Marokkanske marine «reddet» 242 Migranter

28.07.2019 kl 18:28 194

Disse ble plukket opp og satt av i Marokko , god sjømannskap og bør være til eksempel for den norske supplybåten i området......

The Moroccan navy has rescued 242 migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Spain in dinghies.
The migrants from sub-Saharan Africa were traveling in several inflatable dinghies when they experienced difficulties in the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates the continent from Europe, Morocco's official news agency (MAP) reported late on Friday.
The navy provided the migrants with medical care onboard and took them back to Morocco, MAP added.
Slettet bruker
28.07.2019 kl 18:48 186

What’s behind the widespread appeal of migrating in some sub-Saharan countries? Multiple factors could be at play. To begin with, while many sub-Saharan African economies are growing, many countries continue to have high unemployment rates and relatively low wage rates. In addition, the job market looks unlikely to improve anytime soon, thanks to high fertility levels that will mean even more people competing for jobs. Against this backdrop, sub-Saharan Africans could see migrating to countries with more – and better paying – jobs as a means of improving their personal economic prospects.

Political instability and conflict are other factors pushing sub-Saharan Africans to move. For example, the number of sub-Saharans displaced within their own country nearly doubled to 9 million between 2010 and 2016, according to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates. Also, the total number of refugees from sub-Saharan countries living in other sub-Saharan countries grew about 2.3 million in the same period. At the same time, reports indicate that anywhere between 400,000 and a million sub-Saharan Africans are in Libya; some of them have been sold as slaves or are being held in jail-like facilities.

Pressures related to economic well-being and insecurity may help to explain why, beyond a general willingness to migrate, substantial shares of sub-Saharan Africans say they actually plan to move to another country in the next five years. Among the six countries polled, the share with plans to migrate ranges from roughly four-in-ten or more in Senegal (44%), Ghana (42%) and Nigeria (38%) to fewer than one-in-ten in Tanzania (8%).

De savner nok styringen de hadde...
28.07.2019 kl 20:06 172

Det burde være en selvfølge at de sendes tilbake dit de kom fra!
Uten papirer har de ikke noe i Europa å gjøre.Holkene som menneskesmuglerne
bruker bli brent og mannskapet arrestert.
Det ville sette en effektiv brems på denne uverdige menneskesmuglingen som blir verre
jo flere vestlige skip som ligger og venter på NAV-cruiserne..