Tomra - "The future of Tomra is fantastic"

TOM 24.09.2019 kl 13:58 4426

Jeg slutter meg til, men dette er ikke mine ord. Det er Tomras globale salgsdirektør i UK Brian Gist som sier dette når han blir intervjuet under RWM, Birmingham som ble avviklet 16. og 17.september. RWM er "UK's Largest Recycling & Waste Management Exhibition & Conference". Hvis jeg var deg, ville jeg brukt 2 minutter på å se og høre dette videointervjuet med Brian Gist fra årets utgave av RWM i Birmingham.

Live from RWM: Tomra UK


Filmed live at this year’s RWM show in Birmingham, MRW brings you interviews with some of the key exhibitors on exciting developments in the resources and waste sector.

Here, Brian Gist, global sales director for metals at Tomra UK, says high-tech sorting technology not only diverts diversion material from landfill, but can turn it into a valuable commodity.

Redigert: En kommafeil og en skrivefeil er rettet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.09.2019 kl 15:29 4358

Den suverene globale markedslederen når det gjelder teknologi for å løse et av menneskehetens aller største eksistensielle problemer i dag, plastforurensningen, vil være på plass i Düsseldorf 16. - 23.oktober under K 2019 som er verdens største messe for plast- og gummiindustrien. Det man imidlertid MÅ skjønne her for å kunne forstå Tomras enorme potensial, er at dette nå handler om langt mer enn søppelrydding. Nå som nasjonale myndigheter blant andre virkemidler bruker skatte- og avgiftssystemet (EU og Canada har allerede gjort konkrete vedtak og lovfestet dette. I EUs tilfelle gjelder disse lovene for alle medlemslandene) for å sikre at fremtidig plastemballasje skal inneholde suksessivt økende, spesifikke andeler av resirkulert plast, er plastavfall med ett blitt omdannet til verdifulle ressurser hvis verdi øker proposjonalt med renhetsgraden. Har en følelse av at denne kunnskapen på langt nær har nådd frem til "mainstream" foreløpig.

Circular visions, small flakes and big data – TOMRA at K 2019

by Rob Coker
24 September 2019 11:38

TOMRA Sorting Recycling will be at the K 2019 presenting its frontrunning position in the circular economy, including sorting equipment such as the recently introduced INNOSORT FLAKE, and a groundbreaking innovation in AI.

Circular visions

Resources exploitation has been reckless in satisfying demand for virgin products. Plastics are particularly the focus with its usage being questioned. At present, around 40 per cent of plastic packaging is sent to landfill, and 32 per cent ends up in the environment as litter. Reconsidering the way resources are obtained, used and reused is a major cornerstone for overcoming the barrier of limited resource availability.

As a leader of the ‘resource revolution’, TOMRA proposes stepping back from linear models and aligning with the reuse models of a truly circular economy that targets the recovery of materials back into the supply chain for new products. Once consumed, products are not littered but collected and sorted and kept in the loop, maintaining virgin-like quality and extracting a maximum of the product’s value. Thus, waste is turned into value.

With the circular economy being a topic of considerable debate, systematic approaches are being discussed to stimulate the change. Additional solutions are seen in the promotion of plastics collection, in stopping leakage through infrastructure and deposit systems, as well as in manufacturing products that are regenerative and restorative by design.

In effect, these would be ideal solutions and processes that can only be realised with all stakeholders participating.

TOMRA, being a key stakeholder and driver of this transformation, promotes the circular economy by means of advanced collection and sorting systems.

Volker Rehrmann, Executive Vice-President TOMRA Recycling and Mining and Head of TOMRA Circular Economy, said: “Continuing using our resources in an unsustainable and inefficient way should no longer be an option. At TOMRA, we take this global problem seriously and continuously develop new sorting solutions. At this year’s K-Show we will give an understanding of the circular economy and the role TOMRA and its products play in there.”

Sorting small

Displayed at K-Show, the INNOSORT FLAKE is a good example of positively impacting and purifying the recycling process. Since its launch at PRS Europe in Amsterdam in April 2019, it has shown to be the ideal dual-sorting solution for plastic recovery. Vast proportions of contaminants can be removed and the potential loss of PET flake material significantly reduced.

This all-in-one solution with ultra-high resolution and specialised sensor configuration offers superior performance with exponential results. It’s an economically favourable sorting solution providing a quick return on investment and scalable flexibility.

Sorting smart

TOMRA also focuses on developing innovations to further advance the sorting process. Based on the collection and management of data and AI, TOMRA continues with the development of a deep learning software for sensor-based sorting.

As a subset of machine learning and AI, the deep learning software is in a position to learn from a sizeable amount of data, equalling or outperforming sorting results achieved by humans and conventional machines. With the combination of deep learning models and TOMRA’s sorting solutions, objects that could previously not be separated can now be sorted with high purity levels.

Continuous innovation and technological advancements for meeting today’s demands in the recovery and recycling process is essential for TOMRA.

At K, TOMRA will be on hand to provide the world’s broadest spectrum of international trade visitors and with information on the circular economy and the contribution TOMRA’s machines can make in the recycling process.

Hjemmeside K 2019 i Düsseldorf:

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 12:18 4142

Her har dere en virkelig kjempenyhet! Når man er vitne til et slikt initiativ fra privat sektor, skjønner man hvorfor Tomras Brian Gist (se trådstart) sier at Tomras fremtid er fantastisk. Jeg har sagt det før og gjentar det mer enn gjerne: Prosessen mot sirkulær økonomi er nå irreversibel. :) Norske Tomra Systems er den globale giganten som leder an!

Andrew Forrest

Brands asked to pay premium for using new plastic

Andrew Forest’s Sea The Future initiative will call for voluntary contributions to raise money for recycling projects

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent
Wed 25 Sep 2019 05.00 BST

An Australian billionaire is asking household brands to reduce plastic waste by paying a premium for virgin plastics, making recycled products cheaper in comparison.

Andrew Forrest, a mining magnate turned philanthropist who is one of the 10 richest people in Australia, is setting up a $300m (£240m) initiative to encourage the collection and recycling of plastic waste, through his Minderoo Foundation.

The initiative titled Sea The Future will target big companies that use plastic in their packaging, asking them for voluntary contributions that will raise money for recycling projects.

“Industry, fully supported by governments and regulators, is the only sector that can drive the urgent global shift needed to save our oceans from plastic waste,” said Forrest, who launched the plan in New York on Wednesday, after the UN climate action summit highlighted ecological destruction.

“This existential threat requires a global solution, able to transcend borders, politics and corporate responsibility. Only a broadly adopted international industry-led approach will keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment.”

He said the world had only about five years to take drastic action on plastic waste, which is growing so abundant that plastic is on track to outweigh fish in the oceans by 2050, and is estimated to cost $2.2tn a year in environmental and social damage.

By attaching a greater value to plastics, through a higher charge for virgin plastics, Forrest believes that the economics of the packaging industy can be changed, to make it more worthwhile to recycle plastics and avoid using so much material created from fossil fuels.

Forrest said it would also create higher value jobs in recycling and turn waste into an economic resource, which would make it less likely to end up in the sea, and require less fossil fuel than the plastics industry currently uses.

The billionaire has previously called for a global tax on plastics to be imposed by governments, but while some have taken action by banning or putting a charge on plastic bags, and restrictions on single-use plastics, a coordinated global charge looks unlikely.

Sea the Future was welcomed by green campaigners. Andrew Morlet, the chief executive of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which campaigns on the issue, said: “This is exactly the type of systemic thinking needed to build a circular economy, by creating value for used plastic and helping decouple our economy from fossil fuels. [We need to] eliminate the plastics we don’t need, and circulate those we do.”

Funds raised by the Sea the Future project will be devoted to new recycling technology, the infrastructure needed to collect and recycle plastic waste, and the remediation of polluted areas of the seas and coast.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 12:44 4114

En liten ytterligere kommentar til mitt forrige innlegg...Jo mer jeg tenker på det, jo mer genialt synes jeg den australske milliardæren Andrew Forrests initiativ (se forrige innlegg) er. Dere som leser det jeg poster om Tomra her, vet at jeg følger denne problematikken nøye. Én ting kan jeg si: Det mangler ikke på lovnader fra "big consumer companies" om at de vil bruke resirkulert plast i sin emballasje så lenge den er tilgjengelig på markedet. De vil alle bli grønne nå!!! Så det Andrew Forrest her i praksis gjør, er å gi dem "an offer they can't refuse".
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 12:53 4094

Dette er musikk i ørene for oss Tomra aksjonærer!! Det er nok denne veien det går globalt. Da er det godt å vite at man sitter full lastet med fremtidsrettede Tomra aksjer ;-)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 13:04 4078

Min største "bekymring" som aksjonær og menneske har vært sendrektige nasjonale prosesser. Når man ser at private aktører som Andrew Forrest skjærer gjennom med et slikt initiativ samtidig som alle "big consumer companies" i stadig sterkere grad markerer at de ønsker å gjøre sine brands grønne og bærekraftige, ja da blir man bare større og større optimist på Tomras og menneskehetens vegne.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.09.2019 kl 13:30 4047

For øyeblikket er ledere nervøse, de frykter fremtiden og ser fanden bak speilet. Kapital er sårbar, og investeringer er tilbakeholdt. Kanskje de har rett i det.
Det vil selvfølgelig også avspeiles i Tomra, men Tomra er langt mindre sårbar enn de fleste andre selskap i en periode med økonomisk nedgang. Det, fordi verdenssamfunnet krever at politikere laver lover for en renere verden og Tomra er en nøkkel til akkurat det. Får vi 18 mnd. med problemer i aksjemarkedet tror jeg Tomra kommer ut med pluss i margen i motsetning til mange selskaper på Oslo Børs.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 13:43 4021

wwbwb, det Andrew Forrest kommer med her, er noe helt nytt. Ja, det er revolusjonært. La det synke inn og tenk over det. Her kan vi nemlig få se at det hoppes bukk over 3 - 4 år med høringer, lobbyvirksomhet imot osv. når noe nytt skal innføres i nasjonale/statlige regier. Samarbeidet mellom Forrest (og sikkert andre private aktører etterhvert) og "big consumer companies" kan føre till at man i stedet går rett på i den forstand at selskapene betaler inn den frivillige skatten mens Forrest & Co. bygger innsamlings-, sorterings- og resirkuleringsanlegg i global målestokk, for å fremskaffe nok resirkulert plast til selskapene. Ikke vanskelig å skjønne at Tomra vil bli en stor vinner i et slikt bilde. Genialt initiativ av Forrest dette! Noe av det største jeg har vært borti på lenge i et Tomra-perspektiv.

Og hvis noen skulle tro at dette bare er haussing på Hegnar, kan man jo sjekke hva dette søket "andrew forrest plastic"/nyheter/24 timer gir av resultater...:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.09.2019 kl 14:14 3978

Noen som forstår hvorfor DNO er ned med ca. 5% i dag? Oljeprisen er ikke ned med fulle 1%.
Skyldes fallet kun fornuft rundt fremtiden?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.09.2019 kl 14:19 3974

Beklager denne var feilpostert. Den var ment for DNO aksjonærer på en DNO tråd. Jeg er riktig glad for å erte der.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2019 kl 17:05 3919

wwbwb, når det gjelder "oljevirksomheten din", bør du kanskje ha i bakhodet at etterspørselen etter råolje vil falle nå som den australske milliardæren Andrew Forrest tar grep som kanskje vil revolusjonere og sette rakettfart på utviklingen innen industrien som samler inn, sorterer og resirkulerer plast? ;)

Time will show, men jeg tror Forrests initiativ er begynnelsen på noe stort hvor det faktisk er markedet selv som tar de konstruktive grepene når og hvor nasjonale myndighetsprosesser blir for sendrektige. Som sagt, lenge siden jeg har kommet over en makronyhet som har gitt en slik godfeeling, sett i et Tomra-perspektiv.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.09.2019 kl 17:25 3903

Vel som du sier den sitter langt bak og er virkelig ikke så syndelig økonomisk lengre. Jeg startet med Tomra på 20-tallet (i kroner) og sitter fremdeles med Tomra.
DNO er kun en lek med ord og et oppgjør med mennesker uten moral.
Vel uansett godt sett av deg og jeg er ikke overrasket over din observasjon, den har vel vært ganske tydelig. Jeg skriver stort sett om Tomra og DNO, men rundt Tomra finner jeg ikke mange manipulatorer, de fleste ser fornuften og fremtiden til dette fantastiske selskapet. Ja, og så har vi selvfølgelig deg, Kommentatoren, som sprer informasjon med opplysninger på den mest sympatiske måte.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.09.2019 kl 12:00 3733

Suksess i praksis for Tomra i UK. Dette taler for seg. En av øyrikets ledende aktører innen avfallshåndtering BIFFA oppgraderer sine anlegg med seneste "state of the art" teknologi fra Tomra.

27 Sep2019


Leading waste management company, Biffa, has invested in the very latest in sensor-based sorting technology from TOMRA Sorting Recycling as part of an equipment upgrade at its Aldridge MRF in Walsall, West Midlands.

Biffa’s Aldridge MRF is one of the largest MRFs in the UK processing up to c.300,000 tonnes of recyclate per annum. The plant accepts dry mixed comingled and segregated recyclate sourced from local authorities and commercial customers. Paper, cardboard, aluminium, steel, glass and plastics are processed at the plant.

Prior to the upgrade, five early generation TOMRA AUTOSORT units were used to sort plastic bottles by polymer type. The units had been in place since the plant opened in 2008 so when undertaking an equipment upgrade Biffa replaced them with five brand new TOMRA AUTOSORT units to sort and recover the target fractions of PET, PE, mixed plastics and metals.

The units combine near infrared (NIR) and visual spectrometers (VIS) to accurately and quickly recognise and separate different materials according to their material type and colour, extracting high-purity high-value end fractions. NIR technology is used for sorting materials and VIS sensors for sorting colors. The five units installed at the Aldridge MRF are designed to be multifunctional to enhance the futureproofing of the facility.

Biffa has opted to install AUTOSORT units that incorporate TOMRA’s SHARP EYE technology. SHARP EYE enables single-layer PET trays to be separated from PET bottles and enhances the previous capability of TOMRA’s AUTOSORT machine to separate multi-layer trays.

Gavin Russell, Sales Engineer at TOMRA Sorting Recycling, comments: “We were delighted to be involved in this upgrade project at Biffa’s Aldridge MRF. By investing in the very latest technology, Biffa now has an extremely reliable and efficient solution in place, and is well-placed for any process changes made at the plant in the future.”

Neil Arlett, Divisional Engineering Manager at Biffa, adds: “We’ve installed TOMRA Sorting’s equipment at a number of our plants throughout the UK, so know what it can achieve in terms of improving plant efficiencies and material quality. The switchover from the old units to the new ones was quick and very straightforward, which meant there was virtually no disruption to operations at the plant and we’re already reaping the benefits delivered by the new generation TOMRA AUTOSORT units.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.09.2019 kl 11:18 3627

Tomras fremtid blir bare mer og mer fantastisk for hver dag som går, og fremover kan ting komme til å ta av, i et helt annet tempo enn vi har vært vant til til nå når det gjelder kampen mot platforurensning og etablering av effektiv resirkuleringsindustri for plast, overalt på kloden. Jeg presenterte nyheten om den australske milliardæren Andrew Forrests initiativ "Sea the Future" i innlegg på denne tråden 25.09.2019 kl 12:18, og her kommer mer. Mye mer. Fra henholdsvis MarketWatch og Recycling Today. "Sea the Future" samarbeider også med "Alliance to End Plastic Waste" hvor Tomra er medlem sammen med en rekke globale giganter.

A number of initiatives have been announced recently that are focused on addressing plastics in the environment and establishing solid waste and recycling infrastructure in developing countries, including the industry-sponsored Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Plavsic says Minderoo is “engaging widely with a number of organizations, including the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, and are seeking potential projects to work on together.” He adds, “Our point of difference is presenting a cross-industry, systemwide solution to end plastic waste.”

(fra artikkelen "Sea The Future targets plastic waste", linket under).

Gjengir litt fra innledningene. Jeg ville absolutt lest disse to artiklene. Da vil man skjønne at virkelig store ting er på gang og at tingene altså kan komme til å skje mye raskere enn tidligere antatt...

Metals billionaire Andrew Forrest is making a $300 million bet on the next big commodity — plastic

Published: Sept 27, 2019 2:37 p.m. ET

Minderoo Foundation aims to eliminate plastic waste by creating a closed plastic economy — and Coca-Cola and Unilever like it

Rethinking plastic as a commodity, keeping it in a closed economy and out of landfills for long, is the best way to unclog the world’s oceans.

That’s the belief of Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s Minderoo Foundation in Australia, which has pledged US$300 million as incentives for a new global industry-focused initiative to end plastic waste by charging more for virgin plastic created from fossil fuels, he announced Wednesday.

With interest from giant plastic users such as Coca-Cola and Unilever, the goal now is to bring the fossil fuel industry on board.

Sea The Future targets plastic waste

This Minderoo Foundation initiative establishes a sort of voluntary EPR program for plastics.

September 27, 2019
DeAnne Toto

Minderoo Foundation Pty Ltd., Australia, has announced a $300 million commitment to a new industry-focused initiative called Sea The Future that is designed to end plastic waste globally. The initiative is projected to raise more than $20 billion annually for recycling, collection and environmental remediation of plastics.

“Industry, fully supported by governments and regulators, is the only sector that can drive the urgent, global shift needed to save our oceans from plastic waste,” says Andrew Forrest, founder and chairman of Minderoo Foundation. Forrest is the founder and former chairman of iron-ore producer Fortescue Metals, based in Australia.

“This existential threat requires a global solution able to transcend borders, politics and corporate responsibility,” he adds. “We have less than five years to make this happen. Only a broadly adopted, international, industry-led approach will keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment.”

A form of voluntary EPR

Sea The Future is a kind of voluntary extended producer responsibility (EPR) program. It will attach a voluntary contribution on fossil-fuel-based plastics. No such contribution would be attached to recycled plastics, immediately making recycled material a cheaper alternative feedstock, Minderoo says. “This drives demand that dominoes through the value chain and turns plastic waste into a cashable commodity, driving collection efforts, poverty alleviation through dignified work and recycling, particularly in South East Asia where the waste problem is at its worst,” the organization says.

Bryant Plavsic, head of plastic at Minderoo, says the organization is working with companies throughout the supply chain on the details of the program. “This global systemwide solution is a significant shift for industry and will require concerted effort.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.10.2019 kl 15:28 3534

"The future of Tomra is fantastic" sa altså Tomras globale salgsdirektør Brian Gest under "UK's Largest Recycling & Waste Management Exhibition & Conference" som ble avholdt i Birmingham nylig.

Her har dere et par ferske eksempler på stor suksess for Tomra-teknologi i splitter nye, storskala avfallshåndteringsanlegg i hehodlsvis Houston, Texas, USA og Lyon, Frankrike. Ikke akkurat småtterier dette, som får en til skjønne hvorfor Tomras salgsdirektør sier det han sier...

FCC’s Houston MRF tackles contamination

System has capacity to process 145,000 tons per year and expands types of materials accepted in city's program.

September 30, 2019
Posted by Kelly Maile

FCC Environmental Services, the U.S.-based subsidiary of Spanish company FCC, says its new Houston-based single-stream plant, which opened in March, will accept residential material from throughout Houston for a minimum of 15 years.

FCC has made the city the new home of its U.S. corporate headquarters, settling into the East Houston community. The district has embraced the recycling facility as a “welcome investment” in an underdeveloped part of town, according to a news release. In addition, FCC employs many local citizens at the site, including some from a second-chance labor provider.

FCC won the bid in 2018 for the city of Houston after besting several proposals from competing companies. FCC’s contract “ensures the city will never have to pay FCC processing costs in excess of the cost per ton of landfill disposal, even if market value of recyclables dips.” FCC will also split profits with the city fifty-fifty.


FCC had previously worked with Van Dyk on a 2016 single-stream system for Dallas. That system won the National Waste & Recycling Association’s (NWRA) Recycling Facility of the Year award in 2017.

Houston’s system is a similar concept, with some added technology, including an extra optical sorter for removing containers, waste and film from the fiber stream, and an automatic film recovery system with a suction hood integrated with the Tomra, Asker, Norway, material separation housing. Houston also added an elliptical ballistic separator to properly clean up and prepare the container stream for the optical sorters.

Circular economy

Paprec moves to extension in Lyon

Published on 09/30/2019 at 12:00 p.m.

The recycling specialist has invested $27 million in a state-of-the-art sorting centre. -

In Chassieu (Rhône), Paprec built a new state-of-the-art household packaging sorting centre in ten months. Although the inauguration is scheduled for November, the 11,000-square-metre site, which is operational but in the works, was presented to journalists on 3 September. Consistent with the principles of extending the sorting instructions led by Citeo, the company approved for the valuation of packaging and household papers under the extended responsibility of producers (REP), this unit benefited from an investment of 27 million euros, including just over 2 million different support. With a capacity of 60,000 tons, Trivalo 69 delivers thirteen streams of materials such as different kinds of paper and cardboard, lightweight metal packaging such as aluminum from coffee capsules, polystyrene (PS), high-density polyethylene (PEhd) from vials and clear or opaque polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from bottles.

State-of-the-art unit

Fifteen optical sorters are in service, including equipment from The Norwegian Tomra and a Max-AI robot from the American Bulk Handling Systems (BHS). "The robot performs 65 gestures per minute on a mat at 1 meter per second compared to 40 for an operator on a mat at 0.5 m per second. But for the robot to recognize a bottle, it is necessary to give 3000 photos to its neural network," reports Julien Lassaut, the director of this state-of-the-art unit. The conveyors are a total of 1.7 km: "It took 25,000 hours to assemble them," adds Julien Lassaut. The installation was facilitated thanks to a building without internal poles: the wooden beams of 47 meters are the longest accepted on the roads.

Recruitment by simulation

In collaboration with The Employment Centre and local authorities, Paprec says it has successfully used the simulation recruitment method (MRS) to select about 30 employees out of 200 applications. The site is mainly dedicated to Greater Lyon, which is expanding in 2020. However, the community is one of the very bad sorting students. With Nicollin, Paprec took over the market in July 2018 at Veolia, which had previously operated a 40,000-tonne unit. The contract runs for seven years.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.10.2019 kl 15:34 3528

Fantastiske nyheter på rekke og rad. Men med så mange vellykkede investorer på dette forumet, synes jeg det er litt snodig at ikke en eneste har kommentert at aksjekursen har falt mer på tre måneder enn noengang i Tomras historie.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.10.2019 kl 16:38 3499

Jag håller helt med och jag kan inte heller förstå det och Tomra har en solid solid affär som ej är konjunkturs- eller demografiskt- eller kortcykelkänslig. Det är en vinnare! Men just nu känns det tungt när fundamenta inte räcker.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:49 Du må logge inn for å svare