Q1 report
Q1 2018 was a weak start on the year for Aqualis. Revenue grew at 8%, which is fine.
However EBIT at 0.2 USDm was down from last year and affected by losses in Norway (size not specified). Corrective actions have been taken in Norway but it will probably take 1-2 quarters before we see the effect of this. Q1 results probably include some restructuring costs in Norway, but this has not been specified.
No news on dividends.
Nothing new on ADLER, but no new money has been put into this loss-making entity (positive).
Shares will probably trade lower on these numbers.
Q1 report and presentation: http://aqualisoffshore.com/investor-relations/reports-and-presentations/
However EBIT at 0.2 USDm was down from last year and affected by losses in Norway (size not specified). Corrective actions have been taken in Norway but it will probably take 1-2 quarters before we see the effect of this. Q1 results probably include some restructuring costs in Norway, but this has not been specified.
No news on dividends.
Nothing new on ADLER, but no new money has been put into this loss-making entity (positive).
Shares will probably trade lower on these numbers.
Q1 report and presentation: http://aqualisoffshore.com/investor-relations/reports-and-presentations/
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 08:22
Nøytralt resultat litt skuffende, men kunne vært mye verre. Når det er sagt forsvarerer delskapet dagens markedsverdi relativt greit, så bør ikke reagere noe særlig på dagens rapport.
Da er det bare å vente på videre oppdateringer og nye kontrakter, priser blir bedre fremover.
Alt i alt ok.
Da er det bare å vente på videre oppdateringer og nye kontrakter, priser blir bedre fremover.
Alt i alt ok.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 08:49
Hadde trodd de skulle levere et mye bedre resultat. Denne gangen er det Norge som drar ned. Det som er positivt er at omsetningen øker litt samt at de ser en del bedring i markedet fremover. Virker som de bruker veldig mye på innleid arbeid uten at de får betalt for det. Fortsatt er marginene presset. De signalisere at de er i ferd med å bedre seg. Håper det skjer.......
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 10:21
Agree. We will just have to wait for the Q2 report.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 10:38
Vel de guiderbedre Q2 så vi får se? Dette er jo en aksje for de med særdeles stor tålmodighet, bare å vente å se og så må en vel ha troen på gjengen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 10:56
Troen må man ha, samtidig med god tålmodighet, er overbevist om at vi ser 10-12kr dette året.
Og om selskapet får mulighet til å gi utbytter blir det en helt annen sak og et mye mer attraktivt selskap.
Men først må vi se bedre tall på bunnlinjen, dette har jeg stål tro på at de får til om man ser på den jobben som har blitt gjort de siste årene.
Er positiv til selskapet.
Og om selskapet får mulighet til å gi utbytter blir det en helt annen sak og et mye mer attraktivt selskap.
Men først må vi se bedre tall på bunnlinjen, dette har jeg stål tro på at de får til om man ser på den jobben som har blitt gjort de siste årene.
Er positiv til selskapet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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26.04.2018 kl 14:31
Må vel ha troen. Oms og resultat kan vel variere fra kvartal til kvartal. Dette har vel med avslutninger og påbegynning av prosjekter. Synes omsetningen i Europa var skuffende men regner med at det jeg skriver over er årsaken.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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27.04.2018 kl 10:02
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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27.04.2018 kl 10:46
Ørkenvandring ja, men trenden peker oppover så bekymrer meg ikke særlig, kursen skal opp, og tipper de jobber febrilsk med å skaffe gode kontrakter og ytterligere forbedring av selskapet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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01.05.2018 kl 16:13
OWC meldte kontrakt med Vattenfall i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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01.05.2018 kl 19:19
Godt nytt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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03.05.2018 kl 16:44
Da ble Adler solgt. Positivt!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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03.05.2018 kl 16:45
GulbranGråstein skrev Godt nytt. Gg
Da ble Adler solgt. Positivt!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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03.05.2018 kl 17:15
3/05-2018 16:30:47: (AQUA) Aqualis announces the sale of its 49.9% stake in ADLER Solar - Extended announcement
The international energy consultancy Aqualis ASA ("Aqualis" or "Company") has
entered into a Purchase and Transfer agreement with D2D4 ("D2D4") for the sale
of its 49.9% investment in ADLER Solar and a separate EUR 349 thousand
shareholder loan. D2D4 will pay a cash consideration of EUR 250 thousand for the
shares and the shareholder loan. In addition, there is an earn-out clause that
may release up to EUR 349 thousand depending on the financial performance and
ability of ADLER Solar to repay its original shareholder loan. The transaction
will at closing have a positive cash effect of EUR 250 thousand, before any
transaction costs and future earn out.
The closing of the Purchase and Transfer Agreement will take place subject to
fulfillment of customary closing conditions. Estimated time of closing is within
the next few weeks.
"We have been a 49.9% shareholder in ADLER Solar since 2015 and our ambition has
been to expand our energy consultancy business into the solar business as a
separate segment beside our oil and gas and offshore wind related business. The
services of ADLER Solar have not been an integrated part of our services within
our existing oil & gas and offshore wind consultancy work.
The development of ADLER Solar has not met our ambitions and we believe that a
new owner will have a better foundation for developing the company. The market
conditions in Germany have been challenging the past years and there has been
changes that have adversely impacted ADLER Solar and the solar industry. The
sale of ADLER Solar allows us to focus on our core consultancy business in the
oil and gas and offshore wind markets and strengthen our position as a leading
global player. We strongly believe in the continued expansion of the offshore
renewable sector and in our strategy to expand our offshore wind business into
emerging markets" says Chairman Glen Rødland
ADLER Solar is a leading full service provider for the solar power industry. The
company offers an extensive spectrum of technical and engineering services for
the entire lifecycle of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. ADLER Solar was
incorporated in 2009 and today employs 80 people, including operating service
teams and PV experts. ADLER Solar is based in Germany. Clients include solar
energy plant manufacturers and operators, insurance companies, PV experts,
project planners, wholesalers, installers, investors and banks.
The advisory board in ADLER Solar currently consists of Kim Boman (Chairman),
Klaus Meier, Jens Eckhoff, Andreas Wellbrock, David Wells and Gerhard Cunze. The
management team of ADLER Solar currently consists of Gerhard Kunze (CEO) and
Heinz Hackmann (CFO).
Financial information for ADLER Solar is included in the attachment to this
Flott det, da er det tapssluket borte.
The international energy consultancy Aqualis ASA ("Aqualis" or "Company") has
entered into a Purchase and Transfer agreement with D2D4 ("D2D4") for the sale
of its 49.9% investment in ADLER Solar and a separate EUR 349 thousand
shareholder loan. D2D4 will pay a cash consideration of EUR 250 thousand for the
shares and the shareholder loan. In addition, there is an earn-out clause that
may release up to EUR 349 thousand depending on the financial performance and
ability of ADLER Solar to repay its original shareholder loan. The transaction
will at closing have a positive cash effect of EUR 250 thousand, before any
transaction costs and future earn out.
The closing of the Purchase and Transfer Agreement will take place subject to
fulfillment of customary closing conditions. Estimated time of closing is within
the next few weeks.
"We have been a 49.9% shareholder in ADLER Solar since 2015 and our ambition has
been to expand our energy consultancy business into the solar business as a
separate segment beside our oil and gas and offshore wind related business. The
services of ADLER Solar have not been an integrated part of our services within
our existing oil & gas and offshore wind consultancy work.
The development of ADLER Solar has not met our ambitions and we believe that a
new owner will have a better foundation for developing the company. The market
conditions in Germany have been challenging the past years and there has been
changes that have adversely impacted ADLER Solar and the solar industry. The
sale of ADLER Solar allows us to focus on our core consultancy business in the
oil and gas and offshore wind markets and strengthen our position as a leading
global player. We strongly believe in the continued expansion of the offshore
renewable sector and in our strategy to expand our offshore wind business into
emerging markets" says Chairman Glen Rødland
ADLER Solar is a leading full service provider for the solar power industry. The
company offers an extensive spectrum of technical and engineering services for
the entire lifecycle of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. ADLER Solar was
incorporated in 2009 and today employs 80 people, including operating service
teams and PV experts. ADLER Solar is based in Germany. Clients include solar
energy plant manufacturers and operators, insurance companies, PV experts,
project planners, wholesalers, installers, investors and banks.
The advisory board in ADLER Solar currently consists of Kim Boman (Chairman),
Klaus Meier, Jens Eckhoff, Andreas Wellbrock, David Wells and Gerhard Cunze. The
management team of ADLER Solar currently consists of Gerhard Kunze (CEO) and
Heinz Hackmann (CFO).
Financial information for ADLER Solar is included in the attachment to this
Flott det, da er det tapssluket borte.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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03.05.2018 kl 19:30
Les artikkel i E23 om dette salget..... herregud, her snakker vi om null peil!!! ...Spetalen som hovedaksjonær overskudd ii fjor var 340 mill dollar!!!!! Hadde det vært så vell. Artikkelforfatter må ha vært «høy» på ett eller annet :)) morsomt!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:03
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