NOD: Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces ...

Kurt Asje
NOD 28.06.2019 kl 13:37 1542

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces general availability for qualified support of the nRF52840 multiprotocol SoC with Amazon FreeRTOS
28 Jun 2019 Oslo, Norway

Amazon FreeRTOS is an industry-leading operating system for embedded devices in IoT designs. The nRF52840 SoC and the nRF52840 DK development kits are now qualified platforms for working with Amazon FreeRTOS using Bluetooth Low Energy. There is also a codebase for developing embedded applications plus a gateway app for mobile devices connecting to the Internet

Amazon Web Services (AWS) have announced immediate general availability of a qualified port of Amazon FreeRTOS for the Nordic nRF52840 multiprotocol System-on-Chip (SoC) and its supporting development kit, the nRF52840 DK.

The release encompasses downloadable code for running Amazon FreeRTOS on the nRF52840 and is also supported by a mobile app which enables the nRF52840 to communicate with AWS IoT Core. The connectivity support is with Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) and allows transfer of data to and from a device to the Cloud. AWS IoT Device Management offers device-specific maintenance and management features.

The Amazon FreeRTOS includes examples for using Bluetooth LE for commissioning of Wi-Fi gateways into an IoT system in a much simpler manner than using Wi-Fi alone for the commissioning process. The examples use standard GATT/GAP interfaces and thus ensure compatibility with all smartphones in the market. Connectivity is based on Nordic Semiconductor’s S140 SoftDevice, a high-performance protocol stack offering up to 20 simultaneous connections and many of Bluetooth LE’s latest performance features including full Bluetooth 5 support. The S140 is RTOS agnostic and integrates smoothly with the Amazon FreeRTOS kernel.

"We are excited to reach this milestone, together with AWS, on a qualified, generally-available release to the public of nRF52840 support within Amazon FreeRTOS
Paal Kastnes, Nordic Semiconductor"

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
28.06.2019 kl 14:05 1524

Gode nyheter biter ikke på her ;-) Frykten for halvårspresentasjonen, handelskrig og all verdens uhumskheter har tatt over.
Tipper oppsiden er adskillig større enn nedsiden nå! Hva tror folket? (Hvis det er noen igjen her inne, da....)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Kurt Asje
28.06.2019 kl 14:13 1517

Nå er det vel håp om fremgang i den låste situasjonen mellom USA og China ifbm G20 i Japan til helgen.
Det kan gi en boost i markedene og også for NOD.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.06.2019 kl 14:24 1511

Noe må man vel håpe på, for denne virker jo totalt død.

Dette papiret var jo en av de mest spennende, men har jo utviklet seg til å bli det tristeste of them all.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
28.06.2019 kl 14:34 1505

hehe meldingen er rene IDEX stilen

sykt overpriset søppel!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
El Cuervo
01.07.2019 kl 17:20 1399

Nå som 5G ligger rundt hjørnet så er nok sikkert ikke IoT og bluetooth fremtiden. Det er sikkert mye smartere å investere i en produsent av fax maskiner!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:09 Du må logge inn for å svare