Q3 og fremtiden

QEC 06.11.2019 kl 22:46 1492

Det er ikke meget positivt der kommer i løbet af en dag på QEC tråden.
Der er måske heller ikke så meget positivt pt. - dog er der ikke meget der har ændret sig de sidste mange mdr. (kun kursen)

Vi venter stadigvæk på nyt fra Quebec - eller gør vi egentligt???
- Hvad kan vi forvente og hvornår - jeg syntes det står meget hen i det uvisse.
- Er der en tidshorisont eller er det bare et spørgsmål om tålmodighed?
- Er det realistisk og tro på at QEC for lov til at lave et pilot projekt i Quebec?

Hvad med Jordan?
- Her mangler vi vel egentlig også en tidshorisont?
- Hvor realistisk er det at QEC skulle komme igang inden for nærmeste fremtid?
- Hvad er det egentlig QEC ejer i Jordan og har QEC overhovedet nogen magt selv?
- Kan regeringen i sidste ende bare sige nej til QEC?

Kursen er faldet meget det sidste stykke tid - men hvad tilbyder QEC egentlig sine investorer?
- En masse usikkerhed
- Områder med stor potentiale - men ingen udvinding
- Regeringer der ikke rigtig har været på deres side
- En meget beskeden produktion
- En del brudte løfter om produktionsøgning og bedring

Jeg håber meget på at få svar på en del spørgsmål i Q3 regnskabet - for jeg syntes de skylder investorerne nogle konkrete informationer om hvor QEC står.
Måske er jeg bare naiv - men for min del, så rækker min tålmodighed 1 år mere og er produktionen ikke øget som lovet, så står jeg af.

Vi skal til at se noget fremgang.
06.11.2019 kl 22:49 1483

Jeg prøver lige med en ny tråd - i håber om lidt konstruktivt feed back - eller blot nogle tanker der ikke omhandler betragtninger omkring personer.
06.11.2019 kl 23:21 1413

Bonjour Premier Legault, The Qubec Govt has Stolen TSX Shareholders / Quebec Resources Company Investments Your Govt Sabotaging Quebec development PREVENTS 25,000 Man years of work for SNC-Lavalin and over 25,000 New High paying Jobs for Quebecers and over $4 Billion in New Taxes and Royalties to the Quebec Treasury . You Refuse to develop Quebec Resources as you ONLY want the over $13 Billion Dollars of Free Equalization Money from Western Canada each year. Your Motto has become Why Work when Western Canada keeps sending me over $13 Billion Dollars each year for doing nothing ****Mr. Premier it is clear your ONLY OBJECTIVE is to seek more and more of Western Canadas Money ( now over $13 Billion Dollars each year ) rather than work. Your Qubec Hydrocarbon Regulations are Venezuelan Retroactive Expropriation without Compensation These are Corrupt and Malfeasance to Sabotage Commercial production . The Regulations are against Science, against Best practices and result in Impossibility of Performance. The regulations are a Sham, A Fraud and are designed to SABOTAGE Commercial Natural Gas Light Oil development in Qubec. Rene Lvesque would be disgusted and ashamed of what you are doing to destroy a Vital part of the Qubec Economic Engine. Corruption with Couillard now continues with the CAQ Govt with Deceit and Lies and SABOTAGING of what over 60 % of Quebecers want Local Quebec Natural Gas and Quebec Oil . Legault has Expropriated without Compensation something you see in Venezuela and has SOLD Qubec Out to the Green Religion while getting over $13 Billion Dollars each year from Western Canada Oil Money . Mr. Premier we payed all the Rents and did all the work requirements and followed all of the Quebec Laws, Guidelines, Rules and Regulations and directions for over ten (10 ) Years and now your Government is Expropriating without Compensation ( Stealing our Money ) . Welcome to the most Corrupt Government in North America. It is clear to all the Corrupt and Malfeasance policy the CAQ Govt has taken to SABOTAGE Qubec Oil and Natural Gas with these Regulations. The paradox lost on No one Is Quebec is Bankrupt without the Oil and Natural Gas Transfer Money from Western Canada of over $13 Billion dollars each year. On a Per capita basis Quebecs population to its Debt is the Highest in North America yet Couillard and Now Legault has pursued a policy of Sabotaging and Destroying Quebec Oil and Natural Gas with a DRACONIAN set of Regulations with the INTENT of Destroying Quebec s chance at long term Economic Prosperity. Quebec Natural Gas and Quebec Light Oil will give over $4 Billion yearly to the Quebec Government in Royalties and New taxes and over 25,000 Man years of work for SNS-Lavalin and over 25,000 GOOD New High paying jobs for Quebecers ! LOCAL QUEBEC NATURAL GAS FOR QUEBEC Clean. Reliable. Affordable. These are the three big benefits of Natural Gas. And together they continue to change the energy landscape in this country and beyond. CLEAN Natural Gas is a solution that has forever altered the world's energy equation by: Generating the power we need for our homes and businesses; Providing the building blocks for our manufacturing renaissance; Making our nation and our allies more secure; Propelling the next generation of clean transportation on our roads, oceans and waterways. Power providers, manufacturing companies, surface and marine fleet operators and millions of small business and home-owners have turned to Natural Gas to ensure they can get the energy they need, at a price they can afford. Here's why the three big benefits of Natural Gas matter: NATURAL GAS IS CLEAN: Natural gas emits half the CO2 emissions of coal when used to generate electricity. And since 2005, the use of natural gas by power plants that generate electricity has increased dramatically. That's the biggest reason why levels of carbon dioxide in the air are the lowest they have been in nearly 25 years. NATURAL GAS IS RELIABLE: NORTH AMERICA depends on available electricity, at the flip of a switch, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For that to happen, electricity supply and demand must always be in balance at any given moment, there must be as much power supplied to our nation's energy grid as the power being used at any given moment. That's why all power systems require power generation that can be dispatched 24/7 and that is flexible enough to follow changes in the supply and demand. The Commercial Fraud /Malfeasance of the Qubec Government over the past ten(10 years can be summarized as follows: Your Governments actions are Commercial Fraudulent Misrepresentation, the ongoing actions of the Qubec Government were lies which were used to deceive and trick the Qubec Natural Gas and Oil companies to Invest large amounts of Money in Qubec without any intent to allow Development and recapture our Investments
07.11.2019 kl 08:25 1241

Tak for indlægget Asroma87 - kan du lægge linket ud?
07.11.2019 kl 09:24 1073

Man kan håbe at presset bliver så stort på Quebec, at de bliver nød til at begynde at bidrage til fællesskabet.
Men det er desværre ikke sund fornuft der råder i Quebec - det lever på en helt anden planet :-(