Konstaterar tekniskt fel.

Slettet bruker
NEL 13.06.2019 kl 13:42 1679

Då kan vi konstatera tekniskt fel//felaktig design, och då måste många stationer bebyggas om.

Detta eftersom stationen i Mariestad håller öppet.

Den är av en annan typ så då går det bra sägs det.

Alltså är det bara viss typ av utrustning det gäller som då är felaktigt
13.06.2019 kl 13:43 1652

upppsss... håper ikke alle har kjøpt seg inn i galskapen!
13.06.2019 kl 13:51 1492

Nå kom det en opplysning fra NEL at det ikke hadde noe med utstyret til NEL å gjøre, så da kan dere slippe skuldrene ned og nyte sommeren.
13.06.2019 kl 13:52 1446

Nel ASA: Status update #3 regarding incident at Kjørbo

(Oslo, June 13, 2019) Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) announces preliminary findings from safety consultancy Gexcon regarding the incident at the Kjørbo hydrogen station on June 10, 2019.

“Based on what we have seen at the site, we can conclude that neither the elctrolyzer nor the dispenser used by customers had anything to do with this incident. We will continue to analyze the other components of the site to further narrow down the source,” says Geirmund Vislie, Vice President Consultant of Gexcon AS.

In addition to the electrolyzer and the dispenser used by customers, the Kjørbo site comprises of a stationary low-pressure storage unit, a low-pressure transport unit, a stationary high-pressure storage unit, various valve panels, and a hydrogen refueling station unit.

The Kjørbo site also includes a containerized, pressurized alkaline electrolyzer that produces hydrogen in part from solar power. This is delivered by the Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser division.

“We are pleased with the preliminary findings, and our electrolyzer division will now return to business as usual,” says Jon André Løkke,

Nel has published a dedicated status update and Q&A site to address the incident at the Kjørbo hydrogen station. The site can be accessed on www.nelhydrogen.com, and will updated as new information becomes available.
Slettet bruker
13.06.2019 kl 14:23 1266

PURCHASE AFTER NEL LAST RELEASE ++++++++++++++++++++++
Slettet bruker
13.06.2019 kl 14:37 1184

Mulig at Hegnar burde ansette en egen psykolog.
13.06.2019 kl 15:00 1072

Diagnosene hadde haglet.