Barr Attacks Trump Opponents, Democrats in Fiery Speech

Slettet bruker
19.11.2019 kl 03:18 406

Barr slipper katastrofale nyheter for Demokratene neste uke. Nå gjelder det løgnhistorien om Russisk innblanding. Noen vil måtte gå i fengsel, og kanskje vil det gå til Obama.

Til dere som innbiller dere at Trump vil tape, tro om igjen.
Slettet bruker
19.11.2019 kl 03:42 404

In a fiery speech Friday before the conservative Federalist Society on Friday, Barr said Trump’s opponents are using every tool they can to intentionally sabotage his administration.

“Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called the Resistance,” Barr said. “They essentially see themselves as engaged in a war, to cripple by any means necessary, a duly elected government.”

The attorney general defended Trump on multiple fronts, and castigated Democrats in Congress over their investigations, multiple subpoenas, as well as court rulings against the administration.

“The sheer volume of what we see today – the pursuit of scores of parallel investigations through an avalanche of subpoenas – is plainly designed to incapacitate the executive branch and, indeed, is touted as such,” Barr said. “While the president has certainly thrown out the traditional Beltway playbook and punctilio, he was upfront about what he was going to do and the people decided they wanted him to serve as president.”

While Barr’s speech came as House Democrats were holding their first public hearings in an impeachment inquiry against Trump for what they argue are abuses of power and obstruction of Congress, Barr didn’t mention impeachment in his speech.

The thrust of his address, which was punctuated by frequent applause, was to promote the idea of a robust executive branch and a strong president, and he argued that constitutional separation of powers has been eroded -- especially in recent years. And the attacks on Trump, he suggested, could weaken the government itself.

Earlier: Kavanaugh Tells Conservative Group He Went Through Ugly Process

“One of the ironies of today is that those who oppose this president constantly accuse this administration of shredding constitutional norms and waging a war on the rule of law,” he said. “Of course there is no substance to these claims.”

“In waging a scorched earth, no-holds-barred war of resistance against this administration, it is the left that has engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law,” Barr said.
Slettet bruker
19.11.2019 kl 08:41 366

"Nå gjelder det løgnhistorien om Russisk innblanding. Noen vil måtte gå i fengsel,"

Den foreløbig siste som er dømt til fengsel for medvirkning i denne "løgnhistorien" er Roger Stone i forrige uke.
19.11.2019 kl 10:54 346

Ts vet altså allerede nå hva Barr, Trumps feite løpegutt, skal "avsløre" i neste uke :) En annen kokofant påstår at avsløringen skal komme i slutten av denne uka.

Men det blir moro å se dem takle å se at ingen tar tøvet seriøst.
19.11.2019 kl 10:56 341

Det er utrolig hvor lite anstendighet som er igjen i Amerikansk politikk. Landet er varig svekket og veien tilbake til Normal politisk hverdag må være endeløs , om ikke umulig.
19.11.2019 kl 11:09 337

Trump er forhåpentligvis et bunnpunkt. Og så får vi alle håpe at man ikke bare fokuserer på ham, men ikke minst på hvordan det kunne gå så galt at en slik en kunne bli president. Det er et alvorlig sykdomstegn. Noe er seriøst galt i USAs politikk.
Slettet bruker
19.11.2019 kl 15:23 319

Du er Maos feite kjerring, Stalins beundrer og Pol Pots følgesvenn. Skal bli moro å se hvor lang tid det tar før du skifter nick.
19.11.2019 kl 15:44 307


Jeg har vel aldri snakket pent om noen av de du nevner, har jeg?

Tok du deg nær av det jeg skrev om puddingen, altså? :) Aldri har en minister vært så åpenbart korrupt som det Barr er. Aldri har en minister gjort så lite av det en minister skal gjøre som det Barr har.

Slettet bruker
19.11.2019 kl 16:15 294

Ok, du tror Roger Stone blir frikjent neste uke?
19.11.2019 kl 18:16 282

Arrestasjon av to fengselansatte i Epstein fengselet , noe på gang her ?
Redigert 19.11.2019 kl 18:17 Du må logge inn for å svare