Tomra - Sailing to the heart of the plastic wasteland

TOM 12.09.2019 kl 20:48 983

Sailing to the heart of the plastic wasteland

Editors’ Top Picks, Plastics – Kirstin Linnenkoper – September 10, 2019

‘The ocean is such a special place. We are all connected to it. Growing up along the Norwegian fjords, I spent all my summers on or in the water,’ says Kristine Berg (32).

After getting her master’s of science from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology, she became a circular materials consultant at Tomra Collections. This role prompted her to embark on a trip across the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with a dozen other female scientists. The crew set sail from Hawaii last June in what was an exciting, sometimes rocky, maiden voyage. This is her story.

Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 12:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.09.2019 kl 17:19 904

Ny ekspedisjon som totalt strekker seg over to år. Tomra er igjen representert og sponser.


TOMRA on board for all-female ocean plastic scientific research mission “eXXpedition”


Contributes on science advisory board, crew members and sponsorship for pioneering Round The World voyage

Global resource sustainability company TOMRA has joined as a science advisor and gold sponsor for the highly-anticipated “eXXpedition Round The World”, a two-year all-female sailing voyage focused on researching microplastic pollution. Four women from the TOMRA team will also roll up their sleeves and get on board as crew members to work on the mission.

eXXpedition Round The World 2019-2021 will see 300 women join 30 voyages that transverse the Arctic and four of the globe’s trash gyres (where marine plastic gathers in a system of circular ocean currents). These are some of the most important and diverse marine environments on the planet. The first voyage departs on October 8, heading from Plymouth, United Kingdom, toward the Azores.

TOMRA also sponsored last year’s eXXpedition voyage from Hawaii to Vancouver, crossing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific: the fifth gyre and the densest accumulation zone for ocean plastic on the planet. TOMRA – a member of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste – found it such an eye-opening and valuable experience that it wanted to expand its involvement even more in the next project. TOMRA provides solutions for sorting mixed waste for recycling, and reverse vending machines that receive 40 billion empty drink containers for recycling every year.

“You can’t truly provide solutions until you understand the problem, and you can’t understand the problem until you get out and see it first hand,” explained Kristine Berg, Circular Economy Advisor at TOMRA and crew member of last year’s North Pacific voyage. “Reverse vending, waste sorting and circular economy are vital ways to turn off the tap of plastic litter entering our oceans, and we at TOMRA need to see the true scale of the pollution to build understanding and urgency around the issue of marine litter.”

Scientific research into ocean plastics

eXXpedition’s cutting-edge scientific research on ocean plastics will pursue both sea-based and land-based investigation, lead respectively by Professor Richard Thompson (Leader at the International Marine Litter Research Unit at the University of Plymouth) and Professor Jenna Jambeck (National Geographic explorer and Director at the University of Georgia).

TOMRA Senior Vice-President for Circular Economy Strategy Dr Daniel Schwaab will be part of eXXpedition’s science advisory board for the Round The World journey. With a PhD in physics and a strategic perspective of the circular economy of plastics, he will bridge the gap between science and business implementation. The four TOMRA employees joining the voyage, like all other crew members, will be involved hands-on in gathering research samples.

“We are thrilled to have TOMRA back on board with the eXXpedition journey,” said Emily Penn, eXXpedition Co-founder and Mission Leader. “TOMRA has literally made it their business to be innovative leaders in the resource revolution, providing smart solutions for the sustainability of our planet’s resources. Like TOMRA, we believe that in order to stop the flow of plastics into our oceans, we must look up the value chain to preventive approaches that motivate recycling, reduce reliance on raw materials, and encourage everyone to see the value in what has previously been thought of as waste.”

As well as scientific research and raising awareness of the devastating impact of plastic in the world’s oceans, eXXpedition strives to celebrate women in science and leadership and build a global community of change-makers to tackle the environmental and health effects of marine plastic and champion solutions to the crisis.

About TOMRA:

TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems that optimize resource recovery and minimize waste in the food, recycling and mining industries.

TOMRA has ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of ~8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The Group employs ~4,000 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please see
01.10.2019 kl 14:11 778

Tomra er et multinasjonalt selskap i ordets rette forstand, men selskapet har fortsatt sitt norske hovedkvarter i Asker. Da er det helt på sin plass at Budstikka gir spalteplass til Tomras Kristine Berg som var med på den første ekspedisjonen (se trådstart). Kristine skal delta også denne gangen.

Nyheter Økonomi og næringsliv Natur og miljø Asker

Kristine drar på ekspedisjon for å kjempe mot plast i verdenshavene

Tomra-ansatte Kristine Berg begir seg nok en gang ut på seilas for å kjempe mot plast i verdenshavene.

Marit Helland
30. september 2019, kl 21:36

I fjor skrev vi om Kristine M. Berg som St. Hans Aften la i vei på seilas for å tråle overflaten etter plastmateriale.

Da var hun med på den såkalte eXXpeditions 2018-seilas. Denne gang blir hun og tre andre kvinner fra Tomra med på 2019-seilasen som har navnet eXXpedition Round The World 2019-2021.

De to årene fordeles på 30 ulike seilaser der i alt 300 kvinner skal være med.

Berg skal være med på turen fra Easter Island til Tahiti i mars neste år.

Startet av skippere som så problemet

De årlige exxpeditions turene ble startet av to britiske skippere, Emily Penn og Lucy Gilliam.

Det var etter å ha seilt verden rundt de så hvor stort problemet med mikroplast er. Det inspirerte dem til å starte årlige «plastekspedisjoner».

På ekspedisjonene blir det tatt luft- og vannprøver i tillegg til å tråle overflaten etter plastmateriale. Materialet blir analysert og loggført. Reisen deles på nettside, blogg og sosiale medier.

Tomra i Asker er kjent for sine returautomater for plastflasker og andre flasker. Berg selv har utdannelse innen industriell økologi og bærekraft.

Hun gleder seg over å være med, og er opptatt av problemløsning.

– Man kan ikke tilby løsningene før man forstår problemet, og man kan ikke forstå problemet fullt ut før man reiser ut og ser det på nært hold selv, sier hun i en pressemelding.!/