ODF - Kjøpsignal utløst
ODF - Kjøpssignal utløst… følg med denne kan lett dobles!
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05.06.2018 kl 10:27
Kjøper Odfjell B istede for Odfjell A, mener Stig Myrseth nevnte at de var like mye verdt, B aksjen er billigere en A aksjen
05.06.2018 kl 10:34
Forskjellen på A- og B-aksjer er at kun A-aksjene har stemmerett. Average Daily Volume (ADV) siste 30 dager er 14 333 for A-aksjen og 9 232 for B-aksjen. Så ganske stor forskjell i likviditet.
05.06.2018 kl 10:39
Odfjell SE (Societas Europaea) is a public limited company registered in Norway and subject to the provisions of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act.
Odfjell has two classes of shares, class A and class B shares. Only holders of class A shares shall have voting rights at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings, however in certain circumstances also B shares have voting rights. In all other respects, the two classes of shares are equal, and have the same rights to dividends. At the year-end 2014 Odfjell SE had outstanding 65.70 million A- shares and 21.10 million B-shares.
Odfjell has two classes of shares, class A and class B shares. Only holders of class A shares shall have voting rights at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings, however in certain circumstances also B shares have voting rights. In all other respects, the two classes of shares are equal, and have the same rights to dividends. At the year-end 2014 Odfjell SE had outstanding 65.70 million A- shares and 21.10 million B-shares.
05.06.2018 kl 10:45
Så kort oppsummert blir da spørsmålet om du er villig til å gi fra deg stemmerett og likviditet for å kjøpe aksjen 2,3 billigere(32,1 vs. 29.8 nå) alt annet likt :)
05.06.2018 kl 11:57
Er man en langsiktig investor så er det helt klart A aksjen man må gå etter, men for kortsiktig trading så er det helt ok med B aksjen :)
Fikk takk i 200.000 aksjer i dag til 36 blank. Det kan bli moro :-)
Done telling stories of the past Rotterdam could crystalise close to 50% of the current market value. Trade in methanol and ethylene glycol are likely drivers in a chemical market upturn, which could see markets tighten into H2 2018. The company comes out of the CMD as forward leaning.
Improved operational performance since 2014. Odfjell has a solid track record of operational improvements since 2014: opex is down 23%, to USD7,600/day, G&A is down from 8.9% to 7.6% of revenue, predictability has improved, and vessel port efficiency has been lifted from its historical benchmark. The financial position is sound, with USD181m cash and a 40% equity ratio at 31 March. The CMD message was clear: Odfjell is done telling stories about its past and is shifting its focus to the future.
Rotterdam exit could crystalise significant value. According to Odfjell, the enterprise value of the Rotterdam terminal is USD225m and total debt of cUSD25m (both Odfjell’s 50% share). A sale on these levels could potentially unlock values near 50% of the Odfjell SE market cap, adding to our view that the Lindsey Goldberg exit should close parts of the SOTP discount.
Odfjell is not in terminal exit mode, and will look for JV-candidates in due course. Odfjell guided that a potential structure could see an operational organisation fully owned by Odfjell SE, with assets owned 49% by different long-term JV-partners in the US and Asia. Odfjell has no intention to take over the Lindsey Goldberg share. Market drivers unravelled – expected to grow 4% per annum… Odfjell increased its efforts to educate the investor market on the drivers for chemical shipping. The company expects the market to grow by 4% per annum.
…while increased trading distance could boost tonne-miles… Big-scale chemical plants in the US and the Middle East are likely to supply demand (particularly for methanol and glycol) in China. The long-haul trade could see average distance for the chemical trade up, adding a tonne-mile effect of 3%, 2%, or 1% to demand growth of 4%, depending on a given market view.
…which compares to DNB estimated supply growth of 5% in 2018e, 2% in 2019e, and 1% in 2020e, given 0.7% annual scrapping. In our view, improved supply fundamentals and positive spill-over from the other tank segments should provide some relief to the chemical tanker market, starting in H2 2018.
Improved operational performance since 2014. Odfjell has a solid track record of operational improvements since 2014: opex is down 23%, to USD7,600/day, G&A is down from 8.9% to 7.6% of revenue, predictability has improved, and vessel port efficiency has been lifted from its historical benchmark. The financial position is sound, with USD181m cash and a 40% equity ratio at 31 March. The CMD message was clear: Odfjell is done telling stories about its past and is shifting its focus to the future.
Rotterdam exit could crystalise significant value. According to Odfjell, the enterprise value of the Rotterdam terminal is USD225m and total debt of cUSD25m (both Odfjell’s 50% share). A sale on these levels could potentially unlock values near 50% of the Odfjell SE market cap, adding to our view that the Lindsey Goldberg exit should close parts of the SOTP discount.
Odfjell is not in terminal exit mode, and will look for JV-candidates in due course. Odfjell guided that a potential structure could see an operational organisation fully owned by Odfjell SE, with assets owned 49% by different long-term JV-partners in the US and Asia. Odfjell has no intention to take over the Lindsey Goldberg share. Market drivers unravelled – expected to grow 4% per annum… Odfjell increased its efforts to educate the investor market on the drivers for chemical shipping. The company expects the market to grow by 4% per annum.
…while increased trading distance could boost tonne-miles… Big-scale chemical plants in the US and the Middle East are likely to supply demand (particularly for methanol and glycol) in China. The long-haul trade could see average distance for the chemical trade up, adding a tonne-mile effect of 3%, 2%, or 1% to demand growth of 4%, depending on a given market view.
…which compares to DNB estimated supply growth of 5% in 2018e, 2% in 2019e, and 1% in 2020e, given 0.7% annual scrapping. In our view, improved supply fundamentals and positive spill-over from the other tank segments should provide some relief to the chemical tanker market, starting in H2 2018.