Precise Biometrics
Fortsatt for de som vil tjene penger :)
Penger på gaten etter Q2 og nye innsidekjøp etter rapport. 5 kr innen 3 mnd er innenfor rekkevidde!! 150% økning for de som vil være med :)
Beste turnaroundcase på børs!!
Penger på gaten etter Q2 og nye innsidekjøp etter rapport. 5 kr innen 3 mnd er innenfor rekkevidde!! 150% økning for de som vil være med :)
Beste turnaroundcase på børs!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:32
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16.08.2019 kl 17:03
Her er det bare å vente..enkelt å tjene penger. Bare å spille litt gitar og farte litt rundt på ferie. Og plutselig vil pengene være doblet i verdi.
Snart kan kronekursen bytte ut tikk takk med tut tut :-)
Snart kan kronekursen bytte ut tikk takk med tut tut :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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17.08.2019 kl 00:18
Da kan det vel jammen se ut som vi er med i biometriske pass også :)
In the European Union the 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will enter into force on September, 14th 2019. It aims at protecting consumers notably by enforcing the need for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for all electronic transactions, whilst planning some exemptions. Similar regulations are underway in other regions.
Precise Biometrics provides fingerprint software based on Precise BioMatch
Embedded, an industry leading algorithm solution that offers convenient and
secure fingerprint recognition for products with small fingerprint sensors on
limited platforms, such as smart cards, wearables, cars, locks and personal
identification tokens.
End-to-end ePassport solution
Gemalto offers a complete end-to-end ePassport solution.
From issuance and personalization of highly secure travel documents such as biometric passports to enrolment and strong border control security solutions, Gemalto can offer the whole product or supply any part of the chain.
The Precise Match-on-Card(TM) technology stores and verifies users' fingerprint information directly on a smart card, in this case a Gemalto .NET card. The fingerprint information never leaves the card and is never stored in a database, thus protecting their digital identities and privacy.
PB har vært med i pass før også i 2006.. se link under. Men dette er nye biometriske pass :)
Skal ikke si det ;)
In the European Union the 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will enter into force on September, 14th 2019. It aims at protecting consumers notably by enforcing the need for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for all electronic transactions, whilst planning some exemptions. Similar regulations are underway in other regions.
Precise Biometrics provides fingerprint software based on Precise BioMatch
Embedded, an industry leading algorithm solution that offers convenient and
secure fingerprint recognition for products with small fingerprint sensors on
limited platforms, such as smart cards, wearables, cars, locks and personal
identification tokens.
End-to-end ePassport solution
Gemalto offers a complete end-to-end ePassport solution.
From issuance and personalization of highly secure travel documents such as biometric passports to enrolment and strong border control security solutions, Gemalto can offer the whole product or supply any part of the chain.
The Precise Match-on-Card(TM) technology stores and verifies users' fingerprint information directly on a smart card, in this case a Gemalto .NET card. The fingerprint information never leaves the card and is never stored in a database, thus protecting their digital identities and privacy.
PB har vært med i pass før også i 2006.. se link under. Men dette er nye biometriske pass :)
Skal ikke si det ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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17.08.2019 kl 00:43
Og så kom denne :)
Har ikke sagt det ennå... ;)
Har ikke sagt det ennå... ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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17.08.2019 kl 12:21
Hyundai utvider og eskalerer til Europa og resten av verden med PB ombord:
Hyundai will introduce fingerprint scanners into the new Santa Fe 2019 SUV.
HYUNDAI Motor Company has announced that the worlds first smart fingerprint technology which will allow them to unlock the doors and start their car.
This makes the technology fives time more effective as conventional vehicle keys, including smart keys.
The technology will initially be available in selected markets before being expanded into other markers over time.
Precise Biometrics didn’t specify which car models would use its technology in announcing the project, but presumably it’s referring to one of the forthcoming 2019 Santa Fe models; Hyundai revealed toward the end of last year that it was planning to incorporate fingerprint recognition technology into the door lock and ignition of one of these models, and in announcing its involvement Precise Biometrics indicated that its technology would be used in a system that will “allow drivers to unlock the door and start the engine using their fingerprint.”
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
Det er jo en no brainer med slike salgstall som dette.. OPP 38%.. Samme økning som den andre partneren til PB - Egistech hadde :)
Hjelper jo på med 18% også :)
Hyundai will introduce fingerprint scanners into the new Santa Fe 2019 SUV.
HYUNDAI Motor Company has announced that the worlds first smart fingerprint technology which will allow them to unlock the doors and start their car.
This makes the technology fives time more effective as conventional vehicle keys, including smart keys.
The technology will initially be available in selected markets before being expanded into other markers over time.
Precise Biometrics didn’t specify which car models would use its technology in announcing the project, but presumably it’s referring to one of the forthcoming 2019 Santa Fe models; Hyundai revealed toward the end of last year that it was planning to incorporate fingerprint recognition technology into the door lock and ignition of one of these models, and in announcing its involvement Precise Biometrics indicated that its technology would be used in a system that will “allow drivers to unlock the door and start the engine using their fingerprint.”
Precise Biometrics also indicated that it’s working with Dreamtech, a Korean engineering firm that develops module components for a range of products including cars, mobile phones, and home appliances. The latter has integrated the Precise BioMatch Embedded algorithm software solution into a fingerprint sensor module developed for Hyundai. It isn’t yet clear if a sensor hardware maker is also involved.
Det er jo en no brainer med slike salgstall som dette.. OPP 38%.. Samme økning som den andre partneren til PB - Egistech hadde :)
Hjelper jo på med 18% også :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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18.08.2019 kl 10:36
Ikke lenge til 14. September nå. Hvor mange andre har fått sertifikat enn Precise Biometrics på software? INGEN!!
1 MILL i omsetning på pågående tester i Q2 og flere under oppstart. Forventet skalering om 3 mnd.
Utviklingskostnaden er tatt og sertifikatet er utgitt. Eu regler for offentlig anbud varierer mellom 20 og 30 dager fordelt på forskjellige instanser. PB har nå hatt serftifikatet i 28 dager og 14. September innføres PSD2.
Visa nærmer seg slutten på tester og hvem andre enn PB kan de velge innenfor software? Tror de kommer til å følge etter Mastercard her.
Egis tech har mange eventer i de kommende ukene. 29 og 30 August. 4 og 5 September er de første spennende datoene her. Som eneste leverandør av optiske sensorer til Samsung, så er PB med som eneste software leverandør til Egis tech. Det er ennå ikke offentligjort om det er Samsung, men dette er likevel 100% for de som følger med.
Fra Q2:
Nye innsidekjøp etter rapport, fullt operasjonelt kontor i Shanghai, 110 mill i egenkapital, 65 mill i cash, Youniq og Covr nærmer seg lansering og delte kostnader med Covr, Økende marked i alle ledd, samarbeid med Egistech, setifikat fra Mastercard og kuttet kostnader.
Nå er det nye PB klar for verdensmarkedet og slik det ligger an pr idag, så har de monopol i verdens største race innenfor biometriske betalingsløsninger.
Kursen ligger UNDER nivå fra Januar.2019 med nærmere 20% og dette selskapet er i mine øyne børsens mest undervurderte selskap.
Opsjonsprogram og innsidehandler snakker for seg selv. Her er det ingen dyr produksjonslinje, lagerkostnader eller transportkostnader. Utviklingen er tatt og det lille som gjenstår blir delte kostnader.
Royalties og lisens + support kommer til å renne inn fortere enn en kald øl på bryggen i Bergen på årets varmeste dag :)
Orker ikke ta med alt det andre som foregår. Det står i tråden for de som vil sette seg inn i caset.
Setter pris på meninger og tilbakemeldinger på selskapet siden dette må være den minste diskuterte aksjen på Hegnar :)
Fortsatt god helg*
1 MILL i omsetning på pågående tester i Q2 og flere under oppstart. Forventet skalering om 3 mnd.
Utviklingskostnaden er tatt og sertifikatet er utgitt. Eu regler for offentlig anbud varierer mellom 20 og 30 dager fordelt på forskjellige instanser. PB har nå hatt serftifikatet i 28 dager og 14. September innføres PSD2.
Visa nærmer seg slutten på tester og hvem andre enn PB kan de velge innenfor software? Tror de kommer til å følge etter Mastercard her.
Egis tech har mange eventer i de kommende ukene. 29 og 30 August. 4 og 5 September er de første spennende datoene her. Som eneste leverandør av optiske sensorer til Samsung, så er PB med som eneste software leverandør til Egis tech. Det er ennå ikke offentligjort om det er Samsung, men dette er likevel 100% for de som følger med.
Fra Q2:
Nye innsidekjøp etter rapport, fullt operasjonelt kontor i Shanghai, 110 mill i egenkapital, 65 mill i cash, Youniq og Covr nærmer seg lansering og delte kostnader med Covr, Økende marked i alle ledd, samarbeid med Egistech, setifikat fra Mastercard og kuttet kostnader.
Nå er det nye PB klar for verdensmarkedet og slik det ligger an pr idag, så har de monopol i verdens største race innenfor biometriske betalingsløsninger.
Kursen ligger UNDER nivå fra Januar.2019 med nærmere 20% og dette selskapet er i mine øyne børsens mest undervurderte selskap.
Opsjonsprogram og innsidehandler snakker for seg selv. Her er det ingen dyr produksjonslinje, lagerkostnader eller transportkostnader. Utviklingen er tatt og det lille som gjenstår blir delte kostnader.
Royalties og lisens + support kommer til å renne inn fortere enn en kald øl på bryggen i Bergen på årets varmeste dag :)
Orker ikke ta med alt det andre som foregår. Det står i tråden for de som vil sette seg inn i caset.
Setter pris på meninger og tilbakemeldinger på selskapet siden dette må være den minste diskuterte aksjen på Hegnar :)
Fortsatt god helg*
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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18.08.2019 kl 15:53
EgisTec eyes rosy 4Q19 on growing adoption of in-display fingerprint sensors
Julian Ho, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES Thursday 15 August 2019 0 Toggle Dropdown
Taiwan-based fingerprint ID chip designer Egis Technology (EgisTec) expects to enjoy higher revenue growth for the fourth quarter of 2019 than the third quarter thanks to growing adoption of in-display fingerprint sensors by vendors in Korea and China.
EgisTec CFO George Chang said that his firm saw June and July revenues affected by Japan-Korea trade spats, but has seen significant improvements in August after a client released its new smartphones.
EgisTec reportedly has tapped into the supply chain of Samsung's Galaxy A series smartphones.
Chang said EgisTec just added a China handset vendor to its client list in the first half of the year and shipments of optical in-display fingerprint ID chips to the new client have started ramping up since late June.
Chang said that his company is seeking to have another Chinese vendor adopt its optical fingerprint ID chips by the end of the year.
EgisTec is aggressively developing next-generation fingerprint ID chip solutions including ultraslim and large areal chips adopting wafer-level packaging process, Chang disclosed, adding that both China and Korea handset vendors are highly interested in such new chips.
Optical fingerprint ID chips command over 50% of its revenues, and EgisTec is also moving to develop other kinds of chips, such as optical image stabilizer (OIS) chips and ToF sensor chips, and will release chipsets adopting MEMS process, according to Chang.
Industry sources said that over 90% of optical in-display fingerprint ID chips are adopted on OLED-screen smartphones, as incorporating them into LCD displays would be more difficult and expensive because of the backlight units.
Statistics show there are now over 200 million smartphones adopting optical in-display fingerprint ID sensors, with the penetration steadily rising, as they can can be installed on both rigid and flexible OLED panels.
Ja,ja.. Her er det bare å finne frem kalkulatoren igjen :) Q3 blir opp til 5 ganger bedre enn Q2 bare på de avtalene som ligger til grunn nå. Hjelpes meg for et gullegg!! Priser man inn forventninger og hva som ligger i pipelinen så snakker vi fort 10 gangen her!
Uforståelig at det ikke er mer respons på denne tråden eller i aksjen forøvrig!
Men jeg skal i ihvertfall ikke ha det på meg at jeg ikke har prøvd :)
Du och jag Navle... Du och jag :)
EgisTec eyes rosy 4Q19 on growing adoption of in-display fingerprint sensors
Julian Ho, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES Thursday 15 August 2019 0 Toggle Dropdown
Taiwan-based fingerprint ID chip designer Egis Technology (EgisTec) expects to enjoy higher revenue growth for the fourth quarter of 2019 than the third quarter thanks to growing adoption of in-display fingerprint sensors by vendors in Korea and China.
EgisTec CFO George Chang said that his firm saw June and July revenues affected by Japan-Korea trade spats, but has seen significant improvements in August after a client released its new smartphones.
EgisTec reportedly has tapped into the supply chain of Samsung's Galaxy A series smartphones.
Chang said EgisTec just added a China handset vendor to its client list in the first half of the year and shipments of optical in-display fingerprint ID chips to the new client have started ramping up since late June.
Chang said that his company is seeking to have another Chinese vendor adopt its optical fingerprint ID chips by the end of the year.
EgisTec is aggressively developing next-generation fingerprint ID chip solutions including ultraslim and large areal chips adopting wafer-level packaging process, Chang disclosed, adding that both China and Korea handset vendors are highly interested in such new chips.
Optical fingerprint ID chips command over 50% of its revenues, and EgisTec is also moving to develop other kinds of chips, such as optical image stabilizer (OIS) chips and ToF sensor chips, and will release chipsets adopting MEMS process, according to Chang.
Industry sources said that over 90% of optical in-display fingerprint ID chips are adopted on OLED-screen smartphones, as incorporating them into LCD displays would be more difficult and expensive because of the backlight units.
Statistics show there are now over 200 million smartphones adopting optical in-display fingerprint ID sensors, with the penetration steadily rising, as they can can be installed on both rigid and flexible OLED panels.
Ja,ja.. Her er det bare å finne frem kalkulatoren igjen :) Q3 blir opp til 5 ganger bedre enn Q2 bare på de avtalene som ligger til grunn nå. Hjelpes meg for et gullegg!! Priser man inn forventninger og hva som ligger i pipelinen så snakker vi fort 10 gangen her!
Uforståelig at det ikke er mer respons på denne tråden eller i aksjen forøvrig!
Men jeg skal i ihvertfall ikke ha det på meg at jeg ikke har prøvd :)
Du och jag Navle... Du och jag :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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19.08.2019 kl 11:50
PREMIERE OM 20 TIMER :) Publisert for 30 minutter siden!!
Må jo bare si det nå: Tikk takk :)
Må jo bare si det nå: Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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19.08.2019 kl 12:16
Nytt innsidekjøp
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise Biometrics styrelseordförande Torgny Hellström har privat och via bolag köpt 100.000 aktier i Precise på måndagen.
Transaktionerna har rapporterats i tre omgångar och affärerna gjordes till kurser om 1:72 och 1:74 kronor, vilket ger aktieförvärven ett totalt värde om cirka 172.000 kronor.
Hans innehav i bolaget uppgick efter transaktionerna till 400.000 aktier i Precise, enligt aktieägardatatjänsten Holdings insynsregister.
Fia Forsman +46 8 5191 7923
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
© Direkt
Tikk takk :)
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Precise Biometrics styrelseordförande Torgny Hellström har privat och via bolag köpt 100.000 aktier i Precise på måndagen.
Transaktionerna har rapporterats i tre omgångar och affärerna gjordes till kurser om 1:72 och 1:74 kronor, vilket ger aktieförvärven ett totalt värde om cirka 172.000 kronor.
Hans innehav i bolaget uppgick efter transaktionerna till 400.000 aktier i Precise, enligt aktieägardatatjänsten Holdings insynsregister.
Fia Forsman +46 8 5191 7923
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
© Direkt
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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19.08.2019 kl 14:02
Ps: Nesten nede på kurs som siste innsidehandel for de som ønsker en fin inngang før morgendagens lansering av Youniq 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:15
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19.08.2019 kl 18:09
Da endte dagen på 1.83 SEK. Opp 7.39% og som var dagens høyeste kurs.
Vi er fortsatt ned 4% fra forrige ukes slakting og økningen i dag kom pga innsidekjøp.
En liten teaser var at det på youtube dukket opp en premierevarsling på Youniq og det er uvisst hva dette innebærer. Ingen informasjon på hjemmesiden til PB om dette, og utviklingen er ikke varslet verdigstilt.
under 5 timer til premiere på YOUNIQ. kan sees på Youtube i linken under:
Egis technologies holder presentasjon:
OTC/KGI Conferences in Singapore on August 29 (10 dager til)
Hong Kong on August 30 (11 dager til)
Credit Suisse 20th Asian Technology Conference in Taiwan on September 4 and 5. (15 dager til)
18 Bankdager til PSD2 blir innført og INGEN andre en PB har sertifikat på Algorytmen.
Fortsatt KRAFTIG undervurdert og blir ikke overrasket om kursen stiger 100% innen 1 mnd. Enormt mye i pipelinen!!
Skal ikke si tikk takk nå... men kanskje i kveld :)
Vi er fortsatt ned 4% fra forrige ukes slakting og økningen i dag kom pga innsidekjøp.
En liten teaser var at det på youtube dukket opp en premierevarsling på Youniq og det er uvisst hva dette innebærer. Ingen informasjon på hjemmesiden til PB om dette, og utviklingen er ikke varslet verdigstilt.
under 5 timer til premiere på YOUNIQ. kan sees på Youtube i linken under:
Egis technologies holder presentasjon:
OTC/KGI Conferences in Singapore on August 29 (10 dager til)
Hong Kong on August 30 (11 dager til)
Credit Suisse 20th Asian Technology Conference in Taiwan on September 4 and 5. (15 dager til)
18 Bankdager til PSD2 blir innført og INGEN andre en PB har sertifikat på Algorytmen.
Fortsatt KRAFTIG undervurdert og blir ikke overrasket om kursen stiger 100% innen 1 mnd. Enormt mye i pipelinen!!
Skal ikke si tikk takk nå... men kanskje i kveld :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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19.08.2019 kl 19:05
Her var det noe interessant:
Dette selskapet ble dannet i 2018 og eies av Egis technologies.
Igis Technology Inc. (Igis) was established in 2018, and is also a subsidiary of Egis Technology Inc. Our headquarter is located in Zhubei City, Hsinchu County near Hsinchu HSR station. Igis specializes in IC design, research and development, testing and sales of optical fingerprint sensor. We possess the research qroups with extensive experience in IC/system/optical design and deep learning algorithm.
The high resolution, high identification rate, better integration with various panels, and low cost make our IC the ideal choice for implementations. Igis hold the spirit of human oriented and “Employees are the most important asset of the company , providing positive work environment and encouraging employees to continuously learn professional knowledge and skills.
Tiden vil vise, men her er det gode muligheter for at det ligger noe mer bak samarbeidet med PB og Egis :)
Bare 4 timer til youtube kos :)
Dette selskapet ble dannet i 2018 og eies av Egis technologies.
Igis Technology Inc. (Igis) was established in 2018, and is also a subsidiary of Egis Technology Inc. Our headquarter is located in Zhubei City, Hsinchu County near Hsinchu HSR station. Igis specializes in IC design, research and development, testing and sales of optical fingerprint sensor. We possess the research qroups with extensive experience in IC/system/optical design and deep learning algorithm.
The high resolution, high identification rate, better integration with various panels, and low cost make our IC the ideal choice for implementations. Igis hold the spirit of human oriented and “Employees are the most important asset of the company , providing positive work environment and encouraging employees to continuously learn professional knowledge and skills.
Tiden vil vise, men her er det gode muligheter for at det ligger noe mer bak samarbeidet med PB og Egis :)
Bare 4 timer til youtube kos :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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19.08.2019 kl 21:48
10 minutter til showtime :)
Finn frem popcorn og ta en titt.. Ingen som vet hva det dreier seg om og det kom helt ut av det blå :)
Finn frem popcorn og ta en titt.. Ingen som vet hva det dreier seg om og det kom helt ut av det blå :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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19.08.2019 kl 22:29
Det var ikke småtteri 😊
Videoen var en reklame for YOUNIQ og sjefen sjøl twittret "soon" ♥️
Så kom denne ut nå:
Precise utökar sitt erbjudande inom digital identitet med biometrisk access till faciliteter (MFN)
2019-08-19 22:00
Precise utökar sitt erbjudande inom digital identitet genom lanseringen av Precise YOUNiQ för säker och bekväm fysisk access till faciliteter. Tekniken bakom tjänsten baseras på artificiell intelligens som bekräftar individens identitet genom dess unika ansiktsdrag. Precise YOUNiQ integrerar ansiktsigenkänning med inpasseringssystem för att bekvämt och säkert kunna ge anställda och besökare access till kontor och byggnader.
”Vi använder i allt större utsträckning tjänster som kräver registrering och autentisering av människors digitala identitet, men som ofta är komplicerade och inte så säkra som vi tror. Access till lokaler och byggnader har länge kännetecknats av koder, passerkort, tags och nycklar; inpasseringssystem som är föråldrade i dagens digitaliserade samhälle. Genom lanseringen av Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter, öppnar vi dörren till en smidigare, säkrare och mer samtida lösning,” säger Precise VD Stefan K. Persson.
Under 2019 har lyckade pilotprojekt genomförts där Precise YOUNiQ har utvecklats och testats i nära samarbete med utvalda partners. Som tidigare har kommunicerats förväntar sig Precise en kommersialisering av produkten 2020.
Ytterligare pilotprojekt med Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter pågår med samarbetspartners inom olika sektorer som fastigheter, hälsa och utbildning. Följande uttalanden är från några av dem:
”Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) vid Clarkson University har under många år bedrivit forskning och utveckling inom biometrisk igenkänning. Jag är därför stolt över att se eleverna använda Precise YOUNiQ i våra tekniska laboratorier, då det gör det möjligt för dem att vara en del av en ny teknik som inspirerar till utvecklingen av nästa generations biometriska lösningar”, säger Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, chef för CITeR.
Dr. Paul McGrath, Clarkson University’s ordförande för avdelningen Electrical and Computer Engineering, kommenterar: “Vi ser fram emot att använda Precise YOUNiQ för säker access till våra lokaler under den kommande terminen. Detta då det uppfyller våra behov av säkerhet och ger våra studenter en bra användarupplevelse.”
Lars Jonsson, VD på NVSS Security, kommenterar: ”NVSS Security har en lång erfarenhet av access-system som tillför trygghet, säkerhet och bekvämlighet för våra kunder. Att installera Precise YOUNiQ för Focus träning i Täby och Täby Cross Fit har eliminerat behovet av passerkort som ofta blir borttappade eller glöms hemma. För oss är det också viktigt att access-systemet säkerställer att endast medlemmar får tillgång till gymmet”.
Om Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter
Genom användandet av biometrisk teknik förenklar Precise YOUNiQ människors vardag genom att möjliggöra åtkomst till lokaler och byggnader på ett bekvämt och säkert sätt. Lösningen marknadsförs mot företag eller organisationer som vill förenkla sina inpasseringssystem. Precise YOUNiQ integrerar ansiktsigenkänning med inpasseringssystem för att säkert kontrollera och säkerställa anställdas och besökares åtkomst till faciliteter. Tjänsten har utvecklats och ägs av Precise Biometrics.
För mer information om Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter, se video ”walk in with a selfie” eller ladda ner informationsbroschyr.
För mer information om CITeR och Clarkson University, besök:
För mer information om NVSS Security, besök:
Stefan K Persson, VD
Telefon: +46 707 92 08 31
Om oss
Precise är en marknadsledande leverantör av lösningar för bekväm och säker verifiering av människors identitet genom biometri. Våra lösningar används hundratals miljoner gånger varje dag av människor över hela världen. För mer information, besök
Videoen var en reklame for YOUNIQ og sjefen sjøl twittret "soon" ♥️
Så kom denne ut nå:
Precise utökar sitt erbjudande inom digital identitet med biometrisk access till faciliteter (MFN)
2019-08-19 22:00
Precise utökar sitt erbjudande inom digital identitet genom lanseringen av Precise YOUNiQ för säker och bekväm fysisk access till faciliteter. Tekniken bakom tjänsten baseras på artificiell intelligens som bekräftar individens identitet genom dess unika ansiktsdrag. Precise YOUNiQ integrerar ansiktsigenkänning med inpasseringssystem för att bekvämt och säkert kunna ge anställda och besökare access till kontor och byggnader.
”Vi använder i allt större utsträckning tjänster som kräver registrering och autentisering av människors digitala identitet, men som ofta är komplicerade och inte så säkra som vi tror. Access till lokaler och byggnader har länge kännetecknats av koder, passerkort, tags och nycklar; inpasseringssystem som är föråldrade i dagens digitaliserade samhälle. Genom lanseringen av Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter, öppnar vi dörren till en smidigare, säkrare och mer samtida lösning,” säger Precise VD Stefan K. Persson.
Under 2019 har lyckade pilotprojekt genomförts där Precise YOUNiQ har utvecklats och testats i nära samarbete med utvalda partners. Som tidigare har kommunicerats förväntar sig Precise en kommersialisering av produkten 2020.
Ytterligare pilotprojekt med Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter pågår med samarbetspartners inom olika sektorer som fastigheter, hälsa och utbildning. Följande uttalanden är från några av dem:
”Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) vid Clarkson University har under många år bedrivit forskning och utveckling inom biometrisk igenkänning. Jag är därför stolt över att se eleverna använda Precise YOUNiQ i våra tekniska laboratorier, då det gör det möjligt för dem att vara en del av en ny teknik som inspirerar till utvecklingen av nästa generations biometriska lösningar”, säger Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, chef för CITeR.
Dr. Paul McGrath, Clarkson University’s ordförande för avdelningen Electrical and Computer Engineering, kommenterar: “Vi ser fram emot att använda Precise YOUNiQ för säker access till våra lokaler under den kommande terminen. Detta då det uppfyller våra behov av säkerhet och ger våra studenter en bra användarupplevelse.”
Lars Jonsson, VD på NVSS Security, kommenterar: ”NVSS Security har en lång erfarenhet av access-system som tillför trygghet, säkerhet och bekvämlighet för våra kunder. Att installera Precise YOUNiQ för Focus träning i Täby och Täby Cross Fit har eliminerat behovet av passerkort som ofta blir borttappade eller glöms hemma. För oss är det också viktigt att access-systemet säkerställer att endast medlemmar får tillgång till gymmet”.
Om Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter
Genom användandet av biometrisk teknik förenklar Precise YOUNiQ människors vardag genom att möjliggöra åtkomst till lokaler och byggnader på ett bekvämt och säkert sätt. Lösningen marknadsförs mot företag eller organisationer som vill förenkla sina inpasseringssystem. Precise YOUNiQ integrerar ansiktsigenkänning med inpasseringssystem för att säkert kontrollera och säkerställa anställdas och besökares åtkomst till faciliteter. Tjänsten har utvecklats och ägs av Precise Biometrics.
För mer information om Precise YOUNiQ för access till faciliteter, se video ”walk in with a selfie” eller ladda ner informationsbroschyr.
För mer information om CITeR och Clarkson University, besök:
För mer information om NVSS Security, besök:
Stefan K Persson, VD
Telefon: +46 707 92 08 31
Om oss
Precise är en marknadsledande leverantör av lösningar för bekväm och säker verifiering av människors identitet genom biometri. Våra lösningar används hundratals miljoner gånger varje dag av människor över hela världen. För mer information, besök
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 10:05
Precise expands its offering for secure digital identity, Precise YOUNiQ to include convenient and secure biometric access to facilities. The technology behind the service is based on artificial intelligence, which confirms the individuals identity through its unique facial features. Precise YOUNiQ integrates facial recognition with the door access system to conveniently and securely grant access for employees and visitors to offices and restricted facilities.
We increasingly use services that require registration and authentication of peoples digital identity, but which are often complicated and not as secure as we think. Access to offices and buildings has long been dominated by passcodes, access cards, tags and keys; outdated entry systems in todays digitized society. Through the launch of Precise YOUNiQ for facility access, we open the door to a more convenient, secure and contemporary everyday life, says Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson.
In 2019, Precise has conducted several successful pilot projects where Precise YOUNiQ was developed and tested in close collaboration with selected partners, commercialization of the product is expected as previously communicated in 2020.
At this point, several pilot projects with Precise YOUNiQ for facility access are ongoing with partners in various sectors such as real estate, education and health. Following are statements from some of them:
The Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) at Clarkson University has for many years conducted research and development within biometric recognition. Therefore, Im thrilled to see the students utilize Precise YOUNiQ in our engineering labs, as it allows them to take part in novel technology that can inspire them to develop solutions of the next-generation, stated Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Director of CITeR.
According to Clarksons Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, Dr. Paul McGrath, We look forward to fully exercising the Precise YOUNiQ access control solution during the upcoming semester, as it fulfills our security needs as well as it gives our students a great user experience of the access system.
Lars Jonsson, CEO of NVSS Security commented: NVSS Security has a long experience of access systems that provide safety, security and convenience for its customers. Installing Precise YOUNiQ for Focus training in Täby and Täby Cross Fit has eliminated the need for access cards that are often lost or forgotten at home. For us, it is also important that the access system ensures that only members have access to the gym.
About Precise YOUNiQ for facility access
By using biometric technology, Precise YOUNiQ simplifies peoples everyday lives by making onboarding and access to facilities convenient and secure. The solution fits any company or organization wishing to simplify its access solution. Precise YOUNiQ integrates facial recognition with the door access system to conveniently and securely grant access for employees and visitors to offices and restricted facilities. The service has been developed and is owned by Precise Biometrics.
For more information about Precise YOUNiQ for facility access watch video ( or download white paper (
For more information about CITeR and Clarkson University visit: (
For more information about NVSS Security visit: (
Stefan K Persson, CEO
Telephone: +46 707 92 08 31
About Us
Precise Biometrics is a market leading supplier of solutions for convenient and secure verification of peoples identity using biometrics. Our solutions are used hundreds of millions of times every day by people all over the world. For more information, please visit (
Precise expands its offering for secure digital identity with biometric facility access (
Tikk takk :)
Precise expands its offering for secure digital identity, Precise YOUNiQ to include convenient and secure biometric access to facilities. The technology behind the service is based on artificial intelligence, which confirms the individuals identity through its unique facial features. Precise YOUNiQ integrates facial recognition with the door access system to conveniently and securely grant access for employees and visitors to offices and restricted facilities.
We increasingly use services that require registration and authentication of peoples digital identity, but which are often complicated and not as secure as we think. Access to offices and buildings has long been dominated by passcodes, access cards, tags and keys; outdated entry systems in todays digitized society. Through the launch of Precise YOUNiQ for facility access, we open the door to a more convenient, secure and contemporary everyday life, says Precise CEO Stefan K. Persson.
In 2019, Precise has conducted several successful pilot projects where Precise YOUNiQ was developed and tested in close collaboration with selected partners, commercialization of the product is expected as previously communicated in 2020.
At this point, several pilot projects with Precise YOUNiQ for facility access are ongoing with partners in various sectors such as real estate, education and health. Following are statements from some of them:
The Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) at Clarkson University has for many years conducted research and development within biometric recognition. Therefore, Im thrilled to see the students utilize Precise YOUNiQ in our engineering labs, as it allows them to take part in novel technology that can inspire them to develop solutions of the next-generation, stated Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Director of CITeR.
According to Clarksons Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, Dr. Paul McGrath, We look forward to fully exercising the Precise YOUNiQ access control solution during the upcoming semester, as it fulfills our security needs as well as it gives our students a great user experience of the access system.
Lars Jonsson, CEO of NVSS Security commented: NVSS Security has a long experience of access systems that provide safety, security and convenience for its customers. Installing Precise YOUNiQ for Focus training in Täby and Täby Cross Fit has eliminated the need for access cards that are often lost or forgotten at home. For us, it is also important that the access system ensures that only members have access to the gym.
About Precise YOUNiQ for facility access
By using biometric technology, Precise YOUNiQ simplifies peoples everyday lives by making onboarding and access to facilities convenient and secure. The solution fits any company or organization wishing to simplify its access solution. Precise YOUNiQ integrates facial recognition with the door access system to conveniently and securely grant access for employees and visitors to offices and restricted facilities. The service has been developed and is owned by Precise Biometrics.
For more information about Precise YOUNiQ for facility access watch video ( or download white paper (
For more information about CITeR and Clarkson University visit: (
For more information about NVSS Security visit: (
Stefan K Persson, CEO
Telephone: +46 707 92 08 31
About Us
Precise Biometrics is a market leading supplier of solutions for convenient and secure verification of peoples identity using biometrics. Our solutions are used hundreds of millions of times every day by people all over the world. For more information, please visit (
Precise expands its offering for secure digital identity with biometric facility access (
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 10:18
Precise biometrics er fortsatt de eneste som har oppnådd Fido2 Level 2.
Fortsatt de eneste med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard :)
Under 18 dager igjen til PSD2 trer i kraft. Hvor er Visa? :)
Følg med i dagene fremover.. Spesielt 29 og 30 August. 4-5 Sept ;)
Fortsatt de eneste med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard :)
Under 18 dager igjen til PSD2 trer i kraft. Hvor er Visa? :)
Følg med i dagene fremover.. Spesielt 29 og 30 August. 4-5 Sept ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 11:12
Da var det på tide med en gjennomgang og garantert en oppvurdering av selskapet. Blir spennende å følge ekspertene og hva de nå mener om PB etter tidenes snuoperasjon. :)
STOCKHOLM (Direkt Studios) I sedvanlig ordning börjar dagens livesändning med en titt på börsen där vi bland annat nämner Ambea och Raysearch. Dessutom pratar vi om Latours aktieutveckling och företagets planerade vd- byte. Den tekniska analysen serveras av Tobbe Rosén och på menyn har vi bland annat Stora Enso, Lundin Petroleum och Cereno Scientific. Slutligen gästas vi av makrochef Mikael Sandbladh som går igenom veckans makroekonomiska hållpunkter och svarar på tittarnas frågor.
Aktier/bolag som nämns utöver tekniska analyser: Latour, Ambea, Beowulf Mining, Raysearch
Tobbe Roséns val: S&P 500, OMXS30, DAX, Saab, Precise Biometrics, Elekta, USD/SEK, EUR/SEK, GBP/SEK, Koppar, Olja (Brent)
Tittarönskemål: Gapwaves, Bulten, Latour, Stora Enso, Lundin Petroleum, Lundin Mining, Magnolia, Etrion, Game Chest, SHB, Cereno Scientific, Kindred, DNO, Ocean Yield
Direkt Studios +46 8 5191 7900
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
© Direkt
STOCKHOLM (Direkt Studios) I sedvanlig ordning börjar dagens livesändning med en titt på börsen där vi bland annat nämner Ambea och Raysearch. Dessutom pratar vi om Latours aktieutveckling och företagets planerade vd- byte. Den tekniska analysen serveras av Tobbe Rosén och på menyn har vi bland annat Stora Enso, Lundin Petroleum och Cereno Scientific. Slutligen gästas vi av makrochef Mikael Sandbladh som går igenom veckans makroekonomiska hållpunkter och svarar på tittarnas frågor.
Aktier/bolag som nämns utöver tekniska analyser: Latour, Ambea, Beowulf Mining, Raysearch
Tobbe Roséns val: S&P 500, OMXS30, DAX, Saab, Precise Biometrics, Elekta, USD/SEK, EUR/SEK, GBP/SEK, Koppar, Olja (Brent)
Tittarönskemål: Gapwaves, Bulten, Latour, Stora Enso, Lundin Petroleum, Lundin Mining, Magnolia, Etrion, Game Chest, SHB, Cereno Scientific, Kindred, DNO, Ocean Yield
Direkt Studios +46 8 5191 7900
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt
© Direkt
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 13:34
Grunnet kortsiktige aksjonærer og trading/gevinstsikring så kan akkurat nå PB kjøpes med enorm rabatt. fortsatt 150% økning i sikte innen 2-3 uker etter min vurdering. For de som gikk inn når tråden ble opprettet så har de nå fått en avkastning på 86% på noen blodrøde børsmåneder.
tikk takk :)
tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 13:40
Nå begynner oppjustere analyser å komme:
Precise Biometrics (PB) nådde 8 procent högre intäkter i kv2/2019
jämfört med vår prognos. Resultatet blev drygt 1 miljon kronor sämre
än väntat, beroende på ökade fou-kostnader. Mobilsidan fortsätter att
vara viktigast under H2 2019. Vi höjer våra intäkts- och
rörelseresultatprognoser för H2 2019 och helåret 2020.
Precise Biometrics (PB) utvecklar algoritmer för små
fingeravtryckssensorer som kräver mindre processorkraft och minne.
Bolaget har de senaste två åren breddat sin kundkrets till mellan 35
och 40 stycken främst sensortillverkare med tyngdpunkt i Kina och
Taiwan, men även några företag inriktade mot säkra
betalningslösningar. PB:s affär väntas ha sin tyngdpunkt på
mobilsidan ytterligare ett par år. Det som växer är ultraljuds- och
optiska sensorer till följd av ett lägre pris.
Hoppet för PB står till den stora och växande marknaden för
applikationer inom smarta kort- som inom ett par år kan utgöra
omkring en tredjedel av sensor-marknaden. Men först måste de nya
korten tillföra tillräckligt mycket extra värde och sedan ska
tillverkningskostnadenna för korten kapas. PBs satsning mot digital
identitet med nordiska kundföretag i vertikaler som Banker, Medicin,
spel, underhållning och säkerhet breddas i viss mån även mot kunder i
övriga Europa.
Bolagets besparings- och effektiveringsprogram inom Fou ger 10
miljoner kronor lägre kostnader i årstakt. Vi justerar upp vår
rörelseresultat-prognos för andra halvåret 2019 till 38 miljoner
kronor (tidigare cirka 31 miljoner kronor) samt höjer till 97
miljoner kronor (tidigare 90 miljoner kronor) för helåret 2020.
Vidare höjer vi vårt intäktstillväxtantagande år 2021 från 15 till 20
procent. Givet våra estimat om intäktsökningar de närmaste åren slår
igenom med 60 procent på resultatraden stiger vår riktkurs i
Bas-scenariot till 1,66 kronor (tidigare 1,27 kronor). Efter en
kursuppgång kopplat till pressmeddelande om integration av
PB-produkter via Egis Technology (mobil) och NXP (smarta kort) samt
samarbete med Clarkson University i USA och NVSS Security inom
inpasseringskontroll värderas PB-aktien till 8 ½ gånger våra bedömda
intäkter för andra halvåret 2019 omräknat i årstakt.
Läs hela analysen på Analysguiden
Detta är ett pressmeddelande från Analysguiden. Läs mer här
© Cision
tikk takk :)
Precise Biometrics (PB) nådde 8 procent högre intäkter i kv2/2019
jämfört med vår prognos. Resultatet blev drygt 1 miljon kronor sämre
än väntat, beroende på ökade fou-kostnader. Mobilsidan fortsätter att
vara viktigast under H2 2019. Vi höjer våra intäkts- och
rörelseresultatprognoser för H2 2019 och helåret 2020.
Precise Biometrics (PB) utvecklar algoritmer för små
fingeravtryckssensorer som kräver mindre processorkraft och minne.
Bolaget har de senaste två åren breddat sin kundkrets till mellan 35
och 40 stycken främst sensortillverkare med tyngdpunkt i Kina och
Taiwan, men även några företag inriktade mot säkra
betalningslösningar. PB:s affär väntas ha sin tyngdpunkt på
mobilsidan ytterligare ett par år. Det som växer är ultraljuds- och
optiska sensorer till följd av ett lägre pris.
Hoppet för PB står till den stora och växande marknaden för
applikationer inom smarta kort- som inom ett par år kan utgöra
omkring en tredjedel av sensor-marknaden. Men först måste de nya
korten tillföra tillräckligt mycket extra värde och sedan ska
tillverkningskostnadenna för korten kapas. PBs satsning mot digital
identitet med nordiska kundföretag i vertikaler som Banker, Medicin,
spel, underhållning och säkerhet breddas i viss mån även mot kunder i
övriga Europa.
Bolagets besparings- och effektiveringsprogram inom Fou ger 10
miljoner kronor lägre kostnader i årstakt. Vi justerar upp vår
rörelseresultat-prognos för andra halvåret 2019 till 38 miljoner
kronor (tidigare cirka 31 miljoner kronor) samt höjer till 97
miljoner kronor (tidigare 90 miljoner kronor) för helåret 2020.
Vidare höjer vi vårt intäktstillväxtantagande år 2021 från 15 till 20
procent. Givet våra estimat om intäktsökningar de närmaste åren slår
igenom med 60 procent på resultatraden stiger vår riktkurs i
Bas-scenariot till 1,66 kronor (tidigare 1,27 kronor). Efter en
kursuppgång kopplat till pressmeddelande om integration av
PB-produkter via Egis Technology (mobil) och NXP (smarta kort) samt
samarbete med Clarkson University i USA och NVSS Security inom
inpasseringskontroll värderas PB-aktien till 8 ½ gånger våra bedömda
intäkter för andra halvåret 2019 omräknat i årstakt.
Läs hela analysen på Analysguiden
Detta är ett pressmeddelande från Analysguiden. Läs mer här
© Cision
tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 15:52
(1 aug. 2019)
Linxens partners with global #CardMakers to provide banks with #biometric #fingerprint #cards. Linxens is ready for mass production of #BiometricCards so feel free to contact us:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 16:22
A biometric smart card module featuring a secure processing module from NXP Semiconductors and Precise BioMatch Card algorithm from Precise Biometrics is the first dual-interface card to receive Mastercard CAST certification for meeting all Mastercard security requirements, according to a series of company announcements. The module also includes the FPC T-Shape sensor FPC1321 and its driver from Fingerprint Cards, and the BioLAM fully integrated inlay solution from LINXENS.
Mastercard’s CAST (Compliance Assessment and Security Testing) certificate is valid for three years, and confirms an appropriate level of security for contactless payments without spending caps, with fingerprint on card technology keeping personal data safe. NXP says the certification was achieved by designing a fully integrated, one-module solution which fulfills all Mastercard security requirements.
The solution divides tasks between a specially EMVCo and Common Criteria-certified secure elements and a low-power microcontroller. The secure processing unit within the secure element receives extraction data from the microcontroller, and performs the match, returning a simple “yes” or “no” answer. The Secure Processing Module also provides high performance and a convenient customer experience, according to NXP. The solution was developed to meet Mastercard CQM (Card Qualification Management) requirements, and can be easily integrated into a card body with typical manufacturing processes like hot lamination.
“This is a historic milestone for biometric payment cards, and a significant step on the road to enable secure and convenient payments for consumers around the world,” says Fingerprint Cards SVP Business Line Smartcards Thomas Rex. “We are pleased to collaborate with NXP and to support them with our superior biometric solution as we approach the next step for wider commercial roll-out of biometric payment cards.”
READ Russia requires Tinder to provide data on its users - ABC News
Precise calls the certification an important step in the module’s release, and reiterates previous expectations for modest initial volumes of biometric smart cards to be delivered by the end of the year.
Many trials of fingerprint payment cards are now being carried out, supported by several collaborations, including a recently announced partnership between Fingerprint Cards and G+D.
Goode Intelligence has forecasted that 579 million biometric payment cards will be used globally by 2023.
A biometric smart card module featuring a secure processing module from NXP Semiconductors and Precise BioMatch Card algorithm from Precise Biometrics is the first dual-interface card to receive Mastercard CAST certification for meeting all Mastercard security requirements, according to a series of company announcements. The module also includes the FPC T-Shape sensor FPC1321 and its driver from Fingerprint Cards, and the BioLAM fully integrated inlay solution from LINXENS.
Mastercard’s CAST (Compliance Assessment and Security Testing) certificate is valid for three years, and confirms an appropriate level of security for contactless payments without spending caps, with fingerprint on card technology keeping personal data safe. NXP says the certification was achieved by designing a fully integrated, one-module solution which fulfills all Mastercard security requirements.
The solution divides tasks between a specially EMVCo and Common Criteria-certified secure elements and a low-power microcontroller. The secure processing unit within the secure element receives extraction data from the microcontroller, and performs the match, returning a simple “yes” or “no” answer. The Secure Processing Module also provides high performance and a convenient customer experience, according to NXP. The solution was developed to meet Mastercard CQM (Card Qualification Management) requirements, and can be easily integrated into a card body with typical manufacturing processes like hot lamination.
“This is a historic milestone for biometric payment cards, and a significant step on the road to enable secure and convenient payments for consumers around the world,” says Fingerprint Cards SVP Business Line Smartcards Thomas Rex. “We are pleased to collaborate with NXP and to support them with our superior biometric solution as we approach the next step for wider commercial roll-out of biometric payment cards.”
READ Russia requires Tinder to provide data on its users - ABC News
Precise calls the certification an important step in the module’s release, and reiterates previous expectations for modest initial volumes of biometric smart cards to be delivered by the end of the year.
Many trials of fingerprint payment cards are now being carried out, supported by several collaborations, including a recently announced partnership between Fingerprint Cards and G+D.
Goode Intelligence has forecasted that 579 million biometric payment cards will be used globally by 2023.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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20.08.2019 kl 18:42
Bankene gjør seg klar til PSD2 :)
17 bankdager igjen til lansering og ingen andre enn PB er godkjent innenfor software👍
Tikk takk 😊
17 bankdager igjen til lansering og ingen andre enn PB er godkjent innenfor software👍
Tikk takk 😊
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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21.08.2019 kl 18:24
Der kom VISA med kontaktløst biometrisk betalingskort med integrert batteri og NFC :)
Her kom det en tweet i dag: We have been testing out a new form of debit card which involves your fingerprint and hopes to prevent fraud.
Her er litt info:
World-leading biometrics company, Fingerprint Cards (Fingerprints™) and Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security, a global mobile security technology company, are collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards to the market. The card is featuring Fingerprints" T-Shape™ module which is part of the 1300-series. It has ultra-low power consumption and is tailored to be integrated in smartcards using standard processes. The card is featured in the recently announced pilot with Crédit Agricole in France, a top three European bank.
“G+D is a leader and innovator in the global market for secure payments. We are excited that G+D has evaluated and selected our biometric technology, and to see our outstanding T-Shape being integrated into all top card suppliers and in a rising number of pilots with major banks around the world. This is a clear manifest of the growing appetite for biometric payments cards, and our strong position within this market”, says Thomas Rex, SVP Business Line Smartcards at Fingerprints.
Introducing biometric payment cards will offer great benefits for both banks, merchants and consumers.
“G+D’s Biometric card solutions mark an important step into a future of payment solutions that are both convenient and secure. Fingerprints provided the right technology to launch our biometric card solution that ensures at all times the protection of the user through Security by Design.” - Mikko Kähkönen, Head of Product Management Payment, G+D Mobile Security – Financial Service Solutions
Precise Biometrics / FPC +Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards / FPC +Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards
Tikk takk :)
Her kom det en tweet i dag: We have been testing out a new form of debit card which involves your fingerprint and hopes to prevent fraud.
Her er litt info:
World-leading biometrics company, Fingerprint Cards (Fingerprints™) and Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security, a global mobile security technology company, are collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards to the market. The card is featuring Fingerprints" T-Shape™ module which is part of the 1300-series. It has ultra-low power consumption and is tailored to be integrated in smartcards using standard processes. The card is featured in the recently announced pilot with Crédit Agricole in France, a top three European bank.
“G+D is a leader and innovator in the global market for secure payments. We are excited that G+D has evaluated and selected our biometric technology, and to see our outstanding T-Shape being integrated into all top card suppliers and in a rising number of pilots with major banks around the world. This is a clear manifest of the growing appetite for biometric payments cards, and our strong position within this market”, says Thomas Rex, SVP Business Line Smartcards at Fingerprints.
Introducing biometric payment cards will offer great benefits for both banks, merchants and consumers.
“G+D’s Biometric card solutions mark an important step into a future of payment solutions that are both convenient and secure. Fingerprints provided the right technology to launch our biometric card solution that ensures at all times the protection of the user through Security by Design.” - Mikko Kähkönen, Head of Product Management Payment, G+D Mobile Security – Financial Service Solutions
Precise Biometrics / FPC +Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards / FPC +Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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21.08.2019 kl 20:53
Gemalto :)
Her er det STORE ting på gang!
Tikk takk :)
Her er det STORE ting på gang!
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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22.08.2019 kl 03:44
16 dager igjen til PSD2. 7 dager til Egistech presentasjon. PB er eneste software som har sertifikat.
Legg merke til hva som er integrert i plattformen til G&D :)
Giesecke & Devrient develops, produces, and markets products and solutions for payment, secure communication, and identity management. G&D maintains a leading competitive and technological position in these markets. The group’s clients most notably include central banks and commercial banks, wireless communications providers, businesses, governments, and public bodies. Precise Biometrics’ Match-on-Card algorithm is available on G&D smart card platforms.
Hvis det er noen som finner et kort uten PB's software så er det bare i gi en lyd ;)
Tikk takk :)
Legg merke til hva som er integrert i plattformen til G&D :)
Giesecke & Devrient develops, produces, and markets products and solutions for payment, secure communication, and identity management. G&D maintains a leading competitive and technological position in these markets. The group’s clients most notably include central banks and commercial banks, wireless communications providers, businesses, governments, and public bodies. Precise Biometrics’ Match-on-Card algorithm is available on G&D smart card platforms.
Hvis det er noen som finner et kort uten PB's software så er det bare i gi en lyd ;)
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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22.08.2019 kl 04:20
Apple lanserer i USA. Kortet bruker Mastercard sitt nettverk :)
Hvem er eneste godkjente software leverandør til Mastercard? Kan jo ligge noe mer bak denne. Ikke bare knyttet til Algorytmen på mobilversjon, men kortet skal også produseres og da kan det skje ting og tang i samarbeid med Mastercard 👍
Apple Card, som kortet heter, kommer släppas först i USA i sommar, och använder precis som ryktet sade Mastercard-nätverket. Du ansöker om kortet direkt från Wallet-appen och kan använda det direkt om din ansökan godkänns, men ett fysiskt kort kommer också i brevlådan och är unikt: Kortet har enbart ditt namn och inget nummer, cvv eller utgångsdatum (de uppgifterna finns i Wallet-appen istället).
Hvem er eneste godkjente software leverandør til Mastercard? Kan jo ligge noe mer bak denne. Ikke bare knyttet til Algorytmen på mobilversjon, men kortet skal også produseres og da kan det skje ting og tang i samarbeid med Mastercard 👍
Apple Card, som kortet heter, kommer släppas först i USA i sommar, och använder precis som ryktet sade Mastercard-nätverket. Du ansöker om kortet direkt från Wallet-appen och kan använda det direkt om din ansökan godkänns, men ett fysiskt kort kommer också i brevlådan och är unikt: Kortet har enbart ditt namn och inget nummer, cvv eller utgångsdatum (de uppgifterna finns i Wallet-appen istället).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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22.08.2019 kl 04:51
Det er vel ikke lengre tvil om at også Visa nå kommer til å velge Precise gjennom sitt samarbeid med Gemalto?
Gemalto has partnered with Precise Biometrics, a developer of biometric identity verification solutions, to create the Gemalto.Net Bio solution.
The product uses Precise’s Match-On-Card fingerprint authentication technology, which stores the cardholder’s biometric information on the card rather than matching to a database, to replace user passwords and create a system that enhances network security for organizations
Dette har vært et langt samarbeid som nå begynner å bære frukter.
Tikk takk :)
Gemalto has partnered with Precise Biometrics, a developer of biometric identity verification solutions, to create the Gemalto.Net Bio solution.
The product uses Precise’s Match-On-Card fingerprint authentication technology, which stores the cardholder’s biometric information on the card rather than matching to a database, to replace user passwords and create a system that enhances network security for organizations
Dette har vært et langt samarbeid som nå begynner å bære frukter.
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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22.08.2019 kl 20:47
15 dager igjen til PSD2 :) 7 dager til Egistech
I dag kom det enda flere piloter ut og ble annonsert via twitter:
We have several pilot projects with #PreciseYOUNiQ for #facility #access ongoing with partners in various sectors such as real estate, education and health, find out what they say about our new offering:
Litt om markedet:
Enda en verifikasjon på at NXP er med i UnionPay
NXP Receives China UnionPay Secure Product Certification (SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 22, 2015)
successfully obtained, for two of its integrated circuit (IC) products, the secure product certificate from China UnionPay, the domestic bank card organization in the People"s Republic of China. China UnionPay issued the security certification to the first version of NXP’s SmartMX2 P60 secure microcontroller IC products in August 2015, making NXP the first foreign company to receive such validation in China. In October 2015, a second SmartMX2 P60 secure microcontroller received the security certification and additional NXP SmartMX products are currently undergoing China UnionPay’s security tests, further advancing NXP’s ability to better serve customers and partners in the China market.
“As the global leader in secure solutions, NXP is very pleased to receive the China UnionPay security certification,” said Mochen Tian, vice president of NXP Greater China. “NXP has been dedicated to the China market for 30 years. During this time we have focused on providing leading technology and products to our Chinese customers, while creating close partnerships throughout the domestic ecosystem. We will continuously strengthen our partnerships in China and provide support to the innovation of the local semiconductor industry and secure connection technology.”
VISA vet vi allerede at de kjører pilot med Precise biometrics sin software og kommer nok til å lande sertifiseringen der også og da er vi i Monopol
Avlsutter med en kopi fra Svensk forum for de litt mer leselystne :)
21 augusti 2019 Av: Chris Corum
När det gäller att skapa ett säkert referens finns det ingen teknik som kommer att stå i kriminell väg. Drivit av kraftfull ekonomi har utländska förfalskare kunnat hålla jämna steg med även de mest sofistikerade säkerhetsfunktionerna.
Strategin för att överträffa bedrägerierna förändras nu. Istället för att hitta den "mördare-funktionen" integrerar säkra ID-emittenter många personaliseringssätt för att simulera deras referenser så frustrerande och så dyra som möjligt.
Kortmaterial gör inte ett kort säkert, smart design gör.
Utmaningen drivs av en kombination av demografi och ekonomi. I USA finns det cirka 20 miljoner människor på den potentiella marknaden för falska ID: er - främst mindreåriga individer som vill gå in i klubbar eller köpa alkohol. Det har skapat en uppskattad marknad på $ 200 miljoner för förfalskade referenser, och verksamheten går till förfalskare som skapar förfalskningar så sannolika som originalets specifikationer som möjligt.
För att illustrera problemet tillkännagav New York-guvernör Andrew Cuomos kontor år 2018 beslagtagandet av nästan 900 falska ID och utfärdade nästan 1 000 citat för användning av falsk identifiering. Och det är bara de som fångades på ett år, i ett tillstånd.
Att extrapolera dessa siffror över hela landet visar problemets omfattning.
"Namnet på spelet brukade överträffa förfalskare i små tid som fokuserade på att ändra legitima dokument eller som gjorde simuleringar som var" tillräckligt bra ", säger Roland Fournier, Senior Director Product Management på IDEMIA.
Under de senaste tio åren har marknaden emellertid flyttats till storskaliga utländska förfalskare som använder sofistikerad utrustning med kapacitet för att simulera många tillgängliga säkerhetsfunktioner idag.
Tikk takk :)
I dag kom det enda flere piloter ut og ble annonsert via twitter:
We have several pilot projects with #PreciseYOUNiQ for #facility #access ongoing with partners in various sectors such as real estate, education and health, find out what they say about our new offering:
Litt om markedet:
Enda en verifikasjon på at NXP er med i UnionPay
NXP Receives China UnionPay Secure Product Certification (SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 22, 2015)
successfully obtained, for two of its integrated circuit (IC) products, the secure product certificate from China UnionPay, the domestic bank card organization in the People"s Republic of China. China UnionPay issued the security certification to the first version of NXP’s SmartMX2 P60 secure microcontroller IC products in August 2015, making NXP the first foreign company to receive such validation in China. In October 2015, a second SmartMX2 P60 secure microcontroller received the security certification and additional NXP SmartMX products are currently undergoing China UnionPay’s security tests, further advancing NXP’s ability to better serve customers and partners in the China market.
“As the global leader in secure solutions, NXP is very pleased to receive the China UnionPay security certification,” said Mochen Tian, vice president of NXP Greater China. “NXP has been dedicated to the China market for 30 years. During this time we have focused on providing leading technology and products to our Chinese customers, while creating close partnerships throughout the domestic ecosystem. We will continuously strengthen our partnerships in China and provide support to the innovation of the local semiconductor industry and secure connection technology.”
VISA vet vi allerede at de kjører pilot med Precise biometrics sin software og kommer nok til å lande sertifiseringen der også og da er vi i Monopol
Avlsutter med en kopi fra Svensk forum for de litt mer leselystne :)
21 augusti 2019 Av: Chris Corum
När det gäller att skapa ett säkert referens finns det ingen teknik som kommer att stå i kriminell väg. Drivit av kraftfull ekonomi har utländska förfalskare kunnat hålla jämna steg med även de mest sofistikerade säkerhetsfunktionerna.
Strategin för att överträffa bedrägerierna förändras nu. Istället för att hitta den "mördare-funktionen" integrerar säkra ID-emittenter många personaliseringssätt för att simulera deras referenser så frustrerande och så dyra som möjligt.
Kortmaterial gör inte ett kort säkert, smart design gör.
Utmaningen drivs av en kombination av demografi och ekonomi. I USA finns det cirka 20 miljoner människor på den potentiella marknaden för falska ID: er - främst mindreåriga individer som vill gå in i klubbar eller köpa alkohol. Det har skapat en uppskattad marknad på $ 200 miljoner för förfalskade referenser, och verksamheten går till förfalskare som skapar förfalskningar så sannolika som originalets specifikationer som möjligt.
För att illustrera problemet tillkännagav New York-guvernör Andrew Cuomos kontor år 2018 beslagtagandet av nästan 900 falska ID och utfärdade nästan 1 000 citat för användning av falsk identifiering. Och det är bara de som fångades på ett år, i ett tillstånd.
Att extrapolera dessa siffror över hela landet visar problemets omfattning.
"Namnet på spelet brukade överträffa förfalskare i små tid som fokuserade på att ändra legitima dokument eller som gjorde simuleringar som var" tillräckligt bra ", säger Roland Fournier, Senior Director Product Management på IDEMIA.
Under de senaste tio åren har marknaden emellertid flyttats till storskaliga utländska förfalskare som använder sofistikerad utrustning med kapacitet för att simulera många tillgängliga säkerhetsfunktioner idag.
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 03:06
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23.08.2019 kl 13:50
Jaja.. Det nærmer seg dag for dag.
NRD og Handelsbanken er storkjøpere, Egistech er eneste leverandør til Samsung på optiske sensorer, PB er eneste software leverandør til Egistech, PB er har verdens eneste sertifikat fra Mastercard, PB er involvert i Visa gjennom Gemalto og PSD2 er 14 dager unna...
Her kan dere se hvorfor det er så interessant hvem som kjøper stort:
NRD har på en måned kjøpt: 8 693 235 stk
Tilsvarende 2,4%
Samsung Pay has launched in beta across Sweden, the first Nordic country to see the mobile payment service rolled out, with support from debit and credit card providers Mastercard, Mastercard SAS, Visa, Eurocard, and banks Nordea and SEB. Other supporting financial institutions joining “shortly” include Handelsbanken, ICA Banken, Re:member, Swedbank and Ticket Rikskuponger.
Fingerprint recognition technology in mobile devices consist of sensor chips, modules and software.
While making the chips on its own, Samsung has recently inked a licensing deal with Sweden’s Precise Biometrics, a market leader in fingerprint software, for the algorithm solution. The company is expected to continue partnership with existing camera sensor module suppliers.
Youniq... PSD2... Egistech.. Mastercard... Visa... Gemalto...... Tikk takk!!!!
NRD og Handelsbanken er storkjøpere, Egistech er eneste leverandør til Samsung på optiske sensorer, PB er eneste software leverandør til Egistech, PB er har verdens eneste sertifikat fra Mastercard, PB er involvert i Visa gjennom Gemalto og PSD2 er 14 dager unna...
Her kan dere se hvorfor det er så interessant hvem som kjøper stort:
NRD har på en måned kjøpt: 8 693 235 stk
Tilsvarende 2,4%
Samsung Pay has launched in beta across Sweden, the first Nordic country to see the mobile payment service rolled out, with support from debit and credit card providers Mastercard, Mastercard SAS, Visa, Eurocard, and banks Nordea and SEB. Other supporting financial institutions joining “shortly” include Handelsbanken, ICA Banken, Re:member, Swedbank and Ticket Rikskuponger.
Fingerprint recognition technology in mobile devices consist of sensor chips, modules and software.
While making the chips on its own, Samsung has recently inked a licensing deal with Sweden’s Precise Biometrics, a market leader in fingerprint software, for the algorithm solution. The company is expected to continue partnership with existing camera sensor module suppliers.
Youniq... PSD2... Egistech.. Mastercard... Visa... Gemalto...... Tikk takk!!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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23.08.2019 kl 20:13
Verdens mest solgte og sikreste dørlås med fingeravtrykk og multifunksjon. PB sin software 😍 Ny reklame i Kina
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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23.08.2019 kl 20:20
Hyundai Santa FE 2020. FULL rewiue👍 PB sin software. 338 % økning i salgstall fra Hyundai på denne modellen etter lansering 😍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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24.08.2019 kl 06:43
Enorm reklame neste uke 😊 Nå skal folkemassen endelig få bli kjent med det nye Precise Biometrics 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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24.08.2019 kl 09:13
Youniq reklame. Utviklet og eid av Precise biometrics. Mange pågående piloter for stemme, fingeravtrykk og iris. mange piloter med ansiktsgjennkjenninger er ferdigstilt med suksess.
ID innlogging
ID innlogging
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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24.08.2019 kl 22:30
5 dager til Egis technologies og 14 dager til PSD2 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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26.08.2019 kl 22:26
Bak senen med Youniq, 3 dager til Egistech, 7 dager til ny Egistech, 13 dager til PSD2, Youniq lanserer nye tester, Nye reklamer i Kina, NRD på storhandel og ny eier vill snart bli avslørt, Visa kommer snart med noe gøy, Hyundai utvider til hele Europa, NXP utvider til biler, SamsungPAY kan komme med noe gøy, PB inviterer til dans :)
The same NXP secure element chips, MCUs, HPC processors, sensors, NFC and more are used across markets and apps, from data-driven #autonomouscomputing vehicles and infotainment to #edgeIoT to #5G #cloud comms infrastructure.
Last week we launched Precise YOUNiQ for facility access, a solution that verifies people’s digital identity through facial recognition and gives access to facilities. In this video @sarandiskalogeropulos explains how easy it is to enter a building or office using our technology. It’s fast, easy and super convenient! We are so excited that companies at @ideonsciencepark are showing interest in using our technology and will be testing it during the fall 😀🏢🚶🏻♀️#weareideon #sharpminds #instatakeover #biometrics #access #identity #facialrecognition #lund #precise #facility #digital
VW and NXP show how the speed and accuracy of Ultra-Wideband tech can bring security and convenience to cars, from keyless entry to garage doors, parking, charging and more.
covers #UWBpossibilities.
HOSTED BY: Precise Biometrics
FOR: All members of Media Evolution & friends of Precise Biometrics.
Most welcome!
Som et lite innspill til dagens nyheter og meldinger for de som ikke har satt seg inn i PB ennå.. Det er snart for sent å komme seg inn for dette kommer til å gå fort!! Les gjerne tråden og se hva som ligger i pipen og hva som er like rundt hjørnet!
Tikketitakk :)
The same NXP secure element chips, MCUs, HPC processors, sensors, NFC and more are used across markets and apps, from data-driven #autonomouscomputing vehicles and infotainment to #edgeIoT to #5G #cloud comms infrastructure.
Last week we launched Precise YOUNiQ for facility access, a solution that verifies people’s digital identity through facial recognition and gives access to facilities. In this video @sarandiskalogeropulos explains how easy it is to enter a building or office using our technology. It’s fast, easy and super convenient! We are so excited that companies at @ideonsciencepark are showing interest in using our technology and will be testing it during the fall 😀🏢🚶🏻♀️#weareideon #sharpminds #instatakeover #biometrics #access #identity #facialrecognition #lund #precise #facility #digital
VW and NXP show how the speed and accuracy of Ultra-Wideband tech can bring security and convenience to cars, from keyless entry to garage doors, parking, charging and more.
covers #UWBpossibilities.
HOSTED BY: Precise Biometrics
FOR: All members of Media Evolution & friends of Precise Biometrics.
Most welcome!
Som et lite innspill til dagens nyheter og meldinger for de som ikke har satt seg inn i PB ennå.. Det er snart for sent å komme seg inn for dette kommer til å gå fort!! Les gjerne tråden og se hva som ligger i pipen og hva som er like rundt hjørnet!
Tikketitakk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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01.09.2019 kl 11:40
NXP is about to debut at IC China 2019: Demonstrate cutting-edge technology to empower the new ecosystem of AioT
From September 3rd to 5th, the 2nd Global IC Entrepreneur Conference and the 17th China International Semiconductor Expo (IC China 2019) will be held in Shanghai. As a leader in automotive electronics and artificial intelligence IoT, NXP will once again make its debut at this international event, showcasing how enabling technologies based on edge computing and secure connectivity can work with industry chain partners to create connected cars, industrial and Internet of Things, and mobile Equipment and 5G communication related landing applications.
NXP will be showcasing NXP"s cutting-edge innovations and solutions in the 002 special exhibition area of Hall N4 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre , as well as the important achievements of NXP and its Chinese partners. It is worth mentioning that NXP will showcase the RinSpeed MicroSnap smart concept car, as well as popular applications such as edge computing gateways, palmprint recognition, voice-activated home panels, and secure fingerprint payment.
kuriosa angående RinSpeed MicroSnap smart concept car,
From September 3rd to 5th, the 2nd Global IC Entrepreneur Conference and the 17th China International Semiconductor Expo (IC China 2019) will be held in Shanghai. As a leader in automotive electronics and artificial intelligence IoT, NXP will once again make its debut at this international event, showcasing how enabling technologies based on edge computing and secure connectivity can work with industry chain partners to create connected cars, industrial and Internet of Things, and mobile Equipment and 5G communication related landing applications.
NXP will be showcasing NXP"s cutting-edge innovations and solutions in the 002 special exhibition area of Hall N4 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre , as well as the important achievements of NXP and its Chinese partners. It is worth mentioning that NXP will showcase the RinSpeed MicroSnap smart concept car, as well as popular applications such as edge computing gateways, palmprint recognition, voice-activated home panels, and secure fingerprint payment.
kuriosa angående RinSpeed MicroSnap smart concept car,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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05.09.2019 kl 15:00
Du og jeg og vi to... tralalalalalallllaaaa 😂
Har lastet litt til på duppen 👍 9 dager igjen ♥️
Har lastet litt til på duppen 👍 9 dager igjen ♥️
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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07.09.2019 kl 18:07
Elan fortsetter å øke kraftig! 🤑🤑🤑
"In August 2019, compared to July, all product lines grew. The sales of largest growth rate
Fingerprint Sensor were +61.1% MoM!
Det bare øker og øker 😊🤑🤑🤑🤑🎉
Fingerprint Sensor,+349.5% MoM,
1 uke igjen 🥰
"In August 2019, compared to July, all product lines grew. The sales of largest growth rate
Fingerprint Sensor were +61.1% MoM!
Det bare øker og øker 😊🤑🤑🤑🤑🎉
Fingerprint Sensor,+349.5% MoM,
1 uke igjen 🥰
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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07.09.2019 kl 18:19
Her kan dere se hva som skjer om 1 uke og hvorfor dette blir jackpott for PB 🥰
Covr som PB samarbeider med ledes og er grunnlagt av de som laget BankID 😍
Covr som PB samarbeider med ledes og er grunnlagt av de som laget BankID 😍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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08.09.2019 kl 22:29
PB inviterer til Seminar 1 uke etter 14 Sept 👍
PB inviterer til Seminar 1 uke etter 14 Sept 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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08.09.2019 kl 23:51
Samsung + Mastercard + Precise biometrics =
Vi er nå 1 uke unna 👍 PB er fortsatt ENESTE leverandør av software med sertifikat fra Mastercard.
PB er eneste software leverandør til Egis tech på optiske sensorer og Egis leverer mest sannsynlig til Samsung.
Covr er grunnlagt og eid av de som fant opp BankID og PB er eneste software leverandør.
Youniq er vellykket langt inn i piloter og lanseres i 2020 🤑
Catch you on the flipp side Navle 😊
Vi er nå 1 uke unna 👍 PB er fortsatt ENESTE leverandør av software med sertifikat fra Mastercard.
PB er eneste software leverandør til Egis tech på optiske sensorer og Egis leverer mest sannsynlig til Samsung.
Covr er grunnlagt og eid av de som fant opp BankID og PB er eneste software leverandør.
Youniq er vellykket langt inn i piloter og lanseres i 2020 🤑
Catch you on the flipp side Navle 😊
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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09.09.2019 kl 17:38
"With the deadline of September 14 fast approaching, the need to have the new security standard for online payments implemented is putting a weighty burden on all players within the payments industry. The new PSD2 regulations mean that from its effective date all card payments must be validated with two security features (two-factor authentication[1], SCA). The rules are set out in the second EU Payment Services Directive PSD2, which aims to improved card-holder protection, as well as vastly increased broadening of service possibilities for every bank’s customers. The rules apply to all online merchants within the European Union and in Switzerland".
"With the deadline of September 14 fast approaching, the need to have the new security standard for online payments implemented is putting a weighty burden on all players within the payments industry. The new PSD2 regulations mean that from its effective date all card payments must be validated with two security features (two-factor authentication[1], SCA). The rules are set out in the second EU Payment Services Directive PSD2, which aims to improved card-holder protection, as well as vastly increased broadening of service possibilities for every bank’s customers. The rules apply to all online merchants within the European Union and in Switzerland".
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 07:44
For de av dere som har fulgt med i timen så har det vært store problemer for innlogging med bruk av bankID i de siste dagene, hos et stort antall av instutisjoner.. og mer skal det bli.
I morgen er siste frist for PSD2.
PB ansettet flere:
Kursen har blitt utsatt for massiv nedsalg hver dag mot slutten av handel og det blir nesten kun gjort kjøp fra kjøpssiden. Ekstremt få som selger og husene som sitter på derriviater skjelver i buksen og dumper mot slutten for å manipulerer kursen.
Denne kommer nå til å gå 50% innen kort tid og handles nå under alle innsidekjøp og ligger bare 5% over kursen for 1 år siden. - se hendelser det siste året 😊
Tikk takk!!
I morgen er siste frist for PSD2.
PB ansettet flere:
Kursen har blitt utsatt for massiv nedsalg hver dag mot slutten av handel og det blir nesten kun gjort kjøp fra kjøpssiden. Ekstremt få som selger og husene som sitter på derriviater skjelver i buksen og dumper mot slutten for å manipulerer kursen.
Denne kommer nå til å gå 50% innen kort tid og handles nå under alle innsidekjøp og ligger bare 5% over kursen for 1 år siden. - se hendelser det siste året 😊
Tikk takk!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 08:34
Vidundelig ♥️
Kan jo også nevne at PB fortsatt er ENESTE software aktør med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard 😊
Eneste software leverandør til Egistec innenfor optiske sensorer 😊
Eneste software leverandør til Covr som skapte bankID og som nå leverer ny løsning 😊
Tikk takk 💪
Kan jo også nevne at PB fortsatt er ENESTE software aktør med CAST sertifikat fra Mastercard 😊
Eneste software leverandør til Egistec innenfor optiske sensorer 😊
Eneste software leverandør til Covr som skapte bankID og som nå leverer ny løsning 😊
Tikk takk 💪
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 10:21
Livestream Discussion - Open Banking and PSD2: Opportunities and Challenges
Live online Sep 23 3:00 pm
Til en opplysning så hadde PB en inntekt på over 1 mill for pågående piloter i Q2 og nå kommer det snart en oppdatering fra institusjoner.
Som jeg har nevnt hele tiden så er PB+Egistech+Mastercard+samsung noe som nå eskalerer i muligheter!
SamsungPAY med software oppdatering rundt hjørnet!
Tikk takk :)
Live online Sep 23 3:00 pm
Til en opplysning så hadde PB en inntekt på over 1 mill for pågående piloter i Q2 og nå kommer det snart en oppdatering fra institusjoner.
Som jeg har nevnt hele tiden så er PB+Egistech+Mastercard+samsung noe som nå eskalerer i muligheter!
SamsungPAY med software oppdatering rundt hjørnet!
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 11:11
Gå gjerne inn på google translate fra finsk til norsk :)
God helg ;)
Tikk takk!
Gå gjerne inn på google translate fra finsk til norsk :)
God helg ;)
Tikk takk!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 11:29
Her er oversettelsen for de som ikke orket å gjøre det selv :) NRD er også den største kjøperen i PB de siste 2 månedene.
During the rest of 2019, changes will take place for Nordea's customers
signing up for services and confirming payments. The biggest change
is the fact that the PIN code over 30 years old will cease to be used; and
all customers get access to modern and even more secure
Authentication method: Access application or access device.
- The change has been going on for a long time and is progressing gradually, nothing
does not happen overnight in Nordea's retail business
deputy director Jani Eloranta says.
For example, with the latest Nordea services such as mobile banking,
The transfer or Wallet could not be accessed with a paper access code
at all.
- Almost all public and many other digital services
sign in using bank authentication tools. public
The service, which is responsible for logging in the services, will move to a new one
our identification service in late September, and at that time
services such as MyVero or MyStock are no longer accessible to Nordea
with a paper access code, says Eloranta.
- The use of the access code for Nordea services will be phased out in the autumn
During 2019. Lastly, support will be removed from the current online bank for a year
By the end of 2019. New to be launched later this year
it is not possible to log in to the online banking of private customers
PIN card.
There are also paper identification cards for business customers' Classic Internet Banking
will be disabled when a new corporate online bank is introduced
introduced late in the year. Recommended for all customers new ones
switching to authentication methods as soon as possible.
The changes are due to the EU-wide impact on all banks
PSD2 regulation and national legislative changes for strong electronic
identification. Amendments to the Payment Services Act will enter into force
September 14, 2019.
Bank codes are updated nowadays
Nordea 's new authentication methods, the token application and
the keypad is already used by well over one million customers.
Nordea was the first bank in Finland to launch a mobile device
downloadable access code application for customers in summer 2015,
and customers have given a lot of positive feedback about it.
New authentication solutions have been developed together with our customers,
and they are safer, more modern and
easier to use. They alleviate security threats
fighting better than previous solutions and doing things like
much more difficult to fake bank codes.
- The customer always has the choice of the most suitable option.
For the visually impaired, a talking key reader has been developed together
With the Federation of the Visually Impaired. A senior customer can also buy DNA
Shop for Nordea's flag on the Samsung Galaxy tablet, to which
pre-installed Nordea banking applications and other applications
as required by the customer. Nordea's advisors give digital guidance
offices and libraries, for example. Phone service will help
around the clock on 0200 3000, Eloranta says.
Making payments safer
Security requirements for payments will be improved within the EU
EEA area. New regulation requires all banks to provide
so-called strong authentication for their customers. Strong
authentication is a two-step process, not a means of authentication
may be copied.
These changes are intended to reduce the risk of abuse. Changes in
affect card payments, as many cases require,
that the payment is made through strong authentication. Concrete
an example of strong authentication is transaction confirmation
using a card chip and access code.
- The most important change for the card holder is that when the customer
shopping online requires strong authentication
with bank codes more and more often. The change applies to both private customers
that business card payment, Eloranta says.
If a business customer has an online store, they will become a merchant
payment solution to support 3D Secure technology. For more information, please contact
from your payment service provider.
The Payment Services Directive also brings with it banks
opening software interfaces (APIs). Customers can provide
permission for a third party to retrieve their account information or make payments
accounts with different banks in the EU.
For more information:
Jani Eloranta, Vice President, Personal Business, +358 50 373 3259
Nordea Communications tel. +358 9 4245 1006
Nordea builds strong relationships with its customers and society
through commitment. We provide banking services that help people
can achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Nordea is one
Of the largest banks in the Nordic countries in terms of market value.
Nordea has about 10 million customers. Nordea share is quoted
Nasdaq stock exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Read
more at
-------------------------------------------------- ---------,c2903479
Tikk takk :)
During the rest of 2019, changes will take place for Nordea's customers
signing up for services and confirming payments. The biggest change
is the fact that the PIN code over 30 years old will cease to be used; and
all customers get access to modern and even more secure
Authentication method: Access application or access device.
- The change has been going on for a long time and is progressing gradually, nothing
does not happen overnight in Nordea's retail business
deputy director Jani Eloranta says.
For example, with the latest Nordea services such as mobile banking,
The transfer or Wallet could not be accessed with a paper access code
at all.
- Almost all public and many other digital services
sign in using bank authentication tools. public
The service, which is responsible for logging in the services, will move to a new one
our identification service in late September, and at that time
services such as MyVero or MyStock are no longer accessible to Nordea
with a paper access code, says Eloranta.
- The use of the access code for Nordea services will be phased out in the autumn
During 2019. Lastly, support will be removed from the current online bank for a year
By the end of 2019. New to be launched later this year
it is not possible to log in to the online banking of private customers
PIN card.
There are also paper identification cards for business customers' Classic Internet Banking
will be disabled when a new corporate online bank is introduced
introduced late in the year. Recommended for all customers new ones
switching to authentication methods as soon as possible.
The changes are due to the EU-wide impact on all banks
PSD2 regulation and national legislative changes for strong electronic
identification. Amendments to the Payment Services Act will enter into force
September 14, 2019.
Bank codes are updated nowadays
Nordea 's new authentication methods, the token application and
the keypad is already used by well over one million customers.
Nordea was the first bank in Finland to launch a mobile device
downloadable access code application for customers in summer 2015,
and customers have given a lot of positive feedback about it.
New authentication solutions have been developed together with our customers,
and they are safer, more modern and
easier to use. They alleviate security threats
fighting better than previous solutions and doing things like
much more difficult to fake bank codes.
- The customer always has the choice of the most suitable option.
For the visually impaired, a talking key reader has been developed together
With the Federation of the Visually Impaired. A senior customer can also buy DNA
Shop for Nordea's flag on the Samsung Galaxy tablet, to which
pre-installed Nordea banking applications and other applications
as required by the customer. Nordea's advisors give digital guidance
offices and libraries, for example. Phone service will help
around the clock on 0200 3000, Eloranta says.
Making payments safer
Security requirements for payments will be improved within the EU
EEA area. New regulation requires all banks to provide
so-called strong authentication for their customers. Strong
authentication is a two-step process, not a means of authentication
may be copied.
These changes are intended to reduce the risk of abuse. Changes in
affect card payments, as many cases require,
that the payment is made through strong authentication. Concrete
an example of strong authentication is transaction confirmation
using a card chip and access code.
- The most important change for the card holder is that when the customer
shopping online requires strong authentication
with bank codes more and more often. The change applies to both private customers
that business card payment, Eloranta says.
If a business customer has an online store, they will become a merchant
payment solution to support 3D Secure technology. For more information, please contact
from your payment service provider.
The Payment Services Directive also brings with it banks
opening software interfaces (APIs). Customers can provide
permission for a third party to retrieve their account information or make payments
accounts with different banks in the EU.
For more information:
Jani Eloranta, Vice President, Personal Business, +358 50 373 3259
Nordea Communications tel. +358 9 4245 1006
Nordea builds strong relationships with its customers and society
through commitment. We provide banking services that help people
can achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Nordea is one
Of the largest banks in the Nordic countries in terms of market value.
Nordea has about 10 million customers. Nordea share is quoted
Nasdaq stock exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Read
more at
-------------------------------------------------- ---------,c2903479
Tikk takk :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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13.09.2019 kl 11:45
Til info :
Samsung Pay has launched in beta across Sweden, the first Nordic country to see the mobile payment service rolled out, with support from debit and credit card providers Mastercard, Mastercard SAS, Visa, Eurocard, and banks Nordea and SEB. Other supporting financial institutions joining “shortly” include Handelsbanken, ICA Banken, Re:member, Swedbank and Ticket Rikskuponger.
Fingerprint recognition technology in mobile devices consist of sensor chips, modules and software.
While making the chips on its own, Samsung has recently inked a licensing deal with Sweden’s Precise Biometrics, a market leader in fingerprint software, for the algorithm solution. The company is expected to continue partnership with existing camera sensor module suppliers.
Samsung Pay has launched in beta across Sweden, the first Nordic country to see the mobile payment service rolled out, with support from debit and credit card providers Mastercard, Mastercard SAS, Visa, Eurocard, and banks Nordea and SEB. Other supporting financial institutions joining “shortly” include Handelsbanken, ICA Banken, Re:member, Swedbank and Ticket Rikskuponger.
Fingerprint recognition technology in mobile devices consist of sensor chips, modules and software.
While making the chips on its own, Samsung has recently inked a licensing deal with Sweden’s Precise Biometrics, a market leader in fingerprint software, for the algorithm solution. The company is expected to continue partnership with existing camera sensor module suppliers.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33
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