Tomra - med sterkeste 10 års outlook i norsk børshistorie!!!

TOM 28.10.2019 kl 20:25 2156

Det er nærmest ubegripelig store dimensjoner over ambisjonene Tomras CEO Stefan Ranstrand la for dagen på selskapets vegne under "Our Ocean" konferansen som ble avholdt i Oslo 23. og 24.oktober.

Like ubegripelig er det at dette ikke får noen omtale i norske media. Ingenting. Null og niks. Det til tross for at det skjer i Oslo under en høyprofilert konferanse samtidig som problemene plastforurensing medfører i dag topper agendaene globalt. Har "lagt litt på været" med denne nyheten, i påvente av presseoppslag her hjemme, men de kom altså ikke.

Under Tomras Capital Markets Day i september i fjor (must see event!!!) sa Ranstrand bl.a. "Until now we've only seen the lab version of Tomra, now is the time for the real Tomra"...

Nå begynner det for alvor å gå opp for meg at Ranstrand mener alvor! De som leser det jeg skriver om Tomra her på forumet, vet at jeg er rimelig optimistisk på Norges superselskap vegne, men det Tomra kom med i Oslo før helga, gjør også meg svimmel. Tomra har altså som ambisjon å samle inn og sortere 40% av verdens plastemballasje for resirkulering i 2030, og jeg tror på det Tomra formidler, av erfaring. For meg synes det opplagt at Tomra nå ser veldig store ting i pipeline, og stikkordet her er først og fremst "The Alliance to End Plastic Waste" som uteklukkende består av globale giganter med Tomra som det medlemmet som mer enn noen annet medlem besitter løsninger på de (kjempe)problemene de fleste av de øvrige alliansemedllemmene har.

Ranstrand foredro forøvrig om "The Alliance to End Plastic Waste" under Q3 2019 forrige mandag og uttrykte store forhåpninger når det gjelder Tomras rolle i alliansen.

Verdt å merke seg er det også at mens Tomra under Capital Markets Day i fjor guidet i et 5 års perspektiv, ser man altså nå, bare et år senere, fremover i et 10 års perspektiv.


TOMRA Commitment to Enable 40% of Plastic Packaging Collectable for Recycling

At Our Ocean conference in Oslo, TOMRA president and CEO, Stefan Ranstrand recently launched a commitment to enable 40% of plastic packaging produced globally each year to be collected for recycling by 2030.


At Our Ocean conference in Oslo, TOMRA president and CEO, Stefan Ranstrand recently launched a commitment to enable 40% of plastic packaging produced globally each year to be collected for recycling by 2030.

Currently, only 14% of plastic packaging is captured for recycling. And only two per cent of this is recycled in a ‘closed loop’, meaning it can be reused again for the same purpose without being downgraded to lower quality plastic.

Norway-headquartered TOMRA, which is the world leader in reverse vending machines and sensor-based sorting systems for the recycling, food and mining industries, made the announcement at the Our Ocean on October 23-24. The event brought together government, business, civil society and research institutions to identify solutions for healthy oceans.

Announcing the targets, TOMRA president and CEO, Stefan Ranstrand, said: “A circular economy for plastic is achievable, and there is every reason to be optimistic about the future, but it requires investment from industry, government and consumers. TOMRA has been enabling this change through our technology and expertise for more than 45 years – we challenge others to join us and act now.”

TOMRA works with many global brands, plastic producers, converters and recyclers, enabling organizations to improve sustainability and reduce environmental impact through TOMRA’s solutions and knowledge.

Stefan added: “We believe now is the time for bold action on plastic pollution in our oceans. TOMRA is the undisputed world-leader in the collection and recycling of plastic packaging, particularly bottles, and we are proud to be leading the industry by launching these ambitious targets.

“To solve the crisis in our oceans, we must focus on how plastic is produced and handled on land. There is clear evidence that recycling infrastructure such as container deposit schemes drive huge improvements in recycling rates, consumer behaviour and reducing pollution.”

By 2025, TOMRA estimates its solutions will sort more than eight million tons of plastic per year from waste streams at a global level. The company also estimates it will upgrade two million tons of plastic to the quality of virgin material. Its reverse vending machines already collect 40 billion used beverage containers every year.

High-profile partnerships that TOMRA has recently entered into include the new global Alliance to End Plastic Waste, which has pledged NOK 13.67 billion towards solutions to eliminate plastic waste.

The company is also sponsoring and advising an all-female, round-the-world scientific sailing voyage called eXXpedition, which set sail in October with the aim of raising awareness about marine litter.

Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 15:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2019 kl 20:49 2127

Ser nå også at Tomra i dag har valgt å kjøpe aksjer til sitt "employee share purchase program".



Today, October 28th 2019, TOMRA Systems ASA purchased 75,000 own shares at an
average price of NOK 243.1081 per share at Oslo Stock Exchange.

After this transaction, TOMRA holds 204,333 treasury shares. The shares will
later be sold to employees as part of the employee share purchase program. For
further information, please contact: Deputy CEO/CFO Espen Gundersen, telephone
+47 97 68 73 01.

Source Url:
29.10.2019 kl 07:17 1966

Det er nok ikke tilfeldig at Tomra kjøper egne aksjer nå. Da det sannsynligvis snart kommer store meldinger fra selskapet som vil føre til en kurs rekyl oppover og forbi gamle høyder!! Her er det bare å laste opp og spenne sikkerhetsbeltet ;-)

Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 07:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.10.2019 kl 18:16 1784

I dag :

TOMRA: Purchase of own shares

Today, October 29th 2019, TOMRA Systems ASA purchased 75,000 own shares at an
average price of NOK 244.6588 per share at Oslo Stock Exchange.

After this transaction, TOMRA holds 279,333 treasury shares. The shares will
later be sold to employees as part of the employee share purchase program.

For further information, please contact: Deputy CEO/CFO Espen Gundersen,
telephone +47 97 68 73 01.

31.10.2019 kl 07:26 1558

Det gjelder å få kjøpt inn mest mulig før kursen går til himmels ;-)

05.11.2019 kl 10:37 1317

Kan ikke du og KanonBra5 lage en oversikt over prosjektene som er i gang og i pipeline? Dere har postet masse fine enkelttråder med nyheter men hadde vært kult å se det i perspektiv samlet. Hvis dere kjeder dere;))