Appropriate use of soluble beta-glucan...wounds uk publikasjon

BIOTEC 04.05.2018 kl 12:20 1951

"Hyggelige" på gamleforumet har funnet fram til denne. Publisert i Wounds UK 1. mai. Det er ting som skjer, litt etter litt. Skulle likt å se hva anbefaling de landet på. Og om det i det hele tatt spiller noen rolle. Ene i gruppen representerer nå myndighetene i Skottland.

Appropriate use of soluble beta-glucan in the management of slow-healing wounds: round table recommendations

Resource topics: Chronic and complex wounds, Diabetic foot ulcers, Wellbeing and concordance

Date: 1 May 2018

Author(s): Simon Barrett, Jacqui Fletcher, Lynne Hepworth, Duncan Stang, Ros Thomas, Joy Tickle, Donna Welch

Slow-healing, chronic wounds have a negative impact on patient wellbeing, are challenging for clinicians to manage and are costly to the health economy (Frykberg and Banks, 2015). Woulgan is a newly available wound care gel containing the active ingredient 2% soluble beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has immunomodulating properties and has been shown to kick-start the healing of slow-healing wounds. A working group of key opinion leaders met in January 2018 to determine the potential role of Woulgan gel in slow-healing wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers and venous leg ulcers, and to develop a decision pathway for clinical practice to support clinicians in escalating treatment promptly to avoid unnecessary impact on patient wellbeing and costs. The group’s consensus recommendations on appropriate use are presented here.
04.05.2018 kl 12:26 1845

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