QEC lover å kjempe mot forbudet om fracking i Quebec

QEC 08.06.2018 kl 21:44 4460

Questerre Vows to Fight Quebec’s Utica Fracturing Ban
Gordon Jaremko June 8, 2018

After collecting a months-long deluge of popular disdain for the oil and gas industry in a public regulatory review, the Quebec government has decided to toughen its five-year-old moratorium against unconventional exploration using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) into a permanent ban.

“From now on in Quebec, the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons is forbidden, unless it satisfies the most rigorous rules to protect our environment,” said Provincial Energy Minister Pierre Moreau.

The government had issued draft regulations last fall.

The final version of the new regulations, to be published soon for a last formal review, includes outright prohibition against the use of fracturing to crack open unconventional deposits, effectively making Quebec’s share in the Utica Shale formation off limits.

In other geological features where the technology might be tolerated, the toughened Quebec regime further restricts fracturing by demanding that the operation take place at least 1,000 meters (3,090 feet) deep down in the province’s rock basement.

The new rules would also keep oil and gas operations out of urban areas and establish wide safety buffers where drilling is prohibited around public premises such as schools, hospitals and tourism or recreation facilities.

Moreau, acknowledging the anti-fracking forces aroused by the regulatory review, said in a statement “the history of the energy transition is being written,” referring to popular belief in decarbonization and electrification trends that would spell the end for oil and natural gas.

The new regulatory chapter immediately inflicted deep share price drops on the last company still proposing trials of shale fracturing in Quebec, Questerre Energy Corp. Questerre, which explores in Quebec's Utica within the St. Lawrence Lowlands, earlier in 2017 said independent engineers estimated that some resources in the play were 30% larger than previously thought, an estimated 5.8 Tcf, or 965 million boe. Questerre has more than 735,000 gross acres that are prospective for the Utica.

The Calgary-based producer confirmed the fears of disappointed investors that “these regulations would have the effect of banning hydraulic fracturing and any meaningful exploitation of natural gas in Quebec.”

“Questerre condemns the decision by the Government of Quebec to capitulate to a vocal minority that are seeking to block the progress on our global environment and the growth of Quebec's economy,” said Questerre President Michael Binnion. “This decision is motivated solely by short-term politics around the upcoming election,” which is scheduled this fall.

Questerre vowed to try again to revive Quebec shale drilling targets in the next round of legally required canvasses of public and interest group views before the new regulations can be implemented.

The drilling ban is the second recent step to exclude the oil and gas industry from Quebec. The provincial government halted a drilling program on remote, all but uninhabited Anticosti Island in the Gulf of St Lawrence before work could start and refunded the participants’ mineral rights lease payments.

The Macasty Shale, an oily formation underlying Quebec's Anticosti Island, is estimated to contain 20-45 billion bbl of oil.
Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 17:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.06.2018 kl 22:02 4396

Ja, og inngangen i dag viser seg allerede å gi god avkastning.
Tipper vi får kontra meldinger innen en måneds tid, og kurs opp!
Flashback alla nutri Pharma osv.....
09.06.2018 kl 01:37 4082

David mot Goliat, staten...bare at denne gang går det etter alle solemerker ikke bra for David
09.06.2018 kl 20:03 3527

"Questerre vowed to try again to revive Quebec shale drilling targets in the next round of legally required canvasses of public and interest group views before the new regulations can be implemented."

Jeg skulle gjerne likt å vite mer om hvordan Binnion arbeider for å få dette til. Synes selskapet for øvrig har vært litt for lite transparente i denne prosessen. Det er selvbekreftende hvis vi ser på hvordan aksjekursen har gått de siste dagene, investorer har nærmest fått sjokk av fracking-forbudet som foreslås.

I kvartalsrapporten for Q1 2018 skriver Binnion følgende:
"We were encouraged by comments this May from the Minister of Environment noting that the Minister of Energy and
Natural Resources will soon be tabling regulations for hydrocarbons. Once finalized, we will be meeting with the
municipalities to secure the local acceptability we need. We are confident there is interest in our clean gas pilot and
its environmental and economic benefits."

Dette er kanskje ikke faktafeil, men i værste fall villedende. Han skriver nærmest at de ser fram til snarlige reguleringer. Jeg skal ikke si at Binnion viste på forhånd hvilken vei dette skulle gå, men det bekymrer meg at han skriver dette til aksjonærene når han har så lite kunnskap om hva som faktisk foregår bak kulissene.
09.06.2018 kl 20:07 3513

Hvem vil egentlig ha fracking i nabolaget? Så langt har jeg sett lokal motstand overalt i det vi liker å kalle iland. Canada sliter også med bivirkningene fra oljesand, og har en god del å rydde opp i med sin løsslupne politikk på området. Så mitt spørsmål blir veldig enkelt. Skal ikke Quebec ha rett til å bestemme hva som skal skje i deres nærområde?
09.06.2018 kl 21:18 3412

“From now on in Quebec, the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons is forbidden, unless it satisfies the most rigorous rules to protect our environment

Mine teori er at det kommer til å bli produksjon i Quebec. Det myndighetene gjør nå er å presse frem er økt sikkerhet for produskjon av olje og gass.
Flere barriærer mot ulykker, sikrere og renere produksjon. De ønsker at hydrokarbonene blir utvinnet på en måte som ikke skader miljøet.
Hva er så galt med det? Det er ingenting galt med det, men problemet for QEC er at det kommer til å koste mer å utvinne feltet. Kanskje det må nytenking til, kanskje de må over på andre teknologier? Hvem vet.

Har på følelsen at det kommer store kursendringer drevet av spekulanter i dagene fremover. Her er det lurt å sette seg sin egen strategi og følge den helt til mållinja. Gå offline, nyt solen og jekk en kald en. God sommer folkens