Muslimers vold og kriminalitet i verden nå.

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06.10.2019 kl 17:52 33836

UK: Muslim rape gang sex crimes against children at “record high”

Averaging at 177 cases a day, child sex crime allegations including rape and grooming are at a record high in the UK

One would think that these sickening crimes against children would have ended by now, given the scandal over their having been covered up. Not so when the crimes are perpetrated by an extraordinarily privileged group: Muslim men, who are protected by “Islamophobia” campaigns against anyone who reports and comments too much about their abuses. Obviously, not all Muslim men commit such crimes in the name of their religion, but those who do are being shielded because of their religious identity.

Breitbart London previously reported how an examination of previous alleged child sex offence records published by the NSPCC found that the majority of child sexual abuse cases were taking place in areas with significant ‘Asian’ populations.

First came the phrase “Asian” to describe the Muslim men who were abusing young British girls. Then came the phrase “grooming gangs,” as if these rapists were gangs of hairdressers. These terms are used to continue the inexcusable coverup of the large-scale rape and abuse of young girls by Muslim men, and to divert attention away from the beliefs that lead some Muslim men to believe that they have the right to sexually abuse infidel girls who are unveiled.

The UK’s former race tsar Trevor Phillips has said the British establishment must wake up and accept the fact that the men in these type of grooming rings are all Muslim.

Police were involved in these epidemic coverups, as were politicians and social workers. Recall the absurdity of Labour MP Naz Shah retweeting to the abused girls to “shut up for the good of diversity,” thus demonstrating the readiness of some politicians to sacrifice anything in the name of “diversity.” Shah is still a member of Parliament.

Another Labour MP, Sarah Champion, stated rightly that “people care more about being called racist than preventing child abuse.”

When the Muslim grooming gang cases finally hit the courts, their racism was exposed. The perpetrators referred to the victims as “white trash” and “easy meat,” prompting the former director of public prosecutions, Lord McDonald, to state that the abuses were “profoundly racist,” but this brand of racism mattered far less than “Islamophobia.”

The horror continued to escalate. NSPCC (the UK Children’s Charity) chief executive Peter Wanless states:

These abhorrent crimes can shatter a child’s life, leaving them to feel humiliated, depressed or even suicidal. That is why it is crucial every single child who has endured abuse and needs support must get timely, thorough help so they can learn to rebuild their lives.

The difficulty is that the lives of these innocent girls are not the priority. Advancing a “diversity” agenda in the name of multiculturalism is the priority. At the head of these drives are Muslim Brotherhood-linked lobbies that apply sustained pressure against the UK establishment, as well as against every other free society in the West, in order to gain special privileges for Muslims. They do it by claiming victimhood while their coreligionists commit the vilest of abuses against innocent people. When abuse victims are discussed too much in the judgement of Muslim-Brotherhood linked groups, those groups shout “Islamophobia” from the rooftops, and the establishment quivers.

As long as Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups continue to intimidate non-Muslims by branding them “racist” and “Islamophobic,” the human rights principles of Judeo-Christian civilization will decline, and Sharia principles will continue to grow in influence.

“Campaigners Warn Reported Sex Crimes Against Children at Record High”, by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, February 20, 2018:

Averaging at 177 cases a day, child sex crime allegations including rape and grooming are at a record high in the UK, the NSPCC has warned.

Figures compiled from Freedom of Information requests submitted to police forces across Britain found there were a total of 64,667 sex crimes against children under the age of 18 reported in 2016/17 — a rise of 15 per cent from the previous year.

Almost 14,000 of the cases involved alleged offences against children aged 10 or under, while 2,788 were allegedly carried out against children aged four or under.

NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless said: “This dramatic rise is extremely concerning and shows just how extensive child sexual abuse is.

“These abhorrent crimes can shatter a child’s life, leaving them to feel humiliated, depressed or even suicidal.

“That is why it is crucial every single child who has endured abuse and needs support must get timely, thorough help so they can learn to rebuild their lives.”

Reporting the finding that an online element was present in around 10 per cent of cases, the NSPCC said that the emergence of online groomers appears to be one “significant problem” that has contributed to the increase in sexual offences reported against children.

Mr. Wanless added: “These new figures suggest the police are making real progress in how they investigate sex offences against children.

“To help them tackle the issue going forward, we must ensure the police are equipped to work with other agencies and provide ongoing support and training to officers on the front line.”

Breitbart London previously reported how an examination of previous alleged child sex offence records published by the NSPCC found that the majority of child sexual abuse cases were taking place in areas with significant ‘Asian’ populations.

The worrying statistics have emerged against the backdrop of data showing the rate of serious crime to have surged across Britain, and especially England, in recent years.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures released in October revealed there to have been 19 per cent rises from the previous year in sexual offences and violence …..

Redigert 14.02.2020 kl 23:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.10.2019 kl 17:35 3500

The difference between killing 148 Christians in Kenya and 50 Muslims in New Zealand
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26.10.2019 kl 18:07 3504

Stockholm: Vektere flykter fra «ghettosoldiers», politiet vil ikke svare

De siste dagene har vektere blitt angrepet med steiner og fyrverkeri i Stockholm. Men politiet vil ikke snakke med journalisten, de vil heller fortelle at Samhällsnytt ikke er en avis, enn å svare på spørsmål.

Bakgrunnen for saken er denne videoen som viser maskerte personer som kaster brennende fyrverkeri mot vektere i Stockholm, skriver Samhällsnytt.

Men da journalisten kontaktet politiets presseavdeling, fikk han beskjed å kontakte noen andre. Begrunnelsen var at hun hadde vært på ferie. Men journalisten gir seg ikke og spør.

I media rapporteres det at dere har mer politi i området. Hvordan skiller dere det fra den vanlige bemanningen?

– Det handler om mer synlig politi. Det er ikke sånn at vi har helt plutselig politi i området. Det handler om trygghetsskapende oppgaver.

Men så blir han bedt om å ringe en annen.

Hva er bakgrunnen til at vektere i to tilfeller…

Hvor ringer du fra?


– Okej.

Jeg har video som viser…

– Okej, da vet du mer en hva jeg vet. Men jeg kjenner ikke deg. Jeg kjenner ikke deg og Samhällsnytt er ingen avis. Eller hva det nå er for noe. Jeg vet ikke (stillhet).

Hva mener du?

Nei, ehh…jeg vet ikke hvem jeg snakker med.

Jeg har jo presentert meg to ganger.

– Ja…


Jeg har jo presentert meg.

– Ja, riktig, men jeg sier bare at jeg kjenner ikke deg. Det er lettere om jeg kjenner den som spør.

Må man kjenner hverandre. Kjenner du alle som ringer deg på jobben?

Så blir journalisten bedt om å ringe noen andre.
Redigert 26.10.2019 kl 18:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
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27.10.2019 kl 03:01 3511

Italy: Muslim Immigrants Gang-Rape, Beat Head of Reception Center, Destroy Facility, Attack Care Workers (Translated)

In Fiuggi, one hour south of Rome, a Muslim “migrant” youth gang-raped and tried to kill the head of the facility. They tore up and destroyed the migrant “Welcome” facility and beat up other care workers — the people who had cared for them over the past six months.

It’s a cultural thing, and we must respect their culture, doncha know. It’s what the EU says. And jihadis oblige.

Redigert 27.10.2019 kl 03:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
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27.10.2019 kl 03:02 3540

Muslims threw Christians overboard during the journey from Libya to Italy. Did anyone think they would behave differently when they got to Europe?

Fiuggi, three minor of a reception center raping woman,” Media, July 31, 2015 (thanks to Religion of Peace)

Previously one of the youths tried to strangle with a crutch the manager of the facility. The three Egyptians, two aged 17 and one 16, were arrested
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27.10.2019 kl 03:09 3552

Italy: Muslim migrants slaughter sheep in a parking lot

Aug 15, 2019 12:00 pm By Robert Spencer 34 Comments

Get used to it. This is the new Europe. It happened recently in the U.S. also, in a Home Depot parking lot. Those who are concerned about this are all racist, bigoted, “Islamophobes,” who must be vilified, deplatformed, and shunned by all decent people. PETA? They don’t want to appear “Islamophobic.”

“Italy: Animal Cruelty Investigation After Muslim Migrants Slaughter Sheep in Parking Lot,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, August 14, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A pair of Tunisian migrants are under investigation by Italian authorities for animal cruelty after allegedly slaughtering sheep in a parking lot.

The pair slaughtered two sheep in the village of Bentivoglio in Bologna as part of the annual Islamic festival of sacrifice Eid al-Adha but were observed by a local security guard who called the police following the incident, newspaper Il Giornale reports.

According to local media, the two men used the parking lot of a local business where trucks unload goods that was closed for holidays, allegedly so they would not be discovered.

Shortly after the report from the security guard, the Carabinieri arrived and notified the pair that the slaughter of animals without stunning them first was a crime.

In the past several days, police across Italy have discovered a number of cases relating to animal slaughter for the Islamic holiday including another in Bologna where two Moroccans were caught hiding a pair of sheep in their vehicle.

Neither one of the migrants had documentation and both received notifications for animal abuse….
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27.10.2019 kl 03:13 3563

Hva skjer hvis man tar en gruppe fra Afrika og slipper dem i Frankrike, se her:
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27.10.2019 kl 03:17 3581

GERMANY: While German crime is down, crimes by Muslim migrants are soaring…especially against women

August 5, 2019

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27.10.2019 kl 20:06 3624

Muslims Rape/Murder 12-Year-Old, Cops Refuse Investigation
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27.10.2019 kl 20:08 3636

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27.10.2019 kl 20:15 3662

Italian-Pakistani Woman Killed By Family

Newly married Pakistani woman killed by husband over her wish to continue studies
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28.10.2019 kl 00:59 3675

Oslo-politiet er ikke dimensjonert for den type vold muslimer bedriver:

Dette burde politikerne tenk på før de slapp dem inn.

"Politiet var på forhånd kjent med at det er gnisninger mellom tyrkere og kurdere, men politiet var uforberedt på at de to gruppene skulle gå i samlet flokk til Oslo sentrum og starte opptøyer der.

– Meningsmotstandere ønsker ofte å demonstrere samtidig. Et mellomrom på to timer var det vi fikk til. Vi skal ha gode grunner til å sette strengere rammer enn dette, så lenge folk følger norsk lov. Vi er forsiktig med å forskjellsbehandle grupperinger, sier Johan Fredriksen, leder for Felles enhet for operativ tjeneste til NRK."

Det er kun når det er etnisk norske på ene siden og innvandrere på andre at politiet forskjellsbehandler til fordel for innvandrerne.
Slettet bruker
28.10.2019 kl 01:05 3722

Dansk politiker angrepet under demonstrasjon i «innvandrerghetto»

Rasmus Paludan er igjen angrepet under en demonstrasjon. Grunnet trusselbildet mot ham vil politiet nå forby ham fra å demonstrere, forteller han selv.

Slik blir fremtiden i Norge også, etniske norske vil forbys å demonstrere, fratatt ytringsfriheten på grunn av trusselbilde fra muslimer. Vi vil kunne ende opp med to valg, omvende oss, eller ta tilbake makten, men jeg håper at dette aldri skjer men da må utviklingen stanses, og vel begrunnede meninger lyttes til.
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28.10.2019 kl 01:07 3960

FN pøser inn flyktninger til Tyskland med charterfly fra Afrika.
Vi må stenge grensene og komme oss ut av EØS.
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28.10.2019 kl 01:08 3988

Er dette våre fremtidige mødre, døtre eller fedre i kamuflasje?
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28.10.2019 kl 01:11 4022

Mener Norge er i krig mot islam:
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28.10.2019 kl 13:05 4034

13-årig jente ble holdt igjen i bussen mens sjåføren rullet ut bønneteppet 28. oktober 2019 | 09:30

Sjåføren nektet en 13-åring å gå av bussen før han hadde rullet ut bønneteppet og gjennomført bønnen.

Arbeidsgiver Nordlandsbuss legger seg paddeflat og beklager, men de vil ikke kommentere saken ytterligere overfor Avisa Nordland og henviser til at det er en personalsak.

Det er faren som tok opp saken. Hans datter kom med bussen og de skulle på kino, men sjåføren stoppet ikke og datteren ble med helt til endeholdeplassen. Der rullet han ut et bønneteppe og krevde at hun skulle være stille.

Les også: Oslo-barnehage arrangerte aktivitetsdag med hijab, islamsk bønn og resitering av Koranen

Jenta ville ikke være med videre. Etter bønnen slapp han henne ut og hun begynte å gå mot byen.

– Hun var gråtkvalt da jeg plukket henne opp og hun rakk kinoen, forteller faren.

Nordlandsbuss bekrefter at de har tatt kontakt med faren. De legger seg flat og beklager hendelsen.

– Jeg er forbauset over at noen kan finne på noe slikt. Dette skal ikke skje i vår arbeidstid, sier driftsdirektør Roger Stensen i Nordlandsbuss.

Han understreker at de vil forklare sjåføren at slike aktiviteter må utøves i fritiden. Men siden det er en personalsak vil han ikke gå inn på hvilke konsekvenser det vil få.

Denne muslimen skulle vært politianmeldt, det samme skulle bussselskapet, og muslimen skulle aldri fått arbeidet med publikum mer, han er farlig.
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28.10.2019 kl 16:30 4030

Frankrike: 61 % mener islam er uforenlig med franske verdier 28. oktober 2019, 16:09

En meningsmåling som opinionsinstituttet IFOP har gjort for den franske ukeavisen Le Journal du Dimanche, viser at 61 prosent av de spurte mener at islam er uforenlig med verdiene i det franske samfunnet.

Det går frem av en AFP-melding som er offentliggjort i Le Point.

Meningsmålingen viser også at 78 prosent av de spurte mener at den franske sekularismen er truet, mot 58 prosent i 2005.

På spørsmål om hvilke politiske partier som mest sannsynlig vil kjempe mot islamismen i Frankrike, får Rassamblement National (RN) størst oppslutning med 37 prosent, mot 20 prosent for regjeringspartiet LREM.

82 prosent av de spurte er tilhengere av å forby gatebønn, mens 75 prosent vil forby offentlig ansatte å vise religiøse symboler.
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28.10.2019 kl 16:34 4038

17-åring dømt for brutal voldtekt i Sofienberg­parken i Oslo – aktor krever 4 års fengsel

OSLO TINGRETT: En 17-åring er dømt skyldig i å ha overfalt og brutalt voldtatt en kvinne i Sofienbergparken i Oslo i fjor. Påtalemyndigheten krever 4 års fengsel.

Tiltalte, som har ikke-vestlig innvandrerbakgrunn, ble tidligere i sommer kjent skyldig i tiltalen. Det som nå gjenstår er straffeutmåling. Voldtektsofferet er en norsk kvinne.

Aktor statsadvokat Irlin Irgens krevde i forrige uke 4 års fengsel, hvorav 2 år og 10 måneder betinget for den nå 17 år gamle gutten.

Tiltalen beskriver at gutten la offeret sitt i bakken med makt før han forgrep seg på henne. Han skal ha holdt kvinnen «i nakken, dyttet og/eller dro henne mot et tre, hvoretter han presset henne ned i bakken og gjennomførte vaginalt og analt samleie med henne.»
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29.10.2019 kl 13:06 4063

Fuelling the Fire: Weaponizing Islam in Europe
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29.10.2019 kl 17:27 4072

Britisk medieprofil angrepet av pakistansk muslimsk mobb

Katie Hopkins


This is the Pakistani mob bussed into London to disrespect the religious festival of #Diwali2019

Mostly men. Mostly calling me a ‘slut’ or ‘whore’

My thanks to @metpoliceuk for their generous assistance

Se video
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 17:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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29.10.2019 kl 17:53 4100

Baghdadis etterfølger også drept av Trumps soldater. Ny seier til Presidenten.

Den sannsynlige etterfølgeren til IS-leder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi er drept av amerikanske styrker, ifølge USAs president Donald Trump.

«Akkurat bekreftet at Abu Bakr al-Baghdadis erstatter nummer én er terminert av amerikanske styrker. Ville mest sannsynlig ha tatt øverste plass – nå er han også død!» skriver Trump på Twitter.
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29.10.2019 kl 22:07 4125

Kraftig økning i volds- og vinningskriminalitet i Paris 29. oktober 2019, 18:42

Som vi kan lese så har de lagt gullegget i Frankrike sammen med Tyskland og det skal bli interessant å se hvem som først går under.

Statistikk som politisjefen i Paris hver måned meddeler ordførerne i de 20 arrondissementene i den franske hovedstaden, viser at det er begått 35.000 voldslovbrudd i hele byen hittil i 2019, hvilket er en økning på 9 prosent sammenlignet med i fjor.

I det ultrasentrale 4. arrondissement, hvor man blant annet finner rådhuset, Notre-Dame og Pompidou-senteret, er økningen i voldslovbruddene på hele 70 prosent, skriver Le Figaro, som har fått eksklusiv tilgang til statistikken. I 1. arrondissement, der Louvre, Tuileries-palasset og Les Halles ligger, er den tilsvarende økningen på 40 prosent.

Når det gjelder vinningskriminalitet, er det i hele byen begått mer enn 180.000 lovbrudd hittil i år, en økning på 13 prosent siden i fjor. Igjen bemerker 4. arrondissement seg negativt med en økning på 31 prosent. Innbrudd i private hjem har økt med 7,2 prosent i hele byen.

Politiet i den franske hovedstaden sliter med såvel budsjett som bemanning, og antall utrykninger er gått ned, trolig også på grunn av ekstraarbeidet forbundet med de gule vestenes demonstrasjoner.

Paris er på vei inn i en farlig spiral av volds- og vinningskriminalitet, konkluderer Le Figaro.

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29.10.2019 kl 22:10 4136

33-årig muslim fængslet: “… alle danskere tilhører satan”, “… jeg vil ikke lade en eneste vantro slippe” 29. oktober 2019, 18:44

Jeg sier, lykke til med Islam i landet, vi andre får reise til fred og lykke.

‘Frygt for radikalisering’ skriver Ekstra Bladets Jan Søgaard, men uden egentligt at kende den pågældende muslim lyder radikaliseringen til at være en realitet. Han har fornyligt ‘anlagt skæg’, hørte ’stemmer om religiøse ting’, og lyder som svært ramt at ‘Sudden Jihad’. Han erkendte i retten, at kommentarer på Facebook i en dansk oversættelse godt kunne lyde ‘ekstreme og racistiske’. Fra – Frygt for radikalisering: Truede med at skære hovedet af dronningen.

“‘Hvis jeg ser nogen vende tilbage til mig, så skærer jeg hovedet af dronningen og hele den royale familie, og jeg har advaret og kommer ikke til at slå andet end på halsen’, skrev den 33-årige ifølge sigtelsen på Facebook. …

For nylig havde den 33-årige givet udtryk for, at alle danskere tilhører satan…

Truslerne, som den 33-årige sigtes for, er skrevet fra hustruens lejlighed i København mellem 16. og 24. oktober. I Københavns Dommervagt blev han sigtet for fem konkrete trusler, som han nægter sig skyldig i.

17. oktober kl. 14.52 skrev han ifølge sigtelsen en tekst ved siden af et foto af Rasmus Paludan, der holder en koran: ‘Hvis du er en mand, så vis dit ansigt offentligt, og så kan du brænde koranens ord, så brænder jeg Danmark og alt hvad der er i Danmark inklusive dig‘.

18. oktober kl. 18.15 kom truslen mod dronningen og kongefamilien.

To minutter senere fortsatte opslaget på Facebook: ‘Jeg vil give jer en uges tidsfrist. Hvis I ikke stopper, kommer I til at stoppe jeres liv alle sammen og for evigt I horeunger. Jeg kommer til at dræbe lige så mange mennesker, som der er stjerner‘.

Samme dag, en halv time senere, fortsatte truslerne: ‘Og jeg vil ikke lade en eneste vantro slippe…’.”
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30.10.2019 kl 17:20 4165

Innvandrere beriker Europa.

Berlin – Mann ble kastet framfor t-bana – døydde

Vitner fortel at to menn med «sydlandsk utsjånad» var i ferd med å rane ein rullestolbrukar. 22-åringen, som var i følgje med rullestol-brukaren, gjekk imellom, noko som førte til at dei to ranarane kasta mannen ut på skinnene like før toget ankom. Han havna mellom toget og plattformkanten.
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30.10.2019 kl 17:31 4208

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

2019.10.29 India Katrasu 5 0 Muslim radicals drag five laborers out of a house and execute them in cold blood on the street.
2019.10.28 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 3 A Jihadist attack claims the life of a young conscript.
2019.10.28 Burkina Faso Pobe-Mengao 16 0 An Islamist group machine-guns sixteen villagers who refused to help them.
2019.10.28 Afghanistan Metran 2 5 Religious extremists open fire on laborers building a school, killing two.
2019.10.28 India Sopore 0 20 Muslim militants hurl a grenade into a bus stop.
2019.10.28 India Kanilwan Bijhepara 1 0 A truck driver loading apples is shot to death by Mujahideen.
2019.10.28 Iraq Nahr al-Imam 2 0 A man and his daughter are disintegrated by by Fedayeen bombers.
2019.10.27 Afghanistan Pashtun Kot 5 1 Five children are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2019.10.26 Syria Northwest 3 0 Caliph al-Baghdadi pulls three children into a tunnel, then detonates a suicide vest.
2019.10.25 Germany Limburg 1 0 A woman is brutally honor-killed with an axe for trying to leave her husband.
2019.10.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 6 A bomb planted to kill first responders at a bus stop leaves two dead.
2019.10.25 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 Islamic State members enter a house and slaughter a child.
2019.10.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 21 A child is among five slain by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2019.10.25 Iraq Taza 2 3 ISIS members murder two police officers near a bridge.
2019.10.25 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 A 14-year-old is shot to death by Mujahideen.
2019.10.24 Iraq Abu Seida 3 0 A man and his son are among three civilians shot to death by extremists.
2019.10.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An off-duty cop is shot to death by terrorists.
2019.10.24 India Shopian 2 1 Two drivers ferrying apples are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2019.10.24 Iraq Khazir 2 2 Jihadis detonate a bomb in the path of a delivery truck, killing the driver and an assistant.
2019.10.24 Iraq al-Rifai 1 0 A civilian is shot to death at a grocery by suspected radicals.
2019.10.23 Iraq Marika 1 0 A town mayor is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2019.10.23 Afghanistan Takhar 4 0 A Taliban ambush leaves four dead.
2019.10.23 Iraq Riyadh 3 1 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2019.10.22 Burkina Faso Guembila 6 0 Six local security members lose their lives to a suspected Islamist attack.
2019.10.22 India Kalal 1 0 A border guard is picked off by a Muslim terrorist.
2019.10.22 Pakistan Gulshan-i-Hadeed 1 0 A mother of three is strangled "for honor."
2019.10.22 Iraq Metaibja 11 0 Eleven Iraqi police officers are reportedly killed by ISIS.
2019.10.21 Afghanistan Ali Abad 19 2 A fundamentalist group attacks and kills nineteen local police.
2019.10.21 Iraq Tikrit 4 5 Four guards are killed when the Islamic State attacks an oilfield.
2019.10.21 Syria Jalabiyya 6 0 A woman is among six Kurds killed and desecrated by Allah-praising militia.
2019.10.21 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 A baby is found beaten to death as Islamic State as Sharia is enforced at a camp.
2019.10.20 Cameroon Wum 1 0 A Bible translator and father of five is murdered in his home by militant Muslims.
2019.10.20 Burkina Faso Zoura 9 0 Nine villagers are massacred by Islamic militants.
2019.10.20 Afghanistan Adraskan 1 0 An imam is murdered by radical co-religionists.
2019.10.20 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 3 1 An suicide car bomb attack claims three lives.
2019.10.19 Iraq Kirkuk 6 0 A half-dozen shepherds are slaughtered by the Islamic State.
2019.10.19 Burkina Faso Bahn 5 11 Jihadists stage two attacks on local security patrols that leave five dead.
2019.10.19 Burkina Faso Boulga 4 0 Four mourners are killed when militant Muslims attack a funeral.
2019.10.19 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 4 12 A child is among four killed when two houses are hit by shells.
2019.10.18 Mali Aguelhok 6 4 At least six are killed when Jihadis storm a checkpoint outside a town.
2019.10.18 Afghanistan Haska Mina 72 95 Children are among over seventy innocents pulled into pieces when a suicide bomber self-detonates at a rival mosque during prayers.
2019.10.18 India Khursheda Bagh 1 0 A Hindu leader is murdered over remarks made about Muhammad four years earlier.
2019.10.18 Afghanistan Rud 1 0 A secular judge is assassinated.
2019.10.18 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 Morality police bludgeon a woman to death.
2019.10.17 Iraq Shura 1 0 A tribal member is sent to Allah by Islamic State bombers.
2019.10.17 Afghanistan Arghani 1 0 The Taliban stuff a government employee into a car, then blow it up with a rocket.
2019.10.16 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 ISIS radicals attack a checkpoint, killing one security member.
2019.10.16 Afghanistan Alishing 3 27 Children are among the casualites of a suicide truck bombing that kills three.
2019.10.16 India Pulwama 1 0 Militant Muslims execute a migrant worker in cold blood.
2019.10.16 Nigeria Cross Kauwa 3 4 Three locals are disintegrated by Boko Haram shrapnel.
2019.10.15 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 0 Three family members are wasted by Hizb-e-Islami.
2019.10.15 Afghanistan Nayzi Kali 2 0 Two civilians are laid out by a Taliban landmine.
2019.10.15 Iraq Sulaimaniya 2 4 The Islamic State is suspected in a bomb blast that produces two dead civilians.
2019.10.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A civilian is picked off by sectarian milita gunmen.
2019.10.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A pair of police officers are gunned down by the Taliban.
2019.10.14 India Shopian 1 1 An apple trader is murdered by Islamic 'separatists'.
2019.10.14 Tunisia Jarzouna 1 1 A religious extremists stabs a French tourist to death.
2019.10.13 Iraq Rutba 3 0 Three Iraqis are dismantled by an ISIS car bomb.
2019.10.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a secular school principal on his way to dinner.
2019.10.13 Syria al-Rai 9 0 Nine Kurdish prisoners are beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar', including a woman who was first raped.
2019.10.13 Burkina Faso Samboulga 4 0 An al-Qaeda linked group fires into a village, bringing down four residents.
2019.10.13 Somalia Hirshabele 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected of a grenade attack that kills a man and his son.
2019.10.12 Yemen Dhale 2 0 Ansar Allah snipers pick off two civilians.
2019.10.12 Iraq Tulul Mahar 2 0 Two civilians are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
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30.10.2019 kl 17:33 4209

2019.10.12 Burkina Faso Salmossi 16 2 Jihadists spray the inside of a rival mosque with gunfire, killing sixteen worshippers.
2019.10.12 India Srinagar 0 8 Militants toss a grenade into the street packed with shoppers.
2019.10.12 Kenya Damajale Harehare 11 0 A bomb placed by al-Shabaab claims eleven border police.
2019.10.12 Egypt Bir al-Abd 9 0 Nine members of a single family are wiped out by a shell thought to have been fired by Islamists.
2019.10.12 Afghanistan Dawlet Abad 3 0 A policeman with Taliban ties shoots three of his comrades in the back.
2019.10.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A government official is assassinated by the Taliban.
2019.10.12 Afghanistan Charakar 1 0 A prosecutor is murdered by fundamentalists.
2019.10.12 Niger Sanam 5 0 Jihadists attack a police patrol, killing five members.
2019.10.11 Afghanistan Payencha 1 0 A doctor riding to work is shot off his bike by a fundamentalist group.
2019.10.11 Afghanistan Qala-e-Ghaznihai 1 0 A cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.10.11 Iraq Rashad 1 0 A mukhtar is assasinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.10.11 Syria Qamishli 6 9 An Islamic State car bomb kills six civilians.
2019.10.10 Iraq Khanaqin 3 4 Two brothers and their cousin are shot to death in their home by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.10.10 Iraq Diyala 2 3 ISIS plant a bomb that kills two first responders to an earlier attack.
2019.10.10 Indonesia Banten 0 1 A cabinet minister is stabbed by an Islamic extremist.
2019.10.09 Somalia Siinka Dheer 4 3 A well-placed al-Shabaab landmine takes out four people in a passing car.
2019.10.09 Afghanistan Batikot 2 3 A vehicle carrying civilians is targeted by a Taliban landmine. Two are killed.
2019.10.08 Afghanistan Ghazni 0 19 Female students are among the casualties of a bomb blast at a university.
2019.10.07 Afghanistan Qarabagh 1 6 A man is shot to death by a terrorist group.
2019.10.07 Nigeria Barau 1 4 Militant Muslims attack a Baptist church, kill one woman and kidnap four others.
2019.10.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 10 27 A child is among ten killed when a suicde bomber hits a bus.
2019.10.07 Germany Limburg 0 7 A Syrian refugee shouts praises to Allah as he rams German hosts with a truck.
2019.10.07 Niger Dogon Kiria 2 5 Terrorists attack a local security patrol, killing two members.
2019.10.07 Yemen Wadi Nakhla 4 2 Four children are disassembled by Ansar Allah explosives.
2019.10.07 Burkina Faso Bouna 8 0 Eight villagers are shot point-blank by a group fighting for Sharia.
2019.10.06 Egypt Alexandria 1 0 A man who converted to Christianity is murdered in his home by family members.
2019.10.06 Mali Aguelhok 1 4 Jihadists target a UN vehicle with a mine, killing one passenger.
2019.10.06 Iraq Bahar 2 0 Two government officials are assassinated by Islamic militants.
2019.10.06 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 Hardliners set off a bomb along a highway that claims a passing civilian.
2019.10.05 Nigeria Banki 2 3 Muslim hardliners storm a displaced persons camp and kill two refugees.
2019.10.04 Philippines Shariff Saydona 7 0 Seven people are cut down by Dawlah Islamiyah gunmen.
2019.10.04 Afghanistan Wardak 3 1 The Taliban eliminate three members of one family with a rocket.
2019.10.04 Burkina Faso Dolmane 23 3 al-Qaeda militants murder twenty-three gold miners.
2019.10.03 Mozambique Sofala 3 0 Local Jihadists are suspected of firing on a bus and killing three passengers.
2019.10.03 Nigeria Mauro 11 16 Boko Haram attack a local security patrol, killing eleven members.
2019.10.03 Nigeria Frigi 1 1 Islamic State gunmen fire into a village, killing a resident.
2019.10.03 Cameroon Talkoumri 1 3 Islamists enter a village, kill a resident and steal from the rest.
2019.10.03 Iraq Pirrash 5 0 A Kurdish family of five is beaten and stabbed to death in their home, including three young children.
2019.10.03 Iraq Basra 2 0 Masked gunmen shoot a cartoonist and his wife to death in front of their 2-year-old daughter.
2019.10.03 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 2 3 Two Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2019.10.03 Afghanistan Ghozari 3 0 Three locals are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.10.02 Afghanistan Laqak 2 7 Two civilians lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2019.10.02 Afghanistan Farsi 3 0 Fundamentalists attack a small town, killing three.
2019.10.02 Afghanistan Kapisa 6 2 A half-dozen women and girls are liquidated by the Taliban.
2019.10.02 Afghanistan Qaq Dara 3 6 A child is among six civilians murdered by the Taliban.
2019.10.02 France Paris 4 1 A convert to Islam goes on a stabbing spree at the police station where he worked, taking out four innocents.
2019.10.01 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 0 Three oil company workers are leveled by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.10.01 Afghanistan Shortepa 11 15 Sunni extremists overrun a police compound, killing at least eleven.
2019.09.30 Mali Boulikessi 38 64 Two local security camps are blasted with heavy machine-gun fire by al-Qaeda, leaving three dozen dead.
2019.09.30 Mali Mondoro 2 3 Jihadists open fire on civilians, bringing down two.
2019.09.30 Pakistan Quetta 1 3 One other person is killed when a suicide bomber goes off outside a medical college.
2019.09.30 Syria al-Hawl 2 0 Several women are found at a camp, mutilated by ISIS enthusiasts.
2019.09.30 Afghanistan Balkh 11 0 Eleven local cops are murdered by armed fundamentalists.
2019.09.30 Burkina Faso Komsilga 1 0 A victim kidnapped by Islamists is found killed.
2019.09.30 Burkina Faso Kangro 6 0 Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin roll into a town and machine-gun a half-dozen residents.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Konjak 7 0 Seven people lose their lives to an attack by the Taliban.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Takhar 12 19 A dozen Afghans are eliminated by armed fundamentalists.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Firozkoh 1 1 The Taliban kidnap a father and son, later killing the boy.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Golran 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives to shrapnel from a Taliban bomb.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Belcheragh 3 3 Two children are among three killed when terrorists hit their home with a mortar.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Tuly 11 26 Seven locals are exterminated by a group fighting for Sharia.
2019.09.29 Afghanistan Salar 1 0 A civilian is taken out by the Taliban.
2019.09.29 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists gun down a man in front of his house.
2019.09.29 Pakistan Preedy 1 0 A Shiite business owner is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2019.09.29 Nigeria Gubio 13 18 Five civilians and eight others are killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2019.09.28 Pakistan Zafarabad 1 0 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death.
2019.09.28 Burkina Faso Deneon 7 7 Seven are left dead following a Jihadist attack on a residential area.
2019.09.28 Pakistan Lahgari Mualana Kali 1 0 A tribal elder is sectionalized by a Tareek-e-Taliban shrapnel.
2019.09.28 India Ramban 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen kill a police officer trying to rescue a civilian hostage.
2019.09.28 Iraq Mikhas 3 0 Islamic extremists kill three people.
2019.09.28 Afghanistan Tarinkot 1 7 A woman is killed when the Taliban fire a missile into her house.
2019.09.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 9 A child is obliterated by a Taliban rocket.
2019.09.28 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 17 Fundamentalists set off a series of bombs, which kill at least one civilian.
2019.09.28 Burkina Faso Komsilga 9 13 Religious radicals burn down a village and kill nine residents.
2019.09.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 15 A bomb is set off outside a rival mosque.
2019.09.28 Pakistan Chaman 3 12 A bomb targeting a moderate political party kills three.
2019.09.27 Afghanistan Dara-e-Suf 10 0 Ten Afghans are reported dead following a Taliban attack.
2019.09.27 Afghanistan Khwaja Ghar 30 169 A fundamentalist group attacks the entrance to a bazaar, successfully killing thirty before pulling out.
2019.09.27 Nigeria Gajiram 8 0 Islamists roll up on a small town with machine-guns, making quick work of eight innocents.
2019.09.27 Nigeria Banki 1 0 One person succumbs to injuries from a Boko Haram attack.
2019.09.27 Egypt Bir al-Abed 8 10 Members of the Islamic State kill eight people in an ambush, including a child.
2019.09.26 Nigeria Mafa 2 0 Jihadists kill two people and burn down a market.
2019.09.26 Nigeria Damaturu 7 10 Seven people lose their lives when a golf cart hits a Boko Haram IED.
2019.09.26 Iraq Kubba 1 0 A farmer makes easy pickings for ISIS gunmen.
2019.09.26 Mali Douentza 7 0 A fertilizer convoy is decimated by Islamic bomb blasts, killing seven.
2019.09.26 Iraq Jadida 2 1 Jihadis blow two civilians to bits.
2019.09.26 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two men are brutally executed by ISIS.
2019.09.25 Israel Modiin 0 1 A unarmed woman is stabbed by a Palestinian.
2019.09.25 Nigeria Gubio 14 2 ISWAP claims an attack on a security convoy that leaves fourteen dead.
2019.09.25 Nigeria Damasak 1 0 An abducted aid worker is beheaded in captivity by ISWAP.
2019.09.25 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 An al-Shabaab bomb blast leaves three dead.
2019.09.25 Burkina Faso Zimtanga 6 0 Six villagers are shot to death by suspected Jihadists.
2019.09.24 Pakistan Qambar Shahdadkot 2 0 A woman and her boyfriend are honor-killed by her brother-in-law.
2019.09.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two guards working on a border fence are ambushed and killed by religious radicals.
2019.09.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 8 The Taliban kill a child and a journalist with a roadside bomb.
2019.09.24 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A laborer is killed outside an orchard by Mujahid gunmen.
2019.09.23 Mozambique Mindumbe 2 0 Two farmers are beheaded by Islamic extremists.
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30.10.2019 kl 17:34 4241

2019.09.23 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim militants are suspected of firing on a tea shop, killing a patron.
2019.09.23 Mozambique Mbau 10 0 Ten young people are shot to death after fundamentalists discover them drinking alcohol.
2019.09.23 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two Iraqis are deep-sixed by ISIS.
2019.09.23 Nigeria Hukke 3 0 Two women are among three killed by Fulani terrorists.
2019.09.23 Tunisia Bizerte 1 1 A policeman guarding a court is stabbed to death.
2019.09.23 Burkina Faso Bourzanga 10 0 Ten people in a farming community are murdered in their field.
2019.09.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two Christian aid workers are captured and executed by Boko Haram.
2019.09.22 Burkina Faso Bool-Kiiba 9 0 Nine people are murdered by Religion of Peace proponents, including five Christians from the same family.
2019.09.22 Iraq Tarmiya 3 0 Islamic snipers kill three people.
2019.09.22 Iraq Makhmour 1 3 A bomb kills a responder to an earlier bomb targeting civilians.
2019.09.22 Somalia el-Salin 23 18 At least twenty are killed during a Fedayeen suicide assault.
2019.09.21 Iraq Tarmiya 4 0 A family of four is murdered in their home by Sunni extremists.
2019.09.21 Afghanistan Charekar 1 11 A child is dismantled by Taliban explosives.
2019.09.21 Burkina Faso Pissélé 6 0 Jihadists murder a half-dozen villagers.
2019.09.21 Israel Tel Hashomer 1 0 An elderly woman dies of injuries suffered from a Palestinian rocket attack the previous year.
2019.09.21 Syria Homs 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by a Sunni group.
2019.09.20 Burkina Faso Pétégoli 1 0 A man in his 60's is abducted and killed by Jihadists.
2019.09.20 Iraq Dujaili 2 1 Gunmen on motorcycles assassinate two Iraqis.
2019.09.20 Pakistan Mohamand 2 0 Two border guards are sectionalized by terrorist shrapnel.
2019.09.20 Iraq Karbala 12 5 A bomb targeting Shiite women and children on a bus kills a dozen.
2019.09.20 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death by a rival.
2019.09.20 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 5 Two children are aerated by a nail-packed bomb.
2019.09.19 Burkina Faso Toeni 5 0 Jihadists attack a border patrol, killing five members.
2019.09.19 Yemen Wadia 4 21 Sectarian militants bomb a passenger bus, killing four.
2019.09.19 Yemen Shibam 1 5 An al-Qaeda bomb blast claims one life.
2019.09.19 Afghanistan Qalat 39 140 A suicide bomber hits a vulnerable hospital, killing nearly forty.
2019.09.19 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Islamic State.
2019.09.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old village chief is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2019.09.19 DRC Nyaleke 3 0 ADF Islamists kill several people after ambushing their vehicle.
2019.09.18 Thailand Koke Pho 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' set off a bomb and shoot two civilians to death.
2019.09.18 Iraq Waziriya 1 0 A woman is brutally killed by suspected ISIS.
2019.09.18 Nigeria Aljilati Ngomari 9 0 Boko Haram hack five people to death with machetes and kill another four with arrows.
2019.09.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 al-Shabaab bombers dispatch two civilians in a passing vehicle.
2019.09.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 4 12 A suicide bomber and gunmen storm an election office, killing at least four.
2019.09.17 Afghanistan Parwan 26 42 A Shahid suicide bomber makes a bloody mess of a political rally, killing over two dozen.
2019.09.17 Afghanistan Kabul 22 38 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates at a city square, laying out twenty-two commuters.
2019.09.17 Italy Milan 0 1 An arrival from Yemen shouts 'Allah Akbar' as he stabs a guard in the throat at an Italian train station.
2019.09.17 Syria Homs 2 0 Two civilians are killed by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham
2019.09.16 Iraq Rashad 2 0 An Islamist nail-packed bomb claims the lives of two local cops.
2019.09.16 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Militants target a bus carrying students, killing the driver.
2019.09.16 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 1 1 The Taliban shoot a female student to death.
2019.09.16 Iraq Kut 2 0 A suspected ISIS gunman smokes two civilians with a handgun.
2019.09.15 Afghanistan Kariz Sheikhan 5 0 Five women and children are dispatched by Islamic bombers.
2019.09.15 Iraq Daquq 2 2 Mujahideen bombers pick off two Iraqis.
2019.09.15 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 A 14-year-old girl is reportedly killed by her grandparents for not wearing the hijab.
2019.09.15 Somalia Bal'ad 5 3 Five people traveling along an agricultural road are obliterated by al-Shabaab bombers.
2019.09.15 Syria ar-Rai 12 23 Terrorists blow up a food truck outside a healthcare center, killing a dozen.
2019.09.15 Somalia Shalanbod 2 4 Two passersby lose their lives to an Islamist IED.
2019.09.14 Somalia Qoryoley 9 0 Islamists use an RPG and heavy machine-guns to dispatch nine people.
2019.09.14 Somalia Marka 2 0 A well-placed mortar round by al-Shabaab claims two civilians.
2019.09.14 Egypt el-Arish 3 2 Fundamentalists open fire on a police checkpoint, killing three members.
2019.09.14 Somalia Gololey 3 0 Islamic radicals take out three passersby with an IED.
2019.09.14 Yemen Hodeida 11 0 Six members of a family are among eleven civilians murdered by Ansar Allah.
2019.09.14 Somalia Bal'ad 14 0 Fourteen AU peacekeepers are ambushed and killed by a group fighting for Sharia.
2019.09.14 Nigeria Birnin Gwari 1 1 Fulani militants abduct and murder a pastor's wife.
2019.09.13 Iraq Shura 1 1 A vegetable seller is shredded by Mujahid shrapnel.
2019.09.13 Yemen Salih 2 0 Two children are reduced to pulp by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2019.09.13 Afghanistan Damani 9 0 A heinous attack by Taliban in uniform leaves nine dead.
2019.09.13 Pakistan Spin Wam 1 0 Religious extremists shoot a security guard to death.
2019.09.13 Pakistan Dir 3 1 Three members of a border patrol are laid out by Muslim gunmen.
2019.09.13 Cameroon Soueram 6 9 A half-dozen border guards are murdered by Boko Haram.
2019.09.12 Nigeria Borno 7 0 An attack on three towns by Boko Haram leaves at least seven dead.
2019.09.12 Afghanistan Chahar Asyab 4 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims four Afghans.
2019.09.12 Somalia Dinsor 5 3 Two children are among five exterminated by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2019.09.12 Pakistan Quetta 5 38 Women and children are among the casualties of a Tehreek-i-Taliban bomb blast.
2019.09.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 al-Shabaab send mortars into a residential area, killing one.
2019.09.11 Syria Tabaqa 10 0 The Islamic State claims an attack that leaves ten dead.
2019.09.10 Iraq Humayra 1 0 A shepherd is vaporized by a Mujahid IED.
2019.09.10 Nigeria Gudumbali 9 27 Nine local security personnel are left dead following an attack by Muslim radicals on their base.
2019.09.10 Kenya Elwak 5 20 Five border guards are laid out by an al-Shabaab rocket barrage.
2019.09.10 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 An Iraqi is bludgeoned to death by ISIS.
2019.09.09 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 10 3 Ten local cops are killed during a series of Taliban assaults.
2019.09.09 Iraq Salahia 1 6 Mujahideen plant a bomb along a road, killing a passing farmer.
2019.09.09 Burkina Faso Soum 6 0 A violent attack by Jihadists leaves six dead.
2019.09.09 Nigeria Shamawa 5 0 Five farmers are shot to death in their fields by an Islamic group.
2019.09.09 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two civilians are brought down by armed terrorists.
2019.09.09 Nigeria Mallam Kaleri 3 2 Boko Haram open fire on villagers, bringing down three.
2019.09.08 Iraq Karbala 1 0 A Shiite pilgrim is discovered shot in the head.
2019.09.08 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2019.09.08 Burkina Faso Barsalogho 15 6 Jihadists plant a mine that kills fifteen traders.
2019.09.08 Burkina Faso Sanmatenga 14 4 An Islamist ambush on a convoy carrying food to refugees leaves fourteen dead.
2019.09.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 8 Suspected ISIS plant three bombs that kill one civilian.
2019.09.08 Somalia Mahaday 5 3 Five people lose their lives to an al-Shabaab bombing.
2019.09.08 Cameroon Talkoumri 4 0 Four villagers are abducted and murdered by Boko Haram.
2019.09.07 India Sopore 0 3 A brutal attack by Lashkar e-Toiba on a fruit vendor's home leaves a 2-year-old girl severely injured.
2019.09.07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A bomb left in a house kills two sappers.
2019.09.07 Philippines Isulun 0 7 Islamists place a bomb at a market that causes eight casualties.
2019.09.07 Iraq Samara 1 0 A civilian is reduced to paste by a bomb left inside his vehicle.
2019.09.07 Iraq Mukhisa 1 0 An unarmed farmer is shot to death by courageous lions of Allah.
2019.09.06 Afghanistan Farah 2 15 Two civilians lose their lives to an attack by a group fighting for Sharia.
2019.09.06 Nigeria Kamuya 1 3 Islamic militants fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2019.09.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 'Insurgents' shoot an armed man along a city street.
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30.10.2019 kl 17:35 4247

2019.09.05 Nigeria Gajiram 4 0 Islamists fire into a village, killing four.
2019.09.05 Somalia Afgoye 5 0 Five people are reported killed following an al-Shabaab attack at an agricultural town.
2019.09.05 Somalia Awdhegle 3 5 Three civilians are obliterated by an Islamist landmine.
2019.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 12 42 A Shahid suicide bomber slaughters twelve outside a busy diplomatic area.
2019.09.05 Burkina Faso Soum 6 0 A half-dozen local security personnel lose their lives to a Jihadist ambush.
2019.09.05 Iraq Tikrit 5 0 An Islamic State attack leaves five dead.
2019.09.05 Afghanistan Logar 4 11 Four civilians are pulled into pieces by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.09.05 Pakistan Pishtakhara 1 0 Terrorists shoot a female health worker to death.
2019.09.05 Pakistan Quetta 1 10 The Tehreek-e-Taliban is suspected of a bomb attack that kills a rescue worker.
2019.09.04 Iraq Shoura 13 0 Thirteen women are discovered in a mass grave following Islamic State execution.
2019.09.04 Nigeria Gajiram 2 0 Two civilians are killed during a Boko Haram raid.
2019.09.03 Mali Mopti 14 24 Women and children are among fourteen bus passengers sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2019.09.03 Afghanistan Takhar 11 0 Eleven locals are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2019.09.03 Iraq Gohbali 1 0 A Yazidi woman is picked off with a silencer-equipped firearm.
2019.09.03 Afghanistan Kerraj 2 0 Two local cops succumb to injuries following a Taliban bomb blast.
2019.09.03 Pakistan North Cantonment 1 0 Police torture a man to death after urinating on him for being Christian.
2019.09.02 Afghanistan Kabul 16 119 A massive suicide blast targeting foreigners leaves at least sixteen dead.
2019.09.02 Afghanistan Alishing 5 6 Five civilians are disintegrated by a Taliban rocket.
2019.09.02 Afghanistan Kashak 2 0 Sunni radicals use an IED to aerate two passing civilians.
2019.09.02 Afghanistan Regi 1 0 A government employee is assassinated by a fundamentalist group.
2019.09.02 Afghanistan Khonyan 6 3 Armed fundamentalists ambush a local security patrol and kill six members.
2019.09.02 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 An early-morning suicide blast leaves two dead.
2019.09.01 Iraq Dabke 1 0 A refugee at a displaced persons camp is shot to death by terrorists.
2019.09.01 Iraq Abbara 1 0 Jihadis pick off a farmer with a planted bomb.
2019.09.01 Pakistan Charmang 1 0 A civilian is obliterated by a Tehreek-e-Taliban IED.
2019.09.01 Iraq Shoala 1 0 A civilian is riddled with bullets by Mujahideen.
2019.09.01 Afghanistan Balkh 8 0 Eight civilians are aerated with Taliban shrapnel - including women and children.
2019.09.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 4 20 Four civilians succumb to injury following a violent attack by Sunni activists.
2019.08.31 France Villeurbanne 1 9 An asylum seeker goes on a stabbing spree at a bus stop, killing one and injuring nine others because they "do not read the Quran."
2019.08.31 Nigeria Gidan Waya 4 0 Four farmers working their crops are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2019.08.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 30 85 Approximately thirty others are killed when the Taliban overrun a city, starting with a suicide blast.
2019.08.31 Iraq Aman Ali 5 0 Five members of a family, including three children, are slaughtered in their home by Holy Warriors.
2019.08.30 Nigeria Balumri 4 2 Islamists cut the throats of four villagers.
2019.08.30 Burkina Faso Tongomael 1 5 A Jihadist attack leaves one dead.
2019.08.30 India Parimpora 1 0 Terrorists shoot a 65-year-old shopkeeper to death.
2019.08.30 Nigeria Monguno 8 5 Islamists hurl grenades at a security patrol, killing eight members.
2019.08.30 Yemen Aden 6 0 An Islamic State suicide bomber claims six souls.
2019.08.30 Pakistan Gulshan-i-Iqbal 1 0 A Shiite doctor is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2019.08.30 Iraq Sinjar 13 0 An grave is uncovered containing the victims of thirteen religious minorities executed by ISIS.
2019.08.30 Iraq Qara Teba 1 0 Terrorists bring down a civilian in a hail of bullets.
2019.08.29 Nigeria Attaka 8 5 Militant Muslim attack a farming community and kill mostly women.
2019.08.29 Iraq Dabatiya 4 1 Four members of a tribal defense group are ambushed and killed by ISIS.
2019.08.29 Iraq Garma 4 7 Mujahideen shoot four Iraqis to death.
2019.08.29 Israel Bethlehem 1 0 An aspiring makeup artist is tortured and beaten to death by her brother for shaming the family by posting a video with her fiancé.
2019.08.29 Nigeria Kiri 5 0 Five Christian villagers are killed by militant Muslims, who also destroy homes.
2019.08.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two women are brutally murdered by armed fundamentalists.
2019.08.28 Afghanistan Rubat-e-Sangi 14 9 Attacks by the Taliban leave fourteen dead outside several villages.
2019.08.28 Afghanistan Kharopate 3 6 Three children are disassembled by a terrorist rocket.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Gareda Serai 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated in front of his home by an Islamic group.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Ahmad Aba 1 0 A man is murdered by the Taliban while walking home from work.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Tikar 2 3 A shell hits a home during a Taliban attack, killing two children.
2019.08.27 Burkina Faso Kaurao 3 0 Three civilians make easy pickings for Jihadi gunmen.
2019.08.27 Pal. Auth Gaza 2 0 Two police officers are obliterated by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle.
2019.08.27 Pal. Auth Gaza 1 0 Another police officer is killed in a second Salafi suicide attack.
2019.08.27 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 Two Iraqis are cut down by Mujahid gunmen.
2019.08.27 Yemen Kataf 25 20 Over two dozen local security personnel lose their lives to an Ansar Allah attack.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 A university dean of arts is sent to Allah via a magnetic bomb.
2019.08.27 Nigeria Wajirko 11 0 Eleven construction workers laying fiber cable, are neatly gunned down by Boko Haram.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Kokardash 10 11 Ten Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2019.08.27 Afghanistan Ghulam Sediq 3 0 A group of fundamentalists ambush and kill three local cops.
2019.08.26 Iraq Katun al-Rahma 1 0 Islamic State shrapnel claims one life.
2019.08.26 India Tral 2 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed members abduct two minorities, brutally killing them in captivity.
2019.08.26 Indonesia Indramayu 1 0 A conservative woman hires hitmen to kill her gay son.
2019.08.25 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 A Christian mother and daughter are murdered by suspected ISIS.
2019.08.25 Somalia Hadan 1 3 One person is laid out by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2019.08.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A former politician is blown to bits by Islamist bombers.
2019.08.25 Iraq Daquq 6 19 Sunnis fire a mortar round into a soccer match near a Shiite shrine, killing six.
2019.08.25 Cameroon Wum 7 1 A Bible translator is among seven hacked to death by Fulani terrorists.
2019.08.25 Afghanistan Zabul 6 7 Six local police are killed in an unprovoked attack by the Taliban.
2019.08.25 Afghanistan Cheshma-e-Sher 1 3 A local council member is abducted and murdered by a religious group.
2019.08.24 Afghanistan Midan Barra Khana 2 1 A group fighting for Sharia kills two civilians with a well-placed motorcycle bomb.
2019.08.24 Syria Idlib 2 11 Mujahid car bombers take out a pair of civilians.
2019.08.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 3 Islamists on motorbikes attack a checkpoint, killing two passersby.
2019.08.24 Niger Gueskerou 12 5 A late night assault on a village by Boko Haram leaves a dozen dead.
2019.08.24 Nigeria Nganzai 4 21 Islamists raid a village, kill four residents and kidnap twenty-one others.
2019.08.23 Thailand Thung Yang Daeng 1 0 Suspected insurgents assassinate a civilian on his way home.
2019.08.23 Iraq Musayib 3 34 Thirty-seven casualties are reported when Jihadis bomb a market near a Shiite mosque.
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30.10.2019 kl 17:35 4296

2019.08.23 Iraq Babil 4 35 Religious radicals set off a bomb outside a row of shops, killing four.
2019.08.23 Israel Dolev 1 2 Terrorists plant a bomb at a spring that kills a 17-year-old girl and badly injures another teen.
2019.08.23 Afghanistan Farsi 5 3 A Taliban attack on a home leaves five occupants dead.
2019.08.23 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 14 Suspected religious radicals set off a bomb at a bazaar that kills a civilian.
2019.08.23 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Suspected ISIS shoot a citizen to death.
2019.08.22 Niger Boulahardé 1 4 A civilian is killed, and four more abducted by Boko Haram.
2019.08.22 Afghanistan Khogyani 3 2 Three local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.08.22 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 An Awami leader is gunned down by Rohingya militants.
2019.08.22 Iraq Hashimat 1 0 A middle-of-the-night mortar attack on a farming village kills a member.
2019.08.22 Syria Aleppo 7 14 At least seven civilians are killed by a sustained mortar attack and suicide bombing.
2019.08.22 Syria Qadam 1 3 A civilian is flattened by an ISIS IED.
2019.08.21 Nigeria Gubio 1 0 One person loses their life to a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2019.08.21 Mali Hombori 5 3 Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam Muslimeen members ambush and kill five local security personnel.
2019.08.21 India Ganie-Haman 1 1 Lashkar-e- Toiba militants gun down a local cop.
2019.08.20 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 1 0 A man is kidnapped and murdered by a fundamentalist group.
2019.08.20 Afghanistan Firouz Koh 2 1 A man and his son are murdered by the Taliban.
2019.08.20 Afghanistan Kala Shamir 2 0 A Taliban IED shatters two lives.
2019.08.20 Uganda Nakaseke 4 0 Two children are among a Christian family of four burned alive by Islamists.
2019.08.19 Sudan Kumbo Kesri 1 1 A 16-year-old girl is shot to death by suspected Janjaweed.
2019.08.19 Burkina Faso Koutougou 24 12 An Islamic State attack on a local security patrol leaves two-dozen dead.
2019.08.19 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 66 Dozens of casualties are reported following a series of Islamic State blasts.
2019.08.18 Syria Masada 3 3 A terrorist IED claims three civilians.
2019.08.18 Pakistan Ladha 2 0 Islamic militants kill two individuals with a roadside bomb.
2019.08.18 Pakistan Upper Dir 5 6 A tribal elder is among five people laid out by a Taliban bomb blast.
2019.08.18 Afghanistan Barbar Qala 12 0 Four women and five children are among a dozen torn apart by a buried Taliban explosive.
2019.08.18 DRC Oicha 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2019.08.18 Nigeria Mogul 4 0 Four local security personnel are cut down by ISWAP gunmen.
2019.08.18 Afghanistan Chehldokhtaran 1 0 A village elder is taken hostage by the Taliban and then murdered.
2019.08.18 Afghanistan Qahramon-e-mili 1 0 A woman is kidnapped on her way home, and then killed the next day by a religious group.
2019.08.17 Afghanistan Yangi 9 6 A senseless attack by the Taliban leaves nine dead.
2019.08.17 Afghanistan Mullaian 1 6 A 12-year-old child is laid out by a well-placed Taliban mortar round.
2019.08.17 Afghanistan Wayez 3 3 Three civilians are left dead after an attack by suspected ISIS gunmen.
2019.08.17 Syria Almah 1 0 An imam is assassinated in front of his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.08.17 Pakistan Kuchlak 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death at a grocery store in a suspected sectarian attack.
2019.08.17 Somalia Daynunay 2 2 A surprise al-Shabaab attack leaves two dead.
2019.08.17 Iraq Houd 5 0 The bodies of five people executed by ISIS are discovered.
2019.08.17 Afghanistan Kabul 81 182 A Fedayeen suicide bomber goes off in a crowded wedding hall, destroying over eighty Shiites.
2019.08.16 Israel Gush Etzion 0 2 A Palestinian drives his car into a group of Israelis, injuring two teens.
2019.08.16 Pakistan Kuchlak 5 22 Five worshippers are sent straight to Allah by a bomb planted directly under the chair of a mosque prayer leader.
2019.08.16 Iraq Hittin 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a village guard.
2019.08.15 Kenya Fino 2 0 Two villagers are murdered in their own home by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2019.08.15 Nigeria Molai 3 5 A Boko Haram attack leaves three dead.
2019.08.15 Afghanistan Firozkoh 2 2 Two Afghans are murdered by the Taliban while harvesting wheat.
2019.08.14 Afghanistan Shirkhage 1 0 Fundamentalists abduct and murder an individual.
2019.08.14 Chad Kaiga-Kindjiria 6 5 A female suicide bomber slaughters a half-dozen bystanders.
2019.08.14 Somalia Awdhegle 7 13 A cameraman is among seven murdered by al-Shabaab suicide bombers.
2019.08.13 Syria Jassim 1 0 A civilian is flattened by a Sunni IED.
2019.08.13 Australia Sydney 1 0 A convert to Islam slits the throat of a prostitute while yelling praises to Allah.
2019.08.12 Philippines Talipao 3 1 A 2-year-old girl is among three killed by Abu Sayyaf gunmen.
2019.08.12 Iraq Daquq 2 2 Two Iraqis are gunned down by the Islamic State.
2019.08.11 Nigeria Ngwom 2 1 Boko Haram murder two men and cut the ears off one women.
2019.08.10 Nigeria Gubia 6 8 Jihadists attack a small town, killing six defenders.
2019.08.10 Libya Benghazi 3 10 Three UN staffers are felled by a car bomb blast outside a mall.
2019.08.10 Mozambique Simbulongo 3 0 Three civilians are burned alive by Islamic extremists.
2019.08.10 Somalia Msambweni 2 0 An imam and his associate are hacked to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.08.10 Afghanistan Zabul 4 0 A Taliban bomb blast on a highway kills four passersby.
2019.08.09 Syria Abu Dali 1 2 A Jihadist rocket reduces a civilian to pulp.
2019.08.08 Syria Hmeymim 2 4 Islamists lob shells into an airstrip, killing two civilians.
2019.08.08 Israel Kibbutz Midgdal Oz 1 0 A 19-year-old seminary student is stabbed to death by terrorists.
2019.08.08 Nigeria Ikot Obio 1 0 A local farmer is senseless murdered by Miyetti Allah vigilantes.
2019.08.08 Afghanistan Khanabad 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by a group of religious extremists.
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Khwaja Pesta 1 0 A taxi driver is murdered by a fundamentalist group.
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Karkin 7 0 The Taliban stop a vehicle and then machine-gun seven occupants.
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A bomb attached to a civilian vehicle kills the driver.
2019.08.07 Somalia Lower Shabelle 10 30 Mujahideen attack and kill ten local soldiers.
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 14 145 A massive suicide blast in a Shiite neighborhood leaves over a dozen dead.
2019.08.07 Syria Qahtaniyah 5 0 Three children are among five disassembled by an ISIS car bomb.
2019.08.06 Philippines Tacurong City 2 0 Moro Islamists are suspected of being behind the shooting of two of their own at a gas station.
2019.08.06 Nigeria Mafa 3 8 Two female suicide bombers send shrapnel through a crowd, claiming three lives.
2019.08.06 Syria Hama 2 6 A Sunni group sends shells into a neighborhood, killing two residents.
2019.08.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 13 A targeted bombing attack on the minority Hazara community outside a shoe market leaves one dead.
2019.08.06 DRC Kisima 2 24 At least two people are left dead after suspected ADF attack a small town.
2019.08.06 Afghanistan Moqani 1 0 The Taliban send a mortar round into a house, killing a sleeping child.
2019.08.06 Afghanistan Charchino 8 0 A shocking attack by the Taliban leaves eight dead.
2019.08.06 Afghanistan Kabul 5 7 An Islamist bicycle bomb kills five bystanders.
2019.08.06 Afghanistan Laman 1 0 A young woman is shot and killed by a radical religious group.
2019.08.06 Afghanistan Haji Abbas 5 29 A motorcycle bomb takes out five civilians.
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2019.08.06 Mali Segou 1 0 A local cop is assassinated by suspected Islamists while investigating an earlier crime.
2019.08.06 India Bhingapul 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is burned alive for protesting the triple talaq.
2019.08.05 Nigeria Monguno 5 3 Five civilians lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack on their town.
2019.08.05 Mali Koro 3 0 Two civilians are among those who succumb to a Jihadist IED.
2019.08.05 Egypt Cairo 20 47 The Hasm offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood sets off a suicide bomb outside a hospital, killing twenty.
2019.08.05 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 7 0 A Taliban in uniform easily guns down seven policemen at a checkpoint.
2019.08.05 Afghanistan Herat 4 30 Four civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2019.08.05 Afghanistan Shah Joy 4 0 Three children and their mother are put down by a Sunni mortar round.
2019.08.05 Pakistan Niaga Banda 2 4 Two people are killed by Mujahid bombers.
2019.08.04 Afghanistan Sancharak 1 0 A disabled man is abducted and beheaded by an Islamic group.
2019.08.04 Syria Azaz 1 0 A civilian is aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.08.04 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 The Taliban target a bus carrying TV station employees, killing two.
2019.08.04 Syria Hasakah 1 3 A suicide bomber takes out a civilian bystander.
2019.08.04 Afghanistan Ghaib 1 0 A civilian is executed point-blank by the Taliban.
2019.08.04 Afghanistan Torkotal 7 0 Taliban in police uniform murder seven Afghan police.
2019.08.03 Afghanistan Chah Ab 3 5 Three border guards are murdered by pro-Sharia gunmen.
2019.08.03 Afghanistan Tara Khil 4 5 A Taliban bomb blast takes down four people around the noon-day prayer.
2019.08.03 Saudi Arabia Jizan 14 0 Over a dozen are killed when Shiite militia fire rockets at a group of border guards.
2019.08.03 Yemen Mahfed 2 0 A bomb planted by al-Qaeda destroys two lives.
2019.08.02 Syria Qardahah 1 3 A civilian is killed by a well-placed Sunni rocket.
2019.08.02 Yemen Abyan 20 11 A vicious assault by Islamic militants on a local base leaves twenty dead.
2019.08.02 Afghanistan Daikundi 11 15 Eleven local cops lose their lives to a surprise Taliban attack.
2019.08.02 India Shopian 1 1 Muslim terrorists attack a group of police, killing one.
2019.08.02 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Jihadi gunmen assassinate a taxi driver.
2019.08.02 Iraq Jalawla 1 0 A farmer herding livestock is plowed under by an ISIS bomb blast.
2019.08.02 Pakistan Razmak 3 1 Three local security personnel are murdered at a checkpoint by religious extremists.
2019.08.02 Pakistan Akka Khel 1 0 A former Islamist who left is assassinated by his former group.
2019.08.02 Iraq Tal Tiba 2 1 A man and his son are eliminated by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.08.01 Nigeria Awgu 1 0 A priest is dragged into the bush by Muslim militants and shot to death.
2019.08.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 The city's mayor succumbs to injuries suffered from Mujahideen shrapnel.
2019.08.01 Yemen Aden 11 29 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims eleven lives.
2019.08.01 Yemen Aden 40 27 Ansar Allah send rockets into a local security camp, killing forty young recruits.
2019.08.01 Syria Zibdiyah 1 2 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham send a shell into a residential area, killing one.
2019.07.31 Afghanistan Farah 34 15 Thirty-four bus passengers, including women and children, are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2019.07.31 Iraq Gullajo 4 14 Four people are killed when Jihadists send mortars into a town and follow it up with a shooting attack.
2019.07.31 Iraq Sayid Ghareeb 6 2 Islamic State members murder six Iraqis in two attacks.
2019.07.31 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Fundamentalists murder two local cops.
2019.07.30 Pakistan Quetta 5 38 A Tehreek-i-Taliban bomb lays out five people in a shopping area.
2019.07.30 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 23 Three children are disassembled by religious radicals.
2019.07.29 Afghanistan Naw Abad 2 0 Two Afghans are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2019.07.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 Two unarmed Americans are shot in the back by a fundamentalist in Afghan uniform.
2019.07.29 Nigeria Benisheikh 25 0 Boko Haram claims to have killed two dozen Nigerian security personnel in an attack on their base.
2019.07.29 Nigeria Baga 1 5 An attack by Boko Haram leaves one dead.
2019.07.29 Yemen Qatabir 14 26 Ansar Allah is blamed for sending rockets into a marketplace, killing fourteen.
2019.07.28 Afghanistan Kabul 20 50 A suicide car bomber slaughters at least twenty bystanders.
2019.07.28 Afghanistan Ghazni City 3 3 Three employees at a salt company are killed by Mujahid bombers.
2019.07.28 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A pregnant woman is beaten to death by ISIS at a refugee camp.
2019.07.27 Syria al-Bab 2 11 Two civilians are vaporized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2019.07.27 Somalia Middle Shabelle 10 0 al-Shabaab claims to have killed ten Burundians of an African Union mission.
2019.07.27 Nigeria Nganzai 23 0 Two-dozen mourners at a funeral are massacred by Islamists.
2019.07.27 Nigeria Nganzai 44 0 Islamists return to the site of an earlier killing and murder forty-four more innocents.
2019.07.27 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban open fire on a border patrol, bringing down a half-dozen members.
2019.07.27 Afghanistan Ab Band 3 12 A Shahid suicide bomber targets a police headquarters, killing three.
2019.07.26 Burkina Faso Diblou 15 14 Jihadists murder fifteen villagers and burn their market.
2019.07.26 Iraq Taza 2 9 Two brothers are eliminated by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2019.07.26 Iraq Baiji 1 3 An Islamic State bomb at an amusement park kills one patron.
2019.07.26 Afghanistan Kuran 1 0 A captive of ISIS is beheaded in front of children.
2019.07.26 Israel Tel Aviv 0 1 A 16-year-old gay teen is stabbed in an attempted honor killing by his family.
2019.07.25 Nigeria Dalori 2 2 Islamists fire into a refugee camp, killing two displaced persons.
2019.07.25 Afghanistan Kabul 8 27 An Islamic State suicide bomber massacre eight civilians including five women and a child.
2019.07.25 Afghanistan Kabul 7 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows himself and seven others up at a bus stop.
2019.07.25 Afghanistan Khogyani 9 4 Six woman and three children are slaughtered by Taliban bombers while on their way to a wedding.
2019.07.24 Afghanistan Takhar 37 13 Thirty-seven Afghans are reported dead following a terror attack on a checkpoint.
2019.07.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a Croatian.
2019.07.24 Somalia Mogadishu 7 9 A female suicide bomber tries to assassinate a mayor, killing seven others.
2019.07.24 Iraq Zweirig 2 0 A man and his nephew are murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.07.23 Iraq Sinjar 2 0 Two Kurds are killed resisting an Islamic State attack on their village.
2019.07.23 Afghanistan Farah 4 2 A Taliban attack leaves four dead.
2019.07.23 DRC Oicha Mabasele 9 4 An Islamic group hacks nine innocents to death, including two children.
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2019.07.23 Thailand Muang Pattani 4 0 Two civilians are among four people shot point-blank at a checkpoint by Muslim terrorists.
2019.07.23 Afghanistan Paktika 2 4 A 10-year-old child is among two people vaporized by Taliban bombers.
2019.07.23 Somalia Wanlaweyn 6 3 al-Shabaab hit a passing bus with a nail-bomb, killing six passengers.
2019.07.23 Pakistan Quetta 4 32 A suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban blast outside a bakery leaves four dead.
2019.07.22 DRC Eringeti 3 0 ADF Islamists murder three villagers.
2019.07.22 Somalia Mogadishu 17 28 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off outside a hotel, sending seventeen souls to Allah.
2019.07.22 Syria Qadam 1 0 A civilian is obliterated by an Islamic State car bomb.
2019.07.22 Syria Naor 7 20 A child is among seven civilians killed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham mortars.
2019.07.22 Syria Jarablus 1 15 Two suicide bombers target a market and an aid worker vehicle, killing a civilian.
2019.07.22 Nigeria Abuja 2 0 A reporter and a policeman are killed during a violent protest by Shiite zealots.
2019.07.22 Mali Gao 0 8 A suicide bomber uses a truck with UN markings to access his targets.
2019.07.21 Afghanistan Sar-i-pul 1 0 A young pregnant woman is executed for criticizing the Taliban.
2019.07.21 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 9 30 A suicide bomber accompanied by gunmen carve up the entrance to a hospital.
2019.07.21 Yemen Dar Nasser 2 1 Two children are disassembled by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2019.07.21 Afghanistan Gardez 4 0 Four Afghans are sent to Allah by fundamentalist bombers.
2019.07.21 Iraq Eslah 1 3 A bomb detonated by ISIS militants at an orchard leaves one dead.
2019.07.21 Iraq Salahdin 1 1 Sunnis kill a farmer with a planted bomb.
2019.07.21 Saudi Arabia Jizan 2 2 Ansar Allah claims an attack that leaves two dead.
2019.07.20 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down in cold blood by fundamentalists.
2019.07.20 Sudan Kabra 6 7 Arab militia fire into a village, killing six residents.
2019.07.19 Afghanistan Kabul 8 33 A suicide bomber goes off outside a university, killing ten.
2019.07.19 Yemen Abyan 5 0 al-Qaeda members pump RPGs into a checkpoint, killing five young recruits.
2019.07.19 Syria al-Hold 1 0 A one-legged man is stabbed to death for 'apostasy' by Islamic State women.
2019.07.18 Nigeria Kennari 1 6 Terrorists ambush a convoy of aid workers, killing one.
2019.07.18 India Fasla 1 1 A Hindu man is lynched by a Muslim mob.
2019.07.18 Syria Deir-ezzor 3 0 Three civilians succumb to Sunni shrapnel.
2019.07.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 12 90 A Taliban suicide blast followed by automatic weapons fire leaves a dozen dead.
2019.07.18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomb claims two other lives.
2019.07.17 Nigeria Muna Dalti 6 0 Islamists ride into a community on motorbikes and shoot six farmers to death.
2019.07.17 Egypt Bir al-Abd 4 0 Four men are kidnapped and beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2019.07.17 Nigeria Jakana 6 0 Six local security personnel are slaughtered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.07.17 Afghanistan Qarabagh 1 0 A Fedayeen suicide attack kills one other person.
2019.07.17 Egypt al-Arish 4 5 Four construction workers are murdered by Islamic extremists while working on an airport fence.
2019.07.16 Iraq Ahmad al-Danuk 2 0 Two civilians are dragged out of their homes and shot by ISIS.
2019.07.16 Afghanistan Khakrez 13 34 Seven children are among thirteen Sufi pilgrims sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2019.07.15 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Two suicide bombers target a rival mosque, killing five worshippers.
2019.07.15 Nigeria Ancha 1 0 A pregnant woman is murdered by Muslim militants, who also burn a church.
2019.07.15 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 0 Two shopkeepers are murdered in cold blood by the Taliban.
2019.07.15 Afghanistan Khanabad 2 0 Two children are vaporized by fundamentalist bombers.
2019.07.15 Afghanistan Khakrez 9 34 Terrorists take down nine civilians.
2019.07.15 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is kidnapped and then killed when she refuses to renounce her faith.
2019.07.14 Pakistan Essa Nagri 1 0 A 10-year-old Christian boy is tortured and murdered by his Muslim employer.
2019.07.14 Nigeria Kankara 6 0 Gunmen pump automatic weapons fire into three villages, while yelling praises to Allah.
2019.07.14 Nigeria Tafigana 2 0 A father and son are beheaded by Miyetti Allah vigilantes.
2019.07.14 Syria Aleppo 6 8 Rockets fired by Jihadists take out a half-dozen civilians.
2019.07.13 Afghanistan Gozargah-e-Noor 5 2 Five local cops are brutally murdered by the Taliban while on patrol.
2019.07.13 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 One Afghan is blown to shreds by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.07.13 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 3 10 Religious radicals attack a hotel and kill three guards.
2019.07.13 DRC Mukilia 2 0 Suspected ADF kill two medical workers.
2019.07.12 Afghanistan Pachiragam 9 12 A child suicide bomber is sent into a wedding, obliterating nine guests.
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2019.07.12 Somalia Kismayo 26 56 A suicide bomb blast followed by a Fedayeen assault on a hotel leaves two dozen dead.
2019.07.12 Nigeria Ondo 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by Fulani mercenaries.
2019.07.12 Afghanistan Paktia 1 0 A journalist is abducted and killed by suspected Haqqani.
2019.07.11 Libya Benghazi 5 11 Car bombs targeting a funeral leave five dead.
2019.07.11 Iraq Qirun 18 0 Eighteen victims of ISIS genocide are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.07.11 Syria Qamishli 0 11 A suicide bomber detonates outside a church.
2019.07.11 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Taliban bombers kill a local man.
2019.07.10 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A young Christian nurse is killed for refusing to convert to Islam.
2019.07.10 Syria Dablan 7 0 Seven civilians are neatly dispatched by ISIS explosives.
2019.07.10 Syria Suqaylabiyah 2 2 An al-Nusra rocket claims two civilians.
2019.07.10 Syria Latakia 3 0 Sunni militants sent shells into a village, killing three residents.
2019.07.10 Iraq Domiz 2 1 The Islamic State is suspected of a bomb blast that leaves two dead.
2019.07.10 Pakistan Sarghoda 1 0 A 10-year-old religious minority is murdered by two Muslim men.
2019.07.09 Pakistan Pehalwan Goth 2 1 Islamic militants send bullets into a tea shop, killing two patrons.
2019.07.09 Syria Qarzheil 1 0 A Sunni explosive kills a civilian bystander.
2019.07.09 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 A civilian lining up for drinking water is aerated by ISIS shrapnel.
2019.07.09 Iraq Shirqat 2 4 First responders to the site of an early blast are killed in a targeted mortar attack.
2019.07.09 Syria Jabal al-Zawiyah 3 6 A Sunni group sends shells into a small town, killing three residents.
2019.07.08 Somalia Jamame 1 0 A teen is stoned to death for adultery.
2019.07.08 Afghanistan Sahib 20 7 An attack by religious radicals leaves twenty dead.
2019.07.08 Somalia Mogadishu 5 4 Three civilians are among five killed when al-Shabaab open fire on a crowded street.
2019.07.08 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khurmi 4 8 Four Afghans are murdered by the Taliban.
2019.07.08 Somalia Mogadishu 2 18 Two people are killed when a Fedayeen suicide car bomb goes off.
2019.07.08 Syria Yaqoubiyeh 1 0 A 60-year-old Christian is raped and then stoned to death by Jabhat al-Nusra.
2019.07.07 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot two villagers to death.
2019.07.07 Iraq Babel 4 1 Four Iraqis are picked off by Mujahid bombers.
2019.07.07 Somalia Jamame 4 0 A woman is among four executed by a Sharia court.
2019.07.07 Iraq Mkheisa 1 2 A civilian is brought down by Islamic State bullets.
2019.07.07 Syria Abu Hammam 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber blows up two civilians.
2019.07.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 14 180 A child is among fourteen killed when a suicide car bomber goes off near a school.
2019.07.06 Iraq Fallujah 2 1 Two Iraqis are murdered by Islamic State radicals.
2019.07.06 Syria Raqqa 6 0 Six victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.07.06 Somalia Kurtunwarey 3 0 An al-Shabaab firing squad dispatches three captives.
2019.07.06 Somalia Buale 1 0 Islamists execute a man for sorcery.
2019.07.05 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 20 A Shiite mosque is bombed by the Islamic State, producing two dead worshippers.
2019.07.05 Iraq Fallujah 5 10 Islamic State gunmen smoke five Iraqis.
2019.07.05 Turkey Reyhanh 3 0 A car-bomb kills three people.
2019.07.05 Afghanistan Khwaja Shabz Posh 14 39 A fundamentalist group sends shells into a local market, killing fourteen patrons.
2019.07.04 Syria Jobar 1 3 An IED left by a Sunni group kills one civilian.
2019.07.04 Nigeria Damboa 5 20 A Boko Haram attack on a small village leaves at least five dead.
2019.07.04 Somalia Salagle 6 0 A half-dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2019.07.03 Somalia Hagar 4 0 Four people are shot in the back of the head by al-Shabaab.
2019.07.03 Yemen Hodeida 10 8 Violence by Ansar Allah leaves ten dead.
2019.07.03 Mozambique Lidjungo 7 3 Two children are among seven villagers murdered by Islamic extremists.
2019.07.03 Syria Qalaat al-Madiq 2 0 Two civilians are killed by Al-Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir shells.
2019.07.03 Thailand Yala 2 3 Militant Muslims kill two locals with a bomb and shooting attack.
2019.07.03 Syria Sweida 4 6 A booby-trapped motorcycle goes off in a city street, killing four bystanders.
2019.07.03 Iraq Wajihiya 1 0 A market worker succumbs to splinter injuries following a grenade attack.
2019.07.03 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 A bystander dies as a result of a suicide bombing the week before.
2019.07.02 Saudi Arabia Adha 0 9 Shiite militia send a rocket into an airport.
2019.07.02 Philippines Cotabo City 1 0 An Islamic is suspected of assassinating an off-duty soldier.
2019.07.02 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is stabbed to death for 'apostasy' by female ISIS.
2019.07.01 Niger Inates 18 4 Suicide bombers attack a local security camp, killing at least eighteen.
2019.07.01 Chechnya Bamut 1 0 A Muslim terrorist kills a police officer.
2019.07.01 Pakistan Multan 9 0 Four children are among a family of nine-honor killed.
2019.07.01 Afghanistan Kabul 6 116 Dozens of schoolchildren are among the casualties of a suicide blast and ground attack.
2019.06.30 Afghanistan Maruf 19 27 Eight election workers are among nineteen blown to bits by four Fedayeen suicide car bombers.
2019.06.30 Mali Yoro 12 0 A baby is among a dozen vaporized by an Islamist landmine.
2019.06.29 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 A transgender is honor-killed and dumped in a river by a family member.
2019.06.29 Nigeria Gamurai 4 0 Boko Haram kill four innocents during a raid on a village.
2019.06.29 Afghanistan Ahmadabad 18 17 The Taliban attack a dam, killing eighteen guards.
2019.06.29 Afghanistan Balablok 8 10 Fundamentalists fire on a police post, killing eight members.
2019.06.29 Iraq Jalawa 1 3 A farmer is harvested in his field by Mujahid bombers.
2019.06.29 Afghanistan Nahreen 26 8 Over two-dozen Afghans are killed in a series of attacks by a group fighting for a Sharia state.
2019.06.29 Afghanistan Takhta Pol 16 4 Sixteen Afghans lose their lives to Islamic terrorists near an airport.
2019.06.28 Philippines Jolo 5 12 A woman is among five killed when an Abu Sayyaf suicide bomber self-detonates.
2019.06.28 Afghanistan Samangan 4 14 A blast at a rival mosque is among a series of Taliban attacks that leave four dead.
2019.06.28 Afghanistan Daikundi 8 16 Armed fundamentalists attack a checkpoint and kill eight local security personnel.
2019.06.28 Somalia Toratorow 1 0 A 75-year-old man is paraded and executed for violating Islamic rules on marriage.
2019.06.28 Afghanistan Arakosh 25 2 Twenty-five civilians are murdered by the Taliban
2019.06.28 Iraq Abbasi 2 1 Jihadis kill two civilians and badly injure a child.
2019.06.27 Iraq Khazrajiyah 2 4 A woman and her daughter lose their lives when ISIS militants fire into a home.
2019.06.27 Iraq Kirkuk 1 24 Terrorists hit a passenger bus with a bomb blast, killing a commuter.
2019.06.27 Tunisia Tunis 1 8 Suicide bombers kill a guard outside the French embassy.
2019.06.27 Burkina Faso Bani 4 0 Four Christians are executed in cold blood for wearing crosses.
2019.06.26 Tanzania Itole 11 6 Eleven civilians are massacred by Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama.
2019.06.26 Iraq Rashad 5 0 Islamic State bombers turn five Iraqis into pulp.
2019.06.26 Afghanistan Qadir Shah 2 0 Two people are brought down by Taliban shrapnel.
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2019.06.26 Syria Tabqa 3 0 Three people along a city street are aerated by Islamic State shrapnel.
2019.06.26 Syria Karnaz 1 0 Sunni militants send a missile into a residential area, tearing a small girl to shreds.
2019.06.26 Egypt Arish 7 0 A suicide attack on a group of police leaves seven dead.
2019.06.26 Pakistan Loralai 1 1 Suicide bombers storm a police station, but manage to kill only one other person.
2019.06.25 Nigeria Koton-Karfe 7 0 Miyetti Allah sympathists pour machine-gun fire into a village, killing seven residents.
2019.06.25 Afghanistan Golran 8 16 Coordinated Taliban attacks on a district center claim eight lives.
2019.06.25 Iraq Habat 4 0 Four Iraqis are laid out by Islamic State bombers.
2019.06.25 Pakistan Lyari 2 0 A young couple is honor-killed by family for marrying by choice.
2019.06.25 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 2 0 Two local engineers are butchered by the Taliban.
2019.06.25 Pakistan Nowshera 2 4 Religious radicals fire on a car, killing two occupants.
2019.06.24 Nigeria Guzamala 9 0 A brutal attack by Islamic extremists on a village leaves nine dead.
2019.06.24 Nigeria Ngamngam 20 0 Boko Haram slaughter twenty farmers on their way to work in the fields.
2019.06.24 Iraq Wardiya 3 0 Three civilians are smoked by ISIS gunmen.
2019.06.24 Nigeria Mafa 1 3 Boko Haram Islamists murder a village guard.
2019.06.24 Burkina Faso Arbinda 2 0 Two guards for a food and water convoy are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2019.06.23 Afghanistan Khastak 5 0 A family of five is gunned down in cold blood by the Taliban.
2019.06.23 Saudi Arabia Abha 1 7 Ansar Allah attack a civilian airport with a drone, killing a tourist.
2019.06.23 Chechnya Grozny 0 2 A Jihadi stabs two people.
2019.06.23 Iraq Tufaha 2 0 The son of a mukhtar is among two people shot to death by Islamists.
2019.06.22 Burkina Faso Toekodogo 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2019.06.22 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a farmer in his field.
2019.06.22 Burkina Faso Sagho 13 0 Jihadists invade a village, set fire to homes and leave thirteen dead.
2019.06.22 Egypt Arish 4 5 Terrorists attack an airport, killing four construction workers.
2019.06.22 Afghanistan Guzara 4 1 Taliban fundamentalists attack a checkpoint, killing four local cops.
2019.06.21 Iraq Adhba 29 0 A mass grave is discovered, containing twenty-nine victims of Islamic State execution.
2019.06.21 Syria Tellat al-Ansar 1 0 A civilian wanders into an ISIS booby-trap.
2019.06.21 Yemen Hadramawt 3 4 al-Qaeda gunmen pump automatic weapons fire into a checkpoint, killing three.
2019.06.21 Iraq Salahudin 2 2 A bomb strikes a group of Shiites, killing two.
2019.06.21 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 A suicide blast at a Shiite mosque during Friday prayers scatters body parts.
2019.06.21 Iraq Mosul 1 3 A bomb planted by ISIS near a cemetery claims the life of a little girl.
2019.06.21 Chad Mbomouga 11 6 Boko Haram stage a cross-border attack, killing eleven security personnel.
2019.06.20 Afghanistan Barmal 4 0 Four people are shot to death by the Taliban.
2019.06.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 16 Jihadis plant a bomb in a Toyota, killing two bystanders.
2019.06.20 Syria Afrin 1 0 A civilian is leveled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2019.06.20 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three women are discovered after having been stoned to death.
2019.06.19 Burkina Faso Belehede 17 0 Seventeen villagers are put down by Jihadists.
2019.06.18 Cameroon Grossi 2 0 Islamists murder a Christian woman and a teenager.
2019.06.18 Niger Niamey 2 2 Sharia advocates ambush and kill two local cops.
2019.06.17 Nigeria Monguno 18 6 Boko Haram kill eighteen personnel in a brutal attack on a security base.
2019.06.17 Mali Gangafani 38 0 Militant Muslim slaughter forty villagers, some of whom are disemboweled.
2019.06.17 Nigeria Ungwan Rimi Kamuru 4 0 Three children are among four Christians slain by well-armed Muslims.
2019.06.17 Nigeria Kangbro 3 0 Muslim militants murder three villagers and burn two churches.
2019.06.17 Nigeria Nakai Danwal 6 0 Six Christians are shot to death and their houses set on fire.
2019.06.17 India Arihal 2 6 A late-night terrorist bomb blast claims two lives.
2019.06.17 Syria Qamishli 1 2 A suicide bomber takes out a civilian at a traffic circle.
2019.06.17 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A blogger who questioned traditional Islam is knifed to death.
2019.06.17 Afghanistan Mamand Bagh 1 1 Fundamentalists blow the legs off a woman and vaporize her 10-year-old daughter.
2019.06.16 Syria Wadehi 12 15 Sunni "rebels" send rockets into a wedding party, killing a dozen, including children.
2019.06.16 Mali Sokolo 2 0 Jihadists are suspected of killing two people with an IED.
2019.06.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 30 42 Three suicide bombers murder thirty innocents at a tea shop and film center.
2019.06.16 Syria Kafr Naseh 1 0 A civilian is aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.06.15 Somalia Mogadishu 11 25 A suicide car bomber sends eleven bystanders to Allah.
2019.06.15 Kenya Konton 12 1 al-Shabaab militants murder a dozen border guards with an IED and subsequent shooting.
2019.06.15 Nigeria Tcholori 2 0 An attack on a Red Cross vehicle leaves two dead.
2019.06.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 An elderly Buddhist couple are shot to death while walking home from their work at a restaurant.
2019.06.15 Nigeria Gubio 13 0 Thirteen residents are slaughtered when Boko Haram raid two villages.
2019.06.15 Syria Raqqa 200 0 A mass grave is discovered, containing two-hundred victims of Islamic State execution - some in shackles.
2019.06.14 Afghanistan Shah Walikot 1 5 Fundamentalists attach a bomb to a police vehicle, killing one occupant.
2019.06.13 Afghanistan Jalalabad 11 13 At least one child is among eleven innocents exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2019.06.12 Iraq Bashik 1 0 A farmer loses his life after Islamic State activists set fire to his field.
2019.06.12 Nigeria Kareto 20 0 A local Islamist group claims an attack that killed twenty local security personnel.
2019.06.12 Syria Tafas 1 0 Mujahideen gunmen pick off a civilian.
2019.06.12 India Anantnag 6 2 Six local cops are ambushed and killed in a suicide attack by Al-Umar Mujahideen.
2019.06.12 Saudi Arabia Abha 0 26 Women and children are among the casualties when Ansar Allah sends a rocket into an airport at a resort.
2019.06.12 Pakistan Manzerkhel Berzai 1 2 Muslim radicals kill one person with a roadside bomb.
2019.06.12 Afghanistan Kala Tak 1 0 A moderate cleric is silenced by an armed rival outside his mosque.
2019.06.12 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 ISIS gunmen take down a civilian from a passing car.
2019.06.11 Afghanistan Dand 6 0 A family of six is put down hard by Taliban bombers.
2019.06.11 Yemen Abyan 3 4 An al-Qaeda cell is suspected of a bomb blast that leaves three dead.
2019.06.10 Cameroon Kolfata 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Boko Haram.
2019.06.10 Burkina Faso Namentenga 10 0 Ten innocents are murdered in their village by Islamic extremists.
2019.06.10 Syria Jalin 1 0 Terrorist shoot a civilian to death.
2019.06.10 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Roadside bombers take out a passing civilian.
2019.06.10 Cameroon Darak 26 0 Two-dozen souls are lost to a Boko Haram attack on a small village.
2019.06.10 Mali Sobame Da 95 0 A Fulani group, linked to Islamists, slaughters and burns nearly one-hundred farmers and their families, including twenty-four children.
2019.06.10 Sudan Deleij 17 15 Janjaweed fire into a camp market, killing seventeen refugees.
2019.06.10 Iran Fashafouyeh 1 0 A prisoner jailed for 'Insulting' Islam is knifed to death.
2019.06.10 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A young woman is honor-suffocated by her brother for marrying against the family's wishes.
2019.06.09 Sudan Deleij 1 0 A displaced person is shot to death by Janjaweed.
2019.06.09 Burkina Faso Arbinda 19 13 At least nineteen villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
2019.06.09 Iraq Hamdouniya 2 0 Two people are leveled by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2019.06.09 Pakistan Pul-e-Regi 4 4 Islamic militants attack a checkpoint and kill four members.
2019.06.09 Lebanon Chebaa 1 0 A religious party official is assassinated in a suspected sectarian attack.
2019.06.08 Burkina Faso Arbinda 1 0 Mujahid stop a civilian vehicle along the highway and murder the driver.
2019.06.08 Afghanistan Dawlatyar 15 3 A horrific attack by the Taliban leaves fifteen dead.
2019.06.08 Syria Shezar 1 3 Sunni extremists send mortars into a residential area, claiming a civilian.
2019.06.08 Afghanistan Pato 2 6 An early morning attack on a group of police by fundamentalists, leaves two dead.
2019.06.08 Iraq Anbar 5 4 Five Iraqis are killed in a series of terror attacks.
2019.06.07 Pakistan Kharqamar 4 0 Four members of a local security patrol are obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.06.07 Pakistan Kawas 2 7 A targeted attack by suspected Sunnis kills two Hazera minorities.
2019.06.06 Yemen Aden 1 7 Terrorists throw a grenade into a concert, killing a child.
2019.06.06 India Sadoora 1 0 An unarmed soldier on leave is assassinated by Muslim extremists.
2019.06.05 Afghanistan Achin 1 4 The Islamic State fire a mortar round into a house, injuring four children and killing their mother.
2019.06.05 Egypt el-Arish 8 0 Eight local security personnel are cut down point-blank by Islamic hardliner gunmen.
2019.06.05 India Singoo Narbal 1 1 A woman bleeds to death after being shot by Islamic radicals.
2019.06.05 Iraq Hawijah 3 9 Various ISIS attacks on farmers and security personnel leaves three dead.
2019.06.04 Norway Oslo 0 1 A man stabs a Good Samaritan, while screaming praises to Allah.
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2019.06.04 Yemen Qiva 10 0 An imam and nine worshippers are shot dead by Shiite extremists to settle a dispute over Ramadan prayers.
2019.06.04 Syria Buser al-Harir 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a bystander.
2019.06.04 Afghanistan Nahrin 2 14 Two civilians are aerated by a Taliban IED.
2019.06.04 Iraq Tarmiya 6 2 ISIS gunmen ambush and murder six local police.
2019.06.04 DRC Beni 13 12 ADF Islamists hack thirteen villagers to death.
2019.06.03 Kenya Dawaduba 1 0 al-Shabaab gunmen fire on border guards, killing one.
2019.06.03 Lebanon Tripoli 4 0 A committed Muslim opens fire on police, killing four, then blows himself up.
2019.06.03 Iraq Malashah 9 0 Nine people are kidnapped and murdered while hunting mushrooms.
2019.06.03 Syria Azaz 21 45 Four children are among twenty-one killed by a suicide bomber outside a mosque.
2019.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 5 10 Terrorists bomb a bus, killing five passengers.
2019.06.03 India Panthachowk 1 0 Islamic gunmen take down a 32-year-old civilian.
2019.06.02 Iraq Abu Khanzier 3 0 Terrorists open fire on a family of three, bringing them all down.
2019.06.02 Libya Derna 0 18 An ISIS car bomb claims eighteen casualties.
2019.06.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A village head is shot to death in a mosque by suspected 'insurgents.'
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 24 Islamists hit a bus carrying university students with a bomb, killing one.
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A blast targeting first responders to an early bombing leaves one dead.
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 7 A Shahid suicide car bomber lays out eight Afghans.
2019.06.01 Yemen Hadramout 2 2 An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead.
2019.06.01 Iraq Shura 27 0 Twenty-seven victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.06.01 Pakistan Boya 1 0 A lone border guard is ambushed and killed by Islamic militants.
2019.06.01 Syria Raqqa 10 20 A suicide bomber claims ten lives in the former caliphate stronghold.
2019.06.01 Nigeria Sajeri 1 3 Boko Haram enter a rival mosque to pull out and slaughter one person.
2019.06.01 Iraq Anbar 5 0 A mass grave is discovered containing five victims of ISIS execution.
2019.05.31 Philippines Patikul 1 0 A Dutch birdwatcher, held hostage by Abu Sayyaf, is killed as he tries to escape.
2019.05.31 Afghanistan Kabul 4 7 A Shahid suicide bomber claims the lives of four civilians.
2019.05.31 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 A 16-year-old is among two stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist.
2019.05.30 Iraq Kirkuk 5 18 Mujahideen set off a series of blasts at malls and shops, killing five.
2019.05.30 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 10 11 Islamic extremists kill ten local cops in various locations.
2019.05.30 Afghanistan Kabul 6 16 A Fedayeen suicide blast near a university leaves six dead.
2019.05.30 Iraq Abu Saida 2 5 An ISIS attack on a village leaves two residents dead.
2019.05.30 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A Christian rickshaw driver is beaten and murdered due to "religious hatred."
2019.05.29 Afghanistan Ghor 18 0 Eighteen guards at a world heritage site are attacked and killed by fundamentalists.
2019.05.29 Iraq Kirkuk 1 9 One person dies when ISIS loyalists set fire to crops.
2019.05.29 Syria Qamhana 1 5 A woman is disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2019.05.28 Pakistan Goga Hissar 1 0 A young mother of two is honor-killed by her brother-in-law.
2019.05.28 Mozambique Macomia 16 10 A barbaric attack by Islamists on highway travelers leaves sixteen dead.
2019.05.27 Lebanon Saadiyat 1 0 An innocent bystander is killed in an exchange of fire between two groups of terrorists.
2019.05.27 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 18 7 The Taliban murder eighteen local security personnel.
2019.05.27 Nigeria Jere 7 2 A group fighting for Sharia slaughters seven innocents at a displaced persons camp.
2019.05.27 Thailand Nong Chik 2 4 A 14-year-old boy is among two killed by Muslim bombers at a marketplace.
2019.05.27 India Babagund 1 0 A trader is shot to death by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2019.05.27 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 10 0 All ten off-duty security personnel riding in a vehicle are vaporized by a Taliban bomb blast.
2019.05.27 Afghanistan Sari Pul 4 22 A brutal attack by armed fundamentalists leaves four dead.
2019.05.26 Iraq Uwaynat 5 7 Five innocents are slain when Jihadist set off a bomb at a popular market.
2019.05.26 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 2 A woman is killed when religious extremists throw a bomb at a police car.
2019.05.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A pro-peace religious scholar is shot to death by radicals.
2019.05.26 Burkina Faso Toulfe 4 0 Gunmen fire into a church during service, killing four worshippers.
2019.05.26 Iran Eslamabad-e Gharb 1 0 Suspected members of a Sunni group, fire on police from their car, killing one.
2019.05.26 Syria Suqaylabiyah 5 12 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham send nearly forty rockets into a neighborhood, killing five residents.
2019.05.26 Bangladesh Dhaka 0 3 An Islamic State bomb blast produces three casualties.
2019.05.26 Nigeria Jos 7 12 'Local Muslims' murder seven innocents on their way home from church.
2019.05.26 Pakistan Boya 5 0 Five victims of terrorist execution are discovered.
2019.05.25 Chad N’Gounboua 5 11 A journalist is among five people laid out by a Boko Haram blast.
2019.05.25 Nigeria Borno 25 0 Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a convoy trying to evacuate civilians, massacring over two dozen.
2019.05.25 Philippines Jolo 2 0 Two children are shot full of holes by Abu Sayyaf.
2019.05.25 Iraq Hawijah 5 10 Islamic State members set a field on fire and then murder five Iraqis attempting to put it out.
2019.05.24 Nigeria Sabon Garin Kimba 5 2 At least five guards are murdered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.05.24 Pakistan Quetta 3 28 A bomb planted at a rival mosque leaves three dead.
2019.05.24 Philippines Malambuhangin 1 0 Islamic radicals are suspected in the assassination of a religious scholar in front of his family.
2019.05.24 Iraq Baiji 1 4 A woman is killed, and her family injured, when Jihadis send shrapnel through their car.
2019.05.24 Pakistan Sachal 1 0 A prayer leader is assassinated by rivals while exiting a mosque.
2019.05.24 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 Five farmers are intercepted and eliminated by the Islamic State.
2019.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 2 16 Two worshippers at a mosque are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals.
2019.05.24 France Lyon 0 13 A 10-year-old girl is among the casualties of a bomb blast outside a bakery.
2019.05.23 Pakistan Ambela 1 0 A teen is honor-killed by her brother for marrying by choice.
2019.05.23 DRC Nola 1 0 A nun is beheaded by Muslim militia.
2019.05.23 Afghanistan Charsada 1 0 A woman is killed during an attack by the Taliban.
2019.05.23 Iraq Qaim 2 0 A Sunni bomb blast rips through a parking lot at a car wash, taking two lives.
2019.05.23 Pakistan Barg 1 0 A prayer leader is kidnapped by rivals and then killed in captivity.
2019.05.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 9 0 Nine hostages are executed on video by ISIS West Africa.
2019.05.22 Iraq Shura 1 0 A terrorist bomb blast claims the life of a woman.
2019.05.22 CAR Ouham Pende 16 0 A second village is attacked by Muslim militia, with sixteen more killed.
2019.05.22 Iraq Allas 1 3 A guard at an oilfield is murdered by ISIS.
2019.05.22 India Mendhar 1 7 A bombing by Islamic 'separatists' leaves one dead.
2019.05.22 Burkina Faso Koury 2 0 Two truck drivers transporting floor tiles are attacked and killed by Jihadists.
2019.05.22 Somalia Mogadishu 9 13 Nine people are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2019.05.22 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two parents of ten children are eliminated by al-Shabaab.
2019.05.21 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 20 A child is among three Afghans disintegrated by Taliban bombers.
2019.05.21 Iraq Mosul 37 0 Thirty-seven victims of caliphate execution, mostly women, are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.05.21 CAR Pahoua 34 0 Muslim militia slaughter thirty-four villagers to avenge the death of one Muslim.
2019.05.21 Afghanistan Kapisa 4 0 Two women and a child are among a family of four sent to Allah by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.05.21 Syria Harasta 1 1 A 60-year-old man is reduced to parts by a terrorist landmine.
2019.05.21 Nigeria Gubio 3 6 Boko Haram gunmen attack a local army base, killing three occupants.
2019.05.20 Tajikistan Vahdat 8 0 Incarcerated ISIS inmates stab three guards and five prisoners to death.
2019.05.20 Iraq Tal Afar 4 3 Four farmers are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2019.05.20 Somalia Bakol 4 0 al-Shabaab stages a Shahid suicide attack on a local army base, killing four.
2019.05.19 Afghanistan Kabul 3 3 The Taliban murder three local cops at their post.
2019.05.19 Mali Koury 7 0 Four civilians are among seven mowed down by Jihadi gunmen.
2019.05.19 Syria Sahl 1 1 An IED claims a civilian near the former caliphate capital.
2019.05.19 Mali Timbuktu 1 3 One person is killed in a terror attack targeting UN peacekeepers.
2019.05.19 Nigeria Madu Musaha 2 12 Boko Haram open fire on refugees at a displaced persons camp, killing two.
2019.05.19 Afghanistan Washer 2 2 A roadside bomb claims two souls.
2019.05.19 Iraq Balad Ruz 7 26 Sunnis hit a bus carrying Shiites with a roadside bomb, claiming seven passengers.
2019.05.19 Egypt Giza 0 17 Religion of Peace activists hit a tourist bus with a bomb.
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2019.05.19 Pakistan Islampura 1 0 A conservative family honor-kills their daughter on suspicion of sexual behavior.
2019.05.19 France Villejuif 0 2 A man stabs two passersby while shouting praises to Allah.
2019.05.19 Mozambique Beira 1 0 A priest who ran an institute for the blind is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals.
2019.05.19 Nigeria Dankande 1 16 Muslim militants storm a church and kidnap a choir member who is killed in captivity.
2019.05.19 Nigeria Igabi 1 2 Militant Muslims muder a church member and kidnap two others.
2019.05.19 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A Christian is tortured to death by his Muslim employer.
2019.05.18 CAR Nola 1 0 A 77-year-old Catholic nun is beheaded by suspected Muslim militants.
2019.05.18 Afghanistan Oba 5 14 Five children are put down by a bomb planted by religious extremists at a market.
2019.05.18 Libya Zella 3 4 Islamic State militants kill three people at an oilfield and kidnap four more.
2019.05.17 Iraq Mekhas 1 0 A teacher is blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2019.05.17 Iraq Yousif Bag 1 0 An elderly resident makes easy pickings for ISIS members.
2019.05.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 8 11 A fundamentalist group ambushes a group of local police, killing eight.
2019.05.17 Syria Huwair al-Eis 1 2 A civilian is aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.05.16 Chad Ceilia 13 0 Thirteen villagers are slaughtered by Islamic militants.
2019.05.16 Nigeria Adamawa 14 0 Fourteen fishermen and farmers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2019.05.16 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 Radicals pour machine-gun fire into a security post, killing four.
2019.05.16 Syria al-Bab 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a civilian bystander.
2019.05.16 Afghanistan Shamulzayi 6 6 Taliban fundamentalists murder a half-dozen Afghan security personnel.
2019.05.15 Iraq Abbra 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a civilian, killing him on the spot.
2019.05.15 Syria Raqqa 1 4 Sunni shrapnel claims a civilian.
2019.05.15 Iraq Hawijah 4 0 Islamic State members stop a police vehicle with a bomb and then shoot the survivors.
2019.05.15 Iraq Rashad 2 0 Two traffic cops are picked off by ISIS gunmen.
2019.05.15 Niger Dolbel 0 1 A priest is shot three times in his church by Muslim militants.
2019.05.14 Mozambique Mangoma 2 0 Jihadists open fire on a funeral procession, bringing down two mourners
2019.05.14 Afghanistan Duleena 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a shopkeeper to death.
2019.05.14 Niger Tonga Tonga 28 0 Twenty-eight border guards are picked off by Ansar al-Islam gunmen.
2019.05.14 Afghanistan Shamulzay 5 0 A Taliban attack leaves five dead.
2019.05.14 Syria Shirkak 1 1 A civilian is leveled by an ISIS IED.
2019.05.14 Syria Nayrab 10 0 Four children are among ten killed when terrorists lob missiles into a refugee camp.
2019.05.14 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 A suicide car bomber goes off, taking down four bystanders.
2019.05.14 Turkey Imbros 1 0 An 86-year-old man is tortured to death in a suspected anti-Christian hate crime.
2019.05.13 Iraq Bartella 2 0 A Christian mother and daughter are stabbed to death in their home by Shiite radicals.
2019.05.13 Nigeria Damboa 3 4 A Boko Haram blast ends three lives.
2019.05.13 Afghanistan Korpeto 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by suspected radicals.
2019.05.13 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 4 0 Four innocents are killed during an attack on a Catholic religious procession.
2019.05.13 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 5 A civilian is dismantled by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.05.13 Pakistan Quetta 4 6 Tehrik-e Taliban rig a motorcycle with a bomb that claims four passersby.
2019.05.13 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 ISIS militants murder a father and son.
2019.05.13 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 20 Religious extremists set off three bombs that kill three people.
2019.05.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Turkish engineer is murdered by al-Shabaab bombers.
2019.05.12 Burkina Faso Dablo 6 0 A large group of extremists attack a church during a service, killing six, including the pastor.
2019.05.12 Syria Suqaylabiyah 6 8 A Sunni group sends a barrage of shells into a Christian neighborhood, killing five children and a woman.
2019.05.12 Afghanistan Dushi 1 1 An Afghan security official is murdered by the Taliban.
2019.05.11 Afghanistan Kama 1 0 A fundamentalist group murders a local official.
2019.05.11 Pakistan Khaipur Tamiwali 4 3 The brother of a young woman who married against the family's wishes fires into their home, killing four.
2019.05.11 Nigeria Moranti 4 1 Four people are left dead following a Boko Haram raid in the middle of the night.
2019.05.11 Afghanistan Muqer 8 2 Eight children are pulled into pieces by shrapnel from a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A child is disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2019.05.11 Pakistan Gwadar 5 6 Three Majeed Brigade gunmen stage a suicide attack on a luxury hotel, killing four civilians and a guard.
2019.05.11 Mozambique Mangoma 2 1 Islamists behead two civilians and torture a third.
2019.05.11 Syria Sakka 1 2 Terrorist explosives claim the life of a child.
2019.05.10 Mozambique Pemba 2 0 Jihadists pull two civilians off a bus and kill them in cold blood.
2019.05.10 Nigeria Gajiganna 11 4 An al-Qaeda linked group fires into a village, killing eleven.
2019.05.10 Syria Bahdaliya 1 2 A civilian expires from injuries following a Jihadi roadside blast.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Murghab 15 5 The Taliban overrun two guard posts and massacre fifteen Afghans.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Nawa Maish 5 4 Five civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.10 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 4 5 Four children exterminated by a Taliban IED.
2019.05.10 Mali Bandiagara 4 2 Four civilians are shot to death by suspected Jihadists.
2019.05.10 Iraq Iraq 2 0 Suspected ISIS on motorbikes gun down two civilians.
2019.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 8 15 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, taking eight 'infidels' with him.
2019.05.09 Libya Ghadduwah 2 1 ISIS gunmen kill two people and kidnap a third.
2019.05.09 Iraq Kawar 8 0 Islamic militants slaughter a husband, wife and their six children in their home.
2019.05.09 Iraq Shirqat 1 1 Suspected ISIS shoot a man outside a grain silo.
2019.05.08 Kenya Wajir 1 0 An Islamist group ambushes and kills a border guard.
2019.05.08 Afghanistan Laywanay Bazaar 3 2 Hardline fundamentalists ambush and kill three local cops.
2019.05.08 Pakistan Lahore 13 24 A suicide bomber detonates amid a crowd of pilgrims at a Sufi shrine, killing thirteen.
2019.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 9 24 Fedayeen stage a suicide attack on an American charity office, killing nine.
2019.05.08 Syria Farat 2 4 A suicide car bomber takes out two civilian bystanders.
2019.05.08 Syria Manbij 3 0 Sunni shrapnel cuts down three civilians.
2019.05.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A shepherd is put down by an ISIS bomb blast.
2019.05.08 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 5 0 Five family members are brutally shot to death in their home by the Islamic State.
2019.05.07 Iraq Mazarei 3 5 Three people are killed when Islamic State gunmen attack a family home.
2019.05.07 Afghanistan Alingar 4 4 Fundamentalists plant a bomb on a police vehicle that kills four passengers.
2019.05.07 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 1 0 Terrorists fire into a toll booth, killing the operator.
2019.05.07 Burkina Faso Sahel Reserve 2 0 Jihadists open fire on French troops during an attempt to free hostages, killing two.
2019.05.07 Nigeria Molai 11 12 Boko Haram tear into a village and slaughter eleven people.
2019.05.07 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A Copt is targeted and murdered over his faith.
2019.05.06 Afghanistan Gulistan 20 2 The Taliban storm a checkpoint and massacre twenty local soldiers.
2019.05.06 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahaudin 8 0 Eight Afghans are murdered by the Taliban.
2019.05.06 Iraq Debis 3 2 An ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2019.05.06 Pakistan North Waziristan 4 10 Two separate shooting attacks by Islamists on local security leave four dead.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashkelon 1 2 Hamas sends a rocket into an Israeli factory, killing a 49-year-old man.
2019.05.05 Israel Gaza 2 0 A pregnant woman and her infant are taken apart by an Hamas rocket.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashkelon 1 0 A 58-year-old man is killed outside his home by an Hamas rocket.
2019.05.05 Israel Yad Mordechai 1 0 A vehicle is hit with an Hamas rocket, killing the 68-year-old driver.
2019.05.05 Afghanistan Puli Khumri 20 55 A suicide bomber plows into a police station, sending twenty strangers to Allah.
2019.05.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A bomb left on a minibus kills one person when it goes off.
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2019.05.05 Pakistan Mamond 1 0 A polio worker is shot to death by suspected radicals.
2019.05.05 Israel Ashdod 1 0 A young father and rabbi is brought down by Hamas shrapnel.
2019.05.05 Mozambique Meluco 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2019.05.05 Afghanistan Chah-e-Kohsani 3 2 Three children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban landmine.
2019.05.04 India Anantnag 1 0 The 65-year-old local leader of a Hindu party is assassinated outside his home.
2019.05.04 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a man outside an orange grove.
2019.05.04 Iraq Mukhisa 1 2 A family is split apart by Mujahid bombers.
2019.05.04 Syria Yadoudah 2 0 Two civilians succumb to Sunni bullet wounds.
2019.05.04 Libya Sebha 9 0 ISIS attack a training camp, slitting the throats or shooting nine members.
2019.05.03 Afghanistan Qadis 7 3 A fundamentalist group fires automatic weapons into a police checkpoint, killing seven.
2019.05.03 Nigeria Magumeri 15 9 A surprise Boko Haram attack leaves fifteen others dead.
2019.05.03 Mozambique Macomia 4 0 Islamic radicals murder a teacher and burn three others.
2019.05.03 Yemen al-Qatn 6 6 Children are among six civilians put down by al-Qaeda bombers.
2019.05.03 Benin Pendjari 1 2 Muslim extremists are suspected of kidnapping two French tourists after killing their guide.
2019.05.02 DRC Tshabi 6 0 Six people are killed during an attack by ADF Islamists.
2019.05.02 Nigeria Baga 3 8 Boko Haram attack a local security patrol and kill three members.
2019.05.02 Nigeria Dong 1 0 A 26-year-old Catholic youth leader is murdered by militant Muslims.
2019.05.02 Afghanistan Qaisar 6 9 Elders and children are among family members massacred in their own home by the Taliban.
2019.05.01 DRC Ituri 1 2 ADF Islamists kill a guard and abduct two doctors.
2019.05.01 Afghanistan Lash Wa Juwayn 4 2 Islamic extremists storm a police checkpoint and murder four officers.
2019.05.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist police officer is shredded by Muslim shrapnel.
2019.05.01 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 7 Three border guards are murdered by armed fundamentalists.
2019.05.01 Israel Ramat Hasharon 0 1 A 43-year-old man is stabbed by a Palestinian shouting praises to Allah.
2019.05.01 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 1 1 Myetti Allah sympathists gun down a man on his way home.
2019.04.30 Pakistan Raiwind 1 0 A young woman is honor-strangled by her brother for marrying without the family's approval.
2019.04.30 Pakistan Paroa 1 0 Militants shoot a journalist to death.
2019.04.30 Nigeria Duwabayi 14 0 Religious extremists cut fourteen loggers to shreds with machine-guns.
2019.04.30 Iraq Ali Rash 1 0 A man captured while hunting mushrooms is executed by the Islamic State.
2019.04.29 Iraq Tal Afar 1 2 ISIS bombers take out a farmer.
2019.04.29 Iraq Sada 34 0 A grave of thirty-four victims of ISIS execution contains mostly women.
2019.04.29 Syria Sukhnah 8 0 Eight captives are executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2019.04.29 Nigeria Kuda-Kaya 25 0 Boko Haram go door-to-door, slaughtering over two dozen villagers.
2019.04.28 Iraq Qayara 1 0 Mujahideen gun down a civilian outside his home.
2019.04.28 Afghanistan Ghor 8 5 Eight Afghans are cut to shreds by Taliban gunmen.
2019.04.28 Yemen Mashrafa 5 0 A mother and four children are neatly disassembled by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2019.04.28 Burkina Faso Silgadji 6 0 Extremists attack a church and murder six, including the pastor and his two sons after they refuse to embrace Islam.
2019.04.28 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 Terrorists take out a tribal elder with a roadside bomb.
2019.04.27 Yemen Qataba 7 0 Two women are among seven innocents leveled by Ansar Allah shelling.
2019.04.27 Cameroon Kofia 4 4 Boko Haram invade a fishing village on a small island and murder four locals.
2019.04.27 Pakistan Raghzai 3 2 Religious radicals blast a checkpoint with shrapnel, killing three.
2019.04.27 Syria Aleppo 2 1 A Sunni group send a shell into a neighborhood, killing two residents.
2019.04.27 Syria Kafr Karmin 2 3 Terrorists kill two civilians with an IED.
2019.04.27 Iraq Baiji 1 2 The Islamic State bomb a garbage truck, killing the driver.
2019.04.27 Iran Hamadan 1 0 A Shiite cleric is shot to death outside his school in a targeted attack.
2019.04.27 Iraq Mukhaiseh 1 1 ISIS members open fire on civilians, killing one.
2019.04.27 Nigeria Nzehrivoh 2 0 Two Christians are ambushed and killed in a targeted attack by Fulani mercenaries.
2019.04.26 Burkina Faso Maitaougou 6 0 Jihadists attack a school and murder five teachers and a city worker.
2019.04.26 Tunisia Mount Chambi 1 3 al-Qaeda linked militants attack a security patrol with a landmine, killing one member.
2019.04.26 Sri Lanka Sammanthurai 6 0 Six children are also killed when Islamic militants blow themselves up during a police raid.
2019.04.26 Nigeria Mararrabar Kimba 5 30 At least five others are killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2019.04.25 Iraq Garn 2 0 ISIS members fire on civilians from a passing car, killing two.
2019.04.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 36-year-old rubber tapper is shot in the head by Muslim terrorists.
2019.04.25 Thailand Saiburi 1 1 Muslim militants fire on an off-duty soldier riding with his wife, killing him and injuring her.
2019.04.25 Thailand Yarang 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot at an ice cream vendor, killing him and injuring a woman.
2019.04.25 Pakistan Sultan Zai 1 1 A female polio worker is gunned down on the job.
2019.04.25 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A captive is beheaded in the name of Allah on video.
2019.04.24 Pakistan Buner 1 0 Gunmen fire on a polio team working to vaccinate children, killing a guard.
2019.04.24 Iraq Yathrib 3 4 An Islamic State attack leaves three dead.
2019.04.24 Afghanistan Roea Du Ab 4 3 Four security personnel lose their lives to a brutal attack by religious radicals.
2019.04.24 Syria Damascus 1 5 Terrorists kill a civilian by placing a bomb in his car.
2019.04.24 Syria Jisr al Shughur 18 40 A reported car bomb by Shiite militia lays out eighteen civilians.
2019.04.24 Afghanistan Anardara 9 0 Nine members of a police convoy are slaughtered by the Taliban.
2019.04.23 Somalia Baidoa 6 5 An African Union Mission convoy is bombed by al-Shabaab, losing six members.
2019.04.23 Pakistan Domal 1 2 A guard for a polio unit is shot to death and two workers are stabbed.
2019.04.23 Burkina Faso Liki 4 0 Jihadists stop a bus and execute four passengers.
2019.04.22 Iraq Qadisiya 2 0 Two men are executed in their home by ISIS members.
2019.04.21 Mali Guire 12 6 al-Qaeda-linked militants attack a local army base, killing a dozen soldiers.
2019.04.21 Sri Lanka Columbo 253 800 Religious extremists stage at eight suicide bomb attacks on churches and hotels on Easter morning, slaughtering over two-hundred and fifty.
2019.04.21 Sri Lanka Dematagoda 3 0 A bomb blast at an Islamic hideout kills five, including two children.
2019.04.21 Sri Lanka Dehiwala 2 0 A suicide bomber who failed to blow up a breakfast buffet, goes off at a small hotel, killing an elderly couple.
2019.04.21 Nigeria Gombe 10 0 Ten boys are killed during a Muslim attack on an Easter procession.
2019.04.20 Italy Rome 0 1 A man wearing a crucifix is stabbed in the throat by a Muslim migrant who acted out of "religious hate."
2019.04.20 Syria Karama 1 2 Terrorists take out a civilian with an IED.
2019.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 10 8 Religious radicals stage a suicide assault on a government IT building, killing ten innocents.
2019.04.20 Mali Douentza 1 4 Jihadis attack a UN convoy, killing a peacekeeper.
2019.04.20 Iraq Qayyarah 2 3 Two Iraqis are brought down by Jihadi shrapnel.
2019.04.19 Cameroon Tchakarmari 11 5 Children and women are among eleven innocents slain by Islamists.
2019.04.19 Afghanistan Herat 3 2 A Taliban car bomb sends three Afghans to Allah.
2019.04.19 Afghanistan Shirin Tagab 1 0 Fundamentalists plant a landmine that kills a civilian.
2019.04.19 Afghanistan Awsan Saqal 2 0 A man and woman are shot to death by the Taliban.
2019.04.19 Nigeria Katsina 11 0 A suspected Muslim attack on villagers returning from a church service leaves eleven dead.
2019.04.17 Somalia Wadajir 5 0 Suspected al-Shabaab enter a family home and machine-gun five members.
2019.04.17 Iraq Mukhisa 1 0 A civilian is aerated by ISIS shrapnel.
2019.04.17 Iraq Karbala 2 0 Sectarian militia shoot two rivals to death in their car.
2019.04.17 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 Islamists set off a car bomb outside a restaurant that claims four souls.
2019.04.16 Pakistan Hazrat Mian 1 0 Extremists open fire during a disagreement at a mosque, killing a 70-year-old.
2019.04.16 DRC Kamango 8 5 ISIS claims an attack in which eight people were killed.
2019.04.16 Thailand Kapho 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 59-year-old man riding a motorcycle.
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2019.04.16 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 5 0 Five accused homosexuals are beheaded by the regime.
2019.04.15 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 A Taliban in police uniform shoots four cops in the back.
2019.04.15 Afghanistan Shirzad 4 7 The Taliban fire a mortar round into a house, killing four family members, including two women.
2019.04.14 Chad Bohama 7 15 An overnight Boko Haram attack leaves seven dead.
2019.04.14 Nigeria Numa 17 8 A pregnant woman and three children are among seventeen massacred by Fulani terrorists at a church baby dedication.
2019.04.13 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 50 A sustained assault by armed fundamentalists on a small town leaves six dead.
2019.04.13 Iraq Diyala 7 0 At least seven captives are executed by the Islamic State.
2019.04.13 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 8 9 A fundamentalist group storms a security checkpoint and kills eight Afghans.
2019.04.13 Syria Shaafa 2 0 Two civilians are leveled by a suspected ISIS IED.
2019.04.12 Afghanistan Ghor 7 0 All seven passengers in a car are slaughtered by the Taliban.
2019.04.12 Kenya Mandera 1 2 Islamists kidnap two doctors after murdering their guard.
2019.04.12 Pakistan Quetta 24 48 A bomb targeting Hazera minorities at a vegetable market leaves two dozen dead.
2019.04.11 Syria Khan Arnabeh 3 1 Islamic terrorists kill three civilians with an IED.
2019.04.11 Iraq Sadr City 3 0 Terrorists open fire from a car, bringing down three people outside a market.
2019.04.11 Iraq Mullah Abdullah 2 1 Two civilians are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2019.04.11 Nigeria Monguno 2 1 Two female suicide bombers kill two bystanders.
2019.04.10 Iraq al-Hadd 1 0 Terrorists leave a bomb outside an orange grove, killing a farmer.
2019.04.10 Nigeria Lake Chad 5 0 An ISIS-linked group claims five local soldiers were killed in a car bombing.
2019.04.10 Iraq Kawaz Arabs 1 5 A child is put down by Islamic bombers.
2019.04.10 Niger Diffa 2 4 At least two others are killed during a sustained suicide attack by Boko Haram.
2019.04.10 Egypt Arish 4 4 Four police are killed in two separate bombings by religious radicals.
2019.04.10 Philippines Sumisip 3 0 Abu Sayyaf shoot three men off their motorcycles.
2019.04.10 Bangladesh Feni 1 0 The head of an Islamic school orders a female student burned alive for reporting him for sexual harassment.
2019.04.10 Israel Lod 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her conservative Muslim family for living with a man.
2019.04.09 Syria Idlib 3 0 Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a local checkpoint, killing three members.
2019.04.09 Niger Tam 1 2 A village chief is brutally murdered by Sharia proponents.
2019.04.09 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 7 26 A 6-year-old is among seven locals dispatched by a teen suicide bomber.
2019.04.09 India Kishtwar 2 0 A prominent Hindu leader and his guard are assassinated by Muslim radicals.
2019.04.09 Syria Raqqa 8 9 At least four civilians are among eight blown apart by a double bombing, one a suicide blast.
2019.04.09 Libya Fuqaha 3 1 Three civilians are murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.04.09 Afghanistan Kunar 1 2 Taliban roadside bombers pick off a civilian.
2019.04.08 Iraq Shirqat 2 0 An 11-year-old child is among two people put down by an ISIS round.
2019.04.08 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A Taekwondo representative is sent to the mat by Jihadi gunmen.
2019.04.08 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 5 Suspected Taliban bombers send two locals to Allah.
2019.04.08 Pakistan Ghazi Baig 1 0 A polio worker is gunned down by suspected fundamentalists.
2019.04.07 Syria Abu al-Hasan 3 1 ISIS shrapnel aerates a car, along with three occupants.
2019.04.07 Egypt Cairo 2 2 Armed extremists open fire on a police van, killing one officer and the driver.
2019.04.07 Cameroon Sagme 3 4 Boko Haram cross the border and kill three members of a local security patrol.
2019.04.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 20 A child and two women are exterminated by radical bombers.
2019.04.07 Nigeria Muna Dalti 3 45 Two female suicide bombers take out three innocents in a crowd.
2019.04.07 Syria Masyaf 5 16 Jihadists fire rockets into a city, killing five residents.
2019.04.07 Yemen Hodeidah 7 16 An Ansar Allah attack leaves seven dead.
2019.04.06 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 7 7 Seven police are killed in two vicious attacks by the Taliban.
2019.04.06 India Sopore 1 0 An off-duty soldier on leave is shot point-blank by Muslim 'separatists'.
2019.04.06 Nigeria Anambra 6 30 Fulani terrorists attacks a farming community and kill six farmers, some by beheading.
2019.04.05 Syria Ayyash 3 0 Sunni militants eliminate three civilians with an IED.
2019.04.05 Pakistan Khairpur 2 0 A husband and wife are honor-killed by her family for marrying by choice.
2019.04.05 Thailand Yala 2 0 Runda Kumpulan Kecil Islamists shoot two border guards in the head as they are praying at a mosque.
2019.04.05 Philippines Simusa 2 0 Abu Sayyaf shoots a hostage, while another drowns trying to escape.
2019.04.05 Burkina Faso Dori 4 0 Musim extremists enter a church service and murder four worshippers.
2019.04.04 Iraq Naqib 2 0 A farmer and his son are aerated by Mujahid shrapnel.
2019.04.04 Somalia Marka 2 0 Two traders are captured and executed in cold blood by al-Shabaab.
2019.04.04 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 30 20 At least 30 Afghan security personnel are killed in a massive Taliban assault.
2019.04.04 Iraq Daquq 5 1 Islamic State gunmen open fire on local police, killing five.
2019.04.04 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 1 23 One civilian is left dead after a bombing outside a hospital.
2019.04.04 Iraq Rutba 3 1 Three civilians collecting truffles are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace car bombers.
2019.04.03 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 0 18 Bangsamoro Islamists are thought to be behind a restaurant bombing.
2019.04.03 Iraq Dujail 1 1 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a home, killing a man and injuring his wife.
2019.04.03 Somalia Jilib 1 0 A fisherman is picked off from shore by Islamist snipers.
2019.04.03 Pakistan Khairpur 2 0 A married man and his younger paramour are tortured and killed over adultery.
2019.04.03 Burkina Faso Arbinda 32 0 Thirty-two villagers are reportedly killed by terrorists in two attacks.
2019.04.03 Iraq Wajiya 1 0 A man is killed in his own home by militant gunmen.
2019.04.02 Yemen Hadramout 2 3 al-Qaeda is suspected of a bombing that kills two members of a security patrol.
2019.04.02 Yemen Seiyun 4 2 A group of religious radicals bomb and shoot a passing security patrol, killing four.
2019.04.02 Yemen Taiz 2 0 Two are killed when suspected Ansar Allah raid a police headquarters.
2019.04.02 Mali Gourma 1 0 A doctor is vaporized by a Jihadist IED.
2019.04.01 Nigeria Baga 5 0 Three civilians and two captured soldiers are forced to their knees and shot in the head by Boko Haram.
2019.04.01 Syria Baroud 1 0 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death.
2019.04.01 Afghanistan Sholgara 8 5 A vicious Taliban on a check post leaves eight local police dead.
2019.03.31 Somalia Kamsuma 4 0 Four civilians are stood up and mowed down by an al-Shabaab firing squad.
2019.03.31 Afghanistan Balkh-Jawzjan 1 2 Religious extremists attack a governor's convoy, killing a member.
2019.03.31 India Baramulla 1 0 A chemist is murdered in his shop by suspected Mujahideen.
2019.03.31 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 2 Terrorists kill a civilian and injure a father and daughter.
2019.03.30 Burkina Faso Yendere 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Jihadists.
2019.03.30 Iraq Yathrib 2 1 An ISIS attack leaves two dead.
2019.03.30 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 2 0 Two fishermen are shot to death by the Islamic State.
2019.03.30 Afghanistan Andar 4 17 A 'projectile' hits a school during a Taliban attack, killing four young students.
2019.03.30 Thailand Songkhla 2 0 A latex trader and clerk are shot to death in their truck by Muslim militants.
2019.03.30 Somalia Dharkenley 1 0 Islamists fit a bomb onto a civilian car, sending the driver into the hereafter.
2019.03.29 Pakistan Boya 1 1 A civilian is sectionalized by a terrorist landmine.
2019.03.29 Afghanistan Siory 9 6 Nine local police lose their lives when armed religious extremists attack their checkpoint.
2019.03.28 Afghanistan Shinkay 5 0 Five local cops are massacred by the Taliban.
2019.03.28 Afghanistan Laghman 2 0 A child is among two killed when fundamentalists manage to hit their house with a mortar.
2019.03.28 Nigeria Gatamarwa 1 0 One resident is killed when Islamic extremists burn down a village.
2019.03.28 Burkina Faso Barani 4 0 Suspected Jihadists kill four policemen and burn their vehicle.
2019.03.28 Somalia Mogadishu 15 17 Over a dozen patrons are cut down in mid-bite by a car bombing outside a restaurant.
2019.03.27 India Jamia Masjid 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim militants.
2019.03.27 Nigeria Miringa 2 0 A motorist is among two people killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2019.03.27 Syria Tell Jabin 9 3 An ISIS booby-trap claims nine civilians.
2019.03.27 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 2 4 A woman is among two killed when terrorists open fire on a group from the education department.
2019.03.26 Somalia Hodan 1 1 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a bomb under a luxury car, killing the driver.
2019.03.26 Niger N'Guigmi 10 8 Two female suicide bombers coordinate with gunmen to massacre ten villagers.
2019.03.26 Afghanistan Shireen Tagab 1 6 Terrorists sent a mortar round into a home, killing a woman.
2019.03.25 Libya Ghadwa 1 3 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.03.25 Israel Mishmeret 0 7 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.
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2019.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.
2019.03.25 Syria Manbij 7 0 Seven guards are killed by ISIS at the entrance to a city.
2019.03.25 Nigeria Nasarawa 1 0 A priest who spoke out against Muslim attacks on Christians is kidnapped and murdered.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 7 A bomb outside a clinic sends shrapnel into women and children.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Chichawatni 1 0 A man honor-strangles his 20-year-old sister for 'having relations'.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A woman is chopped up with an axe for marrying without her family's permission.
2019.03.24 Syria Sheikh al-Nasser 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims two civilians.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Sangin 65 38 Armed fundamentalists overrun two local security bases and murder dozens.
2019.03.23 Niger Diffa 7 2 Boko Haram burn down three villages, kill seven and abduct two women.
2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer's Day ceremony kill four.
2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing about a dozen.
2019.03.23 Nigeria Mante 1 2 Muslim militants attack three Christian teen sisters, raping and killing the oldest.
2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
2019.03.22 Sudan Nyala 1 2 Arab militia shoot local man to death.
2019.03.22 Kenya Elwak 5 0 al-Shabaab stage a cross-border ambush that kills five Kenyan border guards.
2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A cleric and two guards are shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people 'on the scene' are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for 'anti-Islam' remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a check post, eliminating six local cops.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
2019.03.20 Netherlands Amsterdam 0 2 A Jewish father and son are stabbed by a radicalized Muslim.
2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Michika 4 0 At least five people, including a girl, are slaughtered by Jihadists during a raid on a bank.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Gwoza 8 7 Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
2019.03.18 India Reshipora 1 0 A 25-year-old laborer is taken down by Mujahid gunmen.
2019.03.18 Netherlands Utrecht 4 2 A 'strict Muslim' with Jihadi ties opens fire on strangers riding a tram, killing four, including a woman.
2019.03.17 Burkina Faso Djibo 3 1 A priest is kidnapped and three security personnel are killed by militant Islamists.
2019.03.17 Israel Ariel Junction 2 1 A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2019.03.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 10 A child is disassembled by a bomb left outside a shrine.
2019.03.17 DRC Kalau 6 0 Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2019.03.17 Syria Qabasin 1 0 A bomb left by ISIS kills a civilian.
2019.03.17 Mali Dioura 23 0 At least twenty-three are killed when Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin attack a local army base.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 22 20 Twenty-two Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks on checkpoints.
2019.03.16 India Shopian 1 0 A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
2019.03.16 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 4 Militant Sunnis send missiles into a neighborhood, killing a resident.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Four people are liquidated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Syria Sawanah 4 0 Four civilians are shot dead by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.03.16 Burkina Faso Kompienga 2 0 Two are killed by Jihadist shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 4 3 Four local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.03.16 Nigeria Nandu Gbok 10 0 Ten Christian villagers are massacred by Muslim militants.
2019.03.15 Syria Baghouz 6 0 Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
2019.03.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.
2019.03.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 13 0 Thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
2019.03.14 Cameroon Sandawadjiri 3 0 Three villagers are murdered in the middle of the night by Boko Haram.
2019.03.14 Afghanistan Sawki 1 13 Suspected Taliban clear out a bazaar with a deadly bomb blast.
2019.03.14 India Gulzarpora 1 0 A civilian is abducted and killed by Islamic militants.
2019.03.14 Niger Toumour 4 0 A Jihadist car bombing claims at least four lives.
2019.03.14 Nigeria Ngurhlavu 1 0 Muslim militants burn down a church and kill one villager.
2019.03.13 Pakistan Dhok Soba 2 0 Two Ahmadi doctors are abducted and killed by suspected Sunni extremists.
2019.03.13 Iraq Qara Tapa 1 6 Women and children are among the casualties of an ISIS rocket attack.
2019.03.13 Iraq Rutba 1 0 A man collecting truffles is captured and executed by the Islamic State.