Q messages from unexpected boards! ;-)))

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Q 09.09.2019 kl 13:12 44660

Mens vi venter på at 1st Amendment 'ytringsfrihetens board' 8chan skal åpnes igjen har Q gitt livstegn:

Remember Laura Silsby tried to illegally take 33 children from Haiti to USA for HRC? Now back in the news - and Q team is messaging us and trolling the Cabal of child traffickers when the Call Signs in the flight tracker are changed - one reads "HAITI33", another read "CABAL12". These military plain call signs usually doesn't mean anything - they are just codes. No 'nobody' in the system has the power to make changes like this, it must have high up authorization!

SpaceShot76 9. sep. 2019 - Q is talking to us-Haiti33/Epstein BLKmailTapesv/8ch Coming - 31 min:

Haiti. "Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters." The more you know… Q
Redigert 11.09.2019 kl 21:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
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11.10.2019 kl 00:30 5749

MUST SEE! Om ikke annet så fastforward til 19:00 og se bildene av Obama (eller hvem i all verden han er) - det siste bildet fra 1998, bare 10 år før han ble president. SKREMMENDE! Journalisten Linda Paris graver for oss! Vi nærmer oss Hussein, slik Q har vist oss for lenge siden...
McAllister TV 10. okt. 2019 - HEADLINES - 38 min:

Så en spennende fra Jordan Sather - did you notice??? - Well, I did!!! ;-DDD
Destroying The Illusion 10. okt. 2019 - Major Q Proofs from President Trump's Twitter Before 8chan's Return - 4 min:
Videoen fra Trump la jeg ut tidligere i dag - er det Q's tilbakekomst Trump varsler, tro? 8kun testsiden er nå tatt ned; NOE skjer!
Slettet bruker
11.10.2019 kl 00:14 5733

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
51 minutter siden
WOW, THANK YOU Minneapolis, Minnesota — on my way! #KAG2020

Larries I dag kl 20:37
RSBN sender direkte fra President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Minneapolis, MN 10/10/19
72 000 Ticket requests!
Minneapolis Mayor Won’t Welcome President Trump. FASCISM!
Det blir veldig spennende i natt rundt 2. Impeachment, Ukraina, Liddle Schiff ......
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 13:59 5354

MUST SEE - the digging FakeNews never want you to know about!

You Are Free TV 10. okt. 2019 - #GowdyProvesPast: Q, Trumping Impeachment- Atkinson, Barry, Hill #BEAUTIFULSOUNDS - 41 min:
Today, we see Trey Gowdy reenter the arena on the Trump legal team, we see the Trump Administration refuse to participate in the illegal impeachment inquiry, and we see Antifa announcing attacks tomorrow as POTUS goes to MN for a massive sold rally and, it turns out, Antifa is trained by ISIS!

For de som ønsker dagens X22 Report i sin helhet - Harvest Confirmed, Pelosi’s Impeachment Irrevocably Tainted, Hammer Introduced:

Lori Colley 10. okt. 2019 - Reversing "BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER!" - 28 min:
President Trump making headlines by digging in at the White House, refusing to give in to D's demands (unfair trial) and making decision to bring troops home.

TRUreporting 10. okt. 2019 - The Timeline Of Events That Show Why [they] Are Melting Down Publicly - 16 min:

Destroying the Illusion 10. okt. 2019 - Clinton Running for Pres Again - DIA Leaker - The UN is Broke - 8KUN - 10 min:

He he he - Hillary saying she "can beat Trump AGAIN!" When did she beat him before??? Pls. remind me, I can't find out! ;-DDD

EDIT tillegg - Q postene fortsetter å bli rullet ut under Trump som tar tilbake US Ports:
SpaceShot76 10. okt. 2019 - Durham Found Crimes/Brunel Talking/Military Flyover Google/Apple - 24 min:

EDIT 2 tillegg - Congress committee insider Trey Gowdy has joined Trump's lawyer team. Trump's claim of a witch-hunt is an understatement; the witches had more rights in the middle-ages as their accusers had to show their face to them so they could defend themselves against wrongful accusations!

Redigert 10.10.2019 kl 18:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.10.2019 kl 13:24 5364

Hva MSM IKKE varsler om eller undersøker:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
10 timer siden
“I don’t think it’s a Whistleblower at all. I think this is an anonymous source for the Democratic Staff in the House of Representatives. This is an insult to real Whistleblowers. Actual Whistleblowers go on to have their whole lives upended.” John Kiriakou @TuckerCarlson

Egentlig er det helt obvious: Whistlebloweren finnes ikke! Og nå er det blitt veldig vanskelig å få noen fra CIA til å påta seg rollen!
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 12:07 5378

Tross overskriftene i innlegget over, så klarer MSM mockingbird løgnmedia å fremlegge sitt eget narrativ i "DagensDonald":

Flere målinger som lodder stemningen, er tatt opp etter at lederen i Representantenes hus, Nancy Pelosi, varslet at granskingen formelt er startet. Målingene viser at mange har endret holdning. En måling fra Washington Post-Schar School fra tidlig oktober viser at 58 prosent støtter selve granskingsprosessen, mens 49 prosent også støtter et neste skritt mot riksrettstiltale.

Litt pussig tidspunkt for offentliggjøring egentlig, flere dager etter dette, nesten som "nyheten" kom med ridende budbringer og ikke internett: "Oct. 1-6, 2019 Washington Post-Schar School poll. Majority of Americans say they endorse opening of House impeachment inquiry of Trump."

Dessuten er jo dette de samme MSM mockingbird løgnmediene som to dager før valget i 2016 ga Hillary 98 % vinnersjanse, og Trump mindre enn 2 % - et kraftig budskap til Trump-velgere om at de like gjerne kunne la vær å gjøre seg bryderiet med å gå til valglokalene for å stemme. Men det ble jo ikke helt slik løgnmediene drømte om, da!

Slik vil det heller bli ikke denne gangen:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 10 t

Redigert 10.10.2019 kl 12:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
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10.10.2019 kl 08:26 6211

X22-report 10/10-2019 - Harvest Confirmed, Pelosi’s Impeachment Irrevocably Tainted, Hammer Introduced - Episode 1991b

- NBC's Matt Lauer accused of rape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=02m13s
At the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Lauer anally assaulted NBC employee Brooke Neville in his lodging.
One individual after another in Hollywood on TV, politicians. We're seeing all of this come out.

- Clinton Ukraine connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=3m30s
HRC said she could beat Trump in 2020. It would push Warren out to the side. Biden is done.
Elisabeth Warren says what's happening in Ukraine is about Trump. No, it's about Biden, the 2016 meddling, the Clinton email-Server and how the DS-plan originated in Ukraine. From 1999 to 2014 Ukraine donated more money to the Clinton Foundation than any other foreign country.

- Pelosi's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=06m47s
White House calling their impeachment efforts illegitimate and dangerous.
Congress White House Counsel Pat Cipollone: "effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election","inquiry lacks any legitimate constitutional foundation" (https://bit.ly/2nx2uM6)
Pelosi responded: "to hide the truth of the president's abuse of power from the American people, will be regarded as further evidence of obstruction"
John Solomon: "Ukraine open new investigation into Hunter Biden linked firm, months before Trump's call with Ukrainian president"

- Schiff's Flying Circus ("WB") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=11m10s
Nobody knows who Liddle' Adam & DS "WB" is. They want to have the "WB" testify off-site wearing a disguise and masking the voice. Schiff gives an explanation of why they need to do this. It's because the whistleblower is receiving death threats. :-) LOL
The W-Post: "Schiff made statement that was false". "anyone who was involved in the preparation or submission of the "WB's" complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge".

- "WB" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=13m18s
"WB" had a working relationship with one of the people running to get the DNC-nomination. Why wasn't this reported by the ICIG?
ICIG Michael Atkinson withheld information. They're using Pelosi and Schiff's Flying Circus as a shield, against the FISA D-classification. Fear is spreading among moderate Democrats.

- Robert Muller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=17m27s
White House officials confirm RM was pursuing the open post as the director of the FBI. Muller previously denied all of this under oath. Take a listen https://bit.ly/2nxgjKt
Others under the Muller investigation have gone to prison for far less! can't let this pass.

- John Durham (Obama SpyGate) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=19m58s
Is probing a wider timeline. Now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017 up to when Robert Muller was named special counsel. Trey Gowdy has joined Trump's legal team to combat Ukrainian hoaxes. He is a Pit bull, he is The Hammer.

- Lindsey Graham Senate Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=21m25s
Giuliani gathered the information on Ukraine, then the Senate was going to call him in, and he was going to hand over everything to the Senate. This allows Trump to be out of the spotlight.
Graham: If house D's refused to release full transcripts a Volker testimony I will call Volker to testify publicly.
This means that if Pelosi and Schiff's Flying Circus are trying to hide truth, the Senate will call them to testify before the Judiciary Committee, to maintain transparency.

- Leaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=23m28s
30 year old Henry Kyle Frese a Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA) employee for leaking. If convicted he faces up to 20 years in prison.
Vi anledningen bli brukt til å statuere et eksempel?

- The Border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=24m09s
71 to 89 miles of construction have been completed in south Donna Texas. 509 nine miles are slated for completion by next November.
Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals(DACA). If the Supreme Court do not let DACA stand, Republicans and Democrats will have a deal to let them stay.

- Twitter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=26m37s
Devin Nunez has a lawsuit against Twitter. Virginia judge ruled that the lawsuit against Twitter could proceed to trial. Meaning Twitter may finally be forced to disclose evidence of bias against conservative users.

- Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=27m41s
Trump has made a deal with Erdoğan and Putin for Erdoğan to remove the terrorists from Syria. Operation "piece spring" is only targeting terrorists in northern Syria.
Trump: "we went to war under a false and now disproven premise weapons of mass destruction. There were none!" - "focus is on the big picture"
Trump: "Turkey must take over captured ISIS fighters that Europe refused to have"!
The Kurds are asking Putin to help with the negotiations with Syria, so they can rejoin the country of Syria.

- The harvest is beginning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nahsyQKm_Y&t=33m33s
This is why the military reserves have been called into action. The Patriots they're expecting a coup or maybe an assassination attempt.
DS only option left is events. The Patriots they're in total control.
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 01:14 5530

WH letter to Pelosi & Chairmen - a must see walk-thru - the Dems are so SCRUED!

Spaceshot 9. okt. 2019 - Snakes in the Grass-Clapper Blames Obummer/Durham probe Expanding - 24 min:

Trey Gowdy joining POTUS legal team now?

537 Q !UW.yye1fxo
14 Jan 2018 - 8:49:27 PM
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere.
Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.
Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.
Boards changed due to MISINFO.
Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.
MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.
SC: MISINFO everywhere.
SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.
SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].
SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].

Noe av dette er koder til DS, noe til oss. Get the picture? See the timing of it all?
Slettet bruker
09.10.2019 kl 22:38 5550

Nyttig plansje, Larries! (Tror jeg ville flytte Nettavisen over streken til Collectivism, slik den har utviklet seg...)

Forøvrig er det mye som nå står for fall før også MSM får nådestøtet; og vi vet hvilken storfisk vi skal frem til:

IT ALL LEADS TO OBAMA – First Biden, Then Hillary, Then Three Others, Then OBAMA! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/its-going-to-be-a-bang-bang-couple-of-weeks-rudy-and-joe-digenova-it-all-leads-to-obama-first-biden-then-hillary-then-three-others-then-obama/

Joe M @StormIsUponUs
33 minutter siden
Mere days after Clapper takes a shot at the head of the DC snake, Biden's spokesperson admits Obama was well aware of Hunter's corrupt dealings in Ukraine. As the rats scurry, all roads lead to the most treacherous illegal immigrant of all, Barry Soetoro.


Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller & Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they want to impeach President Trump!
Mitt Romney's top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger's nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US. https://www.tierneyrealnewsnetwork.com/post/mitt-romney-is-tied-to-the-bidens-and-kerrys-in-ukraine-energy-deals

Tick tock, tick tock…

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 22:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 20:32 5512

Det var ihvertfall deg som som viste oss Q-trådene på Redit og gjennom det åpnet mine øyne.
Jeg fortrengte lenge PizzaGate, Barneofringer og Satanisme, også etter at jeg ble gjort oppmerksom på Q.
Norsk presse er helt ute på viddene, og ordet journalist er synonymt med såpekoker, og redaksjonen såpeopra. Anders Magnus er en spyttslikker som egentlig bare har en eneste agenda, å være utenrikskorrespondent.
Norsk MSM er et eneste stort Ekkokammer, men hovmod står for fall.

The Coup Attempt Began the Day After the Election (Newt Gingrich)
Redigert 10.10.2019 kl 09:03 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 20:22 5503

Litt humor må man unne seg i dramatiske tider:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
4 timer siden
Adam Schiff is a disgrace to our Country!
Donald J. Trump Retweetet Ryan Fournier
Ryan Fournier Verifisert konto @RyanAFournier
Hey, Adam Schiff…
How can an anonymous whistle-blower be receiving death threats if they are anonymous?
You are so used to lying you don’t even know what comes out of your mouth anymore.


Vel, det der er en påstand som stadig påberopes her på forumet også! Ryan i Students-for-Trump avslører! ;-DDD
Slettet bruker
09.10.2019 kl 17:51 5531

Den som følger med på konservative medier, vet at Trump står solid og nyter økende oppslutning. Demokratene lever i en alternativ virkelighet. Men det gjør også den norske eliten. NTB følger lojalt det kundene vil ha: Hillary/Obama, Resistance-versjonen.
Trump gjorde en utnevnelse som Demokratene frykter resultatet av: Justisminister William Barr. Han begynte sin karriere i CIA på 1970-tallet, og har vært justisminister tidligere. Du tuller ikke med Barr. Da han sa offentlig at Trump-kampanjen var blitt utsatt for spionasje, spisset alle insidere ører. Det var som å si at han kom til å gå til krig mot Den dype staten i etterretning, FBI, justis og utenriksdepartementet. Det er disse som har ført en anonym krig mot Trump siden han annonserte sitt kandidatur.
Barr sa en ting til som ble lagt merke til: – Jeg har flere spørsmål i dag enn da jeg tiltrådte. Byråkratiet har satt seg på bakbena. De nekter å samarbeide. Det kan ikke en valgt utøvende politiker finne seg i. Det er subversjon, et opprør. Da blir byråkratiet en stat i staten. https://www.document.no/2019/10/09/litt-mer-om-hvordan-vi-arbeider-trump-og-norske-medier/


Så utrolig stolt jeg er for å stå alene (nesten, vi er mange her på forumet som følger med, og noen som ikke klarer) i stormen mot løgnmediene, som fra sin alternative virkelighet ikke er i nærheten av å rapportere om fakta i den største skandaleopprullingen i verdenshistorien:

"At norske medier har slagside, er intet nytt. Men at de har en dekning som ikke en gang tangerer at en sak har to sider, er nytt i min optikk.
Selve hovedstoryen: at Trump kan være utsatt for den største skandale i amerikansk historie, er det ikke mulig å finne spor av i norske medier.
Vi søkte på navnet John Durham i NTB: Nada, ingenting. Utnevnelsen ble ikke nevnt, heller ikke de stadig drypp om hans arbeid. Første gang Durham nevnes, er 1. oktober, og da er det for å svine ham til: Durham har nemlig reist til Australia for å finne ut hvilken rolle de spilte i etterretningssammensvergelsen mot Trump i 2016.
Er det en formildende omstendighet at NTBs kilder er like ensporede og anti-Trump? Det forklarer, men unnskylder ikke. Andre versjoner, Trumps versjon, er bare et tastetrykk unna."

Gratulerer til alle dere som følger Q-tråden og selv gjør research og bidrar her og på egne tråder! Noen drahjelp fra MSM får vi så visst ikke der de tar sin input fra ingen ringere enn den korrupte dypstaten (CIA mockingbird narrativet som leveres via Associated Press
kl 04:00 rett inn på mail til NTB). Pressestøtten som deles ut til MSM løgn kopistene fra Ernas regjering er en skam på 6. året!

EDIT tillegg:
"Det er mulig å forstå både Hillary-siden og Trump ut fra den konservative dekningen. Men det er ikke mulig ut fra NTB/AP/Washington Post og CNN: De anerkjenner ingen andre fakta enn sine egne. Medienes svikt er en stor del av forklaringen på den dype krise demokratiene befinner seg i."
Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 19:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 17:31 5524

Deep State bryr seg ikke, og venstresiden er så blåst i hodet at de ikke gjennomskuer spillet.

Men nå faller hele bunnen ut av den konstruerte impeach saken - Dems med løgnmedia på laget prøvde å lure alle, men lurte seg selv!

"Nye dokumenter fremskaffet av John Solomon viser at Ukraina gjenåpnet etterforskningen av gasselskapet Burisma i februar. Dermed faller noe av bunnen ut av Demokratens påstand om at Trump ba Ukraina etterforske Burisma og Bidens. Det hadde allerede skjedd.
A newly unearthed document shows that Ukrainian officials had opened a new probe into the firm linked to Hunter Biden months before President Trump’s phone call with that country’s leader, Fox News contributor John Solomon reported late Tuesday. Demokratene hevder Trump truet med å holde tilbake militær assistanse, men hvorfor skulle Trump true med noe når ukrainerne selv hadde startet det han skulle ha bedt om, flere måneder i forveien?
«The U.S. government had open-source intelligence and was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,» he claimed. «This is long before the president ever imagined having a call with President Zelensky,» he added, noting Petro Poroshenko was still Ukraine’s president at that time. Dette er et betydelig skifte i begivenhetsrekken, sier Solomon. Den er utelatt i varslerens rapport om Ukraina. "

Venstresiden og MSM har altså ennå ikke lært at Trump ALDRI sier noe uten at han har intel på at det stemmer! 😄😂🤣😅😆😁
Slettet bruker
09.10.2019 kl 13:02 5583

You Are Free TV
Telizhenko live audio reporting on Biden/DNC Ukraine crimes:

Pocahontas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQZcA1T3ils&t=45m31s
.-) Er det mulig!
Og sånntnoe tar mål av seg til å bli President i USA?
Sannheten er nok at hun ikke bestod de tilleggskursene hun trengte for å jobbe ved barneskolen. Hun var ikke kvalifisert, eller som hun selv sa: "I don't think this is going to work out for me"

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 17:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 12:32 5583


Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
4 t

WH letter on Dem’s Impeachment inquiry:

1. Your ‘Inquiry’ is based on a Press Conference only and has not been voted on – it is therefore:
a) Constitutionally Invalid and Unprecedented (there has been no vote to authorize this process)
b) a violation of Basic Due Process Rights (no ability for the president’s lawyers to call witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, or enter evidence into the record)
c) a violation of the Separation of Powers (impeachment is never to be used as a political weapon; only as a check against treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors)

2. The invalid ‘Impeachment Inquiry’ plainly seeks to reverse the election of 2016 and to influence the election of 2020. According to the WH: “The effort to impeach President Trump – without regard to any valid evidence of his actions in office – is a naked political strategy.”

3. There is no legitimate basis for the ‘Impeachment inquiry’. Instead, the Committee’s Actions raises serious questions – such as:
a) Committee leader Shiff making up the content of the transcript
b) No quid-pro-quo is there (Ukrainian president did not know about ‘the hold’ on aid and could hence not be pressured by something he did not know about; still the aid was factually being released the whole time)
c) The so-called whistleblower’s ‘non-whistleblower account’ emerged AFTER the inquiry was announced (lawless inquiry based on rumours).
d) Shiff met with the ‘whistleblower’ before a report was submitted, and is therefore ‘a material fact witness’ in this case, and cannot at the same time lead the investigation, but must recuse himself.

The transcript of the conversation between the two presidents - there is no there there - and there is no need for a ‘non-witness whistleblower’!

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 12:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 10:49 5603

Dagens Donald fra CIA mockingbird løgnmedia med nok et forsøk på diskreditering av Trump!

– For tiden virker det som om all forskning som kan legge begrensninger på forretningsvirksomhet, og spesielt energiindustrien, blir fjernet, sier Whitman. Arbeidsgruppen, dannet under Brennan Center for Justice ved NYU School of Law, peker på «sharpiegate-skandalen», der Trump feilaktig hevdet at en orkan kom til å treffe Alabama, noe han underbygget med et manipulert kart. https://www.abcnyheter.no/nyheter/verden/2019/10/09/195616983/trump-administrasjonens-krig-mot-vitenskapen-har-nadd-et-kritisk-punkt

(Strengt tatt var det vel ikke kartet Trump viste som var feilen, men meteorologene som varslet på TV at orkanene ville blåse over Floridahalvøya og inn over Alabama på Gulf-siden. Men historien blir liksom litt mer spektakulær hvis man utelater at dette var varslet og heller gir Presidenten skylda for den merkelige kursendringen orkanen gjorde. Men skitt la gå, slike detaljer er jo fort glemt av mange.)

Samtidig dette - som ikke er Trump-relatert - men som har gått de som skriver Dagens Donald hus forbi:

Når kraftige solvinder hamrer løs på jordas beskyttende magnetfelt, tilføres enda mer futt og fart i områder som allerede strutter av energi. Da er det duket for vill vest. https://www.abcnyheter.no/nyheter/verden/2019/10/09/195617164/milliardekspedisjon-har-malt-fenomenet-bak-romvaer

Det var disse 500 prominente klimaforskerne da, som har gitt Trump klarsignal til å avblåse IPCC og den politiske klimakrisen, og nå lærer vi altså at kraftige solvinder hamrer løs på jordas magnetfelt og skaper vill vest for klimaet.
Jeg antar det påvirker klimaet litt mer enn den umerkelige CO2 andelen (1/3 promille) av jordatmosfæren gjør; menneskeskapt eller ikke!

Konklusjonen overlater jeg likevel til fagfolk, og det burde kanskje MSM løgnmedia gjøre også, til tross for at dagens spinn allerede har glemt hva som ble offentliggjort for 14 dager siden: https://www.thegwpf.com/european-climate-declaration-there-is-no-climate-emergency/

Skal vi se… Brennan Center for Justice… A non-partisan law center??? Brennan? Hmmm…

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 10:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 10:16 5657

X22-report 9/10-2019 - The Gathering, The Storm Is Here, It’s Happening, Time To Harvest - Episode 1990b

- Elizabeth Warren(Pocahontas) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=02m10s
Has been using a fabricated tale of injustice.
EW: "I was told not to return to teaching after a single year, because I was visibly pregnant"
take a listen: &t=03:16
She lied on her college application saying that she was an American Indian. Pocahontas!

- The Clinton Hillbillies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=04m52s
Trump asks for HRC to enter the race. Only one condition: She must explain all of her crimes. :-) HRC: Don't tempt me. Do your job.
HRC did not hand over her iPad after leaving the office.
Rudy Giuliani: Bill Clilnton asked UK's Tony Blair to take a look at fixing problems during 2000 'political season'.
Hillary Clinton: "There should be no president that should seek help from foreign governments in election"

- Obama SpyGate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=08m51s
Former DNI James Clapper, admitted on CNN that Obama made them all spy on Trump
Take a listen: https://bit.ly/2IAsduC
Q2959: "Hussein gave the order to start the spy campaign."
Clapper proved this to be absolutely correct.

- Biden's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=10m23s
The people want them investigated. This is going to lead to Muller, Obama, Comey and the rest.

- Pelosi's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=11m26s
Fake subpoenas. Ordered EU ambassador to testify. Trump administration said: NO! He would be testifying before a totally compromised kangaroo court.
No quid pro quos of any kind. DS want horse trading.

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=12m45s
August 12 "WB" letter, Pelosi modified House Rules for impeachment, WB-forms were backdated to fit the plan.
"a whistleblower complaint proven false by the subsequent release of a transcript from the president, can be enough to start an impeachment process"
Outrageous!! This was a pre-planned coup. Nazi trials.

- "WB's" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=17m09s
The 2nd "WB" is the source for the 1st "WB". But Trump released his transcript!
Wrap-up smear tactic: 2nd "WB" confirms the 1st "WB".

- Bill Barr & John Durham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=18m38s
Former Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi is very upset with with what bar is looking into. He's a little afraid that bar is going to figure out what they did.

- Graham starting with Ukraine investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=20m40s
Graham: "it is time for the Senate to inquire about corruption and other improprieties involve in Ukraine"

- Epstein(Prince Andrew and Brunell) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=22m25s
Prince Andrew claiming trip to stay with Jeffrey Epstein in New York was to end their decades-long friendship.
Follow up: https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/965564
Brunell is cooperating with the prosecutors in Paris. Who knows where the bodies are buried? This is not going to go away!

- Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=24m27s
Trump is removing the troops one step at a time!
President Assad is now reaching out to the Syrian Kurdish population, asking them to rejoin the government and the people of Syria.
Whatever the DS planned it has fallen apart. Trump: "in no way have we abandoned the Kurds". "any unforced or unnecessary fighting by Turkey will be devastating to their economy"
ISIS, al Qaeda, al sham, al nusra; this is the paid mercenary army of the deep state! Remember? https://bit.ly/2OujKwu

- The Storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrIUwz8Jrc&t=27m02s
The harvest is about to begin. Q 3525: "Was the corn ripe for harvesting? I is now". Hunters become the hunted.
Trump: "The calm before the storm" :-)
Trump and the military and the wives posed for the same picture almost at the same exact time that he did back in 2017 letting us know the storm is here!
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 10:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
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09.10.2019 kl 00:23 5705

MSM mockingbird Dagens-Donald kunne ikke vente til kl 04:00 for nå er DS under kraftig press:

Kurdiske krigere føler Donald Trump har begått et enormt svik mot dem. Nå frykter de mer død og fordervelse. Lojale syriske kurdere har de siste fem årene kjempet side om side med amerikanske styrker mot den fryktede terrororganisasjonen Den islamske stat (IS) i Syria.
- Nettavisen via washingtonpost.com

Jeppsan! "Enormt svik", ifølge MSM løgnmedia.

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
9 t
Our relationship with Turkey, a NATO and Trading partner, has been very good. Turkey already has a large Kurdish population and fully understands that while we only had 50 soldiers remaining in that section of Syria, and they have been removed, any unforced or unnecessary fighting by Turkey will be devastating to their economy and to their very fragile currency.

Si Trump overdriver litt om "50 soldiers" for å gjøre et poeng og at det kanskje var ubetydelige "1000 soldiers", men uansett: FAKE NEWS!

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 00:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 15:02 5789

BBC Newshour hadde mandag et intervju med den tidligere amerikanske ambassadøren til Syria, Robert Ford. Han kjenner Assad-regimet godt og snakker arabisk.
Ford ga Trump rett: USA må på et eller annet tidspunkt trekke seg ut av Midtøsten. Det kan ikke fortsette å være sikkerhetsgarantien etter at USA ikke lenger har interesser å ivareta.
Tenk over implikasjonene av at USA skal sørge for at Tyrkia ikke går løs på kurdere, at Assad ikke havner i krig med Tyrkia, eller at Iran kommer på kant med Erdogan. Legg til Putin. Det hele er en suppe og en myr. Amerikanerne har trukket noen lærdommer av å bli værende på oppdrag uten ende.
Ford sa USA er ved å innse: Vi forsøkte å fikse Midtøsten, men ser nå at det ikke nytter. Regionen må ordne opp selv.

Kanskje var det aldri DS kickback oljeinteresser og det militærindustrielle kompleks sin hensikt "å fikse" Midtøsten???

"Dette er en strategisk vurdering. USA har ikke glemt å tenke strategisk. Europa tenker bare moralsk. Derfor vil det ikke ofre blod for andre, kun høste moralsk gevinst, også ved å projisere kun dårlige egenskaper på Trump for bedre å kunne skinne selv.

Hva slags behandling har europeerne gitt Trump de siste tre årene? De har alliert seg med hans fiender. Britisk og italiensk etterretning deltok i undergravingen av Trumps valgkamp. Tror noen at Trump har glemt dette? Han har bedt justisminister William Barr komme til bunns i hva som skjedde. Av den grunn har Demokratene startet en riksrettsprosess, med full oppbakking fra Resistance-mediene i USA og Europa.

Uten at de helt forstår det, åpner anti-Trump-alliansen for at Trump får handlingsrommet til å stake ut en ny kurs. Den betyr at nasjoner må ta mer ansvar for egen sikkerhet.

Europeerne vil ikke en gang betale for sin egen sikkerhet, langt mindre andres. Det er dette spillet som nå nærmer seg slutten. Denne omlegningen innebærer store risikoer, for landene som berøres. Men som Trump sa: Jeg er valgt til president for USA, ikke hele verden.

Det er ikke én global orden. De fellesskapsløsningene Angela og Erna snakker om er bare munnsvær. Hvis USA har fått nok av Midtøstens problemer, hva da med Europas? Vest-Europa vil ikke en gang se problemene i øynene. Derfor får det heller ikke hjelp."

Erna uten et clue står nå på en "burning platform"! Er globalismen i ferd med å vokse deg over hodet, Erna???
Slettet bruker
08.10.2019 kl 14:19 5809

Red October - Its happening! Great one from Thomas! MUST SEE!

TRUreporting 7. okt. 2019 - Time To Focus On The War Within Our Nation! - 23 min:
Slettet bruker
08.10.2019 kl 13:44 5810

Straks er 8chan tilbake i ny versjon som 8kun (med Q i logoen), bedre, sikker og ready to go etter 2 måneders utvikling og testing!

Jeg gikk inn på 8kun.com i går og fant at de er i ferd med å teste siten:
"Apache 2 Test Page - This page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server after it has been installed. If you can read this page it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly."

8chan (8ch.net) Verifisert konto @infinitechan
7. okt.

Jim Watkins har ikke uttalt seg ennå - men jeg regner med han gjør det når vi er i gang igjen.

Q will be cordially welcomed back in due course and time!
Redigert 08.10.2019 kl 14:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 12:57 5820

As President Trump readies the Marines "In Support Of Defense of Civil Authorities, we see Romania/Bidens exposed in real estate fraud. Meanwhile, The CIA media ala HRC claim POTUS is "an illegitimate President". The lies compound and Americans are NOT stupid!

You Are Free TV 7. okt. 2019 - #COUPBUSTER: Marines 500/19, Romania, UN, Hagibis #HOLDTHELINE - 40 min:
Slettet bruker
08.10.2019 kl 12:01 5836

MSM løgnmedia presenterer et slør for øynene om Ukraina og hvorfor DS kjemper for IMPEACHMENT (CIA burned officer explains):

Festet tweet
Burn Notice @BurnedSpy34
24. aug. 2018
Totally burned. Dropped in a new city. No one I know. A fresh start. Rebuilding a new identity.

Burn Notice @BurnedSpy34
41 minutter siden
Here is a really good presentation outlining the key players in this Ukraine 'fiasco' from 2014 until now:
With so much evidence in full view, why does the media focus only on Trump's recent phone call and Biden's involvement?

Glenn Beck 4. okt. 2019 - UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & More (51 MIN)
SVÆRT INTERESSANT OG UNDERHOLDENE VIDEO - MUST SEE! (Men finner den veien til Erna? Erna bør skamme seg!)

Glenn explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion with President Trump, during the 2016 election. Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to investigate "dirt" on Trump, and Glenn shows you EVERYTHING -- including how even George Soros is involved -- in a way that's easy to understand.

Redigert 08.10.2019 kl 12:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 11:35 5845

Så hva betyr den militære mobiliseringen Trump igangsatte den 3. oktober? Her en innsider som informerte for et dager siden:

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
MARADMIN 550/19 just authorized activation of ALL Marine Corp Reserves to Full Active Duty Status.
Both Categories of Reservists, SELRES Marines and IRR Marines are all put on Notice by this Directive.
The Essential Directive of MARADMIN 550/19 is to train Marine Reservists

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
to Assist Local Civil Governmental Agencies in quelling Rebellions, Insurrections, Invasions, Riots and/or Coups.
As of today, there are approximately 200,000 personnel in the United States Marine Corp.
In addition to this, there are also approximately 40,000

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
additional personnel in the USMC Reserve.
In the Marine Corp Reserve, there are 2 distinct categories.
SMCR (Selected Marine Corp Reserve) and IRR (Individual Ready Reserve)
Selected Reservists train 1 Weekend a Month and a 2-Week continuous stint throughout the year and are

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
considered obligors, those who are obligated by their oath to train and remain ready to be activated to Full Active Duty Status.
The Individual Ready Reservists are those personnel who have completed their term of Active Duty Service but who remain Ready and are also obligated

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
to be called back to Active Duty if, when, and as needed by the Marine Corp.
These Marines will be instructed and trained in Riot Control, Pacification, and other methods for controlling, dispersing, and ARRESTING ANYONE involved in breaking Law and Order.

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
The Marine Corp has a proud tradition of taking orders directly from the @POTUS throughout History.

Joe ⭐️⭐️⭐️@NorthShoreJoe
6. okt.
This means, these Marines will take orders ONLY from @realDonaldTrump. Congress has no control over this and can scream as loud as they want....not going to help.
Prepare Yourselves, #Patriots. The Proverbial Shit is about to Hit the Fan..


Redigert 08.10.2019 kl 11:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 11:17 5813

I ly av at MSM løgnmedia har fått sitt CIA mockingbird clickbait for dagen, og griper begjærlig DagensDonald overskrift om at "Trump nå står politisk isolert" etter tilbaketrekkingen av USAs 50(!) siste soldater i Syria. Presidenten skal også møte motstand fra Pentagon, sies det:
"I spissen for opprøret står den republikanske senatoren Lindsey Graham, som regnes som en hauk i utenrikspolitikken, og som vanligvis er en lojal Trump-støttespiller. Republikaneren mener Trumps beslutning om tilbaketrekning er en katastrofe og en skamplett på USAs renommé.
– Amerikanske interesser tjenes best av amerikansk lederskap, ikke av retrett eller tilbaketrekning, sa McConnell. Han omtales som en av Trumps viktigste støttespillere i Senatet, der Trump er avhengig av at Republikanerne redder ham fra riksrett." https://www.abcnyheter.no/nyheter/verden/2019/10/08/195616865/trump-politisk-isolert-etter-syria-tilbaketrekning

Men, men, men hva har vi her? Trump i møte med militære ledere om situasjonen i USA!!!

Donald J. Trump Retweetet
Stephanie Grisham Verifisert konto @PressSec
9 timer siden
Our Commander-in-Chief @realDonaldTrump has made it his priority to keep this country safe and empower our military leaders! Tonight he met w/ Sr. officials to discuss pressing national security issues facing our country.

Han ser veldig isolert ut, ja! Military planning at its best! I ly av Kongress-tumultene og likevel i full åpenhet legges siste hånd på Red October som handler om USA og ikke en liten militær kontingent i Syria.

Samtidig desarmeres Globalismens rottereir i FN og kan være konkurs innen november - Red October der også!:

Redigert 08.10.2019 kl 11:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 10:25 5864

X22-report 8/10-2019 - The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b
- Jesse Smollett staged an attack on himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=03m06s
Follow Up https://bit.ly/35c2kuN
Abel & Ola Olsen, 2 Nigerian Brothers met with the special prosecutor.
Soon they're gonna have charges against Jesse Smollett.

- Ilhan Ohmar married to her brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=03m51s
Follow Up https://bit.ly/2ATbYEy
Ilan Ohmar married her biological brother, in an immigration scam.
Omar has filed for divorce. She's having an affair with another man.
Judicial Watch(JW) Calling OCE, for a full investigation of Ihlan Ohmar.

- Ukrain Kurt Volker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=05m41s
Resign from Noname-Mccain Institute

- Biden Investigation revived https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=06m07s
Bakgrunn: https://bit.ly/35g6p12
As this video shows, Obama made a call to Ukraine Poroshenko and told them to stop it or you won't get your funds.
Lutz Senko, Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden once hailed as a solid replacement for Shogun that Biden got fired, want to present evidence to US authority that shows a large corruption scam in Ukraine, using Burisma Holding.
Biden's son, Pelosi's son, Romney's son, Kerry's son are all on the board of directors doing business in Ukraine! Coincidence?
Hunter Biden and the rest, are now the Hunted.
Fake News Media: Biden, Biden, Biden - Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. Norsk MSM (Collusion, Obstruction, Racism, Recession)

- Schiff's Flying Circus (text messages) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=11m18s
Adam Schiff cherry-picked the text messages from Trump admin to Ukraine on October 4 2019. They're not in context.
Release the transcript of Volcker interview!!
Why do you think the whole thing was done behind closed doors? Why is info from this cherry-picked, and released?
Trump putting pressure on them: Nancy just as guilty as Adam Schiff, for high crimes and misdemeanors and even treason! BOOM

- Pelosi's Flying Circus(Fake Impeachment Inquiry) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=13m49s
Wrap-up smear tactic: https://bit.ly/310BGBP
Schiff leaks the "WB"-complaint to MSM -> an open letter(Experts) supporting the "WB's"
Vi kjenner mønsteret igjen fra Norsk MSM.
Have judicial authority:
1 must be authorized by its chamber
2 pursue a valid legislative purpose
3 must be pertinent to the subject matter
These subpoenas from the committee's do not meet the first hurdle. Pelosi's crew doesn't want to engage in the court system. she's manipulating the process.
Kurt Volker's non-classified hearing was held in a SCIF! They are afraid of the Truth! (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)
This is not an impeachment. it's a coup!

- Bill Barr (Joseph Mifsud) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=26m28s
David Devin: Mifsud is the key to unraveling Obama-SpyGate.
The Democratic media complex(the MSM) are now accusing Bill Barr of chasing conspiracy theories. Why?
They're even trying to remove bill bars license! Why? and what are they afraid off?

- Trumps Tax Returns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=28m01s
Clinton appointed judge Victor Marrero, called Trump's claim of a broad immunity extraordinary. "Trump must hand over eight years of his tax filings".
US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, granting Trump a stay to delay the release of eight years of tax returns.
Tom Fitton: "shows how far out lower court ruling is"

- Trump removing the troops from Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjA-febk1uQ&t=31m42s
Erdoğan and his son, took oil from the Islamic caliphate, and they were sold it around the world making a huge profit.
Turkey is effectively cut out of the airspace along the border with Syria.
Kurdistan and Syria is coming together as one state.
DS is panicking. Hillary Clinton is not supporting this. Why?
Q1306! -> https://i.ibb.co/jgHs2DY/Q1306.png
Trump: "Turkey must, with Europe and others, watch over the captured Isis fighters and families"
!Europa et Globalismens Rottereir!

Q489: War = scam trillions of dollars. Og her har vi Satans Ormeyngel som G. Soros, Mccain, Biden, Clinton's, Obama...
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 08.10.2019 kl 10:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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08.10.2019 kl 00:12 5893

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
7 timer siden
I was elected on getting out of these ridiculous endless wars, where our great Military functions as a policing operation to the benefit of people who don’t even like the USA. The two most unhappy countries at this move are Russia & China, because they love seeing us bogged.....
....down, watching over a quagmire, & spending big dollars to do so. When I took over, our Military was totally depleted. Now it is stronger than ever before. The endless and ridiculous wars are ENDING! We will be focused on the big picture, knowing we can always go back & BLAST!

Donald J. Trump Retweetet
Kurt Schlichter Verifisert konto @KurtSchlichter
18 timer siden
Turkey is invading Northrrn Syria.
The President is keeping us out of it.
The gang that never met a war they didn’t want to fight (and fail to win) will be outraged.
When they howl, ask them one thing.
Ask them exactly how many American lives it’s worth.
I say “Zero.”

Donald J. Trump Retweetet
Mike Verifisert konto @Doranimated
13 timer siden
We aligned under Obama not with “the Kurds,” but with the PKK, the sworn enemy of the Turkish Republic, our ally. We were sowing the seeds of a Turkish-PKK war with that policy. We were also driving Turkey toward Russia.

Donald J. Trump Retweetet
Mike Verifisert konto @Doranimated
13 timer siden
From the archives | Surprised by what you're seeing in Northern Syria? I'm not. Back in January 2018, I explained the dilemma that Obama put us in with respect to Turkey, and described the tsunami of wishful thinking that was washing over Washington

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
6 timer siden
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over...
....the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!


Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
12 minutter siden

#GreatAwakening - WWG1WGA!
Slettet bruker
07.10.2019 kl 22:17 5402

"Sing Me a Song" was the Dutch entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1983,
Bernadette asks her listeners to "sing me a song" - of any type - in the hope that the entire world will be able to join in. Importantly, however, she also asks her listeners to sing a song "About your country/How it is there and what do you do over there?", suggesting that
unity can be achieved just as well through an understanding of other countries.

Redigert 09.10.2019 kl 18:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.10.2019 kl 11:35 5988

Jeppsan! Awaiting coup attempt? - READY & ABLE! - Now activated by President Trump as of October 3rd., 2019:

In accordance with (IAW) REF A, this MARADMIN provides guidance for the activation of Reserve Component (RC) Marines under §12304a, Title 10, U.S. Code, following a request for Federal assistance in response to a major disaster or emergency within the United States. Requests for Federal assistance will come with little warning. As required, the Marine Corps must rapidly mobilize RC units and personnel IAW this MARADMIN in order to respond to threats in the Homeland.
When directed by the President in support of (ISO) a request for assistance (RFA) from a primary Federal department or agency...

Military planning at its finest! Q
Slettet bruker
07.10.2019 kl 09:11 6088

X22-report 7/10-2019 -

- DS&MSM Introduced another "WB" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=01m29s
To have a WB you need something to be concealed. But POTUS have released the transcript to the public, nothing is concealed everything is transparent.
With the new "WB" The DEMS and the MSM, are trying to build a Big Fat Conspiracy Theory. They're following their original plan, because where else do you go.

- Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=02m29s
Fake News Media is already preparing for Biden to drop out of the race. Vanity Fair: "were hunter and Joe Biden's overlapping interest in Ukraine coincidental or corrupt
NYT has published a intrigue involving the Biden family various entanglements in Ukraine.
They're getting ready for Biden to drop out of the race, and Trump agrees.

- Pelosi's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=04m24s
They have not even taken a vote, so they're just bypassing the law to move their agenda forward. They subpoenaed the White House but they never had a vote!
White House responded, we don't have to abide by this because guess why this is not an impeachment inquiry.
representative Talib: "we're going to do is we're going to explore how to arrest White House officials who do not comply with the congressional subpoenas"
Take a listen : &t=07:57.
BNL-News: Debbie Dingell a Democrat revealed that she was pressured to support impeachment against Trump. Blackmail!
This is Pelosi's Flying Circus.

- Schiff's Flying Circus (new "WB") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=09m48s
"first-hand information" this time. Of what? POTUS released the phone transcript that is the first-hand information!
The first "WB", the transcript contradicts everything the "WB" said.
This was their original plan. They never expected Trump to release the call. Trump: Schiff is a sick puppy". Og det er vel også MSM, innkludert rottereiret i NRK.
The "WB's" are being handled represented by Andrew Vikash. Trump:"HRC acid-washed 33,000 emails after getting the subpoena from the United States Congress, but I can't make one totally appropriate telephone call to the president of Ukraine"
This is Schiff's Flying Circus.

- CNN investigating Trump's kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=12m48s
In a new OUTFRONT Special Report. As if they haven't already investigated them previously.They found nothing!
What if CNN did an in-depth investigation into the Biden's! Where would that lead them it would lead them? To Obama!
The media is reporting fake news to the American public. Og også her i Norge. Rottereiret NRK(Collusion, Obstruction, Racism, Recession).

- Trump shutting down section of the NSC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=14m05s
Brennan called on an unlimited number of DS snitches to file "WB" complaints against Trump.
Ted Cruz he reversed this, saying if you know anything about Brennan, Obama, Schiff, Pelosi or the rest you can also report it. It doesn't matter you can hear from a third person.
Trump ordered massive cuts to the National Security Council(NSC) staff.
Q-post 129: [C[los[I]ng [A]ct. Impossible to clean. Operation--> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency

- Robert DeNiro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=17m14s
A Trump Hater. Robert DeNiro is slapped with a 12 million lawsuit by his former personal assistant, for gender Discrimination and Harassment.Her boss created a hostile work environment, including gratuitous physical unwanted contact, treating her as an office wife.Extreme overwork with no compensation. Vulgar inappropriate gendered comments suggestions she use a male co-worker sperm to impregnate herself.

Those who scream the loudest have the most to lose. These people will not be able to walk down the street.

- Border(Health Benefits) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=19m15s
The House passed a law and decided to give illegal immigrants health benefits which it will take years for the veterans to get.
Trump EO block all this, to prevent taxpayers from subsidizing health care for immigrants.
"the entry into the United States as immigrants of aliens who will financially burn the United States healthcare system is hereby suspended"

- North Korea (Sweden) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=21m29s
MSM reporting that the entire talks have broken down. Talks are moving forward. They're hitting critical points, and they discuss these points.

- 8chan is gonna be online very soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=23m18s
Their network has been hardened. They are no longer dependent on corporate entities. They're self-contained.

- Schiff's Flying Circus("WB") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=24m24s
Tom Fenton(JW): "This is as much about protecting themselves against criminal investigations Strzok, Paige, Comey, Clinton, Obama etc, as it is about targeting Trump"
HRC: "Constitution would be abandoned to a 20th century paper shredder"

- Trump has activated the Marine Corps Reserve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvvrDUXRrA&t=26m39s
Another event to remove Trump is coming. Their impeachment plan is a no-win situation. If he's re-elected they're screwed.The Marine Corps Reserve been ordered to support local police and governments around the country, at a moment's notice.Some former Marines who are saying that this is unprecedented, and most likely in a response to a coup threat, assassinate attempt.We're getting closer and closer to D-class day.
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 07.10.2019 kl 09:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.10.2019 kl 09:05 6009

The other "whistleblower"... GREAT RESEARCH connecting all the dots… MUST SEE:

Lori Colley 7. okt. 2019 - Investigation Boomerang - 20 min:

Redigert 07.10.2019 kl 09:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.10.2019 kl 08:47 6018

Intrigene fra DS/Dems fortsetter etter at de har klart å stable på beina en korrupt "Whistleblower" støttespiller om Ukraina (hva gjør ikke folk for penger!) som blir avhørt av en korrupt advokat (follow the name) og presentert i MSM Løgnmedia (videre i Norge via NTB og NRK):

"New York Times har i helgen skrevet om en ny varsler, denne gangen en person med mer direkte informasjon enn CIA-offiseren som sa fra først. – Den andre varsleren har blitt spurt ut, sier advokaten Mark Zaid, som blant annet uttaler seg i ABC News-programmet This Week."
- ©NTB

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
7 timer siden
Gerry Baker of @WSJatLarge “Do you think what you’ve seen rises to the level of impeachment?” Ken Starr, Clinton Special Prosecutor,
“I don’t!”

Burde vekke noen og enhver - men mange FRYKTER dypstaten av visse gode grunner (se innlegget over) - så Trump må selv vise hva som nå ligger i kortene (helt i tråd med Q at de må ødelegge seg selv fordi venstresiden ikke har vært informert om korrupsjon og hvem som står bak krigene i MØ) - og merk dette, #Stablegenious rapporterer ALDRI noe som er feil til tross for sin "N.Y. brute style":

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
4 timer siden
Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people, in the form of a fraudulent speech knowingly delivered as a ruthless con, and the illegal meetings with a highly partisan “Whistleblower” & lawyer…
....This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly “Colluded” with them, must all be immediately Impeached!

Redigert 07.10.2019 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.10.2019 kl 01:25 6085

The publisher of the best selling book, “Q Anon, An Invitation to the Great Awakening” dies after suspiciously being poisoned. Philipe and Monica Rix Paxson, owners of Relentlessly Creative Books, were poisoned in Mexico City earlier this summer.
Doctors were not able to determine the toxin type or how they were poisoned. Monica Mix Paxson recovered slowly from the poison, but her husband Philipe was not as fortunate and subsequently died this October 3rd, 2019.

(Sarah Westall is a partner at Galex Consulting and the host of the national syndicated show, “Business Game Changers”. Her show features leaders in Business, Government, Society, and Science. Her significant experience and knowledge in technology, systems engineering, business, and entrepreneurship provides insight and depth unparalleled in the media.)
Slettet bruker
06.10.2019 kl 17:10 6195

Det er Establishment talen til Trump som gjør at han blir motarbeidet av Deep State/Dems, ingenting annet, nå har de angrepet ham fra alle kanter. Verdt å lytte til igjen og igjen, for han forteller her om illusjonene vi lever under i våre vestlige demokratier der vi sloss mot hverandre om "makten" mellom venstre og høyre side, mens den VIRKELIGE MAKTEN flyter ovenpå det hele og styrer verden.
Vi må forstå dette, for vi har med Trump vår siste sjanse til å stoppe denne ELITEMAKTEN som er der kun for sin egen vinnings skyld!

GLOBALISME er en dekonstruksjon av de plagsomme nasjonalstatene som vokter sine grenser, sine folk, sine jurisdiksjoner og sine kulturer som et enormt hinder for verdens 1% superelite å underlegge seg alle verdens ressurser uten begrensninger.
Globalismen tømmer nasjonalstatens verktøykasse, og overleverer makt fra folkevalgte til et overnasjonalt byråkrati som denne supereliten gir innspill til og styrer. FN kaller det bærekraft/sustainability - og det er vanskelig for folk å verge seg mot slik argumentasjon.

Det var slik vi hadde det da Norge var en kristen totalitær stat under Danmark og Sverige, hvor embetsmenn styrte på grunnlag av makten til en «eneveldig» konge innsatt av Gud og ikke folket. Under globalismen skal alle verdens nasjoner samles i slike unioner som er innsatt og styrt - ikke av Gud - men av verdens superelite. Opplysningstidens kristne filosof John Locke frigjorde middelalderens Europa i sitt viktige verk «Two Treatises of Government» - hvor statsmakten skal utgå fra folket og ikke omvendt.

Under Globalismen reverserer dagens elitepolitikere denne forfatningen i rekordfart, ironisk nok ikke en gang til et norsk/svensk/dansk embetsverk, men til et uklart og utydelig teppe av grå byråkrater og embetsmenn i EU, FN og et konglomerat av overnasjonale maktstrukturer. Beslutningene flyttes nå med ekspressfart fra folket til byråkrater og teknokrater langt utenfor Norges grenser, og våre grenser er åpnet på vidt gap for all slags "fri flyt" utenfor folkets kontroll.

Det er en villet utvikling; folket har aldri fått si sin mening - les innlegget over her og forstå hva som nå er i ferd med å skje!


On which side are you fighting? - FREEDOM or EXTINCTION? - These are the only two choices of our time!

Redigert 06.10.2019 kl 17:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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06.10.2019 kl 15:06 6227


"All we need is the right MAJOR CRISES and all nations will accept the NEW WORLD ORDER." - David Rockefeller

The Club of Rome is perhaps at the apex of the New World Order pyramid, a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as The Committee of 300 (a secret society by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that … the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... all these dangers are caused by human intervention ... the real enemy, then, is humanity itself!"
- The Council of the Club of Rome, 1991

CFR - Council on Foreign Relations - har valgspråket "VBIQVE" = ubique = everywhere = omnipresent - er en privat, medlemskapsbasert og partipolitisk uavhengig organisasjon med hovedkontor i New York, etablert i 1921. Organisasjonen har innflytelse som tenketank for FN og har et omfattende samarbeid med The David Rockefeller Studies Program, og andre programmer, prosjekter, publikasjoner og biografier for notable direktører og andre styremedlemmer. (Det er i CFR at Joe Biden skryter av og applauderes for sin quid pro quo utpressing av Ukraina for å ha stoppet korrupsjonsetterforskningen av sin sønn Hunter.)

MSM Fake News og CIA (pluss ved behov et CIA-infiltrert FBI), MI6 og Hollywood er kontrollerte organer for Deep State.
Som Roseanne Barr sa sist uke, så har Deep State under sin puppet Obama skiftet side for å kontrollere folket gjennom den politiske siden som de tror får størst oppslutning, men i 2016 bommet de fullstendig, Hillary med sine MSM rapporterte 98% vinnersjanser tapte, og Trump kom til makten med sitt Drain-the-Swamp løfte. I Norge vet vi at det ikke lenger spiller noen rolle hvem som kommer til makten; de blir alle invitert til Bilderberg og kommer frelst tilbake som del av den eliten også vår egen kongefamilie er del av. The Establishment bruker et pengesystem vi som betaler inn til dem ikke er en del av, vi kjenner Stoltenberg og Solberg regjeringenes enorme donasjoner av norske skattebetaleres penger til The Clinton Foundation. Foundations fund phony 'Left' Media Gatekeepers: https://rense.com/1.imagesH/fund.htm

Gravejournalist Linda Paris MUST SEE:
McAllister TV 6. okt. 2019 - FAKE NEWS LIES - 29 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js6ahUHuIyo

For dere som fremdeles ikke har forstått at vi i vesten slett ikke har noe demokratisk valg på hvem som skal styre oss, så forstå at disse mektige familiene aldri har hatt noen grunn til å gi fra seg makten - for hvorfor skulle de gjøre seg avhengig av folkets oppslutning? Penger er makt, så får folket holde på med sitt!

Men "folket" har blitt for mange, og i Vesten har folk blitt for velutdannet og smarte, og dessuten så rike at vi kan true det øverste etablissementets pengemakt. I 1980 ble granittmonumentet The Georgia Guidestones satt opp i Elbert County, Georgia, USA på vegne av "en ikke navngitt elite". Stenene gir 10 bud for bærekraftig fremtid (sustainability som under FN Agenda21) og det første budet er "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." Det er altså nesten 7 milliarder mennesker som skal tas ut ifølge denne eliten, og det bør få oss alle til å våkne: https://www.unbelievable-facts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Georgia-Guidestones.jpg


We as free citizens of the global community must now fight and overpower our Illuminati masters;
the Illuminati endgame is the global depopulation of 90% of the human race, where the 9% are slaves to the 1% who will be the overlords!

Trump's fantastiske "The Establishment" speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0e05Yz59og


Redigert 06.10.2019 kl 16:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
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06.10.2019 kl 09:43 6373

Uke 38 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/940355
Uke 39 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/965564
          X22 - REPORTS UKE 40
1982b Man 30. Sep - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/944588
- DS & MSM Projecting
- 2020 Election
- Resignations
- The "Whistleblower" scandal
- The "Whistleblower" complaint
- DEMS attacking Barr
- Pelosi moving forward with impeachment
- Clinton Foundation
- Bill Barr Visiting Italy
- General Michael Flynn
- Drain The Swamp
- Jeffry Epstein(the Victims)
- 2020 Voter ID
- Authoritarian Postmodernism

1983b Tir 1. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/972593
- Pushing impeachment exposes the players in Congress
- Judge is ordering AOC to testify
- Rudy Giuliani on MSM telling the story of Joe and Hunter Biden
- The Biden's dealings
- Schiff's Flying Circus (Adam Schiff)
- Pelosi and Schiff are connected to a prominent Ukrainian arms dealer
- Schiff's Flying Circus (Pelosi)
- Trump has the right to confront his accuser
- Resignation
- Zuma Piang arrested for classified info. to China
- Saudi Arabia lifting restrictions

1984b Ons 2. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/977537
- Patriots have created an army of Digital Soldiers
- Schiff's Flying Circus (Maxine Waters)
- Schumer, gun control measures
- The House Flying Circus: To subpoena Pompeyo
- Ukraine (Pelosi/Ivanna Voronovich)
- Ukraine (Schiff)
- Ukraine (Biden)
- Schiff's Flying Circus (ICIG)
- Schiff's Flying Circus (David Nunes)
- Schiff's Flying Circus (Hillary Clinton)
- Schiff's Flying Circus (DS+MSM has failed on the WB narrative)
- Obama Spy-Gate (Lindsey Graham)
- Obama Spy-Gate (General Michael Flynn)
- North Korea
- The Presidents Trump & Andrew Jackson

1985b Tor 3. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/982745
- Rep. Rashida Tlaib(D) Finance Violations
- Rep. Kamala Harris(D) trying to kick off Trump from Twitter
- Impeach, Impeach
- Schiff's Flying Circus(Rudy Giuliani)
- Schiff's Flying Circus(Ukraine)
- Schiff's Flying Circus("WB" complaint)
- Schiff's Flying Circus(IGIC)
- Obama Spy-Gate(AG Barr)
- Trump Press Conference
- Calif. Dems Tax Returns
- The Wall
- North Korea
- Iran
- DS+MSM Failing

1986b Fre 4. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/988112
- Schiff's Flying Circus((Nancy Pelosi)
- Schiff's Flying Circus(Ukraine Ambassador Ambassador Volker)
- Ukraine, China (Biden)
- Ukraine (Chris Murphy/DEMS)
- Schiff's Flying Circus (Volker)
- Schiff's Flying Circus
- John Kennedy(R)
- Pelosi's Flying Circus
- Ukraine
- Brennan
- General Michael Flynn
- Follow Up: Edie Buck
- The Border
- Pelosi's Flying Circus(Impeachment)

1987b Lør 5. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/991820
- Q: It will not be safe for them to walk down the street
- Brennan
- Hillary Clinton
- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circuses
- The FISA D-Class
- Ukraine, China Corruption
- Schiff's Flying Circus("WB")
- Corruption & Ukraine at the centre
- Biden , Wexner , Epstein , Pelosi , the Vatican, Mellons, Heinz, Bulger
- A really strange plane crash
- Trump EO blocking the Property of persons involved in Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
- Entire military planning is now officially in motion
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 06.10.2019 kl 09:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
05.10.2019 kl 13:22 6447

Det Trump sammenligner med, er Ukraina kuppet for noen år siden, der DS var dypt involvert, det samme var russiske komikere:

John McCain divulged insider Intel on U. secret policy to a Russian comedian posing as Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. The duped Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. John McCain, divulged insider Intel on U.S. secret policy to a Russian comedian posing as Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.

"The Clinton Foundation appears to have received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. …

After the coup had been completed successfully, the State Department gave George Soros and his organizations almost free reign over the countries’ internal politics: A tranche of some 2500 Internal documents, mostly Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point files, as well as pdf files, from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) network of non-governmental organizations, which were obtained from the group DC Leaks, shows that Soros and his advisers lorded over US policy toward Ukraine after the 2014 coup supported by Soros and the Obama administration ousted the democratically-elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and his government.

A tranche of some 2500 Internal documents, mostly Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point files, as well as pdf files, from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) network of non-governmental organizations, which were obtained from the group DC Leaks, shows that Soros and his advisers lorded over US policy toward Ukraine after the 2014 coup supported by Soros and the Obama administration ousted the democratically-elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and his government. https://patriotssoapbox.com/opinion/the-truth-about-ukraine/

Trump er en mester i å trolle DS - gjett om noen ble nervøse når han viser til russian pranksters!
Det holdt tross alt på å bli verdenskrig under Ukraina kuppet! - Erna burde skamme seg!

Redigert 05.10.2019 kl 13:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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05.10.2019 kl 12:26 6447

Ja det er nok lett å la seg inspirere med en monolittisk skikkelse som Donald Trump i samme rom. Han er en bauta av en skikkelse som det er lenge siden USA har hatt som president.
Dessuten, det er bra å ha X22 i bakgrunnen, for nå er det mange oppgaver som venter ja ;-)

Y-aksen er x lest/h. x-aksen er tiden.
Lest/svar gir et tall som er indikativt for "kundebasen". Denne kundebasen blir justert av FA for hvert 40. innlegg, med nye(IP) - frafalne(IP). Frafalne blir da den synkende trenden mellom FAs oppdateringer. Dette er ikke noe jeg vet.
Antar at et antall representativt for kundebasen, er innom tråden hver time. Trenden er at kundebasen vokser.
Ignorerer manipulering.
Redigert 27.10.2019 kl 08:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
05.10.2019 kl 12:15 6438

For de som ønsker episoden i bakgrunnen mens man gjør andre oppgaver, så kan den avspilles her:
X22Report 5. okt. 2019 - The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] – 32 min:

Det er kanskje flere enn meg som begynner å føle slitasje med alle detaljene som endevendes i Fake News...
Husk at Riksrett ikke handler om små detaljer og ubetydelige kritikkverdige mistanker - det er om alvorlige brudd på landets interesser.

Løgnmedia tyr til samme taktikk hver gang DS/Dems oppkonstruerte håp og fantasifulle kreasjoner for impeachment feiler.
Vi pepres med ubetydelige detaljer som fører til at oversikten blir borte og folk blir så opptatt av å ta stilling til alle mulige detaljer at det store bildet blir borte i skurret. Det er som tatt ut av en John Grisham triller: "If you have a bad case for the courts, just put into it so many irrelevant details that it all becomes totally obscured for the judges."

For much of the media, its primary activity has become feeding a voracious internet, which means the most minimally relevant anti-Trump stories are reported in microscopic detail whose purpose is to hold on to eyeballs with a permanent and presumably addictive sense of dread. https://www.wsj.com/articles/democrats-lost-in-ukrainia-11570056500

Prøv å holde perspektivet og unngå å bli fanget i detaljene - see the GREAT POTUS45 how GOOD he is:
PRAYER FOR TRUMP: President lets woman take over the mic (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfFW2QaAlI8

When you are conscious of the power of consciousness it makes you a powerful person on earth. Such power carries great responsibility.
Use it well. #GreatAwakening

Redigert 05.10.2019 kl 12:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
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05.10.2019 kl 11:23 6553

X22-report 5/10-2019 - The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

- Q: It will not be safe for them to walk down the street https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=02m04s
Maxine Waters is saying that there are Trump supporters that are harassing her. She is panicking.
What did she tell her constituents to do? Take a listen https://bit.ly/2IpNXt4
She was the one who told them to harass Trump supporters
Elizabeth Warren was met with by Trump supporters telling her don't impeach
The world is watching, but this is only the beginning.

- Brennan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=04m00s
"Donald Trump is a national disgrace who deserves impeachment conviction and Oster from office".
Brennan knows he's caught in this entire Obama SpyGate scandale.
He's calling on on those Republicans that have the most to lose, saying you better do something to help out. Panic!

- Hillary Clinton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=05m08s
"perhaps that the 18th century Constitution should be abandoned to a 20th century paper shredder".
The hell with the Constitution. If we need to break the law to remove Trump, we must do it. Panic!

- Pelosi's & Schiff's Flying Circuses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=06m07s
"They're not going to suspend the impeachment inquiry into Trump"
Nancy Pelosi son Paul Pelosi jr. visited Ukraine in 2017, to meet with the government officials! BOOM
Pelosi has more connections with Ukraine than originally thought.
- Schiff
AG Whitaker, in August 2017 filed a complaint with FEC about DNC and Alexandra Chalupa, accepting assistance from Ukraine foreign nationals during election.
BOOM. Se gårsdagens rapport

- The FISA D-Class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=08m38s
Another leaker. A career IRS official filed a complaint with secondhand knowledge, and then leaked the story to The WP.
"One IRS political appointee attempted to improperly interfere with the annual audit of Trumps or VP Pence's tax returns"
Ted Cruz: if you know something about Obama or Brennan or Clinton or anyone else, report it! It doesn't matter if it isn't coming from you.
Obama 2010: "The Constitution vests the president with the authority to control disclosure of information when necessary, for the discharge of his constitutional responsibilities"! BOOM

- Ukraine, China Corruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=12m07s
Trump warned the DS that he is investigating the Obama administration, the DS, and foreign influence by the UK, Italy, Australia in the 2016 campaign.

- Schiff's Flying Circus("WB") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=13m58s
Getting more and more information about the "WB". A registered Democrat and CIA analyst who was detailed before the 2016 election to the Obama White House.
He himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump and Manafort during 2016 campaign.
Trump: "WB is a CIA agent"
IG Atkinson: "the WB did not disclose to the ICIG that he contacted Schiff's committee". Schiff didn't share the classified info with minority members.
WB-complaint form states: "a false statement or a concealment of material fact, is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars imprisonment for up to five years or both"
The CIA agent concealed that they met with a staffer, that worked for Schiff.
Trump misspelled "outrageous" --> Q3028

- Corruption & Ukraine at the centre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=19m09s
The top prosecutor in Ukraine announced he will investigate Joe and hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine, including the firing of former prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

- Biden , Wexner , Epstein , Pelosi , the Vatican, Mellons, Heinz, Bulger
Biden, Heinz family(Rosemont Capital) - Bulgers
The Vatican - Mellons - Heinz(Bulger, Boston gangster family)- John Kerry

All these traders went on to sell off US strategic assets through their joint venture with Chinese government to purchase a US company Restricted Under National Security.
The only way the Chinese could buy out this auto firm was to get approved by the Obama's.
Trust the plan enjoy the show!

- A really strange plane crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=22m45s
4 crew members were killed when a Ukrainian cargo plane made an emergency landing in Ukraine.

- Trump EO blocking the Property of persons involved in Human Rights Abuse or Corruption(ao. Epstein Island)
Fit those individuals that have been doing business in Ukraine.
US and the UK they signed a landmark agreement to fight cross-border crime.
Barr: "allowing more efficient and more effective access to data needed for quick moving investigations"

- Entire military planning is now officially in motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_TU5BHMZk&t=26m57s
Trump:"The White House will not cooperate until the house holds a vote on impeachment"
If vote is NO, Trump will D-class.
If vote YES, this would be a production in front of the American people. The Patriots will be able to subpoena and interrogate under oath the players.
It would be televised. Q has told us: "Court TV is coming back"
                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Slettet bruker
05.10.2019 kl 09:23 6442

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump
3 timer siden

Morsomste Hannity ever! 😄😂🤣😅😆

Olga Puzzova… 😂 … Special offer for the puzzy-grabber! 😄😂🤣😅😆

Du trodde vel ikke at ikke DINE telefoner også ble avlyttet, Adam Schiff?