Det drar seg mot impeachment
Det ene knusende vitne etter det andre. I dag, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, som jobber i NSC og faktisk hørte på telefon samtalen med Ukraina. I sin desperasjon prøver trumpetistene å hevde at han har sin lojalitet til Ukraina til tross for at han kom til USA som 3 åring og er en dekorert krigsveteran.
Acting House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney told NBC News that she found Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's deposition "extremely, extremely, extremely disturbing."
På torsdag skal det stemmes over videre impeachment i representantenes hus med veikart for åpne høringer. Akkurat som republikanerne har maset om de siste par ukene. Nå er vist ikke dette bra lenger heller. WH sier, av en eller annen uforklarlig årsak, at dette vil medføre at all etterforskning frem til da må erklæres ugyldig.
De har absolutt ingenting annet å forsvare seg med enn å klage på prosessen.
Acting House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney told NBC News that she found Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's deposition "extremely, extremely, extremely disturbing."
På torsdag skal det stemmes over videre impeachment i representantenes hus med veikart for åpne høringer. Akkurat som republikanerne har maset om de siste par ukene. Nå er vist ikke dette bra lenger heller. WH sier, av en eller annen uforklarlig årsak, at dette vil medføre at all etterforskning frem til da må erklæres ugyldig.
De har absolutt ingenting annet å forsvare seg med enn å klage på prosessen.
Nå har jo verken du eller jeg lest rapporten så det var et merkelig utsagn.
"Du kommer nok til å savne han Donald mer enn du tror. Han kommer til å etterlate et stort tomrom hos deg den dagen han sier takk for seg i det hvite hus."
Kan bli en heidundrende sivil rettsak etter at han har gått av..
Kan bli en heidundrende sivil rettsak etter at han har gått av..
De siste årene har du vel brukt mest tid på å fremme konspirasjonsteorier om Trump her på forumet.
"Så demokratene må før eller siden relatere "dirt on Biden", "quid pro quo" og "abuse of power" til konkrete lover. "
Dine bønner blir hørt. Se forrige innlegg.
Dine bønner blir hørt. Se forrige innlegg.
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 20:22
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Du kommer nok til å savne han Donald mer enn du tror. Han kommer til å etterlate et stort tomrom hos deg den dagen han sier takk for seg i det hvite hus.
Hva skal du liksom engasjere deg i da?
Trump har blåst nytt liv i mange, han har skapt engasjement, og gitt dem en grunn til å stå opp på morgenen.
Tenk så trist det kommer til å bli her på Trygves tivoli, det blir vel 2 muslimtråder og 1 Listhaugtråd om dagen da... nei uff, jeg orker ikke å tenke på det engang...
Hva skal du liksom engasjere deg i da?
Trump har blåst nytt liv i mange, han har skapt engasjement, og gitt dem en grunn til å stå opp på morgenen.
Tenk så trist det kommer til å bli her på Trygves tivoli, det blir vel 2 muslimtråder og 1 Listhaugtråd om dagen da... nei uff, jeg orker ikke å tenke på det engang...
House Democrats release impeachment resolution
The Democratic chairman of the House rules committee has filed the resolution outlining next steps in the impeachment inquiry against Trump.
According to the resolution, the House intelligence committee will take the lead on planning public hearings as the inquiry advances.
The impeachment resolution also establishes that the House intelligence committee, which will handle public hearings in the inquiry, will issue a report on its findings and then transmit its records to the House judiciary committee.
The judiciary committee will then refer any potential articles of impeachment to the full House for a vote.
Democrats plan to vote on the resolution on Thursday, and it is likely to pass given the high level of support for the inquiry in the House Democratic caucus.
The resolution also establishes that Republicans may ask to hear testimony from certain witnesses, but those requests will be declined or approved by Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House intelligence committee.
The Democratic chairman of the House rules committee has filed the resolution outlining next steps in the impeachment inquiry against Trump.
According to the resolution, the House intelligence committee will take the lead on planning public hearings as the inquiry advances.
The impeachment resolution also establishes that the House intelligence committee, which will handle public hearings in the inquiry, will issue a report on its findings and then transmit its records to the House judiciary committee.
The judiciary committee will then refer any potential articles of impeachment to the full House for a vote.
Democrats plan to vote on the resolution on Thursday, and it is likely to pass given the high level of support for the inquiry in the House Democratic caucus.
The resolution also establishes that Republicans may ask to hear testimony from certain witnesses, but those requests will be declined or approved by Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House intelligence committee.
29.10.2019 kl 20:19
For å kunne føre en rettssak, må det være begått et lovbrudd. USAs grunnlov er klar på dette punktet: "High crimes and misdemeanors". Så demokratene må før eller siden relatere "dirt on Biden", "quid pro quo" og "abuse of power" til konkrete lover. Og da faller hele saken fra hverandre. Og dette tror jeg de innerst inne er klar over, flere er jo jurister selv. Men hensikten er nok mer å lage støy for å redusere Trumps muligheter til å bli gjenvalgt i 2020.
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 20:22
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"Demokratene klarer ikke å finne en eneste lov Trump skal ha brutt ved å be ukrainas president, et stykke ut i samtalen, om å gjennomgå Biden-saken på nytt."
Du er veldig opptatt av denne telefonsamtalen. Vitnene har beskrevet en prosess som har foregått over mange måneder.
Du er veldig opptatt av denne telefonsamtalen. Vitnene har beskrevet en prosess som har foregått over mange måneder.
"McConnell signaling Trump trial to be quick, if it happens"
Bevisene er klare så jeg er enig at dette bør være kjapt overstått. Det vil gi republikanerne en sjanse til å kjøre frem en god kandidat før valget.
Bevisene er klare så jeg er enig at dette bør være kjapt overstått. Det vil gi republikanerne en sjanse til å kjøre frem en god kandidat før valget.
29.10.2019 kl 20:09
Demokratene klarer ikke å finne en eneste lov Trump skal ha brutt ved å be ukrainas president, et stykke ut i samtalen, om å gjennomgå Biden-saken på nytt. Jeg har lest de amerikanske valglovene, men der omhandler lovteksten donasjoner og direkte innblanding fra utlendinger i politiske prosesser i USA. Å be om gjenopptaking av etterforskning er mer å betrakte som "opposition research", ikke utenlandsk finansiering eller direkte deltakelse i politiske prosesser i USA.
McConnell signaling Trump trial to be quick, if it happens
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is signaling that he’s prepared to dispose quickly of articles of impeachment against President Trump and that any upcoming trial in the Senate will look much different than the 1999 impeachment trial of President Clinton.
McConnell says he is required by the Senate rules to take up articles of impeachment, but notes that there is no requirement on how long such a trial must last.
“I would have no choice but to take it up. How long you’re on it is a whole different matter,” McConnell said on CNBC Monday.
Clinton’s trial in 1999 took a month, with three days of testimony by the House impeachment managers and another three days for the defense. At one point, videotaped depositions of key figures in the Clinton controversy, including former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, were taken.
Senate Republican sources say no decision has yet been made about whether to hold a trial but predict if there is one, it’s likely to be much shorter.
Senate GOP aides are pointing to a 1986 memo on the impeachment process by then-Senate parliamentarian Bob Dove asserting “the rules and precedents on impeachment argue for a rapid disposition of any impeachment trial in the United States Senate.”
And GOP senators are already complaining about the impeachment process wasting time and crowding legislative items off the agenda.
Republicans say the partisan tone of the launch of the House impeachment effort undercuts the argument for a prolonged deliberative process in the Senate.
In the CNBC interview, McConnell hit Democrats for wasting time on impeachment that could otherwise be spent on passing a new trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement and other legislative priorities.
“What I want to do is spend our time accomplishing things for the American people,” he said in the same interview, touting the need to pass the trade deal and bashing Democrats for “harassing” Trump.
“They spent the last three years harassing this president and I gather we’re going to get another chapter of that with the impeachment episode. But we need to find other things that actually make a difference for the American people and accomplish as much as we can,” he said.
One key difference between now and 1999 is that the White House and the Senate were controlled by different parties.
While then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) didn’t appear to share the same fervor as House Republicans to impeach Clinton, he had a partisan interest in giving the Republican prosecutors from the House a stage to make their case against the sitting Democratic president.
Senate Republicans today see little similar imperative to give House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and other Democratic prosecutors weeks to lay out their indictments against Trump on the Senate floor.
A Senate Republican aide said a drawn-out impeachment trial in the Senate later this year or next year would only further distract from legislative priorities on the GOP agenda.
“A lot of offices here would prefer it never got to that,” the aide said of a potential Senate trial.
“It becomes a distraction,” the aide added. “It’s one of those things where we can’t do anything else. This will overtake everything for the next year. The election is 13 months away and there’s going to be at least 6 months focused on this before anything happens. I don’ think that’s the best use of our time.”
Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) told reporters in Kansas this week that Congress has enough trouble getting legislation passed without the divisive and distracting spectacle of an impeachment trial.
“We have enough problems in Washington, D.C., in working together to get things done,” he said.
Earlier this year, key Senate Republicans were predicting that any House-passed impeachment measures based on former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation would be “disposed of very quickly,” in the words of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has jurisdiction over impeachment.
Some Republicans now argue that impeachment articles based on a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would be treated as an even more cursory matter.
Senate Republicans predict any articles of impeachment passed by the House won’t get any support in the upper chamber.
So far only two Senate Republicans — Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) — have criticized Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Biden as “troubling.”
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who is up for reelection in a state that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, has largely avoided comments, telling reporters that she must maintain her appearance of impartiality as a potential juror in a future Senate trial.
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of McConnell’s leadership team, told a Missouri radio station Wednesday that he didn’t know of any Senate Republicans who would vote for the impeachment articles.
“My guess is by the time we get to that vote if it’s a purely partisan effort in the House, which is what it appears to be, that there will be a lot of pressure in the Senate to take this for what it is,” he said.
Blunt acknowledged that things could change if there’s something “nobody knows about yet,” but he added that the phone call itself between Trump and Zelensky was not grounds for removing Trump from office.
Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and McConnell’s former chief of staff, made a similar prediction: Senate Republicans won’t take much time to deliberate the articles of impeachment if Democrats ram it through the House without establishing new facts to bolster their call to remove Trump from office.
“The biggest factor in terms of how the Senate processes articles of impeachment is the process in the House,” he said.
“If it is, as it appears to be at this point, an entirely partisan — not terribly substantive — set of articles [of impeachment] then it is probably dealt with in much the same manner on the [Senate] side,” he said.
Holmes said McConnell’s handling of the articles of impeachment will depend heavily on the sentiments of Republican senators in his conference.
If Senate Republicans feel the articles passed by the House are legitimate and worthy of careful consideration, then McConnell is likely to schedule more time on the Senate floor to adjudicate them.
But if the impeachment push fails to pick up any Republican support in the lower chamber, then it’s unlikely any Senate Republicans will back the call for a lengthy Senate trial.
“His ability to navigate is entirely related to how many Republican senators see the world the same way,” Holmes said of McConnell’s ability to dispense with articles of impeachment quickly. “And they do have to have a vote.”
Jordain Carney contributed.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is signaling that he’s prepared to dispose quickly of articles of impeachment against President Trump and that any upcoming trial in the Senate will look much different than the 1999 impeachment trial of President Clinton.
McConnell says he is required by the Senate rules to take up articles of impeachment, but notes that there is no requirement on how long such a trial must last.
“I would have no choice but to take it up. How long you’re on it is a whole different matter,” McConnell said on CNBC Monday.
Clinton’s trial in 1999 took a month, with three days of testimony by the House impeachment managers and another three days for the defense. At one point, videotaped depositions of key figures in the Clinton controversy, including former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, were taken.
Senate Republican sources say no decision has yet been made about whether to hold a trial but predict if there is one, it’s likely to be much shorter.
Senate GOP aides are pointing to a 1986 memo on the impeachment process by then-Senate parliamentarian Bob Dove asserting “the rules and precedents on impeachment argue for a rapid disposition of any impeachment trial in the United States Senate.”
And GOP senators are already complaining about the impeachment process wasting time and crowding legislative items off the agenda.
Republicans say the partisan tone of the launch of the House impeachment effort undercuts the argument for a prolonged deliberative process in the Senate.
In the CNBC interview, McConnell hit Democrats for wasting time on impeachment that could otherwise be spent on passing a new trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement and other legislative priorities.
“What I want to do is spend our time accomplishing things for the American people,” he said in the same interview, touting the need to pass the trade deal and bashing Democrats for “harassing” Trump.
“They spent the last three years harassing this president and I gather we’re going to get another chapter of that with the impeachment episode. But we need to find other things that actually make a difference for the American people and accomplish as much as we can,” he said.
One key difference between now and 1999 is that the White House and the Senate were controlled by different parties.
While then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) didn’t appear to share the same fervor as House Republicans to impeach Clinton, he had a partisan interest in giving the Republican prosecutors from the House a stage to make their case against the sitting Democratic president.
Senate Republicans today see little similar imperative to give House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and other Democratic prosecutors weeks to lay out their indictments against Trump on the Senate floor.
A Senate Republican aide said a drawn-out impeachment trial in the Senate later this year or next year would only further distract from legislative priorities on the GOP agenda.
“A lot of offices here would prefer it never got to that,” the aide said of a potential Senate trial.
“It becomes a distraction,” the aide added. “It’s one of those things where we can’t do anything else. This will overtake everything for the next year. The election is 13 months away and there’s going to be at least 6 months focused on this before anything happens. I don’ think that’s the best use of our time.”
Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) told reporters in Kansas this week that Congress has enough trouble getting legislation passed without the divisive and distracting spectacle of an impeachment trial.
“We have enough problems in Washington, D.C., in working together to get things done,” he said.
Earlier this year, key Senate Republicans were predicting that any House-passed impeachment measures based on former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation would be “disposed of very quickly,” in the words of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has jurisdiction over impeachment.
Some Republicans now argue that impeachment articles based on a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would be treated as an even more cursory matter.
Senate Republicans predict any articles of impeachment passed by the House won’t get any support in the upper chamber.
So far only two Senate Republicans — Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) — have criticized Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Biden as “troubling.”
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who is up for reelection in a state that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, has largely avoided comments, telling reporters that she must maintain her appearance of impartiality as a potential juror in a future Senate trial.
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of McConnell’s leadership team, told a Missouri radio station Wednesday that he didn’t know of any Senate Republicans who would vote for the impeachment articles.
“My guess is by the time we get to that vote if it’s a purely partisan effort in the House, which is what it appears to be, that there will be a lot of pressure in the Senate to take this for what it is,” he said.
Blunt acknowledged that things could change if there’s something “nobody knows about yet,” but he added that the phone call itself between Trump and Zelensky was not grounds for removing Trump from office.
Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and McConnell’s former chief of staff, made a similar prediction: Senate Republicans won’t take much time to deliberate the articles of impeachment if Democrats ram it through the House without establishing new facts to bolster their call to remove Trump from office.
“The biggest factor in terms of how the Senate processes articles of impeachment is the process in the House,” he said.
“If it is, as it appears to be at this point, an entirely partisan — not terribly substantive — set of articles [of impeachment] then it is probably dealt with in much the same manner on the [Senate] side,” he said.
Holmes said McConnell’s handling of the articles of impeachment will depend heavily on the sentiments of Republican senators in his conference.
If Senate Republicans feel the articles passed by the House are legitimate and worthy of careful consideration, then McConnell is likely to schedule more time on the Senate floor to adjudicate them.
But if the impeachment push fails to pick up any Republican support in the lower chamber, then it’s unlikely any Senate Republicans will back the call for a lengthy Senate trial.
“His ability to navigate is entirely related to how many Republican senators see the world the same way,” Holmes said of McConnell’s ability to dispense with articles of impeachment quickly. “And they do have to have a vote.”
Jordain Carney contributed.
Nå bedriver jeg mye av tiden her på forumet med å argumentere mot konspirasjonsteorier så dette var et merkelig utsagn.
Vet du hva Moody's er flinke til? Hva sa de om valget i 2016? :)
Så alle republikanske senatorer som stemmer for riksrett er quislinger, altså? :) Du verden. Jeg skjønner du er mentalt forberedt på det verste.
Så alle republikanske senatorer som stemmer for riksrett er quislinger, altså? :) Du verden. Jeg skjønner du er mentalt forberedt på det verste.
"og kan tåle at den finnes noen Quislinger i partiet. "
Mener du en senator som stemmer Trump ut er en quisling selv om det finnes klare beviser for grunnlovsbrudd? Jeg ville sagt stikk motsatt. Jeg ønsker meg politikere som følger lovverket og ikke bruker maktposisjonen til å begunstige seg selv.
Mener du en senator som stemmer Trump ut er en quisling selv om det finnes klare beviser for grunnlovsbrudd? Jeg ville sagt stikk motsatt. Jeg ønsker meg politikere som følger lovverket og ikke bruker maktposisjonen til å begunstige seg selv.
Hvorfor har du aldri sluttet å tro på julenissen?
Ingen unntak for Kenya nei,
Hvilken senator har sagt dette? Daily Caller spurte alle republikanske senatorer og jeg tror det var kun 5 som sa at de ville stemme mot impeachment. Jeg har forøvrig sagt mange ganger at jeg slett ikke er sikker på at de vil dømme han. Senatorene vil først og fremst tenke på seg selv og sin fremtid. Meningsmålinger vil vurderes like nøye som bevismaterialet. Bevisene er ikke mindre knusende av den grunn.
Stemmer det. Han var vel en av kandidatene i 2016. Hm.
Men var ikke et av "argumentene" Trump og hans likesinnede brukte da de holdt på å gnålte om Obamas fødselsattest at han ikke burde vært president siden han ikke var født i USA..eller noe?
Men var ikke et av "argumentene" Trump og hans likesinnede brukte da de holdt på å gnålte om Obamas fødselsattest at han ikke burde vært president siden han ikke var født i USA..eller noe?
I Senatet har republikanerne stort flertall og kan tåle at den finnes noen Quislinger i partiet. Trump vil vinne stort ved neste valg sier de største instituttene som følger med stemningene i landet. Ikke bare vil han vinne stort, men kjempestort. Slike som deg, vil aldri vinne noe når det virkelig betyr noe.
Moody's forecast: Trump will win 2020 election in landslide
This Often-Accurate Election Model Predicts Trump Will Win Re-election in a Landslide
Moody's forecast: Trump will win 2020 election in landslide
This Often-Accurate Election Model Predicts Trump Will Win Re-election in a Landslide
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 20:01
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Tydligvis unntak med Canada siden Cruz er født der.
Hvordan blir den nedturen, tror du? Hva ser du for deg?
Jeg kommer til å savne galskapen og underholdningen, men det blir godt den dagen et voksent menneske inntar det hvite hus igjen. Republikaner eller demokrat. Spiller ingen rolle. Bare det er et menneske med ryggrad.
Jeg kommer til å savne galskapen og underholdningen, men det blir godt den dagen et voksent menneske inntar det hvite hus igjen. Republikaner eller demokrat. Spiller ingen rolle. Bare det er et menneske med ryggrad.
Alle republikanerne i senatet?
Neppe. Når meningsmålingene viser et stadig større flertall i befolkningen for at Trump slepes ut av det hvite hus, så vil også flere republikanske politikere snu.
Om det ender med at idioten kastes ut, er usikkert. Men hvis du tror at 100% av republikanerne vil stemme mot riksrett, så vil du bli overrasket.
Neppe. Når meningsmålingene viser et stadig større flertall i befolkningen for at Trump slepes ut av det hvite hus, så vil også flere republikanske politikere snu.
Om det ender med at idioten kastes ut, er usikkert. Men hvis du tror at 100% av republikanerne vil stemme mot riksrett, så vil du bli overrasket.
Republikanerne i Senatet har sagt at de vil stemme ned denne saken fordi dette er en heksejakt uten innhold. Hva da jabba?
Får håpe dere tar feil, for den dagen Trump gir seg som president og erstattes av en PK-fjott kommer dere til å få tidenes nedtur...
Er man født utenfor USA, så kan man ikke bli president i USA.
29.10.2019 kl 19:40
Denne prosessen beviser kun en ting: At USAs etterretning driver spionasje og konspirasjon mot sin egen regjering. Dette er nesten å regne for krigshandlinger.
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 19:41
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"med påstander om at transkripsjonen av samtalen 25. juli er falsk ?"
Har du link til at han har sagt dette? Han var NSCs mann på Ukraina så det er ikke bare selve samtalen han er kjent med men hele maktmisbruksprosessen som har foregått med den hensikt å tjene Donald Trump personlig.
Ambassadør til EU, Sondland, virker også å ha fått kalde føtter etter Taylors knusende vitnemål. Hans advokat sier nå at Sondland også mener det forelå en quid pro quo, Han betalte nok ikke 1 million dollar for den prestisjefylte ambassadør stillingen bare for å havne i fengsel for å ha løyet under ed.
Har du link til at han har sagt dette? Han var NSCs mann på Ukraina så det er ikke bare selve samtalen han er kjent med men hele maktmisbruksprosessen som har foregått med den hensikt å tjene Donald Trump personlig.
Ambassadør til EU, Sondland, virker også å ha fått kalde føtter etter Taylors knusende vitnemål. Hans advokat sier nå at Sondland også mener det forelå en quid pro quo, Han betalte nok ikke 1 million dollar for den prestisjefylte ambassadør stillingen bare for å havne i fengsel for å ha løyet under ed.
Redigert 29.10.2019 kl 19:39
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29.10.2019 kl 19:30
'Deep state', som holder hemmelige møter i kjellerlokaler under Kongressbygningen, trekker altså en oberstløyntnant ut av hatten, med påstander om at transkripsjonen av samtalen 25. juli er falsk ? Denne historien blir bare mer og mer absurd.
Hvorfor skriver du "Nordmenn" med stor forbokstav slik?
Og hvilken suverenitet avstås?
..eller hva ER det du babler om?
Og hvilken suverenitet avstås?
..eller hva ER det du babler om?
Hadde Henry Kissinger sin lojalitet til Tyskland?
Hadde Madeline Albright sin lojalitet til Tjekkoslovakia?
Har Ted Cruz sin lojalitet til Canada?
Har Mark Meadows sin lojalitet til Frankrike?
For å ta noen kjente politikere som har innvandret til USA.
Hadde Madeline Albright sin lojalitet til Tjekkoslovakia?
Har Ted Cruz sin lojalitet til Canada?
Har Mark Meadows sin lojalitet til Frankrike?
For å ta noen kjente politikere som har innvandret til USA.
"trumpetistene å hevde at han har sin lojalitet til Ukraina til tross for at han kom til USA som 3 åring og er en dekorert krigsveteran"
Presterte ikke det stabile geniet for noen dager siden å si at han selv er født i Tyskland? I så fall kan han ikke være president i USA. Og hvor er hans lojalitet....Kanskje ikke til Tyskland, men til et stort land litt lenger øst..
Presterte ikke det stabile geniet for noen dager siden å si at han selv er født i Tyskland? I så fall kan han ikke være president i USA. Og hvor er hans lojalitet....Kanskje ikke til Tyskland, men til et stort land litt lenger øst..
29.10.2019 kl 19:12
Kan Noen Nordmenn som lytter på Erna sine samtaler med EU..... vennligst stå frem og fortelle om lovnad om suverenitets avståelsene som gis i ett kjør ..?