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RECSI 11.11.2017 kl 11:07 183635

"Italia dropper kullkraft

Regjeringen i Italia vil slutte med kullkraft innen 2025 og i stedet satse hardere på fornybar energi.

Statsminister Paolo Gentiloni presenterte fredag en plan å investere 175 milliarder euro i infrastruktur, fornybar energi og energieffektivisering. Summen tilsvarer over 1.600 milliarder kroner.

Innen 2025 skal kull ikke lenger brukes til strømproduksjon i Italia. I dag utgjør kullkraft 15 prosent av strømproduksjonen, ifølge Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA). Mesteparten av strømforbruket dekkes med gasskraft og ulike typer fornybare energikilder.

Regjeringen understreker imidlertid at også regionale og lokale myndigheter må bidra hvis målet om å fase ut kullkraften skal nås.

Italias nye energistrategi innebærer også konkrete mål om kutt i klimautslippene. De skal reduseres med 39 prosent innen 2030, og med 63 prosent innen 2050.

Gentiloni la fram energiplanen i Roma samtidig som klimaforhandlere fra hele verden er samlet til en ny runde med klimaforhandlinger i Bonn i Tyskland."

Redigert 02.06.2021 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.08.2018 kl 11:34 6996

Grimme tall, men det blir alltid verre før det blir bedre:

Chinese solar companies start posting profit warnings and revenue declines


Several companies yet to publish first half year results included Shunfeng International Clean Energy (SFCE), Solargiga Energy and GCL-Poly Energy, which have issued profit warning statements for the reporting period.

SFCE said that it expected to make a loss of approximately RMB 1,154 million (US$ 169 million approx.) for the first half of 2018, as compared to a loss of approximately RMB 328 million (US$48 million approx.) in the prior year period.


Solargiga Energy Holdings an integrated monocrystalline PV manufacturer warned that it expected to make a loss of around RMB 103.816 million (US$15.1 million approx.) in the first half of 2018, after reporting preliminary revenue of RMB 1,805.5 million (US$270 million), a 9.3% decline from the prior year period.


Finally, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings, the largest multicrystalline wafer and major polysilicon producer warned that profits were expected to decrease by approximately 60% to 70%, compared with profits of approximately RMB 1,195.9 million in the prior year period.
The company noted that the steep decline, which had been ongoing was due to was primarily due to a decline in wafer ASP and an increase in finance costs and exchange losses.


Risen Energy reported an operating income of RMB 4,746 million (US$695.04 million approx.), a decrease of 17.85% over the prior year period. The net profit was approximately RMB 124.5 million (US$18.2 million approx.), a decrease of 53.42% over the prior year period.


At the other end of the scale (1.2GW of PV module capacity), PV module manufacturer Eging Photovoltaic Technology said in its first half year report that the 531 New Deal, ‘caused a lot of shock in the photovoltaic industry’, and had imposed ‘large operating pressures and the profitability situation is grim.’

During the reporting period, Eging PV said its component shipments were 687MW (including self-built 40.4MW power stations), a decreased of approximately 22.98% compared with the same period of last year.
Operating income was RMB 1,558 million (US$228.2 million approx.), a decrease of 34.87% over the same period of last year.


Bucking the trend?
In contrast to the above first half financial results and those preparing to release results, several ‘Silicon Module Super League’ (SMSL) members such as leader, JinkoSolar, Canadian Solar and GCL-SI have reported mixed results but JinkoSolar and GCL-SI have highlighted that international sales footprints have been a key factor in limiting the impact from policy changes in China.

Canadian Solar lowered its full-year shipment, sales and capacity expansion plans for 2018, citing a number of global market and policy changes impacting its business.

The SMSL noted that it had lowered full-year PV module shipments to 6GW to 6.2GW, compared to previous guidance of 6.6GW to 7.1GW.
Full-year revenue was lowered to US$4.0billion to US$4.2 billion, down from US$4.4 billion to US$4.6 billion, previously guided.

JinkoSolar recently reported higher than guided second quarter PV module shipments and reiterated total shipments guidance to be in the range of 11.5GW to 12GW in 2018.

Total revenue in the second quarter was US$915.9 million, an increase of 32.7% from the first quarter of 2018.

However, JinkoSolar reported a lower gross margin of 12.0%, compared with 14.4% in the first quarter of 2018. This was due to Average Selling Price (ASP) declines.

GCL System Integrated Technology (GCL-SI) reported a significant shift of its sales to outside China in the first half of 2018, accounting for 45.80% of total sales in the reporting period that also helped return the company to profitability.

GCL-SI reported first half 2018 operating income of approximately RMB 6.08 billion (US$893.8 million approx.), compared to around RMB 6.38 billion in the prior year period, a decline of only 4.71%.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.08.2018 kl 10:46 7039

130 MW solar project announced in Myanmar

Thailand-based Modern Energy Management (MEM) says it has teamed up with an undisclosed investor to develop a 130 MWp solar PV project in Myanmar. It is expected to come online in Q4 2019. Overall, the country is said to have a large-scale solar pipeline totaling 1.5 GW.

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28.08.2018 kl 22:15 7220

SEPA releases review of utility energy storage market, sees solar+storage emerging rapidly

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27.08.2018 kl 23:21 7407

It’s official – the short-term price of solar is lower than coal or gas in Europe.

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18.08.2018 kl 15:17 7676

Alle monner drar ;) BG


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18.08.2018 kl 13:26 7695

California lawmakers will soon decide on a bill that could either be a gift to the coal industry or a boon to solar power — depending on which environmental group you ask.

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17.08.2018 kl 10:08 7755

Hawaii vil være 100% fornybar innen 2045

"Hawaii utility leaders are confident they will reach their state government’s ambitious renewable energy goal, which is approaching in less than three decades.

“Lots of wind, lots of solar,” answered Connie Lau, the CEO of Hawaiian Electric Industries, when asked how her company will get to a 100 percent renewable portfolio standard by 2045. The leader of the state’s biggest electricity provider spoke to Cheddar, a financial news network, on Monday about how Hawaii plans to transition to renewable energy sources. “Right now we are at about 27 percent and our milestone under the Hawaii statute is 30 percent by 2020, and we are looking like we are going to make that.”"

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16.08.2018 kl 13:54 7795

Middle East and Africa Solar PV Regional Market Outlook 2018

Solar PV in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) will take off in 2019-2020, as big projects come online and Africa heats up. Demand is expected to grow 170% in 2018, led by Egypt, the UAE and Morocco. Post-2020, the region will mostly see slower, more measured growth to 2023 as tender schemes enter multiple rounds and industry learning and regulatory adaptation catch up.

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13.08.2018 kl 09:06 7991

What Changed In The Solar Industry In June & July?

- Latin America will be getting its first combined CSP–PV solar power plant. Naturally, it will be in hot solar market Chile.

- SunExchange & Powerhive partnered to bring solar power to 175,000 Kenyans.

- Japan’s TEPCO announced it is aiming to develop 6–7 GW of renewable power to move away from nuclear.

- Portugal will be getting 31 new solar power plants totaling 1 GW of capacity by 2021.

- India’s largest solar power tender to date, meanwhile, landed the lowest solar bids in the country to date. Acme Solar placed the lowest bid, Rs 2.44/kWh (3.55¢/kWh), and Azure Power secured a contract at Rs 2.53/kWh (3.69¢/kWh).

- A record-low US solar power price was also set, 2.155¢ per kWh (with an escalator) for a project in Nevada. That was right after a US record-low solar price bid in Arizona.

- Sydney, Australia, started its massive clean energy virtual power plant — 1,600 solar power installations coupled with 500 kWh of Tesla Powerpack battery installations.

- A solar power program for renters and landlords was also launched in Moreland, Australia.

- Small-scale solar is expected to grow strongly in the EU thanks to details in a new legally binding EU-wide target of 32% renewable energy by 2030.

- SunPower unleashed a new solar + storage offering.

- Sunrun expanded its solar as a service and energy storage offerings in Florida.

- Tesla laid off 9% of its staff, many of them in the solar & energy storage side of the business, including a dozen SolarCity facilities across 9 states.

- Genex Power secured financing for a 520 MW Australian solar PV & pumped-hydro project.

- Residential battery storage is surging in the US, especially in California and Hawaii.

- A Tesla Powerwall network in Vermont saved Green Mountain Power $500,000 during a recent heatwave.

- Irvine Ranch Water District estimated that a new Tesla Powerpack installation would save $500,000 per year.

- Tesla debuted its Grid Controller in Samoa as part of the effort there to bring the country to 100% renewables.

- Going much bigger, California utility PG&E proposed a massive 730 MWh, 567.5 MW battery storage project.

- SDG&E, another California utility, approved energy storage projects that double its utility-scale energy storage capacity.

- A new US DOE loan program provides $2 billion for renewable energy projects on tribals lands. Don’t get too confused, this was approved in the Obama years. However, the the surprising plus side, the funding was cleared in 2017.

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11.08.2018 kl 08:34 8174

US: EIA forecasts modest, uneven solar market growth in 2019

The organization’s short-term energy outlook forecasts that 10.3 GW-AC of solar will be installed in 2019, a 7% growth from 2018 – but for 60% of this solar to come online in December.

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10.08.2018 kl 23:36 8236

World Solar Capacity to Hit Major Milestone

Despite the fact that China’s recent policy changes weigh on short-term forecasts, global solar capacity is expected to reach the 1 terawatt threshold by 2023, the latest quarterly report by GTM Research shows. In early June, market researchers rushed to lower their solar capacity addition forecasts for this year after China surprised everyone by announcing that it would not issue approvals for any new solar power installations this year and would also cut the feed-in tariff subsidy that had been a major driver of the solar business in the country that accounts for as much as 50% of global capacity, Oil Price reported.

GTM Research reduced its China new solar capacity additions forecast by as much as 40 % to 28.8 GW. “When the industry talks about China, it’s always about how demand in the region exceeds expectations. That is not going to be the case anymore,” an analyst said.

The new Chinese policy will have “significant ramifications for the global PV market,” says GTM Research’s Solar Market Outlook Update for Q2 report, as carried by BusinessGreen.

China is now likely to install 141 GW of solar capacity between now and 2023, compared to previous estimates of 206 GW, according to the report.

“Annual installations of 20-25GW will be the new normal for China, rather than 30-40 GW,” it says. After 2019, however, global solar capacity additions will be around 120 GW each year, with total solar capacity expected to cross the 1 TW mark by 2023. Last week, Bloomberg New Energy Finance said its data indicated that there were 1,013 GW—crossing the 1-TW milestone—of combined wind and solar PV generating capacity installed worldwide as of June 30, 2018.

According to BNEF estimates, the second terawatt of wind and solar will arrive by the middle of 2023 and cost 46% less than the first.

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10.08.2018 kl 12:22 8361

Tariffs Not Hitting Solar Industry Jobs Yet

When a 30% tariff hit imported solar panels earlier this year, many expected solar prices to rise in the US, which could wilt demand enough to cause job losses. With Indeed data we find that although solar job postings initially declined around the time of the tariffs, they are back at their pre-tariff level. This is consistent with the overall labor market, which has yet to show evidence of any meaningful response to changes in trade policy.

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10.08.2018 kl 01:56 8530

Hong Kong kicks off solar FIT scheme

China’s autonomous province, Hong Kong has officially opened up its feed-in tariff (FIT) policy scheme for solar PV systems.

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10.08.2018 kl 01:55 8534

Fantastisk JBG!
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09.08.2018 kl 10:28 8633

Testkjører soldrevet bil som kan lade mens den kjører
Over 6500 har forhåndsbestilt bilen.
Dagens Næringsliv
Publisert: 09.08.2018 — 09:26 Oppdatert: 09.08.2018 — 09:46

Den varme og solrike sommeren i store deler av Europa har vært godt nytt for produksjon av solenergi. Storbritannia er et av landene der produksjonen av solenergi har slått alle tidligere rekorder.
Mye sol har også satt fart på testkjøringen av den delvis soldrevne elbilen Sion, skriver Reuters.
Sion har innebygget solcelleanlegg på tak, panser og begge bilens sider, slik at bilens batteri kan lades opp mens den kjører.
Bak Sion står den relativt nystartede tyske bilprodusenten Sono Motors, som blant annet hentet inn en million euro gjennom såkalt crowfunding i 2016.
Tre mil ekstra per dag om sommeren
Batteriet som er montert i testbilen skal rekke til å kjøre 250 kilometer før det må lades.
De total 330 små solcellene på bilen vil imidlertid ifølge selskapet øke kjørelengden med 30 kilometer per dag om sommeren. På vinteren vil den ekstra kjørelengden som solcellene gir falle til rundt fem kilometer per dag, skriver NBC4i.
Sono Motors forventer at produksjonen av Sion vil starte i siste halvdel av 2019, med en forventet startpris på 16.000 euro (i overkant av 150.000 kroner). I overkant av 6500 har allerede forhåndsbestilt den nye bilen.
Tyskland har fra tidligere et mål om at det skal rulle én million elbiler på tyske veier i 2020. Regjeringen er skeptisk til om målet vil nås, og planlegger ifølge Reuters nå økonomiske støtteordninger til bilprodusenter som lager elbiler, deriblant Sono Motors.(Vilkår)

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.08.2018 kl 10:07 8661

Hysj....Nå må du ikke komme med noe som kan være positivt .. Her er det det kun EDER & GALLE som gjelder!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.08.2018 kl 09:36 8717

En nyhet som er forbigått i stillhet: REC Silicons største PV-polykunde doblet salget i juli. Samtidig opplevde de at waferprisene stabiliserte seg og etterspørselen økte. Samtidig framskyndet de nye lovende waferprodukter og etablering av skjæring av tynnere wafere.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.08.2018 kl 16:21 8844

Daqo’s solar wafer sales set to sink 70% in Q3 as China caps bite

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07.08.2018 kl 21:52 9064

Power Worth Less Than Zero Spreads as Green Energy Floods the Grid

Wind and solar farms are glutting networks more frequently, prompting a market signal for coal plants to shut off

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07.08.2018 kl 21:50 9058

How Google cleared a path for companies to buy clean power

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07.08.2018 kl 18:52 9162

Med andre ord er potensialet i India enda større enn antatt, når halvgamle anlegg skal fornyes.
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07.08.2018 kl 18:37 9180

India’s booming solar sector has one major flaw: poor quality

In recent years, India has been adding thousands of megawatts of solar power capacity which has led to record-low tariffs. So much so that solar power now costs even lesser than thermal in the country.

But this boom is riding on an uncomfortable truth: poor quality.

The solar modules or panels that form the industry’s backbone are sub-par and the many plants mushrooming across India are flawed in their construction, besides being poorly maintained, according to a study by PI Berlin, a German technical advisory firm.

PI Berlin analysed six projects in collaboration with the ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) and two state-run organisations, the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) and the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI). These plants were chosen based on India-specific environmental factors: various climates, modules and mounting structures, and state-wise solar capacity.

“The Indian market is one of the most profitable yet risky for project developers and investors in photovoltaics (PV or silicon-based solar panels). While large-scale projects of over 100 megawatts (MW) are now common, the investment risks caused by the climate, poor installation, and lack of proper maintenance is on the rise,” PI Berlin said in a statement.


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07.08.2018 kl 07:44 9318

Fitch revises up outlook for French solar market

The U.S. rating agency expects France will reach a cumulative capacity of 28 GW by 2027, 3 GW more than previously forecast. The reasons for the increase are the renewed efforts of the French government to push for more solar, and the solar plans of big energy players such as EDF and Total.

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03.08.2018 kl 10:46 9659

Polysilprisen i Kina og utenfor har gått inn i tilsynelatende stabilt sideleie.

"This week, the overhaul of China’s domestic polysilicon manufacturers continued according to plan, and the polysilicon market hasn’t changed too much. Although last week mono-si wafer price dropped, multi-si wafer had sufficient demand support, making the price become flat. However, the current market conditions also prevent it from rising. So far, China’s domestic multi-si material price has reached RMB 80-90/KG, and mono-si material price has maintained the level of RMB 95-105/KG. Overseas multi-si material price hasn’t changed much."


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
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03.08.2018 kl 10:22 9649

Dubai’s 700MW solar park has a planned capacity of 5,000 MW by 2030

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03.08.2018 kl 07:55 9795

Is Wacker dreaming of a white Christmas amidst a polysilicon heat wave?

Chemicals firm Wacker Chemie has painted a rosier picture of polysilicon supply and demand in 2018 than most when reporting a small second quarter decline in polysilicon revenue.

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03.08.2018 kl 07:43 9806

China installed 24.3GW of solar power in the first half of 2018

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02.08.2018 kl 11:24 9955

China's Solar Industry Will Lose 2.5 Million Job Opportunities Due to Trade War and 531 New Policy.

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02.08.2018 kl 11:00 9995

"manufacturers continued to ramp up production in the first half of 2018, even though total installed generation capacity remained unchanged compared to the same period of last year"
- De har tydeligvis ikke lært NOE av lignende historie i polysegmentet for noen år siden. Og nå sitter de (og REC) i deep shit.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
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02.08.2018 kl 10:37 10074

China solar manufacturers raise first-half output despite capacity cap: association

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China’s solar power component manufacturers raised output in the first six months of the year despite dwindling market opportunities caused by a government decision to curb new capacity, an industry association said on Thursday.

But the state planning agency said in June that it would cut subsidies for new projects and cap capacity additions at 30 gigawatts (GW) for this year, down from a record 53 GW in 2017, as it tried to “optimize” the pace of construction amid overcapacity fears.

Despite the policy adjustments, manufacturers continued to ramp up production in the first half of 2018, even though total installed generation capacity remained unchanged compared to the same period of last year, China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) Vice-Chairman Wang Bohua said.


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01.08.2018 kl 19:10 10301

Solar power production reaches new high in Germany in July

With over 6.17 TWh, solar power generation surpassed its previous record of 5.93 TWh, set just two months earlier.

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31.07.2018 kl 21:54 10459

Govt ignores court stay, slaps 25% duty on solar imports

NEW DELHI: The finance ministry has notified imposition of a 25% safeguard duty on imported solar modules and cells, ignoring last week’s Odisha High Court order staying any such move till August 20.

The safeguard duty, ostensibly to protect domestic industry against cheap supplies from Chinese-owned units in the mainland and Malaysia, will deepen the uncertainty in India’s solar industry and raise tariffs for projects in the pipeline.

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31.07.2018 kl 09:12 10689

@ Inord

Kina har lenge vært i stand til å produsere nok wafere. Nettopp det er problemet til REC Silicon. Det aller meste av avsetninga for polysilisium er nettopp i Kina for der er størstedelen av waferproduksjonen. Tilsynelatende er det "ingen" som kan konkurrere med de store waferprodusentene i Kina som har over noen år nå bygget opp kjempemessig kapasitet. Dette gjør det vanskelig for f eks små taiwanske produsenter å konkurrere med dem. Mener dette er blant de aller største problemene med PV-industrien i dag.
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31.07.2018 kl 07:58 10849

I hvert fall et insentiv for Kina til å ettergi straffetollen på amerikansk polysi, for å få tilgang på det amerikanske solcellemarkedet igjen.
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31.07.2018 kl 07:55 11085

China’s Solar Industry in Deep Trouble Following US Tariffs, With Predicted Billions in Losses

The solar-panel industry in China is facing operational difficulties because of anti-dumping tariffs of as much as 50 percent imposed by the United States.

Japanese newspaper Nikkei Shimbun reported on July 26 that the solar-panel industry centered in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province—also known as the “Eastern Silicon Valley”—has been severely affected since the United States imposed the tariffs in January, especially in combination with Beijing reducing government subsidies, and falling electricity prices.

Domestic factories’ operating rates have dropped sharply, while some factories have closed, employees have been laid off, and salaries have been reduced, according to the Nikkei Shimbun. Former employees of solar-panel factories told the newspaper that workers’ wages dropped in June to about 2,000 yuan (about $290)—about half of last year’s typical monthly salary.

In early July, 800 former employees of GCL-Poly, a solar-product manufacturer based in Changzhou, staged a protest. Some employees were let go beginning in June, while others left the firm after the company requested they take pay cuts, according to local media reports.

China surpassed Germany in 2015 as the country with the most installed solar capacity. In 2017, China’s photovoltaic market topped the 100-gigawatt milestone—enough energy to power 70 million homes.

And in 2017 alone, the country’s solar output increased by 40 percent, reaching 75 billion watts. That amount is three times as much as five years ago.

China’s solar-panel products occupy 70 percent of the global market, a result of years of dumping government-subsidized panels in other countries’ markets.

In June, Chinese-imported solar cells and modules were the target of the United States’ 25 percent tariffs, part of the $50 billion worth of Chinese products to be targeted, amid the trade war between China and the United States.

In addition to such tariffs, China’s National Energy Administration at the end of May announced reforms to pricing structures, including lowering the price of renewable energy by an average of 10 percent. Then, Beijing cut subsidies for solar-panel manufacturers in June.

China is attempting to cool an oversaturated solar industry that is already supplying more than the demand, and likely announced those changes to curb unsustainable growth.

State funds for subsidizing domestic renewable energy companies were also running low, resulting in a deficit of 12.7 billion yuan (about $16.6 billion) as of the end of 2017, according to data from the National Energy Administration.

In addition, several Chinese media have cited recent comments by Wang Sicheng, a researcher at the National Development and Reform Commission, a state agency in charge of monitoring and planning the Chinese economy. He said China’s solar industry is expected to lose 1 trillion yuan ($146.8 billion) and 2.5 million jobs as a result of the latest decline.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.07.2018 kl 00:38 11213

Det verste som kan skje nå , er at Kina produserer nok wafere selv.
Da trenger de bare å kjøpe polysilikon fra utlandet, som Rec ikke kan levere pga. tollen.
Ifølge den kinesiske nyhetssiden, så kan kineserne allerede klare å produsere nok wafere.
Ihvertfall mer enn forbruket i første halvdel av 2018..
Men hvor fikk de polysilikon fra, til å produsere tilsvarende 50GW i wafere?
Det blir 250.000 tonn i løpet av et halvt år.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.07.2018 kl 23:19 11251

Government imposes safeguard duty on solar cells import for 2 years

Bengaluru: The Ministry of Finance has notified the Directorate General of Trade Remedies decision to impose safeguard duty on solar panels imported from China and Malaysia, which is certain to raise tariffs of future solar projects. More than 90% of solar panels and modules used in Indian solar projects come from these two countries.
The DGTR had recommended the imposition of 25% safeguard duty on solar panels from these two countries about a fortnight ago for one year, followed by 20% for the next six months and 15% for another six. It did so on the grounds that such imports were causing “serious injury” to domestic solar manufacturers. The duty comes into effect from July 30.
The DGTR had responded to a complaint from the Indian Solar Manufacturers Association (ISMA) last December by conducting its own investigation. The probe concluded that indigenously made solar cells and panels, which constituted just 10% of Indian solar projects in 2014-15, had fallen even further in subsequent years. Solar developers preferred Chinese and Malaysian solar equipment, as it was cheaper than that manufactured in India.

Solar developers had been opposing strongly on the grounds that it would raise tariffs, as they would have no option but to pass on the extra charge to discoms and ultimately consumers. This in turn might slow down India's ambitious solar programme which aims to have 100,000 MW of solar capacity by 2022. They noted that local manufacturers do not have sufficient capacity to meet their needs.
Solar tariffs are currently at around Rs 2.75 per unit, on par with that of thermal power, but safeguard duty is expected to raise it by at least 50 paise, according to developers.

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30.07.2018 kl 18:29 11380

Thin-film solar: Stuck in second place, even with c-Si tariffs

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30.07.2018 kl 18:26 11385

The world's largest solar farm rises in the remote Egyptian desert

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