Stemningen mellom Kina og USA (tarifftråd)

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REC 07.06.2018 kl 22:06 75221

U.S. reaches deal with China’s ZTE that includes $1 billion fine, commerce secretary says

The Trump administration has agreed to relax its punishment of Chinese telecom company ZTE, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday.

The company will pay a $1 billion fine and fund a new in-house compliance team staffed by U.S. experts, Ross told CNBC.

The move eases a seven-year ban on ZTE buying American parts, which Commerce levied in April. At the time, the Chinese government complained that the action could put the company, a major employer and star of the Chinese technology industry, out of business.

“We are literally embedding a compliance department of our choosing into the company to monitor it going forward. They will pay for those people, but the people will report to the new chairman,” Ross said. “This is a pretty strict settlement. The strictest and largest settlement fine that has ever been brought by the Commerce Department against any violator of export controls.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.11.2018 kl 19:13 7691

Trump føler nok på økt press før møtet. En handelsavtale vil være en quick fix for ham nå.

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26.11.2018 kl 19:15 7681

Trumps forhandlingskort er at handelskrigen svir mye mer for kineserne. Det kan være godt nytt for Rec
Redigert 26.11.2018 kl 19:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.11.2018 kl 20:24 7569

Forøvrig, avviklingen av straffetollen mot EU den 31. Oktober ble annonsert samme dag. En tilsvarende melding om opphevelse av straffetoll mot usa (polysilikon altså) kan vel derfor ikke påregnes før 19. Januar, med mindre de velger å forlenge srraffetollsperioden, da komner det vel melding noen dager tidligere.
Uansett, møtet mellom Trump og Xi kan endre alt allerede denne helgen.
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26.11.2018 kl 22:23 7439

Trump Expects to Move Ahead With Boost on China Tariffs

President, in interview, calls it ‘highly unlikely’ that U.S. would hold off on increase to 25% on $200 billion of goods

WASH­ING­TON—Four days be­fore a sum­mit with Chi­na’s leader, Pres­i­dent Trump said he ex­pects to move ahead with boost­ing tar­iff lev­els on $200 bil­lion of Chi­nese goods to 25%, call­ing it “highly un­likely” that he would ac­cept Bei­jing’s re­quest to hold off on the in­crease.

In an in­ter­view with The Wall Street Jour­nal, Mr. Trump said that if ne­go­ti­a­tions don’t work out, he would also put tar­iffs on the rest of Chi­nese im­ports that are cur­rently not sub­ject to du­ties.

“If we don’t make a deal, then I’m go­ing to put the $267 bil­lion ad­di­tional on,” at a tar­iff rate of ei­ther 10% or 25%, Mr. Trump said.

Chi­nese of­fi­cials have said their pri­or­ity at the meet­ing be­tween Mr. Trump and Pres­i­dent Xi Jin­ping is to con­vince the U.S. to sus­pend the planned Jan. 1 in­crease in tar­iffs on $200 bil­lion in im­ports from China to 25%, from 10% cur­rently.

The U.S. was un­likely to ac­cede, Mr. Trump said.

“The only deal would be China has to open up their coun­try to com­pe­ti­tion from the United States,” Mr. Trump said. “As far as other coun­tries are con-cerned, that’s up to them.”

He said the tar­iffs could also be placed on iPhones and lap­tops im­ported from China. The ad­min­is­tra­tion has been wor­ried about a con­sumer re­ac­tion should such items be sub­ject to levies.

“Maybe.  Maybe.  De­pends on what the rate is,” the pres­i­dent said, re­fer­ring to mo­bile phones and lap­tops. “I mean, I can make it 10%, and peo­ple could stand that very eas­ily.”

The mount­ing tar­iffs on Chi­nese im­ports have prompted many U.S. com­pa­nies that ex­port to the U.S. from China to ex­am­ine whether they should put fa­cil­i­ties else­where.

“What I’d ad­vise is for them to build fac­to­ries in the United States and to make the prod­uct here,” he said. “And they have a lot of other al­ter­na­tives.”

One rea­son the Trump ad­min­is-tra­tion made a pri­or­ity of rene­go­ti­at­ing the North Amer­i­can Free Trade Agree-ment was to en­cour­age U.S. com­pa­nies to shift their pro­duc­tion from China to North Amer­ica, if not the U.S.
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27.11.2018 kl 12:14 7146

Trump and Xi to reach trade war ‘truce’ at G20, says Hong Kong scholar with close ties to Beijing

Leaders likely to reach ‘framework agreement’ in Argentina, Lawrence Lau says
Impact of trade war on China ‘manageable’ for Beijing even if there are job losses, academic says

US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are likely to agree to a truce in the trade war when they meet in Buenos Aires this week, but ironing out the details of where the two countries go next could take some time, according to a Hong Kong scholar with close ties to Beijing.

“The truce will probably come in the manner of a framework agreement … on basic principals with the details to be worked out in the future,” Lawrence J. Lau, an economics professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and former member of China’s top political advisory body, said in an interview on Friday.

“I don’t think there will be enough time to work out the details and I really don’t think Trump is a detail person,” said Lau, whose book, China-US Trade War and Their Future Economic Relations, is expected to be published next month.

The Post reported last week that Trump and Xi were set to discuss ways to end their trade hostilities over dinner in the Argentine capital on Saturday after the G20 forum.

The US president said last week he was ready for the talks. “I have been preparing for it all my life. I know every ingredient, every stat. I know it better than everybody knows it. My gut is always right,” he said.

“China wants to make a deal. If we can make a deal, we will.”

If a deal is not reached, Trump is likely to deliver on his threat to raise the tariff already in place on US$200 billion worth of Chinese products from 10 to 25 per cent in January, or even extend the duties to all goods – about US$500 billion worth – the US imports from China. If he did, it would be bad news for the US public, said Lau, 73, who was vice-chancellor of CUHK from 2004 to 2010 and chairman of China’s sovereign wealth fund in Hong Kong from 2010 until 2014.

“It will really hurt American consumers. It doesn’t really hurt the Chinese exporters because Chinese exporters have already collected the money,” he said.

Also, if Washington put tariffs on products like the Apple iPhone that are assembled in China from components made in Asia, it would hurt US tech firms and give their competitors an edge in the American cellphone market, Lau said.

In contrast, it would have less of an impact on the Chinese economy, even if companies like Foxconn shifted iPhone assembly out of the country.

“It may be a huge problem for Zhengzhou [ where the biggest Foxconn factory is located], but for the country as a whole, I think it’s completely manageable,” Lau said.

In his book, Lau argues that the trade war will knock one percentage point off China’s headline growth rate. Its gross domestic product in the third quarter of 2018 rose 6.5 per cent year on year.

On the matter of trying to reduce China’s trade surplus with the US – which Washington said was US$375 billion in 2017 – Lau suggested a simple solution.

“The best way to close the trade gap is for the US to export more to China”, and particularly goods that create new production chains.

“For instance, if the US and China came to an agreement on the production and shipment of liquefied natural gas from Alaska to China, that would be an addition as currently there’s no production [there], he said. “Alaska will create jobs and boost its GDP, and China will have more liquefied natural gas.”

Another possible solution was for the US to “raise pigs and cattle” and then export the meat to China. That would keep the value-added part of the production process in the US, rather than selling corn and soybeans to China, which it uses primarily to make animal feed, he said.

Lau said also that Washington’s complaints about forced technology transfers and the “Made in China 2025” industrial upgrading plan were ill-founded, echoing Beijing’s position.

He cited the example of Sematech, a US government-sponsored consortium established in the 1980s to promote chip research and production in the US, to show that there’s nothing wrong for the government to finance basic research.

“It’s a legitimate complaint that when you get to the mass production stage it’s still heavily subsidised by the government, but it’s perfectly reasonable for the government to finance basic research,” he said. “For many of the ‘Made in China 2025’ products, they are no way near commercial mass production.”

Lau, who is also an emeritus professor of economic development at Stanford University, said it was important to note that liberal democracies were not always prerequisites to economic expansion. Several Asian economies, like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and even Malaysia, had thrived on a one-party system in their early days.

China’s economic success over the past four decades was also evidence of the value of long-term planning and infrastructure building, he said, adding that Beijing was keen to extend this model through its “Belt and Road Initiative”.

“What we’ve discovered in China is that once you have connectivity, trade and investment will come,” Lau said. “If you don’t have connectivity, if you don’t have a power supply, nothing will come – that’s the principal reason why China is so successful.”

Lau also blamed the political elite in the West for failing to distribute the “net gains” of globalisation fairly, and that had promoted populism.

“The important thing is that the government is responsive to the needs of the people,” he said. “What’s happening now in the UK? Is the government responsive to the people? I don’t think so.

“Even if you look at the US, the country is so split. Is that good for the country? You really have to think of alternative ways of reflecting the will of the people, and it’s more than just votes and referendums,” he said.
27.11.2018 kl 14:22 7251

Jeg har en følelse av at det vil komme et klart svar etter G20 møtet.

Trump må få aksept for tilstrekkelig av sine krav.
Får han ikke et klart svar, så blir det ingen avtale.

Han vil ikke bry seg om tåkeprat. Enten er Kina med eller ikke.
27.11.2018 kl 14:29 7229

Vi får krysse fingrene. Ikke bare REC, men hele verden vil være tjent med at de kommer frem til en løsning. Jeg er bare redd for at det er for mange som tror at Trump har balletak på Kineserne, når det er etter min mening mer som tyder på at det er omvendt. Kineserne har råd til å ikke få til en avtale, jeg tror det er verre med USA. Dessverre så er jeg også redd for at Trump ikke skjønner det.
Redigert 27.11.2018 kl 14:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.11.2018 kl 15:19 7144

Umulig å gjette hva som foregår i de egentlige forhandlingene, mye spill for galleriet ute i media.

Jeg tror også Trump overvurderer hva han kan klare å tvinge gjennom. Men hvor lyst har han på en avtale, har han noen krav han er villig til å fire på.
27.11.2018 kl 20:17 6903

CNBC: Kudlov taler i det Hvite hus om Kina og toll nå. Kudlov og USA virker selvsikre på å vinne fram med et godt resultat. ( Kudlov: verden best uten tollbarierer)

Solar USA sterk i kveld.,SUNE,CSIQ,FSLR,,JASO,SPWR,TSL,YGE,WCH.DE,REC.OL/view/v1
Redigert 27.11.2018 kl 20:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
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27.11.2018 kl 20:30 6872

White House’s Larry Kudlow says Trump remains open to deal...
27.11.2018 kl 20:32 6888

Slik det er nå, kan alt skje.

Positive uttalelser fra kinesisk side kan man alikevel ta med seg:

Liu He, China’s influential vice-premier, reiterated Beijing’s assertion that it had moved to open up to foreign investment, saying market access restrictions for foreign banks, brokerages asset managers and insurers had been eased and similar measures were in train for selected manufacturing sectors such as autos, ships and aircraft.

Speaking in Hamburg, Mr Liu said Chinese leaders were also “speeding up” the opening of the telecommunications, education, medical services and culture sectors.

“The development of the Chinese economy in the future can only be guaranteed on the basis of even greater openness,” Mr Liu said. “China’s door of opening up will open even wider.”

But Mr Kudlow, who is regarded as one of the US officials most amenable to a compromise with Beijing, said little of China’s openness had emerged in trade negotiations.

Nervous investors await China-US talks at G20 summit
“[The Chinese] have to do more, they must do more, I think the president is exactly right to show strong backbone . . . [to] break through these Chinese walls,” Mr Kudlow said. “They are so resistant to change: we have to protect our country, that’s all. We have to protect our technology, our inventiveness, our innovation,” he added.

Mr Liu, who has been deeply involved in Beijing’s efforts to resolve the US-China trade differences, promised improvements in the protection of intellectual property rights of foreign companies in China — a key US demand.

“On strengthening IPR protection, we understand this is an area of special interest to our foreign friends,” he said, listing several measures such as a revised patent law and harsher punishment for offenders that “are expected to greatly improve IPR protection”.
27.11.2018 kl 21:46 6755

Sol aksjer steg 10-15 % i USA for andre dag på rad,så tydlig at de tror på positiv utvikling på G20 møte.Får håpe Rec følger etter imorgen.
27.11.2018 kl 22:09 6711

Ikke bare sol, men den generelle børsoppgangen i USA i kveld tilskrives troen på en avtale. Så ikke lenger kun de største sol-hausserne som maler på.
28.11.2018 kl 07:53 6517

Her snakker USA om fire krav som må oppfylles, og hvis det er de samme fire som Kudlow ramser opp, så er sjansene gode for enighet.

Hvis det derimot er ting som: La Taiwan være, trekk dere ut av Sørkina-havet, få Nord-Korea til å fjerne alt av atomvåpen, da blir det aldri en avtale

Certain conditions have to be met with respect to fairness and reciprocity as we've said many times. For example, issues of intellectual property theft must be solved, forced technology transfers must be solved, significant tariffs and non-tariff barriers must be solved, issues of ownership have to be solved," Kudlow said.

De tre første har kineserne sagt at de jobber med, nå må det settes konkrete tiltak som kan skrives i en avtale.
Det siste punktet har kineserne jobbet med, men ingen firma i USA har sett at det skjer noe.
28.11.2018 kl 15:13 6330

What will China offer the United States to break the trade war deadlock?


Xi and US President Donald Trump are expected to meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this week in an effort to find a way out of months of deadlock on trade.

As well as offering better protection for intellectual property, Xi is likely to address China’s imbalance in trade with the US. That could include the easiest commitment China could make – offering to further open its markets, according to a source familiar with government discussions.

“It is an issue with the least pressure for the government,” the source said, adding that it was an “overdue payment”.

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow has suggested there is “a good possibility” of a deal if China offers some new ideas and attitudes.

His comment walked back some of the pessimism of US President Donald Trump’s assessment that he was unlikely to suspend tariffs on Chinese products.

Confirming the South China Morning Post’s reports that Trump and Xi would be meeting over dinner, Kudlow also said the two leaders would be joined by trade representatives from both sides.

29.11.2018 kl 18:34 6187

USAs president Donald Trump sa torsdag at han er nær å gjøre en avtale med Kina om handel, men at han ikke er sikker på om han ønsker å gjøre det, og at han liker hvordan saken står nå, melder Reuters torsdag ettermiddag.
29.11.2018 kl 18:48 6149

Kan ta med deg hele artikkel vel:

Da han forlot Det hvite hus for å dra på G20-toppmøtet i Argentina og møte Kinas president Xi Jinping, fortalte Trump reportere at han var åpen for å gjøre en handelsavtale.
29.11.2018 kl 19:10 6094



Trump coy on China trade deal before meeting Xi

Jeff Mason

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was open to a trade deal with China but was not sure he wanted one, as he headed to Argentina for the G20 summit and a meeting with President Xi Jingping.

“I think we’re very close to doing something with China but I don’t know that I want to do it,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House to fly to the G20 summit in Argentina.

Trump and Xi were scheduled to meet on Saturday to discuss trade amid increasing tensions between the world’s top two economies.

Trump’s hardline trade adviser, Peter Navarro, will attend a meeting between Trump and Xi, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters.

Billions of dollars were coming into the United States, Trump said, because of the tariffs he has placed on Chinese imports.

However, U.S. companies and consumers are bearing part of the cost by paying higher prices for the goods.

“I really don’t know but I will tell you that I think China wants to make a deal. I’m open to making a deal. But frankly, I like the deal we have right now,” Trump said.

China, for its part, is hoping for “positive results” in resolving its trade dispute with the United States, the commerce ministry said on Thursday.

Asked if China was seeking to prevent the imposition of additional U.S. tariffs at the meeting, the ministry’s spokesman, Gao Feng, said economic teams from both nations were in contact to implement a “consensus” reached by Trump and Xi during a phone call this month.

“I hope that the United States and China could move towards each other and work hard to achieve positive results in the meeting,” Gao said without elaborating.

The United States has levied additional duties of between 10 percent and 25 percent on $250 billion of Chinese goods this year as punishment for what it calls China’s unfair trade practices, with the 10 percent tariffs set to climb to 25 percent next year.

A Reuters poll on Wednesday showed China’s factories likely struggled to grow for a second straight month in November as cooling demand at home and the threat of higher U.S. tariffs stifled new orders.

“The Chinese side has repeatedly stressed that the essence of Sino-U.S. economic and trade cooperation is about mutual benefit and win-win,” Gao said.

White House officials said this week Trump was open to making a trade deal with Xi when they meet.

Trump lashed out at General Motors Co after the company's recent announcement of U.S. layoffs and plant closures and threatened additional tariffs. ( (

In a Twitter post on Thursday, Trump said: “Billions of Dollars are pouring into the coffers of the U.S.A. because of the Tariffs being charged to China, and there is a long way to go. If companies don’t want to pay Tariffs, build in the U.S.A.”
30.11.2018 kl 11:09 5862

Og er dette bare fake News , eller?

One offer, according to Chinese officials: in return for the suspension of U.S. tariffs, Beijing would agree to lift restrictions on China’s purchases of U.S. farm and energy products.

Such a deal would follow the model of partial agreements the U.S. has cut in recent months with the European Union and Japan, U.S. officials said. In those deals, the U.S. agreed not to levy more tariffs—in those cases, tariffs on automobiles—while the two sides negotiated over specific areas. With Japan, for example, Tokyo agreed that any deal would increase automobile production and jobs in the U.S., while Washington agreed not to press Tokyo for more concessions on agriculture than Japan had previously allowed free-trade partners.
30.11.2018 kl 11:13 5843

Spennende tider i hvert fall. Akkurat nå ser jeg oppsiden i REC betydelig større enn nedsiden.
30.11.2018 kl 11:23 5801

Når er dagens møte?
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30.11.2018 kl 11:46 5724

Trump og Xi skal vel møtes i morgen kveld mener jeg å ha lest. Siden Argentina ligger noen timer etter oss så kan det hande vi må vente til sent i morgen kveld/natt eller til søndag før det kommer nyheter.
30.11.2018 kl 12:16 5631

Nei møte er jo idag
Slettet bruker
30.11.2018 kl 13:16 5535

G20 møtet starter i dag. Møtet mellom Trump og Xi er et bilateralt sidemøte organisert som en middag i morgen kveld.
Uansett, kommentatorer ser ut til å ha begrensede forventninger om utfallet, rent konkret. Det mange ser ut til å håpe på er at de bebudede amerikanske tollskjerpelsene fra januar settes på vent og at det kommer på plass en slags intensjonsavtale som gir partene tid til å meisle ut noe mer konkret etterhvert.
Men, Trump har også uttalt at han tror kineserne gjerne vil ha på plass en avtale og at han er åpen for dette, samtidig som at han legger til at han ikke er misfornøyd med situasjonen slik den er nå heller.
Vel, Trump har overrasket før og kan gjøre det igjen. Spennende er det i allefall - for REC`ere av både den shorte og longe typen.
30.11.2018 kl 14:37 5459

Hvis påstanden stemmer, at Kina tilbyr å fjerne straffetoll på farm and energy products, hvis USA ikke øker straffetollen.

Da skal det ikke en ferdig avtale til, men bare enighet om å arbeide med en avtale (våpenhvile), for at straffetollen til Rec tas vekk.

Jeg velger å håpe på det, ingenting som er det minste sikkert i hva G20 møtet kan lede til.
30.11.2018 kl 16:10 5335

Kudlov: USA sin økonomi går meget bra NÅ, det gjør ikke KINAS, .

Kina er i kne tror nå jeg , så en avtale kommer.
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30.11.2018 kl 16:23 5310

Tror vi får en avtale om en "stabilisering" av handelskrigen hvor USA ikke innfører økte tollsatser mot at Kina forplikter seg til å jobbe hardere mot kopiering og tyveri av teknologi. Dette fører videre naturlig nok til at tollbarrieren på silisium forsvinner som forventet i januar. Hvordan dette vil påvirke kursen tørr jeg ikke si så mye om men at den går opp noe er å forvente. Spørsmålet er om man klarer å forstå at REC nå igjen får tilbake tilgangen til Kina og at kursen dermed igjen skal være langt over krona selv med en lav råvarepris som nå. Redd vi er langt ut i 2019 får det går opp for folk flest.
Redigert 30.11.2018 kl 16:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.11.2018 kl 16:26 5302

Der gikk det 25 millioner aksjer i sluttauksjonen, hvem vet mer enn oss og hvem ler av oss nå?
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30.11.2018 kl 16:29 5297

Solid nedsalg, men utopi å tenke at noen vet hva Xi og Donald blir enige om.
30.11.2018 kl 16:36 5281

Ja, mest sansynlig at noen gambler den ene eller andre veien. Men stor post kan også være strategisk av andre årsaker enn handelskrigen
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30.11.2018 kl 16:47 5235

Jum som kjøper sin vante post ikke noe annet
er jo standar at han kjøper og selger
30.11.2018 kl 20:59 5101

Garanja, den etterfølgende nyheten vil nok vekke mange:

Rec starter full produksjon i Moses Lake.

Og vi snakker ikke om å vente til januar hvis det gjøres en slik avtale.
Da fjernes straffetollen med en gang USA har avtalt å ikke øke straffetollen, hvis avtalen er slik som nevnt i et tidligere innlegg, dvs en byttehandel for på en måte å komme igang.
Redigert 30.11.2018 kl 20:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.11.2018 kl 21:22 5083

Inord, det er mulig at det blir slik men jeg ser ikke helt hvorfor straffetollen skal fjernes 1 mnd før den likevel forsvinner. I såfall må det evt. være Kina som bruker det som en slags propaganda for å vise at de åpner seg for vesten.
Redigert 30.11.2018 kl 22:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.11.2018 kl 22:20 4975

Eller for Trump å få en «win» som gir påskudd for å lette på tollen. På samme måte som han hevder at økonomisk vekst er hans verk, når mye av det henger igjen etter å Obama, så kan han hevde opphevelsen av polytollen er hans verk, selv om den ville gått ut av seg selv om en mnd. Jeg tipper kineserne bare vil trekke på skuldrene og si «hvorfor ikke» hvis han setter dette som et krav til å skrive under på en avtale.
Redigert 30.11.2018 kl 22:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
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30.11.2018 kl 22:29 4962

Ja vi får se. Det viktigste er at vi ikke får en eskalering av handelskrigen. Da er jeg redd det blir lett for Kina å fortsette straffetollen lengre enn til januar.
30.11.2018 kl 22:58 4900

Garanja, Trump har sagt 1 januar som dato for evt økt straffetoll.

Skal det skje en byttehandel må det skje med en gang det avtales, ellers blir ikke kineserne trodd og man fortsetter forberedelsene for økningen av straffetollen.
Fordi det i denne sammenheng er kort tid til 1. januar.
Slettet bruker
01.12.2018 kl 19:07 4682

Trump confirms meeting with China's Xi on Saturday

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he will have a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday to discuss trade after the close of the G20 summit in Argentina.

“We will be meeting with President Xi tonight...and we’ll be talking about a thing called trade and probably other things but primarily trade. It’s a very important meeting,” Trump said.

Trump also said he would work to straighten out the trade imbalance in talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Speaking alongside Trump at a joint news conference, Merkel added the two would address issues related to trade and the World Trade Organization, and discuss Ukraine, Syria, and the INF nuclear weapons pact with Russia.
01.12.2018 kl 19:41 4638

Trump twitret også dette i dag. @realDonaldTrump
I was very much looking forward to having a press conference just prior to leaving Argentina because we have had such great success in our dealing with various countries and their leaders at the G20.... Donald J. Trump Men den ble utsatt grunnet G.W.Bush bortgang
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01.12.2018 kl 19:41 4643

Takker for info Tom25. Jeg er positiv til ny deal nå :-)