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Teknisk Ukeblad 11 juni 2019
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 11:03
Ser at Gexcon er engasert som uavhengig selskap på å finne årsak til hendelsen med ex/ brann i stasjonen til YX. Risikoanalyse og korrigerende tiltak vil bli iverksatt etter dette.
På sikt vil Hydrogen fremdeles være det beste alternativet for energibæring.
Home -> Proudcts and Services -> R&D
09 January 2018
Gexcon R&D is active within the global reseach community on hydrogen safety, with particular emphasis on CFD modelling of gaseous and liquid releases, jet fires and deflagrations.
The development of applications that use hydrogen as energy carrier has accelerated in recent years. However, hydrogen is a highly reactive fuel, and safe handling and design is critical. Consequence modelling is a critical part of any risk assessment, and CFD tools such as FLACS have the potential to describe the relevant physical phenomena more accurate than engineering models (EMs).
Gexcon has extensive experience from R&D projects on hydrogen safety:
Hydrogen safety project (2001-2003) involving a large number of small-scale dispersion and explosion experiments.The EU-sponsored Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 19 on Hydrogen Safety (2008-2010).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 31 on Hydrogen Safety (2011-2013).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 37 on Hydrogen Safety (2015-2018).Gexcon coordines the EU-funded project HySEA in Horizon-2020 (2015-2018).
Gexcon develops the dedicated CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen for hydrogen safety applications. FLACS-Hydrogen has been commercially available for more than 10 years.
Gexcon coordinates the HySEA project. The HySEA project receives funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 671461. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Norway. As part of the HySEA project, Gexcon developes a prototype for a new version of FLACS-Hydrogen (Hisken, 2016). The first beta version of the new verion of FLACS-Hydrogen is scheduled for December 2017 or early 2018. This version will include several fundamental changes to the model system, including a new turbulence model, a new correlation for turbulent burning velocity that includes the effect of the stretch-rate Markstein number, and a transport equation for flame folding.
Gexcon has carried out extensive validation work for FLACS-Hydrogen, including release, dispersion and explosion scenarios.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition
The possibility of DDT represents a significant threat in industries that handle flammable mixtures, and especially for highly reactive gases such as hydrogen and acetylene. Gexcon has implemented a simplified model in FLACS that can indicate whether DDT is likely to occur.
3D Risk management for hydrogen applications
Gexcon R&D has also been involved in the development of methodology for quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for hydrogen applications. Such QRAs represent particular challenges due to a large difference in properties of hydrogen and more conventional fuels, such as natural gas or propane: reactivity, flammability limits, buoyancy and transport properties. Case studies have been carried out in tunnels, workshops, and refuelling stations, as well as for hythane (hydrogen and methane mixtures).
Previous Index Next
Research and DevelopmentFLACS DevelopmentFLACS MaintenanceFLACS ValidationResearch ProjectsDispersion ModellingExplosion ModellingHydrogen SafetyFire ModellingWind Energy
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På sikt vil Hydrogen fremdeles være det beste alternativet for energibæring.
Home -> Proudcts and Services -> R&D
09 January 2018
Gexcon R&D is active within the global reseach community on hydrogen safety, with particular emphasis on CFD modelling of gaseous and liquid releases, jet fires and deflagrations.
The development of applications that use hydrogen as energy carrier has accelerated in recent years. However, hydrogen is a highly reactive fuel, and safe handling and design is critical. Consequence modelling is a critical part of any risk assessment, and CFD tools such as FLACS have the potential to describe the relevant physical phenomena more accurate than engineering models (EMs).
Gexcon has extensive experience from R&D projects on hydrogen safety:
Hydrogen safety project (2001-2003) involving a large number of small-scale dispersion and explosion experiments.The EU-sponsored Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 19 on Hydrogen Safety (2008-2010).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 31 on Hydrogen Safety (2011-2013).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 37 on Hydrogen Safety (2015-2018).Gexcon coordines the EU-funded project HySEA in Horizon-2020 (2015-2018).
Gexcon develops the dedicated CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen for hydrogen safety applications. FLACS-Hydrogen has been commercially available for more than 10 years.
Gexcon coordinates the HySEA project. The HySEA project receives funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 671461. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Norway. As part of the HySEA project, Gexcon developes a prototype for a new version of FLACS-Hydrogen (Hisken, 2016). The first beta version of the new verion of FLACS-Hydrogen is scheduled for December 2017 or early 2018. This version will include several fundamental changes to the model system, including a new turbulence model, a new correlation for turbulent burning velocity that includes the effect of the stretch-rate Markstein number, and a transport equation for flame folding.
Gexcon has carried out extensive validation work for FLACS-Hydrogen, including release, dispersion and explosion scenarios.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition
The possibility of DDT represents a significant threat in industries that handle flammable mixtures, and especially for highly reactive gases such as hydrogen and acetylene. Gexcon has implemented a simplified model in FLACS that can indicate whether DDT is likely to occur.
3D Risk management for hydrogen applications
Gexcon R&D has also been involved in the development of methodology for quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for hydrogen applications. Such QRAs represent particular challenges due to a large difference in properties of hydrogen and more conventional fuels, such as natural gas or propane: reactivity, flammability limits, buoyancy and transport properties. Case studies have been carried out in tunnels, workshops, and refuelling stations, as well as for hythane (hydrogen and methane mixtures).
Previous Index Next
Research and DevelopmentFLACS DevelopmentFLACS MaintenanceFLACS ValidationResearch ProjectsDispersion ModellingExplosion ModellingHydrogen SafetyFire ModellingWind Energy
Other Departments
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 11:04
Ser at Gexcon er engasert som uavhengig selskap på å finne årsak til hendelsen med ex/ brann i stasjonen til YX. Risikoanalyse og korrigerende tiltak vil bli iverksatt etter dette.
På sikt vil Hydrogen fremdeles være det beste alternativet for energibæring.
Home -> Proudcts and Services -> R&D
09 January 2018
Gexcon R&D is active within the global reseach community on hydrogen safety, with particular emphasis on CFD modelling of gaseous and liquid releases, jet fires and deflagrations.
The development of applications that use hydrogen as energy carrier has accelerated in recent years. However, hydrogen is a highly reactive fuel, and safe handling and design is critical. Consequence modelling is a critical part of any risk assessment, and CFD tools such as FLACS have the potential to describe the relevant physical phenomena more accurate than engineering models (EMs).
Gexcon has extensive experience from R&D projects on hydrogen safety:
Hydrogen safety project (2001-2003) involving a large number of small-scale dispersion and explosion experiments.The EU-sponsored Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 19 on Hydrogen Safety (2008-2010).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 31 on Hydrogen Safety (2011-2013).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 37 on Hydrogen Safety (2015-2018).Gexcon coordines the EU-funded project HySEA in Horizon-2020 (2015-2018).
Gexcon develops the dedicated CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen for hydrogen safety applications. FLACS-Hydrogen has been commercially available for more than 10 years.
Gexcon coordinates the HySEA project. The HySEA project receives funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 671461. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Norway. As part of the HySEA project, Gexcon developes a prototype for a new version of FLACS-Hydrogen (Hisken, 2016). The first beta version of the new verion of FLACS-Hydrogen is scheduled for December 2017 or early 2018. This version will include several fundamental changes to the model system, including a new turbulence model, a new correlation for turbulent burning velocity that includes the effect of the stretch-rate Markstein number, and a transport equation for flame folding.
Gexcon has carried out extensive validation work for FLACS-Hydrogen, including release, dispersion and explosion scenarios.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition
The possibility of DDT represents a significant threat in industries that handle flammable mixtures, and especially for highly reactive gases such as hydrogen and acetylene. Gexcon has implemented a simplified model in FLACS that can indicate whether DDT is likely to occur.
3D Risk management for hydrogen applications
Gexcon R&D has also been involved in the development of methodology for quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for hydrogen applications. Such QRAs represent particular challenges due to a large difference in properties of hydrogen and more conventional fuels, such as natural gas or propane: reactivity, flammability limits, buoyancy and transport properties. Case studies have been carried out in tunnels, workshops, and refuelling stations, as well as for hythane (hydrogen and methane mixtures).
Previous Index Next
Research and DevelopmentFLACS DevelopmentFLACS MaintenanceFLACS ValidationResearch ProjectsDispersion ModellingExplosion ModellingHydrogen SafetyFire ModellingWind Energy
Other Departments
På sikt vil Hydrogen fremdeles være det beste alternativet for energibæring.
Home -> Proudcts and Services -> R&D
09 January 2018
Gexcon R&D is active within the global reseach community on hydrogen safety, with particular emphasis on CFD modelling of gaseous and liquid releases, jet fires and deflagrations.
The development of applications that use hydrogen as energy carrier has accelerated in recent years. However, hydrogen is a highly reactive fuel, and safe handling and design is critical. Consequence modelling is a critical part of any risk assessment, and CFD tools such as FLACS have the potential to describe the relevant physical phenomena more accurate than engineering models (EMs).
Gexcon has extensive experience from R&D projects on hydrogen safety:
Hydrogen safety project (2001-2003) involving a large number of small-scale dispersion and explosion experiments.The EU-sponsored Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 19 on Hydrogen Safety (2008-2010).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 31 on Hydrogen Safety (2011-2013).International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) Task 37 on Hydrogen Safety (2015-2018).Gexcon coordines the EU-funded project HySEA in Horizon-2020 (2015-2018).
Gexcon develops the dedicated CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen for hydrogen safety applications. FLACS-Hydrogen has been commercially available for more than 10 years.
Gexcon coordinates the HySEA project. The HySEA project receives funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 671461. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Norway. As part of the HySEA project, Gexcon developes a prototype for a new version of FLACS-Hydrogen (Hisken, 2016). The first beta version of the new verion of FLACS-Hydrogen is scheduled for December 2017 or early 2018. This version will include several fundamental changes to the model system, including a new turbulence model, a new correlation for turbulent burning velocity that includes the effect of the stretch-rate Markstein number, and a transport equation for flame folding.
Gexcon has carried out extensive validation work for FLACS-Hydrogen, including release, dispersion and explosion scenarios.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition
The possibility of DDT represents a significant threat in industries that handle flammable mixtures, and especially for highly reactive gases such as hydrogen and acetylene. Gexcon has implemented a simplified model in FLACS that can indicate whether DDT is likely to occur.
3D Risk management for hydrogen applications
Gexcon R&D has also been involved in the development of methodology for quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for hydrogen applications. Such QRAs represent particular challenges due to a large difference in properties of hydrogen and more conventional fuels, such as natural gas or propane: reactivity, flammability limits, buoyancy and transport properties. Case studies have been carried out in tunnels, workshops, and refuelling stations, as well as for hythane (hydrogen and methane mixtures).
Previous Index Next
Research and DevelopmentFLACS DevelopmentFLACS MaintenanceFLACS ValidationResearch ProjectsDispersion ModellingExplosion ModellingHydrogen SafetyFire ModellingWind Energy
Other Departments
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 11:23
"Many experts agree that hydrogen is safe when properly managed and has abundant potential as a future energy source," a car industry official said. "What remains unaddressed is vague public fear over hydrogen, and a number of accidents ― whose causes are yet to be specified ― are spurring such a fear which is an obstacle for the hydrogen economy to be realized."
Timinga var ikke god mhp ulykken, men samtidig bra at de kommer til bunns i dette nå, på dette stadiet, og at det ikke skjer senere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 11:31
Veldig bra
Veldig bra
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 11:36
Skal vi plukke nel på krona snart tro...??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 12:00
Glem kroa og 2 kroningen. De som skal ha aksjier under 5 må kjøpe i dag!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 13:56
Ja sikkert kjempe billig om det skulle gå 5 år før det blir gitt tillatelse til hydrogen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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Nå gir vi gass
13.06.2019 kl 13:58
(Oslo, 13. juni 2019) Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) kunngjør foreløpige funn fra sikkerhetskonsulent Gexcon angående hendelsen på Kjørbo hydrogenstasjon 10. juni 2019.
"Basert på det vi har sett på nettstedet, kan vi konkludere med at hverken elctrolyzer eller dispenser som brukes av kunder hadde noe å gjøre med denne hendelsen. Vi vil fortsette å analysere de andre komponentene på nettstedet for å ytterligere begrense kilden, sier Geirmund Vislie, konserndirektør for Gexcon AS.
I tillegg til elektrolyseren og dispenseren som brukes av kundene, består Kjørbo-stedet av en stasjonær lavtrykkslager, en lavtrykkstransportenhet, en stasjonær høytrykkslager, forskjellige ventilpaneler og en hydrogenbrennstasjonsenhet .
Kjørbo-området inneholder også en beholderbasert, trykkbasert alkalisk elektrolyser som produserer hydrogen delvis fra solenergi. Dette leveres av Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser-avdelingen.
"Vi er fornøyd med de foreløpige funnene, og vår elektrolyseringsdivisjon vil nå komme tilbake til virksomheten som vanlig," sier Jon André Løkke,
"Basert på det vi har sett på nettstedet, kan vi konkludere med at hverken elctrolyzer eller dispenser som brukes av kunder hadde noe å gjøre med denne hendelsen. Vi vil fortsette å analysere de andre komponentene på nettstedet for å ytterligere begrense kilden, sier Geirmund Vislie, konserndirektør for Gexcon AS.
I tillegg til elektrolyseren og dispenseren som brukes av kundene, består Kjørbo-stedet av en stasjonær lavtrykkslager, en lavtrykkstransportenhet, en stasjonær høytrykkslager, forskjellige ventilpaneler og en hydrogenbrennstasjonsenhet .
Kjørbo-området inneholder også en beholderbasert, trykkbasert alkalisk elektrolyser som produserer hydrogen delvis fra solenergi. Dette leveres av Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser-avdelingen.
"Vi er fornøyd med de foreløpige funnene, og vår elektrolyseringsdivisjon vil nå komme tilbake til virksomheten som vanlig," sier Jon André Løkke,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 13:58
Norbo skrev Skal vi plukke nel på krona snart tro...??
Du har sikkert tapt penger på Nel, og ikke har kommet deg inn igjen. (i tide)
Du har sikkert tapt penger på Nel, og ikke har kommet deg inn igjen. (i tide)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 13:59
Snakk om å drite deg ut Norbo???
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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13.06.2019 kl 14:03
Tillatelse? Hvor, I vårt lille land? Vær nå grei!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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CHECK YOUR NEL EMAILS............. SHOPPING TIME ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:42
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