Cysview gjennombrudd i Canada?

PHO 05.06.2018 kl 14:35 1687


Vancouver urologists are shining new light — literally — on cancerous bladder lesions, with a new tool that makes malignant cells appear pink when fluorescent blue light is shone on them.

So Vancouver General Hospital and the University of B.C. Hospital have acquired a blue light cystoscope that is paired with a non-toxic, photosensitizing dye that illuminates abnormal cells.

The technique is also coming soon to Surrey Memorial Hospital and Victoria General Hospital. A few hospitals in Ontario are the only other ones in Canada believed to be using the technology, but several others across Canada are evaluating it.

Black said with the new approach, detection is so improved that chemotherapy may not be necessary.

“If getting this kind of technology will improve detection of cancerous cells, and make a difference, then I’m all for it. I had a cystoscopy earlier this year and Dr. Black said at the time he was not convinced that all the cancerous cells were removed. So I’m hopeful this time, with this technology, it is more successful.”
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05.06.2018 kl 14:46 1668

I løpet av 2H 2018 skal presenteres 3 nyheter:
1- Godkjenning av refusjonsordningen i Canada
2- Godkjenning av refusjonsordningen i Australia
3- Godkjenning av refusjonsordningen i New Zealand
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Redigert 05.06.2018 kl 14:47 Du må logge inn for å svare