Demokratene går på en kjempesmell

USA 07.10.2019 kl 18:09 15256

Kunne ikke sagt det bedre selv ;
McCarthy went on to say, “What’s wrong here is it's going to destroy this country. It’s going to break the fabric of who we are. They are discrediting democracy. They are not impeaching the president. They want to remove somebody from office who is duly elected because they disagree with it.”
Schniff er ferdig NB husk at a den gamle /jaba vil kaste seg over denne tråden med sin fake news manipulistiske klassekamp svada
21.11.2019 kl 17:34 894

Breaking news. 9.12.19 kommer IG-rapporten.
21.11.2019 kl 17:37 891

Æsj! Så lenge til?? Men da har vi en konkret dato å glede oss til :)

Fått med deg hva Fiona Hill har sagt i dag? Tror hun ganske effektivt knuste hele drømmen din, men du oppfattet det nok ikke.
21.11.2019 kl 18:25 884

Spekepølsen /jabba / a den gamle er indoktrinert i manipulerende marxist leninistisk ideologi. Ansatt i Klassekampen som Spredere av DT -hat og anti kapitalistisk swamp fake-news media. De prøver etter beste evne ( og den er liten& patetisk) å manipulere sosiale medier. De har INGEN egne meninger , kun hat hat hat. Dette har utviklet seg til en psykose med tunnelsyn og mørketid.
21.11.2019 kl 18:29 879


21.11.2019 kl 18:43 874

Spekepølsen prøvde trolig seg på en oppsummering fra Klassekampen. ,

her er en betydelig mer adekvat oppsummering :
Nunes, in his opening remarks, dismissed the accusations, saying, "So how do we have an impeachable offense here when there’s no actual misdeed and no one even claiming to be a victim?" Ukraine eventually got the aid, and no investigations were announced.

Nunes said: "The Democrats have tried to solve this dilemma with a simple slogan: 'He got caught!' President Trump, we are to believe, was just about to do something wrong, and getting caught was the only reason he backed down from whatever nefarious thought-crime the Democrats are accusing him of almost committing."
21.11.2019 kl 20:50 859

Her møter CIA-varsleren Eric Ciaramella sin helt, president Obama.

På Twitter og internettforum kaller de seg "The Resistance" og legger ikke skjul på at de oppfatter situasjonen slik at de deltar i et kupp.
21.11.2019 kl 22:08 851

Eric Cindarella ble forsøkt fjernet fra TWH , da han var sterkt mistenkt for lekkasjer. Han har også jobbet tett med Biden +++ Navnet har ingen betydning, men forhistorien til denne femtekoloniste/spionen burde være av interesse for den frie uavhengige fake-news pressen.

Fra en insider i TWH:

“ When I was in the White House, there was a number of people on the National Security Council — the named individual eventually got let go, I believe because people were suspicious, and not me, but other people around him, were suspicious about his leaking, and that’s why he was let go"
21.11.2019 kl 22:14 847

"Eric Cindarella is a cia analyst who is heavily involved with Ukraine citizen Alexandria chalupa a anti-Russian financier. Former head of cia John brennan posted C in the white house back in 2016. C had been caught leaking information to the press and was released
Since his release he met with Adam Schiff and then concocted the Ukraine phone call scheme.. "
21.11.2019 kl 22:16 843

Til spekepølsen/fake news media
"The elephant in the room is the fact that Biden bribed the former president of Ukraine by withholding US aid funds unless he fired a prosecutor who "just happened to" be Investigating the energy company that his son was being paid $50-80K/month to sit on the board of and he knows nothing about the business. I'd bet that getting that prosecutor fired and thereby stopping that investigation is EXACTLY why he was on the board in the first place. They knew uncle Joe could leverage that $1 billion and get that guy fired. If the dems accuse Trump of something you can bet they're doing the very thing they're accusing him of themselves. Russian collusion. Meddling in our elections. Working with Russians. Bribing a foreign government by withholding US aid in exchange for a "thing if value" for personal gain ($50-80K/month to his son is quite a thing if value). Every one are things THEY actually did! I've never seen anything like it!"
21.11.2019 kl 23:50 831

Siste spikeren før sirkus dems begravelsen
Nunes -- the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee -- accused Democrats during the hearing of "improperly redacting [Chalupa's] name from deposition transcripts and refusing to let Americans hear her testimony as a witness in these proceedings."

The Russia probe and the 2016 election were frequently referenced by Nunes in the hearing. Hill acknowledged that she knows Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous dossier of conspiracy theories about Trump, and was shown an early copy of the document.

Referencing the Democrat-funded dossier, Nunes asked both Hill and Holmes if they think it’s appropriate for political parties to send operatives into foreign countries to dig up dirt on their opponents. Both said no.
21.11.2019 kl 23:54 828

Spionene chalupa/Eric cindarella kommer til å bli grundig avslørt i IG-rapporten som kommer 9.12.19. Hill er bare en naiv byråkrat.
22.11.2019 kl 00:21 822

Da er lyset slukket i lokalene på Grønland , og spammerne fra Klassekampen har gått hjem. De vil snart våkne til et dems-sirkus kjempesmell .
22.11.2019 kl 07:01 789

Ny dag og nye store muligheter , men ikke for sirkus dems. Det er stengt ned . Og de får det travelt frem til IG rapporten kommer 9.12.19. Den avslører det saboterende kuppforsøket . Blir en del syke/psyke-meldinger i CNN og tv2 /resten av fake news media den dagen ;)
22.11.2019 kl 08:30 778

"IG-rapporten vil avdekke deep state samrøre med CNN m.fl. IG-rapporten vil trolig også avdekke den korrupte Clinton maffiosos foundation ( som var bygd opp på å få korrupte "audienser" til maktens tinde) "

IG-rapporten handler om mulig FISA-abuse ... om at DOJ og FBI skal ha villedet FISA-domstolen da de søkte om rett til å overvåke Carter Page i oktober 2016.

Examination of the Department’s and the FBI’s Compliance with Legal Requirements and Policies in Applications Filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Relating to a certain U.S. Person

The OIG, in response to requests from the Attorney General and Members of Congress, is examining the Department’s and the FBI’s compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person.

As part of this examination, the OIG is also reviewing information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG is reviewing the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications. If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.
22.11.2019 kl 08:41 770

Det er fascinerende å se et menneske som øyensynlig er veldig opptatt av et tema samtidig vise en slik grenseløs evne til å fortrenge fakta som ikke passer vedkommende. Totalt uten forankring i realitetene putrer du rundt på en rosa sky. Fullstendig rabiat.
22.11.2019 kl 09:12 762

Imponerende selvinnsikt fra Chorizo her!
Slettet bruker
22.11.2019 kl 10:15 750

Meningsmålingssmell for demokrtene.
Fersk meningsmåling forhåndsfrikjenner trump med tydelig margarin.
Særlig de midtiprikken støtter trump mer og mer. Fakta som kan være tungt å godta:
according to a poll released Thursday
Opposition to the House Democrats’ drive to impeach President Trump is growing

The biggest swing was among independents, who oppose impeachment now by 49 percent to 34 percent, a reversal from October when they supported impeachment by 48-39.
The Emerson survey is the second one released this week that shows favorable results for Trump.
Redigert 22.11.2019 kl 10:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.11.2019 kl 12:52 739

Dems fikk fullstendig panikk da de tapte valget i 2016. Deretter startet de et kuppforsøk. IG-rapporten vil avdekke hva dems/deep state/CNN/fake news pressen presterte å sette i gang. Direkte misbruk/ulovligheter fra FBI. Clinton maffiosos foundation vil også bli kledd nalen.
22.11.2019 kl 14:36 725

Deler av det som fremkommer i IG-rapporten som offentliggjøres 9.12.19

Deep state er på vikende front
Republicans have long argued that the FBI's alleged FISA abuses, which came as the bureau aggressively pursued ultimately unsubstantiated claims of criminal links between the Trump team and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, were politically motivated. In recent months, a slew of unearthed documents have strengthened those claims.

Just nine days before the FBI applied for its FISA warrant to surveil Page, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had "continued concerns" about the "possible bias" of a source pivotal to the application, according to internal text messages previously obtained by Fox News.

The 2016 messages, sent between Lisa Page and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, also revealed that bureau brass circulated at least two anti-Trump blog articles, including a Lawfare blog post sent shortly after Election Day that called Trump possibly "among the major threats to the security of the country."

22.11.2019 kl 19:06 702

Her er en grei beskrivelse av sirkus schifty Schitt

"And these were their witnesses. This was the best they've got," he continued, calling House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a "sick puppy."
22.11.2019 kl 20:59 689

Rep. Michael Waltz on House Democrats' impeachment push: Trump has been transparent since Day 1

President Trump is not a fan of foreign aid and wants strict requirements on it, says Florida Congressman Michael Waltz, Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee.
22.11.2019 kl 21:04 686

Litt om Eric Cindarella;
in 2005 Ciaramella led a protest against the firing of an Arabic professor at Yale University
name of the Arabic professor: Bassam Frangieh
this 'professor' is important, in the grand scheme of things.
Eric C, one of the students who led the protest, said:

"Students convened all dressed in white to symbolize their future goal
of bridging the gap between the US and the Middle East through the use of the Arab language"
22.11.2019 kl 21:08 681

same pattern between Eric C and John Brennan?

Brennan converted to islam when he was CIA Station Chief in Saudi Arabia, 1996-99

C speaks Arabic, and embraced the same Brennan ideology...
22.11.2019 kl 21:09 680

my sources confirmed that Eric C is a Brennan boy,
as I had surmised since day 1.
22.11.2019 kl 21:10 679

in 2015 Eric C was detailed from the CIA to the Obama National Security Council, by Charles Kupchan.

Kupchan said he brought Ciaramella on board in 2015 to work on Ukraine.
22.11.2019 kl 21:11 678

Charles Kupchan was C boss at the Obama National Security Council.

who is Charles Kupchan?

From 2014 to 2017 Charles Kupchan was 'Senior Director for European Affairs'
at the National Security Council, in the Obama Administration.
22.11.2019 kl 21:11 675

Charles Kupchan was not just 'Senior Director for European Affairs' at the National Security Council.

Kupchan was also 'Special Assistant to President Obama'...

Special Assistant >> in WHAT ??
22.11.2019 kl 21:12 672

Kupchan is one of those persons who you never hear about,
but one of those who, from behind the scenes, call the shots.
22.11.2019 kl 21:12 671

Charles Kupchan is also a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations is the most important Globalist, Deep State organization, together with the 'Bilderberg Group' and the Trilateral Commission
22.11.2019 kl 21:13 428

back to Eric C:

Joe Biden made 6 (SIX) trips to Ukraine...

Ciaramella briefed Biden on Ukraine,
and flew with Joe Biden to UKRAINE, on Air Force Two.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
22.11.2019 kl 21:14 426

Eric C is pro-Ukraine and strongly anti-Russia.

in May 2017 C leaked to the press the details of Trump meeting
with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
22.11.2019 kl 21:15 426

After Eric C was fired, in June 2017,
General McMaster hired him as his own Executive Assistant.
22.11.2019 kl 22:59 408

In Trump impeachment trial, Senate Republicans could turn tables on Dems

House Democrats are entering what may be the final phase of their impeachment inquiry, after wrapping up a spree of hearings where witnesses tied top officials -- including President Trump -- to efforts to pressure Ukraine on political investigations as U.S. aid was being withheld.
23.11.2019 kl 14:55 381

Fortsettelsen kommer i del 2.
24.11.2019 kl 14:14 360

Make america great again, se videre på del 2
26.11.2019 kl 17:19 344

Trump trapped the dems into this. ( fake news media/jabba/spekepølsen/fredrik G/Karianne Batti har gått rett i fellen) He knew they were watching his every move for anything thy could get him for. So he walked the line but stopped just short of actual impeachable offenses. Knowing the dems would dive head first into thinking they finally had him. In the end though - he knew he had the protection of the senate, and he'd get the chance to expose the Bidens thanks to the dems themselves (like it or not) opening the matter up to the public. (genialt) He also knew when the Horowitz report was coming out - and the Durham matters - it's just another brilliant political Trump card the dems can't match just in time for the elections. = MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN