WRL - Seineste analyse - Peel Hunt

Slettet bruker
WRL 10.11.2017 kl 21:37 36467

London-baserte Peel Hunt (peelhunt.com) tok opp dekning av WRL den 18 okt. og skriver mye positivt i sin 29-siders analyse. La oss plukke ut essensen. Kanskje blir den med det litt lettere å forstå?

Powering up a nation
By providing long-term visibility on both production and cash flow growth, Wentworth is differentiated versus its peers. Over the next 18 months, the Mnazi Bay gas field in Tanzania will enable rapid deleveraging of the balance sheet and will add support to the equity. In addition to the core producing asset, significant exploration/appraisal upside exists in both Tanzania and Mozambique that could add substantial new resource and provide further NAV upside.

Since Mnazi Bay was brought online in Q315, production has increased to c50MMcf/d (>60MMcf/d currently, FY17 guidance 45-50MMcf/d) and in the short-term the aim is to increase this further towards 70-80MMcf/d in 2018. Beyond this it is expected that continued demand growth for gas-fired power generation will see production continue to rise, enabling Mnazi Bay to deliver PHe 110MMcf/d gross production in 2019. It is worth highlighting that geologically, Mnazi Bay’s gas reservoirs are capable of delivering these volumes from the existing well stock. This is an important point as it means no more significant capex is required in order for Wentworth to double production from current levels.

In addition to Mnazi Bay, Wentworth also holds an 85% operated interest in the onshore Rovuma concession, Mozambique, which contains the potentially material Tembo oil and gas discovery (20p/sh risked). Efforts are currently focused on securing a farm-in partner in the months ahead to help fund the drilling of a high-impact appraisal well in 2018. In our view, a successful outcome that proves Wentworth’s geological model could add incremental NAV in excess of the current market capitalisation.

Investment case
Wentworth Resources is an exploration and production company currently focused on producing PHe c16MMboe of remaining entitlement natural gas reserves from its Mnazi Bay field in Tanzania. In addition, efforts are also focused on working towards the likely 2018 appraisal of a potentially significant gas and liquids discovery in the onshore Rovuma Basin, Mozambique.

With a long-term gas sales contract in place, all of the major capex items now behind it and with the field likely to be in commercial production for the remainder of the licence term which expires in 2031, Mnazi Bay is the asset that currently defines the company and differentiates it versus peers.

Once Mnazi Bay is at plateau production, our modelling of the current 2P reserves base shows the field will generate free cash flow of >$20m/pa out to 2022. Beyond this it is our expectation that additional prospective resources will be discovered and tied-in, thereby extending plateau production beyond the 2P profile shown below.

Wentworth aims to be a low-cost developer and producer of gas in Tanzania by delivering gas into existing infrastructure for sale downstream to industrial and power off-takers. Importantly, with significant spare capacity in the trans-national gas pipeline, Wentworth is ideally positioned to feed growing regional and national gas-fired power demand.
In addition to a stable production base, Wentworth will also look to add value via its prospective exploration and appraisal assets also located in the Rovuma Basin in southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique.

Receivables repayment to bolster cash flows
As a result of past development and operating costs at Mnazi Bay paid for by Wentworth on behalf of TPDC, a $35m long-term receivable had been accrued. By December 2016 this had been reduced to $27.1m and to $23.7m by end June 2017. We estimate that between 2017-19 Wentworth will benefit from a disproportionate share of production cash flows in excess of its PSC entitlement to eliminate the TPDC receivable and accelerate the pace of deleveraging.

A key point to highlight here is that due to the way in which the receivable is recovered, there is in our view a low risk of none recovery. More precisely, we understand that Wentworth’s Mnazi Bay operating partner, Maurel et Prom, gets paid directly from the buyers of the gas for 100% of the gas sold from the Mnazi Bay JV; Wentworth is then paid by Maurel et Prom its PSC entitlement revenue.

Maurel et Prom and Wentworth receive TPDC’s PSC entitlement revenue, which is split roughly 80/20 in favour of Wentworth until the receivable is eliminated. The impact on Wentworth’s cash flows is therefore disproportionately positive in the early years of Mnazi Bay production. Based on current and forecast production levels, our expectation is that the receivable will be eliminated entirely by end 2019.

WRL er definitivt "Den lekreste dama i gata" og hun blir bedre og bedre for hver dag.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
03.12.2017 kl 23:49 10299

De siste to årene har etterspørselen fra Mnazi Bay (der WRL inntil videre mottar ca. 50% av nettointektene av salget), gått fra 0 til drøye 70 mmscf/d (nov. 2017) og etterspørselen forventes å øke med ytterligere 100 mmscf/d i 2018. Men MB vil ikke aleine kunne levere dette uten flere produksjonsbrønner.
I samme periode har WRL blant annet nedbetalt gjeld med ca. $10m og overtatt 85% av et potensielt gigantfunn.
I samme periode har kursen falt fra ca. kr. 4,- til nå rundt kr. 2.80.
Det er slik jeg ser det ikke så veldig rart at noen undrer seg over kursutviklingen da den ved første øyekast ikke er så lett å forstå eller forklare.
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Slettet bruker
04.12.2017 kl 09:15 10153

risky pick
du kan ikke hevde at etterspørsel etter energi går ned, når den faktisk går opp ganske markant.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 09:42 10095

Det er fint at du i motsetning til alle oss alle forstår årsaken til kursutvikling riskypick, men da kan du forklare oss, basert på dine konklusjoner over, hvordan Aminex, som har hatt de samme utfordingene som du har ramset opp, som i dag produserere null, er priset 3 x WRL sin market cap? Make no sense.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 12:42 9838

Hei igjen
Nå er ikke jeg helt oppdatert på wrl,så mulig det var dumt å skrive. Jeg var aksjonær her for snart to år siden tror jeg i begynnelsen av 2015. Da gjorde jeg noen estimater og produksjonen skulle bare en vei og pengene skulle strømme inn i stadig striere strømmer. Jeg tror det var regntiden som fikk skylda den gangen. Problemet er at wrl stort har bare en kunde og det er ikke så gunstig,hvertfall ikke i Tanzania. Altså det å ha en kunde er svært ugunstig uansett hvor det er. TOP er tull,kunden har all makt. Kan kunden få tak i noe annet enn wrl gassen som er gunstigere så gjør den det.

Nå ser det imidlertid ut til ting endelig beveger seg i riktig retning,men det er en ukjent faktor som man må forholde seg til(regn vet. Annet). Kanskje vi kan komme opp på et nivå i 2018 som gir penger kassa som monner litt. Dessverre tror jeg ikke kursen går før de leverer over litt tid,slik at det blir mulighet å komme inn på OK kurs etter at ting har materialisert seg mer. Vi har et betydelig større aksjeantall ser jeg i forhold til da jeg var aksjonær. Det ble gjennomført en emisjon,som kom litt som lyn fra klar himmel. Ikke akkurat positivt. Men det kom jo inn litt cash som bla kunne brukes til gjeldsnedbetaling.

Videre er det usikkert hvor mye som må kostes på etterhvert for å holde produksjonen oppe og hvor lenge man kan hente ut gass/hvor mye gass det er.
Dessuten har tembo kommet inn som en betydelig faktor. Ikke alle likte dette tror jeg,men blir interessant å følge med her hvis de får med seg noen.

Mnazi har et OK potensiale,ca tre ganger dagens kurs ifølge analyse. Det kunne jo gjerne vært mer syns jeg,men det er vel litt tidlig å si og mer aktuelt å ta i betraktning den dagen faktisk wrl klasker ordentlige tall på bordet. Det holder ikke med å gå i pluss.

Ja det ser nå endelig ut til at produksjon er på vei opp.
Aminex kjenner jeg ikke,men det er alltid lurt å sjekke peers. Men sånn er det dessverre(jeg vil si heldigvis)på Oslo børs. Det er ikke amerikansk prising på så veldig mange selskaper. Så stort sett finner man ut at peers er lavere priset. GIG gjengen maser også om det.

Det gjelder om å ikke tenke for mye på kursen. Man betaler en gitt pris for eiendeler og fremtidig antatt kontantstrøm. Enten finner man det svært gunstig og kjøper eller man syns ikke det er lukurativt. Videre må man følge opp å se om selskapet presterer i forhold til dine forventninger.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 13:53 9819


Nå har WRL en langtids-kontrakt til 2031 for levering av gass, så kunden kan uansett ikke kutte ut WRL gassen slik du antyder.
I tillegg er det på vei inn industrielle kunder gjennom blant annet Goodwill tiles (leverer til allerede) og Dangote cement.

Når det gjelder regntid, så bør ikke dette være det store problemet lengre, all den tid leveranse volumet antagelig er oppe i maks hva de 5 brønnene klarer å levere ved neste regnperiode.

Ting ser lysere ut enn på lenge. Så for meg er det uforstelig at noen selger på dagens nivåer. Nyheter om Tembo kan komme når som helst. Ingenting av dette er priset inn i dagens kurs.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 14:09 9726

Sale of shares can be made because of many reasons not connected to the company or its share price. If price seems overly low then this is a good moment to increase exposure :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 14:19 9725

Josik eller andre som kjenner WRL.

Hva mener dere om NFL 007 sine påstander??

Jeg blir jo helt forvirra

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 14:27 9763

Tror nok NFL 007 er mer forvirra enn deg. Bare å les og følg noen av linkene og jeg tror du innser at du har med en relativt ustabil person å gjøre.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 14:42 9745

Får ikke legge inn gammelt nick!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
04.12.2017 kl 14:45 9747

Fyren virker rimelig forstyrret.
Artumas var forgjengeren til WRL og de brukte mye penger, noe dagens WRL-aksjonærer nyter godt av. Fire av brønnene i Mnazi Bay ble boret for AGI-aksjonærenes penger og WRL har i dag et stort framførbart underskudd og store utestående beløp i "receivables" fra TPDC. Man kan hevde at AGI gjorde investeringene mens WRL høster fruktene. De største verdiene i AGI viste seg å være offshore Mozambique og ble solgt til Cove Energy for prisen av glansbilder.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.12.2017 kl 14:55 9640

Takk for svar kingen. Kjøper den. Følger med.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2017 kl 11:56 9326

Fremdrift i forhandlinger med IOC'ene (International Oil Company), som står sammen om å beskytte sine interesser. :

IOCs are making progress on host government agreement (HGA) negotiations for Tanzania's 10 mtpa LNG project, which could protect their investments from two new laws reasserting state control over the East African country's natural resources.

Shell, Statoil, ExxonMobil and Ophir Energy submitted the first draft of the HGA to the government for comment in April, and the government negotiating team has since sent back its response. "There's some gaps to close," said one source working closely on the project.closely on the project.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2017 kl 12:09 9311

NEARLY 70 per cent of Tanzanians are now said to have access to grid electricity, an increase of some 30 per cent within two-years.

This means at least 35 million Tanzanians have access to main grid electricity across the country, with the figure set to rapidly increase with ongoing rural electrification programmes – billed the highest electricity penetration in East Africa.

The Acting Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum Affairs, Engineer Innocent Luoga revealed here that people’s access to electricity jumped from 40 per cent in 2015 to slightly above 67.5 per cent in 2017 -- and climbing -- whereas grid power penetration ranges from 97.3 per cent in urban areas and 49.5 per cent in rural areas.

Tanzania is currently home to an estimated 50 million people, the largest of the six countries making up the East African Community. Commissioner Luoga was addressing the ‘International Conference on Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Future in a Changing Environment,’ WISE-Future for short, against the backdrop of ongoing concerns over effects of global warming and climate change.

“The government is committed to developing the energy sector. At present the grid installed capacity is 1263.60MW … the auxiliary contribution from natural gas is 615MW, hydropower (567.7MW), diesel (70.4MW) and biomass 10.5MW,” Engineer Luoga revealed, adding that off-grid installed capacity now stands at 82.4MW.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2017 kl 16:07 9165

Nok en kjøpsanbefaling på WRL. Wentworth Resources (OTCMKTS:WENTF) Upgraded to Buy at Zacks Investment Research .
Se https://stocknewstimes.com/2017/12/05/wentworth-resources-limited-wentf-stock-rating-upgraded-by-zacks-investment-research.html
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2017 kl 11:44 8861

Var det ikke 7 Desember det var planlagt å starte opp Kinyerezi 2 sin første turbin? Da vil vel WRL og co ha en leveranse på oppunder 80MMscf/d når første turbin er i gang.
Svært spennende nå fremover med Kinyerezi 2 i snart i gang økende med 1 turbin hver måned og Dangote som etter planen er i gang i Januar. For ikke snakke om hvis WRL skulle melde om farm-in på Tembo. Det ville vært en fantastisk julepresang, men kan skje anytime nå.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.12.2017 kl 20:51 8656

While maintenance of Songas plant is expected to be accomplished soon, the Kidatu plant will follow, the minister said. He said the situation will improve by this week, with 30 Megawatts which are expected from Kinyerezi 1 power plant.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2017 kl 11:52 8388

Finansiering for offshore LNG Mozambique på plass:

Eni announced on 6 December that it has closed the US$4.7 billion financing for its Coral South FLNG project in Mozambique.

The deal was split between seven banks. Coral South FLNG project was sanctioned by the Area 4 partners for the development of the considerable gas resources discovered by Eni and its partners in the Rovuma Basin offshore Mozambique.

It targets the production and monetization of the gas contained in the southern part of the Coral gas reservoir, by means of a FLNG plant with a capacity of 3.4 million tpy.

In October 2016, Eni and its Area 4 partners signed an agreement with BP for the sale of the entire volumes of LNG produced by the Coral South project for a period of over twenty years.

Eni is the operator of Area 4, holding a 50% indirect interest through its participation in Eni East Africa (EEA).

In March 2017, Eni and ExxonMobil signed a sale and purchase agreement to enable ExxonMobil to acquire a 25% interest in Area 4, through EEA.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2017 kl 12:26 8334

Wentworth begins new chapter of its story in London. Noen som har tilgang og kan gi en kort oppsummering om det står noe nytt av interesse?

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2017 kl 13:14 8282

Med 96 ord tviler jeg på at det står mer enn i bøtrsmeldingen.

Sementprodusenter sliter med lønnsomheten:
Twiga net profit dropped by half to 4.2bn/- last year compared to 8.2bn/- in 2015. But according to Mr Rutabingwa said Simba "had energy cost disadvantage” as it is transporting coal from over 1,200 kilometres from Ngaka coal mine (syd-vest) in Ruvuma Region to Tanga (nord-øst).
This came from a government ban on the use of imported coal by local cement makers.

Økende behov for energi:
According to him the construction sector has been affected by liquidity challenges among private developers while real estate firms seem to direct investment to manufacturing sector.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.12.2017 kl 17:39 7912

Mikkel, jag hittade denna informationen om KN1 i Aminex halvårsrapport per 30 Juni 2016. Intressant att notera hur raskt det kan bli problem med en brunn. Allt var frid och fröjd för drygt ett år sedan.
"The Kiliwani North-1 gas well (“KN-1”) commenced production, Aminex’s first production in
Tanzania, on 4 April 2016. Production rates for the period to 30 June 2016 were determined by the
plant operator and in line with normal requirements for testing and commissioning procedures. Since
early July, the well has been producing at commercial rates but still under commissioning conditions.
The well, which originally tested at 40 MMcfd, has been produced at rates in excess of 30 MMcfd for
short periods but mainly between 15 and 25 MMcfd with up to 150 barrels of condensate. Average
production during the third quarter to date has been in excess of 15 MMcfd, restricted by an extended
plant and pipeline commissioning phase and plant downtime. A previously planned full well test postcommissioning
is now considered unnecessary as the sustained period of production has provided
pressure data showing no significant pressure decline and the reservoir remains capable of production
rates up to 30 MMcfd. "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2017 kl 08:14 7780

M&P refinansierer for å ha mulighet til å posisjonere seg ytterligere i Afrika. http://www.maureletprom.fr/en/

Maurel & Prom successfully wraps up its refinancing
 Entire debt refinanced on favourable terms, strengthening the Group’s financial
 Support for Maurel & Prom’s growth strategy reaffirmed by majority shareholder,
Pertamina International EP (PIEP)
 Financial flexibility increased in anticipation of potential development in Africa and
Latin America

Michel Hochard, Maurel & Prom’s Chief Executive Officer, states: “The overall refinancing of the Group’s
debt is a major step in our development strategy. Now that our financial structure has been
strengthened, we can comfortably consider new investment and growth opportunities, both organically
and externally, in Africa as well as Latin America, regions in which the Group's historic foothold offers a
key advantage in terms of operating experience and risk management. We are also happy with the
refinancing terms, which illustrate that our strategy is on point and reflect our main shareholder’s
confidence in Maurel & Prom’s ability to establish itself over the long term as its global development
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2017 kl 16:52 7614

Har vært utrolig interessant å følge handelen i WRL minutt for minutt de siste to ukene.

Tror dere de siste to ukene av året vil bli like intense?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2017 kl 19:45 7511

Spiser du havrekjeks og drikker vann når du stirrer på grafen?
Mon tro om ikke neste års NRK satsning blir Wrl minutt for minutt, akkuratt sånn som de hadde Hurtigruten (HRG) minutt for minutt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:40 Du må logge inn for å svare