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RECSI 11.11.2017 kl 11:07 183633

"Italia dropper kullkraft

Regjeringen i Italia vil slutte med kullkraft innen 2025 og i stedet satse hardere på fornybar energi.

Statsminister Paolo Gentiloni presenterte fredag en plan å investere 175 milliarder euro i infrastruktur, fornybar energi og energieffektivisering. Summen tilsvarer over 1.600 milliarder kroner.

Innen 2025 skal kull ikke lenger brukes til strømproduksjon i Italia. I dag utgjør kullkraft 15 prosent av strømproduksjonen, ifølge Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA). Mesteparten av strømforbruket dekkes med gasskraft og ulike typer fornybare energikilder.

Regjeringen understreker imidlertid at også regionale og lokale myndigheter må bidra hvis målet om å fase ut kullkraften skal nås.

Italias nye energistrategi innebærer også konkrete mål om kutt i klimautslippene. De skal reduseres med 39 prosent innen 2030, og med 63 prosent innen 2050.

Gentiloni la fram energiplanen i Roma samtidig som klimaforhandlere fra hele verden er samlet til en ny runde med klimaforhandlinger i Bonn i Tyskland."

Redigert 02.06.2021 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.03.2019 kl 09:15 6481

Flott at noen satser med etablering utenfor Kina. Men synd at REC Silicon ikke kan levere ren nok poly fra ML til slike prosjekter.

Det som kanksje kan være aktuelt er at de leverer silangass til HJT-cellene.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.03.2019 kl 20:30 6644

EkoRE building world’s first ever vertically integrated heterojunction module factory in Turkey

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09.03.2019 kl 14:53 6962

Tiny Microrobot Created Using Silicon Wafers Could Aid in Drug Delivery

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08.03.2019 kl 06:37 7144

Dette er jo lovende hvis straffetollen fjernes:

China’s plans to loosen its solar subsidy policy will keep growth of the world’s largest market intact, according to the head of JinkoSolar Holding Co., which is increasing production capacity by as much as 20 percent this year.

“The changes would reflect a maturing of China’s solar policy as regulators take more factors into consideration,” Chen said Wednesday on the sidelines of the nation’s annual parliamentary meeting. “It will help to stabilize the industry and market development.”

With the new plan, China Photovoltaic Industry Association said installations could climb in 2019 from 44 gigawatts last year. Citigroup Inc. forecast capacity additions of 42 gigawatts, with a potential for a rise to 50 gigawatts.

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27.02.2019 kl 11:39 7242

Tokyo Electron Sees Potential Mid-Year Chip Rebound

By Pavel Alpeyev and Yuki Furukawa

27. februar 2019, 03:49 CET Corrected 27. februar 2019, 07:59 CET

Tokyo Electron Ltd., one of the world’s biggest makers of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, says it will take as long as another three months until it’s clear whether there will be a rebound in demand damped by U.S.-China trade tensions.

The pace of slowing demand from customers, which include all of the world’s major chipmakers, is moderating as they work through inventories, a process that could continue through the second half of 2019 and into the start of next year, Chief Executive Officer Toshiki Kawai said in an interview. The market for wafer processing equipment may shrink by about 15 to 20 percent this year, in part due to the trade war between the world’s two largest economies, Kawai said.

In October, Tokyo Electron slashed its full-year operating income target by 16 percent and cut revenue outlook 8.6 percent. The company last month forecast that capital investment for memory chips will slump about 30 percent this year, and for flash memory be half of what it was in 2018. Still, the Tokyo-based manufacturer has stuck to its forecast for profit and revenue growth over the next three years, citing a boost in chip demand from high-speed servers, the global roll out of 5G wireless technology and increasing use of smart devices for data collection.

“There is no way to avoid a short-term slide in plans due to the trade spat. China is the biggest consumer of semiconductors,” Kawai said. “But that doesn’t change our longer-term view. There will be growth in applications that call for chips offering speed, reliability, higher-capacity and lower power consumption.”

Tokyo Electron is forecasting sales will range from 1.5 trillion yen ($14 billion) to 1.7 trillion yen in the year ending March 2021, as much as a 50 percent gain from fiscal 2018. Profit might climb as much as 69 percent to 476 billion yen, it predicts. Revenue from flat-panel manufacturing equipment will probably decline after this year because of a smartphone industry slowdown.

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20.02.2019 kl 09:27 5444

China to engineer a gigawatt-scale PV plant – in space

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16.02.2019 kl 10:43 5802

Solar energy sector lost 8,000 jobs in US last year, but future looks bright – report

Despite second consecutive year of declines, report concludes the long-term outlook for solar energy production is positive

The solar energy sector lost 8,000 jobs in the US last year, the second consecutive year of declines, hit by uncertainty over the Trump administration’s energy and trade policies and a 30% tariff on imported solar panels, according to a report released on Tuesday.

But according to the Solar Foundation the future is still bright for solar. Despite the two-year dip, solar employment has grown 159%, from just over 93,000 to more than 242,000 jobs in all 50 states over the past nine years and the report concludes the long-term outlook for solar energy production is positive.

Solar, which currently represents about 2.4% of overall US electricity generation, already employs twice as many workers as the coal industry and almost five times as many workers as the nuclear industry.

States hit hardest by the slowdown were some of those with well-established solar industries, including California, with almost 10,000 job losses, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Arizona, while 29 states – many with less established solar penetration, including Florida, Texas and Illinois – continued to see job growth.


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14.02.2019 kl 19:21 5966

Tyskland bygger 175 MW solkraftverk uten subsidier

Subsidier for solenergi kan bli faset ut allerede i 2021

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13.02.2019 kl 12:28 6125

Germany Returns to Policy Favoring Gigawatt-scale Solar Parks

Since calling for tenders for the construction of photovoltaic power plants with an additional output of around 4 gigawatts by 2021, Germany has been moving ever more into the spotlight of major international solar project planners. The German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) – a major contributor to the drafting of the special invitations to tender – predicts deals totaling between 3.5 and 4.5 billion euros.

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12.02.2019 kl 21:53 6297

200mm Fabs to Add 700,000 Wafers Through 2022, SEMI Reports

MILPITAS, Calif. – February 12, 2019 – Robust demand for more content for mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), automotive and industrial applications will drive production of 700,000 200mm wafers from 2019 to 2022, a 14 percent increase, reports SEMI, the global industry association serving the electronics manufacturing supply chain, in its latest Global 200mm Fab Outlook. The increase brings total 200mm wafer fab capacity to 6.5 million wafers per month as many devices have found their sweet spot with 200mm wafer fabrication.

Strong 200mm wafer growth mirrors sound capacity demand seen across various industry segments. From 2019 to 2022, for example, wafer shipments for MEMS and sensors devices are expected to increase 25 percent while shipments for power devices and foundries are forecast to jump 23 percent and 18 percent, respectively, the SEMI Global 200mm Fab Outlook shows. The increases in 200mm fab count and installed capacity reflect continuing 200mm industry strength as it continues to add capacity and even open new fabs.

The SEMI Global 200mm Fab Outlook report has added seven new facilities, with 160 updates to 109 fabs, since its most recent publication in July 2018. A total of 16 new facilities or lines, 14 of them volume fabs, are expected to begin operation between 2019 and 2022. The report takes into account both equipment transferred from one fab to another and equipment revitalized after being held in storage, such as for SK Hynix and Samsung.

Across the industry, recent sudden changes in investment plans for leading-edge devices such as memory have triggered a projected double-digit decline in spending in 2019. However, with demand for mature devices using wafers 200mm and smaller stable or evening growing, it would be no surprise to see plans emerge for even more 200mm capacity and new fabs to meet growing demand.

Association Contact

Michael Hall/SEMI

Phone: 1.408.943.7988

Email: mhall@semi.org
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09.02.2019 kl 21:02 6536

What Changed In The Solar Industry In December?

The solar energy industry keeps on plowing forward (or shining forward?), even in the winter. Below were notable developments in the industry last month — not just big project news, but industry-changing news. Enjoy!

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30.01.2019 kl 19:44 6787

Nyhet på mail fra semi.org, om semi grade silicon:

«Annual Silicon Shipments Hit Record High, Market Exceeds $10 Billion for First Time Since 2008

Revenues Improve but Remain Below 2007 Peak

MILPITAS, Calif. – January 30, 2019 – Worldwide silicon wafer area shipments in 2018 increased 8 percent year-over-year to a record high, while 2018 worldwide silicon revenue jumped 31 percent during the same period, topping the $10 billion mark for the first time since 2008, reported the SEMI Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG) in its year-end analysis of the silicon wafer industry.

Silicon wafer area shipments in 2018 totaled 12,732 million square inches (MSI), up from the previous market high of 11,810 million square inches shipped during 2017. Revenues totaled $11.38 billion, compared to the $8.71 billion posted in 2017.
"For the fifth year in a row, annual semiconductor silicon volume shipments reached record levels,” said Neil Weaver, chairman of SEMI SMG, and Director, Product Development and Applications Engineering, at Shin-Etsu Handotai America. "Despite strong demand and the impressive gain in revenues last year, the market still remains below the market high set in 2007."

All data cited in this release includes polished silicon wafers, such as virgin test wafers and epitaxial silicon wafers, as well as non-polished silicon wafers shipped to end users.

Silicon wafers are the fundamental building material for semiconductors, which, in turn, are vital components of virtually all electronics goods, including computers, telecommunications products, and consumer electronics. The highly engineered thin, round disks are produced in various diameters – from one inch to 12 inches – and serve as the substrate material on which most semiconductor devices, or chips, are fabricated.

The Silicon Manufacturing Group (SMG) is a sub-committee of the SEMI Electronic Materials Group (EMG) and is open to SEMI members involved in manufacturing polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon or silicon wafers (e.g., as cut, polished, epi, etc.). The purpose of the group is to facilitate collective efforts on issues related to the silicon industry including the development of market information and statistics about the silicon industry and the semiconductor market.»

Association Contact

Michael Hall/SEMI

Phone: 1.408.943.7988

Email: mhall@semi.org
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29.01.2019 kl 14:53 6917

Klart det vil. Men det hadde smakt med noen flere håndfaste kunder.
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29.01.2019 kl 14:52 6923

Uansett om noe kommer til å komme fra REC eller ikke vil det ha en global etterspørselseffekt i markedet.
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29.01.2019 kl 14:46 6904

Denne tipper jeg enkelte har ventet på. Hvorvidt noe av polysilisiumet vil komme fra REC, aner jeg selvsagt ikke.

Saudi Arabia launches new $1.5bn phase of solar energy plan

Expressions of interest are being sought for seven solar projects to be built across Gulf kingdom

The Renewable Energy Project Development Office of Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources (MEIM) has launched the next phase of the kingdom's renewable energy plans.

Expressions of interest are being sought for seven solar projects during the launch of the National Industrial Development and Industrials Program .

The announcement represents the next phase in Saudi Arabia's ambitious renewable energy plans, which seek to achieve over 25GW of wind and solar power generation in the next five years, and close to 60GW over the next decade, of which 40GW will be generated from solar energy, with a further 16GW of onshore wind.

With a combined generation capacity of 1.51 GW, the newly announced seven projects will supply enough energy to power 226,500 households, a statement said, adding that the total investment is expected to be worth $1.51 billion, creating over 4,500 jobs during construction, operations and maintenance.

The projects include Qurrayat (200 MW), Madinah (50 MW), Rafha (45 MW), Alfaisaliah (600 MW), Rabigh (300 MW), Jeddah (300 MW) and Mahad Duhab (20 MW).

The projects come as the kingdom aims to create over the next decade a global hub of renewable energy capability upwards of 200 GW, spanning the entire value chain from local manufacturing to project development, domestically and abroad.

Earlier this month, the Renewable Energy Project Development Office awarded its Dumat Al Jandal wind project to a consortium led by EDF Energies Nouvelles and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar).

The $500 million project will be Saudi Arabia’s first utility-scale wind farm, and is the second tender to be issued as part of the National Renewable Energy Program under the auspices of the King Salman Renewable Energy Initiative.

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26.01.2019 kl 16:08 7289

Solar Power in India: 2018 in Review & What 2019 Has in Store

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25.01.2019 kl 09:19 7374

Relevant for Butte:

E-post 25.01.19 fra SEMI.org

North American Semiconductor Equipment Industry Posts December 2018 Billings

MILPITAS, Calif. – January 24, 2019 – North America-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted $2.11 billion in billings worldwide in December 2018 (three-month average basis), according to the December Equipment Market Data Subscription (EMDS) Billings Report published today by SEMI. The billings figure is 8.5 percent higher than the final November 2018 level of $1.94 billion, and is 12.1 percent lower than the December 2017 billings level of $2.40 billion.

“December billings of North American equipment manufacturers ended 2018 on a positive note,” said Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of SEMI. "Spending for logic and foundry offset the decline in memory investments for the month.”

Association Contact
Michael Hall/SEMI
Phone: 1.408.943.7988
Email: mhall@semi.org
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22.01.2019 kl 09:08 7553

India is expected to add 10GW of solar capacity in 2019 which should help boost India's overall renewable energy share cross 10per cent by 2020

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20.01.2019 kl 20:12 7715


«The semiconductor industry continues to post some gains as the market experiences boom. Preliminary results released by Gartner show that worldwide semiconductor revenues totalled US$476.7 billion in 2018 which is 13.4% higher than the revenue in 2017. The Memory chips solidified its ranking as the largest semiconductor category as it reportedly accounted for 34.8% of total semiconductor revenues, an increase of 31% from 2017’s revenue.»


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19.01.2019 kl 23:39 7946

Mono PERC cell production to lead solar industry in 2019

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16.01.2019 kl 07:28 8090

Australia could hit 100% renewables sooner than most people think

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11.01.2019 kl 02:02 8530

China unveils an ambitious new push on grid parity solar

Beijing has outlined a series of policies mandating local and provincial authorities, state-owned banks and grid operators to pull out the stops to drive the rapid escalation of subsidy-free PV projects. The announcement has seen Chinese solar stocks on the rise.


In a policy announcement hailed by some industry watchers in China as the biggest news since the “31/5” curtailment of PV subsidy payments, Beijing yesterday outlined its plan to turbocharge the development of subsidy-free projects in the world’s biggest solar market.

The policy announcement, revealed by theNational Development and Reform Commission and National Energy Agencyyesterday – and further explained by the latter organization today – saw Chinese solar shares and wider stock markets rise.

Beijing said there will be no quotas for solar projects developed without central government subsidies for the next two years, however, there will still be limits on project development to some extent, for instance no new PV will be permitted in the autonomous region of Xinjiang or in the province of Gansu because of well-publicized curtailment problems there. Similarly, the central government will impose some control on new solar capacity across a further 12 provinces and parts of seven others.

The new policy has, however, removed any limits on non central-subsidized PV projects across 12 provinces and parts of three others. Policymakers also announced local authorities will be permitted to offer subsidies without endangering the ‘grid parity’ special status of such schemes.

All central-government-subsidy free projects upon which construction has started by the end of next year will be eligible for the new regime and the Chinese government says planned projects need only secure development permission from provincial authorities with reference to irradiation levels, power consumption requirements, grid connections and other ‘local factors’.

Projects to be compensated for curtailment

The central authorities gave a show of intent to reinforce China’s commitment to solar by outlining a range of requirements to enable the extensive deployment of grid parity projects.

Policymakers have insisted local authorities minimize non-technical development costs including land fees, taxes and other charges and ensure there are no ‘binding conditions’ which could hinder projects.

Beijing says it will establish a market inGreen Power Certificates which will be made available to grid-parity projects as an additional source of income for developers.

Provincial energy management companies have been told they must provide sufficient grid connections for all grid-parity projects, and stipulated any curtailment losses by such PV schemes will be passed on to the national power market, ensuring developers will not be out of pocket for any electricity generated which does not reach end-users.

State-owned banks must finance projects

The direct supply of energy to nearby consumers is to be incentivized with lower costs, says Beijing, and local power companies will be ‘encouraged’ to sign PPAs of at least 20 years’ duration, even when transmission takes place between provinces.

A final demand which is sure to further raise the hackles of vocal opponents of Chinese central economic planning such as U.S. president Donald Trump, demands the Chinese Development Bank, four other state-owned lenders and ‘other financial institutions’ provide financing for grid-parity projects.

The central government policy included a caveat that the grid-parity regime may be tweaked in 2021 but the new system nevertheless saw Chinese solar stock valuations leap today and already appears to have reinvigorated the nation’s PV players.

This article was amended on 10/01/19 to reflect that there will be some limitations on grid-parity solar projects under the new system.

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11.01.2019 kl 01:58 8506

China reveals new subsidy-free solar and wind policy

By John Parnell Jan 10, 2019

Credit: Panda Green Energy.

China’s top planning organisation has revealed new solar and wind policies for subsidy-free projects.

Feed-in tariff (FiT) support was cut in May 2018 but under new plans, all relevant bodies will be asked to clear obstacles for those projects that can undercut coal (coal-fired benchmark on-grid price).

A 12-point plan has been revealed by China's National Development and Reform Commission.

Local governments will be allowed to subsidise projects if they choose but the policy states that those subsidies cannot be used to prop up local manufacturers. Support cannot be offered with local content requirements either. This tallies with previous indications that struggling solar manufacturers should not be offered artificial support.

The plans also include the use of Green Certificates, linked to renewable power generation that can then be traded. China carried out a trial of the scheme in 2017.

In addition, strenuous efforts to reinforce grid infrastructure will be made to reduce curtailment. Projects that cannot show that the power can be efficiently distributed will not be approved.

Provinces will also be encouraged to trade more power across their respective boundaries.

Tighter requirements on project design and siting are also introduced. Projects will be encouraged on unused state-owned land.

The policy stands until the end of 2020.

Snap Analysis - Finlay Colville, Head of Market Research, Solar Media

On the surface, the shift away from FiTs to a certificate-based incentive scheme is a relatively minor administrative change. However, the more key issue is that central government has given the green light to solar being a technology that will still be supported, at a time when many markets elsewhere in the world are moving to a post-subsidy based environment. Aside from the known need for increased renewables within the energy capacity being added in China today, China still needs to prop up its expansive upstream manufacturing segment, or else risk hundreds of factories being mothballed overnight.

The transfer of control in part to local governments is further great news for local manufacturers, given the hunger for local success stories. It has been no secret in recent years that local involvement in new capex for additional capacity has been a key factor behind the continued growth of upstream capacity, and it is almost impossible to imagine that local governments will not use the current proposal as a means to continue these tactics.

Basically though, it is all about factories running, and using solar as a high-tech segment that the country can use within its current mandate to illustrate technology-leadership to the outside world. If this results also in a handful of module suppliers being global market leaders, this is a rather nice knock-on effect that any other country in the world would be very happy with

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10.01.2019 kl 12:15 8637

Indian renewable energy deployment to grow sharply this year after ‘forgettable’ 2018

By Tom Kenning
Jan 09, 2019

India’s renewable energy deployment is expected grow by 50% year-on-year in 2019 with a total of 15,860MW of installations, according to a report by consultancy firm Bridge to India.

The ‘India RE 2019 Outlook report’ described 2018 as a “forgettable year” for the Indian renewables sector, lifted only by a surge in auctions with more than 20GW of capacity awarded, however, there were also several major tender cancellations in the year.

Utility-scale PV deployment is set to hit 10,902MW in 2019, surpassing 10GW in a single year for the first time, and well up from 6,833MW in 2018.

Meanwhile, rooftop solar will grow robustly by nearly 50% to 2,368MW, up from 1,588MW in 2018. Open Access solar, on the other hand, will drop by 63%.

About 290MW of off-grid capacity - mainly solar pump installations - is also expected to be added in 2019.

For the less established technologies, floating PV is expected to see auctions of up to 5GW issued and developers are expected to start adopting monocrystalline modules and microinverters in greater numbers. Meanwhile, energy storage will be supported by the expected announcement of the National Storage Mission and more solar-plus-storage tenders.

Bridge to India also expects module prices to fall further to an average US$0.19/W, down 26% over mid-2018 prices.

The consultancy expects no significant uplift in the domestic PV manufacturing sector, with total module manufacturing volume to remain at about 3GW.

Wind is expected to increase to 2.3GW, up 18% over 2018, with land and transmission bottlenecks the main drawbacks.

The report described most of the problems of 2018 as self-inflicted, with the GST tax, safeguard duty and BIS standards causing major frustration.

The forthcoming general elections this year will be the most important event for the sector in 2019, and as a result, little progress on the policy front is expected and Bridge to India fears that Indian renewables are “getting stuck in the slow lane” with decisive policy action needed to alleviate this. It also said that India's plans to tender 60GW of solar and 20GW of wind by March 2020 were implausible.

Vinay Rustagi, managing director of Bridge to India, added: “2019 would bring some much-needed respite after the slowdown last year. Capacity addition is expected to jump sharply but this is more due to volatility in tender issuance time-table rather than a sustainable surge. Overall, the sector is bound to continue its struggles with GST, safeguard duty, funding availability and transmission connectivity. Crucially, in an election year, politics is likely to dominate over reforms and swift resolution of sector problems is unlikely. On the plus side, we don’t expect any retreat in push for RE irrespective of who comes to power.”

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06.01.2019 kl 21:17 8859

Spain is not only becoming the most attractive European PV market, it is also set to return to its former glory as the largest in 2019 as the result of auctions, increased activity in the PPA segment, and more distributed generation. According to forecasts given to pv magazine by the European solar association SolarPower Europe, in 2018 alone newly installed PV capacity in the country will reach around 714 MW, while in 2019 solar growth may bring numbers not seen in Europe for several years.

Great expectations

SolarPower Europe has formulated three scenarios for the growth of Spanish PV in the next year: a low scenario predicting 1,731 MW of new additions, a mid scenario providing 3,266 MW, and a high scenario with a remarkable 9,798 MW. In the V Solar Forum, “PV leading the energy transition,” held by Spanish PV association UNEF in Madrid this November 6 and 7, with absolute conviction, Raffaele Fait, representing SolarPower Europe said that “with 4, 5, or 6 GW, Spain will be the leading European market in 2019.”

That a minimum of approximately 4 GW of new PV will be grid-connected in Spain next year should be ensured by the deadline of the renewable energy auction held in July 2017, in which around 3.9 GW of PV capacity was assigned. These projects, in fact, must start delivering power to the Spanish grid by the end of 2019. And their construction has already begun across several sites, while the size of developers such as ACS Group, Forestalia, Endesa, and Naturgy, among others, leaves no doubt about the financial close for most of the projects.

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03.01.2019 kl 15:26 9111

14 PV trends for 2019

Crystal-ball gazing is dangerous in a sector as fast moving as PV. But that hasn’t stopped pv magazine’s international team of solar reporters from compiling a list of the top 14 solar PV and energy storage trends expected to characterize 2019. What do you think? Have we missed anything?


1. Can we have some more please?
PV InfoLink predicts that module sales will be around 112 GW in 2019, due to China’s increased 2020 targets, and renewed market growth in India and the USA. It adds that 16 countries worldwide will achieve an increase of more than 1 GW in installed capacity next year. In Europe, this will include Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Ukraine. Overall, China is still expected to account for roughly half of the global market with installations reaching around 43 GW. IHS Markit is even more optimistic, predicting that a record 123 GW will be installed – up 80% on this year. It also sees a market shift away from China, with two thirds of capacity located elsewhere, including Argentina, Egypt, South Africa, Spain and Vietnam, which are set to account for 7% of the 2019 market, or 7 GW of new capacity. Credit Suisse is not quite so buoyant, expecting just 94 GW next year, up from a paltry 80 GW this.

2. A European renaissance
It may have lost its footing in recent years, however Europe’s once falling solar star is on the rise again thanks mainly to the growth of grid parity projects on the southern fringes of the continent; and calls for the setting of strong solar and energy storage industrial policy. Overall, association SolarPower Europe expects the EU market to grow 58% on the 5.91 GW installed in 2017.

3. Mono PERC’s march
In terms of technology, the predictions from across the industry are that 2019 will be the year of mono PERC (passivated emitter rear cell) products. PV InfoLink said they became a mainstream product this year, with the majority of production capacity expansions focusing on this technology. This led to a higher than expected total PERC capacity, rising from 33.6 GW at the end of last year, to 66.7 GW in late 2018. It is estimated that this capacity will expand by over 26 GW by the end of 2019, boosting it to more than 92 GW. (...)

4. TOPCon breakthrough
PV manufacturers in Asia are importing deposition reactors from the EU to test the latest word in silicon solar cell passivation: TOPCon: two thin buffer layers sandwiched between silicon wafers and metal contacts, which are increasing the efficiency of conventional solar cells and setting new records. Equipment suppliers expect the technology to spread through the industry and boost their bottom line. “A lot of people see this [TopCon] as the next big step in photovoltaic technology,” said Professor Andres Cuevas from the Australian National University. (...)

5. Tenders rule
The move to tender-based support systems for the roll out of renewables will continue to gain momentum in 2019. According to German energy agency Dena, over 29 countries held such auctions in 2017, mostly for solar power, although wind and hydro featured too. (...)

6. HJT hotting up
Demand for heterojunction technology (HJT) is on the increase, as can be evidenced by the numerous announcements throughout 2018. Indeed, just this month, Meyer Burger’s largest single shareholder, Sentis Capital, requested the former change strategy. It urged the Swiss technology company’s board to raise sufficient capital for it to set up its own GW-sized production facility for its heterojunction and tandem cell PV technology. (...)

7. An unstoppable tide
The number of floating solar announcements just keeps on increasing and has now become an unstoppable tide. As IHS Markit’s Josefin Berg wrote in the July edition of pv magazine, while the market has been around for more than a decade, until recently it has been limited to small and moderate size installations in a few countries. “In 2017, this changed, as 390 MW of new floating PV systems were installed worldwide, mainly as part of the Top Runner Program in China,” she wrote, adding, “In 2018, at IHS Markit we project that annual floating PV installations will surpass 1 GW, still mainly driven by China. After 2018, the lack of near-term pipeline in China will lead to some market adjustments, through which India, South Korea, Taiwan and a myriad of small markets fill a large portion of the demand gap left by China. In particular India is rising as a strong potential market on the back of a 10 GW target for floating PV. Over the next five years, we project 13 GW of new floating PV additions in the world.”

8. Corporates for good
They may be notorious in the realm of data protection and privacy, with few green credentials to their names, however the corporates are helping to take renewables mainstream through the use of private or corporate PPAs. In 2017, a total of 5.4 GW of clean energy contracts were signed by 43 corporations in 10 different countries, according to BloombergNEF, up from 4.3 GW in 2016 and a record 4.4 GW in 2015. While the figures for 2018 were not out at the time of writing this, bets are on that this figure will again increase. (...)

9. Is this the future?
Many manufacturers are busily converting large parts of their production capacities to half-cut cell technology. In addition to increased power output, HC modules boast improved performance thanks to better temperature coefficients, lower hot spot levels and lower operating temperatures, among other advantages. In 2018, half-cut cell modules appear to be making the transition common to many new technologies with PV manufacturing. And in echoes of other technologies such as PERC, once the transition begins, it can occur at pace across new production lines. (...)

10. Revamping and repowering
The concept of revamping and repowering is one of the newest terms in the solar industry, and is definitely one to watch. Indeed, as the installed base of PV systems ages, upgrading and improving operating plants becomes increasingly relevant to both manufacturers and PV plant asset managers. According to IHS Markit’s ‘PV Installation Tracker’, more than 40 GW of PV systems in Europe above 100 kW are more than five years old, and could be subject to component changes in the coming year, including repairs, replacement, revamping, and repowering. (...)

11. Large-scale, big business
As of the start of 2018, 420 MW of battery storage coupled with utility-scale solar had been installed globally, said IHS Markit. It added that 40% of the total energy storage pipeline is comprised of solar-plus-storage projects, while it expects between 20 and 26 GWh of energy storage co-located with utility-scale solar to be deployed between 2018 and 2025. There are clear growth opportunities in the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom and France, it added. With this growth, IHS’ Julian Jansen explained how new value is emerging for storage on the utility side of the meter, primarily from capacity requirements and the integration of utility-scale solar and island microgrids. This leads to greater growth in the longer duration energy storage segment, especially systems of two to four hours (and above) in duration, he said. In theory, energy storage can provide multiple use cases when paired with utility-scale solar: Time shifting generation; ramping; and distribution network support. In the growing world of datacenters, strong business cases are also emerging for solar and storage. This trend is definitely one which will continue to grow.

12. Tracking the market
The benefits of bifacial are already well known, with some saying it is the most promising advance in solar for a decade. Among the advantages are energy gains that can range from single-digit percentages to more than 20%, compared with monofacial modules, depending on a wide array of variables. As Scott Stephens, Director of Technology Development at Clearway Energy, formerly NRG Renew, in San Francisco noted in October, although bifacial technology may cost $0.05/W more to install than a monofacial PV system, a conservative 10% bifacial gain easily outweighs the risk. (...)

13. Significantly more efficient
From blockchain to drones, digitalization is transforming the energy industry. Indeed, not only can it help to bridge the shortcomings of the traditional grid, and enable regular consumers to trade energy with one another, but the digitalization of O&M in solar plants can make these management processes significantly more efficient – up to a factor of 10.

14. Walk that talk
Cradle-to-cradle is a trend that pv magazine hopes will bear fruit as soon as 2019 and is something that we will personally be pushing as a mantra for the solar and energy storage industries. Indeed, we are all part of an industry that promotes and/or sells the dream of clean green energy, yet how many of us are really walking the talk? How many can confidently claim that manufacturing or production practices, or products and services are designed with a cradle-to-cradle concept in mind? How many of these are actually benefitting the environment we are claiming to help save? Yes, solar PV and energy storage may well be the key to the energy transition we have to see happening, but we cannot allow these industries to run on processes that are still harmful to both the environment and people. WE have to lead the way to a truly 100% clean green future, and that means looking at every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Europe is calling for the (re)establishment of a solar PV and battery manufacturing landscape. There is an opportunity here to build this on a true cradle-to-cradle foundation. Let’s join together and take action to REALLY change things.

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31.12.2018 kl 10:06 9290

New Chinese Solar Plant Undercuts Cost Of Coal Power

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31.12.2018 kl 10:04 9297

Green light: India to near clean energy goals in 2019

By: Vikas Srivastava | Updated: December 30, 2018 5:38 AM

Renewable energy share in total generation mix to cross 10% in FY20, to add 10 GW to generation capacity.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.12.2018 kl 18:58 9362

Big solar and batteries coming to the border

El Paso Electric has awarded contracts for 200 MW of solar and 100 MW of battery storage through its latest solicitation, and may procure 50-150 MW more wind and solar. But the RFP also shows that the utility is firmly wedded to gas.

DECEMBER 28, 2018

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27.12.2018 kl 12:11 8729

Warren Buffett-owned utilities have shown a penchant for aggressively chasing renewable energy. In Pacificorp ’s 2017 Integrated Resource Plan, the Buffett-owned utility says that it will build no new fossil fuel plants over the next 20 years, only wind and solar. MidAmerican Energy, an Iowa focused utility, plans to be 100% wind powered by 2021.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.12.2018 kl 19:17 8918

2018: The Year of 100% Clean Energy

Policymakers and corporate leaders ignored the academic debate over 100% renewables, and went ahead with policies anyway.

Two states, California and New Jersey, joined Hawaii in committing to 100 percent clean energy (Hawaii’s goal is actually 100 percent renewables). In December, the number of cities committed to 100 percent clean or renewable energy surpassed 100. And recent progress for the “Green New Deal” in Congress has federal policymakers also mulling a 100 percent renewable future.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.12.2018 kl 19:14 8898

Nevada Regulators Approve NV Energy’s 1 GW Solar Plan

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21.12.2018 kl 15:22 9051

Installation of solar panels will be mandatory for all newly built houses in California from 2020, according to a new regulation passed by the California Energy Commission, which received a green light from the California Building Standards Commission in early Dec.

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21.12.2018 kl 08:58 9111

Solar industry wishes big growth next year

In 2018, India surpassed 26,000 MW of cumulative solar capacity and has emerged as one of the world's largest markets for solar PV, providing ample growth opportunity as well.

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