, stability, security, and appearance, especially the new Mijia / Apple Homekit dual platform. This is not found in other smart locks.
Ja,ja.. Det begynner å ligne noe i forhold til spekulasjonen om Apple og Precise biometrics :)
Ikea samarbeider også for første gang med Kina og handelskrigen åpner opp for muligheter.
Apple velger In-display og det ser ut som det blir Qualcomm :)
Precise Biometrics fingerprint software featured in next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions from Qualcomm
Jul. 4, 2017
Precise BioMatch™ Mobile has been integrated in Qualcomm® Fingerprint Sensors, next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions, which was announced at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2017.
God Jul :)
"Aqara N100 is an intelligent lock line compatible with Apple HomeKit and Mijia of the Xiaomi company. This is the first smart door lock to use dual security chip Mijia and Apple. Aqara N100 has many new breakthroughs in function, durability and intelligent connectivity".
"In addition, Aqara N100 applies a financial fingerprint detection algorithm manufactured by Swedish company Precise Biometrics. Support rich fingerprint database, point recognition algorithm combining images, faster and more secure".
As a smart door lock, AqaraN100 is undoubtedly excellent. It has outstanding performance in terms of price, stability, security, and appearance, especially the new Mijia / Apple Homekit dual platform. This is not found in other smart locks.
Ja,ja.. Det begynner å ligne noe i forhold til spekulasjonen om Apple og Precise biometrics :)
Ikea samarbeider også for første gang med Kina og handelskrigen åpner opp for muligheter.
Apple velger In-display og det ser ut som det blir Qualcomm :)
Precise Biometrics fingerprint software featured in next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions from Qualcomm
Jul. 4, 2017
Precise BioMatch™ Mobile has been integrated in Qualcomm® Fingerprint Sensors, next-generation ultrasonic fingerprint solutions, which was announced at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2017.
God Jul :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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20.12.2019 kl 13:22
Kan jo nevne denne siden IDEX går som en kule for tiden :)
The companies haven’t yet disclosed exactly what IDEX products will incorporate the Precise Biometrics technology, but it’s possible that future solutions building on IDEX’s in-glass and off-chip sensor technology will feature the biometric algorithm software. In a statement, IDEX CEO Dr. Hemant Mardia said Precise Biometrics technology can be used in “a range of applications,” adding, “We are collaborating on a number of specific market opportunities together with Precise Biometrics.”
The deal progresses Precise Biometrics’ continuing efforts to secure new licensing partners. While the company has seen great success in its mobile integrations through a longstanding partnership with Fingerprint Cards, it has lately entered into new licensing agreements with companies such as J-Metrics, Gingy Technology Co., and more. Commenting on this latest development, Precise Biometrics CEO Håkan Persson said, “IDEX is one of the most promising sensor vendors in the market and we are pleased to enter this collaboration, which further strengthens our position as the leading supplier of fingerprint software.”
The companies haven’t yet disclosed exactly what IDEX products will incorporate the Precise Biometrics technology, but it’s possible that future solutions building on IDEX’s in-glass and off-chip sensor technology will feature the biometric algorithm software. In a statement, IDEX CEO Dr. Hemant Mardia said Precise Biometrics technology can be used in “a range of applications,” adding, “We are collaborating on a number of specific market opportunities together with Precise Biometrics.”
The deal progresses Precise Biometrics’ continuing efforts to secure new licensing partners. While the company has seen great success in its mobile integrations through a longstanding partnership with Fingerprint Cards, it has lately entered into new licensing agreements with companies such as J-Metrics, Gingy Technology Co., and more. Commenting on this latest development, Precise Biometrics CEO Håkan Persson said, “IDEX is one of the most promising sensor vendors in the market and we are pleased to enter this collaboration, which further strengthens our position as the leading supplier of fingerprint software.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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20.12.2019 kl 16:02
Spennende hva som skjuler seg bak samarbeidet PB har med NXP.. Litt arti at det også er Mastercard som står bak som en av bidragsyterne :)
Sami Nassar, vice president cybersecurity solutions at NXP added, “Using NXP’s secure element, wearable turnkey solutions like the Nymi Band can provide physical access to open enterprise or home doors, provide logical access to cloud services like email and data storage services and enable secure contactless payments.”
Nymi also demonstrated other applications at the RSA conference, including the Nymi Band’s ability to lock and unlock a computer based on proximity, as well as TOTP token generation and biometrically authenticated payments.
Nymi is privately funded by Ignition Partners, Relay Ventures, MasterCard and Salesforce Ventures and is preparing for the launch of the Nymi Band to enterprise customers later this year.
Mange spennende lanseringer fremover:
Grab launches Asia’s first numberless card — Grab — “The physical version of the card is completely numberless, front and back, thus averting the prospect of theft of personal and financial information… The digital GrabPay Card is available in Singapore starting today… The digital GrabPay Card will be launched in the Philippines in Q1 2020, with other Southeast Asian countries to follow in the first half of next year.”
Mastercard brings digital identity to real world tests — Mastercard — “The pilot will test a new way for people to prove their identity without having to carry multiple documents. Instead, the model allows the data to sit with its rightful owner — the user. It will activate a distributed model that blends information stored on an individual’s mobile device and verified by additional reference points, such as an individual’s bank or participating government agencies.”
The launch of a biometric credit card to limited commercial release in Switzerland was read by the most visitors to Biometric Update this week. The card is produced by Gemalto with Fingerprint Cards technology, and issued in partnership with Visa, and is the latest sign that the payment card market is on track for explosive growth.
De andre 20 pilotene nærmer seg ferdig også :)
Sami Nassar, vice president cybersecurity solutions at NXP added, “Using NXP’s secure element, wearable turnkey solutions like the Nymi Band can provide physical access to open enterprise or home doors, provide logical access to cloud services like email and data storage services and enable secure contactless payments.”
Nymi also demonstrated other applications at the RSA conference, including the Nymi Band’s ability to lock and unlock a computer based on proximity, as well as TOTP token generation and biometrically authenticated payments.
Nymi is privately funded by Ignition Partners, Relay Ventures, MasterCard and Salesforce Ventures and is preparing for the launch of the Nymi Band to enterprise customers later this year.
Mange spennende lanseringer fremover:
Grab launches Asia’s first numberless card — Grab — “The physical version of the card is completely numberless, front and back, thus averting the prospect of theft of personal and financial information… The digital GrabPay Card is available in Singapore starting today… The digital GrabPay Card will be launched in the Philippines in Q1 2020, with other Southeast Asian countries to follow in the first half of next year.”
Mastercard brings digital identity to real world tests — Mastercard — “The pilot will test a new way for people to prove their identity without having to carry multiple documents. Instead, the model allows the data to sit with its rightful owner — the user. It will activate a distributed model that blends information stored on an individual’s mobile device and verified by additional reference points, such as an individual’s bank or participating government agencies.”
The launch of a biometric credit card to limited commercial release in Switzerland was read by the most visitors to Biometric Update this week. The card is produced by Gemalto with Fingerprint Cards technology, and issued in partnership with Visa, and is the latest sign that the payment card market is on track for explosive growth.
De andre 20 pilotene nærmer seg ferdig også :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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21.12.2019 kl 22:55
Siden dette blir det siste innlegget for 2019 så tenkte jeg det var greit med en liten status og gjennomgang av pågående tester og nye samarbeid. Det har dukket opp litt ny info gjennom en liten runde på nettet igjen :)
For å gi et lite sammendrag av innholdet i linkene under her til dem som ikke leser seg opp:
PB er med i Mereal biometrics sitt kort som nå selges.
PB er med i Unikeys sitt kort som nå selges.
PB er med i VISA og Mastercard piloter som straks er ferdig.
PB er FORTSATT eneste godkjente leverandør gjennom Mastercard.
PB er mest sannsynlig med i Samsung gjennom Egistech.
Sjekk de siste meldingene om Youniq!!!!
Sjekk de siste innsidehandler!!!!
PB er med I hyundai både med lås og start.
PB er med i Xiaomi som nå selges stort over HELE verden.
PB har 100 patenter som er utrolig viktig nå som sensorer blir mindre og vender seg over til optisk.
PB er med i FPC
PB er med i IDEX
PB er med i Microsoft
PB er med i FIDO L2
PB er med i Huawai
PB er med i OPPO
PB er med i VIVO
Apple ligger å lurer på sidelinjen med inngang i Optisk gjennom Qualcomm og som dere ser av linkene her nede så er PB sin software lisensiert til Qualcomm via Suprema, så her er det en virkelig god joker :)
Bare tenk på alle de nye telefonene, bilene, kortene, dørlåsene, ID brikkene og ikke minst Youniq som nå skal lanseres samtidig!! OMG :)
Det som ble av nye nyheter i dag herfra er at Mereal som er først og størst på kryptovaluta har sikret seg store milepæler innenfor kryptoverden, kom som NR. 2 i verden på messen i Hong Kong 5 DEC, Lanserte Appen 4 DEC og Unikeys er størst, først og best i Frankrike som nå leder an satsingen.
Det nærmer seg for IDEX og her er også PB med. Det nærmer seg for alt annet og her er også PB med :)
In a statement, the firm said it was "the most agile and versatile fingerprint card on the planet".
New features include Java Card compliance making it easy for existing cards in the market such as wallets, bank cards, crypto vaults and public keys handling digital certificates to quickly upgrade to a fingerprint model; the contact technology has been enhanced to comply with not just some but all PC and smart card readers; a new secure element that protects information stored in the card and data exchange.
MeReal Biometrics Limited: Revolutionizing Authentication for Payments & Access Control with its patented, disruptive smart card
The V2 smartcard, which will be used in contact and contactless mode, features Fingerprint Cards’ low power consumption FPC1320 sensor and Precise Biometrics’ algorithm solution for fingerprint recognition in smart cards, Precise BioMatch Embedded.
Getting some media.... our technology in the @UnikeysTeam UKey card so we can all use our fingerprint to activate our personal card to pay in stores with cryptocurrencies. A world first!
@RFIDJournal #UKey #cryptocurrencies #technology
MeReal Biometrics
5 DEC 2019
A SILVER MEDAL! Yes! We won silver medal at the 2nd Annual Asia Inventions Exhibtion Hong Kong.
Thank you judges. 10 years of hard work to produce the #Keyper and #EasyKey #fingerprint powered cards for access and payments.
#winners #mereal #biometrics #hongkonginventions
We’ve launched the MeReal Manager App in #Apple Store and #Google Play Store. #Android or #iOS. Our fingerprint cards can be tapped using #NFC on any smartphone to protect #data, transactions, access, you.
No other #fingerprint card in the world can.
#merealmanager #biometrics
Using a UKey card to store crypto-assets is the simplest and most secure way to interact with the blockchain powered ecosystems. The UKey card solves the problems of usability and transportability of the current hardware wallets.
Unikeys works in close relationship
with its smart card manufacturing partner
to deliver the most cutting edge biometrics hardware wallets made in France.
#Ethereum ecosystem-building is a global movement. Join us in congratulating @UnikeysTeam for being the first @ConsenSys Grants recipient based in the financial hub of Hong Kong
2020 er året det skjer og nå ligger ALT klart.
Hatten av for selskapet som virkelig har stått på hele året og nå kommer ALLE de 30 årene som PB har brukt på sikkerhet og biometri til å utløse seg samtidig.
God jul og godt nytt år MR. Navle :)
For å gi et lite sammendrag av innholdet i linkene under her til dem som ikke leser seg opp:
PB er med i Mereal biometrics sitt kort som nå selges.
PB er med i Unikeys sitt kort som nå selges.
PB er med i VISA og Mastercard piloter som straks er ferdig.
PB er FORTSATT eneste godkjente leverandør gjennom Mastercard.
PB er mest sannsynlig med i Samsung gjennom Egistech.
Sjekk de siste meldingene om Youniq!!!!
Sjekk de siste innsidehandler!!!!
PB er med I hyundai både med lås og start.
PB er med i Xiaomi som nå selges stort over HELE verden.
PB har 100 patenter som er utrolig viktig nå som sensorer blir mindre og vender seg over til optisk.
PB er med i FPC
PB er med i IDEX
PB er med i Microsoft
PB er med i FIDO L2
PB er med i Huawai
PB er med i OPPO
PB er med i VIVO
Apple ligger å lurer på sidelinjen med inngang i Optisk gjennom Qualcomm og som dere ser av linkene her nede så er PB sin software lisensiert til Qualcomm via Suprema, så her er det en virkelig god joker :)
Bare tenk på alle de nye telefonene, bilene, kortene, dørlåsene, ID brikkene og ikke minst Youniq som nå skal lanseres samtidig!! OMG :)
Det som ble av nye nyheter i dag herfra er at Mereal som er først og størst på kryptovaluta har sikret seg store milepæler innenfor kryptoverden, kom som NR. 2 i verden på messen i Hong Kong 5 DEC, Lanserte Appen 4 DEC og Unikeys er størst, først og best i Frankrike som nå leder an satsingen.
Det nærmer seg for IDEX og her er også PB med. Det nærmer seg for alt annet og her er også PB med :)
In a statement, the firm said it was "the most agile and versatile fingerprint card on the planet".
New features include Java Card compliance making it easy for existing cards in the market such as wallets, bank cards, crypto vaults and public keys handling digital certificates to quickly upgrade to a fingerprint model; the contact technology has been enhanced to comply with not just some but all PC and smart card readers; a new secure element that protects information stored in the card and data exchange.
MeReal Biometrics Limited: Revolutionizing Authentication for Payments & Access Control with its patented, disruptive smart card
The V2 smartcard, which will be used in contact and contactless mode, features Fingerprint Cards’ low power consumption FPC1320 sensor and Precise Biometrics’ algorithm solution for fingerprint recognition in smart cards, Precise BioMatch Embedded.
Getting some media.... our technology in the @UnikeysTeam UKey card so we can all use our fingerprint to activate our personal card to pay in stores with cryptocurrencies. A world first!
@RFIDJournal #UKey #cryptocurrencies #technology
MeReal Biometrics
5 DEC 2019
A SILVER MEDAL! Yes! We won silver medal at the 2nd Annual Asia Inventions Exhibtion Hong Kong.
Thank you judges. 10 years of hard work to produce the #Keyper and #EasyKey #fingerprint powered cards for access and payments.
#winners #mereal #biometrics #hongkonginventions
We’ve launched the MeReal Manager App in #Apple Store and #Google Play Store. #Android or #iOS. Our fingerprint cards can be tapped using #NFC on any smartphone to protect #data, transactions, access, you.
No other #fingerprint card in the world can.
#merealmanager #biometrics
Using a UKey card to store crypto-assets is the simplest and most secure way to interact with the blockchain powered ecosystems. The UKey card solves the problems of usability and transportability of the current hardware wallets.
Unikeys works in close relationship
with its smart card manufacturing partner
to deliver the most cutting edge biometrics hardware wallets made in France.
#Ethereum ecosystem-building is a global movement. Join us in congratulating @UnikeysTeam for being the first @ConsenSys Grants recipient based in the financial hub of Hong Kong
2020 er året det skjer og nå ligger ALT klart.
Hatten av for selskapet som virkelig har stått på hele året og nå kommer ALLE de 30 årene som PB har brukt på sikkerhet og biometri til å utløse seg samtidig.
God jul og godt nytt år MR. Navle :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
25.12.2019 kl 16:29
Det kunne jo ikke bli det siste innlegget i 2019 når nyhetene bare strømmer på :)
PB er taushetsbelagt over hvilken telefoner de er med i og hvilken piloter de er med i, det er dette som gjør det hele litt spennende.
Som dere kan se av innleggene under her, så er PB med i det aller meste av piloter innenfor biometriske kort, men det som nå utspiller seg over verdenskartet er av en helt annen dimensjon. Ikke rart det har vært stille rundt sertifikater, samarbeid, piloter og kunder.
De store aktørene som Apple, Samsung, Vivo, Huawai og Oppo har alle en ting til felles når det kommer til Biometrisk software - og det er PB. Når det er nå er utviklet og lansert en felles plattform for sikkerhet og godkjenning fra Mastercard. PB er eneste leverandør med sertifikat innenfor softvaren som legges til grunn for to-faktor autentisering.
The EMV 3-D Secure MIC platform allows for biometric identification, giving card-holders the added security of two-factor authentication, which Mastercard says decreases instances of online shopping cart abandonment and reduces cases of fraud while providing increases to approval rates.
Visa is collaborating in the Bank of Cyprus’s biometric payment card trial, and will also initiate America’s first such pilot, with help from Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.
Announced earlier this month, the Bank of Cyprus project is being spearheaded by Gemalto, with Zwipe also providing technology for the biometric payment cards. The newly announced US pilot, meanwhile, is a collaboration with Mountain America Credit Union, and will revolve around biometric cards using fingerprint sensor technology from Fingerprint Cards in collaboration with its smart card partner Kona I. The payment card solution also uses biometric algorithm software from Precise Biometrics
Visa’s payment card solution features an embedded fingerprint sensor as well as red and green lights to indicate when authentication has succeeded or failed. Biometric data is enrolled, stored, and matched entirely on the card, ensuring that user templates cannot be hacked from an external server. The cards support EMV chip and contactless payments, allowing for highly secure tap-based transactions.
Gemalto is going to provide biometric payment cards for the Bank of Cyprus, the company has announced.
Gemalto‘s Trusted Service Hub can now act as a gateway for card issuers to Mastercard’s and Visa’s tokenization services, offering a single hub through which they can manage their digital issuance needs. The firm’s partnerships with the world’s two largest credit card companies should serve to dramatically extend the use of its Trusted Services Hub.
Smartmetric Inc., a manufacturer of biometric, fingertip-based credit cards, said that its biometric credit and debit card — slated for release in early 2020 — now has a battery shelf life of over nine years.
CardLogix introduces Card Encoding Engine
CardLogix has launched the Card Encoding Engine (CEE) for the creation of secure ID cards and badges.
As part of the idblox Identity Credential Ecosystem, there is also support for the latest generation of Matica and Evolis card printers, biometrics by Corvus and Precise Biometrics, and logical access by Access Smart.
Deutsche Bank, Mastercard and IDEMIA launch the first MOTION CODE™ card in Spain called the Tarjeta Calma.
MOTION CODE™ technology consists in a dynamic cryptogram changing randomly to provide better security for online payment by preventing data theft and cloning.
Her er en liten timeline over diverse milepæler innen piloter og diverse. Med et hint av styring siden tidslinjen er sponset av IDEX, men den gir et lite overblikk.
En liten spådom av det biometriske kortet som blir lansert GLOBALT i 2020:
LED lys for bekreftelse om fingeravtrykket er registrert. - Etter godkjent testing fra Visa
Trådløs lading med 9 års levetid - Lades opp av betalingsterminal og/eller telefon. - Levert av smart metric
Stor optisk sensor for avlesning av alle størrelser av tomler innenfor bank og levert av Egistec/Qualcomm
ID-innlogging, Krypto ++ Sensorer levert av leverandører som IDEX, FPC
Alle de store mobiloperatørene er underlagt samme plattform - Levert i samarbeid med Samsund/Apple/Microsoft
API innenfor banker og finansielle sektorer er i direkte dialog med denne plattformen.
Fingeravtrykket registreres på egen telefon og kortet blir validert gjennom denne plattformen.
Dobbel sikkerhet for godkjenning gjennom telefon som Ansikt, stemme, oppførsel blir lagt til fortløpende.
CVC koden blir auto-generert på eget digitalt display i kortet og endres hver gang du aktiverer ved trykk. -Motion code levert av IDEMIA
Softvare på tvers av ALLE plattformer og leverandører blir levert av Precise biometric. - Etter godkjenningen fra Mastercard, alle vellykkede piloter og alle store telefonleverandører, API og godkjenning FIDO level2 + Microsoft implementering.
Kortet blir meget mulig av et annet material enn plast, siden dette er ut i 2020.
Kortet kommer til å koste rundt 5 dollar i starten, men lander på rundt 2 dollar ved utgangen av 2020.
Dette er snart ikke lengre en spådom siden vi om 1 uke går inn i 2020 og alle nyheter, meldinger, intervjuer, samarbeid, og store bevegelser blant de størst aktørene tilsier at det er dette som kommer til å skje.
Spørsmålet er bare da hvor mye dette vil utgjøre av inntekter for de selskapene som er involvert og jeg fokuserer bare på PB, sidden det er her jeg har investert :)
La oss ta en liten titt på potensialet innenfor biometriske kort:
De 5 største kortleverandørene i Kina, Frankrike, Nederland og Tyskland leverte i 2018 mer enn kort. og med et estimat på lisens innenfor softvare som kanskje ligger innenfor 0,25 og 0,75 kr pr kort - pr år. så blir det betydelig inntekter bare innenfor dette segmentet.
Ved 0,25 kr vil dette utgjøre en inntekt på 750.000.000 kr i året.
I tillegg til dette så kommer kort innenfor krypto og ID som pass eller innlogging.
Hovedinntektene til PB ligger fortsatt i mobilmarkedet og med et økende fokus på optiske sensorer som nå eksploderer. Se avtaler og samarbeid. Egistec, Qualcomm, Samsung, Vivo, Huawai, Oppo +++
Bi-segmentet som er innenfor dørlåser til hus og biler eksploderer også. se tidligere meldinger om Xiaomi og Hyundai.
ID-innlogging som nå selges i hele verden fra microsoft - eWBM med Precise biometrics softvare. Ekploderer uten sidestykke!
Youniq blir snart lansert i dette er et produkt for sikker innlogging, men kan også knyttes opp mot betaling. Dette er den nye boomen i 2020.
Jeg må si at etter jeg startet å følge selskapet for 6 mnd siden, så har det skjedd helt utrolig mye og det er ingen økning i kursen. Det er uforståelig i mine øyne når dette selskapet er involvert i ALT som foregår nå innenfor biometrisk sikkerhet. Det kan ikke være mange som tviler på at alt blir lansert i 2020 og at alt PB er med i nå kommer til å eksplodere.
Selv med innsidehandler, nye samarbeid, nye kontorer, store besparelser, nye ansatte, nye produkter, nye kunder, største turnover på 3 år, 64% økning i omsetning i Q3, varsel om inntekt og økning for Q4 og med et marked som boomer over alle forventninger innenfor alle segmentene som PB er med i, så er likevel kursen like lav. - Har gitt mine spekulasjoner rundt dette :)
Dette blir i mine øyne den største raketten i 2020 og kommer til å sette alle andre aksjer i skyggen. Hvis det potensiale som ligger her blir utnyttet til det fulle, så vil jeg påstå at vi ser en kurs mot 20 kr i slutten av 2020.
Fortsatt fredfull god jul og godt nyttår til alle :)
PB er taushetsbelagt over hvilken telefoner de er med i og hvilken piloter de er med i, det er dette som gjør det hele litt spennende.
Som dere kan se av innleggene under her, så er PB med i det aller meste av piloter innenfor biometriske kort, men det som nå utspiller seg over verdenskartet er av en helt annen dimensjon. Ikke rart det har vært stille rundt sertifikater, samarbeid, piloter og kunder.
De store aktørene som Apple, Samsung, Vivo, Huawai og Oppo har alle en ting til felles når det kommer til Biometrisk software - og det er PB. Når det er nå er utviklet og lansert en felles plattform for sikkerhet og godkjenning fra Mastercard. PB er eneste leverandør med sertifikat innenfor softvaren som legges til grunn for to-faktor autentisering.
The EMV 3-D Secure MIC platform allows for biometric identification, giving card-holders the added security of two-factor authentication, which Mastercard says decreases instances of online shopping cart abandonment and reduces cases of fraud while providing increases to approval rates.
Visa is collaborating in the Bank of Cyprus’s biometric payment card trial, and will also initiate America’s first such pilot, with help from Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.
Announced earlier this month, the Bank of Cyprus project is being spearheaded by Gemalto, with Zwipe also providing technology for the biometric payment cards. The newly announced US pilot, meanwhile, is a collaboration with Mountain America Credit Union, and will revolve around biometric cards using fingerprint sensor technology from Fingerprint Cards in collaboration with its smart card partner Kona I. The payment card solution also uses biometric algorithm software from Precise Biometrics
Visa’s payment card solution features an embedded fingerprint sensor as well as red and green lights to indicate when authentication has succeeded or failed. Biometric data is enrolled, stored, and matched entirely on the card, ensuring that user templates cannot be hacked from an external server. The cards support EMV chip and contactless payments, allowing for highly secure tap-based transactions.
Gemalto is going to provide biometric payment cards for the Bank of Cyprus, the company has announced.
Gemalto‘s Trusted Service Hub can now act as a gateway for card issuers to Mastercard’s and Visa’s tokenization services, offering a single hub through which they can manage their digital issuance needs. The firm’s partnerships with the world’s two largest credit card companies should serve to dramatically extend the use of its Trusted Services Hub.
Smartmetric Inc., a manufacturer of biometric, fingertip-based credit cards, said that its biometric credit and debit card — slated for release in early 2020 — now has a battery shelf life of over nine years.
CardLogix introduces Card Encoding Engine
CardLogix has launched the Card Encoding Engine (CEE) for the creation of secure ID cards and badges.
As part of the idblox Identity Credential Ecosystem, there is also support for the latest generation of Matica and Evolis card printers, biometrics by Corvus and Precise Biometrics, and logical access by Access Smart.
Deutsche Bank, Mastercard and IDEMIA launch the first MOTION CODE™ card in Spain called the Tarjeta Calma.
MOTION CODE™ technology consists in a dynamic cryptogram changing randomly to provide better security for online payment by preventing data theft and cloning.
Her er en liten timeline over diverse milepæler innen piloter og diverse. Med et hint av styring siden tidslinjen er sponset av IDEX, men den gir et lite overblikk.
En liten spådom av det biometriske kortet som blir lansert GLOBALT i 2020:
LED lys for bekreftelse om fingeravtrykket er registrert. - Etter godkjent testing fra Visa
Trådløs lading med 9 års levetid - Lades opp av betalingsterminal og/eller telefon. - Levert av smart metric
Stor optisk sensor for avlesning av alle størrelser av tomler innenfor bank og levert av Egistec/Qualcomm
ID-innlogging, Krypto ++ Sensorer levert av leverandører som IDEX, FPC
Alle de store mobiloperatørene er underlagt samme plattform - Levert i samarbeid med Samsund/Apple/Microsoft
API innenfor banker og finansielle sektorer er i direkte dialog med denne plattformen.
Fingeravtrykket registreres på egen telefon og kortet blir validert gjennom denne plattformen.
Dobbel sikkerhet for godkjenning gjennom telefon som Ansikt, stemme, oppførsel blir lagt til fortløpende.
CVC koden blir auto-generert på eget digitalt display i kortet og endres hver gang du aktiverer ved trykk. -Motion code levert av IDEMIA
Softvare på tvers av ALLE plattformer og leverandører blir levert av Precise biometric. - Etter godkjenningen fra Mastercard, alle vellykkede piloter og alle store telefonleverandører, API og godkjenning FIDO level2 + Microsoft implementering.
Kortet blir meget mulig av et annet material enn plast, siden dette er ut i 2020.
Kortet kommer til å koste rundt 5 dollar i starten, men lander på rundt 2 dollar ved utgangen av 2020.
Dette er snart ikke lengre en spådom siden vi om 1 uke går inn i 2020 og alle nyheter, meldinger, intervjuer, samarbeid, og store bevegelser blant de størst aktørene tilsier at det er dette som kommer til å skje.
Spørsmålet er bare da hvor mye dette vil utgjøre av inntekter for de selskapene som er involvert og jeg fokuserer bare på PB, sidden det er her jeg har investert :)
La oss ta en liten titt på potensialet innenfor biometriske kort:
De 5 største kortleverandørene i Kina, Frankrike, Nederland og Tyskland leverte i 2018 mer enn kort. og med et estimat på lisens innenfor softvare som kanskje ligger innenfor 0,25 og 0,75 kr pr kort - pr år. så blir det betydelig inntekter bare innenfor dette segmentet.
Ved 0,25 kr vil dette utgjøre en inntekt på 750.000.000 kr i året.
I tillegg til dette så kommer kort innenfor krypto og ID som pass eller innlogging.
Hovedinntektene til PB ligger fortsatt i mobilmarkedet og med et økende fokus på optiske sensorer som nå eksploderer. Se avtaler og samarbeid. Egistec, Qualcomm, Samsung, Vivo, Huawai, Oppo +++
Bi-segmentet som er innenfor dørlåser til hus og biler eksploderer også. se tidligere meldinger om Xiaomi og Hyundai.
ID-innlogging som nå selges i hele verden fra microsoft - eWBM med Precise biometrics softvare. Ekploderer uten sidestykke!
Youniq blir snart lansert i dette er et produkt for sikker innlogging, men kan også knyttes opp mot betaling. Dette er den nye boomen i 2020.
Jeg må si at etter jeg startet å følge selskapet for 6 mnd siden, så har det skjedd helt utrolig mye og det er ingen økning i kursen. Det er uforståelig i mine øyne når dette selskapet er involvert i ALT som foregår nå innenfor biometrisk sikkerhet. Det kan ikke være mange som tviler på at alt blir lansert i 2020 og at alt PB er med i nå kommer til å eksplodere.
Selv med innsidehandler, nye samarbeid, nye kontorer, store besparelser, nye ansatte, nye produkter, nye kunder, største turnover på 3 år, 64% økning i omsetning i Q3, varsel om inntekt og økning for Q4 og med et marked som boomer over alle forventninger innenfor alle segmentene som PB er med i, så er likevel kursen like lav. - Har gitt mine spekulasjoner rundt dette :)
Dette blir i mine øyne den største raketten i 2020 og kommer til å sette alle andre aksjer i skyggen. Hvis det potensiale som ligger her blir utnyttet til det fulle, så vil jeg påstå at vi ser en kurs mot 20 kr i slutten av 2020.
Fortsatt fredfull god jul og godt nyttår til alle :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
26.12.2019 kl 14:30
Bare dager til det smeller ut en melding :)
“The selection of Precise Match-on-Card™ for Nigeria’s national ID card is continuing proof of the strength of Precise Biometrics’ technology,” said Precise Biometrics CEO Thomas Marschall. “We expect substantial income from this project in the coming years, including fingerprint readers once more cards have been deployed. We have agreed with our partner not to disclose specific values, but the income from the project will naturally be reflected in our regular financial reporting.” He added, “We have a track record of Match-on-Card solutions that are secure, accurate, and reliable—all extremely important for a successful national ID program.”
As a separate and additional opportunity in Nigeria, Interswitch will continue to pursue more Local State ID card projects in Nigeria similar to their first win, Cross River State, which also includes Precise Match-on-Card™.
Precise Biometrics is the leading global supplier of Match-on-Card. The company has delivered Match-on-Card to five additional national ID cards, including Portugal, Thailand and Venezuela.
Precise Biometrics provides fingerprint software based on Precise BioMatch Embedded, an industry leading algorithm solution that offers convenient and secure fingerprint recognition for products with small fingerprint sensors on limited platforms, such as smart cards, wearables, cars, locks and personal identification tokens.
STMicroelectronics provides its ST54 system-in-package solution, composed of an ST21NFC near-field communication (NFC) controller and an ST33 embedded Secure Element based on 32-bit ARM(R) SecurCore(R) SC300, hosting the Gemalto Biometrics Match-On-Card. ST also provides an STM32 ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M based low-power microcontroller managing the application.
For end users, the new architecture spells an end to the complexity of having to remember numerous username and password combinations to access essential applications such as payment, secure email and government ID programs. This solution will offer new opportunities to the consumer electronics market to implement secure authentication solutions based on FIDO Alliance’s specification, and give consumer electronics manufacturers the option to differentiate from competition. By easing the user journey without compromising security, biometric fingerprint authentication represents a real game-changer for the world of secure mobile connectivity, payment, eCitizen services and more.
Gemalto and Precise Biometrics succeeded in making the solution work seamlessly with Microsoft product ecosystem. In addition, the Gemalto .NET card minidriver is integrated with Microsoft’s Windows Smart Card Framework.
Precise Biometrics’ groundbreaking fingerprint authentication system is highly secure and convenient to use; authenticating the user by matching the fingerprint to one digitally stored on the smart card. This capability offers increased security and ease-of-use since the sensitive data is computed directly on the card without the need to rely on the availability or speed of a network for validation. With the biometric profile and the calculations remaining inside the smart card, the risk of this information being compromised is virtually eliminated. This most recent innovation allows the authentication capability to be directly accessed via the cards API, greatly improving the performance and allowing other card applications to easily use the function.
“Japan is renowned for early adoption and, with this initiative, it is once again leading the way in launching the latest digital payment technologies. The ongoing EMV® migration ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games makes it a perfect testing ground for PIN-less, painless and secure contactless payments,” comments Thomas Rex, SVP of the Smartcard Business Line, Fingerprints.
IDEMIA’s F.Code solution, replaces PIN or signature authentication with a fingerprint. This delivers greater security without impacting the frictionless payment experience of contactless cards.
In its first smart card integration, Fingerprint Cards’ T-Shape biometric sensor module is being supported by Precise Biometrics software.FPC's T-Shape Module Supported by Precise Biometrics Software in CardLab Project In a statement, the latter company has revealed that its Precise BioMatch Embedded software is being used in the newly announced project.
“For FPC, the partnership represents the latest major step into the emerging biometric payment cards market after the company joined two major payments industry alliances and announced a new partnership with NXP Semiconductors last month.”
Biometric payment cards with Precise, NXP, FPC tech achieves Mastercard security certificate
The collaboration’s announcement comes just about a week after Precise Biometrics unveiled Precise BioMatch Card, an adaptation of its Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm solution that is tailored for smart card and payment card integrations. Precise BioMatch Card will be integrated into a contactless fingerprint scanning card featuring NXP’s Secure Element technology.
Ikea, Samsung SmartThings, and the Signify, the company behind Philips Hue will also join the group.
Chosen by leading vendors
Precise BioMatch Card has been deployed in several trials, including the world’s first contactless biometric payment card from AirPlus International, as well as in the first pilot project in the USA with biometric payment cards carried out by Visa and Mountain America Credit Union.
The card is currently in trial, when taken into commercial use card users will be able to verify transactions both contact and contactless, with a seamless and fast experience. The aim is to bring new innovation to the corporate travelers, enhancing the convenience and adding an extra layer of security. AirPlus International is the global leader in the corporate travel management with a payment platform used by 49,000 corporations world-wide.
This is the same technology used in AirPlus’s pioneering contactless biometric payment card trial last year, and in Visa’s first trial of biometric payment card technology earlier this year, a pilot project that also involved fingerprint sensor maker Fingerprint Cards and card solutions provider Kona I. But its official branding and launch as a new branch of Precise Biometrics’ flagship solutions portfolio – alongside Precise BioMatch Mobile and Precise BioMatch Embedded – illustrates Precise Biometrics’ growing focus on the rapidly emerging biometric payment cards market.
“The trial involves biometric technology provided by Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.”
Another Old Friend Joins Visa Biometric Card Trial
Kona I has joined in on Visa’s American trial of biometric payment card technology with Mountain America Credit Union. The firm has announced that it has come onboard as a card supplier for the project.
The trial was announced last month, and will see the organizations test contactless payment cards designed to scan users’ fingerprints during transactions, allowing for security that is more sophisticated than PIN entry while still allowing for the convenience of tap-to-pay transactions. The trial involves biometric technology provided by Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.
Precise BioMatch™ Flex Toolkit 1.4 for integrating fingerprint recognition with smart card solutions in larger systems. Also provided as a complete authentication solution, Gemalto .NET Bio, by Gemalto, the world-leader in digital security
eWBM’s Goldengate 500 was the first USB key to achieve FIDO2 L2 Authenticator Certification, and licensed the Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
Biometric software from Precise Biometrics is being used in a new door lock from Xiaomi. Called the Xiaomi Mijia Smart Door Lock, the device features Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm software.
Snart 2020 :)
“The selection of Precise Match-on-Card™ for Nigeria’s national ID card is continuing proof of the strength of Precise Biometrics’ technology,” said Precise Biometrics CEO Thomas Marschall. “We expect substantial income from this project in the coming years, including fingerprint readers once more cards have been deployed. We have agreed with our partner not to disclose specific values, but the income from the project will naturally be reflected in our regular financial reporting.” He added, “We have a track record of Match-on-Card solutions that are secure, accurate, and reliable—all extremely important for a successful national ID program.”
As a separate and additional opportunity in Nigeria, Interswitch will continue to pursue more Local State ID card projects in Nigeria similar to their first win, Cross River State, which also includes Precise Match-on-Card™.
Precise Biometrics is the leading global supplier of Match-on-Card. The company has delivered Match-on-Card to five additional national ID cards, including Portugal, Thailand and Venezuela.
Precise Biometrics provides fingerprint software based on Precise BioMatch Embedded, an industry leading algorithm solution that offers convenient and secure fingerprint recognition for products with small fingerprint sensors on limited platforms, such as smart cards, wearables, cars, locks and personal identification tokens.
STMicroelectronics provides its ST54 system-in-package solution, composed of an ST21NFC near-field communication (NFC) controller and an ST33 embedded Secure Element based on 32-bit ARM(R) SecurCore(R) SC300, hosting the Gemalto Biometrics Match-On-Card. ST also provides an STM32 ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M based low-power microcontroller managing the application.
For end users, the new architecture spells an end to the complexity of having to remember numerous username and password combinations to access essential applications such as payment, secure email and government ID programs. This solution will offer new opportunities to the consumer electronics market to implement secure authentication solutions based on FIDO Alliance’s specification, and give consumer electronics manufacturers the option to differentiate from competition. By easing the user journey without compromising security, biometric fingerprint authentication represents a real game-changer for the world of secure mobile connectivity, payment, eCitizen services and more.
Gemalto and Precise Biometrics succeeded in making the solution work seamlessly with Microsoft product ecosystem. In addition, the Gemalto .NET card minidriver is integrated with Microsoft’s Windows Smart Card Framework.
Precise Biometrics’ groundbreaking fingerprint authentication system is highly secure and convenient to use; authenticating the user by matching the fingerprint to one digitally stored on the smart card. This capability offers increased security and ease-of-use since the sensitive data is computed directly on the card without the need to rely on the availability or speed of a network for validation. With the biometric profile and the calculations remaining inside the smart card, the risk of this information being compromised is virtually eliminated. This most recent innovation allows the authentication capability to be directly accessed via the cards API, greatly improving the performance and allowing other card applications to easily use the function.
“Japan is renowned for early adoption and, with this initiative, it is once again leading the way in launching the latest digital payment technologies. The ongoing EMV® migration ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games makes it a perfect testing ground for PIN-less, painless and secure contactless payments,” comments Thomas Rex, SVP of the Smartcard Business Line, Fingerprints.
IDEMIA’s F.Code solution, replaces PIN or signature authentication with a fingerprint. This delivers greater security without impacting the frictionless payment experience of contactless cards.
In its first smart card integration, Fingerprint Cards’ T-Shape biometric sensor module is being supported by Precise Biometrics software.FPC's T-Shape Module Supported by Precise Biometrics Software in CardLab Project In a statement, the latter company has revealed that its Precise BioMatch Embedded software is being used in the newly announced project.
“For FPC, the partnership represents the latest major step into the emerging biometric payment cards market after the company joined two major payments industry alliances and announced a new partnership with NXP Semiconductors last month.”
Biometric payment cards with Precise, NXP, FPC tech achieves Mastercard security certificate
The collaboration’s announcement comes just about a week after Precise Biometrics unveiled Precise BioMatch Card, an adaptation of its Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm solution that is tailored for smart card and payment card integrations. Precise BioMatch Card will be integrated into a contactless fingerprint scanning card featuring NXP’s Secure Element technology.
Ikea, Samsung SmartThings, and the Signify, the company behind Philips Hue will also join the group.
Chosen by leading vendors
Precise BioMatch Card has been deployed in several trials, including the world’s first contactless biometric payment card from AirPlus International, as well as in the first pilot project in the USA with biometric payment cards carried out by Visa and Mountain America Credit Union.
The card is currently in trial, when taken into commercial use card users will be able to verify transactions both contact and contactless, with a seamless and fast experience. The aim is to bring new innovation to the corporate travelers, enhancing the convenience and adding an extra layer of security. AirPlus International is the global leader in the corporate travel management with a payment platform used by 49,000 corporations world-wide.
This is the same technology used in AirPlus’s pioneering contactless biometric payment card trial last year, and in Visa’s first trial of biometric payment card technology earlier this year, a pilot project that also involved fingerprint sensor maker Fingerprint Cards and card solutions provider Kona I. But its official branding and launch as a new branch of Precise Biometrics’ flagship solutions portfolio – alongside Precise BioMatch Mobile and Precise BioMatch Embedded – illustrates Precise Biometrics’ growing focus on the rapidly emerging biometric payment cards market.
“The trial involves biometric technology provided by Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.”
Another Old Friend Joins Visa Biometric Card Trial
Kona I has joined in on Visa’s American trial of biometric payment card technology with Mountain America Credit Union. The firm has announced that it has come onboard as a card supplier for the project.
The trial was announced last month, and will see the organizations test contactless payment cards designed to scan users’ fingerprints during transactions, allowing for security that is more sophisticated than PIN entry while still allowing for the convenience of tap-to-pay transactions. The trial involves biometric technology provided by Fingerprint Cards and Precise Biometrics.
Precise BioMatch™ Flex Toolkit 1.4 for integrating fingerprint recognition with smart card solutions in larger systems. Also provided as a complete authentication solution, Gemalto .NET Bio, by Gemalto, the world-leader in digital security
eWBM’s Goldengate 500 was the first USB key to achieve FIDO2 L2 Authenticator Certification, and licensed the Biomatch Embedded fingerprint recognition algorithm from Precise Biometrics earlier this year. The new keys are also making use of Precise’s algorithm.
Biometric software from Precise Biometrics is being used in a new door lock from Xiaomi. Called the Xiaomi Mijia Smart Door Lock, the device features Precise BioMatch Embedded fingerprint algorithm software.
Snart 2020 :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
Du må logge inn for å svare
27.12.2019 kl 00:35
Goodix's IN-DISPLAY FINGERPRINT SENSOR™ Achieves 100+ Commercialization with the Launch of OPPO Reno3 Series
Time : 2019-12-26 17:07:09 Source:Goodix
Today OPPO launches its new 5G flagship smartphone Reno3 series featuring a comprehensive and innovative Goodix product portfolio. Equipped with the ultra-thin optical IN-DISPLAY FINGERPRINT SENSOR™, Reno3 Pro marks the 101th commercialization of Goodix's in-display fingerprint solutions, representing global smartphone manufacturers’ recognition of Goodix’s perseverance on innovation.
New OPPO Smartphone’s In-Display Sensor Supported by Precise Biometrics Software
Posted on September 7, 2018 by Alex Perala
Precise Biometrics‘ algorithm software is being used to support in-display fingerprint scanning in the new OPPO R17 smartphone, the company has announced.New OPPO Smartphone's In-Display Sensor Supported by Precise Biometrics Software
It’s the result of Precise Biometrics’ partnership with fingerprint sensor provider Silead, and a validation of statements made in a corporate update about a year ago. At that time, Precise Biometrics’ then-CEO, Håkan Persson, predicted the rise of in-display fingerprint sensor technology for smartphones, driven by optical and ultrasonic fingerprint sensors; and he said it was an industry shift for which Precise Biometrics would be “well positioned”. Now, with a growing number of smartphones featuring in-display fingerprint sensor technology arriving in the mainstream consumer market, Precise Biometrics is starting to reap the rewards.
In a statement announcing the OPPO R17 integration, Precise Biometrics’ current CEO, Stefan K. Persson, framed the phone as representative of new devices sporting “slick smartphone designs with edge-to-edge displays,” adding, “we are pleased to provide Precise BioMatch Mobile to Oppo R17 and supporting Silead with their first under display implementation.”
The company also indicated that the integration will begin generating royalty revenues in the third quarter of this year.
Other features of the OPPO R17 include a 6.4″ AMOLED display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 processor, a 16MP rear-facing camera and a 5MP selfie camera. The device has launched in the China market.
Qualcomm has reportedly won orders from Samsung for its upcoming next-gen ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensors. What this means is that Qualcomm might become the exclusive partner for placing in-display fingerprint sensors that Samsung plans to introduce on its mid-range and premium Galaxy smartphone models next year. Apart from Qualcomm, MediaTek's China-based subsidiary Goodix Technology is also said to be one of only two prominent suppliers for in-display fingerprint scanners for Android smartphones in 2019, though it uses the optical type. The report suggests this move will force other Taiwanese chip manufacturers to focus on other niche applications.
The increasing demand for all-screen smartphones across the globe has prompted the demand for in-display fingerprint sensors. This demand has led to Chinese and Taiwanese IC (Integrated Circuit) design houses including Egis Technology, Elan Microelectronics, FocalTech, Goodix, and Silead accelerating work on these sensors, as per a report by Taiwanese publication Digitimes.
MediaTek's Goodix subsidiary has also reportedly secured a “pre-emptive presence” in this sector with optical in-display fingerprint sensor orders from Chinese giants such as Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei, and Vivo. Shipments for these handsets will begin soon, in the first half of 2019.
Additionally, Samsung's order with Qualcomm remains the highlight of this development given the volume of production by the South Korean giant widely regarded as the vendor with the most smartphone shipments. Samsung might soon feature in-display fingerprint sensors in its Galaxy S and Galaxy A series with shipments expected to start from late 2018 or early 2019.
To complete this large order, Qualcomm is reportedly planning to incorporate all resources of its ultrasonic fingerprint sensor technology lab in California and work with Taiwan's TFT panel makers to help its clients lower production costs with a one-stop solution.
Taiwanese chip makers are expected to suffer from these partnerships, and they might look to develop “niche-type” fingerprint identification chips for products like financial cards, and other industrial, home, and automotive applications.
In related news, a report earlier this month claimed that Qualcomm's third-gen in-display fingerprint sensing technology will be exclusive to Samsung's upcoming flagship, Galaxy S10, at least for the first half of 2019, after which other OEMs will be able to incorporate them on their devices as well.,c2608326
The integration has been carried out in cooperation with Silead, one of the fingerprint sensor suppliers to Oppo R17. Precise Biometrics projects the integration will generate some royalty revenue from the third quarter of 2018, which will be based on actual sales of fingerprint sensors that utilize Precise BioMatch Mobile.
”The agreement with Silead further strengthens our position as a leading supplier of fingerprint algorithms that provide convenient and secure identity authentication for mobile and embedded devices. This is yet another important step to commercialize our fingerprint technology”
Announcing the integration in a statement, Precise Biometrics declined to name the new device in which its Precise BioMatch Mobile biometric algorithm software is featured, but indicated that the vendor is based in China. Precise Biometrics also noted that the integration comes via Silead, a China-based IC specialist with which the company entered into a partnership about two years ago, in the spring of 2015.
Ding ding :)
Goodix's IN-DISPLAY FINGERPRINT SENSOR™ Achieves 100+ Commercialization with the Launch of OPPO Reno3 Series
Time : 2019-12-26 17:07:09 Source:Goodix
Today OPPO launches its new 5G flagship smartphone Reno3 series featuring a comprehensive and innovative Goodix product portfolio. Equipped with the ultra-thin optical IN-DISPLAY FINGERPRINT SENSOR™, Reno3 Pro marks the 101th commercialization of Goodix's in-display fingerprint solutions, representing global smartphone manufacturers’ recognition of Goodix’s perseverance on innovation.
New OPPO Smartphone’s In-Display Sensor Supported by Precise Biometrics Software
Posted on September 7, 2018 by Alex Perala
Precise Biometrics‘ algorithm software is being used to support in-display fingerprint scanning in the new OPPO R17 smartphone, the company has announced.New OPPO Smartphone's In-Display Sensor Supported by Precise Biometrics Software
It’s the result of Precise Biometrics’ partnership with fingerprint sensor provider Silead, and a validation of statements made in a corporate update about a year ago. At that time, Precise Biometrics’ then-CEO, Håkan Persson, predicted the rise of in-display fingerprint sensor technology for smartphones, driven by optical and ultrasonic fingerprint sensors; and he said it was an industry shift for which Precise Biometrics would be “well positioned”. Now, with a growing number of smartphones featuring in-display fingerprint sensor technology arriving in the mainstream consumer market, Precise Biometrics is starting to reap the rewards.
In a statement announcing the OPPO R17 integration, Precise Biometrics’ current CEO, Stefan K. Persson, framed the phone as representative of new devices sporting “slick smartphone designs with edge-to-edge displays,” adding, “we are pleased to provide Precise BioMatch Mobile to Oppo R17 and supporting Silead with their first under display implementation.”
The company also indicated that the integration will begin generating royalty revenues in the third quarter of this year.
Other features of the OPPO R17 include a 6.4″ AMOLED display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 processor, a 16MP rear-facing camera and a 5MP selfie camera. The device has launched in the China market.
Qualcomm has reportedly won orders from Samsung for its upcoming next-gen ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensors. What this means is that Qualcomm might become the exclusive partner for placing in-display fingerprint sensors that Samsung plans to introduce on its mid-range and premium Galaxy smartphone models next year. Apart from Qualcomm, MediaTek's China-based subsidiary Goodix Technology is also said to be one of only two prominent suppliers for in-display fingerprint scanners for Android smartphones in 2019, though it uses the optical type. The report suggests this move will force other Taiwanese chip manufacturers to focus on other niche applications.
The increasing demand for all-screen smartphones across the globe has prompted the demand for in-display fingerprint sensors. This demand has led to Chinese and Taiwanese IC (Integrated Circuit) design houses including Egis Technology, Elan Microelectronics, FocalTech, Goodix, and Silead accelerating work on these sensors, as per a report by Taiwanese publication Digitimes.
MediaTek's Goodix subsidiary has also reportedly secured a “pre-emptive presence” in this sector with optical in-display fingerprint sensor orders from Chinese giants such as Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei, and Vivo. Shipments for these handsets will begin soon, in the first half of 2019.
Additionally, Samsung's order with Qualcomm remains the highlight of this development given the volume of production by the South Korean giant widely regarded as the vendor with the most smartphone shipments. Samsung might soon feature in-display fingerprint sensors in its Galaxy S and Galaxy A series with shipments expected to start from late 2018 or early 2019.
To complete this large order, Qualcomm is reportedly planning to incorporate all resources of its ultrasonic fingerprint sensor technology lab in California and work with Taiwan's TFT panel makers to help its clients lower production costs with a one-stop solution.
Taiwanese chip makers are expected to suffer from these partnerships, and they might look to develop “niche-type” fingerprint identification chips for products like financial cards, and other industrial, home, and automotive applications.
In related news, a report earlier this month claimed that Qualcomm's third-gen in-display fingerprint sensing technology will be exclusive to Samsung's upcoming flagship, Galaxy S10, at least for the first half of 2019, after which other OEMs will be able to incorporate them on their devices as well.,c2608326
The integration has been carried out in cooperation with Silead, one of the fingerprint sensor suppliers to Oppo R17. Precise Biometrics projects the integration will generate some royalty revenue from the third quarter of 2018, which will be based on actual sales of fingerprint sensors that utilize Precise BioMatch Mobile.
”The agreement with Silead further strengthens our position as a leading supplier of fingerprint algorithms that provide convenient and secure identity authentication for mobile and embedded devices. This is yet another important step to commercialize our fingerprint technology”
Announcing the integration in a statement, Precise Biometrics declined to name the new device in which its Precise BioMatch Mobile biometric algorithm software is featured, but indicated that the vendor is based in China. Precise Biometrics also noted that the integration comes via Silead, a China-based IC specialist with which the company entered into a partnership about two years ago, in the spring of 2015.
Ding ding :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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27.12.2019 kl 01:20
The CITeR has already gathered companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Infineon, Integrated Biometrics, Precise Biometrics, the FBI or Defense Research and Development Canada.
This National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative invites industry players to join forces in a cooperative effort to support and drive high quality research in biometrics and in return, to have privileged access to the developed technologies. Idiap hosts the first non-US site.
In today’s fast changing industrial environment, design and development of new technologies is crucial. Companies must keep pace with the continuous evolution and development of technology and customer preference variability. To this end, companies have to invest in research and development activities. Unfortunately, these activities mostly do not yield immediate profit or improvement and they involve higher uncertainty with respect to other company activities in operation. This is even worse for industrial fields driven by cutting-edge technology, such as biometrics business. The Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) initiative from the American National Science Foundation aims to overcome these issues. They succeed to gather companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Infineon, Integrated Biometrics, Precise Biometrics, the FBI or Defense Research and Development Canada.
A Swiss site for a US initiative
Already involved with various US labs, the Swiss Center for Biometrics Research and Testing decided to strengthen its relationship with the CITeR by hosting the first non-US site of the initiative. Within the Idiap Research Institute, the Center offers biometrics and security companies the means to build strong ties with talented researchers and engineers in the field and to make recommendations and influence the course of the research projects by becoming an affiliate. The process is quite simple, as companies willing to become an affiliate only have to pay an annual administrative fee and sign a standard agreement.
Affiliates have right to delegate representatives to the Affiliate Advisory Board. This board meets on annual basis and makes recommendations on the research projects to be carried out within the Center and the allocation of resources to research proposals. Additionally, the affiliates can to obtain a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual license to the results obtained within the projects funded by the Center. Last but not least, the affiliates have the right to review publication requests of papers and presentations containing results in case the publication contains patentable results or require protection.
Already two affiliates
The Swiss site is already creating interest around major players located in Europe. The two first affiliates are SICPA and Idemia. The first one is a Swiss company among the leaders providing secured identification, traceability and authentication solutions. The second one is a French multinational company, specializing in security and identity solutions. Several companies are currently in contact with the Swiss Center for Biometrics.
De store samles for nye eventyr :)
The CITeR has already gathered companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Infineon, Integrated Biometrics, Precise Biometrics, the FBI or Defense Research and Development Canada.
This National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative invites industry players to join forces in a cooperative effort to support and drive high quality research in biometrics and in return, to have privileged access to the developed technologies. Idiap hosts the first non-US site.
In today’s fast changing industrial environment, design and development of new technologies is crucial. Companies must keep pace with the continuous evolution and development of technology and customer preference variability. To this end, companies have to invest in research and development activities. Unfortunately, these activities mostly do not yield immediate profit or improvement and they involve higher uncertainty with respect to other company activities in operation. This is even worse for industrial fields driven by cutting-edge technology, such as biometrics business. The Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) initiative from the American National Science Foundation aims to overcome these issues. They succeed to gather companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Infineon, Integrated Biometrics, Precise Biometrics, the FBI or Defense Research and Development Canada.
A Swiss site for a US initiative
Already involved with various US labs, the Swiss Center for Biometrics Research and Testing decided to strengthen its relationship with the CITeR by hosting the first non-US site of the initiative. Within the Idiap Research Institute, the Center offers biometrics and security companies the means to build strong ties with talented researchers and engineers in the field and to make recommendations and influence the course of the research projects by becoming an affiliate. The process is quite simple, as companies willing to become an affiliate only have to pay an annual administrative fee and sign a standard agreement.
Affiliates have right to delegate representatives to the Affiliate Advisory Board. This board meets on annual basis and makes recommendations on the research projects to be carried out within the Center and the allocation of resources to research proposals. Additionally, the affiliates can to obtain a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual license to the results obtained within the projects funded by the Center. Last but not least, the affiliates have the right to review publication requests of papers and presentations containing results in case the publication contains patentable results or require protection.
Already two affiliates
The Swiss site is already creating interest around major players located in Europe. The two first affiliates are SICPA and Idemia. The first one is a Swiss company among the leaders providing secured identification, traceability and authentication solutions. The second one is a French multinational company, specializing in security and identity solutions. Several companies are currently in contact with the Swiss Center for Biometrics.
De store samles for nye eventyr :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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27.12.2019 kl 13:32
The chip manufacturer NXP and the vehicle maker VW unveiled a concept car in Hamburg at the end of August, which is opened using Ultra-Wideband-Technology (UWB). This makes it impossible to intercept the radio signal. UWB enables a precise check on the position of the rightful key owner in real time, which cannot be manipulated. Furthermore, the car can also unlock individual doors depending on the side the driver is approaching from. The application of AI is also revolutionary. The technology learns and recognizes the driver’s walking patterns and gestures. So the car can be taught to open the trunk when the owner waves a hand holding the key, or puts a foot close to the trunk.
In 2019 Huyndai produced the first series model featuring door handles and a starter button equipped with a biometric scanner. The driver can start the engine only after authentication by a fingerprint sensor. In a fraction of a second its electrodes scan the lines, loops and whorls of the user’s fingertips and compare them with stored data sets. Individual settings such as the positions of the seat and the mirrors and the choice of infotainment are simultaneously activated.
“In the future, Hyundai Motor plans to further expand the application of the technology to allow the adjustment of temperature, steering wheel position, and many other features which will be tailored to driver’s preferences” said Albert Biermann, President and Head of Research & Development Division of the Hyundai Motor Company. “This will ultimately offer quality driving experience to each and every Hyundai customer.”
For fingerprint matching, authentication software is required, such as that from Precise Biometrics. Flexibility is required in the authentication software as well to maximize ease of use and enable OEMs to match capabilities to their applications:
Precise Biometrics is playing an important role in one of the more high-profile examples of biometric innovation in the automotive industry. The company has revealed that its fingerprint algorithm software is going to be used in a forthcoming Hyundai car.
DREAMTECH is expecting to have better performance this year as well due to new supply of display fingerprint recognition modules in addition to its current supply of button-type fingerprint recognition modules. It is heard that it is going to produce and supply display fingerprint recognition modules starting from May.
Display fingerprint recognition technology made its appearance within Smartphone market last year and it is expected to be generalized starting from this year. According to a market research company called IHS Market, there were 30 million Smartphones that were equipped with display fingerprint recognition modules last year and there are expected to be 180 million Smartphones that are equipped with display fingerprint recognition modules this year. Display fingerprint recognition technology has been receiving spotlight as it goes along with ‘full-screen’ trend. It is predicted that display recognition technology based on optical method rather than ultrasonic method will be the mainstream within Smartphone market.
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
"For fingerprint matching, authentication software is required, such as that from Precise Biometrics. Flexibility is required in the authentication software as well to maximize ease of use and enable OEMs to match capabilities to their applications:
Enrollment flexibility: The OEM can vary the number of enrollment images to favor user convenience or initial security.
Dynamic template update: This allows the OEM to optionally add fingerprint images at a later date, thus allowing for quicker enrollment.
Rotationally invariance: This ensures no degradation of FRR performance over a full 360-degree rotation of the finger or the fingerprint sensor
Fast processing: Typical 250-ms match time, plus 50 ms per additional enrolled finger
Automotive-qualified components, including the sensor and matching MCU
The FPMM com
The chip manufacturer NXP and the vehicle maker VW unveiled a concept car in Hamburg at the end of August, which is opened using Ultra-Wideband-Technology (UWB). This makes it impossible to intercept the radio signal. UWB enables a precise check on the position of the rightful key owner in real time, which cannot be manipulated. Furthermore, the car can also unlock individual doors depending on the side the driver is approaching from. The application of AI is also revolutionary. The technology learns and recognizes the driver’s walking patterns and gestures. So the car can be taught to open the trunk when the owner waves a hand holding the key, or puts a foot close to the trunk.
In 2019 Huyndai produced the first series model featuring door handles and a starter button equipped with a biometric scanner. The driver can start the engine only after authentication by a fingerprint sensor. In a fraction of a second its electrodes scan the lines, loops and whorls of the user’s fingertips and compare them with stored data sets. Individual settings such as the positions of the seat and the mirrors and the choice of infotainment are simultaneously activated.
“In the future, Hyundai Motor plans to further expand the application of the technology to allow the adjustment of temperature, steering wheel position, and many other features which will be tailored to driver’s preferences” said Albert Biermann, President and Head of Research & Development Division of the Hyundai Motor Company. “This will ultimately offer quality driving experience to each and every Hyundai customer.”
For fingerprint matching, authentication software is required, such as that from Precise Biometrics. Flexibility is required in the authentication software as well to maximize ease of use and enable OEMs to match capabilities to their applications:
Precise Biometrics is playing an important role in one of the more high-profile examples of biometric innovation in the automotive industry. The company has revealed that its fingerprint algorithm software is going to be used in a forthcoming Hyundai car.
DREAMTECH is expecting to have better performance this year as well due to new supply of display fingerprint recognition modules in addition to its current supply of button-type fingerprint recognition modules. It is heard that it is going to produce and supply display fingerprint recognition modules starting from May.
Display fingerprint recognition technology made its appearance within Smartphone market last year and it is expected to be generalized starting from this year. According to a market research company called IHS Market, there were 30 million Smartphones that were equipped with display fingerprint recognition modules last year and there are expected to be 180 million Smartphones that are equipped with display fingerprint recognition modules this year. Display fingerprint recognition technology has been receiving spotlight as it goes along with ‘full-screen’ trend. It is predicted that display recognition technology based on optical method rather than ultrasonic method will be the mainstream within Smartphone market.
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
"For fingerprint matching, authentication software is required, such as that from Precise Biometrics. Flexibility is required in the authentication software as well to maximize ease of use and enable OEMs to match capabilities to their applications:
Enrollment flexibility: The OEM can vary the number of enrollment images to favor user convenience or initial security.
Dynamic template update: This allows the OEM to optionally add fingerprint images at a later date, thus allowing for quicker enrollment.
Rotationally invariance: This ensures no degradation of FRR performance over a full 360-degree rotation of the finger or the fingerprint sensor
Fast processing: Typical 250-ms match time, plus 50 ms per additional enrolled finger
Automotive-qualified components, including the sensor and matching MCU
The FPMM com
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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28.12.2019 kl 14:51
God jul, Krone :-)
Dette blir PREC sitt tiår
Mvh Navle
Dette blir PREC sitt tiår
Mvh Navle
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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30.12.2019 kl 15:39
2019-12-23 23:21 Economic Daily reporter He Peiru / Taipei
Samsung Electronics Taiwan kunngjorde i går (23) at Galaxy A51 vil bli notert i Taiwan Samsung Experience Hall, Samsung Smart Hall, telekommunikasjon og distribusjonskanaler fra 6. januar neste år, og blir den første nye maskinen som blir notert på det nye året. I tillegg forventes Galaxy A71 å bli lansert i februar neste år, og det kommer to nye modeller i begynnelsen av våren, noe som presser opp forsendelseskjedenes forsendelser.
Samsungs forsyningskjede i Taiwan inkluderer Daliguang (3008), Crystal Technology, Shuanghong, Chaozhong, GIS-KY, Aegis, etc. Samsungs produkter i Taiwan dekker high-end, mid-range og entry-level modeller, med en komplett produktserie.
KOTRA Foreign Trade Center, Embassy of the Republic of Korea
eWBM has been certified in Brazil and will begin mass production in Brazil, laying the foundation for a rapid market development in 2020.
OPPO has launched its new 5G flagship smartphone Reno3 series featuring a Goodix product portfolio.
Reno3 Pro marks the 101th commercialization of Goodix's in-display fingerprint solutions.
"Goodix continues to push forward cutting-edge technologies and expand the product portfolio. 5G smartphones have stricter internal space requirements, yet Goodix achieved the revolutionary breakthrough" the company said.
2019-12-23 23:21 Economic Daily reporter He Peiru / Taipei
Samsung Electronics Taiwan kunngjorde i går (23) at Galaxy A51 vil bli notert i Taiwan Samsung Experience Hall, Samsung Smart Hall, telekommunikasjon og distribusjonskanaler fra 6. januar neste år, og blir den første nye maskinen som blir notert på det nye året. I tillegg forventes Galaxy A71 å bli lansert i februar neste år, og det kommer to nye modeller i begynnelsen av våren, noe som presser opp forsendelseskjedenes forsendelser.
Samsungs forsyningskjede i Taiwan inkluderer Daliguang (3008), Crystal Technology, Shuanghong, Chaozhong, GIS-KY, Aegis, etc. Samsungs produkter i Taiwan dekker high-end, mid-range og entry-level modeller, med en komplett produktserie.
KOTRA Foreign Trade Center, Embassy of the Republic of Korea
eWBM has been certified in Brazil and will begin mass production in Brazil, laying the foundation for a rapid market development in 2020.
OPPO has launched its new 5G flagship smartphone Reno3 series featuring a Goodix product portfolio.
Reno3 Pro marks the 101th commercialization of Goodix's in-display fingerprint solutions.
"Goodix continues to push forward cutting-edge technologies and expand the product portfolio. 5G smartphones have stricter internal space requirements, yet Goodix achieved the revolutionary breakthrough" the company said.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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30.12.2019 kl 16:24
27 December 2019 12:40 GMT
ImageWare Systems and its partner Contactable, a trusted identity-as-a-service provider, commenced biometric deployment in December providing one of the world’s largest mobile network operator’s customers a seamless and secure identity proofing and authentication experience.
The joint solution will verify and manage user digital identity and Know Your Customer compliance for their mobile money solution in South Africa. User identity assurance is crucial for this telecommunications company, which has merged telecom services with mobile financial services, allowing its customers to complete banking activities, such as the ability to transfer money utilizing their phones.
“The fusion of ImageWare’s biometric solutions and Contactable’s federated digital identity platform to satisfy this project is exciting,” said Jim Miller, ImageWare Systems Chairman and CEO. “Our Biometric Engine was developed with scalability in mind, and this project provides another great opportunity to showcase how quickly and reliably we can authenticate users despite the immense number of identities being verified. Contactable’s identity and ecosystem platform provides us the ability to utilize biometrics across the entire customer ecosystem managed on the Contactable platform.”
Shaun Strydom, CEO of Contactable, emphasizes, “Incorporating ImageWare’s secure yet easy-to-use multi-modal biometric authentication solutions is essential for the adoption and success of this identity authentication and regulatory compliance process.”
After the initial order was received earlier this month, ImageWare completed pre-production testing of its biometric identity proofing, authentication, and anti-spoofing platforms and will roll these out in 2020.
27 December 2019 12:40 GMT
ImageWare Systems and its partner Contactable, a trusted identity-as-a-service provider, commenced biometric deployment in December providing one of the world’s largest mobile network operator’s customers a seamless and secure identity proofing and authentication experience.
The joint solution will verify and manage user digital identity and Know Your Customer compliance for their mobile money solution in South Africa. User identity assurance is crucial for this telecommunications company, which has merged telecom services with mobile financial services, allowing its customers to complete banking activities, such as the ability to transfer money utilizing their phones.
“The fusion of ImageWare’s biometric solutions and Contactable’s federated digital identity platform to satisfy this project is exciting,” said Jim Miller, ImageWare Systems Chairman and CEO. “Our Biometric Engine was developed with scalability in mind, and this project provides another great opportunity to showcase how quickly and reliably we can authenticate users despite the immense number of identities being verified. Contactable’s identity and ecosystem platform provides us the ability to utilize biometrics across the entire customer ecosystem managed on the Contactable platform.”
Shaun Strydom, CEO of Contactable, emphasizes, “Incorporating ImageWare’s secure yet easy-to-use multi-modal biometric authentication solutions is essential for the adoption and success of this identity authentication and regulatory compliance process.”
After the initial order was received earlier this month, ImageWare completed pre-production testing of its biometric identity proofing, authentication, and anti-spoofing platforms and will roll these out in 2020.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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02.01.2020 kl 21:22
iPhone 12 rumored to have 5G connectivity, advanced under-screen sensors
Jan 2, 2020 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometric R&D | Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
iPhone 12 rumored to have 5G connectivity, advanced under-screen sensors
Data leaks and rumors announce possible big design and feature changes for iPhones planned for 2020 including 5G network support, an advanced 3D camera for augmented reality and under-screen biometric specs, reports LetsGoDigital.
Although it just released the iPhone 11 series in September, Apple is already preparing for the iPhone 12 launch in 2020. The new devices will not only come equipped with 5G connectivity and an advanced under-screen camera, but they are also rumored to get rid of the notch and have an in-display fingerprint scanner which may cancel Face ID.
China Times wrote following MWC Shanghai that Swiss financial services company Credit Suisse reported Apple suppliers were working on delivering full screen displays for iPhone 12. The under-screen camera will be integrated only in the top model, which will be the most expensive, while the cheaper models will be based on iPhone 11.
Apple competitors Oppo and Xiaomi have already presented an under-screen camera that can be processed in narrow screen edges. The new Apple features could help the manufacturer regain market share lost to Chinese manufacturers. However, competitor smartphones with an under-screen camera could be released at the end of February during MWC 2020 in Barcelona.
In December, Apple was granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 59 new patents including one for under-display Touch ID to read fingerprints optically and one for a biometric 3D Face ID system that uses eye and head tracking for advanced facial analysis.
According to LetsGoDigital and documents published in December 2019, Apple has applied for three design patents in Japan, one including a model without notch and without Face ID but equipped with an in-display fingerprint reader and an under-screen camera. Based on images included in the patent application, screen edges are identical on all sides and the screen is rectangular, there is a receiver in the middle of the upper bezel, and all features are under the screen.
Qualcomm and Samsung may be the chip suppliers for the new iPhone 12 series, but Apple is allegedly already working on developing its own 5G modem after purchasing this branch from Intel for $1 billion.
In December, Qualcomm released a two-finger ultrasonic fingerprint sensor which may be integrated in new Apple phones.
iPhone 12 rumored to have 5G connectivity, advanced under-screen sensors
Jan 2, 2020 | Luana Pascu
CATEGORIES Biometric R&D | Biometrics News | Consumer Electronics
iPhone 12 rumored to have 5G connectivity, advanced under-screen sensors
Data leaks and rumors announce possible big design and feature changes for iPhones planned for 2020 including 5G network support, an advanced 3D camera for augmented reality and under-screen biometric specs, reports LetsGoDigital.
Although it just released the iPhone 11 series in September, Apple is already preparing for the iPhone 12 launch in 2020. The new devices will not only come equipped with 5G connectivity and an advanced under-screen camera, but they are also rumored to get rid of the notch and have an in-display fingerprint scanner which may cancel Face ID.
China Times wrote following MWC Shanghai that Swiss financial services company Credit Suisse reported Apple suppliers were working on delivering full screen displays for iPhone 12. The under-screen camera will be integrated only in the top model, which will be the most expensive, while the cheaper models will be based on iPhone 11.
Apple competitors Oppo and Xiaomi have already presented an under-screen camera that can be processed in narrow screen edges. The new Apple features could help the manufacturer regain market share lost to Chinese manufacturers. However, competitor smartphones with an under-screen camera could be released at the end of February during MWC 2020 in Barcelona.
In December, Apple was granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 59 new patents including one for under-display Touch ID to read fingerprints optically and one for a biometric 3D Face ID system that uses eye and head tracking for advanced facial analysis.
According to LetsGoDigital and documents published in December 2019, Apple has applied for three design patents in Japan, one including a model without notch and without Face ID but equipped with an in-display fingerprint reader and an under-screen camera. Based on images included in the patent application, screen edges are identical on all sides and the screen is rectangular, there is a receiver in the middle of the upper bezel, and all features are under the screen.
Qualcomm and Samsung may be the chip suppliers for the new iPhone 12 series, but Apple is allegedly already working on developing its own 5G modem after purchasing this branch from Intel for $1 billion.
In December, Qualcomm released a two-finger ultrasonic fingerprint sensor which may be integrated in new Apple phones.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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06.01.2020 kl 20:41
Ja,ja.. Det var ventet en nedgang :)
December revenue was 628.11 million yuan, with a monthly growth rate of 19.21% and an annual growth rate of 121.37%
Taiwan-based Egis Technology is reporting solid results in its year-end update for 2019, despite a fourth quarter revenue dip.
The company says it brought in NT$ 7.358 billion, or roughly $244.5 million USD, for the 2019 fiscal year, which it called “a new high” in a statement announcing the result. The figure represents a 24.5 percent year-over-year increase.
Revenues for the fourth quarter, meanwhile, were down 4.1 percent quarter-over-quarter, “which is in line with the seasonal pattern seen among IC fabless peers and consistent with what we communicated at our previous earnings conference,” the company said.
In its Q3 update, Egis reported that some major customers had “requested not to carry inventory at year-end,” which suggested that it would see lower shipment volumes in the coming quarter. But the company insisted that its management team expected this development to be temporary in nature, and suggested that its fingerprint sensor technology was expected to find its way into a growing number of smartphone models.
Fingerprint biometrics is Egis Technology’s specialty, and the company is a board member of the influential FIDO Alliance.
January 6, 2019 – by Alex Perala
December revenue was 628.11 million yuan, with a monthly growth rate of 19.21% and an annual growth rate of 121.37%
Taiwan-based Egis Technology is reporting solid results in its year-end update for 2019, despite a fourth quarter revenue dip.
The company says it brought in NT$ 7.358 billion, or roughly $244.5 million USD, for the 2019 fiscal year, which it called “a new high” in a statement announcing the result. The figure represents a 24.5 percent year-over-year increase.
Revenues for the fourth quarter, meanwhile, were down 4.1 percent quarter-over-quarter, “which is in line with the seasonal pattern seen among IC fabless peers and consistent with what we communicated at our previous earnings conference,” the company said.
In its Q3 update, Egis reported that some major customers had “requested not to carry inventory at year-end,” which suggested that it would see lower shipment volumes in the coming quarter. But the company insisted that its management team expected this development to be temporary in nature, and suggested that its fingerprint sensor technology was expected to find its way into a growing number of smartphone models.
Fingerprint biometrics is Egis Technology’s specialty, and the company is a board member of the influential FIDO Alliance.
January 6, 2019 – by Alex Perala
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:52
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01.06.2021 kl 16:30
Har kjøpt litt siste dagene. Kursen har ligget i området mellom 1 og 2 kroner. Biometri-markedet er hot, så kursen kan gå mot 2 kroner bare på forventning om kontrakter. Samarbeidet med Kona kan fort materialisere seg.
Kronekursen: Sitter du fortsatt?
Kronekursen: Sitter du fortsatt?
02.07.2021 kl 11:54
Ny viktig samarbeidsavtale rundt Youniq-produktet!
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise har ingått i ett samarbetsavtal med Assa Abloy Opening Solutions för Youniq, som är Precise produkt för kontaktlös access till byggnader och lokaler.
Genom avtalet har Youniq integrerats med Assa Abloys säkerhetssystem ARX.
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise har ingått i ett samarbetsavtal med Assa Abloy Opening Solutions för Youniq, som är Precise produkt för kontaktlös access till byggnader och lokaler.
Genom avtalet har Youniq integrerats med Assa Abloys säkerhetssystem ARX.
Redigert 02.07.2021 kl 11:55
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