Demokratene går på en kjempesmell
Kunne ikke sagt det bedre selv ;
McCarthy went on to say, “What’s wrong here is it's going to destroy this country. It’s going to break the fabric of who we are. They are discrediting democracy. They are not impeaching the president. They want to remove somebody from office who is duly elected because they disagree with it.”
Schniff er ferdig NB husk at a den gamle /jaba vil kaste seg over denne tråden med sin fake news manipulistiske klassekamp svada
McCarthy went on to say, “What’s wrong here is it's going to destroy this country. It’s going to break the fabric of who we are. They are discrediting democracy. They are not impeaching the president. They want to remove somebody from office who is duly elected because they disagree with it.”
Schniff er ferdig NB husk at a den gamle /jaba vil kaste seg over denne tråden med sin fake news manipulistiske klassekamp svada
12.10.2019 kl 10:49
"This is the witch hunt," "They've been trying to stop us for three years with a lot of crap."
"This is the witch hunt," "They've been trying to stop us for three years with a lot of crap."
12.10.2019 kl 20:46
Denne videoen forklarer hele saken med objektive fakta . Ja, den er lang , og ja det er komplisert, men de som ønsker fakta tar seg tid til å se den . Skulle nesten ønske at a den gamle/jabba ( som er samme person, men..dessverre evner ikke å se videoen) og andre antikapitalistenes/DT hatere , hadde tatt seg tid , men er du marxist -leninist så er du det, og da sitter du i mørket med skylapper på ., og forsvarer de gjennomkorrupte oligarkene og dessverre en del demokrater ..., som er krampaktig desperate. De har malt seg inne, og har tapt valget. Se videoen og gjør dere opp deres egen mening om den illojale deep state member og tidligere sparkede USA ambassadøren til Ukraina
Trump said three times Fri-Sat that Schiff did his rendition of Trump's call only because he thought Trump wouldn't release a transcript.
Schiff made his comments after Trump released the document. Trump's whole initial complaint was that Schiff was misrepresenting the document.
In other words: Trump complained repeatedly that Schiff had access to a great transcript at the time of his comments but chose to misrepresent it...then, in the last three days, began telling a story about how he outsmarted Schiff by releasing a transcript after the comments.
Gjør han dette med vilje eller er han så senil at han ikke husker den kronologiske rekkefølgen av begivenhetene?
Schiff made his comments after Trump released the document. Trump's whole initial complaint was that Schiff was misrepresenting the document.
In other words: Trump complained repeatedly that Schiff had access to a great transcript at the time of his comments but chose to misrepresent it...then, in the last three days, began telling a story about how he outsmarted Schiff by releasing a transcript after the comments.
Gjør han dette med vilje eller er han så senil at han ikke husker den kronologiske rekkefølgen av begivenhetene?
Husk at han ikke snakker til normalt oppegående mennesker når han snakker slik. Jeg er usikker på om det er bevisst pleie av flokken av kokte neper som ligger langflate for ham eller om han selv er i ferd med å miste det helt.
Kan være en miks.
Så har det dukket opp nye spørsmål knyttet til hans bruk av "medisiner". Enkelte som har jobbet med ham før, sier at han aldri er nykter. Det ageres på tur opp eller tur ned. Hold atomkofferten langt unna den mannen.
Kan være en miks.
Så har det dukket opp nye spørsmål knyttet til hans bruk av "medisiner". Enkelte som har jobbet med ham før, sier at han aldri er nykter. Det ageres på tur opp eller tur ned. Hold atomkofferten langt unna den mannen.
Schiff går på en kjempesmell
Zeldin said Schiff, the California Democrat who has become the public face of the inquiry, is running a “kind of flying by the seat of your pants type process.
Zeldin said Schiff, the California Democrat who has become the public face of the inquiry, is running a “kind of flying by the seat of your pants type process.
29.10.2019 kl 10:32
Demokratene furter videre. Pelosi furter over å ikke bli forhåndsinformert , og det sier da selveste "miss lekkasje". Biden presterer å uttale at DT har ingen ære over denne fantastiske operasjonen. DT redder igjen verden/verdensfreden med å jakte ned hunden Abu B. DT: "whimpering and crying and screaming all the way" Ingen tommelfingertvinnere/vestlige ledere kunne sagt det bedre. DT har fredsprisen i lommen.
29.10.2019 kl 10:40
Denne artikkelen beskriver demokratenes desperate kamp mot helten DT. En patetisk dobbelmoral.
"Al-Baghdadi takedown catches Dems flat-footed, blunts criticism of Trump's Syria pullback"
"We got one bada-- president to make this kind of decision, and his statement this morning was awesome. It was awesome."
Demokratene bør skamme seg !
"Al-Baghdadi takedown catches Dems flat-footed, blunts criticism of Trump's Syria pullback"
"We got one bada-- president to make this kind of decision, and his statement this morning was awesome. It was awesome."
Demokratene bør skamme seg !
29.10.2019 kl 10:55
Siste fluse fra demokratene; De fikk politisjefen i Chicago til å gjemme seg , da DT kunngjorde ny kamp mot kriminalitet i Chicago.
Trump signs executive order to address Chicago crime
City's top cop skips speech; reaction from former officer Anthony Napolitano
De begynner å bli passelig desperate, og har malt seg inne både her og der.
Hvis handelsavtalen emd Kina, fase 1 , faller på plass er demokratene utradert
Trump signs executive order to address Chicago crime
City's top cop skips speech; reaction from former officer Anthony Napolitano
De begynner å bli passelig desperate, og har malt seg inne både her og der.
Hvis handelsavtalen emd Kina, fase 1 , faller på plass er demokratene utradert
29.10.2019 kl 17:24
Her er en god og saklig vurdering av demokratenes manglende troverdighet. Hvor langt skal de synke?
Rep. Jim Banks: Trump was right on al-Baghdadi move – Dems could not be trusted with info about secret mission
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi dead in US special operations forces raid
Retired Lt. Col. Daniel Davis says Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was one of the most heinous and barbaric individuals on the planet.
We learned Sunday that the Trump administration cut off the head of the serpent that is ISIS. In great detail, President Trump described the successful operation that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Picture the frowning Democrats, sitting in front of their televisions on Sunday morning, realizing that Donald Trump just threw a bucket of paint on the portrait of a Don Quixote in the Oval Office making foreign policy decisions in the Middle East willy-nilly.
You see, the president ordered White House aides not to inform congressional Democrat leadership of the operation, accurately explaining “Washington is a leaking machine.” He did, however, brief some members of Congress like Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr.
As a frustrated House Republican who cares very much about our national security, I think President Trump made the right call.
Would someone like Rep. Adam Schiff have jeopardized the viability of the mission to hurt Donald Trump? It’s not hard to imagine a scenario in which, yes, Schiff and his allies would have leaked classified information to their friends in the media and railroaded this operation.
After all, these are the same Congressional Democrats who have decided to halt all productivity in the House of Representatives to impeach an innocent president ahead of the 2020 election. It’s not hard to imagine they would jeopardize the mission to kill al-Baghdadi out of partisan vindication.
Watching the resistance’s reaction to al-Baghdadi’s death further vindicates the president’s decision. At every turn, enemies of Donald Trump tried manipulate the story to take shots at the president.
Remember, they tell us each and every day that the biggest national security risk to this nation resides in the White House. By their own logic, why wouldn’t they do all that they can to remove him? Even if it meant letting one ‘austere religious scholar’ live another day.
More from Opinion
James Carafano: Al-Baghdadi is dead –Trump was proven right on this one. So now what?
Newt Gingrich: China-Russia military alliance would have incredible impact on US
Liz Peek: Trump reveals Al-Baghdadi's death -- Terror fight's big win still can't get liberal media's approval
There's even more evidence President Trump made the right call. Previous attempts to get al-Baghdadi have been foiled by leaks. In 2017, Gen. Tony Thomas explained how a leak to the New York Times foiled good intelligence that could have led to al-Baghdadi’s kill or capture.
How disturbing is it that our military and intelligence officials are too afraid to brief congressional Democrats on important intelligence matters because of fears the classified subject matter will be leaked and politicized.
Watching the resistance’s reaction to al-Baghdadi’s death further vindicates the president’s decision. At every turn, enemies of Donald Trump tried manipulate the story to take shots at the president.
Obama’s photographer suggested the photo taken in the situation room during the raid was ‘staged.’ The New York Times angrily scribbled that “Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid on Saturday occurred largely in spite of, and not because of, Mr. Trump’s actions.” The Washington Post eulogized al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar."
In another era, every citizen across the nation would have taken to the streets Sunday in celebration. But, as has become custom since November 2016, petty partisan resistance-types found a way to politicize the operation’s success.
This moment should remind us what is important to the people we serve, should remind us that when our troops go into harm’s way to protect us—they are Americans, not Republicans or Democrats. Democrat leaders should remember that fact and quit the partisan charade of impeachment and start working on getting things done for the American people and remember who the real enemy is—people like Baghdadi who want to do harm to all Americans.
Rep. Jim Banks: Trump was right on al-Baghdadi move – Dems could not be trusted with info about secret mission
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi dead in US special operations forces raid
Retired Lt. Col. Daniel Davis says Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was one of the most heinous and barbaric individuals on the planet.
We learned Sunday that the Trump administration cut off the head of the serpent that is ISIS. In great detail, President Trump described the successful operation that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Picture the frowning Democrats, sitting in front of their televisions on Sunday morning, realizing that Donald Trump just threw a bucket of paint on the portrait of a Don Quixote in the Oval Office making foreign policy decisions in the Middle East willy-nilly.
You see, the president ordered White House aides not to inform congressional Democrat leadership of the operation, accurately explaining “Washington is a leaking machine.” He did, however, brief some members of Congress like Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr.
As a frustrated House Republican who cares very much about our national security, I think President Trump made the right call.
Would someone like Rep. Adam Schiff have jeopardized the viability of the mission to hurt Donald Trump? It’s not hard to imagine a scenario in which, yes, Schiff and his allies would have leaked classified information to their friends in the media and railroaded this operation.
After all, these are the same Congressional Democrats who have decided to halt all productivity in the House of Representatives to impeach an innocent president ahead of the 2020 election. It’s not hard to imagine they would jeopardize the mission to kill al-Baghdadi out of partisan vindication.
Watching the resistance’s reaction to al-Baghdadi’s death further vindicates the president’s decision. At every turn, enemies of Donald Trump tried manipulate the story to take shots at the president.
Remember, they tell us each and every day that the biggest national security risk to this nation resides in the White House. By their own logic, why wouldn’t they do all that they can to remove him? Even if it meant letting one ‘austere religious scholar’ live another day.
More from Opinion
James Carafano: Al-Baghdadi is dead –Trump was proven right on this one. So now what?
Newt Gingrich: China-Russia military alliance would have incredible impact on US
Liz Peek: Trump reveals Al-Baghdadi's death -- Terror fight's big win still can't get liberal media's approval
There's even more evidence President Trump made the right call. Previous attempts to get al-Baghdadi have been foiled by leaks. In 2017, Gen. Tony Thomas explained how a leak to the New York Times foiled good intelligence that could have led to al-Baghdadi’s kill or capture.
How disturbing is it that our military and intelligence officials are too afraid to brief congressional Democrats on important intelligence matters because of fears the classified subject matter will be leaked and politicized.
Watching the resistance’s reaction to al-Baghdadi’s death further vindicates the president’s decision. At every turn, enemies of Donald Trump tried manipulate the story to take shots at the president.
Obama’s photographer suggested the photo taken in the situation room during the raid was ‘staged.’ The New York Times angrily scribbled that “Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid on Saturday occurred largely in spite of, and not because of, Mr. Trump’s actions.” The Washington Post eulogized al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar."
In another era, every citizen across the nation would have taken to the streets Sunday in celebration. But, as has become custom since November 2016, petty partisan resistance-types found a way to politicize the operation’s success.
This moment should remind us what is important to the people we serve, should remind us that when our troops go into harm’s way to protect us—they are Americans, not Republicans or Democrats. Democrat leaders should remember that fact and quit the partisan charade of impeachment and start working on getting things done for the American people and remember who the real enemy is—people like Baghdadi who want to do harm to all Americans.
31.10.2019 kl 10:39
Demokratene ( som ikke må blandes sammen med demokrati/demokratiske prosesser, snarere anti-demokratiske prosesser) går på en kjempesmell. Det er ingen vei tilbake, og Pelosi/Schniff er snart ferdig i politikken . Demokratene står trolig ikke samlet om å formelt starte, og da taper de i kongressen allerrede i dag. Hvis de klarer å manipulere seg frem til et flertall, basert på løgn og fanteri, blir de garantert nedstemt i sentatet ( krever da 2/3-flertall) Det hele er et anti-USA sirkus , som vil slå grusomt tilbake på demokratene. Vindmann ( trolig varsleren) hadde i går stappet seg ned i en uniform, og fortalte om gjenfortalte historier. En innvandrer fra Ukraina skulle være schiniff sitt beste vitne ( bak lukkede dører) - slik at de kunne lekke forvrengte tolkninger. I tillegg nektet schniff republikanerne å stille spørsmål til supervitne. Til og med suksessen i Syria blir deskreditert DT. ( Gresvik tar kaken med å gi DT "skylden" for skogbrannene i CA, da han mener de er klimaskapte... for en gjeng) Schniff og Peolosi er ferdig, og det vet de.
31.10.2019 kl 10:45
Btw... det finnes fremdeles håp innen det demokratiske parti i USA. Flere og flere forstår at prosessen er anti-amerikansk desperat skyttergravkampanje, som svekker USA. Pelosi surret til og med rundt i midtøsten, for å svekke DT/USA.
"Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups"
"A coalition of conservative groups has filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., alleging she has “hypocritically usurped” the authority of the president and “weaponized” impeachment proceedings."
"Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups"
"A coalition of conservative groups has filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., alleging she has “hypocritically usurped” the authority of the president and “weaponized” impeachment proceedings."
31.10.2019 kl 10:55
Schiff styrer de lukkede hrøingene på en svært spesiell måte;
"When we asked [Vindman] who he spoke to after important events in July -- Adam Schiff says, 'no, no, no, we're not going to let him answer that question,"' Jordan said.
Scalise on Schiff: "He gets to choose all the witnesses and he, himself, only, which means it's not a fair process on the face, but even his claim now that Republicans can ask question has been undermined because now he's directing witnesses"
Sirkus dems
"When we asked [Vindman] who he spoke to after important events in July -- Adam Schiff says, 'no, no, no, we're not going to let him answer that question,"' Jordan said.
Scalise on Schiff: "He gets to choose all the witnesses and he, himself, only, which means it's not a fair process on the face, but even his claim now that Republicans can ask question has been undermined because now he's directing witnesses"
Sirkus dems
31.10.2019 kl 11:00
ALLE I MEDIA BØR SE DENNE VIDEOEN ( spesielt Tv2 v/Pål T, F.Grevik , NRK og VG - de skal rapportere objektiv utenrikspolitikk, men er kun et manipulerende talsrør for demokratene)
31.10.2019 kl 12:08
Godt og informativt skrevet,Cinet!
Viktig å følge med også på Fox News i denne saken,for det er flere viktige sider i denne saken som media ikke informerer om!
Viktig å følge med også på Fox News i denne saken,for det er flere viktige sider i denne saken som media ikke informerer om!
Nancy Pelosi har gått på smellen.
En kjempesmell som kan bli historisk i hennes tidsalder.
En kjempesmell som kan bli historisk i hennes tidsalder.
01.11.2019 kl 00:07
Demokratene dummer seg mer og mer ut. Ingen vei tilbake. Dagens votering: «two Democrats broke ranks in opposition. No Republicans supported it.» dvs i senatet kreves det 2/3 flertall for ... Nada.
Da står demokratene ribbet tilbake, og republikanerne ved DT går til duk og dekket valgkamp. Republikanerne vet da at de vinner også i 2025 på walk over. Derfor vil ingen republikaner stemme for riksrett . Demokratene vil ligge med knukket rygg . Schniff og Pelosi Jar ført demokratene langt ut på sidelinjen i amerikansk politikk, godt støttet av en fake news presse
Da står demokratene ribbet tilbake, og republikanerne ved DT går til duk og dekket valgkamp. Republikanerne vet da at de vinner også i 2025 på walk over. Derfor vil ingen republikaner stemme for riksrett . Demokratene vil ligge med knukket rygg . Schniff og Pelosi Jar ført demokratene langt ut på sidelinjen i amerikansk politikk, godt støttet av en fake news presse
Hvilke sider er det Trumps propaganda-TV forteller om som ikke de seriøse mediene informerer om?
One America News is a lesser-known outlet that has seemingly focused its reporting on more flattering angles for the administration, including airing Trump's rallies in full and having opinion anchors casting impeachment proceedings by House Democrats a lie-ridden "frenzy."
01.11.2019 kl 17:40
Gode nyheter til «a den gamle « og andre nav-ere:
DT:»Wow, a blowout JOBS number just out, adjusted for revisions and the General Motors strike, 303,000. This is far greater than expectations. USA ROCKS!»
A den gamle ville sikkert lagt til DT ROCKS !!
DT:»Wow, a blowout JOBS number just out, adjusted for revisions and the General Motors strike, 303,000. This is far greater than expectations. USA ROCKS!»
A den gamle ville sikkert lagt til DT ROCKS !!
01.11.2019 kl 17:47
DT er et funn , ikle bare for USA , men hele den vestlige verden. Han alene får orden på Kina-plyndringen , som har pågått i snart 20 år. Han alene får snart orden på kurder-utfordringene i Midtøsten , som mange mener vil utløse WW3. Han alene gjør noe , i motsetning til the establishment i Washington( demokratene ) som de fleste amerikanere Er d..lei. De er gjennomkorrupte manipulatorerer som sprer fake news i form av plantede lekkasjer. Det siste fra NRK er at de slår fast at DT melder flytting til Florida pga skatt. Hallo, hvem gjør ikke det der borte ? Hva er feil med det?
02.11.2019 kl 06:46
Fredagens gullkorn fra DT:
"While we're creating jobs and killing terrorists, the Democrat Party has gone completely insane,"
"While we're creating jobs and killing terrorists, the Democrat Party has gone completely insane,"
02.11.2019 kl 06:48
Trump attacked former vice president and 2020 candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden over their Ukrainian business dealings, accusing the media -- specifically CNN's Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo, who again Trump referred to as "Fredo" -- of covering up potential Biden corruption.
"The press protects him," said the president, who also called Biden "One Percent Joe."
"The press protects him," said the president, who also called Biden "One Percent Joe."
02.11.2019 kl 21:21
nettet begynner å snøre seg for taperne Pelosi og Schniff . Flere og flere reagerer på de patetiske subjektive lekkasjene
Siste fra en rep;
“The selective leaking in which the House Intelligence Committee has been engaged must end immediately and the full and complete record must be provided for the American people to see,” she writes.
Siste fra en rep;
“The selective leaking in which the House Intelligence Committee has been engaged must end immediately and the full and complete record must be provided for the American people to see,” she writes.
02.11.2019 kl 21:25
flere og flere som utpeker Pelosi og schniff som de store "taperne" ( og resten av taperne i demokratiske partiet. )
"Real Time" host Bill Maher had a warning for Democrats on Friday night as they continued with their Trump impeachment inquiry. He called it a "loser" issue in battleground states for the 2020 presidential election -- and also considered whether the country is heading toward a "civil war."
Maher kicked off the show's panel discussion by addressing Thursday's party-line vote in the House of Representatives on rules for the impeachment proceedings, in which not one Republican supported the plan.
"This should tell you something," Maher said, " ... and what it tells me is, anyone who's been hoping that maybe [Trump will] be convicted in the Senate by Republicans -- that's not going to happen. He's not going to get convicted. I'm getting that from this vote."
"Real Time" host Bill Maher had a warning for Democrats on Friday night as they continued with their Trump impeachment inquiry. He called it a "loser" issue in battleground states for the 2020 presidential election -- and also considered whether the country is heading toward a "civil war."
Maher kicked off the show's panel discussion by addressing Thursday's party-line vote in the House of Representatives on rules for the impeachment proceedings, in which not one Republican supported the plan.
"This should tell you something," Maher said, " ... and what it tells me is, anyone who's been hoping that maybe [Trump will] be convicted in the Senate by Republicans -- that's not going to happen. He's not going to get convicted. I'm getting that from this vote."
02.11.2019 kl 21:27
I morgen er det ett år til valget i USA.
Hvor er entusiasmen,velgertekket og visjonene til Dems?
Forventer ikke velgerne deres mer politisk håndverk enn
stadig nye påstander om riksrett og hat mot Trump?
Hvilke av kandidatene i Dems’ primærvalg er i nærheten av å
trekke mange til valgmøtene og skape en god stemning?
Tenk om Demokratene faktisk må slå Trump i neste års valg
og ikke med stadig nye påfall for å stille ham for riksrett!
Hvor er entusiasmen,velgertekket og visjonene til Dems?
Forventer ikke velgerne deres mer politisk håndverk enn
stadig nye påstander om riksrett og hat mot Trump?
Hvilke av kandidatene i Dems’ primærvalg er i nærheten av å
trekke mange til valgmøtene og skape en god stemning?
Tenk om Demokratene faktisk må slå Trump i neste års valg
og ikke med stadig nye påfall for å stille ham for riksrett!
02.11.2019 kl 21:51
Dems har ingen egen politikk, ingen visjoner, ingenting. De har malt seg inne, og er deperate ( som a den gamle/jabba)
Sjekk denne gode analysen fra Karl R;
Sjekk denne gode analysen fra Karl R;
02.11.2019 kl 22:16
Et god link til en video som bringer inn viktige sider som CNN eller norsk media selvsagt ikke nevner.
Partsinnlegg som viser at det er mange sider ved denne saken som sensureres ellers i media.
Nøyaktig hva er det Rove sier som er så galt?
Partsinnlegg som viser at det er mange sider ved denne saken som sensureres ellers i media.
Nøyaktig hva er det Rove sier som er så galt?
03.11.2019 kl 09:07
Schniff og Pelosi går på en stjernesmell. Demokratene trodde de var smarte, og igangsatte dette sirkuset i håp om å ta fokuset bort fra alt det positive DT har utrettet for USA. Han er den amerikanske presidenten som har fått utrettet mest, og det bare på 3 år. Dette til tross for en rekke sabotasjeforsøk fra fake news pressen, noen forvirrede politiske statsadvokater og politiske dommere. Landet går nå på skinner. Han er en "doer" i utenrikspolitikken, han har snart vunnet kampen mot plydrerne fra Kina. Demokratene har INGEN valgkampsaker. De er bare "The establishment" i Washington DC, - som velgerne i USA ikke lenger vil ha. Det blir selvfølgelig ingen riksrettsak. Til og med demokratene ( og a den gamle/jabba ) har begynt å skjønne det. (Uforståelig hvordan de kunne starte dette med "tlf-saken" som den store alvorlige kriminelle handlingen. Hallo...) Hvordan skal de nå avslutte dette sirkuset uten å tape fullstendig ansikt ? Tja...det er desverre ingen vei tilbake. De har nå kjørt i gang mediakampanjer til millioner av kroner , for å lure/tvinge enkelte republikanere til å stemme med seg. Snakk om manipulatorer. I tillegg holder Schniff en såkalt høring, hvor det bare er demokratene som får stille spørsmål, og da til andrehåndsvitner, og i tillegg bak lukkede dører. De har utradert det demokratiske partiet i lang tid fremover. DT blir selvfølgelig gjenvalgt, og republikanerne vil få en lett valgkamp i 2024. Make america great again ! Jo lenger denne "heksejakten" pågår, jo lenger ned graver demokratene seg. På tide at NRK, VG og spesielt TV2 våkner opp fra Clinton/Gore/Obama-dvalen. Jobbtall, handelsavtaler, terrorbekjempelse m.m. forbigåes nærmest i stillhet. De rapportere heller hjem om skatteflukt til Florida ( vet de det ? ) og at DT er årsaken til skogbrannene i California ( som har hatt en guvenør fra demokratene i lang tid) Ekstreme subjektive og politiske vinklinger. DT er ingen broiler politiker, han er en hardslående foretningsmann. Han innførte en ny dagsorden overfor pressen, med å bruke twitter for å få frem sitt budskap , og med sin ordlyd. Dette synes vanskelig å svelge for fake news pressen.
03.11.2019 kl 09:12
Ny sabotasjehandling fra en politisk forvirret dommer;
"A federal judge in Oregon on Saturday blocked the Trump administration's rule requiring immigrants applying for U.S. visas to prove they have health insurance or can afford medical costs from going into effect Sunday."
Dette er en regel Europa har hatt i alle år. Så skal altså DT/USA nektes å gjøre det samme. Ren sabotasje. Hvem skal da betale for visumsøkerne, hvis de blir syke/ulykke?
"A federal judge in Oregon on Saturday blocked the Trump administration's rule requiring immigrants applying for U.S. visas to prove they have health insurance or can afford medical costs from going into effect Sunday."
Dette er en regel Europa har hatt i alle år. Så skal altså DT/USA nektes å gjøre det samme. Ren sabotasje. Hvem skal da betale for visumsøkerne, hvis de blir syke/ulykke?
03.11.2019 kl 09:29
Oppfordrer ALLE, spesielt norsk presse, til å reflektere over denne videosnutten. Setter fake-news pressen i et lite flatterende lys. Demokratene og deres støttespillere synker dypere og dypere ned i avgrunnen.
03.11.2019 kl 09:55
Her er spikeren i kisten til Schniff/Pelosi og deres heksejakt-komite;
The Trump administration announced Friday that the televangelist Paula White will head the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative, the successor to the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives George W. Bush started in 2001.
But White is no ordinary televangelist. The longtime “God whisperer” to Trump, White is a fire-breathing theocrat who believes that Trump’s enemies are actual demons, and who says that, if you send her enough money, angels will watch over your household and make you rich.
But White is no ordinary televangelist. The longtime “God whisperer” to Trump, White is a fire-breathing theocrat who believes that Trump’s enemies are actual demons, and who says that, if you send her enough money, angels will watch over your household and make you rich.
03.11.2019 kl 19:39
A den gamle/jabba fornekter seg ikke. Siste innlegg fra den kanten vitner om lite lys på jenterommet .
03.11.2019 kl 19:46
Til info: jabba / a den gamle, er en og samme marxist-lenenistiske jente. Det er bare å overse denne DT-hateren. Eller blokkere. Vedkommende jobber turnus i klassekampen, for å provosere og manipulerer forumet. En patetisk figur.
03.11.2019 kl 20:10
Takk til cinet for informative innlegg og gode linker!
Her er Trumps egen skryteliste.
Sikkert både løgner og overdrivelser,ja,men også mye norsk media og andre Trump-hatere sensurerer fra oss.
Her er Trumps egen skryteliste.
Sikkert både løgner og overdrivelser,ja,men også mye norsk media og andre Trump-hatere sensurerer fra oss.
I løpet av natten har Democrats bare gått på en god gammeldags liten clintonsmell smell og den gjelder Bill og har ikke noe med Hillary 2020 å gjøre.
Redigert 03.11.2019 kl 21:00
Du må logge inn for å svare
03.11.2019 kl 22:06
Jeg har ikke flere spikre til den demokratiske valgkamp-kisten, men dette er hva schniff og pelosi har bygget sandslottet sitt på:
«Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.»
Skulle nesten tro det ikke var sant . Dette er et uvirkelig sirkus og usmakelig heksejakt
«Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.»
Skulle nesten tro det ikke var sant . Dette er et uvirkelig sirkus og usmakelig heksejakt
03.11.2019 kl 22:10
For orden skyld , spionen heter Eric C. , og blir omtalt som pajama boy .
“We know his name. He’s one of a dime-a-dozen Yale or Harvard graduates, literally a 30-year-old Pajama Boy doing the bidding of John Brennan in the White House.”
“We know his name. He’s one of a dime-a-dozen Yale or Harvard graduates, literally a 30-year-old Pajama Boy doing the bidding of John Brennan in the White House.”
Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
2 Worked at the World Bank
3 osv
Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
2 Worked at the World Bank
3 osv
04.11.2019 kl 13:32
Enda en spiker i kisten til demokratene;
Farsen er iferd med å bli avslørt. De har INGEN egen politikk, kun ute etter å sabotere
Farsen er iferd med å bli avslørt. De har INGEN egen politikk, kun ute etter å sabotere
04.11.2019 kl 13:45
Sjefs-sabotøren schniff har planer om å skrive en mainpulerende sluttrapport fra høringene, som i tillegg foregår bak lukkede dører. Denne skal "lekkes" til fake news pressen. Etter dette har Schniff har INGEN troverdighet.
04.11.2019 kl 17:23
04.11.2019 kl 18:44
Har fått med meg pelosi sin konfliktskye håndtering innad i det demokratiske parti. Sanders er en erklært kommunist og warren er en venstreradikaler. Hvis disse kommer i finalerunden mot «one percent joe» , blir det enda mer W.O for D.T.
04.11.2019 kl 18:59
nrk, vg og spesielt tv2 bør se og reflektere over alle slike videoer . Dette før de rapporterer hjem manipulerte lekkasjer fra Demokratene. Her et lite sitat fra siste artikkel , som ord til ettertanke :
Corruption: The only actual corruption allegation in this whole story is the one against Joe Biden -- cash for gas. Vice President Biden channeling U.S. taxpayer money to a Ukrainian gas company paying his son.
But instead of investigating it, the Democrats want to impeach the guy who wants it investigated. That's how much they care about corruption.»
The establishment i WDC , med pratemakerne i det «demokratiske» parti er ferdig .
Corruption: The only actual corruption allegation in this whole story is the one against Joe Biden -- cash for gas. Vice President Biden channeling U.S. taxpayer money to a Ukrainian gas company paying his son.
But instead of investigating it, the Democrats want to impeach the guy who wants it investigated. That's how much they care about corruption.»
The establishment i WDC , med pratemakerne i det «demokratiske» parti er ferdig .
05.11.2019 kl 10:57
Hunter Biden's gas firm reportedly pressed Obama admin to end corruption allegations
Investigative journalist John Solomon and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino on Hunter Biden's ties to Obama State Department.
Se denne videoen; Det stinker butangass av "One percent Joe", og Schniff skryter av sabotøren deres i Ukraina ( tidliger sparkede USA ambassadøren)
Investigative journalist John Solomon and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino on Hunter Biden's ties to Obama State Department.
Se denne videoen; Det stinker butangass av "One percent Joe", og Schniff skryter av sabotøren deres i Ukraina ( tidliger sparkede USA ambassadøren)
05.11.2019 kl 11:09
LØP OG KJØP ! Årets julegave til a den gamle / jabba, utenriksreporterne til TV2, NRK , VG, Dagbladet ,og ikke minst Klassekampen ( og resten av fake news pressen )
John Solomon har deltatt sammen med Hannity, Giuliani og ekteparet DiGenova/Toensing i svertekampanjen av Biden. Det involverer også Oligarchen Firtash som for tiden kjemper mot å bli utlevert fra Østerrike til USA, hvor han er ettersøkt.
"Firtash was arrested by Austrian authorities in March 2014. In February 2017, the Vienna Court of Appeals ordered that Firtash be extradited to the United States, to face charges that he had secured a titanium extraction permit in India through $18.5 million in bribes."
Han har jo bedre sjanser til å lykkes med å bekjempe denne utleveringen nå da han har skaffet seg så mektige forbindelser i USA.
Trump Sides With Indicted Oligarch Over His Own Diplomat
Scott Adams, a Washington, D.C., talk radio host, sent out a tweet Monday night about U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, who delivered some of the impeachment inquiry’s most damaging testimony yet. The tweet alleged that Taylor lied about Ukrainian natural gas baron Dmytro Firtash in a cable to State Department headquarters in 2008. At issue was a conversation Taylor had with Firtash in Kyiv that December. Taylor wrote in a diplomatic cable (later published by WikiLeaks) that Firtash told him he had “acknowledged ties to Russian organized crime figure [Semion] Seymon Mogilevich,” one of the most notorious accused mobsters on the planet. According to Taylor, Firtash said “he needed Mogilevich's approval to get into business in the first place,” but had not committed any crimes in the course of his business.
"Firtash was arrested by Austrian authorities in March 2014. In February 2017, the Vienna Court of Appeals ordered that Firtash be extradited to the United States, to face charges that he had secured a titanium extraction permit in India through $18.5 million in bribes."
Han har jo bedre sjanser til å lykkes med å bekjempe denne utleveringen nå da han har skaffet seg så mektige forbindelser i USA.
Trump Sides With Indicted Oligarch Over His Own Diplomat
Scott Adams, a Washington, D.C., talk radio host, sent out a tweet Monday night about U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, who delivered some of the impeachment inquiry’s most damaging testimony yet. The tweet alleged that Taylor lied about Ukrainian natural gas baron Dmytro Firtash in a cable to State Department headquarters in 2008. At issue was a conversation Taylor had with Firtash in Kyiv that December. Taylor wrote in a diplomatic cable (later published by WikiLeaks) that Firtash told him he had “acknowledged ties to Russian organized crime figure [Semion] Seymon Mogilevich,” one of the most notorious accused mobsters on the planet. According to Taylor, Firtash said “he needed Mogilevich's approval to get into business in the first place,” but had not committed any crimes in the course of his business.
Redigert 05.11.2019 kl 11:11
Du må logge inn for å svare
05.11.2019 kl 11:16
Jabba/a den gamle. Skremmende mørkt i redaksjonen til Klassekampen i dag ? Hva med en liten luftetur i frisk byluft? Ditt patetiske "svar" på fakte om den korrupte "one percent Joe" vitner om en total mangle på argumentasjon.
05.11.2019 kl 11:18
Jabba/a den gamle. Siden du er en svoren antikapetalist, og marxist-lenenist, kan du kan eventuelt låne boken TRIGGERED på biblioteket. Boken kan anbefales !