SSHIP - MELDING!! Scanship awarded clean ship system contracts!!
Ny kontrakt samt solide tall i dag!! SSHIP har startet stigningen på vei opp mot 30 kroner!
Scanship Holding ASA, through its subsidiary Scanship AS, has been awarded
contracts with an European shipbuilder for the supply of a total Scanship clean
ship system for two luxury and expedition class type of cruise ships. The
newbuilds will enter service in 2022 and 2023. The contracts also include
options for further deliveries to 6 newbuilds planned to enter service from
2024 and onwards. The luxury vessels will be delivered to one of the major US
based shipowners.
More details will be announced in relation to these contracts at a later stage.
The Scanship contracts includes delivery of systems for food waste processing,
garbage handling and wastewater purification, to meet the industry's highest
environmental regulations worldwide and particularly the new regulations now
being enforced in the Baltic Sea.
This latest order intake accumulates the total order backlog to a record high
level of NOK 710 million firm and NOK 570 million of optional contracts.
For further queries, please contact:
Henrik Badin - CEO
Scanship Holding ASA
Tel: +47 90 78 98 25
Scanship Holding ASA, through its subsidiary Scanship AS, has been awarded
contracts with an European shipbuilder for the supply of a total Scanship clean
ship system for two luxury and expedition class type of cruise ships. The
newbuilds will enter service in 2022 and 2023. The contracts also include
options for further deliveries to 6 newbuilds planned to enter service from
2024 and onwards. The luxury vessels will be delivered to one of the major US
based shipowners.
More details will be announced in relation to these contracts at a later stage.
The Scanship contracts includes delivery of systems for food waste processing,
garbage handling and wastewater purification, to meet the industry's highest
environmental regulations worldwide and particularly the new regulations now
being enforced in the Baltic Sea.
This latest order intake accumulates the total order backlog to a record high
level of NOK 710 million firm and NOK 570 million of optional contracts.
For further queries, please contact:
Henrik Badin - CEO
Scanship Holding ASA
Tel: +47 90 78 98 25
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 12:22
Du må logge inn for å svare
22.10.2019 kl 16:55
Er ikke lei meg for at jeg gikk inn her igjen. Tredve kan komme. Usedvanlig potent selskap. Tjener penger som gress og ordrene renner inn.
Nå går SSHIP!!
Flere som skal inn etter de sterke kvartalstallene samt kontrakten i går ettermiddag. Straks på Topp 5 vinnerlista på Oslo Børs, og da skal alle inn.
20 kroner neste!
Flere som skal inn etter de sterke kvartalstallene samt kontrakten i går ettermiddag. Straks på Topp 5 vinnerlista på Oslo Børs, og da skal alle inn.
20 kroner neste!
Redigert 23.10.2019 kl 09:53
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Når posten på 17,60 går er det få aksjer opp til 18 kroner. Da kan det gå rett opp mot slutt i dag.
18,50 - 19 kroner i morgen. 20-kroningen ser vi før helga.
18,50 - 19 kroner i morgen. 20-kroningen ser vi før helga.
Redigert 23.10.2019 kl 14:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
23.10.2019 kl 22:09
Når du ser nyhetene på TV2 om plasten i havet og ser behovet for havrensing i tiden som kommer, vet du at du sitter i rett selskap.
Stigningen fortsetter. Vi kan fort se 19 kroner før børsslutt i dag.
Redigert 24.10.2019 kl 08:59
Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2019 kl 10:17
Burde nok laste litt i dag på dippen i dag. Ender i blått og fortsetter mot 30,-
04.11.2019 kl 17:53
Litt av en vipp mot slutten av dagen.
Noen på innsidebørsen som venter en melding ?
Noen på innsidebørsen som venter en melding ?
Scanship Holding ASA : Contemplated private placement
Scanship Holding ASA (“Scanship” or the “Company”) has retained Carnegie AS, DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, and SpareBank 1 Markets AS as Joint Bookrunners (together the "Managers") to advise on and effect a private placement of new shares directed towards Norwegian and international investors, in each case subject to and in compliance with applicable exemptions from relevant registration, filing and prospectus requirements, and subject to other applicable selling restrictions, after the close of Oslo Stock Exchange today (the "Private Placement").
In the Private Placement, the Company is offering up to 6.5 million new shares, representing up to approximately 6.5 % of the outstanding capital of the Company. The subscription price in the Private Placement will be determined by the Company's Board of Directors through an accelerated bookbuilding process. The minimum subscription and allocation amount has been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Company may however, at its sole discretion, allocate an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to applicable regulations, including the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and ancillary regulations, are available.
The net proceeds of the Private Placement will be used to accelerate the Company's growth within landbased products and services, with a focus on (i) plastic waste handling, (ii) the European biogas market, and (iii) metallurgic applications of biocoke from pyrolysis.
The bookbuilding period for the Private Placement commences today at 16:30 CET and closes on 7 November 2019 at 08:00 CET. The Managers and the Company may, however, at any time resolve to close or extend the bookbuilding period at their sole discretion and for any reason on short notice. If the bookbuilding period is shortened or extended, any other dates referred to herein may be amended accordingly.
The new shares allocated in the Private Placement will be settled through a delivery versus payment transaction on a regular T+2 basis by delivery of existing and unencumbered shares in the Company that are already listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange pursuant to a share lending agreement between SpareBank 1 Markets AS (on behalf of the Managers), the Company and Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS. The shares delivered to the subscribers will thus be tradable from allocation. The Managers will settle the share loan with new shares in the Company to be issued by the Company's Board of Directors pursuant to an authorization granted at the Company's extraordinary general meeting held 2 October 2019.
Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS (IRIC) has committed to a subscription of NOK 50 million. In addition, CDO Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, will subscribe for 100,000 Offer Shares and COO Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, will subscribe for EUR 100,000. In addition Olivier Lepez, CEO in Etia, will subscribe for 50 000 shares and Philippe Sajet, COO in Etia, will subscribe for 50 000 shares.
Scanship Holding ASA (“Scanship” or the “Company”) has retained Carnegie AS, DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, and SpareBank 1 Markets AS as Joint Bookrunners (together the "Managers") to advise on and effect a private placement of new shares directed towards Norwegian and international investors, in each case subject to and in compliance with applicable exemptions from relevant registration, filing and prospectus requirements, and subject to other applicable selling restrictions, after the close of Oslo Stock Exchange today (the "Private Placement").
In the Private Placement, the Company is offering up to 6.5 million new shares, representing up to approximately 6.5 % of the outstanding capital of the Company. The subscription price in the Private Placement will be determined by the Company's Board of Directors through an accelerated bookbuilding process. The minimum subscription and allocation amount has been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Company may however, at its sole discretion, allocate an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to applicable regulations, including the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and ancillary regulations, are available.
The net proceeds of the Private Placement will be used to accelerate the Company's growth within landbased products and services, with a focus on (i) plastic waste handling, (ii) the European biogas market, and (iii) metallurgic applications of biocoke from pyrolysis.
The bookbuilding period for the Private Placement commences today at 16:30 CET and closes on 7 November 2019 at 08:00 CET. The Managers and the Company may, however, at any time resolve to close or extend the bookbuilding period at their sole discretion and for any reason on short notice. If the bookbuilding period is shortened or extended, any other dates referred to herein may be amended accordingly.
The new shares allocated in the Private Placement will be settled through a delivery versus payment transaction on a regular T+2 basis by delivery of existing and unencumbered shares in the Company that are already listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange pursuant to a share lending agreement between SpareBank 1 Markets AS (on behalf of the Managers), the Company and Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS. The shares delivered to the subscribers will thus be tradable from allocation. The Managers will settle the share loan with new shares in the Company to be issued by the Company's Board of Directors pursuant to an authorization granted at the Company's extraordinary general meeting held 2 October 2019.
Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS (IRIC) has committed to a subscription of NOK 50 million. In addition, CDO Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, will subscribe for 100,000 Offer Shares and COO Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, will subscribe for EUR 100,000. In addition Olivier Lepez, CEO in Etia, will subscribe for 50 000 shares and Philippe Sajet, COO in Etia, will subscribe for 50 000 shares.
Emisjonskurs blir satt kr 12, detta blir fett:)
Emisjonskuren ble 16,50 og overtegnet.
06.11.2019 kl 23:28
Småaksjonærene får nøye seg med rep emi over børs,tipper 15,90.
07.11.2019 kl 10:45
Dette er straten på det neste rykket til over 22,- for Scanship. En blomst av en aksje innenfor det grønne skiftet.
07.11.2019 kl 11:11
Herlig, dette er gode nyheter! Spennende å se hvordan de stadig utvidder horisonten i mulighetenes marked!
07.11.2019 kl 15:21
Ikke unaturlig at noen vil ta ut litt kroner etter en enorm utvikling.
07.11.2019 kl 15:52
Men betyr ikke dette at Ingerø Reiten legger til grunn, eller tror, at aksjens verdi er under salgssummen som nevnes på salgstidspunktet, 17,241 . Som en stor aksjonær, som fikk kjøpt billige emisjonsaksjer i går skjønner jeg at det ønskes realisert antatt gevinst, men jeg har en dårlig magefølelse på dette. Storaksjonærer har mange muligheter til å styre. Jeg håper inderlig jeg tar feil.
07.11.2019 kl 16:41
Her ser det ut til at eiere/Styret meler sin egen kake, da små aksjonærer fikk ikke tatt del i denne emisjonen...
Slutt og surve. Fy faen dere hvorfor de fleste taper penger på børsen? de surver for mye ...slutt å surve, og tjen penger for faen
07.11.2019 kl 17:09
Insiderne har ikke solgt på 17,241, men på 17,00. Samtidig har de kjøpt terminkontrakt på samme antall aksjer "til terminkurs NOK 17,241 med forfall 21.02.2020."
Hvis jeg forstår dette riktig (og det er jo ikke sikkert), så har de altså kontrakt på å kjøpe tilbake samme antall aksjer. Kan det hende at disse aksjene ble "solgt" for å overføres til de som deltok i emosjon, slik at de får aksjer på konto med en gang??
Hvis jeg forstår dette riktig (og det er jo ikke sikkert), så har de altså kontrakt på å kjøpe tilbake samme antall aksjer. Kan det hende at disse aksjene ble "solgt" for å overføres til de som deltok i emosjon, slik at de får aksjer på konto med en gang??
07.11.2019 kl 20:00
Det er det samme som bl.a. Flakk i Hexagon har bedrevet i flere år. Alt er som før mtk eierskap og stemmerett.
Mulig dette gjøres for å frigjøre kapital?
Hilsen Hammers
Mulig dette gjøres for å frigjøre kapital?
Hilsen Hammers
07.11.2019 kl 21:25
In my opinion this is positive anyway that so many insiders have bought shares:
''Chief Development Officer Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, was allocated 100 000 Offer Shares in the Private Placement. Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, will hold 10 600 000 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 9.95 % of the share capital following registration of the Offer Shares.
Chief Operating Officer Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, was allocated 60 000 Offer Shares in the Private Placement. Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, will hold 10 560 000 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 9.91 % of the share capital following registration of the Offer Shares.
In addition, CEO in Etia, Olivier Lepez, and COO in Etia, Philippe Sajet, have been allocated 50 000 Offer Shares each in the Private Placement, and Olivier Lepez will hold 1 707 548 shares in the Company (partly through LCFI Sarl), and Philippe Sajet will hold 1 707 548 shares in the Company (partly through SCFI Sarl).''
So they really believe in their products and want to push their solutions to market fast. That's good because it's very important to get the first landbased references by the ''new'' Scanship as soon as possible. The market is huge but they are not alone.
''Chief Development Officer Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, was allocated 100 000 Offer Shares in the Private Placement. Asgeir Wien, through Daler Inn Limited, will hold 10 600 000 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 9.95 % of the share capital following registration of the Offer Shares.
Chief Operating Officer Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, was allocated 60 000 Offer Shares in the Private Placement. Jonny Hansen, through Exproco Limited, will hold 10 560 000 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 9.91 % of the share capital following registration of the Offer Shares.
In addition, CEO in Etia, Olivier Lepez, and COO in Etia, Philippe Sajet, have been allocated 50 000 Offer Shares each in the Private Placement, and Olivier Lepez will hold 1 707 548 shares in the Company (partly through LCFI Sarl), and Philippe Sajet will hold 1 707 548 shares in the Company (partly through SCFI Sarl).''
So they really believe in their products and want to push their solutions to market fast. That's good because it's very important to get the first landbased references by the ''new'' Scanship as soon as possible. The market is huge but they are not alone.
Nordbrekken i B2H gjorde det same👍
Aksjene om Reiten skal kjøpe tilbake er en garanti for at en ikke burde få noe fall under 17.-
Med andre ord er aksjen rimelig sikker.
Ikke mye liv her for tiden. Optimistene har tydeligvis forlatt åstedet. Det er vel da en bør kjøpe ;)
Med andre ord er aksjen rimelig sikker.
Ikke mye liv her for tiden. Optimistene har tydeligvis forlatt åstedet. Det er vel da en bør kjøpe ;)
Redigert 08.11.2019 kl 16:43
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09.11.2019 kl 12:49
Enig med å kjøpe nå
Men det er for høy innside andel i dette selskap
Men det er for høy innside andel i dette selskap
Ja, det er vel både og. Sjansen for at de beriker seg selv er til stede. De skulle imidlertid være interesserte i å få kurrsen oppover også
Ser en på alt søppelet rundt om kring i verden så blir det ikke permitteringer i SSHIP
At kursen ved betaling med aksjer ble satt til 17.90 burde bidra til å trekke kursen oppover dit i første omgang. Tidligere gikk kursen raskt til nærmere 30.-
Det kan meget vel gjenta seg innen årets slutt hvis en større 'landkontrakt' kommer
Ser en på alt søppelet rundt om kring i verden så blir det ikke permitteringer i SSHIP
At kursen ved betaling med aksjer ble satt til 17.90 burde bidra til å trekke kursen oppover dit i første omgang. Tidligere gikk kursen raskt til nærmere 30.-
Det kan meget vel gjenta seg innen årets slutt hvis en større 'landkontrakt' kommer
Redigert 11.11.2019 kl 10:45
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Mye godt arbeid fremover. På tide at SSHIP begynner å ta seg noe bedre betalt
Mye godt arbeid fremover. På tide at SSHIP begynner å ta seg noe bedre betalt
11.11.2019 kl 13:05
Dette går veien.
SSHIP er "hel ved". Stor oppside, liten eller ingen nedside. Selskap som vet hva de vil og gjør det. I likhet med eierne forøvrig har jeg store forhåpninger for aksjen uten at jeg skal driste meg til å gjette kurs.
SSHIP er "hel ved". Stor oppside, liten eller ingen nedside. Selskap som vet hva de vil og gjør det. I likhet med eierne forøvrig har jeg store forhåpninger for aksjen uten at jeg skal driste meg til å gjette kurs.
Nå er jeg aksjonær i Sship igjen. Har kjøpte mye aksjer i dag. Har troa på Sship og Bgbio det neste året.
Da er vi i gang.
Pareto har hevet kursmålet til 23 på 6mnd sikt .
Jeg kan tenke meg at når de får skikkelig igang det nyinnkjøpte selskapet så vil vi snart se 1,- /aksje. Med nærmere en dobling hvert år framover
Og med SSHIP slipper en å bekymre seg for at en skal tape penger
Jeg kan tenke meg at når de får skikkelig igang det nyinnkjøpte selskapet så vil vi snart se 1,- /aksje. Med nærmere en dobling hvert år framover
Og med SSHIP slipper en å bekymre seg for at en skal tape penger
12.11.2019 kl 14:29
Fint med Paretos vurdering siden SSHIP ikke har vært så veldig informative om emisjon/synergier
12.11.2019 kl 14:31
hva står der her da? søppelhåndtering fra Scanship for 117 milliarder eller?
12.11.2019 kl 14:33
hva står der her da? søppelhåndtering fra Scanship for 117 milliarder eller?
15.11.2019 kl 18:48
lukket artikkel så jeg lurte på hva MSC skal bruke 117 milliarder til. Har ikke råd til abonnement på FA 😉