Norsk skip nådde Nordpolen for første gang.

21.08.2019 kl 12:53 412

«Norge har skrevet polarhistorie

Klokken 09.32 onsdag morgen kom kystvaktskipet Svalbard frem til Nordpolen. – Dette er en milepæl, sier Ottar Haugen, sjef for Kystvakten.»
21.08.2019 kl 13:43 397

Svarte , snart går det ned i skruisen , bygget på samme lest som HI 😱
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 15:28 376

Vi får håpe den russiske isbryteren de fulgte, som nok er atomdreven, ikke stikker av.
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 15:35 374

Hvorfor går de opp dit og ødelegger isen ?
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 15:45 369
Crushed ice melts faster than cubed ice. This is because the former is made up of smaller ice pieces compared to the latter.
21.08.2019 kl 15:50 368

Burde det ikke være forbudt å knekke opp pol isen ?
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 15:55 364

Tror du ikke det er såpass kaldt at det vil fryse igjen?
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 15:59 360

Har du itte hørt på Spastic-Greta? Jorden går jo under i 2030, sier seg selv at isen umulig kan komme igjen.
Slettet bruker
21.08.2019 kl 18:19 331

One of the earliest expeditions to set out with the explicit intention of reaching the North Pole was that of British naval officer William Edward Parry, who in 1827 reached latitude 82°45′ North. In 1871 the Polaris expedition, a US attempt on the Pole led by Charles Francis Hall, ended in disaster. Another British Royal Navy attempt on the pole, part of the British Arctic Expedition, by Commander Albert H. Markham reached a then-record 83°20'26" North in May 1876 before turning back. An 1879–1881 expedition commanded by US naval officer George W. DeLong ended tragically when their ship, the USS Jeanette, was crushed by ice. Over half the crew, including DeLong, were lost.

In April 1895 the Norwegian explorers Fridtjof Nansen and Hjalmar Johansen struck out for the Pole on skis after leaving Nansen's icebound ship Fram. The pair reached latitude 86°14′ North before they abandoned the attempt and turned southwards, eventually reaching Franz Josef Land.

The Italian explorer Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi and Captain Umberto Cagni of the Italian Royal Navy (Regia Marina) sailed the converted whaler Stella Polare ("Pole Star") from Norway in 1899. On 11 March 1900 Cagni led a party over the ice and reached latitude 86° 34’ on 25 April, setting a new record by beating Nansen's result of 1895 by 35 to 40 km (22 to 25 mi).

On 17 August 1977 the Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika completed the first surface vessel journey to the North Pole.
On 7 September 1991 the German research vessel Polarstern and the Swedish icebreaker Oden reached the North Pole as the first conventional powered vessels.

I 1991 ja......det var før hysteriet om oppvarming startet det også.
21.08.2019 kl 20:51 309

Første norske