REACH + Aibel

Jæims Bånn
REACH 19.04.2018 kl 14:51 2050

Denne kan bli nyttig:

Published: May 19, 2016

Aibel AS and Reach Subsea have agreed to enter into a formal cooperation agreement for projects within subsea oil and gas, renewables, ship and rig repairs and decommissioning of existing platforms/subsea structures and other offshore installations.

Aibel and Reach Subsea are operating within the same market segments, however with a different client base and contracting approach. As each party’s core business complement each other, a formal Cooperation agreement will strengthen both parties’ ability to provide a more comprehensive and competitive product.

This will give each party a possibility to be qualified for and execute projects, which each party cannot provide alone.

The parties shall utilize resources from both parties in the best way to be able to undertake complex projects that may require project management, engineering, fabrication & installation, mechanical completion, commissioning/de-commissioning and ROV marine services and operations as the case may be.

For further information, please contact:

Jostein Alendal (CEO)

Siste mnd:

Aibel på Njord: 1,3 mrd
Aibel Johan Sverdrup: 8 mrd
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Slettet bruker
28.07.2020 kl 20:17 914

Hvor lang varighet har denne avtalen ?
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21.08.2020 kl 11:30 636

Det drypper stadig inn nye kontrakter her:


Reach Subsea ASA (“Reach”) and MMT Group AB (“MMT”) have been awarded a contract with a major European energy company for a cable route survey. The campaign, which involves use of our high speed survey ROV the Surveyor Interceptor onboard Havila Subsea, has two phases and will be conducted during 4Q 2020 and in 2021.

With the addition of this contract, our schedule for 4Q and the winter season is improving. Reach now has approximately 1,100 project days (equivalent to about 1,800 ROV days) for 2Q-4Q 2020 execution, and about 350 project days (550 ROV days) for 2021 execution.

Med tanke på noe oppjusterte oljeinvesteringer (+2,1%) for 2021, til 148,6 milliarder, samt økende havvind investeringer, bør framtiden se lys ut for REACH.

Kanskje et godt tidspunkt for inngang nå, mens aksjekursen fortsatt er i lavt område?

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