03.07.2019 kl 14:31
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 7,1 prosent til 1.549 poeng, ifølge The Baltic Exchange onsdag.
Baltic Dry +7,1%
Capesize +10,1%
Panamax +4,5%
Handysize +0,2%
Supramax +1,1%
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 7,1 prosent til 1.549 poeng, ifølge The Baltic Exchange onsdag.
Baltic Dry +7,1%
Capesize +10,1%
Panamax +4,5%
Handysize +0,2%
Supramax +1,1%
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 08:25
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om syv capesize-spotslutninger fredag, der syv er for jernmalm.
Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Arrow Shipbroking
Det ble sluttet syv reiser til Kina, der tre går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia, en går fra India og en går fra Sør-Afrika.
Ellers ble det gjort to timecharters.
Baltic Exchanges capesize-indeks steg foregående handelsdag 2,56 prosent til 27.389 dollar.
LK finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
© TDN delayed
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om syv capesize-spotslutninger fredag, der syv er for jernmalm.
Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Arrow Shipbroking
Det ble sluttet syv reiser til Kina, der tre går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia, en går fra India og en går fra Sør-Afrika.
Ellers ble det gjort to timecharters.
Baltic Exchanges capesize-indeks steg foregående handelsdag 2,56 prosent til 27.389 dollar.
LK finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
© TDN delayed
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 08:32
Dry Bulk Market: Bunkers Lifting Capesize Rates
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 15/07/2019
It was a Brazilian affair with a strong splash of bunkers characterising the Capesize market over the past week. Largely traded in European hours, ballaster tonnage was being secured for an ever-tightening window at the end of July. The C3 opened the week at $22.195 to close at $23.864. The lift in voyage rates across the indices on Friday was thought to have been substantially affected by the bunker market, which has been highly volatile this week, particularly in Asia, pushing vessel operating costs up. Trading activity on the West Australian C5 route was relatively mild, with sporadic trading from charterers. The route opened the week at $9.15 to close at $9.509. The Atlantic basin remains tight, although rumours for more competitive offers are being heard in trading. The C5TC continued its rise, closing out on Friday at $27,389 surpassing highs of 2018 while still looking stable and supported.
Last Monday started very slowly with little appearing to trade anywhere. However, the market quickly continued its rapid rise as the Atlantic remained starved of early tonnage. In addition, Vale started taking multiple larger units to cover Brazilian iron ore stems to China. Talk of up to 10 vessels being taken in quick succession fanned the flames on an already bullish market, which then saw Panamaxes being taken for two laden legs with minimum durations at $20,000, redelivery in the Atlantic. The East rose steadily, but unspectacularly, until the end of the week. This was driven by Atlantic gains and the paper market, with tonnage in the South fixing South American rounds, or short period, at higher than last done. The North Pacific was subdued until the end of the week. An injection of fresh enquiry from the North Pacific and Australia then saw rates jump further, as charterers were forced to cover with no sign of the market easing in the short term.
The Baltic Supramax Index (BSI) remained firmly in positive territory; this was caused by strong demand from the Atlantic. Period activity surfaced, a 63,000dwt vessel fixed delivery North China for approximately four to six months redelivery Singapore-Japan at $10,500. With a lack of fresh tonnage, rates in the Atlantic rose from East Coast South America. Supramaxes were rumoured to have fixed at close to $15,000 plus $500,000 for trips to Singapore/Japan. The Mediterranean/Black Sea also proved fruitful, a 61,000dwt ship was rumoured fixed delivery Canakkale for a trip via the Black Sea and Red Sea with redelivery in Port Said at $17,000. The US Gulf remained firm. From the Continent demand was not as intense. The Asian arena was split, with a build-up of tonnage and lack of enquiry in the North. Further south, activity remained steady. The Indian Ocean also saw better numbers, with Supramaxes seeing close to $14,000 plus $400,000 ballast bonus, delivery South Africa redelivery Singapore/Japan. The attraction from the Atlantic drew vessels away from the area.
Overall, it was a positive week for the Baltic Handysize Index (BHSI), with Atlantic routes further improving but the Pacific basin again easing. East Coast South America and the US Gulf market remained active and brokers also suggested the tonnage list appeared to be tight from the Black Sea. On the period front, a 35,000-tonner was fixed from Rio Grande at a rate in the low $13,000s for three to five months. From East Coast South America, a coastal trip was reportedly done at $14,000 on a small-sized Handysize vessel. A trip with sugar to China paid $16,000 on a 36,000dwt ship. Otherwise, a 36,000-tonner open Norway was fixed for a trip to the US Gulf at $9,000 for the first 45 days and $11,500 thereafter. Little was reported from Asia this week.
Source: The Baltic Briefing
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 15/07/2019
It was a Brazilian affair with a strong splash of bunkers characterising the Capesize market over the past week. Largely traded in European hours, ballaster tonnage was being secured for an ever-tightening window at the end of July. The C3 opened the week at $22.195 to close at $23.864. The lift in voyage rates across the indices on Friday was thought to have been substantially affected by the bunker market, which has been highly volatile this week, particularly in Asia, pushing vessel operating costs up. Trading activity on the West Australian C5 route was relatively mild, with sporadic trading from charterers. The route opened the week at $9.15 to close at $9.509. The Atlantic basin remains tight, although rumours for more competitive offers are being heard in trading. The C5TC continued its rise, closing out on Friday at $27,389 surpassing highs of 2018 while still looking stable and supported.
Last Monday started very slowly with little appearing to trade anywhere. However, the market quickly continued its rapid rise as the Atlantic remained starved of early tonnage. In addition, Vale started taking multiple larger units to cover Brazilian iron ore stems to China. Talk of up to 10 vessels being taken in quick succession fanned the flames on an already bullish market, which then saw Panamaxes being taken for two laden legs with minimum durations at $20,000, redelivery in the Atlantic. The East rose steadily, but unspectacularly, until the end of the week. This was driven by Atlantic gains and the paper market, with tonnage in the South fixing South American rounds, or short period, at higher than last done. The North Pacific was subdued until the end of the week. An injection of fresh enquiry from the North Pacific and Australia then saw rates jump further, as charterers were forced to cover with no sign of the market easing in the short term.
The Baltic Supramax Index (BSI) remained firmly in positive territory; this was caused by strong demand from the Atlantic. Period activity surfaced, a 63,000dwt vessel fixed delivery North China for approximately four to six months redelivery Singapore-Japan at $10,500. With a lack of fresh tonnage, rates in the Atlantic rose from East Coast South America. Supramaxes were rumoured to have fixed at close to $15,000 plus $500,000 for trips to Singapore/Japan. The Mediterranean/Black Sea also proved fruitful, a 61,000dwt ship was rumoured fixed delivery Canakkale for a trip via the Black Sea and Red Sea with redelivery in Port Said at $17,000. The US Gulf remained firm. From the Continent demand was not as intense. The Asian arena was split, with a build-up of tonnage and lack of enquiry in the North. Further south, activity remained steady. The Indian Ocean also saw better numbers, with Supramaxes seeing close to $14,000 plus $400,000 ballast bonus, delivery South Africa redelivery Singapore/Japan. The attraction from the Atlantic drew vessels away from the area.
Overall, it was a positive week for the Baltic Handysize Index (BHSI), with Atlantic routes further improving but the Pacific basin again easing. East Coast South America and the US Gulf market remained active and brokers also suggested the tonnage list appeared to be tight from the Black Sea. On the period front, a 35,000-tonner was fixed from Rio Grande at a rate in the low $13,000s for three to five months. From East Coast South America, a coastal trip was reportedly done at $14,000 on a small-sized Handysize vessel. A trip with sugar to China paid $16,000 on a 36,000dwt ship. Otherwise, a 36,000-tonner open Norway was fixed for a trip to the US Gulf at $9,000 for the first 45 days and $11,500 thereafter. Little was reported from Asia this week.
Source: The Baltic Briefing
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic capesize-indeks er opp 4,3 prosent til 28.579 dollar pr dag, ifølge The Baltic Exchange mandag.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic capesize-indeks er opp 4,3 prosent til 28.579 dollar pr dag, ifølge The Baltic Exchange mandag.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 12:10
Capseize +4,3% i dag
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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Idiotisk prising av denne aksjen i forhold til inntjening nå. Under NAV med rater på nesten 30k. Hallo
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 13:38
Freight futures am update
Capesize up ~3%
Panamax up ~2%
Capesize up ~3%
Panamax up ~2%
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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Ratene fyker snart igjennom 30K! :-)
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~3% Panamax up ~2%
Freight futures am update Capesize up ~3% Panamax up ~2%
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 14:25
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 3,4 prosent til 1.928 poeng, ifølge The Baltic Exchange fredag.
Baltic Dry +3,4%
Capesize +4,3%
Panamax +2,5%
Handysize +0,0%
Supramax +1,2%
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar pr dag.
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 3,4 prosent til 1.928 poeng, ifølge The Baltic Exchange fredag.
Baltic Dry +3,4%
Capesize +4,3%
Panamax +2,5%
Handysize +0,0%
Supramax +1,2%
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar pr dag.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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Ja utrolig at vi ikke er på 60 eller 70 tallet alletede, men de kommer! :-)
Baltic Dry har ikke vært høyere på over fem år
Oppgangen fortsetter i tørrlast.
Capesize-skipet Golden Feng. Foto: Golden Ocean.
Artikkel av: Rune Tryti
15. juli 2019 - 14.57
Baltic Dry-indeksen er mandag opp 3,4 prosent til 1.928 poeng, ifølge TDN Direkt.
Indeksen er nå på sitt høyeste nivå siden vinteren 2014.
Capesize-ratene stiger 4,3 prosent til 28.579 dollar per dag. Det ble rapportert om syv capesize-spotslutninger fredag, der syv er for jernmalm. Alle slutningene går til Kina, der tre går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia, en går fra India og en går fra Sør-Afrika, melder nyhetsbyrået.
I sin daglige oppdatering skriver Arctic Securities at tørrlast-ratene fortsatte å vise styrke forrige uke med økt inntjening i alle segmenter.
- Etter vår mening ser utsiktene fortsatt sunne ut, ettersom styrke i korn-volumer fra Sør-Amerika, sterke jernmalm-priser og lavere lagerbeholdninger av jernmalm i Kina burde være støttende for etterspørselen, skriver Arctic.
Panamax er opp 2,5 prosent til 15.919 dollar per dag, mens Handysize er uendret til 6.924 dollar per dag. Supramax-ratene er opp 1,2 prosent til 10.231 dollar per dag.
På Oslo Børs er Golden Ocean opp 0,81 prosent, mens Star Bulk er ned 0,87 prosent.
Jinhui Shipping er ned 0,63 prosent, mens børsferskingen 2020 Bulkers er ned 1,23 prosent.
Baltic Dry har ikke vært høyere på over fem år
Oppgangen fortsetter i tørrlast.
Capesize-skipet Golden Feng. Foto: Golden Ocean.
Artikkel av: Rune Tryti
15. juli 2019 - 14.57
Baltic Dry-indeksen er mandag opp 3,4 prosent til 1.928 poeng, ifølge TDN Direkt.
Indeksen er nå på sitt høyeste nivå siden vinteren 2014.
Capesize-ratene stiger 4,3 prosent til 28.579 dollar per dag. Det ble rapportert om syv capesize-spotslutninger fredag, der syv er for jernmalm. Alle slutningene går til Kina, der tre går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia, en går fra India og en går fra Sør-Afrika, melder nyhetsbyrået.
I sin daglige oppdatering skriver Arctic Securities at tørrlast-ratene fortsatte å vise styrke forrige uke med økt inntjening i alle segmenter.
- Etter vår mening ser utsiktene fortsatt sunne ut, ettersom styrke i korn-volumer fra Sør-Amerika, sterke jernmalm-priser og lavere lagerbeholdninger av jernmalm i Kina burde være støttende for etterspørselen, skriver Arctic.
Panamax er opp 2,5 prosent til 15.919 dollar per dag, mens Handysize er uendret til 6.924 dollar per dag. Supramax-ratene er opp 1,2 prosent til 10.231 dollar per dag.
På Oslo Børs er Golden Ocean opp 0,81 prosent, mens Star Bulk er ned 0,87 prosent.
Jinhui Shipping er ned 0,63 prosent, mens børsferskingen 2020 Bulkers er ned 1,23 prosent.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 16:33
Denne ser kruttsterk ut nå. Har brutt 56,- og detteer nå støtte. Tror vi ser over 57 i morgen og kanskje nærmere 60 i løpet av uka. Hviorfor? Både underliggende hard facts og teknisk ser det slik ut.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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15.07.2019 kl 16:53
Totalverdi på 8 milliarder - innarbeidet selskap i dagens ratemarked - henger ikke på greip, men nytter ikke å syte. Allikevel - sirup. Og som jeg har sagt tidligere....Vartdal gjør deg synlig - det er du som er leder.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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16.07.2019 kl 01:17
Rart at tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer ikke ble gjennomført i større omfang på nivåene vi har sett de siste månedene. Burde kjøpt opp hele fullmakten på 6 mill aksjer og fått de slettet. Og så gjentatt det hele, igjen og igjen...
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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16.07.2019 kl 07:33
Baltic index hits 5-1/2 year peak on robust capesize demand
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 16/07/2019
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index hit a five-and-a-half-year high on Monday on the back of strong demand for capesize vessels shipping iron ore.
* The Baltic index, which tracks rates for ships ferrying dry bulk commodities, rose 3.4%, or 63 points, to 1,928, its highest since January 2014. The index has tripled since February.
* The index rose 7.2% last week for a fourth straight week, mainly driven by strong demand for vessels that ship iron ore from Brazil.
* A restart of Vale SA’s Brucutu mine in Brazil in June, which was shut in early February after a tailings dam burst killing more than 240 people, has prompted increased demand from the country.
* The capesize index rose 183 points, or 5.2%, to 3,724 points, its highest since December, 2017.
* Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 170,000 tonne-180,000 tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, rose $1,190 to $28,579.
* China’s daily crude steel output rose to record levels in June, according to Reuters calculations, even as anti-pollution restrictions pushed whole-month production slightly lower, official data showed on Monday.
* The panamax index rose 47 points, or 2.4%, to 1,992 points, its highest since December 2013.
* Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 tonnes to 70,000 tonnes, increased $383 to $15,919.
* Tight spot market for capesize vessels has driven iron ore shippers to book panamax vessels, driving rates higher, analysts said.
The supramax index edged 9 points higher to 888 points.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Karthika Suresh Namboothiri in Bengaluru; Editing by Shailesh Kuber)
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 16/07/2019
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index hit a five-and-a-half-year high on Monday on the back of strong demand for capesize vessels shipping iron ore.
* The Baltic index, which tracks rates for ships ferrying dry bulk commodities, rose 3.4%, or 63 points, to 1,928, its highest since January 2014. The index has tripled since February.
* The index rose 7.2% last week for a fourth straight week, mainly driven by strong demand for vessels that ship iron ore from Brazil.
* A restart of Vale SA’s Brucutu mine in Brazil in June, which was shut in early February after a tailings dam burst killing more than 240 people, has prompted increased demand from the country.
* The capesize index rose 183 points, or 5.2%, to 3,724 points, its highest since December, 2017.
* Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 170,000 tonne-180,000 tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, rose $1,190 to $28,579.
* China’s daily crude steel output rose to record levels in June, according to Reuters calculations, even as anti-pollution restrictions pushed whole-month production slightly lower, official data showed on Monday.
* The panamax index rose 47 points, or 2.4%, to 1,992 points, its highest since December 2013.
* Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 tonnes to 70,000 tonnes, increased $383 to $15,919.
* Tight spot market for capesize vessels has driven iron ore shippers to book panamax vessels, driving rates higher, analysts said.
The supramax index edged 9 points higher to 888 points.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Karthika Suresh Namboothiri in Bengaluru; Editing by Shailesh Kuber)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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16.07.2019 kl 22:45
Hva er p/e på GOGL nå ?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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17.07.2019 kl 00:10
Kommer an på hva du legger inn som e.
Og da må du estimere rateutviklingen over de neste 12 månedene.
Og da må du estimere rateutviklingen over de neste 12 månedene.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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17.07.2019 kl 07:09
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om åtte capesize-spotslutninger tirsdag, der syv er for jernmalm og en er for kull.
Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Arrow Shipbroking
Det ble sluttet fem reiser til Kina, der to går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia og en går fra Sør-Afrika.
Videre ble det sluttet en reise til Bahrain fra Brasil, en reise til Nederland fra Brasil, samt en reise til Sør-Korea fra Canada.
Ellers ble det gjort tre timecharterreiser.
Baltic Exchanges capesize-indeks steg foregående handelsdag 5,5 prosent til 30.157 dollar.
LK finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
© TDN delayed
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Det ble rapportert om åtte capesize-spotslutninger tirsdag, der syv er for jernmalm og en er for kull.
Det fremgår av en slutningsliste fra Arrow Shipbroking
Det ble sluttet fem reiser til Kina, der to går fra Brasil, to går fra Australia og en går fra Sør-Afrika.
Videre ble det sluttet en reise til Bahrain fra Brasil, en reise til Nederland fra Brasil, samt en reise til Sør-Korea fra Canada.
Ellers ble det gjort tre timecharterreiser.
Baltic Exchanges capesize-indeks steg foregående handelsdag 5,5 prosent til 30.157 dollar.
LK finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
© TDN delayed
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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Obs denne i dag og mulig fall da i rater senere
Significant selling pressure on the #Capesize #FFA curve this afternoon, ie down more than $1000 to $25350 on Aug. Expect negative second derivative for spot rates tomorrow at noon, maybe also negative first derivative
Significant selling pressure on the #Capesize #FFA curve this afternoon, ie down more than $1000 to $25350 on Aug. Expect negative second derivative for spot rates tomorrow at noon, maybe also negative first derivative
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:59
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