Kan Amazon.Com Inc. gå inn i NEL?

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NEL 09.04.2018 kl 13:05 2680

Det er av meget stor interesse å se at Amazon.com Inc har investert tungt i Plug Power, og at Plug Power steg +70% på USA børsen etter at eierskapet til Amazom ble kjent.
Amazon(med verdens rikeste grunder Jeff Bezos med formue på kr 1000 milliarder) er i Norge denne uken. Nikola (som er priset til kr 10 milliarder) er i Norge denne uken.
Jeg minner om at NEL ASA, PowerCell, Myfuelcell, Nikola, Hexagon og Statkraft og jeg deltar på investormøte/konferanse hos Carnegie imorgen kl 12-15.
Jeg tror og håper på at Amazon.com Inc. dukker opp på denne hydrogen konferansen.

Les fakta her:
Last month, online giant Amazon.com Inc.marking a major investment in the struggling alternative power company and sending its shares up over 70% just after the news was announced. The deal allows for the fuel cell company to grant Amazon warrants to buy up to 55.3 million shares, or around one quarter of the company's outstanding shares, which could be worth up to $600 million according to some analysts.

In addition, Amazon committed to purchase up to $70 million of Plug Power fuel cell products for use in its enormous warehouses and distribution centers. What does an online retailer and cloud-computing technology company want with a struggling alternative energy producer? The answer may lie in its physical distribution centers, or it may lie elsewhere. We will outline Amazon's motivations for the deal here. (For more, see: Plug Power Skyrockets on News of Amazon Interest.)

Amazon.com Fulfillment Centers
When Amazon and Plug Power announced this deal in April, many analysts' first thought was to Amazon's growing network of expansive warehouses and distribution centers. Amazon has invested heavily in its so-called fulfillment centers, allowing Amazon Prime members to receive guaranteed two-day shipping on the house—a move meant to drive orders and keep people buying online rather than from the convenience of a brick-and-mortar store like Walmart Stores Inc.

Amazon’s fulfillment centers have already been outfitted with custom built robots—tens of thousands of them which pick, sort and pack across global facilities with an aggregate square footage of more than than 700 football stadiums. Their use has reduced Amazon's operating expenses by some 20% since its CEO Jeff Bezos spent $775 million in 2012 to acquire robotics manufacturer Kiva for this express purpose. (For more, see also: Amazon: 10 Secrets You Didn't Know.)

At Amazon's fulfillment centers, robots and human beings work side by side in order to maximize efficiency and productivity. Like any other warehouse, forklifts are a key piece of equipment used to stock and move inventory. It is this often overlooked tool that Plug Power can most easily increase the efficiency of Amazon's operations. According to a report by Green Tech Media, "Amazon’s fuel-cell play is an extension of the flanking strategy it used to great effect with Amazon Web Service (AWS), which allowed the company to insert itself into the value chains of countless businesses it would never otherwise supply." In doing so, Green Tech points out three salient reasons why fuel cell based forklifts make sense for the company:

1. Reclaimed space: At a distribution center, battery recharging stations and infrastructure generally consume around 5% to 10% of the overall floor space, much of which can be re-purposed for more profitable uses such as inventory by storage by switching to hydrogen fuel cell power. In aggregate this means not needing as many facilities as more floor space is reclaimed in existing centers.

2. Faster forklifts: traditional electric batteries’ voltage drops as they discharge, slowing forklifts over time and causing a productivity decline in the process. Plug Power on its website estimates that battery forklifts’ speed drops an average 14% in the second half of an eight-hour shift. Problems are made worse in the case of refrigerated warehouses, where electric batteries may only last half as long. In contrast, fuel-cell forklifts can achieve a steady “pick rate,” so inventory can be turned over more quickly.

3. Leaner operations: Whereas separate personnel are needed to oversee lead-acid battery recharging and swapping, forklift drivers can refuel the hydrogen themselves, saving labor costs. (For more, see also: Why Is Amazon Interested in Plug Power?)

Controlling the Competition
While that case makes sense for Amazon's own use, it doesn't necessarily explain such a large investment. But Amazon's competitors, and in particular Wal-Mart, already use Plug Power forklifts in their distribution centers and warehouses. This means that Amazon will have a say in how these other companies that are Plug Power customers—many of whom are direct or indirect competitors of Amazon—conduct their inventory operations. Yet, none of these players has ever expressed even the slightest interest in taking a stake in Plug Power. Amazon engaged in a similar strategy when it entered the cloud-computing market, where it has grown to become the largest web hosting and services provider on the planet—by investing in and eventually taking over infrastructure resources that it relies heavily on—but which its competitors do as well.

Amazon's investment in Plug Power and its hydrogen fuel cell technology may also have something to do with the company's stated goal of entering the logistics market. Currently, Amazon relies on third-party shippers such as FedEx and UPS to deliver its items. Amazon has announced a number of strategies, including autonomous delivery drones—but also getting into the traditional logistics business, and fuel cells may provide a cheaper and more efficient alternative to gasoline or diesel. (For more, see: Why Amazon Needs to Dump FedEx & UPS.)

Read more: Why Amazon Invested in Plug Power (AMZN, PLUG) | Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/news/why-amazon-invested-plug-power-amzn-plug/#ixzz5CAh1wU00
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Redigert 09.04.2018 kl 13:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.04.2018 kl 13:59 2563

Fint lesestoff om Plug Pover(USA) som gikk til himmels etter at Amazon.Com Inc. gikk inn i aksjen i april 2017:

I saw its stock skyrocket on a recently announced deal with ecommerce giant Amazon.com Inc.

After shares jumped more than 70% on the news last week, PLUG has gone on quite the roller coaster ride, although still up 78.4% at a closing price of $2.32 on Wednesday. (See also: Plug Power Skyrockets on News of Amazon Interest.)

After shares of the Latham, N.Y.-base company cooled off on news that Amazon had acquired the right to purchase 23% of the renewable energy company last week, PLUG lifted another 20% on Monday and 7.8% on Tuesday, later down 12.1% on Wednesday and another 4.3% in after-hours trading. The plummet on Wednesday can be attributed to dilution from warrant sales with Tech Opportunities, in which an agreement will bring in $15.8 million for Plug Power to fund growth from its supply deal with Amazon. In order to keep shareholders happy, the fuel cell energy provider will need to turn a profit on its big supply agreements.

Importance of Deal ‘Cannot e Overstated’
Last week, analysts at Cowen & Co. and FBR Capital lifted their price targets on shares of the hydrogen and fuel cell energy provider to $3, compared to Plug Power’s share price of $1.30 prior to the Amazon news. FBR says the clean energy company’s deal with Amazon could be “potentially transformative” and that its importance “cannot be overstated.” Analysts say the deal could be worth a total of $600 million over the next few years, exceeding Plug Power’s market cap, currently at $465.8 million.

Assuming that Amazon eventually buys Plug Power it did robot maker Kiva Systems in 2012, Plug investors could see gains continue to compound. Apart from the Amazon deal, Plug Power currently lists clients such as retail chain Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Plug Power Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andy Marsh has also repeatedly highlighted prospects in China as a long term growth driver, given that the country is slated to invest $100 billion in fuel-cell energy technology through 2030. (See also: Behind Plug Power’s Recent Plummet.)

Read more: Plug Power Nearly Doubles: Can Shares Move Higher? | Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/news/plug-power-nearly-doubles-can-shares-move-higher/#ixzz5CAwXSJUc
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Redigert 09.04.2018 kl 14:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.04.2018 kl 16:06 2345

NEL ender på toppnotering i dag. En flott kurve som ender på topp, da det er forventninger i luften. Hva vil morgendagen bringe??
Der gikk NEL opp + 2.59% og RT 2.70
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