Ny kontrakt til Prosafe.

PRS 29.06.2019 kl 09:22 1366

Equinor Brasil Energia Ltda (‘Equinor’) has awarded a contract to Prosafe for the Safe Concordia to provide gangway connected operations supporting maintenance and safety services at the Peregrino FPSO in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil.
Contract signing is subject to certain conditions, and the contract has a duration of 120 days commencing mid-January 2020 with up to 60 days of options.
Slettet bruker
29.06.2019 kl 23:53 1264


Folk forstår ikke.. denne kommer en dag
29.06.2019 kl 21:57 1299

Utrolig. Dette var en av Nordsjøens kjemper. Så lite omtale denne får...