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RECSI 11.11.2017 kl 11:07 185094

"Italia dropper kullkraft

Regjeringen i Italia vil slutte med kullkraft innen 2025 og i stedet satse hardere på fornybar energi.

Statsminister Paolo Gentiloni presenterte fredag en plan å investere 175 milliarder euro i infrastruktur, fornybar energi og energieffektivisering. Summen tilsvarer over 1.600 milliarder kroner.

Innen 2025 skal kull ikke lenger brukes til strømproduksjon i Italia. I dag utgjør kullkraft 15 prosent av strømproduksjonen, ifølge Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA). Mesteparten av strømforbruket dekkes med gasskraft og ulike typer fornybare energikilder.

Regjeringen understreker imidlertid at også regionale og lokale myndigheter må bidra hvis målet om å fase ut kullkraften skal nås.

Italias nye energistrategi innebærer også konkrete mål om kutt i klimautslippene. De skal reduseres med 39 prosent innen 2030, og med 63 prosent innen 2050.

Gentiloni la fram energiplanen i Roma samtidig som klimaforhandlere fra hele verden er samlet til en ny runde med klimaforhandlinger i Bonn i Tyskland."

Redigert 02.06.2021 kl 16:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.11.2018 kl 07:10 8196

Will U.S. Solar Survive The Trade War?

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2018 kl 10:30 7907

REC selger lusne 600MT secondgrade FBR polysil i kvartalet. REC er totalt akterutseilt både i USA og Kina. AB spådde FBR-salg i hht. REC's guiding for Q3 på 1600MT. JBG var mer edruelig på 1000MT. Som dere kanskje fikk med dere på Q3 - nå guider ikke REC lenger fremtidig FBR-salg. Kineserne spyr ut superren, superbillig polysil. REC Silicon er ikke verdt å nevne i ei bisetning, en gang.

Tiden har løpt fra HO-menigheten. JUM har feilet totalt. Gamlisgjengen på Lysaker bør finne noen som kan drive butikken videre. Les i vei, så skjønner dere mer:


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.11.2018 kl 16:08 7747

Jeg er helt enig med deg nemis.
En ledelse som utelukkende fokuserer på kostnader og ikke evner å ta grep i markedet sparer seg til fant.
En total manglende kommunikasjon med investorer tyder på at ledelsen benytter businessmodeller fra 70-årene.
Hadde vi hatt ledere av typen Bjørn Kjos eller Elon Musk kunne REC vært toneangivende i markedet. Nå sutres det bare om straffetoll, som om de ter en valid unnskyldning i mer enn 5 år. REC trenger nye koster. JUMs kimaengasjement er bare et skuespill, og han har ikke visjoner og energi eller kapital til å bygge en imperium som med riktige ledere ville vært mulig med REC.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.11.2018 kl 17:24 7677

Den eneste måte dere kan påvirke ledelsen på er å sende de mailer med sakelig begrunnet tilbakemelding på drift form.
noe dere her ikke evner å gjøre ?
Jeg har send Rec noen mailer med klare spørsmål. men trenger at flere gjør dette slik at de forstår at aksjonærene krever noe av ledelsen
Bare se på de klager de fikk and JUM i media. det er nåærmest helt stop på den media floppen der. så det lønner seg å si fra og og være aktiv
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.11.2018 kl 19:57 7509

The Japanese government is threatening to cut existing solar power project subsidies angering the power producers and investors that say the cuts will undermine their profitability and violate earlier agreements.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.11.2018 kl 17:45 6928

PV Info Link expects solar demand to reach 112 GW in 2019

That would mean a market increase of around 25% on this year. Demand is predicted to become particularly strong in the second half of the year.

NOVEMBER 30, 2018

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.11.2018 kl 20:15 6819

Solar panel shipment data points to construction boom

pv magazine is finding more evidence of a major uptick in the construction of solar projects.

NOVEMBER 30, 2018

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) is not known for closely tracking solar. In fact, the organization’s 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report – which is not consistently published every month – is a remarkably thin document, with most of the data fields not published at a monthly level.

However, one of the few tables in the document shows an aggregate total of 600 MW of PV modules being shipped in August, and 741 MW in September – the highest levels since the pre-Section 201 tariff rush to secure modules in the last seven months of 2017. These were overwhelmingly imports, with 582 MW of imports in August and 601 MW in September.


And while this is only one data point – and a limited one at that – combined with other evidence, there is a case to be made that the nation is getting ready for another great boom in solar project construction. As recently reported by pv magazine USA, S&P Global Market Intelligence is estimating thatover the last two quarters the U.S. utility-scale solar project pipeline has ballooned to 23 GW.

We’re seeing evidence of this from grid operators as well. The MidContinent Independent System Operator (MISO) is reporting 35 GW of solar projects in its interconnection queue, nearly all of which were added this year and last year. ERCOT also reports 32 GW of solar projects in its latest interconnection queue, and although only 3.9 GW of these have interconnection agreements, the vast majority of projects that ERCOT is reporting are solar and wind.

One major factor in this boom in project activity may be a rush to get projects started before the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) declines at the end of 2020, as current IRS guidance requires that projects must start construction activity by that time but don’t need to be completed by that date (utility scale projects are not allowed to use solar modules alone for their “safe harbor” qualification).

Another may be the increasing number of states and regions that are either passing 100% renewable or clean energy mandates, or threatening to. , with Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables estimating thatproposed renewable energy mandates in five states could add 17.7 GWac of solar by 2030.

And a third may be simply that utilities and developers are increasingly seeing that solar is an affordable, predictable resource that is becoming easier to finance, and in many places large-scale solar is the cheapest source of power available. 

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2018 kl 10:37 6522

Interessant artikkel om hvordan det egentlig står til i Kina, ikke bare skryt om hvor lave produksjonskostnader de kan klare:
Internet i oversettelsen er nok antakelig strømnettet

If the price has dropped, then what is the difference between photovoltaic power generation and parity?

2018-12-03 13:44:24 OFweek Solar Photovoltaic Network


Even if the price falls to the point where the enterprise can't afford it, photovoltaic power generation still can't reach the parity online standard. This makes people think: If the price has dropped, then what is the difference between photovoltaic power generation and parity?

In 2018, China's photovoltaic power generation has only been on the Internet at a low price. At this critical stage, the release of the "531" New Deal has ushered in the industry's most severe challenge since the industry recovered in 2013. In fact, the purpose of the "531" New Deal is very simple, that is, reducing the output of financial subsidies, forcing the industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and ultimately guide the industry to completely get rid of subsidies.

The photovoltaic industry is booming and is currently limited to subsidies. Judging from the current level of development, the industry still has some distance from the Internet, and there is still a long way to get rid of subsidies. In order to achieve a cheaper Internet access and completely get rid of subsidies, the cost of photovoltaic power generation needs to be significantly reduced again on the existing basis.

It is understood that the technical cost of photovoltaic power generation has dropped by 90% in the past decade. From ingots to wafers, from cell sheets to components, from components to complete photovoltaic systems, the cost of each link in the photovoltaic industry chain is declining. After the release of the "531" New Deal, photovoltaic products experienced an irrational cliff-like decline. The prices of components, silicon wafers and battery chips all reached new lows. Photovoltaic enterprises were already overwhelmed.

Many large factories experienced production stoppages and bankruptcies. .

But even if the price falls to the point where the enterprise can't afford it, photovoltaic power generation is still difficult to reach the parity online standard. This can't help but make people think: If the price has dropped, then what is the difference between photovoltaic power generation and parity?

Non-technical cost is a roadblock

In fact, whether it is the gradual downward adjustment of subsidies or the release of the “531” New Deal, the pressure will ultimately fall on the decline in the technical cost of photovoltaic power generation. However, the technical cost of photovoltaic power generation has been greatly reduced in recent years, and it is still in the process of continuous reduction. Although the market development requires certain pressure and driving force, repeated pressures have repeatedly overwhelmed the company.

In particular, the release of the "531" New Deal has caused many companies to suffer losses. It is foreseeable that if the national policy only pays attention to the reduction of the cost of photovoltaic technology, even if the net price is realized, there will be few surviving enterprises, and the vitality and creativity of the entire industry will be seriously overdrawn.

However, while the cost of technology is declining, the non-technical costs of photovoltaic land, photovoltaic taxes, and grid access are on the rise. It is understood that in recent years, the proportion of components and other equipment in the cost of photovoltaic systems has continued to decline, but the proportion of other expenses including land rent, taxes and so on has gradually increased.

This year, in the analysis of the future development of the industry, more than one industry believes that in order to achieve a cheaper Internet access, it is necessary to remove several non-technical cost mountains including land costs, taxes, and grid access. At present, non-technical costs have become a roadblock for photovoltaic power generation to achieve parity online.

PV tax cuts are imperative

Although non-technical costs have become one of the main factors restricting the development of the industry, but this part of the cost reduction, companies often can not do anything, can only hope that the national policy adjustment. Fortunately, the relevant departments have also noticed this aspect, so a number of policies have been issued this year, and it is expected to reduce the non-technical cost of photovoltaics.

In September, the Energy Bureau issued the "Notice on Accelerating the Work of Speeding up the Wind Power and Photovoltaic Levels (Consultation Draft)", which mentioned that local energy authorities at the provincial and lower levels should coordinate the implementation of project construction conditions and optimize investment and construction. The operating environment will comprehensively reduce non-technical costs and strengthen the inspection and management of project construction and operation. Previously, the “Working Plan for the Construction of Photovoltaic Level Price Online Demonstration Project” also mentioned that during the implementation of the demonstration project, the local development and reform commission will coordinate and reduce the related non-technical costs.

It can be seen that reducing non-technical costs has begun to be taken seriously by relevant departments, and the reduction of taxes and fees is a very important aspect.

Not long ago, the General Affairs Department of the National Energy Administration issued a consultation on the "Notice on Reducing the Tax Burden of Enterprises in the Field of Renewable Energy". According to the actual situation that the tax burden of renewable energy enterprises is generally heavier, it is clear that renewable Tax reduction and exemption policy for energy companies. For the photovoltaic enterprises, the "Notice" specifically proposes the extension of the VAT refund for photovoltaic power generation projects, the exemption conditions for the occupation of cultivated land and urban land, the burden of grid access by the grid enterprises and the preferential policies for loans.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Administration of Customs , the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Energy Bureau jointly issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Catalogue of Import Tax Policies for Major Technical Equipment", the imported low-pressure diffusion furnace and atomic layer required for the photovoltaic field. Equipment such as sedimentation equipment and required parts and materials are exempt from customs duties and import value-added tax.

It can be seen that the relevant policies are trying to reduce the non-technical cost of photovoltaic power generation by reducing taxes such as land, network access and equipment. Under the big goal of cheap Internet access, the reduction of photovoltaic taxes and fees is also imperative.


After the problem of subsidy arrears was highlighted, some experts believed that the revitalization of renewable energy funds should be increased to supplement the photovoltaic power subsidy gap. However, the policies issued by the National Energy Administration in the later period indicate that under the tone of “burden reduction” for national enterprises, increasing the concentration of renewable energy funds will increase the burden on enterprises, which is not realistic. However, it is worth noting that compared with other companies, photovoltaic companies, which are the backbone of clean energy, have been under tremendous pressure from taxes and fees and non-technical cost pressures.

The gradual reduction of subsidies is the trend of the times, and the reduction of the technical cost of photovoltaic power generation is also the foundation of the future competitiveness of the industry. However, if non-technical costs are not reduced, the innovation and vitality of photovoltaic power generation will be overdrawn, and the industry will lose its activity. In view of the decline in non-technical costs, although the draft opinions on relevant policies have been introduced, there is still some distance from the formal implementation. In contrast, the “531” new policy of stopping subsidies was effective immediately, making the photovoltaic industry stagnant for half a year without subsidies. In contrast, the decline in non-technical costs is still a long way to go.


Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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03.12.2018 kl 10:39 6443

What Changed In The Solar Energy Industry In November?

Tesla slashed its home solar prices 10–20% thanks to cost benefits from moving sales into Tesla stores.

sonnen launched a second sonnenCommunity in the US, this time in Manatee County, Florida.

Sunnova brought its new solar+storage offering to its home state of Texas.

Sunnova also rolled out residential solar insurance nationwide.

Vivint Solar reached 1 gigawatt of rooftop solar power capacity in the US.

Panasonic Eco Solutions has reportedly started “aggressively building out its residential solar installer network on a national basis, seeking to compete more evenly with the likes of Tesla, Sunrun, SunPower, Vivint, and others.”

Research found that home solar loans have passed up third-party financing for rooftop solar systems in 2018. Last year, loans passed up cash to become the second most popular option to pay for home solar power systems.

China is expected to install a total of 40 gigawatts of new solar in 2018, according to fresh new reports. Further, it’s expected the red giant might increase its 2020 solar capacity target to 210 gigawatts.

Global floating solar power capacity passed 1 gigawatt.

UK renewable power capacity hit 42 gigawatts in the third quarter and passed up fossil fuel power capacity.

Nevada raised its renewable electricity standard (requirement) from 15% by 2025 to 50% by 2030.

Maryland published a report indicating hat the economic value of solar power in the state over the coming decade would be a whopping $7 billion.

California utilities sped up replacements of natural gas peaker plants with large battery storage units.

California is also reportedly providing rewards for distributed, especially rooftop, solar projects that reduce the “utilities’ needs to invest in upgrading their electricity generation networks.”

The 500 MW Palen Solar Project, after one decade on the table, won federal approval.

NIPSCO, an Indiana utility, estimated that a renewable energy future will save customers $4 billion.

Incoming governors in Connecticut, Maine, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon just elected to office have all pledged to beef up their state’s renewable energy goals,

ACWA Power in India won a contract for a 250 megawatt solar PV power plant at an extremely low bid of 2.4¢/kWh.

India added 6 gigawatts of solar power capacity in the first half of 2018, a 46% year-over-year increase.

Victoria, an Australian state, announced it would increase its renewable energy target to 50% by 2030. Yep, that’s the same as Nevada’s new target.

Western Australia, another Australian state, started introducing a Tesla, Synergy, + Western Power “PowerBank” community storage system to residents in Meadow Springs who can take part in the trial.

Enel announced an intention to invest €10.6 billion into 11.6 gigawatts of renewable energy in the next 3 years.

Greenpeace Energy, a Germany electric utility, has “proposed a takeover bid for the lignite open-cast mines and power plants currently belonging to German electric utilities company RWE, to shut them down by 2025.” Those power plants would be replaced with wind and solar power plants.

France announced that it would “close the country’s remaining four coal-fired power plants by 2022 and 14 of the country’s 900 MW first-generation nuclear reactors by 2035.” Naturally, they’d be replaced by wind and solar power plants.

According to a new report, RE100 members increased their use of renewable energy 41% from 2016 to 2017 and the initiative keeps growing fast, with 37 new companies “bringing the total up to 155 companies creating demand for a phenomenal 188 terawatt-hours of renewable power each year.”

BNEF found that “unsubsidized solar and onshore wind [have] become the cheapest source of new bulk power in all major economies except Japan.”

Lazard published its Levelized Cost of Energy 12.0 report, showing solar power’s extreme cost competitiveness even without subsidies. (But wind power is still cheaper, on average.)

The Solar Panel Art Series made its way to North America, with a launch in NYC.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2018 kl 20:47 5996

Global-PV market: demand increasing – prices largely stable

According to EnergyTrend and PV Info Link, the downward spiral of prices along the PV value chain has come to a halt. Nonetheless, by bringing together the two pieces of recent market analysis, regional and value chain variations can be observed.

DECEMBER 7, 2018


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07.12.2018 kl 20:58 5877

California clears final hurdle for state’s landmark solar panel mandate for new homes

A requirement for new homes built in California starting in 2020 to include solar electric systems is now formally part of the state’s building code.

It follows approval Tuesday by the California Building Standards Commission of a plan endorsed in May by a state energy panel.

California is the first state in the nation to mandate solar-energy installations on most single-family homes as well as multi-family residential buildings.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.12.2018 kl 21:08 5867

Politiske fornybarmål i USA innen 2030 innebærer 100 GW årlig:

The 100% renewable energy movement is unstoppable

Cincinnati has become the 100th U.S. city to set a goal to move to 100% renewable energy. This sets the stage for the debate to shift to what resources we will use to decarbonize, and how quickly we will move.

DECEMBER 6, 2018


Sierra Club estimates that 48.7 million people, or 15% of the U.S. population, live in cities or states that have set a 100% mandate. This is in addition to more than 34 million who live in Washington D.C. and four states that have pledged to reach at least 50% renewable energy by 2040 or sooner.

This action by cities and states is a sharp rebuke to the Trump Administration’s departure from the Paris Agreement and attempts to revive the failing coal industry. Additionally, the 2018 mid-term elections brought to Congress a new group of Democratic politicians who have led a movement calling for the entire nation to move to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

The opportunities here for the solar, wind and battery storage industries are massive, as to reach even 80% by 2030 could require an average of around 100 GW of combined wind and solar deployments each year for the next 10 years, or 5x the current level.


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07.12.2018 kl 21:17 5867

SolarPower Europe swings to aid manufacturing in EU after MIP victory

By Mark Osborne Dec 06, 2018

European solar industry trade body SolarPower Europe has said it has started a major campaign to bring back at least 5GW of large-scale PV manufacturing in the region, including the complete supply chain required to support the scheme. 

Dr Christian Westermeier, President of SolarPower Europe said, "SolarPower Europe today has brought forward its policy asks to develop all segments of the manufacturing value chain in Europe. We believe that the time is right to focus on developing the supply side policy framework to support the new market opportunities that SolarPower Europe has fought for, and won, on the Clean Energy Package and in the Trade case, over the past year. Demand for solar is set to rise soon to around 15GW a year in Europe and we should now see a concerted effort to deliver on every segment of the industrial value chain here in Europe. Our members unanimously backed this call both in our Industrial Strategy Taskforce and at our Board meeting. We want to see all solar products, including wafers, cells and modules, made in the EU in the coming years."

However, success or failure, after previous attemptsheaded by then head of Fraunhofer ISE, Dr. Eicke Weber is being left at the door of the EU, specifically the European Commissioner for Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete.

SolarPower Europe expects to put its demands in front of Cañete, in January at the next Clean Energy Industrial Forum.

According to Aurélie Beauvais, Policy Director at SolarPower Europe, these demands include the relaxation of state aid laws, regulatory support to ensure finance for gigawatt-scale plants is available as well as access to land that comes at low cost. 

Further support is wanted to ensure the plants have long-term low-cost energy and administrative burdens reduced wherever they apply that would otherwise hinder manufacturing growth. 

"We have contributed significantly to creating the positive market environment for solar in Europe, our focus is now on delivering an industrial policy,” added Beauvais. “We had our first success this year by driving the process to see the Clean Energy Industrial Forum created by the European Commission. Now we have ambitious policy asks on the table and we expect our European policymakers to deliver.” 

Campaign group, EU ProSun, which had led the successful call to impose the EU MIP rules on Chinese manufacturers selling PV modules in the EU, had fought a bitter battle with SolarPower Europe over tariffs and the subsequent MIP withdrawal in 2018. 

EU ProSun had claimed support from the majority of PV manufacturers, including the largest European producer at the time, SolarWorld, which has subsequently gone bankrupt. 

SolarPower Europe noted that it currently represented over 35 EU solar industrial players, which were said to be backing its new manufacturing campaign, which included German polysilicon producer Wacker Chemie, German PV inverter manufacturer, SMA Solar Technology, French oil giant Total, which owns US-headquartered SunPower Corp, German module manufacturer, SolarWatt and Italian utility, Enel, which owns module manufacturer 3SUN.

Adding to the collective European solar industry trade movement on manufacturing is expected to come from the ‘European Solar Manufacturing Council’ (ESMC), the formation of which was announced at EU PVSEC in September 2018. ESMC hopes to have all parts of the supply chain represented. 

Andreas Bett, director of Fraunhofer ISE, and one of the founders of the Council, told PV Tech at the timethat the European industry has many small enterprises and many have asked for an organisation that is pushing and supporting them in this way.

He described a “natural alliance” between the industrial leadership of business leaders combined with the continent’s various institutions and R&D outlets, that can help turn top results in research into products.

The fear for European research institutes that heavily rely on solar research funding in collaboration with the European solar manufacturers and supply chain has been its ongoing demise, limiting collaboration opportunities.

Milan Nitzschke, President of EU ProSun told PV Tech: "Never keep somebody from taking a turn to the better. During past years Solar Power Europe caused a lot of damage to EU manufacturers by repeating a hundred times that Europe doesn’t need to maintain the full manufacturing value chain. Obviously, this was a big mistake and I welcome SPE now changing its mind. Anyhow it’s far too simple to only ask for some public money and focus on supply-oriented measures. To regain faith in investing in EU manufacturing it is as important to establish a market that values highly sustainable, efficient and reliable solar products made in Europe. After having been fixated on cheaper and cheaper for years it is now time to bring back sustainability and quality into the EU PV market. France has done a good job here by starting with Carbon Footprint criteria. Other tools need to be developed."

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09.12.2018 kl 12:50 5722

Record number of solar companies advocate for the industry on Capital Hill

By Kelsey Misbrener | December 6, 2018

Led by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), today nearly 70 solar companies are visiting the offices of more than 100 members of Congress in an educational advocacy blitz called Solar Shines on the Hill Day.

Solar workers from across the nation will be meeting with members of Congress and their staffs to educate them on the significant growth of the solar industry, corresponding jobs in their districts and states, and the industry’s policy priorities.

One of SEIA’s top federal policy priorities is for Congress to modify the tax code to include energy storage as an eligible technology for the investment tax credit. SEIA’s Solar Shines on the Hill Day builds on the advocacy efforts from this summer when SEIA met with members of the U.S. House of Representatives from the top 100 solar congressional districts.

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10.12.2018 kl 19:14 5470

Wind, solar could be self-financing by 2025 under current European electricity market design

According to a report from the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), lower capital costs for large-scale wind and solar projects, and much higher fossil fuel and carbon prices could lead to renewables becoming self financing by 2025. If these conditions do not materialize, more auctions and tenders may still be needed.

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11.12.2018 kl 14:00 5271

India plans 60GW of solar tenders by March 2020 in push to hit targets

By Tom Kenning Dec 11, 2018

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11.12.2018 kl 14:24 5246

Trump tweetet for 5 minutter siden.

"Very productive conversations going on with China! Watch for some important announcements!"

Kan de ikke bare annonsere at tariffen droppes, så vi kan stikke nordover for godt?...
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11.12.2018 kl 14:33 5225

Takker Leinad for god info. Vi går snart lang nordover.
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11.12.2018 kl 16:07 10584

PV Power Promises Tremendous Industrial Potential for Taiwan


The government's 20 GW PV power installation target calls for staggering investments to the tune of NT$1 trillion, which will bring about huge business opportunities fostering the development of indigenous PV power device industry, as vast majority of the procurements will be made locally.


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11.12.2018 kl 18:45 10520

Nice! Dette blir til gagn for REC! Etterspörsel öker slikt priserne :)
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12.12.2018 kl 16:58 10416

China to Revise ‘Made in China 2025’ Tech Plan, WSJ Reports

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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12.12.2018 kl 17:04 10428

Gråbein, takker for god info :-) Men det står innen 2025 og det er laaaaang tid for oss som daytrader i REC - og REC har bare cash til 5 Q så jeg håper det skjer noe innen den 20. januar 19 hvis ikke så tror jeg REC eller går down under..... men jeg er positiv i REC om dagen. Trader litt daglig og snittet er veldig lavt nå.


(Bloomberg) - Kina planlegger å gi utenlandske selskaper bedre tilgang til sin økonomi og utarbeider en erstatning for planen om å dominere avanserte teknologier innen 2025, rapporterte Wall Street Journal onsdag, med kilder som ble informert om strategien.
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12.12.2018 kl 17:54 10371

«The goals of Made in China 2025 include increasing the Chinese-domestic content of core materials to 40% by 2020 and 70% by 2025.[3] The plan focuses on high-tech fields»

At planen skal modereres vil selvsagt få følger lenge før 2025, dette kan godt bli noe vi merker allerede neste år. Dette er enda et signal om at straffetollen kommer til å bortfalle etter 20. jan. Skjønner ikke helt at så få handler på disse nyhetene. Etter januar har jo toget gått, og det er kanskje på tide å begynne å tenke på å komme seg ut igjen. For de kortsiktige.
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12.12.2018 kl 18:45 10298

Merkelig er det grabein. Det kan ikke hva mye at tjene mer på shortning nå.
Shorterne burde sikre sin vinst nå da det lukter rally i REC.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2018 kl 22:14 10208

First Solar sees a doubling coming in 2019

The thin film PV maker projects 5.4 to 5.6 GW of module shipments next year, more than double its current projected 2018 volumes of 2.6 to 2.7 GW.

DECEMBER 12, 2018

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12.12.2018 kl 22:17 10209

Room for US residential solar to reach 41 GW by 2025

A new analysis by Credit Suisse forecasts that installed residential solar capacity in the United States could grow more than 3x to reach 41 GW by 2025, and shows that there is plenty of space on rooftops to do this.

DECEMBER 12, 2018

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13.12.2018 kl 13:03 10029

Intel discusses 10nm silicon, future of GPUs and fast memory at Architecture Day

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13.12.2018 kl 15:38 9923

Price Trend: Market Dynamics Are Healthy and Industry Shows Positive Development

published: 2018-12-13 15:00

The market as a whole has stabilized due to the robust demand, and prices are on a positive, upward trend. However, manufacturers across the supply chain have been very restrained in adjusting their quotes because they do not want significant fluctuations in price trends. Prices of polysilicon and wafers have held steady because there has been a significant turnaround in demand, and manufacturers in these markets have tightly controlled the supply of their products. Regarding the cell and module markets, prices have only increased marginally despite rising demand and even shortages for some products. The supply-demand relations across the supply chain are expected to gradually move toward a healthier state, and the positive mood of the market will likely persist for a prolonged period.


Noticeable and positive changes have occurred in the polysilicon market this week. Suppliers’ inventories have fallen just as the downstream demand is starting to pick up. More medium- and small-size manufacturers in China and overseas markets have halted production. Currently in China, prices of polysilicon for multi-Si products are kept around RMB 72-78/kg, while prices of polysilicon for mono-Si products are kept around RMB 80-83/kg. Outside China, prices of polysilicon materials have held steady in the range of US$8.5-10.2/kg.


Chinese suppliers have raised the capacity utilization rates of their multi-Si wafer production lines this week. As for their mono-Si wafer production, they now practically keep no stock at hand. Some Chinese suppliers are even prioritizing their shipments based on clients’ billing cycles. With these developments causing a positive shift in the supply-demand relations, prices of mono-Si wafers in China have risen to RMB 3.05-3.10/pc (the average has moved up to RMB 3.08/pc). Prices of multi-Si wafers in China have stayed constant in the range of RMB 2.08-2.20/pc. The average price of black silicon wafers (or the highest price for multi-Si wafers) in China has also remained stable at RMB 2.25/pc. Outside China, prices of mono-Si wafers are kept around US$0.380-0.390/pc, while prices of multi-Si wafers have moved up to around US$0.255-0.280/pc. The average of the multi-Si wafers outside China has risen to US$0.270/pc, while the price of black silicon wafers has remained at US$0.305/pc.


The cell market is still very hot this week, with demand practically exceeding supply for high-efficiency mono-Si cells from first-tier manufacturers. The supply of mono-Si products going to overseas markets is being squeezed by the rising demand in China. As a result, some clients outside China are willing to pay a higher price to secure their shipments. Currently in China, prices of conventional mono-Si cells, high-efficiency mono-Si cells, and superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (>21.5%) are in the ranges of RMB 1.00-1.08/W, RMB 1.12-1.20/W, and RMB 1.20-1.30/W, respectively.

Outside China, cell prices have generally gone up this week. Prices of conventional multi-Si cells have risen to US$0.102-0.130/W, with the average now sitting at US$0.109/W. Prices of conventional mono-Si cells have moved upward to US$0.135-0.155/W, with the average advancing to US$0.150/W. Prices of high-efficiency mono-Si cells have also risen to US$0.155-0.172/W, with the average climbing to US$0.168/W. On the other hand, prices of superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (>21.5%) have been maintained within the range of US$0.170-0.178/W. As for the market for bifacial cells, their prices are still selling at RMB 1.30/W or above.


Prices at which modules are sold have not changed significantly this week even as the market is seeing brisk orders. However, prices of high-efficiency modules have gone up in China due to demand outstripping supply.

Currently in China, prices of conventional multi-Si modules (270-275W) and high-efficiency multi-Si modules (280-285W) are kept within the ranges of RMB1.78-1.85/W and RMB 1.80-1.93/W, respectively. As for prices of mono-Si modules in China, the price ranges of conventional (290-295W), high-efficiency (300-305W), and superior high-efficiency (>310W) are RMB 1.83-1.96/W, RMB 2.10-2.20/W, and RMB 2.20/W or higher, respectively. Outside China, prices of conventional multi-Si modules and high-efficiency multi-Si modules have been holding steady in the ranges of US$0.205-0.265/W and US$0.210-0.275/W, respectively. Prices of mono-Si modules outside China have been stable as well, with prices of conventional and high-efficiency products maintaining within the ranges of US$0.242-0.360/W and US$0.265-0.380/W.

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13.12.2018 kl 18:33 9828

US utility solar installs slip in Q3 with rebound on the way

By John Parnell Dec 13, 2018


Q4 is forecast to see utility installs rebound to 3.5GW. WoodMac has set its 2018 forecast for the US, across all scales, at 11.1GW.


Residential solar continued to arrest the slide it experienced in 2017, which saw the market shrink by 15%. Growth was flat year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter.

WoodMac picked Florida and Nevada as two encouraging residential markets and highlighted New York’s best-ever quarter for commercial rooftop deployment.

“If not for the tariffs, the US solar market would undoubtedly look better today than it does now,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, SEIA’s president and CEO. “However, as this report shows, this is a resilient industry that cannot be kept down for long. With smart policies in place, the potential for the solar industry is hard to overstate.”

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13.12.2018 kl 20:14 9736

Og dette er om industrien i US of A. Regne og in Kina med deres aggresive mål slikt resten av verlden - så kjöp dere in nå! :)
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18.12.2018 kl 23:23 9550

BREAKING: DC is one step closer to 100% renewable energy by 2032

The Washington DC City Council’s second approval will send its landmark clean energy bill to the mayor.

DECEMBER 18, 2018 

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19.12.2018 kl 16:12 9405

2019 PV installations to hit 123 GW, global balance shifting, says IHS Markit

More predictions from IHS Markit reveal that 123 GW of solar PV installations are expected in 2019 – up 18% on the capacity additions expected this year. It also sees a market shift away from China, with two thirds of capacity located elsewhere. The overcapacity situation is also expected to ease.

DECEMBER 19, 2018

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2018: The Year of 100% Clean Energy

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Two states, California and New Jersey, joined Hawaii in committing to 100 percent clean energy (Hawaii’s goal is actually 100 percent renewables). In December, the number of cities committed to 100 percent clean or renewable energy surpassed 100. And recent progress for the “Green New Deal” in Congress has federal policymakers also mulling a 100 percent renewable future.

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