The HPV Vaccine On Trial

19.10.2019 kl 20:10 278

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"Book review: The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed


Review by Maria Ryan


The authors detail how a market for the vaccine was effectively created based on essentially nothing. The two most essential elements to create a demand for a new product is to promote fear of cancer and advertise for blind trust in doctors. Pair that with a lack of ability ask pertinent questions and you have the perfect storm.

It`s hard to believe that after reading this book that any person would consent for this vaccine. The personal stories are both shocking and tragic; a monetary value can never be placed on the lives that have been ruined and lost. They underscore just how important books such as this one are to our education.

The HPV vaccines have now been on the market for thirteen years. During that time, a triumphant narrative has dominated due to effective PR strategies. But, as The HPV Vaccine On Trial states, the truth will prevail. An urgent call to expose the known truth and further research the mechanisms of injury is strongly suggested. The public must learn the truth about this vaccine. With the recommendations for Gardasil 9 being expanded to include persons up to 45 years of age, this book is recommended to every parent and every adult. Please, educate before you vaccinate."

kilde: VAXXTER.

Redigert 19.10.2019 kl 20:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.10.2019 kl 19:34 236

Mange er de som gir bare gir blaffen. Som stiller seg såkalt likegyldidge.
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24.10.2019 kl 12:49 212

Det er nok fler og fler som våkner og innser at å sprøyte så mye dritt inn i kroppen ikke alltid er så veldig smart, problemet er at om en åpner kjeften om det, så får en den naive PK-mafian, som er legemiddelindustriens nyttige idioter på nakken. Det er nok fler etterhvert som velger å holde kjeft om at de styrer unna gifta.