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OTS 18.06.2019 kl 16:16 2774

sakset fra deres hjemmeside:

Oceanteam Solutions secures new contract for supplying cable lay spread
Oceanteam Solutions secures new contract for supplying cable lay spread
Oceanteam Solutions is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract for supplying a client with a cable lay spread from May until mid-October 2019, with extension options. The scope includes the hire of one of Oceanteam’s 2000t and 4000t turntables, two 10t tensioners and technicians for operations and maintenance activities.
The cable lay spread will be used on-board of the clients’ dedicated cable lay vessel.

“It is the first offshore wind project we execute together with this client, and we look forward to a good partnership on this and future projects. We are pleased with the placed confidence in our equipment and dedicated offshore wind services” says Lars van ‘t Kruijs, General Manager of Oceanteam Solutions.

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Slettet bruker
18.06.2019 kl 16:28 2766

Kan jo bli en spennende opptur.....denne følges med argusøyne....
18.06.2019 kl 17:29 2716

Aksjen har gått fra godt over krona og ned til 35 øre på et år.

Kan det være muligheter for en opptur. De har jo arbeid, og trolig er det på bedre rater.
18.06.2019 kl 17:30 2714

Blir fart her nå,bør bli et godt år:)
18.06.2019 kl 17:46 2694

Vil nok vise seg litt i morgen. Det er rimelig mange aksjer til salgs så jeg i dag.
Samtidig er det ganske (les ualminnelig) store meninger om hvordan selskapet driftes.

I juli 2017 lå denne aksjen på kr 4.26, så potensialet burde være noen ører over kr 0,35

Ser man en "russer" med 1220 %? Kr 4,27???? (Ikke alvorlig ment, men potensialet bør være økende fra 0,35)
19.06.2019 kl 06:44 2579

I dag vil det være mulig å laste opp billige aksjer ;) Lykke til!
19.06.2019 kl 06:49 2570

Oceanteam Solutions has been awarded a contract by an undisclosed client for the supply of a cable lay spread.

The contract lasts until mid-October 2019, with extension options.

The scope includes the hire of one of Oceanteam’s 2000t and 4000t turntables, two 10t tensioners and technicians for operations and maintenance activities.

The cable lay spread will be used on-board of the clients’ dedicated cable lay vessel.

“It is the first offshore wind project we execute together with this client, and we look forward to a good partnership on this and future projects. We are pleased with the placed confidence in our equipment and dedicated offshore wind services,” says Lars van ‘t Kruijs, general manager of Oceanteam Solutions.
Slettet bruker
21.06.2019 kl 09:38 2420

Lurer på hvor mange obligasjonseiere det skal til for å løfte kursen. Nå er det de som sitter og styrer aksjekursen
Slettet bruker
23.06.2019 kl 01:59 2304

Dersom oljeprisen går som en kule og kontraktene renner inn kan "gjerdet" bli en lite hyggelig plass og være.....men sitter der fremdeles :)....de store styrer som alltid
23.06.2019 kl 07:46 2266

Selskapet vil nok utvikle seg videre hvis den får anledning til det.

OTS har vært under etterforskning siden flere måneder og dette kan ta slutt hvis myndigheten bestemmer seg for det.

I den siste GS; ble det vedtatt at ledere får lov til å søke om begjæring om å stanse gransking. (Minutes of meeting AGM Oceanteam ASA 23.05.19)

Både ledelse og aksjonær venter på svar. Dagen det kommer en glad melding om frikjennelse vil aksje få seg en mega-løft!

27.06.2019 kl 09:17 2070

Enda 1 kontrakt:
CSV Southern Ocean will support Fugro for a Deepwater ROV subsea installation project off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia. Mobilisation of CSV Southern Ocean will start early July 2019 in Singapore and the works are expected to be completed sometime in the third quarter of 2019. Bourbon - Oceanteam's CSV Southern Ocean has entered into a contract with Fugro and will undertake a program of Deepwater ROV subsea installation. Mathieu Feisthauer, Fleet and Chartering Manager of Oceanteam, says: "We are pleased to have secured this contract and are happy with the working relationship Oceanteam has with Fugro. Fugro, Oceanteam and the Southern Ocean have a long history together. Oceanteam views the re-chartering of the Southern Ocean by Fugro, as a vote of confidence in the capabilities of the vessel. Oceanteam is confident that the CSV Southern Ocean will manage to service the end-client to full satisfaction." CSV Southern Ocean is jointly owned by Bourbon and Oceanteam. About Oceanteam ASA The Company is comprised of two operating segments, Oceanteam Shipping and Oceanteam Solutions. Oceanteam Shipping owns, charters and manages deep-water construction support vessels. Oceanteam Solutions is a service provider to the offshore wind and oil and gas industry with the supply of rental equipment for the transportation, storage and handling of subsea cables. Oceanteam has been active in the industry as an offshore solutions provider for over twelve years. For more information on the Oceanteam Group of Companies please visit: www.oceanteam.no For further information please contact: Leidus Bosman CEO, Oceanteam ASA T +31 20 535 75 70 leidus@oceanteam.nl
27.06.2019 kl 10:38 2035

Å det blir ett godt år dette
28.06.2019 kl 09:08 1960

Det vil ikke overraske meg om OTS smeller raskt opp igjen mot 0.50?
OTS har gjort dette tidligere ved kontraktsmeldinger og det kan være rigget for en reprising av OTS i tiden som kommer?
28.06.2019 kl 13:46 1908

Ser dårlig ut. 2 kontrakter på en uke og ingenting skjer med prisen