Tomra - bare å komme seg ombord jo før jo heller?
Er helt på linje med JP Morgan guruen når det gjelder Tomra som investeringsobjekt, men noe fasitsvar finnes selvsagt ikke. Det er vanskelig å spå. Særlig om fremtiden.
The portfolios of both funds are littered with ‘world leaders’ – a fact that thrills Conte. ‘Yes, a majority of the 60 companies we hold in European Smaller Companies are best in their particular specialisms.’ They include Norwegian recycling company Tomra, a business that is leading the way in ‘reverse vending machines’ – which allow households to return used plastic or glass bottles and receive a refund or return of a deposit.
What excites him more than anything else is the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution – labelled ‘industry 4.0’. He believes the world is on the cusp of great change as automation and the exchange of data revolutionise industries.
Companies such as Tomra, he says, are ideally positioned to benefit. ‘It has machines that will take the fruit from an orange tree and sort them through analysis of their sugar content as to when they will ripen,’ he says. At age 51, Conte is more enthused than ever. Good news for investors.
Redigert: 134.20. Merking av tråd med ticker.
The portfolios of both funds are littered with ‘world leaders’ – a fact that thrills Conte. ‘Yes, a majority of the 60 companies we hold in European Smaller Companies are best in their particular specialisms.’ They include Norwegian recycling company Tomra, a business that is leading the way in ‘reverse vending machines’ – which allow households to return used plastic or glass bottles and receive a refund or return of a deposit.
What excites him more than anything else is the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution – labelled ‘industry 4.0’. He believes the world is on the cusp of great change as automation and the exchange of data revolutionise industries.
Companies such as Tomra, he says, are ideally positioned to benefit. ‘It has machines that will take the fruit from an orange tree and sort them through analysis of their sugar content as to when they will ripen,’ he says. At age 51, Conte is more enthused than ever. Good news for investors.
Redigert: 134.20. Merking av tråd med ticker.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:14
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04.04.2019 kl 16:52
Er det noen her på forumet som kan forklare den store nedgangen i dag og med høyt vol. ???
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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04.04.2019 kl 17:01
Hei CleanGlobe,
En liten nedgang etter ukesvis med oppgang sier seg selv. Det kalles gevinstsikring. Det er helt naturlig at man får små korreksjoner underveis i en opptur. Noe annet ville vært merkelig. Jeg kan vel si heldigvis til dette. Da man får mulighet til å kjøpe mer på reduserte kurser ;-)
PS. Blir du stresset av dette må du holde deg langt borte fra aksjemarkedet!!!
En liten nedgang etter ukesvis med oppgang sier seg selv. Det kalles gevinstsikring. Det er helt naturlig at man får små korreksjoner underveis i en opptur. Noe annet ville vært merkelig. Jeg kan vel si heldigvis til dette. Da man får mulighet til å kjøpe mer på reduserte kurser ;-)
PS. Blir du stresset av dette må du holde deg langt borte fra aksjemarkedet!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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04.04.2019 kl 20:02
Du kan ikke holde på å skrive slikt. Vær så snill. Ingen her lager rabalder etter noen fantastisk sterke dager, og jeg finner det særs lite interessant å kommentere dagen i dag. Jeg solgte en liten post (kun liten% av min beholdning) på 256 her om dagen for å forsøke å trade på allerede overkjøpte nivåer, men aksjen har vært utrolig sterk denne uken og gått videre. Å skrive slik som du gjør er bare unødvendig støy i ellers meget gode tråder. Sorry.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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08.04.2019 kl 22:43
Nok et internasjonalt fond har tatt Tomra-aksjen inn i sin portefølje. Ja, fondsforvalter Tim Crockford i " Hermes Impact Opportunities Equity fund" ser til og med en eventuell "hard-Brexit" som en trigger for Tomra ettersom den eventualiteten vil føre til at det blir dyrere for britene å eksportere avfall til andre EU-nasjoner, med den følge at de i stedet må håndtere og prosessere dette avfallet innenlands...
Hermes impact stock Tomra could see ‘no-deal’ upswing
By Vicky McKeever 04 Apr, 2019
Tomra (TOM.OL), the world leader in reverse vending and the most recent addition to the Hermes Impact Opportunities Equity fund, could be set to gain should the UK leave the EU without a deal next week.
The Norwegian recycling solutions provider is best known for being the largest producer of reverse vending machines, where empty plastic bottles are exchanged for money or credit.
It was the newest addition to the $210 million (£161 million) Hermes impact fund, run by Citywire A-rated manager Tim Crockford, taking the portfolio up to 30 stocks.
The manager said he had been eyeing the stock for a long time in terms of its contribution to the ‘circular economy’, a theme which accounts for 7% of his fund’s exposure. Over the last couple of years Tomra’s shares have shot up by more than 150% in value.
Tomra’s machines, which have so far mainly been implemented in Norway and Germany, scan the barcodes on bottles enabling them to identify and recycle the many plastics which make up the one container.
‘It would see the recycling of plastics jump from around 20-30% to around 80% and it reduces the time spent sorting plastics,’ explained Crockford. ‘This is a market we expect to see grow six times over the next 10 years.’
A ‘no-deal’ Brexit could also be good news for Tomra, as the risk of increased costs and logistical issues associated with exporting waste could see the UK forced to find solutions domestically to cope with its rubbish.
Some 3.6 million tonnes of rubbish is exported to the EU annually, according to an article on Tomra’s website, which is currently traded tariff free.
However, in the event of a hard or no-deal Brexit – should talks between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn fail and MPs remain deadlocked over the available options – the government has warned of a 7.5% tax on exported waste, as well as possible problems with ports and transport. A weaker pound against the euro is another issue which may make exporting rubbish more costly for the UK.
Hermes impact stock Tomra could see ‘no-deal’ upswing
By Vicky McKeever 04 Apr, 2019
Tomra (TOM.OL), the world leader in reverse vending and the most recent addition to the Hermes Impact Opportunities Equity fund, could be set to gain should the UK leave the EU without a deal next week.
The Norwegian recycling solutions provider is best known for being the largest producer of reverse vending machines, where empty plastic bottles are exchanged for money or credit.
It was the newest addition to the $210 million (£161 million) Hermes impact fund, run by Citywire A-rated manager Tim Crockford, taking the portfolio up to 30 stocks.
The manager said he had been eyeing the stock for a long time in terms of its contribution to the ‘circular economy’, a theme which accounts for 7% of his fund’s exposure. Over the last couple of years Tomra’s shares have shot up by more than 150% in value.
Tomra’s machines, which have so far mainly been implemented in Norway and Germany, scan the barcodes on bottles enabling them to identify and recycle the many plastics which make up the one container.
‘It would see the recycling of plastics jump from around 20-30% to around 80% and it reduces the time spent sorting plastics,’ explained Crockford. ‘This is a market we expect to see grow six times over the next 10 years.’
A ‘no-deal’ Brexit could also be good news for Tomra, as the risk of increased costs and logistical issues associated with exporting waste could see the UK forced to find solutions domestically to cope with its rubbish.
Some 3.6 million tonnes of rubbish is exported to the EU annually, according to an article on Tomra’s website, which is currently traded tariff free.
However, in the event of a hard or no-deal Brexit – should talks between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn fail and MPs remain deadlocked over the available options – the government has warned of a 7.5% tax on exported waste, as well as possible problems with ports and transport. A weaker pound against the euro is another issue which may make exporting rubbish more costly for the UK.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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08.04.2019 kl 23:03
Tyske DER AKTIONÄR igjen! Finansportalen er helt euforisk om dagen når det gjelder Tomra-aksjen! Her er det det tekniske bildet som fremheves, og DER AKTIONÄR mener at potensialet i aksjen på ingen måte er tatt ut. Chartet beskrives som sensasjonelt...
07.04.2019 - 08:39 clock - JOCHEN KAUPER - Editor
DER AKTIONÄR "Blow the Buffett Depot": Apple fails and plans big, Nio with comeback chance, Tomra with sensational chart
The "hit the Buffett depot" made up ground in the past week due to the good performance of Apple and Tomra. Since the beginning of the year, the depot has achieved a performance of 10.6 percent.
Tomra Systems: Outbreak!
The European Union (EU) is battling the sprawling plastic traffic. Last week, the panel cleared the way for a ban on certain disposable plastic articles from 2021 onwards. But the EU sets itself further goals, as well as the collection of plastic bottles should be forced - ideal for the deposit maker manufacturer Tomra Systems.
As part of the adopted initiative, around 90 percent of all plastic bottles are to be collected by 2029. Tomra has installed around 30,000 deposit machines in Germany. Other EU countries are lagging far behind. So there is a need to catch up. No wonder Tomra's order books are full.
Investors should not forget the great potential in India and China.
Tomra has already reported to the relevant government officials on the introduction of collection systems for deposit-return systems. Should it come here to positive conclusions, Tomra would be able to develop a new, gigantic potential.
The stock looks technically excellent. The potential is far from exhausted. Bigger setbacks remain buying opportunities.
Tar også med at Dagens Næringsliv nå i kveld har oppslag om at Tomra-aksjen teknisk ligger på førsteplass på Oslo Børs når det gjelder aksjer med ren kjøpsanbefaling! Gitt alle tidshorisonter! (NB! Dette er en artikkel for abonnenter så vil man lese mer enn det jeg gjengir her, må man være abonnent)
Teknisk analyse
Aksjene med høyest teknisk poengsum
Vi ser på de tre mest positive aksjene og en av de mest negative.
Publisert: 08.04.19 — 19.48
Oppdatert: 3 timer siden
Tomra-aksjen ligger i stigende trendkanaler på alle tidshorisonter. Det signaliserer økende optimisme hos investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang.
07.04.2019 - 08:39 clock - JOCHEN KAUPER - Editor
DER AKTIONÄR "Blow the Buffett Depot": Apple fails and plans big, Nio with comeback chance, Tomra with sensational chart
The "hit the Buffett depot" made up ground in the past week due to the good performance of Apple and Tomra. Since the beginning of the year, the depot has achieved a performance of 10.6 percent.
Tomra Systems: Outbreak!
The European Union (EU) is battling the sprawling plastic traffic. Last week, the panel cleared the way for a ban on certain disposable plastic articles from 2021 onwards. But the EU sets itself further goals, as well as the collection of plastic bottles should be forced - ideal for the deposit maker manufacturer Tomra Systems.
As part of the adopted initiative, around 90 percent of all plastic bottles are to be collected by 2029. Tomra has installed around 30,000 deposit machines in Germany. Other EU countries are lagging far behind. So there is a need to catch up. No wonder Tomra's order books are full.
Investors should not forget the great potential in India and China.
Tomra has already reported to the relevant government officials on the introduction of collection systems for deposit-return systems. Should it come here to positive conclusions, Tomra would be able to develop a new, gigantic potential.
The stock looks technically excellent. The potential is far from exhausted. Bigger setbacks remain buying opportunities.
Tar også med at Dagens Næringsliv nå i kveld har oppslag om at Tomra-aksjen teknisk ligger på førsteplass på Oslo Børs når det gjelder aksjer med ren kjøpsanbefaling! Gitt alle tidshorisonter! (NB! Dette er en artikkel for abonnenter så vil man lese mer enn det jeg gjengir her, må man være abonnent)
Teknisk analyse
Aksjene med høyest teknisk poengsum
Vi ser på de tre mest positive aksjene og en av de mest negative.
Publisert: 08.04.19 — 19.48
Oppdatert: 3 timer siden
Tomra-aksjen ligger i stigende trendkanaler på alle tidshorisonter. Det signaliserer økende optimisme hos investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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09.04.2019 kl 07:45
Dette blir en fin vår/sommer ;-)
Gleder meg!!!
Gleder meg!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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09.04.2019 kl 07:47
Uttalelse fra lokalavisa om denne pantemaskin
«Haikjeften» er en gedigen kundemagnet – nå strømmer panterne til butikken
«Haikjeften» er en gedigen kundemagnet – nå strømmer panterne til butikken
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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11.04.2019 kl 21:19
Det franske fondet Talence Euromidcap har vi vært borti før på denne tråden. Fondet gjorde det klart bedre enn indeks i mars, takket være positiv utvikling i Tomra og noen andre aksjer. Det var fortiden, men mer interessant i aksjemarkedet er fremtiden, og som dere kan lese under, er Tomra en av aksjene Talence Euromidcap tror sterkest på de kommemde månedene når det gjelder positiv kursutvikling .
Talence Euromidcap: three values enter the portfolio
09/04/2019 13:58 |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between € 100m and € 5m in capitalization).
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between € 100m and € 5m in market capitalization) in the euro zone. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims to deliver long-term superior performance to the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
The fund gained 2.16% in March against a 0.05% increase for its benchmark index (Eurostoxx small index dividends reinvested). The portfolio benefited from the good stock market behavior of some of its strong beliefs: IMA, Tomra, Cancom, Ubisoft, Cellnex, and Reply.
As of March 29, 2019, Talence Euromidcap is invested at 83.29%. His strong beliefs for the coming months are Barco, CAF, Cancom, Diasorin, GTT, Kinepolis, Koenig & Bauer, Orpea, Tomra and Vidrala.
Tar også med denne sterke oppfordringen om å investere i Tomra her. Utgangspunktet er de ekstreme problemene med plastforurensning i Hong Kong.
Environmental investment
21 hours ago
#Hashtags Fund Zhuoyu Yun Zhuo De Plastics Tomra Investment
There have been a lot of reports about plastic waste in recent days, which mentions how much plastic is consumed and how many eventually become waste in the ecosystem. At this point, it is necessary to stop!
The situation in Hong Kong is even more shocking. It turns out that Hong Kong people consume a lot of plastics. Many people have never looked squarely and have not taken into account the consequences. Indeed, the government has promoted the plastic bag levy plan, but how is the money collected to solve the problem? Everyone should be more active in solving problems and should follow this direction in investment. For example, in Norway there are companies such as Tomra that offer recycled plastic solutions. The amount of plastic used in Hong Kong alone is enough to be shocking. We should reject the extra cutlery and consider placing the food in a recyclable container to avoid making more plastic waste. In fact, some people have done this before, and the public can follow suit. Joining these companies should be considered in the portfolio and the same philosophy should be practiced in life. Why don't we take the first step and replace the plastic bag with our own lunch container?財經/環保投資-168932
Talence Euromidcap: three values enter the portfolio
09/04/2019 13:58 |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between € 100m and € 5m in capitalization).
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between € 100m and € 5m in market capitalization) in the euro zone. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims to deliver long-term superior performance to the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
The fund gained 2.16% in March against a 0.05% increase for its benchmark index (Eurostoxx small index dividends reinvested). The portfolio benefited from the good stock market behavior of some of its strong beliefs: IMA, Tomra, Cancom, Ubisoft, Cellnex, and Reply.
As of March 29, 2019, Talence Euromidcap is invested at 83.29%. His strong beliefs for the coming months are Barco, CAF, Cancom, Diasorin, GTT, Kinepolis, Koenig & Bauer, Orpea, Tomra and Vidrala.
Tar også med denne sterke oppfordringen om å investere i Tomra her. Utgangspunktet er de ekstreme problemene med plastforurensning i Hong Kong.
Environmental investment
21 hours ago
#Hashtags Fund Zhuoyu Yun Zhuo De Plastics Tomra Investment
There have been a lot of reports about plastic waste in recent days, which mentions how much plastic is consumed and how many eventually become waste in the ecosystem. At this point, it is necessary to stop!
The situation in Hong Kong is even more shocking. It turns out that Hong Kong people consume a lot of plastics. Many people have never looked squarely and have not taken into account the consequences. Indeed, the government has promoted the plastic bag levy plan, but how is the money collected to solve the problem? Everyone should be more active in solving problems and should follow this direction in investment. For example, in Norway there are companies such as Tomra that offer recycled plastic solutions. The amount of plastic used in Hong Kong alone is enough to be shocking. We should reject the extra cutlery and consider placing the food in a recyclable container to avoid making more plastic waste. In fact, some people have done this before, and the public can follow suit. Joining these companies should be considered in the portfolio and the same philosophy should be practiced in life. Why don't we take the first step and replace the plastic bag with our own lunch container?財經/環保投資-168932
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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12.04.2019 kl 07:22
Helt topp dette!! Men har en følelse av at TOMRA kursen blir manipulert (holdt nede) de siste ukene. Ganske enkelt gjøres dette ved å kjøpe og selge små poster hele tiden. Gjøres dette i påvente av en stor nyhet/melding som kommer? Eller nærmer vi oss bud/oppkjøp på TOMRA?
Spennende dette!!
Spennende dette!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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Har alle Wong-butikkene i Peru installert pantemaskiner allerede?
Ser det er 18 Wong-supermarkeder totalt i Peru.
Se også :
Anbefaler alle å joine denne gruppa for informasjon worldwide. Her er der pantemaskiner og pilotprosjekter i alle verdenshjørner :)
Ser det er 18 Wong-supermarkeder totalt i Peru.
Se også :
Anbefaler alle å joine denne gruppa for informasjon worldwide. Her er der pantemaskiner og pilotprosjekter i alle verdenshjørner :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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Det er godt med Tomra, de går ut og låner 1,1 mrd. kroner, kun fordi de vil ha sin handlefrihet i orden. Siden de skal betale forestående utbytter på 665 millioner kroner og til å refinansiere eksisterende gjeld. Det som er verdt å merke seg er løpetiden, kun 1 år, ergo forventes det vel gode inntekter de neste 12 mnd.?
Mye godt i vente fra Tomra.
Mye godt i vente fra Tomra.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:25
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15.04.2019 kl 21:49
Har for lengst mistet tellingen når det gjelder internasjonale fondsforvaltere som trekker frem Tomra som kroneksempelet på vellykket, langsiktig investering innen bærekraft, fra porteføljene de forvalter (du finner eksemplene på denne tråden). Her er det Wolfgang Pinnner hvis fond gruser indeksene og nylig ble kåret månedens fond som trekker frem Tomra når han blir bedt om å trekke frem ett selskap som møter fondets kriterier for investering.
Wolfgang Pinner: "The Fund Performance over the last Few years has been outstanding"
12.04.2019 | 20:35
Author: by Christa Grünberg
In March, Raiffeisen KAG's Raiffeisen sustainability mix was named Fund of the Month. Wolfgang Pinner, Head of Sustainable Investments at Raiffeisen Capital Management, explains Raiffeisen's Sustainable Investments approach and the Investment Process for sustainable equity and Bond management.
All Nominations and the Special Number here
BÖRSE EXPRESS: Sustainable Investing Is on everyone's lips today, but is not defined uniformly. What is Your Approach?
WOLFGANG PINNER: In General, the Concept Of sustainability as applied in sustainable Investment Encompasses three Dimensions. Sustainability means taking Account of economic, environmental and social Concerns. Nature and Society must therefore be included in the Consideration. Our Approach combines the Strategies "Avoid" – In Terms of Exclusions and Screenings –, "Support –" support "this is about sustainability analysis in Detail – and" Influence "– this refers to Engagement activities and Voting Rights exercises.
BÖRSE EXPRESS: Can You please give us an Example of an Investment that has met Your Criteria-both in the Equity and Bond sectors?
WOLFGANG PINNER: One Example on the Stock side is Tomra, a Company specializing In Recycling Products, Sorting Technology and Sensor technology. Tomra shows Improvements in a wide Range of sustainability aspects – is – At different levels of ESG And benefits from the Megatrend Of Waste prevention and Recycling.
On the Bond Side, Agencies and supranational Bonds are an Issue that supports, finances and drives sustainable Development. These include the German KFW or the French Agence Francaise de Développement.
Wolfgang Pinner: "The Fund Performance over the last Few years has been outstanding"
12.04.2019 | 20:35
Author: by Christa Grünberg
In March, Raiffeisen KAG's Raiffeisen sustainability mix was named Fund of the Month. Wolfgang Pinner, Head of Sustainable Investments at Raiffeisen Capital Management, explains Raiffeisen's Sustainable Investments approach and the Investment Process for sustainable equity and Bond management.
All Nominations and the Special Number here
BÖRSE EXPRESS: Sustainable Investing Is on everyone's lips today, but is not defined uniformly. What is Your Approach?
WOLFGANG PINNER: In General, the Concept Of sustainability as applied in sustainable Investment Encompasses three Dimensions. Sustainability means taking Account of economic, environmental and social Concerns. Nature and Society must therefore be included in the Consideration. Our Approach combines the Strategies "Avoid" – In Terms of Exclusions and Screenings –, "Support –" support "this is about sustainability analysis in Detail – and" Influence "– this refers to Engagement activities and Voting Rights exercises.
BÖRSE EXPRESS: Can You please give us an Example of an Investment that has met Your Criteria-both in the Equity and Bond sectors?
WOLFGANG PINNER: One Example on the Stock side is Tomra, a Company specializing In Recycling Products, Sorting Technology and Sensor technology. Tomra shows Improvements in a wide Range of sustainability aspects – is – At different levels of ESG And benefits from the Megatrend Of Waste prevention and Recycling.
On the Bond Side, Agencies and supranational Bonds are an Issue that supports, finances and drives sustainable Development. These include the German KFW or the French Agence Francaise de Développement.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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16.04.2019 kl 23:38
Alfred Berg Gambak er med på notene og gjør det godt med Tomra som en av fondets største investeringer. Leif Eriksrød og Petter Tusvik er også sterke i troen på fortsatt positiv kursutvikling for Tomra-aksjen. Forvalterne tar fondet videre med Tomra som nest største investering (5.89%).
Leif Eriksrød og Petter Tusvik har hatt et godt 1. kvartal med Alfred Berg Gambak i 2019.
Fondet steg 1,6 prosent i mars, mens referanseindeksen (fondsindeksen på Oslo Børs) var opp bare 0,1 prosent.
Dermed ble oppgangen i kvartalet 12,5 prosent, mot 8,6 prosent for referansen.
I sin mars-oppsummering trekker forvalterne frem kommunikasjon og industri som de sterkeste sektorene i mars, hjulpet av hhv. Telenor og Tomra.
- EU har vedtatt sitt pantedirektiv og dette vil åpne nye markeder for Tomra.
Tomra (steg 13,7 prosent), BW Offshore (15,0 prosent) og Nel (9,5 prosent) var porteføljens største vinnere, mens Grieg Seafood (falt 6,4 prosent), B2Holding (8,8 prosent) og DNB (3,2 prosent) trakk mest ned.
De fem største investeringene i Alfred Berg Gambak er (per 31/3) Aker BP (7,13 prosent), Tomra (5,89 prosent), Schibsted (5,45 prosent), Nel (5,31 prosent) og DNB (4,92 prosent).
Leif Eriksrød og Petter Tusvik har hatt et godt 1. kvartal med Alfred Berg Gambak i 2019.
Fondet steg 1,6 prosent i mars, mens referanseindeksen (fondsindeksen på Oslo Børs) var opp bare 0,1 prosent.
Dermed ble oppgangen i kvartalet 12,5 prosent, mot 8,6 prosent for referansen.
I sin mars-oppsummering trekker forvalterne frem kommunikasjon og industri som de sterkeste sektorene i mars, hjulpet av hhv. Telenor og Tomra.
- EU har vedtatt sitt pantedirektiv og dette vil åpne nye markeder for Tomra.
Tomra (steg 13,7 prosent), BW Offshore (15,0 prosent) og Nel (9,5 prosent) var porteføljens største vinnere, mens Grieg Seafood (falt 6,4 prosent), B2Holding (8,8 prosent) og DNB (3,2 prosent) trakk mest ned.
De fem største investeringene i Alfred Berg Gambak er (per 31/3) Aker BP (7,13 prosent), Tomra (5,89 prosent), Schibsted (5,45 prosent), Nel (5,31 prosent) og DNB (4,92 prosent).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Ypsilon 7
17.04.2019 kl 09:56
Det er alltid noen som må selge aksjer for å fylle opp nok godterier i påskesekken sin.
God Påske ???
God Påske ???
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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17.04.2019 kl 11:21
Da er det bare å trykke på kjøp knappen igjen? Må nesten gi en Påske takk til de som selger?
Men det er nok roboter som manipulerer igjen?
God Påske
Men det er nok roboter som manipulerer igjen?
God Påske
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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22.04.2019 kl 15:47
Er ganske fersk i aksjer, men følger litt med på bl.a Tomra.
Synes denne artikkelen er verdt litt oppmerksomhet.
Legger også merke ril at i Tomra tråder er det meste velbegrunnet og relevant. Ikke alle tråder er like ryddige.
Synes denne artikkelen er verdt litt oppmerksomhet.
Legger også merke ril at i Tomra tråder er det meste velbegrunnet og relevant. Ikke alle tråder er like ryddige.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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24.04.2019 kl 17:49
At svensker liker Tomra som investeringsobjekt, finnes det flere eksempler på på denne tråden. Svenske AB Latour er dessuten Tomras største aksjonær med et innehav på hele 26.35%. Siste profilerte svenske som står frem og røper sin svakhet for Tomra, er investeringsprofilen Claes Hamberg som har valgt å investere i Tomra og fire andre aksjer i år. Hamberg har handlet Tomra-aksjer for ca. en halv million kroner.
Claes Hemberg miljonköper på börsen
2019-04-24 11:03 Av: Elin Hanspers
Under våren har sparprofilen Claes Hemberg köpt aktier i fem nya börsbolag. I ett av bolagen går han in med en miljon. Det skriver DI.
Totalt har Claes Hemberg, tidigare sparekonom på Avanza, handlat aktier för omkring 3 miljoner kronor under våren.
Mest investerar han i First North-bolaget Allgon, skriver DI.
Han har även gått in i fyra andra bolag, med omkring en halv miljon per bolag. Dessa är norska Tomra, som tillverkar automater för återvinning av dryckesförpackningar, friluftsbolaget Thule, teknikhandelsbolaget Indutrade, och programvarubolaget Enea.
Claes Hemberg miljonköper på börsen
2019-04-24 11:03 Av: Elin Hanspers
Under våren har sparprofilen Claes Hemberg köpt aktier i fem nya börsbolag. I ett av bolagen går han in med en miljon. Det skriver DI.
Totalt har Claes Hemberg, tidigare sparekonom på Avanza, handlat aktier för omkring 3 miljoner kronor under våren.
Mest investerar han i First North-bolaget Allgon, skriver DI.
Han har även gått in i fyra andra bolag, med omkring en halv miljon per bolag. Dessa är norska Tomra, som tillverkar automater för återvinning av dryckesförpackningar, friluftsbolaget Thule, teknikhandelsbolaget Indutrade, och programvarubolaget Enea.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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29.04.2019 kl 23:44
Dagens kjøpsanbefaling fra Kepler Cheuvreux har wwbwb allerede postet på tråden om funnet av den nest største diamanten gjennom alle tider ved hjelp av Tomras XRT sorteringsteknologi i Botswana like før helgen ( "For the record" tar vi den likevel også med her på samletråden for anbefalinger av Tomra-aksjen.
(Rettet tidligere kursmål fra 257 til 275 kroner pr aksje)
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Kepler Cheuvreux høyner kursmålet på Tomra-aksjen til 300 kroner pr aksje fra tidligere 275, og gjentar kjøpsanbefaling.
Det går frem i en oppdatering fra meglerhuset mandag.
Meglerhuset skriver at Tomra er unikt posisjonert for å kapitalisere på det enorme potensialet fra forrige måneds EU-lovgivning om plast. Som følge av lavere usikkerhet høyner vi kursmålet og gjentar kjøp. Samtidig forventer vi oss at ebita for første kvartal øker med 46 prosent år/år, drevet av Sorting Solutions.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
(Rettet tidligere kursmål fra 257 til 275 kroner pr aksje)
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Kepler Cheuvreux høyner kursmålet på Tomra-aksjen til 300 kroner pr aksje fra tidligere 275, og gjentar kjøpsanbefaling.
Det går frem i en oppdatering fra meglerhuset mandag.
Meglerhuset skriver at Tomra er unikt posisjonert for å kapitalisere på det enorme potensialet fra forrige måneds EU-lovgivning om plast. Som følge av lavere usikkerhet høyner vi kursmålet og gjentar kjøp. Samtidig forventer vi oss at ebita for første kvartal øker med 46 prosent år/år, drevet av Sorting Solutions.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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30.04.2019 kl 02:06
Flott jobb du gjør kommentatoren. Jeg sitter long. Regner med at hele verden vil resirkulere plast framover. Bankers
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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06.05.2019 kl 17:53
Siste tips om kursutviklingen før Q1 2019 legges frem i morgen tidlig (7.mai), er signert Investtech (graf/teknisk analyse hvis man følger linken under). Litt i seineste laget å følge rådet om å kjøpe før presentasjonen nå, men her er tipset.
«Kjøp disse selskapene før kvartalsrapportene»
Investtech mener tre av Oslo Børs-selskapene som snart skal levere tall har meget positive tekniske analyser.
Kommentar 13:10 - 03.05.2019
Geir Linløkken
Geir Linløkken er analyse- og forskningssjef hos Investtech.
Tomra har tradisjon for å overraske positivt på kvartalsrapporteringer. Gjennomsnittet for de siste fem års rapporteringer (20 rapporter) viste en oppgang på 1,7 prosent på rapporteringsdagen og totalt 3,5 prosent opp de første to ukene. Tomra er ventet å rapportere Q1-resultatene den 7. mai.
Aksjekursen ligger i en langsiktig, stigende trendkanal. Dette signaliserer økende optimisme hos investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang. Ved reaksjoner tilbake ligger det støtte i overkant av 230 kroner. Tomra er positiv på innsidehandler. Investtech eller nærstående eier aksjer i selskapet.
«Kjøp disse selskapene før kvartalsrapportene»
Investtech mener tre av Oslo Børs-selskapene som snart skal levere tall har meget positive tekniske analyser.
Kommentar 13:10 - 03.05.2019
Geir Linløkken
Geir Linløkken er analyse- og forskningssjef hos Investtech.
Tomra har tradisjon for å overraske positivt på kvartalsrapporteringer. Gjennomsnittet for de siste fem års rapporteringer (20 rapporter) viste en oppgang på 1,7 prosent på rapporteringsdagen og totalt 3,5 prosent opp de første to ukene. Tomra er ventet å rapportere Q1-resultatene den 7. mai.
Aksjekursen ligger i en langsiktig, stigende trendkanal. Dette signaliserer økende optimisme hos investorene og indikerer videre kursoppgang. Ved reaksjoner tilbake ligger det støtte i overkant av 230 kroner. Tomra er positiv på innsidehandler. Investtech eller nærstående eier aksjer i selskapet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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13.05.2019 kl 20:13
Franske Talence Euromidcap selger ut noe av sine posisjoner, men beholder Tomra og fremhever aksjen somen av dem man tror mest på når det gjelder positiv kursutvikling de kommende månedene.
Talence Euromidcap: several titles join the portfolio
09/05/2019 10:36 |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in capitalization).
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA eligible fund that invests in small and medium sized securities (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in market capitalization) in the euro zone. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims to deliver long-term superior performance to the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
In April, the fund sold three of its positions: Diasorin, Soitec and Nemetschek. The lines in Altran, CAF, Cellnex, Econocom and Elis have been lightened.
In addition, several titles have entered our portfolio: BasicFit (fitness club operation), Carel Industries (intelligent refrigeration and ventilation solutions), Fugro (petroleum services), three automotive suppliers (Hella, Plastic Omnium and Stabilus). and Varta (battery production).
As of April 30, 2019, Talence Euromidcap is 93% invested. His strong beliefs for the coming months are Barco, CAF, Cancom, GTT, IMA, Kinepolis, Koenig & Bauer, Orpea, Tomra and Vidrala.
The fund achieved a performance of 5.45% in April, in line with its benchmark (Eurostoxx small index dividends reinvested).
Why I Like Tomra Systems ASA (OB:TOM)
Simply Wall St May 8, 2019
Tomra Systems ASA (OB:TOM) is a stock with outstanding fundamental characteristics. When we build an investment case, we need to look at the stock with a holistic perspective. In the case of TOM, it is a company with great financial health as well as a a strong track record of performance. Below is a brief commentary on these key aspects. For those interested in digger a bit deeper into my commentary, take a look at the report on Tomra Systems here.
Flawless balance sheet with solid track record
Over the past year, TOM has grown its earnings by 21%, with its most recent figure exceeding its annual average over the past five years. Not only did TOM outperformed its past performance, its growth also exceeded the Commercial Services industry expansion, which generated a 11% earnings growth. This is an optimistic signal for the future. TOM is financially robust, with ample cash on hand and short-term investments to meet upcoming liabilities. This implies that TOM manages its cash and cost levels well, which is an important determinant of the company’s health. TOM’s has produced operating cash levels of 0.67x total debt over the past year, which implies that TOM’s management has put its borrowings into good use by generating enough cash to cover a sufficient portion of borrowings.
Tomra er blant 10 "top picks" i porteføljen forvaltet av Jupiter Ecology Fund.
Daily insight
Renewable energy: Coal on the decline in the UK
Jonathan Wright - Fidelity Personal Investing
9 May 2019
Good news, the UK has just got a little greener. This week the country was powered without coal for a record seven days in a row, the longest stretch since the Industrial Revolution.
Green energy offers many opportunities for investors, sometimes in less obvious ways. Renewables can be a good option for those seeking income because they tend to be financed through long term contracts ranging from 10-30 years, providing a steady stream of cash that can be used to provide a regular income. Additionally, there is a very strong regulatory push to increase renewables into the energy mix, also boosting their long-term appeal.
As you would expect, green energy is one of many themes being followed by funds that invest in companies with high ‘environmental, social and governance’ (ESG) standards. If you look under the bonnet of an ESG fund you will see a range of companies on display, often including those focused on providing more environmentally-friendly energy, but it doesn’t stop there.
Take, for example, the Jupiter Ecology Fund. In its top 10 holdings you’ll find the Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems. But you’ll also find companies you’ve probably never heard of such as Xylem, a large US company focused on wastewater treatment and Norwegian firm Tomra, which specialises in ‘reverse vending machines’, devices that make recycling easy and convenient. We recently interviewed the manager of the Jupiter Ecology Fund. You can watch the video here
Talence Euromidcap: several titles join the portfolio
09/05/2019 10:36 |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests in small and medium-sized securities (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in capitalization).
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA eligible fund that invests in small and medium sized securities (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in market capitalization) in the euro zone. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims to deliver long-term superior performance to the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
In April, the fund sold three of its positions: Diasorin, Soitec and Nemetschek. The lines in Altran, CAF, Cellnex, Econocom and Elis have been lightened.
In addition, several titles have entered our portfolio: BasicFit (fitness club operation), Carel Industries (intelligent refrigeration and ventilation solutions), Fugro (petroleum services), three automotive suppliers (Hella, Plastic Omnium and Stabilus). and Varta (battery production).
As of April 30, 2019, Talence Euromidcap is 93% invested. His strong beliefs for the coming months are Barco, CAF, Cancom, GTT, IMA, Kinepolis, Koenig & Bauer, Orpea, Tomra and Vidrala.
The fund achieved a performance of 5.45% in April, in line with its benchmark (Eurostoxx small index dividends reinvested).
Why I Like Tomra Systems ASA (OB:TOM)
Simply Wall St May 8, 2019
Tomra Systems ASA (OB:TOM) is a stock with outstanding fundamental characteristics. When we build an investment case, we need to look at the stock with a holistic perspective. In the case of TOM, it is a company with great financial health as well as a a strong track record of performance. Below is a brief commentary on these key aspects. For those interested in digger a bit deeper into my commentary, take a look at the report on Tomra Systems here.
Flawless balance sheet with solid track record
Over the past year, TOM has grown its earnings by 21%, with its most recent figure exceeding its annual average over the past five years. Not only did TOM outperformed its past performance, its growth also exceeded the Commercial Services industry expansion, which generated a 11% earnings growth. This is an optimistic signal for the future. TOM is financially robust, with ample cash on hand and short-term investments to meet upcoming liabilities. This implies that TOM manages its cash and cost levels well, which is an important determinant of the company’s health. TOM’s has produced operating cash levels of 0.67x total debt over the past year, which implies that TOM’s management has put its borrowings into good use by generating enough cash to cover a sufficient portion of borrowings.
Tomra er blant 10 "top picks" i porteføljen forvaltet av Jupiter Ecology Fund.
Daily insight
Renewable energy: Coal on the decline in the UK
Jonathan Wright - Fidelity Personal Investing
9 May 2019
Good news, the UK has just got a little greener. This week the country was powered without coal for a record seven days in a row, the longest stretch since the Industrial Revolution.
Green energy offers many opportunities for investors, sometimes in less obvious ways. Renewables can be a good option for those seeking income because they tend to be financed through long term contracts ranging from 10-30 years, providing a steady stream of cash that can be used to provide a regular income. Additionally, there is a very strong regulatory push to increase renewables into the energy mix, also boosting their long-term appeal.
As you would expect, green energy is one of many themes being followed by funds that invest in companies with high ‘environmental, social and governance’ (ESG) standards. If you look under the bonnet of an ESG fund you will see a range of companies on display, often including those focused on providing more environmentally-friendly energy, but it doesn’t stop there.
Take, for example, the Jupiter Ecology Fund. In its top 10 holdings you’ll find the Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems. But you’ll also find companies you’ve probably never heard of such as Xylem, a large US company focused on wastewater treatment and Norwegian firm Tomra, which specialises in ‘reverse vending machines’, devices that make recycling easy and convenient. We recently interviewed the manager of the Jupiter Ecology Fund. You can watch the video here
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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23.05.2019 kl 00:42
Tyske DER AKTIONÄRs redaktør MICHEL DOEPKE følger Tomra tett. Superlativene blir sterkere og sterkere, og som dere kan lese snakker han her om et utrolig potensial og anbefalingen er å ikke slippe en aksje av hånden og bli sittende.
21.05.2019 - 14:07 clock - MICHEL DOEPKE - Editor
Continual Tomra Systems jumps to new record high: There's more!
The share of Tomra Systems is unstoppable. After a brief breather after solid figures for the first quarter of 2019 , the papers are recovering and continuing the impressive rally of recent months. In addition to a positive analyst commentary, especially Scotland provides positive impulses.
The Scottish Government announced a new deposit-return program, comprising aluminum and steel cans and glass and PET beverage containers. The goal: to collect 90 percent of the pledged packaging.
Eating well for Tomra Systems . Because the Norwegians offer the appropriate deposit machines and have made in recent years with such collection systems worldwide a name.
Incredible potential
But it is not just the Scots that are worrying about a deposit return system. Tomra Systems has already talked to representatives in India and China . The sheer potential of what the Norwegians need to tap into is simply gigantic, given the sheer size of the population.
Bullish for the shares of Tomra Systems, however, remains analyst Knut Erik Lovstad of Kepler Cheuvreux, who still classifies the papers as "buy". Target price: 300 Norwegian kroner (about 30,60 Euro).
No piece out of hand!
With the breakout to a new record high, the stock of Tomra Systems has generated a strong buy signal. But it is also clear: With a price-earnings ratio of 47 for 2019, the papers are not cheap, but they were also rare. Quality has its price. Stick to it!
The papers have also been in the Schlag-the-Buffett-Depot by the SHAREHOLDER for quite some time now.
Mer tysk begeistring for Tomra-aksjen. Analytiker ser mulighet for kurs tett oppunder 400 i chartet.
Tuesday, 21.05.2019-12:53 – chart analysis
TOMRA-Green stock for the depot
The Norwegian recycling specialist's stock is on a massive upward trajectory and still offers good opportunities, at least from a chart-technical point of view.
André Rain
Technical analyst and trader
In Germany, the Norwegian company is best known for its empty goods withdrawal machines in many supermarkets, but few are likely to have the massive rally of the stock on its screen. From the 2008 low at 2.19, it climbed in the lead to a record high at €28.43 in early April 2019. This was followed by the bullish pullback to the old highs in the range of 25 euros, from there it goes up again.
A continuation of the rally trend towards 31-31 and in the long term about 40 euros would be quite possible from a charter point of view. Growing global environmental awareness could encourage positive price development.
Further price dropouts of up to EUR 23-25 would be unproblematic and could offer new entry opportunities. Only in the event of a fall back by a weekly close below EUR 22 would major corrections of up to EUR 18 or even 15 would have to be planned.,7357453,7357453
Og Privata Affärers Marcus Hernhag sier det slik...
Gunilla: Tack för en fantastisk chatt! Är Tomra och Hexagon för dyra att köpa?
Marcus: De känns alltid som för dyra, främst Tomra, men långsiktigt har aktierna hittills aldrig varit det. Troligen är det likadant även denna gång.
21.05.2019 - 14:07 clock - MICHEL DOEPKE - Editor
Continual Tomra Systems jumps to new record high: There's more!
The share of Tomra Systems is unstoppable. After a brief breather after solid figures for the first quarter of 2019 , the papers are recovering and continuing the impressive rally of recent months. In addition to a positive analyst commentary, especially Scotland provides positive impulses.
The Scottish Government announced a new deposit-return program, comprising aluminum and steel cans and glass and PET beverage containers. The goal: to collect 90 percent of the pledged packaging.
Eating well for Tomra Systems . Because the Norwegians offer the appropriate deposit machines and have made in recent years with such collection systems worldwide a name.
Incredible potential
But it is not just the Scots that are worrying about a deposit return system. Tomra Systems has already talked to representatives in India and China . The sheer potential of what the Norwegians need to tap into is simply gigantic, given the sheer size of the population.
Bullish for the shares of Tomra Systems, however, remains analyst Knut Erik Lovstad of Kepler Cheuvreux, who still classifies the papers as "buy". Target price: 300 Norwegian kroner (about 30,60 Euro).
No piece out of hand!
With the breakout to a new record high, the stock of Tomra Systems has generated a strong buy signal. But it is also clear: With a price-earnings ratio of 47 for 2019, the papers are not cheap, but they were also rare. Quality has its price. Stick to it!
The papers have also been in the Schlag-the-Buffett-Depot by the SHAREHOLDER for quite some time now.
Mer tysk begeistring for Tomra-aksjen. Analytiker ser mulighet for kurs tett oppunder 400 i chartet.
Tuesday, 21.05.2019-12:53 – chart analysis
TOMRA-Green stock for the depot
The Norwegian recycling specialist's stock is on a massive upward trajectory and still offers good opportunities, at least from a chart-technical point of view.
André Rain
Technical analyst and trader
In Germany, the Norwegian company is best known for its empty goods withdrawal machines in many supermarkets, but few are likely to have the massive rally of the stock on its screen. From the 2008 low at 2.19, it climbed in the lead to a record high at €28.43 in early April 2019. This was followed by the bullish pullback to the old highs in the range of 25 euros, from there it goes up again.
A continuation of the rally trend towards 31-31 and in the long term about 40 euros would be quite possible from a charter point of view. Growing global environmental awareness could encourage positive price development.
Further price dropouts of up to EUR 23-25 would be unproblematic and could offer new entry opportunities. Only in the event of a fall back by a weekly close below EUR 22 would major corrections of up to EUR 18 or even 15 would have to be planned.,7357453,7357453
Og Privata Affärers Marcus Hernhag sier det slik...
Gunilla: Tack för en fantastisk chatt! Är Tomra och Hexagon för dyra att köpa?
Marcus: De känns alltid som för dyra, främst Tomra, men långsiktigt har aktierna hittills aldrig varit det. Troligen är det likadant även denna gång.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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23.05.2019 kl 07:28
Ser nok 300.- i mnd skifte Mai/Juni. Fremtiden har ingen øvre grense slik jeg ser det!! En dobling fra 300.- kan raskt komme i dette segmentet med den fremtiden og mulighetene.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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06.06.2019 kl 18:53
Oppdaterer "tematrådene" med litt oppsamlet stoff. Begynner med Privata Affärers Marcus Hernhag som igjen anbefaler Tomra i sin aksjechat.
Peter: Hej Marcus, om du fick månadsspara i endast tre stycken aktier under låt säga tio år, hur skulle du resonera och vilka skulle du valt i dag?
Marcus: Hej! Då väljer jag Lundbergs, Latour och Investor för att få allt från industribolag till fastigheter. Kinnevik vore en bra kandidat också. Tre aktier är väldigt få aktier och då blir det investmentbolag för riskspridningen. Annars om vi pratar potential på lång sikt är Tomra, Cellavision och Hexagon tre kandidater.
Peter: Hej Marcus, om du fick månadsspara i endast tre stycken aktier under låt säga tio år, hur skulle du resonera och vilka skulle du valt i dag?
Marcus: Hej! Då väljer jag Lundbergs, Latour och Investor för att få allt från industribolag till fastigheter. Kinnevik vore en bra kandidat också. Tre aktier är väldigt få aktier och då blir det investmentbolag för riskspridningen. Annars om vi pratar potential på lång sikt är Tomra, Cellavision och Hexagon tre kandidater.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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13.06.2019 kl 22:57
Et suksessrikt fond har nylig kjøpt seg inn i Tomra, og en tysk analytiker/porteføljeforvalter anbefaler selskapet.
Baring Europe Select - try something different
Kate Marshall | Fri 07 June 2019
* A fund that offers something different to most others investing in Europe
* It's run by an experienced manager with a superior track record, giving us confidence about its future
* Some exciting companies have recently been added to the fund
Our view
Baring Europe Select is different to a lot of other funds investing in Europe. It invests in small and medium-sized companies, while most others focus on larger firms. We think this boosts the fund's long-term growth potential, though it increases risk.
There aren’t many managers with long and successful track records in this unique part of the market. We think Nick Williams is one of the few. His commitment to this fund and his long-standing investment process is hard to fault. It’s a quality we rate highly. He also has the help of Rosie Simmonds and Colin Riddles to run the fund, and together we think they make a solid team.
We're confident about the fund's long-term prospects and it currently features on the Wealth 50 list of our favourite funds. We think it could be used to diversify the European part of a wider portfolio, or one focused on larger companies.
What's changed in the fund?
Nick Williams recently sold, or reduced, some investments that have performed well and made a profit. Wirecard, the digital payments provider, was sold towards the end of last year, for example. He's reinvested in companies he thinks have more growth potential.
New investments include Tomra, which makes reverse vending machines. They offer an innovative solution – users deposit their recycling in these machines in exchange for payment or tokens to use at a local store. It encourages people to recycle more and helps governments meet certain targets. Increased environmental awareness across the globe is driving pressure for new recycling solutions, and Williams thinks the company could benefit.
Favorite change due to the upswing of the "Greens"
The ' greened ' social zeitgeist is in any case an important determinant, which plays a role in investment decisions of market participants.
Christian Hunt
Portfolio matrix
While many traders currently tend to prefer more defensive industries such as food, consumption and pharmaceuticals due to political events, very different segments could become the focus of investors in Germany in the medium term. In any case, Christian Hunt believes that the "greased" social zeitgeist "is in any case an important determinant, which plays a role in investment decisions of market participants." Against this background, he currently likes the shares of the Norwegian Tomra Systems "with its intelligent collection and sorting solutions."
Baring Europe Select - try something different
Kate Marshall | Fri 07 June 2019
* A fund that offers something different to most others investing in Europe
* It's run by an experienced manager with a superior track record, giving us confidence about its future
* Some exciting companies have recently been added to the fund
Our view
Baring Europe Select is different to a lot of other funds investing in Europe. It invests in small and medium-sized companies, while most others focus on larger firms. We think this boosts the fund's long-term growth potential, though it increases risk.
There aren’t many managers with long and successful track records in this unique part of the market. We think Nick Williams is one of the few. His commitment to this fund and his long-standing investment process is hard to fault. It’s a quality we rate highly. He also has the help of Rosie Simmonds and Colin Riddles to run the fund, and together we think they make a solid team.
We're confident about the fund's long-term prospects and it currently features on the Wealth 50 list of our favourite funds. We think it could be used to diversify the European part of a wider portfolio, or one focused on larger companies.
What's changed in the fund?
Nick Williams recently sold, or reduced, some investments that have performed well and made a profit. Wirecard, the digital payments provider, was sold towards the end of last year, for example. He's reinvested in companies he thinks have more growth potential.
New investments include Tomra, which makes reverse vending machines. They offer an innovative solution – users deposit their recycling in these machines in exchange for payment or tokens to use at a local store. It encourages people to recycle more and helps governments meet certain targets. Increased environmental awareness across the globe is driving pressure for new recycling solutions, and Williams thinks the company could benefit.
Favorite change due to the upswing of the "Greens"
The ' greened ' social zeitgeist is in any case an important determinant, which plays a role in investment decisions of market participants.
Christian Hunt
Portfolio matrix
While many traders currently tend to prefer more defensive industries such as food, consumption and pharmaceuticals due to political events, very different segments could become the focus of investors in Germany in the medium term. In any case, Christian Hunt believes that the "greased" social zeitgeist "is in any case an important determinant, which plays a role in investment decisions of market participants." Against this background, he currently likes the shares of the Norwegian Tomra Systems "with its intelligent collection and sorting solutions."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Max Payne
13.06.2019 kl 23:09
Meget spennende at Tomra kommer inn i flere fond. Tomra framstår som en av de mest robuste og fremtidsrettede selskapene Norge har. Det vil bli stadig mer fokus mot klima og miljø og Tomra synes å være helt i sentrum av begivenhetene. At de nå fokuserer på sortering av metaller og aluminium og også plast forurensning generelt, er meget fornuftig. Jeg er LONG og vil være med i mange år.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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18.06.2019 kl 20:16
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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19.06.2019 kl 07:16
Som jeg har sagt så mange ganger tidligere kommer det til å ta skikkelig av når verdens analytikere/meglere/investorer får øynene opp for unike TOMRA. Nå ser det endelig ut som ting begynner å skje. Tror riktignok at vi bare har sett starten av dette eventyret!! TOMRA kommer til å bli er MEGA selskap globalt. Da kan dere bare tenke hvordan det kommer til å gå med TOMRA kursen fremover. Personlig tror jeg snart vi får et bud på TOMRA. Da er jo mye gjort selvfølgelig ;-)
Ha en strålende TOMRA dag!!
Ha en strålende TOMRA dag!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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19.06.2019 kl 16:56
Tryner siste timen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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19.06.2019 kl 21:11
Det har ofte vært sånn at den har falt litt på tampen av dagen. Nå har den hatt fin oppgang noen dager, og det kan like gjerne fortsette i morgen. Ikke lenge før 300 kr testes.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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19.06.2019 kl 22:01
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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22.06.2019 kl 18:39
To minutters videoanalyse av Tomra-aksjen for dere som behersker tysk.
Artikel mit Video Kennen Sie diesen Outperformer?,7447856
Artikel mit Video Kennen Sie diesen Outperformer?,7447856
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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26.06.2019 kl 22:10
Er helt på linje med Roger Berntsen her når det gjelder en tidshorisont på 10 - 20 år for investeringen. I mine øyne har Tomra Systems nå alle karakteristika til et fremtidig norsk børslokomotiv, gitt utviklingen innen selskapets forretningsområder. Vi snakker her om et selskap som har posisjonert seg selv med helt eventyrlige globale markedsandeler innen forretningsområder som bare kommer til å vokse ditto. Lenge.
Dette er Roger Berntsens aksjefavoritter
«Orakelet fra Farsund» er bull på «grønn aksje» og ser på fiskekjempe som et «mini McDonald's»
Artikkel av: Njål Eivind Kleiven
26. juni 2019 - 10.00
Berntsen har over lengre tid snakket varmt om pant- og søppelhåndteringsselskapet Tomra. Med ESG-bølgen som har slått inn over aksjemarkedet det siste året, har Tomra-aksjen klatret så mye som 71,18 prosent de siste 12 månedene.
- Tomras forretningsmodell treffes i disse dager av en rekke positive impulser, da flere jurisdiksjoner i verden har fått øynene opp for viktigheten av industrielle løsninger for retur av plastemballasje og sortering av søppel mv, heter det fra Berntsen.
For 2019 og 2020 ligger et noe tynt konsensus inne med en inntjeningsforventning på henholdsvis 5,60 og 6,53 kroner per aksje. Med dagens kurs impliserer dette en forward p/e på henholdsvis 51,7 og 44,3 for 2019 og 2020.
- Fra et analytisk ståsted har Tomra «alltid» vært dyr, til og med før ESG-bølgen skylte inn over aksjemarkedene. Skulle aksjekursen på ett eller annet tidspunkt falle kraftig vil jeg, slik det ser ut i dag, vekte meg opp i aksjen igjen på bekostning av selskaper i porteføljen som har utviklet seg relativt sett bedre. Tomra, i likhet med Mowi, er selskaper jeg ser for meg å være investert i over lang tid, sier den Buffett/Munger-inspirerte investoren til
Fornøyd med porteføljen
Berntsen ser seg fornøyd med porteføljesammensetningen, og på spørsmål om hvilke aksjer han følger særlig tett i dag, og som kan få innpass i porteføljen, er han mer kryptisk.
Jeg har fulgt alle selskapene som jeg har i porteføljen tett i flere år som analytiker og har derfor en god ide om hva de er verdt. Mao. porteføljesammensetningen, slik den er i dag, er jeg tilfreds med. Jeg anser denne som robust mtp de kommende årene. Flere av selskapene i porteføljen vil jeg med stor sannsynlighet være investert i om 10 og 20 år også, avslutter Berntsen.
Dette er Roger Berntsens aksjefavoritter
«Orakelet fra Farsund» er bull på «grønn aksje» og ser på fiskekjempe som et «mini McDonald's»
Artikkel av: Njål Eivind Kleiven
26. juni 2019 - 10.00
Berntsen har over lengre tid snakket varmt om pant- og søppelhåndteringsselskapet Tomra. Med ESG-bølgen som har slått inn over aksjemarkedet det siste året, har Tomra-aksjen klatret så mye som 71,18 prosent de siste 12 månedene.
- Tomras forretningsmodell treffes i disse dager av en rekke positive impulser, da flere jurisdiksjoner i verden har fått øynene opp for viktigheten av industrielle løsninger for retur av plastemballasje og sortering av søppel mv, heter det fra Berntsen.
For 2019 og 2020 ligger et noe tynt konsensus inne med en inntjeningsforventning på henholdsvis 5,60 og 6,53 kroner per aksje. Med dagens kurs impliserer dette en forward p/e på henholdsvis 51,7 og 44,3 for 2019 og 2020.
- Fra et analytisk ståsted har Tomra «alltid» vært dyr, til og med før ESG-bølgen skylte inn over aksjemarkedene. Skulle aksjekursen på ett eller annet tidspunkt falle kraftig vil jeg, slik det ser ut i dag, vekte meg opp i aksjen igjen på bekostning av selskaper i porteføljen som har utviklet seg relativt sett bedre. Tomra, i likhet med Mowi, er selskaper jeg ser for meg å være investert i over lang tid, sier den Buffett/Munger-inspirerte investoren til
Fornøyd med porteføljen
Berntsen ser seg fornøyd med porteføljesammensetningen, og på spørsmål om hvilke aksjer han følger særlig tett i dag, og som kan få innpass i porteføljen, er han mer kryptisk.
Jeg har fulgt alle selskapene som jeg har i porteføljen tett i flere år som analytiker og har derfor en god ide om hva de er verdt. Mao. porteføljesammensetningen, slik den er i dag, er jeg tilfreds med. Jeg anser denne som robust mtp de kommende årene. Flere av selskapene i porteføljen vil jeg med stor sannsynlighet være investert i om 10 og 20 år også, avslutter Berntsen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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26.06.2019 kl 22:13
Hallo noen der ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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02.07.2019 kl 15:22
Managers look at disruptive companies in the midst of low-rate eras
1 JUL. 2019 - 00:17
The slowdown and central bank policy of not raising rates encourages investors to focus on small projects with big growth prospects.
The de-eacy of the economy and the long cycle of low rates are leading fund managers to seek new investment horizons. Beyond the stocks of large companies, sovereign fixed income and other recurrent instruments in portfolios, investors' eyes are increasingly turning to disruptive small and mid-caps of business.
The idea of the background is that it is a good time to invest, always analyzing each trade in detail, because the current economic slowdown does not have to end in a new recession. If this one comes, it won't be, in any case, as profound and lasting as a decade ago.
Victor Asensi, international sales manager at Degroof Petercam AM advised to enter into disruptive projects with growth prospects for the next twenty years. In this regard, he cited the Dpam Invest B Equities NewGems Sustainable fund, which invests in sectors such as nanotechnology, ecology or age-related businesses.
"For example, in ecology we invest in a company called Tomra, based in Norway, which specializes in recycling solutions such as machines that give coins to the customer for returning plastic bottles," Asensi said.
Managers look at disruptive companies in the midst of low-rate eras
1 JUL. 2019 - 00:17
The slowdown and central bank policy of not raising rates encourages investors to focus on small projects with big growth prospects.
The de-eacy of the economy and the long cycle of low rates are leading fund managers to seek new investment horizons. Beyond the stocks of large companies, sovereign fixed income and other recurrent instruments in portfolios, investors' eyes are increasingly turning to disruptive small and mid-caps of business.
The idea of the background is that it is a good time to invest, always analyzing each trade in detail, because the current economic slowdown does not have to end in a new recession. If this one comes, it won't be, in any case, as profound and lasting as a decade ago.
Victor Asensi, international sales manager at Degroof Petercam AM advised to enter into disruptive projects with growth prospects for the next twenty years. In this regard, he cited the Dpam Invest B Equities NewGems Sustainable fund, which invests in sectors such as nanotechnology, ecology or age-related businesses.
"For example, in ecology we invest in a company called Tomra, based in Norway, which specializes in recycling solutions such as machines that give coins to the customer for returning plastic bottles," Asensi said.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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11.07.2019 kl 22:41
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Ser bra ut i Canada og nå : )
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Oslo (TDN Direkt): ABG Sundal Collier oppgraderer Tomra-aksjen til hold fra tidligere salgsanbefaling samtidig som kursmålet oppjusteres til 270 kroner fra tidligere 195 kroner.
Det fremkommer av en oppdatering fra meglerhuset mandag.
Meglerhuset forventer at Tomra vil levere om lag 11 prosent salgsvekst på årsbasis i andre kvartal 2019 og ebita på 343 millioner kroner.
Videre forventer meglerhuset at positiv nyhetsstrøm vil støtte aksjen på kort sikt, og de tror aksjemarkedet vil fortsette å fokusere på ESG-temaet (miljø, sosiale og forretningsetiske forhold) og Tomras vekstpotensial.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
P.S. Blir det 75 kroner opp neste gang de oppjusterer også? Vel det betyr jo ikke så meget, bedre sent enn aldri, selv om >38% opp betyr vel nesten at noen har sovet i timen?
Det fremkommer av en oppdatering fra meglerhuset mandag.
Meglerhuset forventer at Tomra vil levere om lag 11 prosent salgsvekst på årsbasis i andre kvartal 2019 og ebita på 343 millioner kroner.
Videre forventer meglerhuset at positiv nyhetsstrøm vil støtte aksjen på kort sikt, og de tror aksjemarkedet vil fortsette å fokusere på ESG-temaet (miljø, sosiale og forretningsetiske forhold) og Tomras vekstpotensial.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
P.S. Blir det 75 kroner opp neste gang de oppjusterer også? Vel det betyr jo ikke så meget, bedre sent enn aldri, selv om >38% opp betyr vel nesten at noen har sovet i timen?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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15.07.2019 kl 13:47
Ja, flere meglerhus har sovet i timen/"dummet seg ut"'' når det gjelder Tomra. Du nevner ABG Sundal Collier, og SEB ropte vel f.eks. 175 noen dager etter at ABG Sundal Coliier gikk ut med 190, såvidt jeg husker.
Tim Crockford, "lead portfolio manager of the Hermes" tror vi kommer til å oppleve en seksdobling av antall pantemaskiner de neste ti årene. Tomra har en global markedsandel på ca. 80% her i dag så artig tankespinn å leke litt med Crockfords prognoser...
Å lese artikkelen jeg siterer fra her, i sin helhet, anbefales på det sterkeste hvis man som investor er interessert i å skjønne hvor landet faktisk ligger...
Reduce, reuse, recycle: why the markets are key players in the war on plastic waste
By: Dominic Chambers Published on: Friday, July 12, 2019
Investors should focus on collection and recycling to have the greatest impact in targeting plastic waste.
Of all the shocking statistics that now surround the growth of marine plastic waste, one stands out in particular: according to research undertaken by the World Economic Forum, UK charity The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and consultants McKinsey, unless current trends are reversed by 2050 the world’s oceans could hold more plastic than fish by weight.
The scourge of ocean plastic waste is now top of the global agenda. At the June’s G20 summit held in Japan, world leaders committed to The Osaka Blue Ocean Vision, which aims to “reduce additional pollution by marine plastic litter to zero by 2050”.
Corporates are also increasingly aware of the reputational and business risks they take if they do not address this issue. Research by Morgan Stanley found that that the number of corporate earnings calls that mentioned “plastic waste” increased by 340% over the year in 2018.
Hermes is one of 25 institutional investors from four countries with a combined $1 trillion of assets under management that has pledged to interact with leading consumer goods companies on the threat posed by plastic pollution and the associated corporate brand risk. Aviva Investors has also signed up to the scheme.
A key initiative in plastic collection is reverse vending machines. An empty bottle is exchanged either for cash or a coupon. Not only does this incentivize people to recycle, but it addresses one of the banes of plastic recycling: the sorting of the dozens of different types of plastic that arrive at recycling plants as a single chaotic mass.
Le Floch explains: “Aluminium, by comparison, is quite well recycled because it’s easy to collect and sort with magnetic devices. Plastic waste isn’t easy to sort: often recycling facilities get clogged with plastic bags and have to stop and restart several times a day. So, it makes sense to have a dedicated waste stream for plastic bottles, which is where the reverse vending machines come in.”
The Norwegian recycling solutions provider Tomra is the world’s largest producer of reverse vending machines, operating in approximately 40 markets worldwide. Its machines scan the barcodes on bottles enabling them to identify and recycle the many plastics from which they are made.
Tim Crockford, lead portfolio manager of the Hermes fund (which has invested in Tomra), expects the reverse vending machine market to grow six-fold over the next 10 years.
Truls Haug, Tomra’s UK country manager, explains the benefits of deposit-return systems (DRS): “When you capture the material with a DRS you capture it in a clean way because it isn’t contaminated, unlike with a kerbside system where all the materials are mixed. Also, you are able to capture more of the material: a kerbside system only captures 60%, with a DRS you can capture 90% to 95%. In the UK, this would save 400 million objects a year from being littered.”
With a DRS it is possible to recycle 95% to 100% of the plastic back into the same value chain – meaning bottle to bottle, or bottle to food-grade material. With a kerbside system it is possible to recycle only up to about 30% to the same level, with the rest being either down-cycled or incinerated.
Tim Crockford, "lead portfolio manager of the Hermes" tror vi kommer til å oppleve en seksdobling av antall pantemaskiner de neste ti årene. Tomra har en global markedsandel på ca. 80% her i dag så artig tankespinn å leke litt med Crockfords prognoser...
Å lese artikkelen jeg siterer fra her, i sin helhet, anbefales på det sterkeste hvis man som investor er interessert i å skjønne hvor landet faktisk ligger...
Reduce, reuse, recycle: why the markets are key players in the war on plastic waste
By: Dominic Chambers Published on: Friday, July 12, 2019
Investors should focus on collection and recycling to have the greatest impact in targeting plastic waste.
Of all the shocking statistics that now surround the growth of marine plastic waste, one stands out in particular: according to research undertaken by the World Economic Forum, UK charity The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and consultants McKinsey, unless current trends are reversed by 2050 the world’s oceans could hold more plastic than fish by weight.
The scourge of ocean plastic waste is now top of the global agenda. At the June’s G20 summit held in Japan, world leaders committed to The Osaka Blue Ocean Vision, which aims to “reduce additional pollution by marine plastic litter to zero by 2050”.
Corporates are also increasingly aware of the reputational and business risks they take if they do not address this issue. Research by Morgan Stanley found that that the number of corporate earnings calls that mentioned “plastic waste” increased by 340% over the year in 2018.
Hermes is one of 25 institutional investors from four countries with a combined $1 trillion of assets under management that has pledged to interact with leading consumer goods companies on the threat posed by plastic pollution and the associated corporate brand risk. Aviva Investors has also signed up to the scheme.
A key initiative in plastic collection is reverse vending machines. An empty bottle is exchanged either for cash or a coupon. Not only does this incentivize people to recycle, but it addresses one of the banes of plastic recycling: the sorting of the dozens of different types of plastic that arrive at recycling plants as a single chaotic mass.
Le Floch explains: “Aluminium, by comparison, is quite well recycled because it’s easy to collect and sort with magnetic devices. Plastic waste isn’t easy to sort: often recycling facilities get clogged with plastic bags and have to stop and restart several times a day. So, it makes sense to have a dedicated waste stream for plastic bottles, which is where the reverse vending machines come in.”
The Norwegian recycling solutions provider Tomra is the world’s largest producer of reverse vending machines, operating in approximately 40 markets worldwide. Its machines scan the barcodes on bottles enabling them to identify and recycle the many plastics from which they are made.
Tim Crockford, lead portfolio manager of the Hermes fund (which has invested in Tomra), expects the reverse vending machine market to grow six-fold over the next 10 years.
Truls Haug, Tomra’s UK country manager, explains the benefits of deposit-return systems (DRS): “When you capture the material with a DRS you capture it in a clean way because it isn’t contaminated, unlike with a kerbside system where all the materials are mixed. Also, you are able to capture more of the material: a kerbside system only captures 60%, with a DRS you can capture 90% to 95%. In the UK, this would save 400 million objects a year from being littered.”
With a DRS it is possible to recycle 95% to 100% of the plastic back into the same value chain – meaning bottle to bottle, or bottle to food-grade material. With a kerbside system it is possible to recycle only up to about 30% to the same level, with the rest being either down-cycled or incinerated.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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15.07.2019 kl 14:04
Mye rot og redigering måtte til for å greie å poste det jeg ville i foregående innlegg vha mobiltelefon. Nå er det omsider ferdig redigert.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Von der Leyen lover plan for klimanøytralitet innen 100 dager
(om hun blir godkjent)
(om hun blir godkjent)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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16.07.2019 kl 11:09
Ja, dette går bare en vei wwbwb, og det Tomras og heldigvis klodens vei. Så glimrende nytt! Samtidig fortsetter de naturlig nok å rigge seg til med posisjon i Tomra både det ene og andre internasjonale fondet. The right place to be!
MAM Transition Durable Actions is a mutual fund whose objective is to offer investors, over the recommended investment period, a performance linked to a portfolio invested in shares of international companies by favoring companies that take into account the stakes of a transition to a sustainable economy, and by implementing an SRI strategy. The management objective is not compatible with the existence of a reference indicator. No existing index reflects the management objective of the fund, which is mainly dedicated to a specific thematic universe.
During the month of June, the fund invested in Roche, Adobe, Nordex and Tomra Systems.
MAM Transition Durable Actions is a mutual fund whose objective is to offer investors, over the recommended investment period, a performance linked to a portfolio invested in shares of international companies by favoring companies that take into account the stakes of a transition to a sustainable economy, and by implementing an SRI strategy. The management objective is not compatible with the existence of a reference indicator. No existing index reflects the management objective of the fund, which is mainly dedicated to a specific thematic universe.
During the month of June, the fund invested in Roche, Adobe, Nordex and Tomra Systems.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Ursula Von Der Leyen: " Vår største utfordring er å holde planeten vår frisk"
Da er det godt å ha selskaper som Tomra m.fl. for å løse en slik oppgave!
"TOMRA has been in this business for more than 40 years. We know that in order to move forward, we all need to rethink and rework how things have been in the past. Every day we’re focused on transforming how the world obtains, uses and reuses its resources.
In short we aim to help our customers obtain more, use less and reuse resources (better business) and make the planet more sustainable (better environment).
Dare. Explore. Advance.
Engage. Inspire. Enjoy.
Commit. Deliver. Care.
Altogether TOMRA has approximately 100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of about 8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The TOMRA Group employs roughly 4,000 people globally"
Da er det godt å ha selskaper som Tomra m.fl. for å løse en slik oppgave!
"TOMRA has been in this business for more than 40 years. We know that in order to move forward, we all need to rethink and rework how things have been in the past. Every day we’re focused on transforming how the world obtains, uses and reuses its resources.
In short we aim to help our customers obtain more, use less and reuse resources (better business) and make the planet more sustainable (better environment).
Dare. Explore. Advance.
Engage. Inspire. Enjoy.
Commit. Deliver. Care.
Altogether TOMRA has approximately 100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of about 8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The TOMRA Group employs roughly 4,000 people globally"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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22.07.2019 kl 16:47
Skral kursutvikling i Tomra i dag. Så får det være opp til hver enkelt å tolke at disse to aktørene dukket opp i dagens handel, på hver sin side av bordet.
Stefan Ranstrand, primary insider of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today acquired 3,500
shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 260 per share. After this
transaction Stefan Ranstrand holds 137,952 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Source Url:
Volker Rehrmann, primary insider of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today sold 12,000
shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 261 per share. After this
transaction Volker Rehrmann holds 19,936 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Source Url:
Stefan Ranstrand, primary insider of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today acquired 3,500
shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 260 per share. After this
transaction Stefan Ranstrand holds 137,952 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Source Url:
Volker Rehrmann, primary insider of TOMRA Systems ASA, has today sold 12,000
shares in TOMRA Systems ASA at a price of NOK 261 per share. After this
transaction Volker Rehrmann holds 19,936 shares in TOMRA Systems ASA.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Source Url:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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Silicon Valley
22.07.2019 kl 18:14
Tomra melder om et resultat etter skatt på 216,6 millioner kroner i 2. kvartal 2019, mot 191,2 millioner kroner i samme periode i fjor. Resultat per aksje ble 1,40 kroner, mot 1,22 kroner ved samme korsvei i fjor. Tomra er et solid selskap med tilvekst, men det er ikke noen super tilvekst. Resultatveksten fra forrige år er på 13%.
Hvis veksten er lik det neste år vil vinsten pr aksje være på 1,58 kr i Q2 neste år. Vid lineær tilvekst vil da vinsten per aksje det neste år være på ca 6,05 kr pr aksje. Ved en aksjekurs på 260 vil dette gi en p/e på 43. Dette må sies være høyt, også for et solid selskap som Tomra. Det finnes aksjer som har like solide tall men med betydelig lavere vurdering som for eks Scanship. Med rom for like stor tilvekst, eller kanskje større, i årene som kommer sammenlignet med Tomra.
Hvis tilveksten til Tomra øker kraftig så vil aksjen kunne fremstå som billig. Men om tilveksten blir lik som nå i årene som kommer er aksjen for høyt priset.
Tomra kan gå ned 10-20 % til og fremdeles ikke fremstå som en særlig billig aksje.
Hvis veksten er lik det neste år vil vinsten pr aksje være på 1,58 kr i Q2 neste år. Vid lineær tilvekst vil da vinsten per aksje det neste år være på ca 6,05 kr pr aksje. Ved en aksjekurs på 260 vil dette gi en p/e på 43. Dette må sies være høyt, også for et solid selskap som Tomra. Det finnes aksjer som har like solide tall men med betydelig lavere vurdering som for eks Scanship. Med rom for like stor tilvekst, eller kanskje større, i årene som kommer sammenlignet med Tomra.
Hvis tilveksten til Tomra øker kraftig så vil aksjen kunne fremstå som billig. Men om tilveksten blir lik som nå i årene som kommer er aksjen for høyt priset.
Tomra kan gå ned 10-20 % til og fremdeles ikke fremstå som en særlig billig aksje.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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24.07.2019 kl 17:12
"Jeg var for dum til å skjønne hva som kom til å skje", er Warren Buffets forklaring på hvorfor han ikke investerte tidlig i Amazon. Er du interessert i å oppleve et lignende børseventyr, anbefaler tyske FOCUS-MONEY å satse på Tomra, som du kan lese under. Aksjen er nå ned ca. 15% siden toppen for en måned siden. Så kanskje kommer dette tipset fra FOCUS-MONEY på et gunstig tidspunkt?
The longest stock item of all time
Trends stocks: With these three values, you are betting on the next big trends
Did you miss the big opportunity at Amazon, Apple & Co. back then? Don't worry: with these three stocks, you're betting on the next big trends.
"I was too stupid to realize what was going to happen," star investor Warren Buffet once said when asked by a shareholder why he never Amazon invested. The stock market guru doesn't seem to have really coped with his missed opportunity to date.
What if?
Many investors probably ask themselves this all too often. If only 1,000 euros had been invested in Amazon at the time. If only you had Apple demure. Or would you even have been able to Bitcoin demure. Would have, had, had. "Afterwards, you're always smarter," is the well-known saying. That's just the way it is with the trends. Most of the time, you don't recognize them until it's too late. But now you're holding on: your chances of benefiting from new trends are nupts not over. Quite the contrary! In a time of upheaval, technological breakthroughs, increasing digitalization, globalization – the next big mega-trends are already waiting for the next corner.
With Stock Selection Europe, you can achieve over-returns with system. They rely on the strongest trend signals from Germany and Europe. Long and short. This way you can make your investment success independent of the DAX status.
Are you a trendsetter?
Enough regret to have missed trends in the past. Focus on those that lie in front of you. And don't worry: On the next three pages you don't expect "typical" success torches like Facebook & Co., who might be the first to shoot you through your head when you think of trend stocks. Whether it's the fight against plastic, secret Amazon profiteers or the alarm system of the future: FOCUS-MONEY introduces you to three relatively unknown companies that could make you an absolute stock market trendsetter. Not only have they proved to be real profiteers in the past. Especially in the future, they should develop excellently due to the trends on which their products and services rely. And: The business models prove to be surprisingly stable.
Fortsettelse i neste innlegg...
The longest stock item of all time
Trends stocks: With these three values, you are betting on the next big trends
Did you miss the big opportunity at Amazon, Apple & Co. back then? Don't worry: with these three stocks, you're betting on the next big trends.
"I was too stupid to realize what was going to happen," star investor Warren Buffet once said when asked by a shareholder why he never Amazon invested. The stock market guru doesn't seem to have really coped with his missed opportunity to date.
What if?
Many investors probably ask themselves this all too often. If only 1,000 euros had been invested in Amazon at the time. If only you had Apple demure. Or would you even have been able to Bitcoin demure. Would have, had, had. "Afterwards, you're always smarter," is the well-known saying. That's just the way it is with the trends. Most of the time, you don't recognize them until it's too late. But now you're holding on: your chances of benefiting from new trends are nupts not over. Quite the contrary! In a time of upheaval, technological breakthroughs, increasing digitalization, globalization – the next big mega-trends are already waiting for the next corner.
With Stock Selection Europe, you can achieve over-returns with system. They rely on the strongest trend signals from Germany and Europe. Long and short. This way you can make your investment success independent of the DAX status.
Are you a trendsetter?
Enough regret to have missed trends in the past. Focus on those that lie in front of you. And don't worry: On the next three pages you don't expect "typical" success torches like Facebook & Co., who might be the first to shoot you through your head when you think of trend stocks. Whether it's the fight against plastic, secret Amazon profiteers or the alarm system of the future: FOCUS-MONEY introduces you to three relatively unknown companies that could make you an absolute stock market trendsetter. Not only have they proved to be real profiteers in the past. Especially in the future, they should develop excellently due to the trends on which their products and services rely. And: The business models prove to be surprisingly stable.
Fortsettelse i neste innlegg...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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24.07.2019 kl 17:20
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Tomra - Trash is Cash!
The bad news first: We are in danger of sinking into the garbage. The good one: Tomra not only fights against it, but turns your garbage into cash
A small task the next time you dispose of your deposit bottles: take a closer look at the vending machine. After not too long a search, you will most likely find: Aha, who is Tomra .
Tomra is the world's leading manufacturer of deposit redemption machines. In addition to these state-of-the-art collection systems (also for waste recycling), the Norwegians also operate innovative sorting solutions for food and recycling. Compared to Cloud, Big Data & Co., this sounds very little like exciting future technology. But what do collection and sorting solutions have to do with trendy stocks? Quite simply, we are in danger of sinking into the rubbish. By 2050, more plastic than fish is expected to swim in the world's oceans. At least eight million tonnes end up in the oceans every year – the equivalent of about one truckload per minute! Tomra's solutions do not only help the environment. Investors also benefit well.
Best conditions
Sometimes the regulations of politics can also help a company. For example, the EU wants to recycle at least 55 percent of member states' household waste by 2025 and around 65 percent by 2030. For plastic bottles, it should be as much as 90 percent. More than 82,000 Tomra deposit machines are already in use worldwide.
But don't worry: it's not too late to jump on the trend. New shops are already emerging: in Germany, some of the approximately 30,000 vending machines in the supermarkets have to be renewed – after all, many of them have been there for up to 15 years. And it was only in December that Britain unveiled its long-awaited strategy for resources and waste. By 2023, the British want to introduce a "system of extended producer responsibility for packaging and packaging waste". Simply put, you want to set up bottle return machines.
Dirt Queen
Double-digit growth rates are now the norm for Norwegians. They are also optimistic about the 2019 financial year and expect earnings per share to rise by 17 percent to EUR 0.61. Tomra also has another ace up its sleeve, making the company an absolute trendsetter: China is closing its garbage borders. This means that the country no longer wants to accept waste from the rest of the world , especially not fromEurope. As a result, individual countries are increasingly reliant on new infrastructure – to The delight of Tomra. The basis for further rising prices is therefore set for Norwegians and investors. In any case, the stock has risen by more than 1,100 percent over the past ten years. However, there is still room for improvement in these conditions.
Tomra - Trash is Cash!
The bad news first: We are in danger of sinking into the garbage. The good one: Tomra not only fights against it, but turns your garbage into cash
A small task the next time you dispose of your deposit bottles: take a closer look at the vending machine. After not too long a search, you will most likely find: Aha, who is Tomra .
Tomra is the world's leading manufacturer of deposit redemption machines. In addition to these state-of-the-art collection systems (also for waste recycling), the Norwegians also operate innovative sorting solutions for food and recycling. Compared to Cloud, Big Data & Co., this sounds very little like exciting future technology. But what do collection and sorting solutions have to do with trendy stocks? Quite simply, we are in danger of sinking into the rubbish. By 2050, more plastic than fish is expected to swim in the world's oceans. At least eight million tonnes end up in the oceans every year – the equivalent of about one truckload per minute! Tomra's solutions do not only help the environment. Investors also benefit well.
Best conditions
Sometimes the regulations of politics can also help a company. For example, the EU wants to recycle at least 55 percent of member states' household waste by 2025 and around 65 percent by 2030. For plastic bottles, it should be as much as 90 percent. More than 82,000 Tomra deposit machines are already in use worldwide.
But don't worry: it's not too late to jump on the trend. New shops are already emerging: in Germany, some of the approximately 30,000 vending machines in the supermarkets have to be renewed – after all, many of them have been there for up to 15 years. And it was only in December that Britain unveiled its long-awaited strategy for resources and waste. By 2023, the British want to introduce a "system of extended producer responsibility for packaging and packaging waste". Simply put, you want to set up bottle return machines.
Dirt Queen
Double-digit growth rates are now the norm for Norwegians. They are also optimistic about the 2019 financial year and expect earnings per share to rise by 17 percent to EUR 0.61. Tomra also has another ace up its sleeve, making the company an absolute trendsetter: China is closing its garbage borders. This means that the country no longer wants to accept waste from the rest of the world , especially not fromEurope. As a result, individual countries are increasingly reliant on new infrastructure – to The delight of Tomra. The basis for further rising prices is therefore set for Norwegians and investors. In any case, the stock has risen by more than 1,100 percent over the past ten years. However, there is still room for improvement in these conditions.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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29.07.2019 kl 22:29
Klar tale fra belgiske L'Echo.
Tomra Systems, the king of recovery
July 29, 2019 8:25 p.m.
There are now a large number of listed companies that will have a positive impact on the society of the future. In this series, we will highlight some actions often repeated in the portfolios of funds specialized in ecology and positive societal impact.
Tomra Systems is a name that has only recently appeared on the radar of sustainable fund managers, after the company has seen its capitalization increase fivefold over the past five years. The group is the world leader in the manufacture of machines that automatically sort and recover used glass and plastic bottles, including sensors that can quickly identify the different types ofbottles. It is Tomra's machines that are used in many Belgian hypermarkets in order to recover the bottles recorded.
Negative climate
Tomra Systems' position is now central to the establishment of a circular waste economy in most majorregions, and more particularly at the European Union level, where the group generates almost 50% of its turnover. business. More than 82,000 sorting systems are installed in stores in Western countries, which have recovered 35 billion cans and bottles over the past year
However, this figure, which seems to be huge, represents only 2% of the world's beverage waste, which still allows for solid growth prospects for the future. Regulatory pressure will certainly be a supporting factor for the group.
In addition to this recycling activity in department stores, Tomra Systems also offers industrial sorting machines, which are used in food production (PepsiCo, Del Monte, Conagra, Nestlé), in the mining industry or recycling. In recent years, the group has made several acquisitions with a view to extending the geographical door of these activities, which today account for almost 50% of turnover.
Consensus is relatively cautious on the stock after the impressive performance since the beginning of 2019. With a price-to-earnings ratio well above 50, the stock can hardly be considered cheap. The majority of analysts (3 out of 4) have now adopted a neutral position on the stock. It should be noted, however, that the average target has continued to rise over the past 18 months, a sign that optimism is still well established among investors, and that management has made a good habit of not disappointing expectations.
Frédéric Lejoint, journalist
Tar også med denne fra forvalter Petter Tusvik i Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning her, "for the record", selv om jeg ser at KanonBra5 har postet denne nyheten på en annen Tomra-tråd for en stund siden.
Ut med Grieg Seafood
Forvalter Petter Tusvik i Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning gjør også et bytte denne uken.
Ut går lakseoppdretter Grieg Seafood, inn kommer panteautomat-produsenten Tomra.
Han peker på at Grieg Seafood over de siste månedene har utviklet seg bra, men at han nå ønsker noe mindre eksponering i fisk.
– For Tomra er det motsatt, der aksjen er kommet ned ti prosent. Vi forventer positive nyheter på pant i Europa fremover, sier Tusvik til DN.
Skiftet fremstår som god timing.
Mandag utvidet Grieg Seafood en negativ utvikling den seneste uken. Aksjen kan like fullt skilt med en avkastning på over 26 prosent hittil.
Tomra har på sin side steget over 37 prosent så langt i år, ned rundt ti prosent fra toppnivået satt 20. juni.
Tomra Systems, the king of recovery
July 29, 2019 8:25 p.m.
There are now a large number of listed companies that will have a positive impact on the society of the future. In this series, we will highlight some actions often repeated in the portfolios of funds specialized in ecology and positive societal impact.
Tomra Systems is a name that has only recently appeared on the radar of sustainable fund managers, after the company has seen its capitalization increase fivefold over the past five years. The group is the world leader in the manufacture of machines that automatically sort and recover used glass and plastic bottles, including sensors that can quickly identify the different types ofbottles. It is Tomra's machines that are used in many Belgian hypermarkets in order to recover the bottles recorded.
Negative climate
Tomra Systems' position is now central to the establishment of a circular waste economy in most majorregions, and more particularly at the European Union level, where the group generates almost 50% of its turnover. business. More than 82,000 sorting systems are installed in stores in Western countries, which have recovered 35 billion cans and bottles over the past year
However, this figure, which seems to be huge, represents only 2% of the world's beverage waste, which still allows for solid growth prospects for the future. Regulatory pressure will certainly be a supporting factor for the group.
In addition to this recycling activity in department stores, Tomra Systems also offers industrial sorting machines, which are used in food production (PepsiCo, Del Monte, Conagra, Nestlé), in the mining industry or recycling. In recent years, the group has made several acquisitions with a view to extending the geographical door of these activities, which today account for almost 50% of turnover.
Consensus is relatively cautious on the stock after the impressive performance since the beginning of 2019. With a price-to-earnings ratio well above 50, the stock can hardly be considered cheap. The majority of analysts (3 out of 4) have now adopted a neutral position on the stock. It should be noted, however, that the average target has continued to rise over the past 18 months, a sign that optimism is still well established among investors, and that management has made a good habit of not disappointing expectations.
Frédéric Lejoint, journalist
Tar også med denne fra forvalter Petter Tusvik i Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning her, "for the record", selv om jeg ser at KanonBra5 har postet denne nyheten på en annen Tomra-tråd for en stund siden.
Ut med Grieg Seafood
Forvalter Petter Tusvik i Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning gjør også et bytte denne uken.
Ut går lakseoppdretter Grieg Seafood, inn kommer panteautomat-produsenten Tomra.
Han peker på at Grieg Seafood over de siste månedene har utviklet seg bra, men at han nå ønsker noe mindre eksponering i fisk.
– For Tomra er det motsatt, der aksjen er kommet ned ti prosent. Vi forventer positive nyheter på pant i Europa fremover, sier Tusvik til DN.
Skiftet fremstår som god timing.
Mandag utvidet Grieg Seafood en negativ utvikling den seneste uken. Aksjen kan like fullt skilt med en avkastning på over 26 prosent hittil.
Tomra har på sin side steget over 37 prosent så langt i år, ned rundt ti prosent fra toppnivået satt 20. juni.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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13.08.2019 kl 12:26
Det franske fondet Talence Euromidcap har som dere kan lese kjøpt seg opp i Tomra Systems i det siste, og Tomra er blant aksjene fondet tror sterkest på de kommende månedene når det gjelder positiv kursutvikling.
UCITS: Talence Euromidcap's convictions for the coming months ...
07/08/2019 16:24 | Bursary |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests primarily in small and medium-sized stocks (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m of ...
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests primarily in small and medium-sized stocks (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in market capitalization) of the Euro Zone, with a major share of the investment going on outside France. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims, over a recommended investment period of 5 years, to deliver an annualized performance above the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
The fund gained 0.9% in July, outperforming its benchmark by 0.6%. Positive contributors include Kinepolis, CANCOM, Orpea and Amplifon. On the other hand, two stocks penalized the monthly performance following disappointing half-year publications: Tarkett and Maisons du Monde.
Among the movements made over the month, note the strengthening of some positions such as Alten, Aluflexpack, Cellnex and Tomra. Conversely, the managers reduced the weights in Caf, CANCOM, Ceconomy and Nemetschek and sold three titles: Fugro, Plastic omnium and Varta.
The equity exposure rate stands at 95.5% at the end of the month. The main convictions for the coming months are Kinepolis, Barco, Orpea, Vidrala, Canco, Tomra, Rubis, Amplifon, GTT and IMA
UCITS: Talence Euromidcap's convictions for the coming months ...
07/08/2019 16:24 | Bursary |
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests primarily in small and medium-sized stocks (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m of ...
Talence Euromidcap is a PEA-eligible fund that invests primarily in small and medium-sized stocks (between EUR 100m and EUR 5m in market capitalization) of the Euro Zone, with a major share of the investment going on outside France. This stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and meeting with management. This fund aims, over a recommended investment period of 5 years, to deliver an annualized performance above the Euro Stoxx Small NR index (dividends reinvested).
The fund gained 0.9% in July, outperforming its benchmark by 0.6%. Positive contributors include Kinepolis, CANCOM, Orpea and Amplifon. On the other hand, two stocks penalized the monthly performance following disappointing half-year publications: Tarkett and Maisons du Monde.
Among the movements made over the month, note the strengthening of some positions such as Alten, Aluflexpack, Cellnex and Tomra. Conversely, the managers reduced the weights in Caf, CANCOM, Ceconomy and Nemetschek and sold three titles: Fugro, Plastic omnium and Varta.
The equity exposure rate stands at 95.5% at the end of the month. The main convictions for the coming months are Kinepolis, Barco, Orpea, Vidrala, Canco, Tomra, Rubis, Amplifon, GTT and IMA
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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26.08.2019 kl 14:34
DER AKTIONÄRs Börsenpunk hilser den senere tids kursfall i Tomra velkommen og anbefaler aksjen med henvisning til det gigantiske markedet for pant og resirkulering. Sekvensen om Tomra kommer 2:12 ut i videoen.
Börsenpunk: Tomra, Evotec, Mercadolibre
Börsenpunk: Tomra, Evotec, Mercadolibre
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09
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