Saudi-Arabia stenger ned halve oljeproduksjonen
Hvor mye står olje prisen i på mandag??
"Landet har sett seg nødt til å kutte produksjonen med fem millioner fat per dag etter droneangrepene, tilsvarende rundt 5 prosent av verdens daglige produksjon, opplyser kilder til Wall Street Journal"
"Landet har sett seg nødt til å kutte produksjonen med fem millioner fat per dag etter droneangrepene, tilsvarende rundt 5 prosent av verdens daglige produksjon, opplyser kilder til Wall Street Journal"
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:37
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24.09.2019 kl 06:44
Why The Saudis Are Lying About Their Oil Production:
“The supreme irony, of course - as has repeatedly underlined, and as many in the oil markets now know, although apparently not the Saudis - is that a cornerstone strategy used by Iran to circumvent current U.S. sanctions against it (as was also the case in the previous period of sanctions) is to rebrand its oil into Iraqi oil, which is extremely easily done, both at the massive and porous border between the two or via various pipeline and shipping routes.”
“The supreme irony, of course - as has repeatedly underlined, and as many in the oil markets now know, although apparently not the Saudis - is that a cornerstone strategy used by Iran to circumvent current U.S. sanctions against it (as was also the case in the previous period of sanctions) is to rebrand its oil into Iraqi oil, which is extremely easily done, both at the massive and porous border between the two or via various pipeline and shipping routes.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Er vel også et spørsmål om know how. Ser det ikke helt for meg at Saudi folka dekker dette fullgod. Så de uttalelser fra Saudi ministrene osv tar jeg med en ganske stor klipe salt, minnet meg litt på komiske Ali fra den gang da.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 22:23
Hmm, nå har ikke jeg fulgt helt detaljert med, men stoppet ikke Saudi-Arabia ned mye av produksjonen med vilje når angrepene startet? Jeg trodde det var den produksjonen som var oppe igjen. Men er det snakk om 75% av produksjonen på det bombede området som liksom skal være i produksjon igjen?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Hjelper lite å si at man skal til månen neste uke om msn mangler romferge.
Dette utstyret tar ca 12-14 mnd å produsere,montere og teste.
Nå går det på lager og innkjøpt olje.
Hjelper lite å si at man skal til månen neste uke om msn mangler romferge.
Dette utstyret tar ca 12-14 mnd å produsere,montere og teste.
Nå går det på lager og innkjøpt olje.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 22:02
Tro på det nei, så sakte som det jobbes i Midtøsten tar det evigheter. Var voldsomme skader der og de skal være glade hvis de får det i 100% før jul. Massevis som må skiftes og det er ikke akkurat hyllevarer
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 21:07
Ja jeg vet ikke. Det har jo ulmet der nede nå en stund, om det blir full fyr får vi vente og se. Trist i allefall.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 20:30
Tror vi på at produksjoner er på ca 75% igjen? Kan det ha vært den "enkle" produksjonen å få opp igjen, og nå står de "utfordrende" 25% igjen?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 20:28
Det er klart det tar mye lenger tid. Men de vil ikke si det for det kaster enda mer på mølla til de som driver med sånn terror-aktivitet og viser hvor sårbare Saudi faktisk er. Det kommer til å bli et veldig press på oljeprisen frem mot jul, da det ikke er mange land som kan øke produksjonen i særlig grad.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 19:32
Denne er fersk fra idag 23/9. Ellers er det jo også motstridende påstander ute å går, så det spriker.
Klart dette tar lang tid, men de må vel holde tilbake noe av sannheten, så oljeprisen ikke går helt bananas :)
Klart dette tar lang tid, men de må vel holde tilbake noe av sannheten, så oljeprisen ikke går helt bananas :)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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23.09.2019 kl 09:38
Når man ser bilder av skadene er det vanskelig å tro at det er noen "Quick fix" på disse skadene.
Aramco’s Repairs Could Take Months Longer Than Company Anticipates, Contractors Say
Aramco is telling contractors to spare no expense getting facilities in working order after attacks
Aramco’s Repairs Could Take Months Longer Than Company Anticipates, Contractors Say
Aramco is telling contractors to spare no expense getting facilities in working order after attacks
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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19.09.2019 kl 16:46
Smellen vil komme når som helst.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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London — Saudi oil output is unlikely to be fully restored in the next couple of weeks despite assurances by Saudi officials and a drawdown of oil stocks to keep exports flowing, according to analysts.
London — Saudi oil output is unlikely to be fully restored in the next couple of weeks despite assurances by Saudi officials and a drawdown of oil stocks to keep exports flowing, according to analysts.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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19.09.2019 kl 00:30
Ut i fra vrakdeler av skytset å dømme så var dette
ikke bare droner, men også missiler. Teknologien
er mildt sagt høy mht treffsikkerhet.
SA prøver nå helt klart å tone ned skadeomfanget.
ikke bare droner, men også missiler. Teknologien
er mildt sagt høy mht treffsikkerhet.
SA prøver nå helt klart å tone ned skadeomfanget.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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19.09.2019 kl 00:05
Tipper du får deg noen overraskelser de neste 2 månedene Stevie.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Olja i SA er snart tilbake til normalen som jeg har sagt, tok ikke langt tid. Disse såkalte olje ekspertene sa 80-100$ og dummet seg ut igjen, hver gang de uttaler seg så bommer de...får de virkelig betalt for det de sier å gjør..
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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18.09.2019 kl 23:48
Ja, nesten 10%, men jeg bruker ikke gearing og jeg har gått ut og inn flere ganger.
Det oppleves relativt trygt å kjøpe ettersom flere av selskapene kjøper egne aksjer akkurat i disse dager.
Det er ikke over ennå!
Det oppleves relativt trygt å kjøpe ettersom flere av selskapene kjøper egne aksjer akkurat i disse dager.
Det er ikke over ennå!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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nå ligger det 43 supertankere og venter på last utenfor Saudi. JADDA........her er alt som normalt. tenk på ell den dritten som blir ut av all den olja.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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18.09.2019 kl 17:17
Jeg lurer om dere som har gått altinn i olje har tjent penger i de 3 siste dagene ?.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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17.09.2019 kl 10:04
God artikkel om droner - og hva konsekvensene av disse kan bli framover.
The Black Swan Is a Drone
September 16, 2019
What was "possible" yesterday is now a low-cost proven capability, and the consequences are far from predictable.
....The real impact isn't on short-term oil prices, it's on asymmetric warfare: the coordinated drone attack on Saudi oil facilities is a Black Swan event that is reverberating around the world, awakening copycats and exposing the impossibility of defending against low-cost drones of the sort anyone can buy.
(Some published estimates place the total cost of the 10 drones deployed in the strike at $15,000. Highly capable commercially available drones cost around $1,200 each.)
The Black Swan Is a Drone
September 16, 2019
What was "possible" yesterday is now a low-cost proven capability, and the consequences are far from predictable.
....The real impact isn't on short-term oil prices, it's on asymmetric warfare: the coordinated drone attack on Saudi oil facilities is a Black Swan event that is reverberating around the world, awakening copycats and exposing the impossibility of defending against low-cost drones of the sort anyone can buy.
(Some published estimates place the total cost of the 10 drones deployed in the strike at $15,000. Highly capable commercially available drones cost around $1,200 each.)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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17.09.2019 kl 09:45
«Trump om oljeangrepet i Saudi-Arabia: Vi vil absolutt unngå krig
Etter angrepet på to oljeanlegg i Saudi-Arabia er det fortsatt usikkert hvem som står bak. President Trump tror fremdeles Iran står bak, men kongressen ønsker mer bevis.»
Ikke så sikre allikevel da?
«Trump om oljeangrepet i Saudi-Arabia: Vi vil absolutt unngå krig
Etter angrepet på to oljeanlegg i Saudi-Arabia er det fortsatt usikkert hvem som står bak. President Trump tror fremdeles Iran står bak, men kongressen ønsker mer bevis.»
Ikke så sikre allikevel da?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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17.09.2019 kl 09:32
Ja, dette varer mange uker, sikkert flere måneder. Krise, ikke bare for olje-/energimarkedet, men også for Saudi-Arabia, som er hardt presset på økonomien etter lang tid med lave oljepriser.
Og når saudiene så en vakker dag er ferdig med gjenoppbyggingen (om 3-4 måneder?), så kommer det nok en ny byge med bombedroner og detonerer samme sted, og de kan starte på nytt. Så regn med at det i lang tid fremover blir innlagt en pen risikopremie i oljeprisen og oljeaksjene.
På tide at disse beduinene finner ut av å snakke sammen og leve fredelig sammen som gode naboer istedenfor å kaste bomber i hodene på hverandre igjennom mange år. Ufattelig at de ikke forstår deres eget beste.
Og når saudiene så en vakker dag er ferdig med gjenoppbyggingen (om 3-4 måneder?), så kommer det nok en ny byge med bombedroner og detonerer samme sted, og de kan starte på nytt. Så regn med at det i lang tid fremover blir innlagt en pen risikopremie i oljeprisen og oljeaksjene.
På tide at disse beduinene finner ut av å snakke sammen og leve fredelig sammen som gode naboer istedenfor å kaste bomber i hodene på hverandre igjennom mange år. Ufattelig at de ikke forstår deres eget beste.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Aramco to face weeks without majority of Abqaiq’s oil output
by Bloomberg
17/09/2019, 7:00 am
Saudi Aramco is growing less optimistic that there will be a rapid recovery in oil production from the weekend’s attack and now faces weeks or months before the majority of output is restored at the giant Abqaiq processing plant.
All eyes are on how fast the kingdom can recover from the devastating strike, which knocked out half its production, or roughly 5% of global supply, and triggered a record surge in oil prices. Initially, it was said that significant volumes of crude could begin to flow again within days. However, Saudi Arabian officials told a senior foreign diplomat they face a “severe” disruption measured in weeks and months.
Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry said Monday that the attack cut oil production by 50% and that Iranian weapons were used. While Aramco is still assessing the state of the plant and the scope of repairs, it currently believes less than half of the plant’s capacity can be restored quickly, said people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public.
“Damage to the Abqaiq facility is more severe than previously thought,” said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd. “While we still believe up to 50% of the 5.7 million barrels a day of output that has been disrupted could return fairly swiftly, full resumption could be weeks or even months away.”
by Bloomberg
17/09/2019, 7:00 am
Saudi Aramco is growing less optimistic that there will be a rapid recovery in oil production from the weekend’s attack and now faces weeks or months before the majority of output is restored at the giant Abqaiq processing plant.
All eyes are on how fast the kingdom can recover from the devastating strike, which knocked out half its production, or roughly 5% of global supply, and triggered a record surge in oil prices. Initially, it was said that significant volumes of crude could begin to flow again within days. However, Saudi Arabian officials told a senior foreign diplomat they face a “severe” disruption measured in weeks and months.
Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry said Monday that the attack cut oil production by 50% and that Iranian weapons were used. While Aramco is still assessing the state of the plant and the scope of repairs, it currently believes less than half of the plant’s capacity can be restored quickly, said people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public.
“Damage to the Abqaiq facility is more severe than previously thought,” said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd. “While we still believe up to 50% of the 5.7 million barrels a day of output that has been disrupted could return fairly swiftly, full resumption could be weeks or even months away.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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16.09.2019 kl 20:30
Er det flere som har gått alt inn i olje ?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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God vurdering fra Pareto nå. nordsjøoljen skal kraftig opp og det er umulig å dekke opp for produksjonstapet de nermeste månedene. Oljeaksjene vil stige og resten stagnere. Slik vurderer jeg også det og har byttet over til olje over hele linja i dag.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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16.09.2019 kl 17:35
Dow Jones er på vei ned under 27000 igjen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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16.09.2019 kl 16:54
Er det noen som har tjent penger på Archer idag ? :))
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Oil prices surge nearly 20% after attack on Saudi facilities
SINGAPORE/LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices surged nearly 20% at one point on Monday, with Brent crude posting its biggest intraday gain since the Gulf War in 1991, after an attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities at the weekend halved the kingdom’s production.
FILE PHOTO: Oil pours out of a spout from Edwin Drake's original 1859 well that launched the modern petroleum industry at the Drake Well Museum and Park in Titusville, Pennsylvania U.S., October 5, 2017. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo
Prices came off their peaks after U.S. President Donald Trump authorized the use of his country’s emergency stockpile to ensure stable supply.
Brent crude futures, the international benchmark, rose as much as 19.5% to $71.95 per barrel, the biggest intraday jump since Jan. 14, 1991. By 0940 GMT, the contract was at $65.77, up $5.55 or 8.4%.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures climbed as much as 15.5% to $63.34, the biggest intraday percentage gain since June 22, 1998. The contract was later at $59.54, up $4.69 or 7.88%.
Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil exporter and the attack on state-owned producer Saudi Aramco’s crude-processing facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais has cut output by 5.7 million barrels per day. The company has not given a timeline for the resumption of full output.
Two sources briefed on Aramco’s operations said a full return to normal production volumes “may take months”.
“To take out over 5% of global supply in a single strike - a volume exceeding cumulative non-OPEC supply growth over 2014-2018 - is highly worrying,” UBS analysts said in a note.
“The departure of U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton last week was interpreted by many as a reduction in political risk - this event may be significant magnitudes more consequential.”
Oil prices surge nearly 20% after attack on Saudi facilities
SINGAPORE/LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices surged nearly 20% at one point on Monday, with Brent crude posting its biggest intraday gain since the Gulf War in 1991, after an attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities at the weekend halved the kingdom’s production.
FILE PHOTO: Oil pours out of a spout from Edwin Drake's original 1859 well that launched the modern petroleum industry at the Drake Well Museum and Park in Titusville, Pennsylvania U.S., October 5, 2017. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo
Prices came off their peaks after U.S. President Donald Trump authorized the use of his country’s emergency stockpile to ensure stable supply.
Brent crude futures, the international benchmark, rose as much as 19.5% to $71.95 per barrel, the biggest intraday jump since Jan. 14, 1991. By 0940 GMT, the contract was at $65.77, up $5.55 or 8.4%.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures climbed as much as 15.5% to $63.34, the biggest intraday percentage gain since June 22, 1998. The contract was later at $59.54, up $4.69 or 7.88%.
Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil exporter and the attack on state-owned producer Saudi Aramco’s crude-processing facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais has cut output by 5.7 million barrels per day. The company has not given a timeline for the resumption of full output.
Two sources briefed on Aramco’s operations said a full return to normal production volumes “may take months”.
“To take out over 5% of global supply in a single strike - a volume exceeding cumulative non-OPEC supply growth over 2014-2018 - is highly worrying,” UBS analysts said in a note.
“The departure of U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton last week was interpreted by many as a reduction in political risk - this event may be significant magnitudes more consequential.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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16.09.2019 kl 07:58
Man blir litt konspiratorisk når man vet at det var SA som ga pengestøtte til IS og promoterte 9/11 stuntet
SA har faktisk bygd opp is for hellig krig. Så å si at de ikke er i stand til å iscenesette dette angrepet blir for dumt.
Dette er vinn vinn for SA som er dønn avhengig av å se ut som uskyldige.
SA har faktisk bygd opp is for hellig krig. Så å si at de ikke er i stand til å iscenesette dette angrepet blir for dumt.
Dette er vinn vinn for SA som er dønn avhengig av å se ut som uskyldige.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Saudi Arabia working to bring output back online
Only a third of offline production might be restored by the end of Monday following drone strikes
16 September 2019 3:51 GMT UPDATED 16 September 2019 3:51 GMT
by Josh Lewis
Saudi Arabia is aiming by the end of Monday to restore a third of the 5.7 million barrels per day of production taken offline over the weekend by drone strikes on two key facilities.
The Wall Street Journal cited Saudi officials as saying it was anticipated roughly 2 million bpd of production would be restored by the end of the day on Monday, dashing hopes that full production could resume early this week.
“This attack has material implications for the oil market, as a loss of 5 million barrels per day of supplies from Saudi Arabia cannot be met for long by existing inventories and the limited spare capacity of the other Opec+ group members,” from Wood Mackenzie vice president for refining, chemicals and oil markets, Alan Gelder, said Monday.
“A geopolitical risk premium will return to the oil price.”
Only a third of offline production might be restored by the end of Monday following drone strikes
16 September 2019 3:51 GMT UPDATED 16 September 2019 3:51 GMT
by Josh Lewis
Saudi Arabia is aiming by the end of Monday to restore a third of the 5.7 million barrels per day of production taken offline over the weekend by drone strikes on two key facilities.
The Wall Street Journal cited Saudi officials as saying it was anticipated roughly 2 million bpd of production would be restored by the end of the day on Monday, dashing hopes that full production could resume early this week.
“This attack has material implications for the oil market, as a loss of 5 million barrels per day of supplies from Saudi Arabia cannot be met for long by existing inventories and the limited spare capacity of the other Opec+ group members,” from Wood Mackenzie vice president for refining, chemicals and oil markets, Alan Gelder, said Monday.
“A geopolitical risk premium will return to the oil price.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 23:22
skurkelandet er desperate. Dette er bare en forsmak på hva de kan være i stand til. vær obs på følgende underkommuniserte nyhet i nrosk presse;
"U.S. sanctions on Iran bring its pension system to near collapse".... dvs også militæret. Så også støtten til terror ( hutiene / hizbolhahaha/skiamilitsen i Irak m.fl.)
Pompeo; Fewer resources. We can see it with the Shia militias in Iraq. They’re scrambling for resources. We think the Iranian government will shrink, that their GDP will shrink by as much as 12 or 14% this year,” Pompeo added. “This will reduce their capacity to purchase the things they need, the equipment they need, the materials they need, to inflict terror around the world.”
"U.S. sanctions on Iran bring its pension system to near collapse".... dvs også militæret. Så også støtten til terror ( hutiene / hizbolhahaha/skiamilitsen i Irak m.fl.)
Pompeo; Fewer resources. We can see it with the Shia militias in Iraq. They’re scrambling for resources. We think the Iranian government will shrink, that their GDP will shrink by as much as 12 or 14% this year,” Pompeo added. “This will reduce their capacity to purchase the things they need, the equipment they need, the materials they need, to inflict terror around the world.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 23:20
pengex sier - Dette må jo være tull fra ende til annen. Ett droneangrep og nedstengning av halve anlegget. Samtidig som Saudi Amararararaco skal på børs.
SA har jo prøvd å pushe oljeprisen ned i flere år men nå må den opp for å få mest mulig ut av en IPO.
* Ja, du er slettes ikke alene om å spekulere i akkurat det.
thief sier - De skal ikke på børs før i 2020, eller kanskje ut i 2021,så dette er nok ikke tull,får å få opp oljeprisen
* Man lever gjerne i fortiden når man aldri følger med i nåtiden … ;)
Verdt å få med seg:
SA har jo prøvd å pushe oljeprisen ned i flere år men nå må den opp for å få mest mulig ut av en IPO.
* Ja, du er slettes ikke alene om å spekulere i akkurat det.
thief sier - De skal ikke på børs før i 2020, eller kanskje ut i 2021,så dette er nok ikke tull,får å få opp oljeprisen
* Man lever gjerne i fortiden når man aldri følger med i nåtiden … ;)
Verdt å få med seg:
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 23:17
Hehe 😉 I følge en del folk på forumet, er noen uker ca 9-14 uker og det er ikke like lenge som en måned 😂😂😂
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 23:00
"Mulig halve produksjonen blir borte noen uker"
Eller som jeg tror. JV . week not month.
Tror vi er på det nivået.
Eller som jeg tror. JV . week not month.
Tror vi er på det nivået.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 22:52
Mulig halve produksjonen blir borte noen uker, og at den bortfallende produksjonen kan erstattes fra hva skjer hvis det blir hevn eller et nytt angrep?? Eller tror dere Saudi sier det er greit, at de vender det andre kinnet til? 😂😂
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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Jadda Jadda.
Nu er kaffen nytraktet, unger ligger og sover, kjærringa har fått beskjed å ikke forstyrre hehe.
Får vi se da om Sauderne bruker flyvåpenet sitt.
Nu er kaffen nytraktet, unger ligger og sover, kjærringa har fått beskjed å ikke forstyrre hehe.
Får vi se da om Sauderne bruker flyvåpenet sitt.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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S&P Global Platts sees Saudi oil strikes driving up risk premium in crude market - Reuters
(Reuters) - Attacks on Saudi oil plants have boosted concerns about supply security in the Middle East and should raise the risk premium in the global crude market, shifting focus from a gloomy economic backdrop, S&P Global Platts said on Sunday.
“The sudden change in geopolitical risk warrants not only an elimination of the $5-10 a barrel discount on bearish sentiment, but adds a potential $5-10 a barrel premium to account for now-undeniably high Middle Eastern dangers to supply and the sudden elimination of spare capacity,” it said in a note.
“As such prices are likely to break out of the current $55-65 a barrel options range, to test the high $70s as currently supported by fundamentals.”
Prices could move higher still if Saudi output is curtailed for a more substantial period, the note’s author Chris Midgley, global head of analytics at S&P Global Platts, wrote. However, that is not its current assumption.
An industry source briefed on the developments told Reuters on Sunday that Saudi Arabia’s oil exports will continue as normal this week as the kingdom taps into stocks from its large storage facilities.
Platts said, however, that “any evidence of prolonged disruption of production would heavily impact OPEC spare capacity and the ability of the IEA to use Strategic Petroleum Reserves to shore up the market”.
Yemen’s Houthi group claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attacks that knocked out more than half of Saudi oil output, or more than 5% of global supply. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the assault was the work of Iran, a Houthi ally. Iran rejected the accusations.
State oil giant Saudi Aramco said the attack cut output by 5.7 million barrels per day. Aramco gave no timeline for output resumption. A source close to the matter told Reuters the return to full oil capacity could take “weeks, not days”.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that Saudi Arabia is aiming to restore a third of lost oil output by Monday.
Platts said that higher oil prices will add to the headwinds faced by the global economy.
Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Jan Harvey
S&P Global Platts sees Saudi oil strikes driving up risk premium in crude market - Reuters
(Reuters) - Attacks on Saudi oil plants have boosted concerns about supply security in the Middle East and should raise the risk premium in the global crude market, shifting focus from a gloomy economic backdrop, S&P Global Platts said on Sunday.
“The sudden change in geopolitical risk warrants not only an elimination of the $5-10 a barrel discount on bearish sentiment, but adds a potential $5-10 a barrel premium to account for now-undeniably high Middle Eastern dangers to supply and the sudden elimination of spare capacity,” it said in a note.
“As such prices are likely to break out of the current $55-65 a barrel options range, to test the high $70s as currently supported by fundamentals.”
Prices could move higher still if Saudi output is curtailed for a more substantial period, the note’s author Chris Midgley, global head of analytics at S&P Global Platts, wrote. However, that is not its current assumption.
An industry source briefed on the developments told Reuters on Sunday that Saudi Arabia’s oil exports will continue as normal this week as the kingdom taps into stocks from its large storage facilities.
Platts said, however, that “any evidence of prolonged disruption of production would heavily impact OPEC spare capacity and the ability of the IEA to use Strategic Petroleum Reserves to shore up the market”.
Yemen’s Houthi group claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attacks that knocked out more than half of Saudi oil output, or more than 5% of global supply. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the assault was the work of Iran, a Houthi ally. Iran rejected the accusations.
State oil giant Saudi Aramco said the attack cut output by 5.7 million barrels per day. Aramco gave no timeline for output resumption. A source close to the matter told Reuters the return to full oil capacity could take “weeks, not days”.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that Saudi Arabia is aiming to restore a third of lost oil output by Monday.
Platts said that higher oil prices will add to the headwinds faced by the global economy.
Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Jan Harvey
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 21:27
"Myndighetskilder"??? Hvem har tillit til denslags navnløse "kilder"? Ingen. Spesielt ikke når de er fra Saudi-Arabia.
Wall Street Journal burde holde seg for god til å komme ut med denslags junk dette finansmedie eies jo av Rupert Murdoch som også eier News Corp. med Fox News, så det må være årsaken.
Wall Street Journal burde holde seg for god til å komme ut med denslags junk dette finansmedie eies jo av Rupert Murdoch som også eier News Corp. med Fox News, så det må være årsaken.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 21:08
Siden det er tråden til Frodon tar jeg meg den friheten til å skryte av litt flax i uflaxen. Leste Frodons tråder I NAS. Kjøpte meg 30k DNO. Isteden.
Ville bare skryte litt:)
Ville bare skryte litt:)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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15.09.2019 kl 20:49
For min del skal jeg ikke spå noen utvikling i oljeprisen framover, har det noen gang vært tilfellet før at det har kommet et så brått og uventet fall i produksjonen?
Eneste jeg er sikker på er at det kommer til å være ekstremt volatilt.
Eneste jeg er sikker på er at det kommer til å være ekstremt volatilt.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 21:48
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