TEONE signs Addreax, one of the world's fastest growing.......

TEONE 29.10.2019 kl 09:00 4177

TargetEveryone signs Addreax, one of the world's fastest growing online retail department stores, as customer and worldwide partner
TargetEveryone is delighted to announce the signing of a new strategic
collaboration with Addreax Group, one of the world's fastest growing online
retail department stores.

The strategic collaboration with TargetEveryone sees Addreax becoming a customer
and a user of the SpectrumOne platform solution, in order to better utilise the
big data and customer knowledge they have accumulated, to further improve the
service to members of Addreax and the many verticals and campaigns they operate
and run. Additionally, Addreax is appointed as a worldwide partner and a
reseller and distributor of the SpectrumOne platform service.

Partnering with Addreax in this manner allows SpectrumOne to showcase its
service and solutions to one of the world's fastest growing online retail
department stores. A satisfied customer of the size and calibre of Addreax will
make an ideal reseller and distributor of its product and services through its

The strategic collaboration also sees the two parties agreeing to develop an
outsourcing model for SpectrumOne, by utilizing Addreax's technical know-how of
AI and segmentation of big data to actively take control of and run marketing
campaigns for companies. Such outsourcing service will provide companies and
brands with a full campaign and marketing solution designed to provide them with
an improved customer acquisition process, higher margins and increased market

TargetEveryone's CEO Hosni Teque-Omeirat is enthusiastic about this strategic
collaboration: "I'm very pleased and excited about this partnership through
SpectrumOne and the opportunity it gives us to grow our business. This is good
start to our partnership where we not only gain Addreax as a customer, but also
benefit by them introducing us to their customers. In this way we massively
increase our reach in the market from day one."

Commenting on the transaction, Christen Ager-Hanssen, Chairman and CEO of
Addreax said: "We are excited to be a customer as well as a partner and I am
confident that our partnership with SpectrumOne will prove to be fruitful for
both parties. SpectrumOne uses world-class technology and provides a fantastic
solution and is at stage where our industry and technological expertise and
Addreax's eco-system could be extremely valuable in building SpectrumOne's
customer base in Scandinavia and worldwide and help accelerate profitable growth
through further development."

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone AB is parallel listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in
Stockholm and Merkur Market in Oslo and is the owner and operator of
SpectrumOne, a new all-in-one multichannel campaign and communications platform
service designed for use by companies, brands and marketing companies in order
to streamline all digital content such as SMS, email, web forms etc. through one
platform. Additionally, SpectrumOne provides add-on services allowing users to
analyse their customers from multiple sources ensuring that users can
efficiently and effectively communicate with a selected target audience on
preferred channels, thus maximising the return from sales and communications

About Addreax Group

Addreax Group Ltd of the United Kingdom is, through its subsidiary companies and
many online verticals, a rapidly expanding online retail department store which
has successfully signed large global and Nordic customers such as H&M, Telenor,
Apoteket, Cmore, Avanza, Nelly and many others. An expert in customer
acquisition, brand-building, marketing, e-commerce and retail sales, Addreax has
a track record in establishing digital assets and in digital transformation.
Addreax uses its own campaign, marketing and AI system as well as other systems
to intelligently build brands and turn eyeballs into actual transactions by
enabling brands to reach, connect and engage with the relevant worldwide
audience, thus causing a dramatic increase in sales and brand awareness for
members of the Addreax Group and its customers.

Addreax is owned by Custos, an International Investment Firm with offices in
London, Stockholm and Oslo that has created a unique platform with a highly
differentiated strategy, targeting world-beaters and tomorrow's enterprising
disruptive innovators. Custos invests in young companies as well as more
established businesses geared for expansion and change.

For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.12.2019 kl 12:01 3256

Ny kunde signert:

TargetEveryone's associated company in Norway, Cloud Explorers A/S, signs DHL as a new customer

TargetEveryone's associated company in Norway, Cloud Explorers A/S, signs DHL as
a new customer. DHL is the world's leading logistics company.

TargetEveryone has an ownership of 30 % in Cloud Explorers and is also the
exclusive tech partner to TargetEveryone in the development of SpectrumOne. DHL
has signed up for the analytics and visualisation module of SpectrumOne,
delivered as PRISM in Norway a product fully integrated with the
SpectrumOne platform. In accordance with the existing agreement between
TargetEveryone and Cloud Explorers, TargetEveryone receives 90 % of all revenues
for the sales of SpectrumOne or PRISM that they deliver.

Hosni Teque-Omeirat, CEO of TargetEveryone says:

I am very pleased that our associated company Cloud Explorers has signed such a
prestigious brand, this clearly shows that we are able to onboard large
international customers such as DHL. This is a significant moment, that
contributes a lot to our journey in becoming the number one in Europe. It also
means that we are securing important recurring revenues and that we have proof
of concept in a large scale. It is also an important foundation, turning this
company into great and solid one. I am proud and fully confident of us now
reaching our economic and market goals.

For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline their 1
-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SaaS online platform.
Our unique solution makes marketeers able to easily target exactly the customers
they want, and communicate with them in the channels they prefer, to maximize
ROI. Our clients can easily segment their customers based on CRM data, market
data and transactional data. Further, they can use a campaign editor to quickly
build campaigns, and distribute these through our multichannel distribution
system either by Email, SMS or SMS landing pages. TargetEveryone´s headquarter
is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland and USA. TargetEveryone is
listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and Merkur Market in


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.11.2019 kl 08:37 3417

CEO er på farten og kjøper aksjer:

CEO Hosni Teque-Omeirat acquires shares in the company
Hosni Teque-Omeirat, CEO, has acquired 1,050,000 shares in the company. The
purchases were made on Nasdaq First North Growth Market at an average price of
SEK 0.54.

For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline their 1
-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SaaS online platform.
Our unique solution makes marketeers able to easily target exactly the customers
they want, and communicate with them in the channels they prefer, to maximize
ROI. Our clients can easily segment their customers based on CRM data, market
data and transactional data. Further, they can use a campaign editor to quickly
build campaigns, and distribute these through our multichannel distribution
system either by Email, SMS or SMS landing pages. TargetEveryone´s headquarter
is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland and USA. TargetEveryone is
listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and Merkur Market in


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.11.2019 kl 11:35 3487

Noe fart i aksjen snart? Null volum
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.11.2019 kl 16:00 3538

Ny kunde signert, denne gangen NSSR:

TargetEveryone signs Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue

TargetEveryone signs Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue (NSSR) as new SpectrumOne
customer. NSSR has about 600,000 members and is active on several continents.
With permanent operations in four Norwegian regions and crew in 49 cities, NSSR
operates like a large group of companies.

NSSR intends to use SpectrumOne as a total solution for market research,
segmentation and analysis. SpectrumOne will be an important part of their
strategic work going forward. NSSR is also a member of the International
Maritime Rescue Federation.

Hosni, CEO of TargetEveryone says:

Digital analysis and information is highly critical to the organization's
operations going forward, which makes it extra special for us that they have
chosen SpectrumOne as their primary solution for handling data in the coming
years. The fact that they are members of the International Maritime Rescue
Federation also gives us an invaluable opportunity to enter a global federation
with 128 organizations in 48 countries.

For more information about Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue:


For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline their 1
-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SaaS online platform.
Our unique solution makes marketeers able to easily target exactly the customers
they want, and communicate with them in the channels they prefer, to maximize
ROI. Our clients can easily segment their customers based on CRM data, market
data and transactional data. Further, they can use a campaign editor to quickly
build campaigns, and distribute these through our multichannel distribution
system either by Email, SMS or SMS landing pages. TargetEveryone´s headquarter
is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland and USA. TargetEveryone is
listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and Merkur Market in


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
06.11.2019 kl 12:37 3620

Snart 1 kr med hull i.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.11.2019 kl 08:36 3690

Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i TargetEveryOne AB (publ)
Aktieägarna i TargetEveryone AB (publ), org. nr. 556526-6748 ("Bolaget"), kallas
härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 20 november 2019 klockan 11 på Kungsgatan 60,
1 tr. i Stockholm.

Aktieägare som vill delta i stämman ska dels vara införda i den av Euroclear
Sweden AB förda aktieboken den 14 november 2019, dels anmäla sitt deltagande
till Bolaget senast den 14 november 2019, per post till adress TargetEveryOne
AB, Kungsgatan 60, 1 tr, 112 22 Stockholm, eller per e-post (e
-post_info@targeteveryone.com) info@targeteveryone.com. Vid anmälan anges namn,
adress, telefonnummer, person- eller organisationsnummer, registrerat
aktieinnehav samt namn på eventuella biträden. Aktieägare som låtit
förvaltarregistrera sina aktier måste genom förvaltarens försorg tillfälligt
inregistrera aktierna i eget namn för att ha rätt att delta i stämman. Sådan
registrering måste vara verkställd i god tid före den 14 november 2019.

Aktieägare som avser att närvara genom ombud skall tillse att ombudet medför en
undertecknad och daterad fullmakt, jämte i tillämpliga fall registreringsbevis
utvisande firmateckningsrätt. Fullmaktsformulär hålls tillgängliga på Bolagets
hemsida www.targeteveryone.com och sänds till de aktieägare som så begär.

Förslag till dagordning

1. Öppnande av stämman
2. Val av ordförande vid stämman
3. Upprättande och godkännande av röstlängd
4. Val av en eller två justeringsmän
5. Prövning av om stämman blivit behörigen sammankallad
6. Godkännande av dagordning
7. Beslut om val av ny styrelseledamot
8. Beslut om fastställande av arvode till styrelsen
9. Avslutande av stämman

Punkterna 7 och 8 - Val av styrelseledamot samt fastställande av styrelsearvode

Aktieägare som tillsammans representerar cirka 25 procent av aktierna och
rösterna i bolaget föreslår att Cecilia Hjertzell väljs in som ny
styrelseledamot vid sidan av befintliga styrelseledamöter för att ersätta
avgående Hosni Teque Omeirat som tillträtt som verkställande direktör samt att
styrelsearvode om 75 000 kronor ska utgå till henne från dagen för extra stämman
för tiden intill nästa årsstämma. Hosni Teque Omeirat föreslås erhålla 50 000 kr
för sin tid som styrelseledamot fram till dagen för extra stämman. För övriga
styrelseledamöter ska styrelsearvode fortsatt utgå i enlighet med beslutet vid

Aktieägares frågerätt

Aktieägare i Bolaget har vid stämman, om styrelsen anser att det kan ske utan
väsentlig skada för Bolaget, rätt till upplysningar om förhållanden som kan
inverka på bedömningen av ett ärende på dagordningen.

Övrig information

Styrelsens fullständiga förslag till beslut samt övriga erforderliga handlingar
hålls senast två veckor före stämman tillgängliga på Bolagets hemsida
www.targeteveryone.com och sänds till de aktieägare som så begär och som uppger
sin postadress.

Stockholm i november 2019

TargetEveryOne AB (publ)


For further information contact:
Fredric Forsman
Chairman of the Board
+46 73 978 78 44

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.11.2019 kl 15:48 3772

TargetEveryone announces departure of CFO
TargetEveryone has been through a significant restructuring process over the
last year. The company has directed the business model towards SpectrumOne and
divested the legacy business. From an administrative perspective, the group has
consequently become substantially leaner through liquidation and mergers of
subsidiaries and automation of financial processes. Vegard Brattum joined the
company with these assignments among his main objectives. Hence, he has informed
that he resigns from his position as CFO of TargetEveryone, as he has received
an offer for a new challenging assignment.

The recruitment of a new CFO will start immediately based on the new
requirements of the company´s CFO-position.

For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.10.2019 kl 16:08 3900

TargetEveryone har signert Skeidar

PUBLISERT: 15:47 - 31. 10 2019 | OPPDATERT: 15:54 - 31. 10 2019
TargetEveryone har signert Skeidarliving Group AS som ny SpectrumOne-kunde, går det frem av en børsmelding.

Skeidar har ifølge meldingen en stor kundeklubb, og har som intensjon å bruke SpectrumOne som en totalløsning for både markedsundersøkelser, segmentering og kundekommunikasjon, med oppstart i første kvartal neste år.

Martin Andresen er daglig leder og hovedeier av Skeidarliving Group.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.10.2019 kl 15:41 3923

Ny kunde signert:

TargetEveryone signs Skeidar, one of the leading Norwegian furniture retailers, as new SpectrumOne customer
TargetEveryone signs Skeidarliving Group AS as new SpectrumOne customer. Skeidar
is a strong brand and the third largest furniture retailer in Norway with a
yearly revenue at NOK 2.3 billion and 52 stores across the whole country.
Skeidar offers a full specter of furniture and interior and provide many quality
brands such as Ekornes, Brunstad, Hjellegjerde, Hødnebø, Jensen, Wonderland and
Svane. For more information, go to www.skeidar.no.

Skeidar has a large customer club and intend to use SpectrumOne as a total
solution for both market research, segmentation and customer communication,
starting in first quarter next year. SpectrumOne will be an important part of
their strategic e-commerce initiative that is currently being launched in

Hosni, CEO of TargetEveryone says:

Skeidar is a perfect customer for TargetEveryone, and we are excited to see a
strong brand that want to use the full-scale solution that we can offer. We look
forward to start working with Skeidar, and help them improve their market
understanding and customer communication.

For further information contact:
Hosni Teque-Omeirat
+46 70 225 18 77

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline their 1
-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SaaS online
platform. Our unique solution makes marketeers able to easily target exactly the
customers they want, and communicate with them in the channels they prefer, to
maximize ROI. Our clients can easily segment their customers based on CRM data,
market data and transactional data. Further, they can use a campaign editor to
quickly build campaigns, and distribute these through our multichannel
distribution system either by Email, SMS or SMS landing pages. TargetEveryone´s
headquarter is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland and USA.
TargetEveryone is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and
Merkur Market in Oslo.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.10.2019 kl 12:10 4073

Interim report July - September 2019
Third quarter

· Net sales amounted to MSEK 2.5 (3.2)
· EBITDA amounted to MSEK -5.6 (-7.4)
· EBT amounted to MSEK -10.7 (-10.4)
· Earnings per share before dilutions amounted to SEK -0.08 (-0.23)
· Hosni Teque-Omeirat appointed as new CEO

First nine months

· Net sales amounted to MSEK 8.8 (16.8)
· EBITDA amounted to MSEK -22.0 (-15.7)
· EBT amounted to MSEK -37.7 (-27.2)
· Earnings per share before dilutions amounted to SEK -0.30 (-0.58)

Significant events after the reporting period

· Divestment of legacy business and established the new Norwegian subsidiary
SpectrumOne AS

CEO statement


When entering the last quarter of the year, TargetEveryone is now ONE company.
During my first months as new CEO of TargetEveryone, we successfully divested
our legacy business as the first step to create a company with the ability to
grow fast. We now have a company with one focus towards high-potential revenue
streams combined with further cost cuts that makes the road to positive cash
flow much shorter. We get frequent updates from the market that reminds us of
how great the potential of our great product is, and I now look forward to a
period of onboarding customers and building sustainable revenue!

One focus

The divestment of our legacy business has made a huge positive impact on our
ability to accelerate the SpectrumOne sales. Even though we tried to direct our
full attention towards SpectrumOne, it quickly became clear to me that the
legacy business was to resource intensive. If we should be able to commercialize
SpectrumOne fast, we needed to have one focus. Fortunately, we came out with a
great solution where our legacy customers will be taken care of by a new
provider with their needs as core competence. This was very important to me, as
my passion is sales and I always put the customers first.

The combination of the two brands TargetEveryone and SpectrumOne has also been
confusing to the market and our potential customers. Our new Norwegian company,
SpectrumOne AS, now carries the same name as our product, and we are now in the
process of changing the name in Sweden.

Our organization now contains only highly skilled co-workers that have one focus
- to sell SpectrumOne and make sure that new clients will get a great experience
and significantly better knowledge about their markets and customers.

Positive cash flow is closer

Another positive consequence of our divestment is that we have been able to
reduce our costs even further, as the complexity of our daily operations has
decreased. We entered this year with an unacceptable cost level at approximately
MSEK 4 per month. We will now enter next year with an ordinary fixed cost level
that is reduced by almost 60 %.

Being a significant shareholder myself, it is my clear opinion that our company
needs to reach positive cash flow as soon as possible. These cost cuts have been
vital steps towards this goal. Since the clear majority of the cost cuts has
been a consequence of reduced effort towards legacy business, our ability to
deliver on SpectrumOne customers is intact.

Market tailwind

The Martech market is worth over Euro 125 billions and is growing by over 30%
annually and SpectrumOne is perfectly positioned to take advantage of this
development. With a transition from transactional sales to solution sales, we
will enable ourselves to be a market leader in the Nordic market and an obvious
player in the international arena. With these goals in mind, we have also
adapted our business model to better suit our customers and created a partner
program. The new business model is much more appetizing for our customers and
our partner program ensures that we can accelerate our sales in a way we could
never have done on our own.

I look forward to coming quarters where we can report larger customers, bigger
deals and better profitability, hence making positive cash-flow possible.

October 2019
Hosni Teque-Omeirat

The interim report is available
at https://www.targeteveryone.com/investors/financial

For further information contact:
Fredric Forsman
Chairman of the Board
+46 73 978 78 44

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

TargetEveryone AB (publ) is obligated to publish this information under the EU
Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact
person's auspices, for publication on October 29, 2019 at 11.30 a.m. CET.

About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline their 1
-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SaaS online
platform. Our unique solution makes marketeers able to easily target exactly the
customers they want, and communicate with them in the channels they prefer, to
maximize ROI. Our clients can easily segment their customers based on CRM data,
market data and transactional data. Further, they can use a campaign editor to
quickly build campaigns, and distribute these through our multichannel
distribution system either by Email, SMS or SMS landing pages. TargetEveryone´s
headquarter is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland and USA.
TargetEveryone is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and
Merkur Market in Oslo.

www.targeteveryone.com / www.spectrumone.com

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare