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RECSI 11.11.2017 kl 11:07 185522

"Italia dropper kullkraft

Regjeringen i Italia vil slutte med kullkraft innen 2025 og i stedet satse hardere på fornybar energi.

Statsminister Paolo Gentiloni presenterte fredag en plan å investere 175 milliarder euro i infrastruktur, fornybar energi og energieffektivisering. Summen tilsvarer over 1.600 milliarder kroner.

Innen 2025 skal kull ikke lenger brukes til strømproduksjon i Italia. I dag utgjør kullkraft 15 prosent av strømproduksjonen, ifølge Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA). Mesteparten av strømforbruket dekkes med gasskraft og ulike typer fornybare energikilder.

Regjeringen understreker imidlertid at også regionale og lokale myndigheter må bidra hvis målet om å fase ut kullkraften skal nås.

Italias nye energistrategi innebærer også konkrete mål om kutt i klimautslippene. De skal reduseres med 39 prosent innen 2030, og med 63 prosent innen 2050.

Gentiloni la fram energiplanen i Roma samtidig som klimaforhandlere fra hele verden er samlet til en ny runde med klimaforhandlinger i Bonn i Tyskland."

Redigert 02.06.2021 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.10.2018 kl 19:43 7522


Bill Gates to establish €100 million clean energy fund with EU

If plans are realized, the private-public investment vehicle will start investing in companies with green-tech innovations. The fund would be used to pursue technologies which could help the decarbonization of the economy but which have not received enough attention.
In its statute, the fund discloses that among its priorities is the development of “ultra-low-cost solar” among other sources of renewable energy.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.10.2018 kl 10:22 7352

Longi forecasts 1 TW PV market

Zhenguo Li, founder and CEO of the Chinese solar manufacturer told the Future of Energy Summit in London the global PV marketplace would pass the milestone in the near future.


“By 2050, 100% of global electricity demand could be met from renewable energy sources, 68% from solar energy,” Zhenguo Li, founder and CEO of Chinese solar manufacturer Longi told London’s Future of Energy Summit earlier this month. “This was the result of a German-Finnish study. Our calculations show that in the medium term, 1 TW of PV capacity would have to be installed annually if population growth and the improvement of quality of life were to be taken into account. After 30 years … solar modules will have to be replaced by new ones. So the solar market is far from getting saturated.”

In the year 2000, globally installed PV capacity was 100 MW – it rose to more than 100 GW by 2017.

Solar will be cheapest energy source

“In some regions of the world, a kWh of solar power already costs less than two [U.S.] cents, for example in the Middle East and Latin America. Solar energy is on its way to becoming the cheapest energy source in the world. Together with energy storage, I consider it to be the ultimate energy solution for mankind.” Li added.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.10.2018 kl 19:23 7269

Subsidy windfall helps GCL Poly eat into debt mountain

The Chinese manufacturer – which is gambling on a big rebound in global appetite for the raw material for PV panels materializing soon – will devote all of its $143m solar subsidy income to paying off a daunting amount of borrowing.

OCTOBER 23, 2018


Not surprisingly, the GCL board has announced its intention to use the subsidy windfall to nibble into a debt pile that, at the end of June, it said stood at RMB61.3bn, with 21.4bn due to be settled in July.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.10.2018 kl 20:18 7038

U.S. Solar Electrical Generation Up 30% Over Last Year

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26.10.2018 kl 20:28 7037

Quasi-mono-Si wafers can reach mono-Si quality at poly-Si cost, says CSI

Solar-grade quasi-monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) wafers based on the manufacturing process of polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) wafers can achieve over 95% of the quality of mono-Si wafers based on CCz (continuous Czochralski) process at production cost for poly-Si wafers, according to China-based maker CSI.

A PV module made of 60 quasi-mono-Si solar cells has power output of 310W and its price is lower than that for a PV module made of 60 mono-Si solar cells by CNY0.06 (US$0.0087)/W.

In addition to quasi-mono-Si solar cells with an energy conversion rate of 21.1%, CSI produces black poly-Si solar cells with an energy conversion rate of 20.4%. A PV module made of 60 black poly-Si solar cells has power output of 300W.

In related news, a China-based BNEF (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) analyst forecast global additional PV installation capacity at 96.8-107.2GWp in 2018, 123.0-138.3GWp in 2019 and 146.4-165.4GWp in 2020. The ratio of global demand for moni-Si solar cells to that for poly-Si solar cells is forecast at 39:61 in 2018, 46:54 in 2019 and 50:50 in 2020.

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29.10.2018 kl 10:35 6982

Solar Emerges As Top New Microgrid Energy Source

Solar energy is cleanly replacing other energy sources as the top generator for planned US microgrids, according to a new analysis by Fairfax, VA-based technology analysts ICF.

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30.10.2018 kl 09:33 6927

GCL Poly expands capacity of new polysilicon factory

Chinese polysilicon producer GCL-Poly Energy Holdings yesterday announced plans to increase the production capacity of its new factory, currently under construction in Xinjiang, China, to 60,000 metric tonnes (MT) per year. Accordingly, the company expects total investment in the project to increase to around $862 million.

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30.10.2018 kl 20:25 6904

GCL-Poly starts polysilicon production in northwestern China

GCL-Poly Energy Holdings has started polysilicon production at a new plant in Xinjiang, northwestern China, with initial annual capacity of 60,000 tons.

The China-based firm's new plant relies on a 600MW coal-fueled power plant nearby for inexpensive electricity supply for own use, media reports said. The plant mainly produces high-purity polysilicon for making P- and N-type solar mono-Si wafers.

GCL-Poly has an existing polysilicon plant with monthly production capacity of 5,000-60,000 tons in Xuzhou, eastern China, and has adopted Siemens and FBR (fluidized-bed reactor) processes to hike production efficiency there. The company will expand annual production capacity at the Xinjiang plant to 150,000 tons in 2020, the reports said.

GCL-Poly also produces poly-Si and mono-Si wafers, as well as quasi-mono-Si wafers.

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30.10.2018 kl 20:57 6900

Big Solar-Plus-Storage Deal Signed In California

Recurrent Energy LLC, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, has signed two 15-year power purchase agreements (PPAs) in California with Silicon Valley Clean Energy and Monterey Bay Community Power for a 150 MW AC solar power system with 180 MWh of battery storage. According to Canadian Solar, this joint procurement represents the largest contracted solar-plus-storage project in California to date.

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30.10.2018 kl 20:58 6940

Can Illinois Handle a 2000% Jump in Solar Capacity? We’re About to Find Out.

A new state law could turn Illinois into a Midwest solar energy leader in just a few years. First, it has to build a solar industry almost from scratch.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.10.2018 kl 21:27 11786

Solar rally i USA mot slutt i kveld
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30.10.2018 kl 21:42 11830

Slike burde "svartelistes" kull drevet ? Burde ihvertfall skattes i hjel med CO2 avgifter som i den vestlige verden !
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31.10.2018 kl 06:50 11854


Samsung Electronics forecast weaker earnings on Wednesday as it posted record operating profit in the third quarter, meeting expectations thanks to sales of semiconductors to data centres and higher production yields.


“Since Samsung continues to reduce the costs of (semiconductors), it is not very likely to witness a so-called hard-landing situation,” said Avril Wu, senior research director at DRAMeXchange.


The semiconductor business booked a 3.7 percent rise in operating profit to 13.7 trillion won, while the mobile business posted a 1 percent fall in operating profit to 2.2 trillion won.



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31.10.2018 kl 08:26 11758

Gjør dere klare for en Semi-fest i regi av REC i Q4 ...
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31.10.2018 kl 09:11 11677


Linken din tyder på at man skal være varsom hva man leser under kvinnesidene hos Hegnar ;-)

Du må differensiere mellom halvlederbransjer. REC har bygget opp et lager og øker stadig produksjonen av FZ-ingots. Dette avsettes i produsenter av IGBT og annen kraftelektronikk i hovedsak. Transportsektoren er blant avtagere av slike produkter. Salget av FZ var unaturlig lavt i Q3 noe som ved stor sannsynlighet rettes opp i Q4.



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31.10.2018 kl 09:23 11709

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31.10.2018 kl 11:12 11643

Fra Q3 presentasjon kilde seeking alpha:

Question-and-Answer Session

Oscar Semb-Fredricsson

Yes, Oscar Fredricsson with Arctic Securities. Could you please comment on the product development for semiconductor grade polysilicon. It was down some 5% this quarter, I think. I think it's – I mean, you've put out a long-term positive market trend, but how are these shorter-term prices developing?

James May

Yes, in terms of the semiconductor grade polysilicon, there's two classes of it; the Czochralski, I think I said that right, CZ; and FZ. There's a wide price difference between the two. Within each of those categories, the price continues to inch up a little bit through time. We're seeing tight markets and a lot of traction in that respect. During this quarter, we sold more CZ than we did FZ and it's more a matter of timing than anything else.
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31.10.2018 kl 11:56 11614

Fra Q3 presentasjon kilde seeking alpha

And you see that polysilicon prices now both outside and inside China. First of all, they have become approximately at the same level. It is down to around $10 a kg. It has not changed too much outside of China, but it has definitely been reduced by 67% inside China and that means basically that most of the companies now in China making polysilicon do have a negative cash flow in today's prices. What has happened then is that there is a curtailment of production. We anticipate about 60% of the capacity is presently running in China and also all this new investment in new capacity seems to be postponed compared to what was the initial start-up date. So all together, this will definitely reduce the capacity. On top of this, there is also this winter a reduction in capacity because of restriction to use coal in electricity generation.
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03.11.2018 kl 09:07 11485

Solar Jobs Update: Even Better Than You Think (With #CleanTechnica Interview)

Last week, the US Department of Energy tossed another $12 million into the pot for ramping up the number of trainees for solar jobs in the US, with the ultimate goal of accelerating growth in the domestic solar industry. I know, right?! The Energy Department was a little slim on the details but its partner, The Solar Foundation, has the scoop on what’s in store for jobseekers in the US solar industry, especially veterans.


More Solar Jobs For More Veterans

The Solar Foundation has big plans for the new career training initiative, and it will deploy $2 million of the $12 million solar jobs pot.

Described as a “groundbreaking effort,” the program partners The Solar Foundation with other awardees with a focus on training for the digital power systems of the future.

Here’s the money quote from the Solar Foundation press release featuring Andrea Luecke, President and Executive Director at The Solar Foundation:

“We’re committed to building a solar workforce that can meet the urgent challenges of the 21st century. This new program will help veterans and other job seekers develop advanced technical skills and become America’s future solar leaders.”

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03.11.2018 kl 16:25 11355

Global semiconductor sales in September up 13.8% year-to-year

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $122.7 billion during the third quarter of 2018, an increase of 4.1 percent over the previous quarter and 13.8 percent more than the third quarter of 2017. Global sales for the month of September 2018 reached $40.9 billion, an uptick of 2.0 percent over last month’s total and 13.8 percent more than sales from June 2017. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.

«Three-quarters of the way through 2018, the global semiconductor industry is on pace to post its highest-ever annual sales, comfortably topping last year’s record total of $412 billion,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “While year-to-year growth has tapered in recent months, September marked the global industry’s highest-ever monthly sales, and Q3 was its top-grossing quarter on record. Year-to-year sales in September were up across every major product category and regional market, with sales into China and the Americas continuing to lead the way.”

Regionally, sales increased compared to September 2017 in China (26.3 percent), the Americas (15.1 percent), Europe (8.8 percent), Japan (7.2 percent), and Asia Pacific/All Other (2.4 percent). Sales were up compared to last month in the Americas (6.0 percent), China (1.8 percent), and Europe (1.2 percent), but down slightly in Asia Pacific/All Other (-0.1 percent) and Japan (-0.6 percent).

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04.11.2018 kl 13:55 11216

Solar Power Is About to Boom in the Sunshine State

Florida has lagged in renewable energy use, but declining solar costs are set to change that


Although Florida’s two biggest utilities, Florida Power & Light Co. and Duke Energy Corp., still favor natural-gas-driven electricity over solar and its current governor remains a skeptic about climate change, the state’s drive toward renewable energy is likely to break existing records annually for the next five years.


NREL researchers foresee Florida’s solar power penetrations climbing as high as 30 percent over the next 10 years, depending on the prices of other electricity sources, such as natural gas, and other market conditions. Elaine Hale, the lead author of the study, said that the percentage could go even higher, depending on how and whether future state policymakers calculate the climate costs of fossil-fueled energy.


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05.11.2018 kl 15:18 11076

Month in a Minute: Important News from Indian Solar Industry in October 2018
Installed renewable energy capacity in the country continues to trend upwards

The month of October witnessed some key announcements in the Indian solar industry. For example, India’s solar installations recorded in the first half (1H) of calendar year 2018 totaled almost 5 GW and the country’s total installed capacity has exceeded 25 GW, according to Mercom’s India Solar Market Leaderboard 1H 2018.

Here are some of the other key highlights from the month:

Renewable energy capacity accounted for approximately 21.41 percent of India’s capacity mix at the end of September 2018. This is a 0.48 percent increase in the installed capacity of renewable energy generating sources when compared to June 30, 2018, when renewable energy sources accounted for 20.93 percent of total installed power capacity.

Since the implementation of safeguard duty, there has been a rising concern regarding its levy among importers of solar modules and cells from countries like Vietnam and Thailand because these were not included in the final findings of the Directorate General for Trade Remedies (DGTR). Some of these importers were under the assumption that if the imports crossed the demarcated margin of three percent (of installed solar capacity), they would be asked to pay safeguard duty. However, after discussions with various sources, Mercom has found that this is not the case. At least for now.

China added 34.5 GW of solar PV capacity in the first three quarters of 2018. This takes China’s total installed solar PV capacity to 164.74 GW, of which 117.9 GW are of utility-scale PV power projects with the remaining 46.8 GW coming from distributed generation (DG) projects, according to the data provided by China’s National Energy Administration (NEA).

Asian Development Bank (ADB) has successfully completed the pilot phase of its satellite-based smart meter project in a village in Varanasi in which 5,000 households received the meters. India.

BSES, Delhi’s major distribution company (DISCOM), has launched the second phase of its Solar City initiative in New Delhi. In this phase, Shakur Basti area will be covered. Shakur Basti has many colonies and BSES estimates the solar rooftop potential to be about 15 MW. Rajdhani Power Ltd (BRPL) is also targeting to install 5 MW of rooftop net-metering in the area by 2019-20.

According to a newly published report by the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA), India has emerged as the world’s largest cash market for off-grid solar products, with 1.3 million products sold in H1 2018 alone. This accounts for an impressive 44 percent of global sales. 3.7 million off-grid solar products were sold globally during the first half (H1) of 2018, an increase of four percent in comparison to the same time last year, the report finds.

Solar kits are hassle-free, and a simpler option for residential consumers. Rooftop solar kits have the potential to transform the growth trajectory and acceptance levels of rooftop solar systems in Indian homes due to the numerous benefits they offer to the consumers. So far in India, the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector has accounted for majority of rooftop solar PV installations.

Electric vehicle sales so far have been inconsistent under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) and Electric Vehicles (FAME) program. While some states have made good progress, many states are well behind in EV adoption. According to data by the Department of Heavy Industries’ official website, Maharashtra is leading when it comes to the number of vehicles sold under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme.

Solar projects aggregating 750 MW under development in Rajasthan’s Bhadla Solar Park are facing delays due to land procurement issues. In Bhadla Phase-III Solar Park, Hero Future Energies had won bid to develop 300 MW of grid-connected solar PV by quoting ₹2.47 (~$0.0334)/kWh and SB Energy (SoftBank) had won bid to develop 200 MW of utility scale solar by quoting ₹2.48 (~$0.0335)/kWh.

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has amended the RfS for 2,500 MW of ISTS-connected wind-solar hybrid power projects (tranche-I) and reduced the capacity to 1,200 MW from the earlier 2,500 MW. Moreover, the ceiling tariff has been reduced from ₹2.93/kWh (~$0.040/kWh) to ₹2.60/kWh (~$0.035/kWh).

India’s solar installations recorded in the first half (1H) of calendar year 2018 totaled almost 5 GW and the country’s total installed capacity has exceeded 25 GW.

The rapid pace of solar installations in India has brought the concern for quality of equipment to the forefront. Recognizing the issue at hand, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) issued a series of guidelines for conducting tests on solar photovoltaic (SPV) modules (crystalline and thin film, including bifacial type). The guidelines, though welcomed by the industry, have not produced the desired results, yet.

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has extended the bid submission deadline for setting up of 10 GW of ISTS connected solar PV power projects linked with 3 GW (per annum) solar manufacturing capacity for third time. The new bid submission deadline is November 12, 2018 and techno-commercial bid will open on November 13, 2018.

Solar penetration in India is highly cost sensitive, says a recent working paper released by the National Institute of Transforming India (NITI) Aayog. Per the paper, as far as solar and wind capacity is concerned, without any significant improvement in cost, capacity addition of these renewables in baseline scenario is limited.

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07.11.2018 kl 17:19 10979

Third Quarter Silicon Wafer Shipments Increase, Set New Quarterly Record

Milpitas, Calif. — November 7, 2018 — Worldwide silicon wafer area shipments increased during the third quarter 2018, surpassing record second quarter 2018 area shipments to set another all-time high, according to the SEMI Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG) in its quarterly analysis of the silicon wafer industry.

Total silicon wafer area shipments reached 3,255 million square inches during the most recent quarter, a 3.0 percent rise from the 3,164 million square inches shipped during the previous quarter. New quarterly total area shipments clocked in 8.6 percent higher than third quarter 2017 shipments.

“Silicon shipment volumes remained at record levels during the third quarter,” said Neil Weaver, chairman SEMI SMG and Director, Product Development and Applications Engineering of Shin Etsu Handotai America. “Silicon shipments are mirroring this year’s strong semiconductor unit growth in support of a growing and diversified electronics market during our stable economy.”

Source: SEMI, (www.semi.org), November 2018
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09.11.2018 kl 10:51 10853

China keeps global semiconductor market going strong

The global chip market was up 13.8 percent year-on-year in September, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) reporting figures compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization.

The three-month averaged sales figure for August was $40.91 billion, up 13.8 percent from the same three-month average a year before and a slight decrease in annual growth from the previous month.

China continued to be the strongest region and showed exception annual growth in its three-month average market up to $14.35 billion, up 26.3 percent. The Asia-Pacific region excluding China and Japan is the next largest with three-month-average sales of $10.42 billion but annual growth of only 2.4 percent.

The Americas region with sales of $9.20 billion achieved strong growth of 15.1 percent while Europe and Japan had growth of 8.8 and 7.2 percent, respectively.

"Three-quarters of the way through 2018, the global semiconductor industry is on pace to post its highest-ever annual sales, comfortably topping last year’s record total of $412 billion,” said John Neuffer, SIA CEO, in a statement. "Year-to-year sales in September were up across every major product category and regional market, with sales into China and the Americas continuing to lead the way," he added.

With year-to-date sales of about $348 billion, the global chip market is 16.7 percent ahead of the first nine months of 2017 and is on course to reach in excess of $450 billion, potentially as high as $480 billion.

Monthly data is given by the SIA and other bodies as a three-month average, with the exception of year-to-date figures, although the WSTS organization tracks actual monthly data. The SIA and other regional semiconductor industry bodies opt to use averaged data because it evens out the actual data that typically shows troughs at the beginnings of quarters and peaks at the ends of quarters.

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13.11.2018 kl 08:34 10583

Solar Energy Could Grow 6,500% by 2050
A new report lays out the case for massive growth of solar energy.

Travis Hoium (TMFFlushDraw)
Oct 14, 2018 at 9:34AM

Solar power now accounts for around 1% of the world's electricity generation, up from a negligible amount of solar capacity only a decade ago. But that's just scratching the surface of the industry's potential. Solar energy is the most abundant form of energy on earth, with enough solar energy hitting the planet's surface every hour to provide for all of humanity's energy needs for a year.

If the Energy Transition Outlook 2018 report from DNV GL, a quality-assurance and risk-management company, are true, solar electricity production could grow 65-fold by 2050, eventually making solar one of the largest sources of energy in the world. That presents a tremendous opportunity for long-term investors.

Why 6,500% growth is within reach
One of the reasons solar energy could grow 6,500% between 2016 and 2050, the period this report is analyzing, is because solar energy is growing from a fairly small base. According to DNV GL, only 290 gigawatts (GW) of solar was installed at the end of 2016, and about 100 GW are now being built per year. By 2050, DNV GL expects 18,895 GW to be installed by 2050.

Solar and wind power together are projected to provide two-thirds of all electricity in 2050. Incredibly, this is expected to come at a cost saving, with energy expenditures as a percentage of GDP falling from 5.5% in 2016 to 3.1% in 2050. Wind and solar will actually save money for consumers as they grow.

Who is installing all of this solar energy?
Thirty percent of that 18,895 GW of solar energy capacity is projected to be installed on rooftops around the world. That presents a potential growth opportunity for a global rooftop solar leader like SunPower Corporation (NASDAQ:SPWR), which makes high-efficiency solar panels that pay more power generation on each roof. Since customers are willing to pay a premium for efficiency, SunPower can even charge more than commodity solar panel prices for its products, and that will help its economics as the industry grows.

What's left is 70% of the solar market, which will be installed in large and small ground-mounted systems known as utility-scale solar projects. This is where First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) thrives as a solar panel provider, and Canadian Solar (NASDAQ:CSIQ) and JinkoSolar (NYSE:JKS) make solar panels and build their own projects.

We've seen the utility-scale solar business become highly competitive over the last decade, but First Solar, Canadian Solar, and JinkoSolar have a global scale few other companies can match, and that will be a competitive advantage in the long term. We're also seeing them slowly upgrade the manufacturing process to higher-efficiency components (although still well behind SunPower), which will squeeze slightly more power from each acre of land and lead to a growing competitive advantage.

Can this turn around solar stocks?
Usually, an industry that's expected to grow 6,500% over the course of three decades would be a big winner for investors. But solar stocks have struggled over the past decade as the sale prices for panels and projects have come down and put pressure on margins and over-leveraged balance sheets.

What I think we'll see over the next decade is a few winners emerge and consolidate power in the industry around advantages like high efficiency or low-cost utility-scale solar technology. That's why I think SunPower, First Solar, Canadian Solar, and JinkoSolar are set to succeed, despite a sketchy past of value creation for some of them. At least we know the industry is expected to grow, and investors will hopefully enjoy some tailwinds from that growth.

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13.11.2018 kl 13:29 10449

Alberta’s solar industry soars by nearly 500%
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14.11.2018 kl 21:53 10269

IHS revises up outlook for Chinese solar to 40 GW after underestimating demand

Around 34.5 GW of PV was installed in China in the first three quarters – 1.5 GW more than expected by IHS analysts, who have raised their full-year guidance.

NOVEMBER 14, 2018

New PV systems with an aggregate capacity of 34.5 GW were connected in China in the first nine months of this year. As a result, China’s cumulative installed solar capacity has reached 165 GW.

That is 1.5 GW more than IHS Markit analysts had predicted and, as a result, they have raised their 37 GW estimate for newly installed capacity this year to 40 GW.

China’s National Energy Agency (NEA) is discussing raising its 2020 solar expansion target from its current 105 GW to as much as 210-270 GW. IHS Markit expects China’s cumulative PV capacity to reach 255 GW by the end of 2020. Its assumption is based on a further 40 GW of new annual capacity over the next two years.

IHS says further clarifications could be made by its analysts once the government announces a decision.


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15.11.2018 kl 12:29 10137

Semiconductor Investors See Cause for Optimism After Recent Rout

Chip index has been volatile, gains as much as 3
Investors are turning more positive on the semiconductor industry as they look past demand concerns and start to see value following a bruising October.

The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index is off 17 percent from its March record, including a 12 percent rout in October. Analysts say the recent slump has priced in a variety of risks and left stocks undervalued. Furthermore, while some chip categories have seen weakness, the industry overall has been expanding, making it less vulnerable to a slowdown in any single product.

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15.11.2018 kl 14:57 10073

Sun rises on Egypt’s solar energy market

The sun is rising on the field of solar energy in Egypt, with the world’s largest solar energy park under construction in Benban, Aswan.

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15.11.2018 kl 16:34 10037

Fondets størrelse og begrensede likviditetsbehov vil kunne gi banken et fortrinn i prosjekter med store kapitalbehov. Investeringer i sol- og vindparker fremstår i dag som de mest aktuelle mulighetene», skriver Norges Bank.

«Vi finner de fleste store prosjektene på disse områdene i Europa og USA. I disse regionene er stadig flere prosjekter innenfor fornybar energi lønnsomme uten subsidier», legger banken til. https://e24.no/boers-og-finans/oljefondet/oljefondets-infrastruktur-planer-vind-og-sol-i-usa-og-europa/24488847
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15.11.2018 kl 16:40 10026

Som englene før Jul.så daler REC ned i skjul..... Hele REC er i ferd med å bli tragikomisk :-) JUM! "Den gamle mannen å solen" :-))))
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15.11.2018 kl 19:38 9947

US energy firm AES commits to 70% carbon reduction in climate scenario report

The utility giant is preparing for a greener future with plans to cut carbon emissions, while integrating increasing levels of renewable generation and energy storage. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2018/11/15/u-s-energy-firm-aes-commits-to-70-carbon-reduction-in-climate-scenario-report/
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.11.2018 kl 23:21 9844

Her gjelder det å smøre seg med en STOOOR porsjon tålmodighet. Når REC kommer, vil ting skje fort. Ser ikke bort ifra at denne står i 3 - 4 kroner neste sommer.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.11.2018 kl 13:49 9518

Fra Seeking Alpha newsletter: Tesla's 2016 acquisition of SolarCity is back in the spotlight. In a bid to lift lagging sales, the company is cutting prices on its residential solar systems by as much as 25% after it streamlined its sales and marketing organization. Last year, Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stopped selling solar door-to-door, and earlier this year it ended a long-standing deal to sell solar at Home Depot (NYSE:HD).
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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19.11.2018 kl 09:28 8991

Polysilicon Market Estimated to Reach at USD 13.24 Billion in 2026: REC Silicon, Wacker Chemie, MITSUBISHI MATERIALS CORPORATION

New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/15/2018 -- The global polysilicon market generated USD 5.11 billion in 2017 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 10.9% during the forecast period.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
22.11.2018 kl 11:44 8815

Record-breaking solar cells get ready for mass production

Sandwiching an oxygen-rich layer of silicon between a solar cell and its metal contact has allowed researchers in Europe to break performance records for the efficiency with which silicon solar cells convert sunlight into electricity.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-11-record-breaking-solar-cells-ready-mass.html#jCp

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare