Tomra - superinteressant om Norges superselskap!

TOM 15.08.2019 kl 00:03 1105

Børsuro javel, men en ting tror jeg vi kan være 100% sikre på, og det er at veldig mye mer avfall og emballasje skal håndteres nå som det effektivt er slutt på praksisen hvor rike nasjoner dumper sitt avfall i verdens fattige nasjoner. Ikke minst gjelder dette plastavfall/-emballasje. Derfor bør dere ikke gå glipp av disse to artiklene og muligheten til å skjønne hvor godt Norges superselskap er posisjonert når det nå overalt på kloden MÅ investeres mye og stort for å bygge effektive systemer for avfalls- og ressurshåndtering med overordnet mål om mest mulig og renest mulig resirkulering. Tomra har 50%++ global markedsandel innen sortering for resirkulering og 75%,++ innen pantesystemer for innsamling av emballasje.

A commingled solution

RoAF’s automated MRF in Norway offers an innovative way to separate recyclables, organics from waste stream

August 14, 2019

The smell of the facility always comes as a shock, says Matthew Everhart, CEO of Stadler America, who has taken several people to tour the world’s first totally automated municipal solid waste (MSW), recycling and anaerobic digestion facility in Skedsmo, Norway, just outside of Oslo.


When the organics arrive in the green bags at the plant, they are separated from the other materials as quickly as possible. The bright green color was chosen by the municipality because it’s easily recognized by the optical sorters. The plant features a combination of 16 near-infrared optical sorters by Norway-based Tomra and Stadler's mechanical sorting equipment, including drum screens, bag openers, ballistic separators, an eddy current, magnets, a vibrating screen and a shredder.


He adds, “The real skill is our ability to know how to take our own equipment and integrate it with Tomra’s optical sorters. The system has a very advanced amount of technology to separate the organics material but also to get the fiber away as soon as possible so the material doesn’t absorb that odor.”


TOMRA’s Triple Presence at RWM to Highlight Circular Economy Technologies
Visitors to this year’s RWM Exhibition from 11 to 12 September at the NEC Birmingham, UK will have the opportunity to find out about TOMRA’s reverse vending and sensor-based sorting solutions, as well as the company’s opinion’s on the future of Artificial Intelligence in the recycling industry.



With a presence in the UK since 2007, earlier this year, the company announced its plans to open a brand-new UK facility, TOMRA House, on the outskirts of Leicester in the East Midlands. The 1800sq feet double-storey facility has been designed as a Centre of Excellence for service provision to TOMRA’s customers.

“This year’s RWM is taking place at an exciting time in the UK’s recycling industry,” said Brian Gist, Head of TOMRA Sorting UK. “There’s still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the impact of Brexit, and there’s certainly market volatility for some materials, but at the same time, we’re witnessing an underlying confidence across the industry, with companies recognising the need to undertake large-scale upgrades to MRFs and, in some cases, develop new build facilities to meet the increasingly stringent quality demands of end customers.

“With the high recycling targets set out in Defra’s Resources and Waste Strategy, the UK’s waste management industry has no option but to improve the volume and quality of material collected for reprocessing,” he continued.

“Sensor-based sorting can play a crucial role in both maximising the recovery of collected material and achieving higher purity rates, helping the UK to move closer towards a circular economy model. As such, we anticipate a very busy couple of days at TOMRA’s stands during this year’s show,” concluded Gist.

Truls Haug, Managing Director of TOMRA Collection UK & Ireland, added: “At RWM we will be demonstrating how our reverse vending technology can play a role in the UK’s resource revolution. The Scottish Government has already unveiled plans for a comprehensive deposit return scheme (DRS), with the rest of the UK recently announcing its intention to introduce a similarly ambitious scheme following further consultations.”

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 12:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.08.2019 kl 07:13 1019

Takk Kommentatoren. Enda en bekreftelse!! Det er bare å laste opp nå som kursene er lave. INGEN på OSL har lysere og sikrere fremtid en super selskapet TOMRA!!!

15.08.2019 kl 11:10 907

Det som er helt sikkert er at børsuroen vil påvirke aksjen i overskuelig fremtid, du kommer ikke unna det. Skjønner ikke poenget med daglige hausetråder. Hva sa jeg på 269kr? Mange her som kunne spart seg mye tap. Det beste man kan gjøre er å sitte på gjerdet.

Vi har enda ikke sett kapitulasjon i markedet, så vi er nok langt unna bunn.
Redigert 15.08.2019 kl 11:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.08.2019 kl 16:58 829

Impax: brace for bumps but war on plastics will produce rewards

By Michelle McGagh 15 Aug, 2019 at 15:22

The war on plastic and shift to electric vehicles could reward Impax Environmental Markets (IEM) investors earlier than hoped, but they should still be braced for periods of poor performance, manager Jon Forster was warned.


Although there could be trouble ahead, Forster said the case for investing on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria was ‘more compelling, more pressing, more global, and more diversified by industry than ever before’.


'A number of disruptive trends - such as electric vehicles, the war on plastic, and fast falling energy storage costs - suggest that the global economy may reward Impax’s portfolio companies more rapidly than we have assumed,’ he said


Environmental darling Tomra Systems (TOM.OL), the Norwegian recycling solutions provider, continues to add to returns as the war on plastics intensifies.
Redigert 15.08.2019 kl 17:06 Du må logge inn for å svare