Q-Free - det går mot klondyketilstander for Q-Free i Thailand!!!

Slettet bruker
QFR 10.10.2019 kl 01:18 1879

Selv om det nå har begynt å hagle store, signifikante børsmeldte kontrakter over Q-Free




Q-Free has signed a frame agreement to provide a large number of licenses for
its Intrada Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software to a customer in
the USA. The frame contract has an expected value of 80-130 MNOK depending on
license volumes. However, the contract value will not be included in our backlog or
order intake in Q3-19 as there is no minimum volume.

Source Url: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/485379




Q-Free and a local partner have been awarded a contract with Don Muang Tollway
(DMT) to deliver tolling solutions for the 22 km tollway from Central Bangkok to
Don Muang Airport. The contract has a total value of approximately 95 MNOK. As
the lead partner Q-Free will book 100 percent of the contract revenue, however Q
-Frees share of the contract scope is 75 MNOK.

Source Url: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/486597

står aksjekursen bom stille, ja den faller faktisk og ingen kommenterer lenger selskapet her på forumet.

Nå smeller så Q-Free til med denne pressemeldingen hvor man nærmest sier rett ut at det går mot klondyketilstander for selskapet i Thailand de neste 10 årene!


Q-Free wins major contract to deliver tolling solutions in the busy roads of Bangkok

Q-Free and a local partner were earlier this week awarded a 95 MNOK contract with Don Muang Tollway (DMT) to deliver tolling solutions for one of the busiest toll roads in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area – the 22 km tollway from Central Bangkok to Don Muang Airport.

“This project is not only a great achievement for Q-Free, but is also a major step for Bangkok towards improving traffic flow in one of the world’s most congested cities”, says Q-Free’s General Manager in Thailand, Villads Søndergaard

The new Q-Free Tolling Solution implements Electronic Tolling Collection (ETC) Fast Lanes which will increase the throughput at the tolling gates and dramatically reduce the congestion from heavy morning traffic. New ALPR technology will pave the way for future Multi Lane Free Flow solutions which are anticipated to be implemented in the coming 3 to 4 years.

Due to Thailand’s 10 year infrastructure plan, including the implementation of more than 3000 km of toll financed highway, the awarded contract is only the first of a series of new infrastructure contracts in the country.

“Q-Free Thailand has a very strong foothold in the tolling business here. The 10 year infrastructure plan together with this substantial win, means that we are on the brink of a great future for our business here”, Søndergaard concludes. CEO Håkon Volldal supports Søndergaard’s view and praises the local organization for the recent win.

“Q-Free has a highly qualified local organization in place, and an excellent track record of delivering high-performing and durable tolling solutions in Thailand. Therefore, we are well positioned to successfully deliver the DMT project and win some of the other large upcoming tolling projects in Thailand”, he concludes.


Tviler sterkt på at det lykkes å holde aksjekursen nede særlig mye lenger her nå! 3.kvartal 2019 presenteres 23.10.2019

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.10.2019 kl 09:42 1808

Kursen nordover er blokkert av roboter. Ledelsen har ved flere anledninger forsøkt seg på innsidehandler uten annet enn kortsiktig effekt intradag. Ser ikke for meg at ting kommer til å endre seg nevneverdig før a) QFR leverer sterkt forbedret resultat med mørkeblå tall, b) noen kommer med bud, eller deler av sjappa blir solgt i hht. strategisk grep c) roboten tar seg en hvil.
3. kvartal blir vel labert (ref. Q2 presentasjon). Det er i Q4 ting skulle snu med tanke på marginer. Så skulle de vel cashe inn en VDOT milestone i sept./okt. på 20mill NOK. Det vil hjelpe på kontantbeholdningen som de trolig sårt trenger om de skal klare utnytte klondykestemningen i Thailand. Men tipper de er avhengig av å cashe inn på salg av visse divisjoner også.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 10:51 1789

Jeg antar at kursen holdes ned fordi Atlantis Vest ønsker flere billige aksjer. Deres investeringfilosofi er et langsiktig og aktivt eierskap. Som de sier på sine hjemmesider søker de på sine direkte investeringer en eierandel på minst 50%. Nå har de litt over 25% i QFR. Det synes å være logisk at de ute etter Kapsch sin aksjepost - og det billigst mulig. Jeg skal være tålmodig her fordi jeg tror det lønner seg. Her kan vi plutselig får en melding at Kapsch har solgt sin post til Atlantis Vest. Hvis jeg husker rett har Kapsch tidligere signalisert at deres post er til salgs.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 13:51 1753

Hansemann, er det en aktør i verden jeg ikke ville bedømt på face value, er det Kapsch. Det er ingen ting som tilsier at disse snakker sant. Vi snakker her om "røvere" som til de grader har blitt tatt med buksene nede da de var på røvertokt i Q-Free. Ja, de prøvde ikke en gang å forsvare seg. Det jeg tenker og egentlig er helt overbevist om, er at det Kapsch ønsker er ødelegge mest mulig for Q-Free.

Vedtar rekordbot for markedsmanipulasjon

Kapsch vil ikke forsvare seg mot anklagene om markedsmanipulasjon i Q-Free-aksjen. Boten på seks millioner kroner er vedtatt.

Publisert: 04.01.12 — 17.45

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 15:17 1711

Det du antyder kan være også et alternativ, midtikøajohnny. Kjedelig med kursutviklingen men ting kan skje fort her når det først skjer noe på eiersiden.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.10.2019 kl 17:49 1660

Takk for informativt og opplysende innlegg! De som blokkerer kursen i retning nordover, får iallefall gledelig nok bare mer og mer å forholde seg til nå! Det som gjelder her er kanskje enkelt og greit å være inne den dagen demningen brister? Strømmen av godt nytt fra Q-Free bare fortsetter, og dette fremstår jo som et super(interessant/nyttig) verktøy når filer må stenges av og anleggsarbeid utføres. Ja, tenker at det helt opplagt må finnes et stort marked for dette siste, intelligente, ressursbesparende verktøyet fra Q-Free.

Web-based lane closure and work zone management system debuted


Norwegian tolling and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) supplier Q-Free has unveiled LaneAware, a first-of-its-kind web-based application to coordinate and automate work zone activities and lane closures to minimize traffic congestion and reduce costs for commuters.

Designed to save time and money for transportation agencies and the communities they serve, Q-Free’s new stand-alone solution streamlines the lane management of work zones and recurring activities and large projects, reducing workload on agency staff and minimizing traffic disruptions for drivers. Developed particularly for the USA market, the new LaneAware cloud-based system dramatically reduces the workload for transportation management center (TMC) staff and construction coordinators by automating the lane closure approval process using user-defined business rules. Approved contractors may reserve specific lanes for closure within a certain time frame prior to the work, curbing last minute notifications and giving TMC staff advanced notice.

LaneAware also notifies the appropriate stakeholders if two contractors attempt to set up conflicting lane closures. Once the lane closure reservation is made, agency staff can program a response to inform travelers and help reduce accidents. In line with Q-Free’s commitment to open standards and interfaces, data from LaneAware can be easily integrated into 511 systems and other public-facing platforms using its flexible application programming interface (API). This said benefit provides the public, media, and transportation-focused businesses with the latest closure information, so drivers can plan their routes more efficiently. LaneAware will integrate easily with any advanced traffic management system (ATMS) on the market including Q-Free’s own OpenTMS platform.

“It’s a simple concept with profound logistical implications,” said Morten Andersson, senior vice president of Q-Free America. “Right now, most lane closures are manually managed via phone calls and Excel spreadsheets, limiting efficiency and creating a nightmare for transportation management operations centers and contractors performing work. LaneAware solves these issues and provides traffic managers with much greater situational awareness while reducing impacts on the interstate and associated arterials.”

Andersson said, “It’s a fantastic tool for managers who need to analyze congested regions or plan major projects. With the click of a button, managers can see everything that’s happening over time in a specific area. From mowing along the interstate to gantry work, it covers every type of pre-planned interstate work you can imagine. We’re excited to get this product into our customers’ hands because we know how much time and resources it’s going to save them. It’s also going to improve the quality of life for commuters by reducing congestion and cutting emissions, and at the end of the day, that’s why we keep innovating.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:57 Du må logge inn for å svare